MS-0006 Storm Water Networks

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Project Client Consultant Contractor


Method Statement
Installation & Relocation of Stormwater
Drainage Network

Ref. BAS-MS-0004-00

Revision Date Prepared by Reviewed by Endorsed by Approved by Status

Basatin Basatin Sr. Project

QA/QC TE Manager

Document No. BAS-MS-0004 Rev.: Issue: Issued Date: Page No.

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Project Client Consultant Contractor

1. PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................... 4

2. SCOPE .............................................................................................................................. 4

3. LEGISLATION AND CODE OF PRACTICE .............................................................................. 4

4. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 5

5. DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................... 5

6. RESOURCE ........................................................................................................................ 6
6.1 MATERIAL AND THEIR APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERIES: ................................................................................................................ 6
6.3 SUBCONTRACTOR APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................ 7
6.4 SHOP DRAWING APPROVAL. ................................................................................................................................. 7

7. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................. 7
7.1 SR. PROJECT MANAGER ...................................................................................................................................... 7
7.2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS AND PROJECT ENGINEERS.............................................................................................. 7
7.3 TECHNICAL ENGINEER ......................................................................................................................................... 8
7.4 QA/QC ENGINEER............................................................................................................................................. 8
7.5 SITE ENGINEER .................................................................................................................................................. 8
7.6 QUANTITY SURVEYOR ......................................................................................................................................... 8
7.7 HSE MANAGER ................................................................................................................................................. 9
7.8 HEALTH SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER (HSEE) ............................................................................................ 9
7.9 HSE OFFICER .................................................................................................................................................. 10
7.10 NURSE/FIRST AID STAFF ................................................................................................................................. 10
7.11 SURVEYOR .................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.12 SITE SUPERVISORS .......................................................................................................................................... 11
7.13 FOREMAN .................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.14 DOCUMENT CONTROLLER ................................................................................................................................ 11

8. DETAILED METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................. 12
8.1 PREPARATION OF WORK: .................................................................................................................................. 12
8.2 EXCAVATION COMPACTION AND BEDDING WORKS: ................................................................................................ 13
8.3 CONSTRUCTION OF CHAMBER BASE SLAB, WALL, AND COVER SLAB: CAST-IN-SITU ..................................................... 15
8.4 CONSTRUCTION, ERRECTION OF PRE-CAST CHAMBER: ............................................................................................ 16
8.5 FINISHES OF INSPECTION CHAMBERS:................................................................................................................... 16
8.6 GRP PIPES INSTALLATION: ............................................................................................................................... 17
8.7 UPVC PIPE INSTALLATION: (IF REQUIRED) ............................................................................................................ 18
8.8 STORMWATER GULLY INSTALLATION .........................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
8.9 WARNING TAPE INSTALLATION, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION: ............................................................................. 19

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Project Client Consultant Contractor

9. INSPECTION AND TEST PROCEDURE ................................................................................ 20

9.1 INSPECTION PROCEDURE: .................................................................................................................................. 20
9.2 TEST PROCEDURES: .......................................................................................................................................... 20

10. HSEW REQUIREMENTS: .................................................................................................. 21

10.1 HEALTH SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: ...................................................................................................................... 21
10.2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................ 22
10.3 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: .................................................................................................................... 22
10.4 HOUSEKEEPING ............................................................................................................................................. 22

11. INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN (ITP) ............................................................................. 23

12. RECORDS: ....................................................................................................................... 23

13. DISTRIBUTION: - ............................................................................................................. 23

14. ATTACHMENT ................................................................................................................ 23

14.1 INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN (ITP) ................................................................................................................ 23
14.2 INSPECTION CHECK LIST (ICL)........................................................................................................................... 23
14.3 RISK ASSESSMENT (RA) .................................................................................................................................. 23

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Project Client Consultant Contractor

This method statement is applicable for defining the sequential procedures, ensuring the safe
execution of Installation of Stormwater Networks in the project. It adheres to contract requirements,
incorporates hazard and safety precautions, and systematically conducts Quality Assurance/Quality
Control activities, with thorough inspection and documentation of the work.

