Student Guide National Merit Scholarship
Student Guide National Merit Scholarship
Student Guide National Merit Scholarship
Scholarship Qualifying
in fall 2022
Meet other entry
requirements (see inside)
NMSC, National Merit, Merit Scholarship, Merit Scholar, and the corporate “Lamp of Learning” logo are federally registered service marks of National
Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of National Merit Scholarship Corporation and College Board. SAT is a
registered trademark of College Board, and PSAT is a trademark owned by College Board. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. NMSC pages 1–23
© 2022 National Merit Scholarship Corporation. All rights reserved.
To enter the National Merit Scholarship Program and compete for recognition and 8,050
scholarships to be offered in 2024:
Program entrants must take the test in the specified year of the high school program
(see page 6). The 2022 PSAT/NMSQT is the qualifying test for entry to the 2024
program. Most entrants will complete high school and enroll in college in 2024.
Have questions?
Phone: (847) 866-5100
Address: National Merit Scholarship Corporation
1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 200
Evanston, IL 60201-4897
50,000 High Scorers. In April 2023, NMSC will ask high school principals to identify any errors or changes in the reported
eligibility of students whose scores will qualify them for recognition in the fall of 2023.
34,000 Commended Students. In late September 2023, 16,000 Semifinalists. In early September 2023, about
more than two-thirds of the 50,000 high scorers will one-third of the 50,000 high scorers will be notified that
receive Letters of Commendation in recognition of their they have qualified as Semifinalists—the highest-scoring
outstanding academic promise. Although Commended entrants in each state. NMSC will notify them through
Students will not continue in the competition for National their schools and provide scholarship application
Merit Scholarships, some may be candidates for Special materials explaining requirements to advance in the
Scholarships provided by corporate and business sponsors competition for National Merit Scholarships to be offered
(see below). in 2024.
800 Special Scholarship recipients. Beginning 7,250 Merit Scholarship® winners. Beginning in March
in March 2024, NMSC will notify winners of Special 2024, NMSC will notify winners of the three types of
Scholarships provided by corporate sponsors. Scholarship National Merit Scholarships:
recipients will be chosen from candidates who will be »» National Merit® $2500 Scholarships
sent scholarship application materials through their »» Corporate-sponsored scholarships
high schools in November 2023. Although not Finalists,
scholarship recipients will be outstanding students who »» College-sponsored scholarships
meet their sponsors’ eligibility criteria. Sponsors will In April, May, June, and July, NMSC will release names
handle public announcement of their Special Scholarship of Merit Scholar designees to news media for public
winners. announcement.
The 2024 Competition On test day, students will be asked the following
three questions to determine entry to the National
Begins in 2022 Merit Scholarship Program:
The National Merit Scholarship Program is an annual A. Are you enrolled as a high school student
academic competition among high school students for (traditional or homeschooled)?
recognition and college scholarships. The program is A. Yes B. No
conducted by National Merit Scholarship Corporation B. When will you complete or leave high school
(NMSC ), a not-for-profit organization that operates and enroll full-time in college?
without government assistance. A. 2023 B. 2024 C. 2025
The 2022 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship D. After 2025 E. Not planning to attend college
Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT ) is the qualifying C. How many total years will you spend in grades
test for entry to the 2024 National Merit Program. (The
™ ™
PSAT 10 and PSAT 8/9 will NOT be considered for A. 1 year
D. 4 years
B. 2 years
E. 5 or more years
C. 3 years
entry to the National Merit Scholarship Program.) The
competition will span about 18 months from entry in the
fall of 2022 until the spring of 2024 when scholarships
Students testing outside the United States will also
for college undergraduate study will be awarded. It is be asked the following question:
expected that about 4 million students will take the
PSAT/NMSQT in 2022, and approximately 1.5 million D. Are you a citizen of the United States?
of them will meet requirements to enter this program. A. Yes B. No
C. No, but I am a U.S. lawful permanent resident
(or have applied for permanent residence, the
Entry Requirements application for which has not been denied) and
To enter the 2024 National Merit Program, a student I intend to become a U.S. citizen at the earliest
needs to meet all of the following requirements. A opportunity allowed by law.
student must:
1. be enrolled as a high school student (traditional
or homeschooled), progressing normally toward Eligibility Verification
graduation or completion of high school by 2024, The NMSC section of the PSAT/NMSQT Score Report
and planning to accept admission to college no later shows the student’s responses to the questions above
than the fall of 2024; and whether the student’s Selection Index score will be
2. attend high school in the United States, District of considered for the National Merit Scholarship Program.
Columbia, or U.S. commonwealths and territories; Students are encouraged to review this section of their
or meet the citizenship requirements for students Score Report carefully and contact NMSC immediately
attending high school outside the United States (see if any responses to their entry requirement questions
the box at the bottom of the page); and are incorrect or have changed.
3. take the 2022 PSAT/NMSQT in the specified year
of the high school program and no later than the
third year in grades 9 through 12, regardless of grade
classification or educational pattern (explained in
When to Take the Test on page 6).
When to Take the Test 3. Students who are dual enrolled in both high school
and college must take the qualifying test in their
To participate in the National Merit Program, students
third year of high school (grade 11, junior year). To
must take the PSAT/NMSQT in the specified year of
enter the competition that ends when scholarships
their high school program. Because a student can
are offered in 2024, these students must be in their
participate (and be considered for a scholarship) in
third year of high school when they take the 2022
only one specific competition year, the year in which
PSAT/NMSQT, the same as all other students who
the student takes the PSAT/NMSQT to enter the
plan to spend four years in grades 9 through 12.
competition is very important.
The high school determines whether a student is
1. Students who plan to spend the usual four years in dual enrolled and confirms the student’s status as a
high school (grades 9 through 12) before entering high school student.
college full-time must take the qualifying test in
4. Students who plan to take five years to complete
their third year of high school (grade 11, junior year).
grades 9 through 12 can participate in the National
Merit Program if they take the PSAT/NMSQT in
Sophomores who take the 2022 PSAT/NMSQT
the third year of high school and again in the fourth
but plan to spend four years in grades 9 through
year. These students’ Selection Index scores will not
12 will not meet entry requirements for the 2024
be eligible for the program until a written request
National Merit Program. They must take the
for entry to the competition is approved by NMSC.
PSAT/NMSQT again in 2023 (when they are
The request should include the student’s name, high
juniors) to enter the competition that will end
school name and location, year the student began
when scholarships are awarded in 2025, the year
high school, year the student will complete high
they will complete high school and enter college.
school, and a brief explanation of the student’s
2. Students who plan to leave high school early to
educational pattern.
enroll in college full-time after spending three years NMSC will use the student’s Selection Index score
or less in grades 9 through 12 usually can participate from the PSAT/NMSQT taken in the student’s third year
in the National Merit Program if they take the of grades 9 through 12 to determine the expected level
PSAT/NMSQT before they finish high school. To of recognition. In order to be recognized in the fifth
enter the competition for awards offered in 2024, (final) year of high school, the student must take
these students must be in either the next-to-last or the PSAT/NMSQT again in the fourth year and
the last year of high school when they take the 2022 earn a qualifying Selection Index score at or above
PSAT/NMSQT: the level achieved on the third year test. The level
of recognition a student receives cannot exceed the
a. if students are in the next-to-last year of high level earned on the qualifying test taken during the
school when they take the 2022 PSAT/NMSQT, student’s third year in grades 9 through 12, the year
awards will be offered as they are finishing their in which all other competitors are considered.
last year of high school; or
NOTE: If your high school standing and enrollment do
b. if students are in their last year of high school
not fit one of the preceding descriptions or if you have
when they take the 2022 PSAT/NMSQT,
any questions about when to take the PSAT/NMSQT
awards will be offered the year after they have
for National Merit Program entry, contact NMSC
completed high school.
Unable to Take the PSAT/NMSQT? on the basis of a nationally applied Selection Index
If you do not take the 2022 PSAT/NMSQT because qualifying score that may vary from year to year.
of illness, an emergency, or other extenuating In recognition of their outstanding ability and
circumstance, you may still be able to enter the potential for academic success in college, these students
2024 National Merit Scholarship Program. To will be honored with Letters of Commendation sent to
request information about another route of entry them through their high schools. Although Commended
after the Fall 2022 PSAT/NMSQT administration, Students will not continue in the competition for
write to NMSC as soon as possible but no later than National Merit Scholarships, some may be candidates
April 1, 2023. The alternate entry request should for Special Scholarships offered by corporate sponsors
include your name and home address, the contact (see pages 9–10). NMSC will notify those candidates
information of the person making the request, the in November 2023.
name and address of your high school, and a brief Semifinalists. More than 16,000 of the high scorers,
explanation of why you missed the test. Do not representing less than 1 percent of the nation’s high
delay; the earlier you write, the more options you school graduating seniors, will qualify as Semifinalists.
will have for scheduling test dates. Only Semifinalists will have an opportunity to advance
Mail your request to: in the competition for Merit Scholarship awards.®
NMSC will notify Semifinalists of their standing and
National Merit Scholarship Corporation
send scholarship application materials to them through
Attn: Scholarship Administration
their high schools in September 2023. Their names will
1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 200
be sent to regionally accredited four-year U.S. colleges
Evanston, IL 60201-4897
and universities and released to local news media for
Your letter must be postmarked on or before public announcement in mid-September.
April 1, 2023, for your request to be considered. NMSC designates Semifinalists in the program on a
state-representational basis to ensure that academically
accomplished young people from all parts of the
If you felt your test performance was negatively United States are included in this talent pool. Using
affected for any reason and you do not want your the latest data available, an allocation of Semifinalists is
2022 PSAT/NMSQT Selection Index score used for determined for each state, based on the state’s percentage
participation in the 2024 National Merit Program, of the national total of high school graduating seniors.
you must contact NMSC immediately but no later For example, the number of Semifinalists in a state
than November 15, 2022, to submit a formal request. that enrolls approximately two percent of the nation’s
Requests received after November 15, 2022, will not graduating seniors would be about 320 (2 percent of
be considered. the 16,000 Semifinalists).
