DLL English-1 Q3 W1
DLL English-1 Q3 W1
DLL English-1 Q3 W1
The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of
A. Content Standards useful strategies for purposeful useful strategies for purposeful useful strategies for purposeful useful strategies for purposeful useful strategies for purposeful
literacy learning literacy learning literacy learning literacy learning literacy learning
The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in
B. Performance Standards accomplishing literacy-related accomplishing literacy-related tasks accomplishing literacy-related tasks accomplishing literacy-related tasks accomplishing literacy-related
tasks tasks
EN1LC-IIIa-j- 1.1
EN1OL-IIIa-e-1.5 Use/Respond Listen to short stories/poems
Recognize rhyming words in EN1G-IIIa-1.1 Recognize sentences
EN1V-IIIa-e-5 appropriately to polite expressions and
nursery rhymes, poems and song and non-sentences
C. Learning Competencies/ Use words that are related to self, 1. note important details
Objectives Write the LC for family, school, community, and EN1OL-IIIa-1.5.1 pertaining to
EN1G-IIIb-1.4 Recognize simple
each concepts such as the names for greetings a. character
EN1PA-IIIa-b- 3.1 sentences
colors, shapes, and numbers EN1OL-IIIb-1.5.2 b. setting
Give the number of syllables of
leave takings c. events
given words.
II. CONTENT Use/Respond appropriately polite Sentences
Recognize rhyming words Family Members Listen to short stories/poems
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Basa Pilipinas TG Basa Pilipinas TG Basa Pilipinas TG Basa Pilipinas TG Basa Pilipinas TG
A. References Pages 10-12 Pages 12-15 Pages 15-18 Pages 19-21 Pages 21-23
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
F. Developing mastery (Leads Teacher asks the pupils to practice Pupils say whether what the teacher
to formative assessment) saying greetings and leave takings reads is a sentence or phrase.
by group and pairs. 1. Families watched the
2. Chairs and tables
3. Children are dancing.
4. The cotton candy
5. The mayor is speaking.
1. a. Baby
2. b. Brother