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DOI: 10.17344/acsi.2021.6998 Acta Chim. Slov.

2021, 68, 997–1007 997

Scientific paper

Statistical Optimization of As(V) Adsorption Parameters

onto Epichlorohydrin/Fe3O4 Crosslinked Chitosan
Derivative Nanocomposite using Box-Behnken Design
Vijayanand Nagarajan,1,* Raja Ganesan,1 Srinivasan Govindan2
and Prabha Govind3
1 Anna University,Faculty of Chemistry, Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 637018, TN, INDIA
2 Anna University,Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal 637018, TN, INDIA
3 Anna University,Department of Applied Science and Technology, Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai 600005 INDIA

* Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +91 8344488356

Received: 06-07-2021

In this study, Box-Behnken design (BBD) in response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize As(V)
removal from an aqueous solution onto synthesized crosslinked carboxymethylchitosan-epichlorohydrin/Fe3O4 nanao-
composite. The factors like solution pH, adsorbent dose, contact time and temperature were optimized by the method
which shows high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9406), and a predictive quadratic polynomial model equation. The
adequacy of the model and parameters were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) with their significant factors of
Fischer’s F-test (p < 0.05). Seven significant parameters with interaction effects in the experiment with p-value < 0.0001
was observed, having a maximum removal efficiency of As(V) is 95.1%. Optimal conditions of dosage, pH, temperature,
initial ion concentration and contact time in the process were found to be 0.7 g, pH 6.5, 308K, 10 mg/L and 60 min
respectively. Langmuir isotherm model fitted better than the Freundlich model having a maximum adsorption capacity
of 28.99 mg/g, a high regression value of 0.9988, least chi-square value of 0.1781. The process was found to follow mon-
olayer adsorption and pseudo-second-order kinetics. Thermodynamic parameters indicate the process is spontaneous,
endothermic and physisorption in nature. Successful regeneration of the adsorbent implies its applicability to the remov-
al of arsenic from real life wastewater.

Keywords: Biosorption; isotherm; kinetics; thermodynamic; optimization; response surface methodology.

1. Introduction World Health Organization has set a provisional guideline

limits of 10 µg/L for arsenic in drinking water which was
Arsenic is a pervasive element in the environment afterward adopted by the European Union and India.5 The
and has been known as a notorious toxic substance to man removal of Arsenic by Co-precipitation, flotation, ion-ex-
and living organisms for centuries.1 Groundwater Arsenic change, ultra-filtration, and reverse osmosis6 have been
is primarily associated with oxidative weathering and geo- received more attention due to its high concentration effi-
chemical reaction of reactive carbon induce mobilization ciency.6 Several adsorbents have been found suitable for
of arsenic in the sediments.2 Arsenic contaminated arsenic removal counting activated carbon,7 activated alu-
groundwater affects over 100 million people in Bangla- mina,8 red mud,9 etc., In the last decade developments in
desh, West Bengal, China, Mexico, Chile, Myanmar, and the knowledge of biosorption exposed high adsorption
United states.3 Long term exposure to arsenic in drinking capacities, low costs and regenerability of natural biosorp-
water causes skin diseases (pigmentation, dermal hyper- tion materials.10 However, challenges encountered for bio-
keratosis, skin cancer), cardiovascular, neurological, renal, sorbents with high uptake, low cost and as well as in un-
respiratory and black foot diseases, as well as lung, liver, derstanding the mechanism of reaction. Chitosan is
kidney and prostate cancers.4 To protect public health, the produced from N-deacetylation of chitin, available from

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998 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 997–1007