This method statement pertains to the Installation Stormwater Network outlined in the project,
encompassing the following:

1. Excavation Compaction and Bedding Works

2. Casting of Blinding
3. Construction of Chamber Base Slab, Wall, and Cover Slab: Cast-In-Situ
4. Construction, Errection of Pre-Cast Chamber
5. Finishes of Inspection Chambers
6. GRP Pipes Installation
7. UPVC Pipe Installation (If required)
8. Stormwater Gully Installation
9. Inspection and Test Procedure
10. Backfilling & Compaction


1. Al Ain City Municipality (AACM) Regulations and Guidelines.
2. Standard Specification- ADM Landscape and Public Realm by Department of Municipalities and
Transport (DMT), Abu Dhabi City Municipality.
3. ADQCC: Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council
4. All applicable Local Regulatory Authority requirements and regulations.
5. UAE Labor Code of Practices.
5.1. OSHAD SF - CoP - 02.0 - Personal Protective Equipment
5.2. OSHAD SF - CoP - 03.0 - Occupational Noise
5.3. OSHAD SF - CoP - 03.1 - Vibration
5.4. OSHAD SF - CoP - 04.0 - First Aid and Medical Treatment
5.5. OSHAD SF - CoP - 08.0 - General Workplace Amenities
5.6. OSHAD SF - CoP - 09.0 - Workplace Wellness
5.7. OSHAD SF - CoP - 11.0 - Safety in the Heat
5.8. OSHAD SF - CoP - 14.0 - Manual Handling and Ergonomics
5.9. OSHAD SF - CoP - 17.0 - Safety Signage and Signals
5.10. OSHAD SF - CoP - 21.0 - Permit to Work
5.11. OSHAD SF - CoP - 22.0 - Barricading of Hazards
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Project Client Consultant Contractor

5.12. OSHAD SF - CoP - 25.0 – Driver Fatigue Prevention

5.13. OSHAD SF - CoP - 29.0 –Excavation
5.14. OSHAD SF - CoP - 36.0 - Plant and Equipment
5.15. OSHAD SF - CoP - 51.0 - Powered Lift Trucks
5.16. OSHAD SF - CoP - 53.0 - OSH Management During Construction Work
5.17. OSHAD SF - CoP - 54.0 - Waste Management

1. Project Specifications
2. IFC Drawing and Shop Drawings.
3. Material Approvals / Manufacturer Recommendation
4. BOQ
5. Approved Project Quality Plan
6. Approved HSE Plan
7. No Objection Certificate
8. Permit to work.

Definitions used within this document is detailed within the text shall have the meanings indicated
below unless otherwise clearly indicated by context of the use.

1. Project :
2. Employer :
3. Engineer :
4. Contractor : Basatin Landscaping LLC
5. PQP : Project Quality Plan.
6. MS : Method Statement.
7. ITP : Inspection & Test Plan.
8. RA : Risk Assessment
9. ITL : Independent Testing Laboratory.
10. WIR : Work Inspection Request.
11. MIR : Material Inspection Request.
12. HSEW : Health, Safety, Environment and Welfare.
13. IFC : Issued for Construction.
14. SD : Shop Drawing.

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6.1 Material and their approval
All materials used on site have to be approved prior to starting any work. The following list is a
summary of key materials to be used for the activities.

List of Materials:
1. Steel reinforcements / Formworks / Concrete,
2. Backfilling Material. (Excavated and prepared for backfill / Imported material & normal sand
3. Bedding Material.
4. Detectable Marking Tape
5. GRP Pipes & Fittings.
6. uPVC Pipes & fittings
7. Water proofing membrane / Bitumen coating
8. Hand Bar and Safety steps
9. Cast Iron chamber cover.
10. 1000-gauge polyethylene sheet.
11. Warning Tape
12. Lubricant
13. Test Plugs
14. Testing Equipment

6.2 Tools, Equipment and Machineries:

1. Measuring Tape
2. Mason trowel & Plumb bob
3. Hand gloves, nose mask & safety goggles.
4. Straight edge (Aluminum Box section)
5. Surveying Instruments (Total station and Auto level).
6. Compactor, Rolling Compactor and jumper compactor, plate compactor.
7. Boom Loader (Forklift), Mobile Crane 25 tone.
8. Earth work Equipment’s (Excavator, JCB & Dump trucks etc.)
9. Standard shuttering materials
10. Roller / brush
11. Torch for hot application of waterproofing membrane.
12. Drill machine.
13. Welding knife for joining water stopper.
14. Generator -20 KVA.
15. Chain Cutter
16. P-ring Spigot end seal
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6.3 Subcontractor approval

External organization, executing part works on behalf of contractor, based on a specified (sub)
contract with approved prequalification.