NMSC then arranges the Selection Index scores of
all National Merit Program participants within a state in
Program Recognition descending order. The score at which a state’s allocation
NMSC uses PSAT/NMSQT Selection Index scores is most closely filled becomes the Semifinalist qualifying
(calculated by doubling the sum of the Reading, score. Entrants with a Selection Index score at or above
Writing and Language, and Math Test scores) as an the qualifying score are named Semifinalists. As a result
initial screen of some 1.5 million program entrants. of this process, Semifinalist qualifying scores vary from
The 2022 Selection Index scores of all students who state to state and from year to year, but the scores of all
meet entry requirements for the 2024 program will be Semifinalists are extremely high.
considered. In the spring of 2023, NMSC will ask high In addition to Semifinalists designated in each of
school principals to identify any errors or changes in the the 50 states and without affecting the allocation to any
reported eligibility of their high scorers (students whose state, Semifinalists are named in several other selection
Selection Index scores will qualify them for recognition units that NMSC establishes for the competition. These
in the fall of 2023). units are for students attending schools in the District of
Commended Students. In September 2023, more than Columbia, schools in U.S. commonwealths and territories,
two-thirds (about 34,000) of the high scorers will be schools in other countries that enroll U.S. citizens, and
designated Commended Students. They will be named U.S. boarding schools that enroll a sizable proportion of
their students from outside the state in which the school to gender, race, ethnic origin, or religious preference.
is located. A participant can be considered for Semifinalist Scholarship recipients are the candidates judged to have
standing in only one state or selection unit, based on the the greatest potential for success in rigorous college
high school in which the student is regularly enrolled studies and beyond.
when taking the PSAT/NMSQT. To receive a scholarship payment, a Merit Scholarship
Finalists. A Semifinalist must fulfill several additional winner must notify NMSC of plans to (a) enroll in a
requirements and advance to the Finalist level of the college or university in the United States that holds
competition before being considered for a National accredited status with a regional accrediting commission
Merit Scholarship. About 95 percent (over 15,000) on higher education, and (b) enroll full-time in an
of the Semifinalists are expected to become Finalists undergraduate course of study leading to a traditional
and receive a Certificate of Merit attesting to their baccalaureate degree. NMSC scholarship stipends are
distinguished performance in the competition. not payable for attendance at service academies or
certain institutions that are limited in their purposes
To qualify as a Finalist, a Semifinalist must: or training.
1. continue to meet all program entry requirements The selection process involves evaluating substantial
(explained on page 5); amounts of information about Finalists obtained from
both students and their high schools. Included are the
2. be enrolled in the last year of high school and
Finalist’s academic record (course load and difficulty
planning to enroll full-time in college the
level, depth and breadth of subjects studied, and grades
following fall, or be enrolled in the first year of
earned); PSAT/NMSQT scores; the student’s essay;
college if grades 9 through 12 were completed
demonstrated leadership and contributions to school
in three years or less;
and community activities; and the school official’s written
3. be fully endorsed for Finalist standing and recommendation and characterization of the Finalist.
recommended for a National Merit Scholarship The same process is used to select Special Scholarship
by the high school principal; winners for a corporate sponsor’s awards.
4. have a record of very high academic performance
in all of grades 9 through 12 and in any college
course work taken (the high school must Types of Scholarships
provide a complete record of courses taken Some 7,250 National Merit Scholarships of three
and grades earned by the student, as well as types and approximately 800 Special Scholarships will
information about the school’s curriculum and be awarded in 2024; these 8,050 awards will have a
grading system); combined value of over $35 million. Different types of
5. complete the National Merit Scholarship
scholarships will be offered, but no student can receive
Application with all information requested, more than one monetary award from NMSC.
which includes writing an essay; ®
National Merit $2500 Scholarships. These awards are
unique because every Finalist is considered for one and
® ®
6. take the SAT or ACT and earn scores that
confirm the PSAT/NMSQT performance that winners are named in every state and other selection
resulted in Semifinalist standing; and unit. The number awarded in each state is determined by
7. provide any other documentation and
the same representational procedure used to designate
information that NMSC requests. Semifinalists. Finalists compete with all other Finalists in
their state or selection unit for one of the 2,500 National
Merit $2500 Scholarships. Winners are selected by a
Choosing Scholarship committee of college admission officers and high school
Winners National Merit $2500 Scholarships provide a single
Only Finalists will be considered for the 7,250 National payment of $2,500. NMSC’s own funds support the
Merit Scholarships. Approximately half of the Finalists majority of these scholarships, but corporate sponsors
will be Merit Scholarship winners (Merit Scholar
awardees). Winners are chosen on the basis of their
® help underwrite these awards with grants they provide
to NMSC in lieu of paying administrative fees.
abilities, skills, and accomplishments—without regard
Who is All Finalists Finalists who meet High-performing Finalists who plan
considered? compete with all criteria specified by program partici- to attend a sponsor
other Finalists in a corporate sponsor, pants (although not college and have
their state or other usually: Finalists) who meet informed NMSC
selection unit. • children of a sponsor’s criteria; that the sponsor
employees; most are for: college is their first
• residents of specific • children of choice
communities; or employees;
• Finalists with • residents of specific
certain college communities; or
major or career • participants with
plans certain college
major or career
What is the Awards provide a Varies by sponsor— Varies by sponsor— Varies by sponsor—
monetary value? one-time payment awards can be a awards can be a awards are
of $2,500. one-time payment one-time payment renewable for
ranging from $2,500 ranging from $2,500 4 years of study
to $5,000 or to $5,000 or at the sponsor
renewable awards renewable awards institution. Stipends
that range from that range from range from $500 to
$1,000 to $10,000 $1,000 to $10,000 $2,000 per year.
per year. per year.
When does NMSC Late March Early March Early March Early May
begin sending
scholarship offers?
Corporate-sponsored scholarships. In 2022, about 180 The number of National Merit Scholarships a
corporations, company foundations, and businesses company or business offers annually may range from
sponsored scholarships through the National Merit one to more than 100. Finalists who meet a sponsor’s
Program as part of their educational philanthropy. criteria are identified from information Semifinalists
These sponsors committed about $14 million to supply on their scholarship applications. Winners are
support approximately 950 corporate-sponsored Merit selected from this pool based on their abilities, skills,
Scholarship awards and 800 Special Scholarships for and accomplishments. The scholarship name usually
children of employees, or for other accomplished identifies the grantor—for example, National Merit
students who meet the sponsor’s criteria. XYZ Company Scholarship.
* Apache Corporation–2 awards for children of The Boeing Company–Every Finalist who is
employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries. the child of an employee of the company or a
subsidiary will be offered an award.
* Arkema Inc. Foundation–4 awards for children of
employees of Arkema Inc. and its subsidiaries. * Brady Corporation Foundation, Inc.–5 awards
for children of employees of Brady Corporation
Ascension–20 awards for Finalists who are children and its eligible subsidiaries.
of employees of the organization and its eligible
subsidiaries. * Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund–Up to 50
awards for children of employees and retirees of
Aspen Technology, Inc.–3 awards for Finalists who Bridgestone Americas, Inc., and its participating
are children of employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries.
eligible subsidiaries.
* Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.–50
* Astellas US LLC–2 awards for children of employees awards for children of employees of the Bristol-
of the corporation and its eligible affiliates. Myers Squibb Company’s U.S. divisions and
* AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP–30 awards
for children of employees of AstraZeneca * Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.–6 awards
Pharmaceuticals LP and MedImmune LLC. for children of employees of the corporation and
its qualifying subsidiaries.
* This corporate sponsor offers Special Scholarships in addition to Merit Scholarship awards, and Entry Forms that
the sponsor makes available must be filed.
* Brown & Brown, Inc.–10 awards for children * Corning Incorporated–5 awards for children of
of employees of the corporation and its eligible employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries.
* Crum & Forster–10 awards for children of
* Bunge North America, Inc.–4 awards for employees of the company.
children of employees of the corporation and its
subsidiaries; the awards are distributed among CSX Corporation–5 awards for Finalists who are
employment groups. children of employees of the corporation and its
eligible subsidiaries.
* Bunzl USA, LLC–5 awards for children of
employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries. D
C * Dollar Tree, Inc.–Up to 20 awards for children
of employees of the corporation and its eligible
CACI International Inc–5 awards for Finalists who divisions. The awards are distributed among
are planning to major in certain technological and employment groups.
mathematical fields.
Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation–
* Carlisle Companies Incorporated–2 awards for 1 award for a Finalist from a designated county in
children of employees of the corporation and its South Carolina.
subsidiaries; the awards are distributed among
employment groups. E
* Carpenter Technology Corporation–4 awards for Eastman–3 awards for Finalists who are children of
children of employees of the corporation and its employees of Eastman and its subsidiaries.
* Eaton Charitable Fund–15 awards for children of
* CDK Global, LLC–6 awards for children of employees of Eaton Corporation.
employees of the corporation.
Ellucian Company L.P.–2 awards for Finalists who
Chevron U.S.A. Inc.–5 awards for Finalists who are children of employees of the company.
are children of employees of the corporation and its
affiliated companies. Emerson Charitable Trust–10 awards for Finalists
who are children of employees of Emerson Electric
* Coalfire Systems, Inc.–2 awards for children of Co. and its subsidiaries.
employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries.
* The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.–3 awards for
* Colgate-Palmolive Company–20 awards for children children of employees of the corporation and its U.S.
of employees of the company and its subsidiaries. affiliates and subsidiaries.
* Commvault Systems, Inc.–2 awards for children of * Eversource Energy Foundation, Inc.–10 awards
employees of the corporation. for children of employees of the company or its
* Computer Aid, Inc.–2 awards for children of
employees of the corporation and its eligible
* This corporate sponsor offers Special Scholarships in addition to Merit Scholarship awards, and Entry Forms that
the sponsor makes available must be filed.