seafood processing wastes, having hydroxyl and amine solved in 100 mL of deionized water at 30 °C, under vigor-
group promises good sorption capacity for heavy metal ions ous stirring precipitation occurs by the addition of 1M
through complexation reaction.11 However, in practical ap- NaOH after 60min. Then it was heated to 60 °C for 3h un-
plications it requires a chemical modification to improve der the pH ± 12. After cooled the solution to room tem-
the nature of hydrophilic property and adsorption capacity. perature, the precipitate was collected by a magnet and
Carboxymethyl chitosan (CMC) is an amphiprotic chitosan washed with deionized water until the pH reached neutral.
derivative, having hydroxyl (-OH), carboxyl(-COOH) and Finally, it was washed with acetone and dried in an oven at
amine (-NH2) groups in the molecule can be a substitute for 60 °C for 24h.
chitosan. But, its poor chemical stability12 can be overcome
by crosslinking reaction with the agents like, glutaralde-
2. 3. Synthesis of CMC-EPC/Fe3O4
hyde, glyoxal, and ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether(EDGE),
but these cross-linking agents block the amino (NH2) func- Nanocomposite
tional group in CMC backbone.13 Therefore, epichlorohy- 1g of CMC was dissolved in acetic acid (50 mL, 5%
drin (EPC) as a mono functional cross linking agent was an v/v), and the mixture was sonicated at room temperature
effective substitute that will not bind to amino groups in for 3 h.Then 0.6 g of magnetic nanosized ferroferric oxide
CMC biopolymer and improve the hydrophilic property of was added and left it for 24 h at room temperature with
CMC and provide enough adsorption sites for increasing vigorous stirring to ensure complete mixing. Beads of
adsorption capacity.14 However, the fact of high desirability CMC-Fe3O4 (MCMC) formed when the resultant solution
exist between inorganic arsenic species and iron15 tends to was injected into a 100 mL sodium hydroxide (0.5 M) by
advance the utility of Fe (III)-bearing materials like hema- syringe needle (10 mL) as drops, and washed with distilled
tite,16 ferrihydrite,17 and iron-doped activated carbons for water plenty for the removal of excess sodium hydroxide
arsenic adsorption.18 Thus, the objective of the present solution. The crosslinking steps were carried out by dis-
study is to prepare and evaluate a hybrid composite bio- solving 1 g of MCMC beads in 60 mL of ultrapure water
polymer of crosslinked epichlorohydrin/Fe3O4 nanocom- followed by adding 0.6 g of EDC and 0.8 g of NHS at pH
posite (CMC-EPC/INC) for removal of As(V). RSM is a 5–6 inorder to activate the carboxyl groups of MCMC. Af-
multivariate technique employed to reduce the number of ter 1 h, 1% epichlorohydrin (100 mL) was added to the
experimental runs required to provide sufficient informa- beads with gentle stirring in water bath at 40 °C for 24 h.
tion for statistically acceptable results.19 Hence the parame- Then the crosslinked (CMC-EPC/INC) beads were washed
ters such as adsorbent dosage, initial metal ion concentra- many times by distilled water, air dried and grinded using
tion, solution pH, working temperature were optimized mortar and dried constantly in the oven. Finally, the pre-
through Box-Behnken design model (BBM), which provide pared adsorbent was sieved to a particle size < 250µm for
an insight of parameters level for maximum performanc- study.
es.20 The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were
applied to evaluate the adsorption equilibrium. Kinetic
2. 4. Batch Adsorption Experiments
studies, thermodynamic property and desorption experi-
ments were carried and discussed. Batch experiments were carried out with 50mL of
As(V) solution having an initial concentration of 10 mg/L.
The investigation of parameters are temperature (20–50 °C),
2. Experimental pH (2–10), reaction time (5 min–5 h), and adsorbent dos-
age (0.1–2g/50 mL) in order to find the maximum uptake
2. 1. Material of arsenic ions. Samples were collected at fixed intervals
Carboxymethylchitosan (CMC, MW = 2.65 × 105), and the adsorbent was removed by centrifugation at 6000
Epichlorohydrin (EPC), Ferric chloride hexahydrate (FeCl3 rpm for 6 min. The supernatant was analyzed for As(V)
6H2O), Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate (FeCl2 . 4H2O), Sodi- removal by AAS. Blanks were used for control in all the
um hydrogen arsenate (Na2HAsO4 7H2O),1-ethyl-3-car- experiments. The amount of arsenic adsorbed (mg/g) was
bodiimide hydrochloride (EDC), N-hydroxyl succinimide determined by the following equation.
(NHS), Sodium hydroxide and acetic acid were of analyti-
cal grade, acquired from Sigma Aldrich. Stock As(V) solu- qe = (Co – Ce) × υ/m (1)
tion (1000mg/L) were prepared from sodium hydrogen
arsenate. All the reagents and glassware were prepared with Where C0 and Ce are the initial and equilibrium con-
de-ionized water. centrations of the metal ion (mg/L), m is the dry mass of
iron-doped chitosan (g) and υ is the volume of the solution
(L). The % removal of As(V) from aqueous solution was
2. 2. Preparation of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles
calculated by the following equation;
Fe3O4 nanoparticles synthesized,21 by taking 0.02
moles of FeCl3.6H2O and 0.01moles of FeCl2 4H2O dis- Removal (%) = [(C0 – Ce)/C0] × 100 (2)