6.4 Shop drawing approval.

The shop drawings will be prepared based on the issued contract drawings, which will include all
necessary additional information and details to enable proper execution of the works. Shop
drawings submittals are to be complete with respect to dimensions, design criteria, materials,
connections, bases, foundations, anchors, etc. and will be accompanied by technical and
performance data (as necessary) to fully illustrate the information in the drawings.

7.1 Sr. Project Manager
 Direct all construction operations, responsible for skilled person and staff members, while
responsible for direction, leadership, and control.
 Responsible for strategic planning.
 Responsible for cost control and budget to avoid overruns.
 Create and manage the master construction schedule for more than one project.
 All operational issues, involving, people, skills, plant, financial.
 Responsible for effectiveness, and efficiency of staff, plant, materials, logistics, Procurement,
subcontractor, management.
 Client relationship & Staff relationships, grading, training, recruitment, and terminators.
 Coordinates all facets of construction to ensure overall performance, with regards to budget,
planning, technical, and value engineering.
 Manage staff development and ensure performance standards.
 Ensure efficient use of human resources, and grading of staff, to increase or decrease current
 Mange subcontractor performance.
 Responsible for site cost implementation records and monitoring of set budget.
 Ensure QA-QC Standards are set to be implemented and met.
 Ensure HSE Standards are set, implemented, and met.
 Overall responsibility or site safety.

7.2 Construction Managers and Project Engineers

 Implement and maintain a successful completion of the work.
 Communicate this Method Statement to his subordinates.
 Provide his subordinates with the information they need to carry out their responsibilities.
 Enforce the application of this document once it is approved.
 Stop all unsafe work activities.
 Ensure the Health and Safety of the personnel on the site.
 Ensure that the requirements of the Project Specifications and relevant ITP are followed and
implemented during construction.
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 He shall coordinate with Engineer / Employer authorities and arrange the necessary arrangements
and to ensure that proper control measures are enforced for performing the activities as per
Engineer / Employer expectations.

7.3 Technical Engineer

 Check tolerance, dimensions, and fabrication feasibility of designs and works with Engineers to
resolve problem.
 Adjust current drawings and recommend changes based on their understanding and knowledge of
the project.
 Follow project schedules and meet project due dates.
 Meet all project specifications and formatting within the company principles.
 Work closely to Project managers and project engineers to make sure that the design is precise,
also to ensure and that contract responsibilities are met.
 Review and interpret Client specifications.

7.4 QA/QC Engineer

 Maintain all quality records properly documented.
 Conduct inspections and monitor the required tests.
 Determining and reporting any non-conformance to the QC Manager.
 Checking compatibility between production processes, test procedures and the applicable
documentation through review and circulation of the technical and administration document
related to the various activities.
 Ensuring all personnel are fully aware of all the quality requirements and application for all quality
documents as relevant to their discipline.
 Ensuring appropriate supervision for all work activities enabling quality related operations to be
effectively covered.
 Coordinate with the Independent Testing laboratory representative so that all test is carried out as
required by specification and records as per the Quality Control Plan.
 Stop all unsafe and substandard work activities.

7.5 Site Engineer

 The Engineers are responsible for the implementation and execution of day-to-day activities in a
safe manner.
 He shall arrange the manpower, equipment and materials required for the implementation of
activities to meet the target schedule in quality and safe manner, coordination with HSE officers,
QC Engineers and progress the involved tasks in accordance with specifications, method statement
and approved Risk Assessment.
 He shall maintain project schedule by monitoring project progress, coordinating activities, resolving
 He shall raise WIRs as per approved ITPs.

7.6 Quantity Surveyor

 Price/forecast the cost of the varied materials needed for the project.
 Prepare tender documents, contracts, budget, bill of quantities and other documentation.
 Track changes to the design and/or construction work and adjusting budget projection accordingly.
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 Measure and value the work done on site.