* FedEx Custom Critical, Inc.–4 awards—2 awards * GAF–2 awards for children of employees of the
for children of employees; 2 awards for children and corporation and its subsidiaries; the awards are
grandchildren of contractors. distributed among divisions.
* FedEx Freight Corporation–20 awards for children * Gannett Foundation, Inc.–6 awards for children of
of employees of the corporation. employees of Gannett Co. Inc.
* Ferro Corporation–3 awards for children of GEICO Philanthropic Foundation–3 awards for
employees of the corporation. Finalists who are children of associates of GEICO
Corporation and its subsidiaries.
* Fifth Third Foundation–25 awards for children of
employees of Fifth Third Bank.
General Dynamics Corporation–Every Finalist
who is the child of an employee of the corporation or
Fluor Foundation–4 awards for Finalists who a subsidiary will be offered an award.
are children of employees of Fluor and its eligible
subsidiaries. * General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical
Systems–2 awards for children of employees of the
* FMC Corporation–4 awards for children of corporation and its subsidiaries.
employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries.
* Gleason Family Foundation–Up to 8 awards for
Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A.–Every children of employees of Gleason Corporation and its
Finalist who is the child of an employee of the U.S. subsidiaries and divisions.
corporation or an affiliated organization will be
offered an award. * Global Tungsten & Powders Corp.–2 awards for
children of employees of Global Tungsten & Powders
* Fox News Channel, LLC–2 awards for children Corp. and GTP Group Services.
of employees of the corporation and its eligible
subsidiaries. * W.W. Grainger, Inc.–12 awards—10 awards for
children of employees of the corporation and its U.S.
FTS International, LLC–1 award for a Finalist subsidiaries; 2 awards for Finalists in the National
from either Washington, DC, or Denver, Colorado, Merit Scholarship Program.
metropolitan areas planning to pursue certain
college majors. * Greyhound Lines, Inc.–Up to 6 awards for children
of employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries.
* This corporate sponsor offers Special Scholarships in addition to Merit Scholarship awards, and Entry Forms that
the sponsor makes available must be filed.
* Hormel Foods Corporation Charitable Trust– * Kaman Corporation–3 awards for children of
18 awards for children of employees of Hormel Foods employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries.
Corporation and its subsidiaries.
* The Kennametal Foundation–2 awards for children
* The Harvey Hubbell Foundation–4 awards for of employees of Kennametal Inc. and its subsidiaries.
children of employees of Hubbell Incorporated and
its subsidiaries. L
* Hunter Industries Incorporated–2 awards for L3 Harris Technologies–2 awards for Finalists who
children of employees of the corporation and its are children of employees of the company and its
subsidiaries. subsidiaries.
* Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Huntington Leidos, Inc.–10 awards for Finalists who are children
Ingalls Industries–4 awards for children of of employees of the corporation or its subsidiaries.
employees of Ingalls Shipbuilding.
* Liberty Mutual Scholarship Foundation–
* Insperity Services, L.P.–4 awards—2 awards for 40 awards for children of employees of Liberty Mutual
children of corporate employees; 2 awards for Insurance Company and its subsidiaries.
children of worksite employees.
* Loews Corporation–4 awards for children of
employees of the corporation and its divisions and
J wholly owned subsidiaries.
* J. Walter Thompson Company Fund, Inc.–4 awards
for children of employees of Wunderman Thompson * LPL Financial LLC–6 awards for children of associates
and its subsidiaries. of the corporation and its eligible subsidiaries.
* John Bean Technologies Corporation–2 awards The Lubrizol Foundation–Every Finalist who is the
for children of employees of JBT Corporation and its child of an employee of The Lubrizol Corporation,
subsidiaries. Lubrizol Specialty Products, Inc., and their eligible
subsidiaries will be offered an award.
* Johnson & Johnson Services Inc.–20 awards for
children of employees of the corporation and its
business units.
* This corporate sponsor offers Special Scholarships in addition to Merit Scholarship awards, and Entry Forms that
the sponsor makes available must be filed.
Mead Witter Foundation, Inc.–5 awards for Finalists * NextEra Energy Foundation, Inc.–10 awards for
from specified geographic areas of Wisconsin. children of employees of NextEra Energy, Inc. and its
The MITRE Corporation–4 awards for Finalists who
are children of employees of the corporation. * NiSource Charitable Foundation–15 awards for
children of employees of NiSource and its subsidiaries.
Molex LLC–2 awards for Finalists who are children of
employees of the corporation and its subsidiaries. * Norfolk Southern Foundation–10 awards for
children of employees of Norfolk Southern
* Moody’s Foundation–2 awards for children Corporation and its affiliated companies.
of employees of Moody’s Corporation and its
subsidiaries. * Northrop Grumman Corporation–55 awards for
children of employees of the corporation and its
Motorola Solutions Foundation–10 awards for subsidiaries.
Finalists who are children of employees of Motorola
Solutions, Inc., or its subsidiaries. NOV Inc.–Every Finalist who is the child of
an employee of the corporation and its eligible
N subsidiaries will be offered an award.
* (National Gypsum Company) C. D. Spangler * Novo Nordisk Inc.–3 awards for children of
Foundation, Inc.–2 awards for children of employees employees of the corporation and its participating
of National Gypsum Company and its subsidiaries. affiliates.
* This corporate sponsor offers Special Scholarships in addition to Merit Scholarship awards, and Entry Forms that
the sponsor makes available must be filed.
NVIDIA Corporation–Every Finalist who is the * Pfizer Inc–50 awards for children of employees of
child of an employee of the corporation or an eligible the corporation and its subsidiaries.
subsidiary will be offered an award.
* Pilkington North America, Inc.–2 awards for
O children of employees of the corporation and its
Occidental Petroleum Corporation–6 awards
for Finalists who are children of employees of the * PPG Foundation–56 awards— Up to 35 awards for
corporation or an eligible division or subsidiary. children of employees of PPG and its subsidiaries;
21 awards for residents of communities where PPG
* Old National Bancorp–3 awards for children of has operations.
associates of the corporation and its entities.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Charitable Foundation,
* Omron Foundation, Inc.–Up to 5 awards for Inc.–Every Finalist who is the child of a partner,
children of employees of Omron. principal, or staff of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
and its subsidiaries will be offered an award.
Owens Corning Foundation–Every Finalist who is
the child of an employee of Owens Corning will be Principal Life Insurance Company–Every Finalist
offered an award. who is the child of an employee of the company or an
affiliate will be offered an award.
* Paramount Global–5 awards for children of Public Service Enterprise Group–2 awards for
employees of the corporation and its eligible Finalists who are children of employees of Public
subsidiaries. Service Enterprise Group or its subsidiaries.
* This corporate sponsor offers Special Scholarships in addition to Merit Scholarship awards, and Entry Forms that
the sponsor makes available must be filed.
Robert Half International Inc.–2 awards for Sogeti USA–Every Finalist who is the child of an
Finalists who are children of employees of the employee of the corporation will be offered an award.
corporation and its eligible subsidiaries.
* Sony Electronics Inc.–3 awards for children of
Rockwell Automation Charitable Corporation– employees of Sony Electronics Inc. and Sony
5 awards for Finalists who are children of employees Corporation of America.
of Rockwell Automation and its subsidiaries.
South Carolina Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic
RSM US LLP–2 awards for Finalists who are children Center–4 awards—first preference for Finalists who
of employees of the corporation and its eligible are children of employees of the practice; second
subsidiaries. preference for Finalists from the Greater Charleston
area of South Carolina.
Southern Company Services, Inc.–Every Finalist
* S&P Global–6 awards for children of employees of who is the child of an employee of Southern
the corporation and its subsidiaries. Company or a subsidiary will be offered an award.
* This corporate sponsor offers Special Scholarships in addition to Merit Scholarship awards, and Entry Forms that
the sponsor makes available must be filed.
The TeleTech Community Foundation–2 awards * USG Foundation, Inc.–8 awards for children of
for Finalists who are children of employees of TTEC employees of USG Corporation and its subsidiaries.
Holdings, Inc.
Texas Instruments Foundation–Every Finalist who
is the child of an employee of Texas Instruments Varian Medical Systems–2 awards for Finalists who
Incorporated will be offered an award. are children of employees of the corporation.
* Textron Charitable Trust–10 awards for children of ViaSat, Inc.–Every Finalist who is the child of an
employees of Textron, Inc. and its subsidiaries. employee of the corporation will be offered an award.
* This corporate sponsor offers Special Scholarships in addition to Merit Scholarship awards, and Entry Forms that
the sponsor makes available must be filed.
Valparaiso University (3)
Vanderbilt University (18)
Villanova University (5)
Virginia Commonwealth University (3)
Washington and Lee University (15)
Washington State University (3)
Wayne State University (Michigan) (3)
West Virginia University Foundation, Inc. (12)
Wheaton College (Illinois) (20)
Whitman College (3)
Wichita State University (3)
Willamette University (3)
Wofford College (3)
advice and tips
An official
practice test
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT)
is cosponsored by College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. It
is administered for College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation by
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suggestions, questions, or comments about test registration, administration, or score
reports. If you wish to withdraw your answer sheet from scoring, or if you wish to
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Test-Taking Information
Using This Guide The fee for the 2022 PSAT/NMSQT is $18, but you
might not have to pay it—some schools cover all or
Taking the PSAT/NMSQT® is a great way to find out part of the cost for their students. Schools sometimes
how prepared you are for college and career. The charge an additional fee for administrative costs.