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2. 5. Experimental Design 3. Results and Discussion

Response surface methodology (RSM) with Box–
Behnken design (BBD) was employed to determine the
3. 1. Porosity and Potentiometric Analysis
effect of four independent variables. The effect of param- The adsorbent has BET analysis surface area of 2.85
eters including temperature (x1), pH (x2), reaction time (m2/g). Surface morphology of the composite indicates,
(x3), and adsorbent dosage (x4) were analysed. For data Fig. S1 (a), that the adsorbent is porosity with more white
analysis, design expert software (Stat Ease, Inc., Version patches, Fig.S1(b), indicates that the adsorbent complexes
11, USA) was used. By batch experiments.The following with arsenic ions after the adsorption. The cross-linking of
equation explain the coded values of the process vari- EPI,24 reacts with the primary alcoholic group (-CH2OH)
ables. at position C-5 of CMC’s pyranose ring thus indicated that
the amino (-NH2) group plays a major role in the adsorp-
tion of arsenic anion by electrostatic attraction.25

3. 2. FTIR Analysis
Where Xi and xi are the coded and uncoded values of
the ith variables, xoi denotes the uncoded values of the ith The FTIR spectra of the pure CMC, CMC-EPI/INC
ariable at the center point, and Δxi is the step change value. before and after As(V) adsorption were displayed in Fig. 1.
The process parameters were optimized by 29 experimen-
tal runs and the levels of parameters used in the adsorp-
tion process were summarized in Table 1. The % removal
of As(v) was determined by the following second order
polynomial equation.


Where Y is the response variable, βo, βi, βij, and βii,

are the regression coefficients for intercept, linear effect,
double interaction, and quadratic effects, respectively, xi, xj
are the independent variables, and ε is a random error. Sta-
tistical analysis system software was used for the study of
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), response surface studies
and 3D surface plot generation. Fig. 1. FT-IR spectra of a) CMC b) CMC-EPI/INC before and C)
after As(V) adsorption

Table 1. Factors and level of various parameters of BBM design for

As(V) adsorption The IR spectrum of CMC in Fig.1 (a), show peaks at
3478 cm–1, 3418 cm–1, 3138 cm–1 and 1618 cm–1 were at-
Parameters Level of factors tributed to the symmetrical, asymmetric stretching vibra-
Variables Code –1 0 1 tion of and –NH2 group and stretching vibration of O-H,
Temperature (°C) x1 30 35 40 with the effect of hydrogen bonds, and C = O in amide re-
pH x2 5 6.5 8 spectively. The peaks at ~1148 cm–1 and ~1032 cm–1 in
Contact time(min) x3 45 60 75 Fig.1(b), corresponds to stretching of C-O-C and C-O bonds
Adsorbent dosage(mg L–1) x4 600 700 800 respectively, resulted in the formation of covalent bonds due
to reaction between EPI with the carbon atoms in CMC,
which causes the opening of the epoxide ring of EPI and the
2. 6. Analytical Measurements releasing of a chlorine atom.26 The bands around 600–700
cm–1 is assigned to the bending vibration of Fe-O-Fe bond.
Micromeritics ASAP 202 analyzer, pH-potentiomet- The appearance of new band ~878 cm–1 shown in Fig.1 (c),
ric titration method, reported by Vieira and Beppu,22 was corresponds to the existence of arsenic anion.
carried out to determine the porosity and amino group
content in the biosorbent respectively. Shimadzu AA 7000
3. 3. Equilibrium Isotherm
model atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) was used to
find the concentration of adsorbed arsenic at 193.7nm The equilibrium parameters of adsorbent dosage,
with an air-acetylene flame type.23 pH, temperature, initial ion concentration and contact