7.7 HSE Manager

 Responsible for the Company's OSH implementation
 Liaise with Department Managers in implementation of OSH Management System and issues safety
directives accordingly.
 Monitors, reviews, and advises the Project Manager on OSH policies implementation and results of
the OSH audits.
 Makes sure OSH roles, responsibilities, policies, plans, and objectives are communicated to all
relevant personnel.
 Monitors OSH training requirements of personnel and coordinates in arranging internal and
external training.
 Receives client's latest OSH standards and procedures and advises the Project Manager to revise
Company procedures accordingly, if necessary.
 Preventing injury to personnel and damage to plant and equipment.
 Determine the cause of any accident or dangerous occurrence and recommend means of
preventing recurrence.
 Promote awareness of injury prevention and damage control to all levels of employees.
 Supervise the recording and analysis of information on injuries, damage, and loss, assess accident
trends and review overall safety performances.
 Keep up-to-date with recommended codes of practices and new safety literature; circulate
information applicable to each level of employee.

7.8 Health Safety & Environmental Engineer (HSEE)

 HSE Engineer coordinate with the Project Manager and Report to HSE Manager
 Prepare all site safety documents / reports and submit to Client / Consultant HSE Management.
 Investigate and advise on any legal requirements affecting safety, health, and welfare.
 Coordinates with the concerned project engineer for performing the task risk.
 assessment for the project activities as identified.
 Identify potential hazards on new contracts before and during the course of the works, notifying
the site safety organization of these and any additional fire precautions that may be required.
 Participate in the weekly/monthly HSE meeting.
 Assist accident /incident investigation.
 Conducts periodical inspection of facilities, machinery, vehicles, equipment, tools, tackle and
firefighting facilities at the project site to ensure that validity of them and to ensure the compliance
with the regulations.
 Collaborate and advise on any changes in legislation or client procedure to be conducted /
communicated by managing engineer and or supervisor.
 Monitor the action points at the site project and provides necessary advice to Engineers, Foreman,
and workers during the site inspection.
 Participates in the appropriate implementation and installation of the safety devices and
equipment at all locations, in coordination with the Project Engineer
 Prepare all site safety documents / reports and submit to Client / Consultant HSE Management.
 Conducts HSE induction training for all new project staff onsite as needed.
 Prepare Monthly HSE statistics.

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7.9 HSE Officer

 Ensure the pre-task meeting shall be conducted by engineer and or supervisor before starting the
day-to-day activities.
 Ensure that HSE related documents, procedures, forms, and checklist are in place to ready to use,
including risk assessment.
 Advise on the prevention of injury to personnel and on the prevention of damage to property, plant
& equipment, and other resources.
 Identify potential hazards on new contracts before and during the course of the works, notifying
the site safety organization of these and any additional fire precautions that may be required.
 Conduct safety meetings with site personnel and subcontractors.
 Foster safety awareness in all tradesmen and supervisors
 Investigate further improvement in existing safe working methods.
 Investigate and advise on any legal requirements affecting safety, health, and welfare.
 Ensure provision and use of protective clothing and equipment and its use.
 Ensure suitability from a safety viewpoint, of new and hired plant and equipment, and validity of
all appropriate test certificates.
 Determine the causes of any accidents or dangerous occurrences and recommend means of
preventing recurrence.
 Supervise the recording and analysis of information on injuries, damage, and production loss,
assess accident trends and review overall safety performances.
 Supervise the recording of all employees’ safety training records.
 Have absolute power to stop work on site if they consider a dangerous situation exists or could
exist and cannot be remedied immediately.
 Identify the training need and the competency factor of the site personnel.
 Conduct training as per program and maintain attendance records.
 Fully coordinate with internal and external auditors to carry out the audits.
 Initiate follow-up audit activities in order to verify audits and record the implementation and
effectiveness of corrective and preventive action taken.
 Report the result of internal site inspections, corrective and preventive actions and the overall
effectiveness of the system to the HSE Manager, with a copy to the concerned head of the section.
 To conduct site safety induction.
 Set a personal example.
 Implement the “No Smoking” rule at workplace.

7.10 Nurse/First Aid Staff

 Giving assistance in case of accidents.
 Instituting, filling-in and updating a sanitary file for each employee.
 Co-operating with site project manager and HSE Engineer for the implementation procedures for
worker’s safety and health.
 Inspecting first aid facilities
 Verifying the food hygiene and cleanliness in construction site
 Informing timely site HSE Engineer concerning cases of epidemic infection or poisoning
 Frequent site visits to brief workers at site on current weather conditions and its health hazards

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7.11 Surveyor
 The Surveyor will be responsible for all survey activities, control points, recording of survey data as
well as control and calibration of survey instruments.