PSAT/NMSQT is the qualifying test for entry to the Juniors from income-eligible families may be able to
National Merit® Scholarship Program (described on the get fee waivers from College Board.
flip side of this guide). The test also connects you to
College Board programs and services that can propel
you to opportunities you’ve earned. We’ve created this
guide to help you:
Become familiar with the test so you’re not Is Organized
surprised or confused on test day. A complete The PSAT/NMSQT measures the knowledge and skills
practice test is included in this guide. you have developed in reading, writing and language, and
Learn the test directions. The directions for math. This test is not about memorizing words and facts
answering the questions in this guide are the same you will never use again. Instead, it focuses on what you
as those on the actual test. have already learned in school and what you will need to
succeed in college and career. It measures your reasoning
Review the sample questions. The more familiar you and critical thinking skills, which will be important to you
are with the question formats, the more comfortable
through high school, college, and beyond.
you’ll feel when you see similar questions on the
actual test. In particular, be sure to practice how to The PSAT/NMSQT has 3 tests: the Reading Test, the
answer the student-produced response questions on Writing and Language Test, and the Math Test. The
the Math Test later in this guide. tests break down like this:
Be aware of what you need to know about taking
this test. You will be asked to agree to the Time Allotted Number of
PSAT/NMSQT Terms and Conditions (starting Component (min.) Questions
on page 34) on test day. These Terms and Reading 60 47
Conditions have information on:
Writing and 35 44
Acceptable photo identification Language
Your score report will include a total score, section scores, Your score report also includes a message about your
and test scores, and may include cross-test scores and potential for success in AP® courses based on your
subscores as well. You’ll be able to see not only how you scores. There’s also some helpful advice about when to
did overall, but also where your strengths are and where take the SAT®.
you need to improve. Once you get your score report,
Scores will be available online. (If you provide your
email address on the answer sheet, you’ll receive an
understanding-scores/your-score-report-explained to
email letting you know when your scores are ready.) If
learn more about what these scores mean.
you haven’t received your score report by mid-January,
Your score report will include the NMSC Selection see your counselor. Your school will be able to print a
Index score, which NMSC uses as an initial screen of copy for you.
entrants to its National Merit Scholarship Program. For
We send your scores and other information you
further information about the NMSC Selection Index
provide during testing to our cosponsor, NMSC, which
score, see the National Merit Scholarship Program
conducts the National Merit Scholarship Program. See
section on the flip side of this guide.
the flip side of this guide for more information.
Analysis in History/Social
Studies and in Science
You’ll be asked to read and analyze passages about
topics in history/social studies and in science.
3 4
The description in the first paragraph indicates that Which choice provides the best evidence for the
what Ethan values most about Mattie is her answer to the previous question?
A) fitness for farm labor. A) Lines 1-7 (“Mattie . . . farm”)
B) vivacious youth. B) Lines 7-13 (“He had . . . anyhow”)
C) receptive nature. C) Lines 13-16 (“But it . . . hearth”)
D) freedom from worry. D) Lines 17-21 (“She had . . . will”)
Choice C is the best answer. Lines 9-16 mention many Choice D is the best answer. Lines 17-21 explain
of Mattie’s traits: she is friendly (“smiled and waved”), that Mattie “had an eye to see and an ear to hear:
eager (“jumped down with her bundles”), easygoing [Ethan] could show her things and tell her things, and
(“she ain’t a fretter”), and energetic (“like the lighting taste the bliss of feeling that all he imparted left long
of a fire on a cold hearth”). However, the trait that reverberations and echoes he could wake at will.” In
appeals the most to Ethan, as suggested by it being other words, Mattie is open, or receptive, to ideas and
mentioned last in the paragraph, is her openness to the experiences, and the placement of this point at the end
world around her: “She had an eye to see and an ear to of the list of traits Ethan admires (“But it was not only
hear: he could show her things and tell her things, and . . .”) suggests that her openness is most important to
taste the bliss of feeling that all he imparted left long him. Therefore, these lines serve as the best evidence
reverberations and echoes he could wake at will” for the answer to the previous question.
(lines 17-21). Choice A is incorrect because lines 1-7 only describe
Choice A is incorrect because the passage suggests Ethan and Mattie’s living situation and indicate that
that Ethan does not actually view Mattie as particularly Ethan enjoys walking with her in the evenings. They
well suited to farm labor. When first seeing Mattie, do not indicate which quality of Mattie’s Ethan values
Ethan thinks to himself, after “looking over her slight the most. Therefore, these lines do not serve as the
person,” that “she don’t look much on housework” best evidence for the answer to the previous question.
(lines 12-13). Choice B is incorrect because lines 7-13 only indicate
Choice B is incorrect because the passage suggests Ethan’s first impression of Mattie. Mattie comes
that Mattie’s youth is not what Ethan values most across as generally friendly and enthusiastic in their
about Mattie. Although the passage does note that “the first encounter, but it is not these qualities that Ethan
coming to his house of a bit of hopeful young values the most. Therefore, these lines do not serve
life was like the lighting of a fire on a cold hearth” as the best evidence for the answer to the previous
(lines 14-16), the narrator goes on to note that “the question.
girl was more than the bright serviceable creature Choice C is incorrect because lines 13-16 only convey
[Ethan] had thought her” (lines 16-17), indicating that that there was something special about Mattie beyond
Ethan values something more in Mattie than simply her friendliness and enthusiasm. They do not indicate
her vivacity. what Ethan values the most about Mattie. Therefore,
Choice D is incorrect because although Ethan these lines do not serve as the best evidence for the
acknowledges that Mattie “ain’t a fretter” (line 13), answer to the previous question.
there is no evidence that Mattie’s freedom from worry
is what Ethan values most about Mattie. The first
paragraph lists several positive traits that Mattie has,
with the most emphasis being placed on her openness
to the world around her (see explanation for choice C).
Questions 5-9 are based on the following passage the west Atlantic near Puerto Rico, the turtles swam
and supplementary material. northeast. If the field matched that on the east
This passage is adapted from Ed Yong, “Turtles Use the Earth’s
Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands, the turtles
Magnetic Field as Global GPS.” ©2011 by Kalmbach Publishing Co. swam southwest. In the wild, both headings would
50 keep them within the safe, warm embrace of the
In 1996, a loggerhead turtle called Adelita swam
North Atlantic gyre.
across 9,000 miles from Mexico to Japan, crossing the
Before now, we knew that several animal migrants,
entire Pacific on her way. Wallace J. Nichols tracked
from loggerheads to reed warblers to sparrows, had
Line this epic journey with a satellite tag. But Adelita
some way of working out longitude, but no one knew
5 herself had no such technology at her disposal. How
55 how. By keeping the turtles in the same conditions,
did she steer a route across two oceans to find her
with only the magnetic fields around them changing,
Putman clearly showed that they can use these fields
Nathan Putman has the answer. By testing
to find their way. In the wild, they might well also
hatchling turtles in a special tank, he has found that
use other landmarks like the position of the sea, sun
10 they can use the Earth’s magnetic field as their
60 and stars.
own Global Positioning System (GPS). By sensing
Putman thinks that the turtles work out their
the field, they can work out both their latitude and
position using two features of the Earth’s magnetic
longitude and head in the right direction.
field that change over its surface. They can sense
Putman works in the lab of Ken Lohmann, who has
the field’s inclination, or the angle at which it dips
15 been studying the magnetic abilities of loggerheads
65 towards the surface. At the poles, this angle is
for over 20 years. In his lab at the University of North
roughly 90 degrees and at the equator, it’s roughly
Carolina, Lohmann places hatchlings in a large water
zero degrees. They can also sense its intensity, which
tank surrounded by a large grid of electromagnetic
is strongest near the poles and weakest near the
coils. In 1991, he found that the babies started
Equator. Different parts of the world have unique
20 swimming in the opposite direction if he used the
70 combinations of these two variables. Neither
coils to reverse the direction of the magnetic field
corresponds directly to either latitude or longitude,
around them. They could use the field as a compass
but together, they provide a “magnetic signature” that
to get their bearing.
tells the turtle where it is.
Later, Lohmann showed that they can also use the
Orientation of Hatchling Loggerheads Tested in Magnetic Fields
25 magnetic field to work out their position. For them,
0° 0°
this is literally a matter of life or death. Hatchlings 330° 30° 330° 30°
born off the sea coast of Florida spend their early 300° 60° 300° 60°
lives in the North Atlantic gyre, a warm current that
circles between North America and Africa. If they’re 270° 90° 270° 90°
30 swept towards the cold waters outside the gyre, they 120° 120°
240° 240°
die. Their magnetic sense keeps them safe.
210° 150° 210° 150°
Using his coil-surrounded tank, Lohmann could 180° 180°
mimic the magnetic field at different parts of the West Atlantic
(Puerto Rico)
East Atlantic
(Cape Verde Islands)
Earth’s surface. If he simulated the field at the
Adapted from Nathan Putman, Courtney Endres, Catherine
35 northern edge of the gyre, the hatchlings swam
Lohmann, and Kenneth Lohmann, “Longitude Perception and
southwards. If he simulated the field at the gyre’s Bicoordinate Magnetic Maps in Sea Turtles.” ©2011 by Elsevier Inc.
southern edge, the turtles swam west-northwest.
These experiments showed that the turtles can use Orientation of hatchling loggerheads tested in a magnetic
their magnetic sense to work out their latitude—their field that simulates a position at the west side of the
40 position on a north-south axis. Now, Putman has Atlantic near Puerto Rico (left) and a position at the east
shown that they can also determine their longitude— side of the Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands (right).
their position on an east-west axis. The arrow in each circle indicates the mean direction that
the group of hatchlings swam. Data are plotted relative to
He tweaked his magnetic tanks to simulate the
geographic north (N = 0°).
fields in two positions with the same latitude at
45 opposite ends of the Atlantic. If the field simulated
5 6
The passage most strongly suggests that Adelita Which choice provides the best evidence for the
used which of the following to navigate her 9,000- answer to the previous question?
mile journey? A) Lines 1-3 (“In 1996 . . . way”)
A) The current of the North Atlantic gyre B) Lines 32-34 (“Using . . . surface”)
B) Cues from electromagnetic coils designed by C) Lines 58-60 (“In the wild . . . stars”)
Putman and Lohmann D) Lines 70-73 (“Neither . . . it is”)
C) The inclination and intensity of Earth’s
magnetic field Estimated Difficulty: Medium Key: D
D) A simulated “magnetic signature” configured
by Lohmann Choice D is the best answer because in lines 70-73
the author indicates that “together, [inclination and
Estimated Difficulty: Easy Key: C intensity] provide a ‘magnetic signature’ that tells the
turtle where it is.” Therefore, these lines serve as the
best evidence for the answer to the previous question.