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time were found to be 0.7 g, pH 6.5, 308 K, 10 mg/L and 60 adsorption results. The removal efficiency as functions pa-
min, respectively and found that the reaction takes place rameters was correlated with the developed second-order
by diffusion and complexation process.27 polynomial equation. The empirical model in terms of
process variables, is expressed by the following equation.
The effect of independent variables on the adsorp-
3. 4 Quadratic Model for As(v) Adsorption
tion efficiency of As(V) was described by the equation
The BBM technique were employed for the optimi- shown above.The amount of maximum As(V) adsorption
zation of As(v) adsorption capacity.Table 2, displays the 29 was found to be 95.1%. Experimental curve fitting was
runs of experimental design, along with corresponding evaluated to govern the apparent model by calculating

% removal of As(v)= –203.02898 + 8.97600 + 22.29704 + 0.188444 + 0.153967 – 0.023333

– 0 .001333 + 0.000150 + 0.038889 – 0.005167 + 0.000233 – 0.122133 – 1.55148 – 0.004293 – 0.000095

Table 2. Experimental design of variables with adsorption results larger F-and lower probability values (p-values) with sig-
nificant terms were chosen. From the data given in Table 3,
Coded levels a quadratic model was suggested for higher F- value (40.7)
Removal of and lower p-value (<0.0001) with significant terms for this
Std Run x1 x2 x3 x4
As(v)% experimental design. The cubic model was found to be in-
21 1 35 3 60 600 88.1 significant.The significance of the quadratic model was
1 2 30 3 60 700 86.3 justified by ANOVA by correlating with the response vari-
12 3 40 4.5 60 800 93.1 ables such as the main effects, the interaction effects, and
26 4 35 4.5 60 700 95.1 the error terms. The F and p values represented the enor-
17 5 30 4.5 45 700 87.8 mousness of these variables. BBD was adopted to design
14 6 35 6 45 700 88.4 29 experiments (Table 4) for investigate the individual and
27 7 35 4.5 60 700 95.1
interactive effects of the four independent variables on re-
29 8 35 4.5 60 700 95.1
6 9 35 4.5 75 600 92.6
moval of As(V). The experimental data of As(V) removal,
25 10 35 4.5 60 700 93.8 were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance (ANO-
4 11 40 6 60 700 90.2 VA) and the results are presented in Table 4.
24 12 35 6 60 800 90.4 From the Table 4, the F- value of 15.84 indicated that
15 13 35 3 75 700 91.1 the model was statistically significant and there is only a
8 14 35 4.5 75 800 93.4 0.01% chance that an F-value this large could occur due to
9 15 30 4.5 60 600 89.2 noise. The model suggested was highly significant due to
20 16 40 4.5 75 700 92.9 its p-value of <0.0001. The Table 4, shows the seven signif-
22 17 35 6 60 600 89.5 icant terms with low p-values were x1, x3, x4, x21, x21, x22, x32,
23 18 35 3 60 800 92.1 and x42. Other significant terms were not discussed because
2 19 40 3 60 700 89.6
of their high p-values. The above model accuracy could be
19 20 30 4.5 75 700 89.8
10 21 40 4.5 60 600 91.8 assessed by the fortitude of regression coefficient R2 value
5 22 35 4.5 45 600 93.4 0.9406, indicated that only 6% of the total variables were
11 23 30 4.5 60 800 90.2 not explained by the model.
18 24 40 4.5 45 700 91.3 The adjusted coefficient value (R2adj = 0.8813) was
13 25 35 3 45 700 90.7 not in realistic arrangement with observed R2. The model
28 26 35 4.5 60 700 95.1 has undesirable lack of fit by the indication of lack of fit
16 27 35 6 75 700 92.3 p-value (>0.05) suggested that it is not significantly rela-
3 28 30 6 60 700 87.6 tive to the pure error and, thus, above quadratic equation
7 29 35 6.5 45 800 92.8 and the model were accurate for the experiment.28 The

Table 3. Experimental curve fitting of optimization

Sum of Mean F- p- Remarks

Model DF
Source Squares Square value value
Linear vs Mean 36.53 4 9.13 1.64 0.1976 –
2FI vs Linear 6.14 6 1.02 0.15 0.9879 –
Quadratic vs 2FI 117.65 4 29.41 40.70 < 0.0001 Suggested
Cubic vs Quadratic 7.06 8 0.89 1.74 0.2589 Aliased