7.12 Site supervisors

 Incorporate HSE instructions in routine orders and see that they are obeyed always.
 Ensure that all machinery and plant, including power and hand tools, are maintained in good order.
 Ensure the quality and safety of the work being performed and proper housekeeping.
 Make the necessary preventive action to minimize the noise production during working hours.
 Monitor that new employees are adequately trained and supervised always and comply with safety
 Organize the site activities safely and systematically so that work can be carried out as per the
required standard without any impact to workforce, equipment, materials and to the environment.
 Monitor that the Personal Protective Equipment of the workforce are enough for current work at
 Conduct daily "Toolbox Talks” and in advance of any critical work and enforce proper PPEs as per

7.13 Foreman
 Preparation and execution the works at site as per the approved drawings.
 Mange the required team at site.
 Ensure the quality and safety of the work being performed and proper housekeeping.
 Make the necessary preventive action to minimize the noise production during working hours.
 Monitor that new employees are adequately trained and supervised always and comply with safety
 Organize the site activities safely and systematically so that work can be carried out as per the
required standard without any impact to workforce, equipment, materials and to the environment.
 Monitor that the Personal Protective Equipment of the workforce is enough for current work at
 Conduct daily "Toolbox Talks” and in advance of any critical work and enforce proper PPEs as per

7.14 Document Controller

 Leads the Contractor’s Document Controller on proper document numbering as per procedure.
 Generates transmittal of project technical documents and maintains track of document revisions.
 Monitors and maintains Document Register for all technical documents.
 Maintain Common access server for easy access of project documents.
 Monitor and track correspondence of Client and Contractors.
 Support Consultant Engineers for formatting of documents and subsequent submission to the
 Responsible for preparing Monthly Progress Report to be submitted to Client.
 Attending weekly progress meeting and responsible for preparing Minutes of Meeting.

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Following are the step-by-step procedures to be followed for the installation of Storm water Network.

Step-1: Excavation Compaction and Bedding Works

Step-2: Casting of Blinding
Step-3: Construction of Chamber Base Slab, Wall, and Cover Slab: Cast-In-Situ
Step-4: Construction, Errection of Pre-Cast Chamber
Step-5: Finishes of Inspection Chambers
Step-6: GRP Pipes Installation
Step-7: UPVC Pipe Installation (If required)
Step-8: Stormwater Gully Installation
Step-9: Inspection and Test Procedure
Step-10: Backfilling & Compaction

8.1 Preparation of Work:

 Check and ensure all drawings used for installation are the latest and approved for construction.
 Necessary approval has been obtained for the Earthworks and Material to be used. All materials
must be approved prior to work start.
 The Excavation shall be as per the exact coordinates of approved shop drawings.
 The workplace shall be clean and safe to proceed with the installation.
 Check the coordination of piping layout with other services and resolve problems if any.
 Location of sleeves and possible routing obstructions are checked in accordance with the
approved drawings.
 The trench should be coordinated to ready for installing the underground Storm Water System.

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8.2 Excavation Compaction and Bedding Works:

Setting Out will be made from the initial/Principal survey control points and as per approved
drawings. The exact layout of the excavation pit will be made considering the working space,
necessary slopes etc. And will be marked by the survey equipment.

8.2.1 Excavation / Trenching Work and Compaction:

 Surveyor to set out coordinates and levels of networks, chamber chambers, chambers, culverts,
 Barricade the area properly.
 Start excavation using mechanical excavator to the required depth and depth as shown in the
approved drawings. Surface to be trimmed and levelled.
 If any ground water is observed during excavation, further excavation will be stopped with
immediate effect. The excavation will again resume when proper dewatering arrangement has
been made and lowering of the water table has been achieved.
 If while excavating trenches electric power distribution cables, telephone cables, water supply
piping, sewerage or rainwater piping, or public utility installations in general are found, the
contractor shall inform the engineer accordingly and at the same time take all necessary
precautionary measures to protect the existing services.
 Use compactor to achieve required compaction as mentioned in specification. The formation
level shall be compacted 95% for chambers and 90% for pipe laying areas. WIR shall be submitted
for level, location and compaction test for Engineer review, witness and approval.

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8.2.2 Stacking/Disposal of Excavated Materials AND Stockpile

 Borrowed fill material shall be from on-site or off-site sources or as per approved by engineer.
 The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring material obtained from excavation or borrow
area complies with project requirements.
 The excavated soil shall be stacked at site for further use. All unwanted materials/ big size
boulders shall be removed. Soil shall then verify for backfilling. It will be stacked sufficiently away
from the edge of excavation so as not to cause a collapse of the sides of the excavated pit.
Balance excavated materials will be disposed simultaneously along with excavation by using
dump truck at any time.