Choice C is the best answer. The first paragraph
describes the 9,000-mile journey that Adelita made Choice A is incorrect because in lines 1-3 the author
and raises the question, which the rest of the passage establishes that Adelita made a 9,000-mile journey but
tries to answer, of how this loggerhead turtle was does not explain how she navigated it. Therefore, these
able to “steer a route across two oceans to find her lines do not serve as the best evidence for the answer
destination” (lines 6-7). The answer comes most to the previous question.
directly in the last paragraph, which presents Putman’s Choice B is incorrect because in lines 32-34 the author
belief that loggerhead turtles “work out their position indicates that Lohmann is able to “mimic the magnetic
using two features of the Earth’s magnetic field that field at different parts of the Earth’s surface” in his
change over its surface” (lines 61-63): its inclination laboratory but does not explain how Adelita navigated
and its intensity. It is reasonable, therefore, to infer her 9,000-mile journey or suggest that Lohmann had
from the passage that this was the method that any influence over Adelita’s trip. Therefore, these lines
Adelita used. do not serve as the best evidence for the answer to the
Choice A is incorrect because there is no evidence in previous question.
the passage that Adelita used the current of the North Choice C is incorrect because in lines 58-60 the author
Atlantic gyre to navigate her 9,000-mile journey. The notes that loggerhead turtles “in the wild” may make
passage does discuss the North Atlantic gyre but only use of “landmarks like the position of the sea, sun
as the place where loggerhead turtle hatchlings “born and stars” but does not indicate that Adelita used
off the sea coast of Florida spend their early lives” such landmarks to navigate her 9,000-mile journey.
(lines 27-28). Therefore, these lines do not serve as the best evidence
Choice B is incorrect because there is no evidence for the answer to the previous question.
in the passage that Adelita navigated her 9,000-mile
journey with the aid of cues from electromagnetic coils 7
designed by Putman and Lohmann. The passage does
say that Putman and Lohmann use electromagnetic
As used in line 3, “tracked” most nearly means
coils as part of their research on loggerhead turtles, but A) searched for.
the coils are part of tanks used in a laboratory to study B) traveled over.
loggerhead hatchlings (see lines 16-19).
C) followed.
Choice D is incorrect because there is no evidence
in the passage that Adelita navigated her 9,000- D) hunted.
mile journey with the aid of a simulated “magnetic
signature” configured by Lohmann. The passage Estimated Difficulty: Easy Key: C
does describe how Lohmann and Putman manipulate
magnetic fields as part of their research on loggerhead Choice C is the best answer because the context makes
turtle hatchlings (see, for example, lines 16-23), but clear that Nichols followed Adelita’s “epic journey with a
there is no indication that the two scientists used (or satellite tag” (line 4).
even could use) the kind of equipment necessary for
Choice A is incorrect because while “tracked”
this project outside of laboratory tanks or with Adelita
sometimes means “searched for,” it would make little
in the wild.
sense in context to say that Nichols searched for
Adelita’s “epic journey with a satellite tag” (line 4). It
is more reasonable to conclude from the passage that
Nichols knew about Adelita and her journey and used
a satellite tag to help follow it.
1 3
A) NO CHANGE To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 3
B) Chinese landscape artists should be placed
C) painters of Chinese landscapes A) where it is now.
D) artists B) before sentence 1.
C) after sentence 1.
Estimated Difficulty: Medium Key: A
D) after sentence 4.
Choice A is the best answer because it creates a Estimated Difficulty: Easy Key: C
comparison between like terms: “works” by Kingman
and “paintings by Chinese landscape artists.”
Choice C is the best answer because placing sentence 3
Choice B is incorrect because it creates a comparison after sentence 1 makes the paragraph most cohesive.
between unlike terms: “works” by Kingman and Sentence 3 refers to Kingman’s “interest” being “so
“Chinese landscape artists.” keen,” a continuation of the idea in sentence 1, which
Choice C is incorrect because it creates a comparison says that “Kingman was keenly interested in landscape
between unlike terms: “works” by Kingman and painting from an early age.”
“painters of Chinese landscapes.” Choice A is incorrect because leaving sentence 3
Choice D is incorrect because it creates a comparison where it is now creates a sequence of sentences that
between unlike terms: “works” by Kingman and lacks sufficient cohesion. Keeping sentence 3 in its
“artists.” current location disrupts the link between sentence 2
(which describes the concept of “school names” in
2 Hong Kong) and sentence 4 (which reveals that Dong
Kingman was the school name of Dong Moy Shu).
Choice B is incorrect because placing sentence 3
B) evacuated before sentence 1 creates a sequence of sentences
C) departed that lacks sufficient cohesion. Putting sentence 3 at
D) retired the beginning of the paragraph would offer a poor
introduction to the paragraph, in large part because
sentence 3 builds directly on a point made in
Estimated Difficulty: Hard Key: C
sentence 1.
Choice D is incorrect because placing sentence 3 after
Choice C is the best answer because “departed” is sentence 4 creates a sequence of sentences that lacks
the most contextually appropriate way to indicate that sufficient cohesion. Putting sentence 3 after sentence 4
Kingman had deviated from the tradition of Chinese would disrupt the link between sentence 4 (which
landscape painting in a number of ways. mentions that Dong Moy Shu was given the school
Choice A is incorrect because while “vacated” does name Dong Kingman) and sentence 5 (which explains
offer some sense of “leaving,” it would be awkward and what the two parts composing the name Kingman
unconventional to say that a person was vacating from a mean in Cantonese).
tradition in a number of ways.
Choice B is incorrect because while “evacuated” does
offer some sense of “leaving,” it would be awkward and
unconventional to say that a person was evacuating from
a tradition in a number of ways.
Choice D is incorrect because while “retired” does offer
some sense of “leaving,” it would be awkward and
unconventional to say that a person was retiring from a
tradition in a number of ways.
8 10
A) NO CHANGE The writer is considering deleting the underlined
B) planner’s job sentence. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?
C) planners job, A) Kept, because it provides supporting evidence
D) planners job about the benefits of walking.
B) Kept, because it provides an additional example
Estimated Difficulty: Easy Key: B of a community stakeholder with whom
transportation planners work.
Choice B is the best answer because it correctly uses C) Deleted, because it blurs the paragraph’s focus
an apostrophe to indicate possession and does not on the community stakeholders with whom
introduce any unnecessary punctuation.
transportation planners work.
Choice A is incorrect because while it correctly
indicates the possessive relationship between
D) Deleted, because it doesn’t provide specific
“transportation planner” and “job,” it introduces an examples of what the numerous benefits of
unnecessary comma after the word “job.” walking are.
Choice C is incorrect because it does not indicate
Estimated Difficulty: Medium Key: C
the possessive relationship between “transportation
planner” and “job” and because it introduces an
unnecessary comma after the word “job.” Choice C is the best answer because it identifies the
Choice D is incorrect because it does not indicate best reason the underlined sentence should not be
the possessive relationship between “transportation kept. At this point in the passage and the paragraph,
planner” and “job.” a general statement about the benefits of walking only
serves to interrupt the discussion of the community
9 stakeholders with whom transportation planners work.
Choice A is incorrect because the underlined sentence
A) NO CHANGE should not be kept. Although the sentence theoretically
B) For instance, provides supporting evidence about the benefits of
C) Furthermore, walking, the passage has not made a claim that needs
to be supported in this way, and including such a
D) Similarly, statement only serves to interrupt the discussion of
the community stakeholders with whom transportation
Estimated Difficulty: Medium Key: B planners work.
Choice B is incorrect because the underlined sentence
Choice B is the best answer because the transitional should not be kept. Although the American Heart
phrase “For instance” logically indicates that what Association could theoretically be an example of “other
follows provides an example related to the previous interested organizations” with which transportation
sentence. “Representatives from the local public health planners work, the sentence does not suggest that
department” is an example of the kinds of people with this is the case. Instead, the association is merely the
whom transportation planners work. source for the general statement about the benefits of
Choice A is incorrect because the transitional word walking, a statement that only serves to interrupt the
“Next” indicates sequence, which is not logical given discussion of the actual community stakeholders with
that what follows provides an example related to the whom transportation planners work.
previous sentence. Choice D is incorrect because although the underlined
Choice C is incorrect because the transitional word sentence should be deleted, it is not because the
“Furthermore” indicates addition, which is not logical sentence lacks specific examples of the numerous
given that what follows provides an example related to benefits of walking. Adding such examples would only
the previous sentence. serve to blur the focus of the paragraph further with
general factual information, as the paragraph’s main
Choice D is incorrect because the transitional word
purpose is to discuss the community stakeholders with
“Similarly” indicates comparison or likeness, which is
whom transportation planners work.
not logical given that what follows provides an example
related to the previous sentence.
11 12
A) NO CHANGE Which choice completes the sentence with accurate
B) People, who pursue careers in transportation data based on the graph?
planning, A) NO CHANGE
C) People who pursue careers, in transportation B) warning, however, that job growth in urban and
planning, regional planning will slow to 14 percent by 2020.
D) People who pursue careers in transportation C) predicting that employment of urban and
planning, regional planners will increase 16 percent
between 2010 and 2020.
Estimated Difficulty: Easy Key: A
D) indicating that 14 to 18 percent of urban and
regional planning positions will remain unfilled.