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Table 4. Analysis of variance for the model by BBM optimization for As(v) adsorption

Source DF Mean Square F-value p-value Remarks

Model 14 11.45 15.84 < 0.0001 significant
x1 (°C) 1 27.00 37.36 < 0.0001 significant
x2 (pH) 1 0.0208 0.0288 0.8676 –
x3 (min) 1 4.94 6.84 0.0204 significant
x4 (mg) 1 4.56 6.31 0.0248 significant
x1x2 1 0.1225 0.1695 0.6868 –
x1x3 1 0.0400 0.0553 0.8174 –
x1x24 1 0.0225 0.0311 0.8625 –
x2x3 1 3.06 4.24 0.0587 –
x2x4 1 2.40 3.32 0.0897 –
x3x4 1 0.4900 0.6780 0.4241 –
x12 1 60.47 83.68 < 0.0001 significant
x22 1 79.04 109.37 < 0.0001 significant
x32 1 6.05 8.37 0.0118 significant
x42 1 5.90 8.16 0.0127 significant
Residual 14 0.7227 – – –
Lack of Fit 10 0.8766 2.59 0.1858 not
Pure Error 4 0.3380 – – –

value of signal to noise ratio is 13.511, ratio >4 is desir- ± 3.9 (limit is < ±4.00) was a good sign of well fitted ex-
able, indicated an adequate signal to navigate the design perimental data with the model.31
space.29 The Fig. 2a graph, plotted between actual and
predicted values shows no apparent violation from the
3. 5. Effect of Process Variables on Removal
assumptions underlying of the analyses,30 indicated that
the distribution of actual values were relatively close to of As(v)
the straight line, specify the accuracy of the assumptions, The optimization process parameters and the inter-
as well as the independence of the residuals. The plot be- action between the variables were studied by a plot of
tween studentized residuals and run number, in Fig. 2b, three-dimensional curves for the efficient adsorption of
showed that the random distribution of residuals around As(V). Fig. 3a, represents the effect of temperature and pH

Fig. 2. RSM model graphs of a) Predicted vs Actual values b) Studentized residuals vs experimental run number on optimized parameters of As(V)

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indicated that the adsorption reaches maximum at 35 °C with the pKa value of chitosan.33 From the above it was
on pH 6.5 beyond that desorption process start and con- evident that the adsorption rate mainly depends on tem-
tinues due to complexation. Fig. 3b represents the correla- perature and pH, while the contact time had fringe effect
tion of temperature and reaction time having optimal ad- only. The above fact is supported by the contour plot,34 in
sorption efficiency of 95.1% was reached within 60 min at Fig. S2, between pH and temperature had a difference
temperature of 35 °C, beyond that contact time (>60 min) minimum 0.5% between experimental and predicted re-
and temperature (>35 °C), the adsorption rate decreased. moval efficiency shows that the adsorption is endothermic
The plot of temperature versus adsorbent dosage in Fig. 3c, took place by the increasing diffusion rate and the growing
shows that the degree of adsorption increases with in- rate of complexation between adsorbent and adsorbate.35
creasing adsorbent dosage, upto 700 mg on 35 °C, due to
high surface availability, beyond 800 mg dosage and 35 °C
3. 6. Langmuir Isotherms
it has equilibrium and decreasing trend continues infers,
that the process is controlled by temperature.32 Fig. 3d, The isotherm models employed describes the sorp-
shows the effect of time and pH and the adsorption capac- tion data, sorption mechanism, the surface properties and
ity was almost constant in the pH range 5–6, and then in- the affinity between sorbent and sorbate.36 The Langmuir
creases and reaches maximum at pH 6.5, which matches isotherm model represents the monolayer sorption on an

Fig. 3. 3D surface plot of interaction effects between variables of a) time vs pH b) time vs temperature c) pH vs temperature and d) adsorbent dosage
vs temperature on As(V) removal

