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Performance Task

Instructions: Read the requirements carefully. (80 points)

1. Each group must submit the following:
a. Marketing Strategy
b. Target Market Profile
c. Advertising

2. Print your work on a clean sheet of short bond paper following the format below:
a. Margin: Left – 1.5"; Top, bottom, and right – 1"
b. Spacing: Double
c. Font: Arial, 12 pt.
d. File: Submit your work in PDF format

3. As for the advertising part, make sure your group has proper documentation of your digital
marketing tools (screen captures of ads on social media platforms or softcopies of videos of
proposed advertisements).

4. Submit your group's work on or before the Midterm Examination.

5. Below is the rubric that will be used to grade your output.

Excellent Good Developing Needs Reinforcement

4 3 2 1
Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy The marketing strategy The marketing The group did not
(x5) stimulates the interest of somewhat stimulates strategy did not submit a marketing
possible consumers by the interest of possible stimulate the plan and failed to
using different marketing consumers as it only interests of possible comply with the
tools, methods, and uses a single tool for consumers due to performance task
techniques. marketing its goods. the poor selection requirements.
of marketing tools,
methods, and
Target Market Profile The start-up The start-up The start-up The start-up
(x5) technopreneurial technopreneurial technopreneurial technopreneurial
enterprise has enterprise has enterprise has enterprise did not
successfully identified its identified some of its failed to identify its submit any report
target market using the target markets though target market as it about its target
principles learned in class. they only followed a did not use the market.
few principles learned principles discussed
in class. in class.
Advertising The group has successfully The group only used The group tried to The group did not try
(x5) advertised its goods using the internet to advertise their to advertise their
different media. They advertise their goods, products and goods, thus failing to
have utilized the internet but it was enough that service via the comply with the
thru social media and has the market took notice internet or performance task
created video of their product or traditional requirements.
commercial, leaflets, services. marketing methods.
brochures, and other However, it did not
traditional marketing raise their target
tools to reach different market's awareness
people. level.

05 Performance Task 1 *Property of STI

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