Choice A is the best answer because “who pursue
careers in transportation planning” is, in context, Estimated Difficulty: Hard Key: C
a restrictive clause that should not be set off with
punctuation. “Who pursue careers in transportation
planning” is essential information defining who the Choice C is the best answer because it completes the
“people” are. sentence with an accurate interpretation of data in the
graph. The graph displays projections of how much
Choice B is incorrect because it incorrectly sets off the
growth in employment there is expected to be between
restrictive clause “who pursue careers in transportation
2010 and 2020 for “social scientists and related
planning” with commas as though the clause were
workers,” for “urban and regional planners,” and in “all
nonrestrictive or not essential to defining who the
occupations” in the U.S. economy. According to the
“people” are.
graph, the employment of urban and regional planners
Choice C is incorrect because it incorrectly sets off is expected to increase 16 percent between 2010 and
the essential sentence element “in transportation 2020.
planning” with commas as though the phrase were
Choice A is incorrect because the data in the graph do
not essential to the meaning of the sentence. “In
not support the claim that 16 percent of new jobs in
transportation planning” is essential information
all occupations will be related to urban and regional
defining what the “careers” are.
Choice D is incorrect because it introduces an
Choice B is incorrect because the data in the graph do not
unnecessary comma after the word “planning,”
support the claim that job growth in urban and regional
incorrectly setting off the subject of the sentence
planning will slow to 14 percent by 2020.
(“people who pursue careers in transportation
planning”) from the predicate (“have a wide variety of Choice D is incorrect because the data in the graph do
educational backgrounds”). not support the claim that 14 to 18 percent of urban and
regional planning positions will remain unfilled.
The PSAT/NMSQT Math Test covers math practices, What the Math Test Measures
emphasizing problem solving, modeling, using tools
strategically, and using algebraic structure. The Fluency
questions test your ability to solve problems and use The Math Test is a chance to show that you:
appropriate approaches and tools strategically. Carry out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently,
and strategically.
Solve problems quickly by identifying and using the
Math Test Overview most efficient solution approaches.
The Math Test includes a portion that allows the use of a This might involve solving a problem by inspection,
calculator and a portion that does not. finding a shortcut, or reorganizing the information
Total questions: 48 (17 questions on the no-calculator you’ve been given.
portion; 31 questions on the calculator portion).
Conceptual Understanding
40 standard multiple-choice questions. You’ll demonstrate your grasp of math concepts,
8 student-produced response questions. operations, and relations. For instance, you might be
Time allotted for Math Test – No Calculator: 25 minutes; asked to make connections between properties of linear
time allotted for Math Test – Calculator: 45 minutes. equations, their graphs, and the contexts they represent.
Most math questions will be multiple choice, but However, using a calculator, like any tool, isn’t always
some—called student-produced responses—ask you the best way to solve a problem. The Math Test includes
to come up with the answer rather than select the some questions that it’s better not to use a calculator for,
answer. even though you’re allowed to. With these questions,
you’ll probably find that the structure of the problem or
Some parts of the test include several questions your reasoning skills will lead you to the answers more
about a single scenario.
Calculator Smarts
Bring your own calculator. You can’t share one.
Don’t bring a calculator you’ve never used before.
Bring one you know. Practice for the test using the
same calculator you’ll use on test day.
It may help to do scratch work in the test book. Get
your thoughts down before using your calculator.
Make sure your calculator is in good working order
with fresh batteries. The testing staff might not have
batteries or extra calculators. If your calculator fails
during testing and you have no backup, you can
complete the test without it. All questions can be
answered without a calculator.
Math Test
Turn to Section – No
3 of your Calculator
answer sheet to answer theQuestions
questions in this section.
For questions
For questions 1-13,
eachproblem, choose
problem, the best
choose the answer from the
best answer choices
from provided,
the choices provided, and fill in the
and fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 14-17,
corresponding bubble on your answer sheet. For questions 5-6, solve the problem solve the and enter your answer
problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the
in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 5 on how to enter your
directions before question 14 on how to enter your answers in the grid. You may use any
answers in the grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.
available space in your test booklet for scratch work.
1.1. The use
calculator is not
is not permitted.
3.3. Figures
Figures provided
this test
this areare
test drawn to scale
drawn unless
to scale otherwise
unless indicated.
otherwise indicated.
4.4. All
All figures
lieinina aplane unless
plane otherwise
unless indicated.
otherwise indicated.
5.5. Unless
Unless otherwise
otherwiseindicated, thethe
indicated, domain of a given
domain function
of a given f is thef set
function of all
is the setreal
ofnumbers x for
all real numbers x for which f(x)
which f (x) is a real number.
is a real number.
r c 2x 60° s 45° s√2
w h b x
30° 45°
b a x√3 s
A = pr 2 A = w 1
A = bh c 2 = a2 + b 2 Special Right Triangles
C = 2pr
h r r h h
w r w
V = wh V = pr 2h 4
V = pr 3
V = pr 2h V = 1 wh
3 3 3
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The numberofofradians
The number degrees of in
of arc arca in a circle
circle is 2p. is 360.
The number
The sum of theofmeasures
radians in
arc in aof
circle is 2π. of a triangle is 180.
the angles
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.
1 2
5(k + 2) - 7 13 - (4 - k) 4x – y = 3y + 7
6 9 x + 8y = 4
In the equation above, what is the value of k? Based on the system of equations above, what is the
value of the product xy?
A) 9
A) – 3
B) 9 2
B) 1
C) 33 4
C) 1
D) 33 2
D) 11
Estimated Difficulty: Medium Key: B 9
Estimated Difficulty: Medium Key: C
Choice B is correct. Simplifying the numerators
5k + 3 9 + k Choice C is correct. There are several solution
yields = , and cross-multiplication gives methods possible, but all involve persevering in solving
6 9
9 for the two variables and calculating the product. For
45k + 27 = 54 + 6k. Solving for k yields k = 13 . example, combining like terms in the first equation
Choice A is incorrect. This value may result from not yields 4x – 4y = 7 and then multiplying that by 2
correctly applying the distributive property on the right- gives 8x – 8y = 14. When this transformed equation
hand side, resulting in the expression 13 – 4 − k in the is added to the second given equation, the y-terms are
numerator. Correctly applying the distributive property eliminated, leaving an equation in just one variable:
yields 13 – (4 – k) = 13 – 4 + k in the numerator. 9x = 18, or x = 2. Substituting 2 for x in the second
Choice C is incorrect. This value may result from not equation (one could use either to solve) yields
correctly applying the distributive property on the
2 + 8y = 4, which gives y = 4 . Finally, the product xy
left-hand side, resulting in the expression 5k + 2 – 7. 1 1
Correctly applying the distributive property yields is 2 ¥ = .
4 2
5(k + 2) – 7 = 5k + 3 in the numerator. Choice A is incorrect. Students who select this
Choice D is incorrect. This value may result from option have most likely made a calculation error in
not using the appropriate order of operations when transforming the second equation
simplifying either numerator. (using –4x – 8y = –16 instead of –4x – 32y = –16)
and used it to eliminate the x-terms.
Choice B is incorrect. This is the value of y for the
solution of the system, but it has not been put back into
the system to solve for x to determine the product xy.
Choice D is incorrect. Not understanding how to
eliminate a variable when solving a system, a
student may have added the equations.
4x – 4y = 7 and x + 8y = 4 to yield 5x + 4y = 11. From
here, a student may mistakenly simplify the left-hand
side of this resulting equation to yield
9xy = 11 and then proceed to use division by 9
on both sides in order to solve for xy.
Choice B is correct. From the description given, is the Choice C is correct. The equation y = (2x – 4) (x – 4)
portion of the job that the two printers, working together, can be written in vertex form, y = a(x – h)2 + k,
can complete in one hour, and each term in the sum on to display the vertex, (h, k), of the parabola.
1 To put the equation in vertex form, first multiply:
the left side is the part of this of the job that one of the
5 (2x – 4)(x – 4) = 2x2 – 8x – 4x + 16. Then, add like terms,
printers contributes. Since one of the printers is twice as 2x2 – 8x – 4x + 16 = 2x2 – 12x + 16. The next step is
2 completing the square.
fast as the other, describes the portion of the job that
x 1
the faster printer is able to complete in one hour and
x y = 2x2 – 12x + 16
describes the portion of the job that the slower printer is
y = 2(x2 – 6x) + 16 Isolate the x2 term by
able to complete in one hour. factoring.
Choice A is incorrect. The student may have not
y = 2(x2 – 6x + 9 – 9) + 16 Make a perfect square in
seen that in this context, the rates (that is, the work
the parentheses.
completed in a fixed time) of the printers can be added
to get the combined rate, but the times it takes each y = 2(x2 – 6x + 9) – 18 + 16 Move the extra term out
printer to complete the job cannot be added to get the
of the parentheses.
time for both printers working together, since the time
for printers working together is less than, not greater y = 2(x – 3)2 – 18 + 16 Factor inside the
than, the times for each printer alone. Hence the terms
in the sum cannot refer to hours worked. In fact, the
time it would take the slower printer to complete the y = 2(x – 3)2 – 2 Simplify the remaining
whole job is x hours. terms.
Choice C is incorrect. The student may have seen Therefore, the coordinates of the vertex, (3, –2), are
1 is the smaller term in the sum, wrongly both revealed only in choice C. Since you are told that
x all of the equations are equivalent, simply knowing
concluded that the smaller term must apply to the form that displays the coordinates of the vertex
the faster printer, and then assumed the 2 in the will save all of these steps—this is known as “seeing
numerator of the second term implies the equation structure in the expression or equation.”
describes work completed in 2 hours. In fact, the
portion of the job that the faster printer could
complete in 2 hours is ( 2 ) ( x2 ) = x4 .
28 2022 PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide
5. Mixed numbers such as 3 must be gridded as Answer: 201– either position is correct
31 / 2 may start your
3.5 or 7/2. (If is entered into the grid, it answers in any
column, space
31 1 permitting.
will be interpreted as , not 3 .) Columns you
2 2
don’t need to
use should be
6. Decimal answers: If you obtain a decimal answer left blank.
with more digits than the grid can accommodate,
it may be either rounded or truncated, but it must
fill the entire grid.
5 6
1 1 x2 + y2 – 6x + 8y = 144
If 2 x + 3 y = 4, what is the value of 3x + 2y?