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Fig. 4. 3D surface plot of interaction effects between variables of a) time vs pH b) time vs temperature c) pH vs temperature and d) adsorbent dosage
vs temperature on As(V) removal

energetically uniform surface having maximum adsorp- 3. 8. Residual Mean Square Error (RMSE) and
tion capacity, qm = 26.11–28.99 mg g–1, and higher regres- Chi-square (χ2) statistical test
sion coefficient, R2 = 0.9988 obtained from the relevant
plots, Fig. 4a, and Table 5, suggesting that the surface of the To represent the errors in the isotherm curves the
sorbent was homogenous. The dimensionless factor (RL = RMSE and Chi-square (χ2) statistical analysis is employed.
1/1 + bCo) was calculated as <1, indicates favourable and
monolayer adsorption process.The certainty of the iso-
therm were committed by the least RMSE and χ2 values for
Langmuir model than Freundlich model.
qeexp, qecal and n are the experimental, calculated values
and number of observations respectively.38 The χ2 test con-
3. 7. Freundlich Isotherm
firms the suitability of a particular isotherm model given
The isotherm describes the sorption on an energeti- by the equaton,39
cally heterogeneous surface and the exponential distribu-
tion of active sites and their energies.37 The value of n (ad- (7)
sorption intensity) obtained by the Table 5, from the plot
(Fig.S3) in the range 1–10 signifies the good performance
of Fe3O4 doped CMC-EPI adsorbent towards As(V) ad- The RMSE and χ2 value would be less if the adsorp-
sorption. tion data correlated concurs with experimental values. By

Table 5. Isotherm parameters for As(v) adsorption on pH = 6.5, adsorbent dosage = 700mg/L,contact time = 60 min at different
temperatures onto the CMC-EPI/INC composite

Langmuir Freundlich
Parameters Temperature (K) Temperature (K)
298 303 308 Parameters 298 303 308
qm(mg . g–1) 26.11 27.38 28.99 kf(mg . g–1) 1.4027 1.4276 1.5327
k1(L . mg–1) 0.0594 0.0668 0.0941 η 1.9592 1.6489 1.8221
R2 0.9644 0.9851 0.9988
R2 0.9623 0.9821 0.9898
RL 0.6274 0.5995 0.5152
RMSE 0.3852 0.3526 0.2978 RMSE 2.9651 3.1475 3.2541
χ2 0.2943 0.2896 0.1781 χ2 5.9621 5.6254 4.9632

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which, from Table V, the adsorption suitability more cor- sorption, the second portion being gradual adsorption and
relate with the Langmuir model than other models. the final phase being final equilibrium stage due to the low
concentration of As(V) in the solution phase as well as less
number of available adsorption sites.
3. 9. Kinetic Study
The kinetics,40 effective adsorption capacity, initial
3. 11. Adsorption Thermodynamics
adsorption rate and the rate constant of As(v) adsorption
without any parameter in advance were evaluated using the The thermodynamic parameters were utilized to elu-
pseudo First order and Second order equation.41 The linear cidate the feasibility of adsorption.43 The Van’t Hoff plot,
form of pseudo-first-order Lagergren equation and pseu- Fig. 5 (In Kc against 1/T) relates the parameters as
do-second-order equation is given as equation 8 and 9.


Where Kc is the equilibrium constant, T the abso-
lute temperature (K), and R is the universal gas constant
The initial adsorption rate, h (mg/(g min)), as t → = (8.314 J mol–1). The calculated values of the energy pa-
0, can be defined as: rameters ∆G (change in free energy), ∆H (change in en-
thalpy), and ∆S (change in entropy) are given in the Ta-
(10) ble 7. The negative ∆G values observed at various
temperatures suggested the feasibility and spontaneous
Where, k1 and k2 are the rate constant of Pseudo first adsorption process.
order and second order equation respectively. The kinetic
parameters were obtained through the Pseudo first order
plot (Fig.S4), and second order plot (Fig. 4b) shows higher
regression coefficient value of 0.996, (Table 6) for the sec-
ond order model, exposed its applicability in fitting the
experimental kinetic data. From the Table 6, it shows that
the h value of As(V) adsorption at 35 °C was higher than at
25 °C.