The equation of a circle in the xy-plane is shown
Estimated Difficulty: Medium Key: 24 above. What is the diameter of the circle?
Using the structure of the equation allows you to Estimated Difficulty: Hard Key: 26
quickly solve the problem if you see that multiplying
both sides of the equation by 6 clears the fractions and Completing the square yields the equation
yields 3x + 2y = 24. (x – 3)2 + (y + 4)2 = 169, the standard form of an
equation of the circle. Understanding this form results
in the equation r 2 = 169, which when solved for r gives
the value of the radius as 13. The diameter is twice the
value of the radius; therefore, the diameter is 26.
Math Test
Turn to Section – Calculator
3 of your Questions
answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
For questions 1-13,
For questions 1-5,solve
problem,choose the best
choose answer
the best from the
answer choices
from provided,
the choices provided, and fill in the
and fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions
corresponding bubble on your answer sheet. For question 6, solve the problem 14-17, solve the and enter your answer in the grid
problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the
on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 5 on page 29 on how to enter your answers
directions before question 14 on how to enter your answers in the grid. You may use any
the grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.
space in your test booklet for scratch work.
1.1. The useofofaacalculator
The use calculator is permitted.
is not permitted.
3.3. Figures
Figures provided
this test
this areare
test drawn to scale
drawn unless
to scale otherwise
unless indicated.
otherwise indicated.
4.4. All
All figures
lieinina aplane unless
plane otherwise
unless indicated.
otherwise indicated.
5.5. Unless
Unless otherwise
otherwiseindicated, thethe
indicated, domain of a given
domain function
of a given f is thef set
function of all
is the setreal
ofnumbers x for
all real numbers x for which f(x) is a
which f (x) is a real number.
real number.
r c 2x 60° s 45° s√2
w h b x
30° 45°
b a x√3 s
A = pr 2 A = w 1
A = bh c 2 = a2 + b 2 Special Right Triangles
C = 2pr
h r r h h
w r w
V = wh V = pr 2h 4
V = pr 3
V = pr 2h V = 1 wh
3 3 3
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2p.
The number
sum of radians
of the measures of arc inofa the
in degrees circle is 2π.
angles of a triangle is 180.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.
1 2
Aaron is staying at a hotel that charges $99.95 per Bacteria Growth
night plus tax for a room. A tax of 8% is applied to 10
the room rate, and an additional onetime untaxed Dish 1
Estimated Difficulty: Easy Key: B A researcher places two colonies of bacteria into
two petri dishes that each have an area of 10 square
Choice B is correct. The total charge that Aaron will centimeters. After the initial placement of the bacteria
pay is the room rate, the 8% tax on the room rate, and a (t = 0), the researcher measures and records the
fixed fee. If Aaron stayed x nights, then the total charge area covered by the bacteria in each dish every ten
is (99.95x + 0.08 × 99.95x) + 5, which can be rewritten
as 1.08(99.95x) + 5.
minutes. The data for each dish were fit by a smooth
curve, as shown in the graph, where each curve
Choice A is incorrect. The expression includes only
one night’s stay in the room and does not accurately represents the area of a dish covered by bacteria as a
account for tax on the room. function of time, in hours. Which of the following is a
Choice C is incorrect. The expression includes tax correct statement about the data above?
on the fee, and the hotel does not charge tax on the A) At time t = 0, both dishes are 100% covered
$5.00 fee. by bacteria.
Choice D is incorrect. The expression includes tax on B) At time t = 0, bacteria covers 10% of Dish 1 and
the fee and a fee charge for each night.
20% of Dish 2.
C) At time t = 0, Dish 2 is covered with 50% more
bacteria than Dish 1.
D) For the first hour, the area covered in Dish 2 is
increasing at a higher average rate than the area
covered in Dish 1.
( 11 +- kk )x
the following could be the graph of y – x = k(x + y)
in the xy-plane? to solve for y gives y = , revealing that
Choice C is incorrect. This answer may reflect the Choice B is incorrect. If you selected this answer, you
misconception that a system of equations has as many may have made a sign error while subtracting partial
solutions as the number of equations in the system. quotients in the long division.
Choice D is incorrect. This answer may reflect the Choice C is incorrect. If you selected this answer, you
misconception that the solutions of the system are may have misunderstood how to work with fractions
represented by the points where any two of the curves and may have tried the incorrect calculation
intersect, rather than the correct concept that the
solutions are represented only by the points where all 4x 2
( )
(1) 4x 2
+ 4x 2 .
three curves intersect. 2x - 1 2x - 1 2x - 1
Choice D is incorrect. If you selected this answer, you
5 may have misunderstood how to work with fractions
4x 2 and may have tried the incorrect calculation
If the expression is written in the equivalent
2x - 1
1 4x 2 1 + 4x 2 - 1 1
form 2x - 1 + A, what is A in terms of x? = = + 4x 2 - 1.
2x - 1 2x - 1 2x - 1
A) 2x + 1
B) 2x – 1
Student-Produced Response
C) 4x2
Math Question
D) 4x2 − 1
For question 6, solve the problem and enter your answer
Estimated Difficulty: Hard Key: A in the grid, as described on page 29 of this guide.
Section 2. Prohibited Behaviors · Deliberately attempt to and/or take the test for someone
else or attempt to have someone else impersonate you
You may not engage in the prohibited behaviors
to take the test
set forth below:
· Attempt to cheat or otherwise obtain an unfair · Deliberately create fake or multiple College Board
student accounts
advantage on the PSAT/NMSQT
· Remove or attempt to remove any test questions or · Provide false information to College Board
responses or any notes from the testing room, including · Disturb others
through memorization, give them to anyone else, or · Consume food or drink in unauthorized areas
discuss them with anyone else through any means,
· Exhibit or engage in confrontational, threatening, or
including, but not limited to, email, text messages, or
unruly behavior, conduct, or communication toward or
the internet
concerning any test taker, test administrator, proctor,
· At any time, improperly access the test area, the test (or employee of College Board or College Board contractor
any part of the test), an answer key, or any information
· Allow an alarm or a personal item to sound in the
about the test
testing room
· Refer to, look through, or work on a test section in the
· Fail to follow any of the test administration rules set
test book or answer sheet, other than during the testing
forth in these Terms and Conditions or directions given
period for that test section
by the testing staff
· Refer to, or look through, any test section while leaving
the answer sheet blank Section 3. Score Cancellation and
· Attempt to give or receive assistance, including by
Disciplinary Measures
copying or through the use of an answer key
a. Score Cancellation and Disciplinary Measures. In the
· Discuss or share information about the test including event that College Board and/or its contractors determine
questions, answers, identifying information about that your scores are invalid under Section 3(b) below,
the version or form of a test, or any other information or you have engaged in Misconduct under Section 3(c)
that might compromise the security of the test at any below, we may, in our sole discretion, take 1 or more of the
time (including before the test, during the test, during following measures (“Measures”): deny you entry to a test
breaks, or after the test) administration, dismiss you from the test, decline to score
· Communicate with other test takers or other individuals your test, cancel your scores, ban you from taking future
in any form while testing is in session College Board assessments (including without limitation
· Allow anyone to see the test questions or your answers the SAT®, Advanced Placement® (AP®) and CLEP®
or attempt to see or copy others’ test questions or Exams), and/or share information with others as set forth
answers in Section 3(f) below.
· Consult notes, other people, electronic devices, b. Invalid Scores. We may cancel your scores and/or take any
textbooks, or any other resources during the test or of the other Measures described above, if after following the
during breaks procedures set forth in this section, we determine, in our
sole discretion, that there is substantial evidence that your
· Have subject-related information on your clothing,
scores are invalid (“Invalid Scores”). Examples of evidence
shoes, or body
of Invalid Scores include, without limitation, discrepant
· Use or access any prohibited items including devices handwriting, unusual answer patterns, or other evidence
or aids such as, but not limited to, mobile phones, that indicates these Terms and Conditions have been
smartwatches, fitness trackers, other oral or written violated. Before canceling your scores under this Invalid
communication devices or wearable technology, Scores section, we will notify you in writing (via email if an
cameras, notes and reference books, etc., during or in email address is available) and offer you 3 options: voluntary
connection with the test, including during breaks score cancellation, a free retest under closely monitored
· Fail to turn in or store away a mobile phone in conditions (during the following 2 administrations after such
accordance with the testing staff’s collection process review), or an opportunity to submit additional information
and request a further review by a College Board panel. If
· Share a calculator with another person
you opt for a further review by a College Board panel, and it
· Use a calculator on any test section other than the Math confirms, in its sole discretion, that your scores are invalid,
with Calculator section unless approved by College we will offer you 3 options: voluntary score cancellation, a
Board as an accommodation free retest under closely monitored conditions (during the
· Use a prohibited calculator following 2 administrations after such review), or arbitration.
· Leave the testing room without permission and prior to This process is referred to as the “Score Validity Process.”
the conclusion of all sections of the test Additional information about security measures and
consequences of violating security policies is set forth in
· Go to a locker or leave the building at any time during The arbitration option is available
the test administration, including during breaks
only for tests administered in the United States and U.S.
c. Misconduct. Notwithstanding Section 3(b) above, if we e. Test Taker Reporting Violations or Suspicious
determine, in our sole discretion, that there is overwhelming Behavior. You may confidentially report any suspected
evidence that you violated these Terms and Conditions violation of the PSAT/NMSQT Terms and Conditions, or
(“Misconduct”), the Score Validity Process will not apply, any suspicion concerning the security of PSAT/NMSQT
and we may cancel your scores and/or take any of the test administration, by immediately reporting this
Measures described above. Examples of Misconduct might information to College Board by emailing us at
include overwhelming evidence that you used or attempted [email protected].
to use an answer key or mobile phone. Misconduct may be f. College Board Sharing Information with Third
established in various ways including, without limitation, Parties. We may share the results of test security
through observations during an administration or by investigations (including without limitation those relating
evidence discovered afterward. If your scores are canceled to Misconduct and Invalid Scores described above and
due to Misconduct, you will forfeit test and registration fees. other disciplinary-related information), with third parties,
d. Testing Irregularities. We may cancel your scores if including with your school, any score recipient, college,
we determine, in our sole discretion, that any testing higher education institution or agency, scholarship
irregularity occurred (collectively “Testing Irregularities”). organization, potential score recipient, government
Examples of Testing Irregularities include problems, agency in the United States or abroad, parents, legal
irregular circumstances, or events associated with the guardians, or law enforcement. College Board may also
administration of a test that may affect 1 test taker or share such information with third parties that have a
groups of test takers. Such problems include, without legitimate reason for knowing the information or who
limitation, administrative errors (e.g., improper timing, may be able to assist College Board in its investigation or
improper seating, improper admission to a testing site, who may be conducting their own investigation. College
providing accommodations not approved by College Board, Board may respond to inquiries from any institution to
defective materials, and defective equipment), evidence which you submitted a score. If you publicize any review,
of possible preknowledge of secure test content, and investigation, or decision of College Board, College Board
disruptions of test administrations caused by events such may make any and all details of such matter public.
as natural disasters, epidemics or pandemics, wars, riots,
civil disturbances, or other emergencies. When Testing Section 4. Privacy
Irregularities occur, we may cancel an entire administration a. Privacy Policies. College Board recognizes the importance
or individual registrations, decline to score all or part of the of protecting your privacy. Our privacy policies located
test, or cancel scores. We may do this regardless of whether at (“Privacy Policies”)
or not you caused the Testing Irregularities, benefited from are part of these Terms and Conditions. You consent to
them, or violated these Terms and Conditions. We may, in collection, use, and disclosure by College Board of your
our sole discretion, give you the opportunity to take the test personally identifiable information described in the Privacy
again within a reasonable time frame, and without charge. Policies and in these Terms and Conditions. College Board
This is the sole remedy that may be available to you as a may update its Privacy Policies from time to time, and they
result of Testing Irregularities. You may not review scores are subject to change up to 1 week prior to your test date
from an affected administration before choosing the option and any subsequent test dates. You are required to review
of taking a makeup test. the Privacy Policies located at
In some instances, scores may be issued for guidance center prior to each test administration.
purposes only. This means that the test was not b. Voluntary Student Search Service™. If you decide
administered in accordance with testing policies to opt in to our voluntary Student Search Service
described in the PSAT/NMSQT Coordinator Manual. (“Student Search Service”), then:
Therefore, the resulting scores cannot be considered for · We will share information about you that you provide
some scholarship competitions. When scores are provided to College Board (including without limitation your
for guidance purposes only, a message will appear below personally identifiable information, score ranges,
the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC®) questionnaire responses, and information you provide
Selection Index score on your score report directing you on the college planning website of College Board) with
to follow up with the test coordinator at your school to participating accredited colleges, universities, nonprofit
learn more about the reason for the “guidance purposes scholarship programs, and nonprofit educational
only” report. Students who are otherwise eligible and who organizations (“Education Organizations”). If you
are interested in entering the National Merit® Scholarship opt in to Student Search Service, we may share
Program should turn to page 7 of the National Merit information you provided prior to and after opting in
Scholarship Program section of this guide to learn how to Student Search Service, but we will not share any
to request information about another route of entry to the information until you opt in.
2024 competition. College Board will forward all reports
· Education Organizations may use this information to send
of misconduct or testing irregularities to NMSC, which you, or your parent, email and postal mail with information
reserves the right to make its own independent judgment about educational, financial aid, and scholarship
about a student’s participation in the National Merit opportunities. Being contacted by Education Organizations
Scholarship Program. doesn’t mean you have been admitted. You must submit an
application to be considered for admission.
· Education Organizations pay a license fee to d. College Board or its designee may use methods to capture
College Board to license (use) your information. images, video, or audio at any or all testing sites to help
College Board uses these license fees to help support ensure test security. The resulting images or recordings,
its mission-driven work. Students do not pay a fee for which may permit College Board to identify specific
Student Search Service. individuals, may be collected, stored, reviewed, and used
· Education Organizations may only use your information for the purposes of (i) identifying, collecting evidence
for the purpose of sending you information about the of, and/or investigating possible PSAT/NMSQT test
opportunities they provide. They (i) may not share your security incidents; and (ii) enhancing PSAT/NMSQT test
information with others except to their contractors such security. These images and/or recordings are maintained
as direct mail service providers, and (ii) may only keep following the test administration for as long as reasonably
your information for a limited time period. necessary for the purposes specified. Thereafter, the
images and recordings are securely destroyed. College
· Opt-out: You can opt out of Student Search Service
at any time at Board will not use or disclose such information except
or by contacting us at SearchCustomerService@ as described earlier in this section, as requested by law or 866-825-8051. enforcement, and/or as reasonably necessary to protect
the rights and property of College Board or third parties.
· More information on Student Search Service is available
at e. College Board occasionally pretests new questions
to determine if they should be included in a future
c. Educational Reporting. We send your scores, data
PSAT/NMSQT. These questions may appear in any of
derived from your scores, and other information you
the test sections, and testing time will be appropriately
provide during testing to your school and district. In
extended so you have time to answer them. They will not
addition, your scores may be sent to your state for
be included in computing your scores. Scored test items
educational, diagnostic, and/or reporting purposes.
(questions) and entire test forms may be used in more
(Homeschooled students’ scores won’t be shared with the
than 1 test administration.
school that administers the test.)
d. National Merit Scholarship Program. We send your f. After the PSAT/NMSQT, we may send you an email
scores and other information you provide during testing invitation requesting you to participate in a test
to our cosponsor, National Merit Scholarship Corporation experience survey or to answer sample test questions. If
(“Cosponsor” or NMSC) for it to consider your eligibility you provide us with an email address, you may receive an
for its National Merit Scholarship Program in invitation via email. Participation is optional and will not
accordance with the PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide and affect your scores. NMSC may in turn share your g. College Board takes steps to ensure that answer sheets
name, address, and birth date with your high school if are properly handled and scored. In the unlikely event of
you qualify for entrance to the National Merit Scholarship a problem with shipping or processing answer sheets, or
Program. score reports, or with scoring the test, or score reporting,
College Board will correct the error, if possible, and may
Section 5. Miscellaneous schedule a makeup test for impacted test takers. This is
a. In the event of a test security related concern, public your sole remedy in relation to such issues. College Board
health threat including without limitation an epidemic or has sole discretion in determining whether to score lost
pandemic, natural disaster, terrorist act, civil unrest, or answer sheets that are eventually recovered.
other unexpected events or circumstances, College Board h. All personal property brought into the testing site, such as
may cancel testing for all or a specific group of test takers. purses, bags, backpacks, mobile phones, and calculators
When this occurs your school or testing location will work and other electronic devices, may be subject to search at
with College Board to request an alternate test date or the discretion of College Board and testing staff. College
provide other options for testing if feasible. Board and testing staff may confiscate and retain for a
b. To ensure the integrity of the PSAT/NMSQT, for security reasonable period of time any personal property suspected
reasons, or for other reasons in our sole discretion, of having been used, or capable of being used, in violation
College Board reserves the right to bar any individual or of our test security and fairness policies, for further
group of individuals from registering for and/or taking any investigation.
College Board assessment. i. College Board and the testing site will not be responsible
c. If College Board becomes aware that you or someone for personal property, including prohibited items, brought
else may be in imminent danger, we reserve the right to to the testing site on test day that becomes lost, stolen, or
contact the appropriate individuals or agencies, including damaged.
your parents, guardians, high school, or law enforcement j. Each College Board contractor and Cosponsor is a third-
agencies. party beneficiary and is entitled to the rights and benefits
under this Agreement and may enforce the provisions of
this Agreement as if it were a party to this Agreement.
· If the arbitrator finds that College Board did not act Section 11. Severability
in good faith in deciding to cancel your scores, your
If any provision or part of this Agreement is held to be
scores will not be canceled (or they will be reinstated, if
invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions
will nevertheless continue in full force without being
· All other disputes with College Board will be resolved impaired or invalidated in any way, and, to the extent
solely by the General Arbitration Rules in Section 8(a) possible, the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision shall
above. be modified so that it is valid, legal, and enforceable and, to
c. Notwithstanding the foregoing arbitration provisions in the fullest extent, reflects the intention of the parties.
Sections 8(a) and 8(b) above, either party may take a claim
to small claims court instead of arbitration if the party’s Section 12. Restricted Registrations
claim is within the jurisdiction of the small claims court, College Board, along with our service providers overseas, is
as permitted in the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules. If subject to U.S. economic sanctions, laws, and regulations
either party institutes an action in small claims court, and is prohibited from providing testing services to,
you and College Board agree to accept the findings of or accepting registrations from, persons residing in
the small claims court as a final resolution of the parties’ certain areas or designated by the U.S. government as
dispute and not to appeal the small claims court’s decision Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons
or pursue any other claim (including a claim asserted in (collectively, “Sanctioned Persons”), unless specifically
arbitration) relating to that dispute. licensed or otherwise authorized by the U.S. government.
If a Sanctioned Person attempts to register despite
Section 9. Venue and Waiver of U.S. sanctions that prohibit College Board from doing
business with such Sanctioned Person, College Board or
Jury Trial
a U.S. financial institution may block the registration or
All disputes arising from or related to these Terms and
payments submitted by or for such Sanctioned Persons.
Conditions that are not subject to arbitration under
If payment is not blocked, College Board is required to
Section 8 shall be resolved exclusively in the state and
cancel the registration and may not be able to refund the
federal courts located in New York County, New York State,
payment. Please contact PSAT/NMSQT Customer Service
and each party to these Terms and Conditions irrevocably
at 866-433-7728 (+1-212-713-8105 internationally) or
consents to the jurisdiction of such courts. Each party
the website of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of
expressly waives any right to a jury trial in any lawsuit
Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to obtain the current list of
arising from or related to these Terms and Conditions.
sanctioned programs and Sanctioned Persons.