3. 10. Intraparticle diffusion

The Weber-Morris model for intraparticle diffusion,
explored the nature of the ‘rate-controlling step, which is
given by the equation as,42


Where kid is the intraparticle diffusion rate constant

((mg/g min0.5)). From the plots qe versus t0.5, Fig. S5, the
relationship is not linear and follows rate-limiting step.
The first sharper portion being rapid external surface ad- Fig. 5. Van’t Hoff plot of As(V) adsorption at different temperatures

Table 6. Kinetic parameters for As(V) adsorption on pH = 6.5, adsorbent dosage = 700 mg/L, contact time = 60 min at different temperatures onto
the CMC-EPI/INC composite

Intra particle
Temp (K) Pseudo first order Pseudo Second order
qe,exp mg/g qe,cal mg/g k1 (min–1) R2 h (mg . min–1) qe,cal mg/g k1 (min–1) R2 Kid (mg/g . min1/2)
298 1.1954 1.169 0.019 0.980 0.1957 1.019 0.2326 0.993 0.045
303 1.2015 1.198 0.021 0.987 0.2142 1.128 0.2432 0.994 0.043
308 1.2235 1.035 0.025 0.992 0.2583 1.175 0.1885 0.996 0.040

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Table 7. Thermodynamic results of As(V) adsorption at different fects on adsorption. The adsorbent was successfully recy-
cled for four cycles and efficiently treated with As (V) con-
taminated wastewater. Thus, it could be concluded that the
Van’t Hoff plot
Temp ∆G ∆H ∆S CMC-EPI/INC biosorbent would be a prospective candi-
(kJ/mol) (kJ/mol) (J/mol/k) date for arsenic filtering units, due to its biocongenial na-
289K –8.0787 7.9835 0.0539
303K –8.3482
308K –8.6177 Acknowledgment
The authors also would like to thank Department of
Chemistry, IIT Madras and Center for Environment, CLRI
The positive nature and the value of ∆H = 7.9835!!!!! Chennai for providing the analytical instrumentation fa-
(< 80 kJ . mol–1) suggesting that the reaction follows endo- cility. One of the authors Dr.G.Prabha would like to thank
thermic physisorption. The positive value of ∆S reflects the University Grant Commission (UGC), Government of In-
affinity and some structural changes in adsorbent and ad- dia, for providing the fund under the scheme of UGC – Dr.
sorbate during adsorption process.44 D.S. Kothari Postdoctoral Fellowship (Award No:F.4-
3. 12. Desorption Experiments
Conflict of interest
Desorption studies carried out with 0.1M NaOH, in
a batch reactor. The desorption result As the author(s), we declare that there is no conflict
(Table S1), revealed that after four cycles around of interest regarding the publication of this article.
81–87% of loaded As(V) were found to be
desorbed during desorption cycles. The desorption
ratio was calculated by: 5. References
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Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 997–1007 1007

V tej študiji smo z uporabo metode odzivnih površin (RSM) z zasnovo Box-Behnkenovega načrtovanja optimizirali
odstranjevanje As(V) iz vodnih raztopin s pripravljenim zamreženim ciklometilhitozanskim-epiklorhidrinskim/ Fe3O4
nanokompozitom. Optimizacijo pH vrednost raztopine, količine adsorbenta, kontaktnega časa in temperature smo izv-
edli s kvadratno polinomsko funkcijo z visokim korelacijskim koeficientom (R2 = 0.9406). Ustreznost modela in izbranih
členov smo preverili z analizo variance (ANOVA) in pokazali njihovo pomembnost z F – testom (p < 0.05). Izbrali
smo sedem pomembnih členov s p-vrednostjo < 0.0001, na osnovi katerih smo določili optimum pri katerem je bila
učinkovitost odstranjevanja As(V) 95.1 %, dosežena pri količini adsorbenta 0.7g, pH vrednosti 6.5, temperaturi 308K,
koncentraciji arzena 10 mg/ml in kontaktnem času 60 min. Langmuirjev model, ki je z R2 0.9988 in χ 0.1781 opisal ek-
sperimentalne podatke bolje od Freundlichovega, kaže na maksimalno kapaciteto adsorpcije 28.99 mg/g. Proces kaže
na enoplastno adsorpcijo in kinetiko psevdo-drugega reda. Termodinamski parametri kažejo, da je proces spontan in
endotermen ter poteka fizikalna adsorpcija. Uspešna regeneracija adsorbenta kaže na njegov praktičen potencial pri
odstranjevanju arzena iz onesnaženih voda.

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Nagarajan et al.: Statistical Optimization of As(V) Adsorption Parameters ...

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