8.2.3 Bedding Preparation

 Once the formation is approved by Engineer, the bedding shall be commenced. The surveyor
shall mark the co-ordinates & level as per shop drawing. Actual setting out will be carried out at
site with respect to coordinates and details. Datum points will be marked clearly for reference.
 Bedding is the cushion material between the pipes and the foundation. Its function is to ensure
uniform support for the pipeline both with regard to grade and hardness. The bedding material
only needs sufficient compaction to avoid damage to pipes. Ensure that laying tolerances are
maintained when pipes are laid and backfilled. Bedding materials (approved granular material /
crushed stone) will be used for pipe bedding thickness ranging from 150 mm to 200 mm.
 Aggregate shall be filled up to the top level of pipe. The same shall be compacted in layers. Sand
bedding shall be done above the top level of pipe as shown.
 Bedding to be shaped to fit around pipes & joints.

8.2.4 Casting of Blinding:

 Once the foundation level is approved by the Engineer, the CS shall mark the setting out and fix
reference levels for blinding concrete. In accordance with project specifications.
 The formwork shall be fixed as required and inspected by the Engineer’s Inspector.
 The polythene sheet shall be laid before concrete shall be cast, levelled to the approved levels.
 Special care shall be taken to produce a smooth and correct final level, so as to avoid any surface
irregularity for the installation of the precast concrete box culvert units.

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8.3 Construction Of Chamber Base Slab, Wall, And Cover Slab: Cast-In-Situ

 Types of chambers and sizes shall be determined by the pipe Diameter.

 The chamber shall be constructed as per the approved shop drawings.
 Grade of concrete shall be as per specification.
 All rebar works shall be done as per approved Shop Drawing / Standard Drawing. Rebars of base
slab and wall starter bars shall be fixed first.
 Side shuttering works shall be done as per shop drawing with proper support.
 GRP liners or HDPE liners shall be installed as per manufacturer recommendations.
 Water stopper also shall be installed as per manufacturer recommendations and as per project
 Rebars for cover slab also installed as per approved shop drawings.
 WIR shall be raised for inspection for rebar and shuttering works prior to start concrete.
 Contractor to ensure MEP clearances prior to proceed concrete.
 Concrete shall be poured, and vibrators shall be used to ensure proper compaction.
 Curing shall be carried out by applying approved curing compound.

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 Curing shall be carried out by applying approved curing compound material over concrete
surface / covering the concrete surface using polythene sheet / wet hessian cloth as per project
 Approved chamber covers shall be fixed as per shop drawings / Standard details.
 Surrounding and above the cover slab area shall be finished as per approved shop drawings.

8.4 Construction, Errection of Pre-Cast Chamber:

 Inspection chamber elements are produced in accordance with ASTM C 478 standards.
 Inspection chambers shall be made as per approved shop drawings and as per approved material
 Transportation, handling storage and erection shall be as per the manufacture’s requirements.
 Joints of the elements shall be made using mortar or sealant at the site.

8.5 Finishes of Inspection Chambers:

8.5.1 External Finishes

 External wall surface shall be cleaned. Concrete joints shall be grinded by using grinder machine
to make surface good.
 The application of bituminous membranes shall adhere to the approved method statement.
(Separate method statements will be submitted for all waterproofing systems within the

8.5.2 Internal Finishes

 Surfaces must be clean and free of surface moisture. All dirt, cement laitance and deleterious
matter must be removed by thorough wire brushing, scrabbling followed by blowing clean with
oil-free compressed air.
 Apply benching mortar/concrete inside the Inspection chambers.
 Apply epoxy coating on benching and wall as per approved material submittal and / as per
 Inspection chamber steps shall be as per approved material shall be fixed through mechanical
fixing as noted in shop drawings and as per manufacturer recommendation.

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8.6 GRP PIPES Installation:

 The Pipes shall be lifted and placed at required location without any damage.
 The placement of pipe shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer Recommendation and
Approved drawings.
 The pipes shall only be lifted using straps and if required it shall have additional padding.
 No sharp objects or Chains shall be used to lift the pipes.
 The bedding material will be spread and levelled to the pipe gradient to a level of 15 cm below
pipe invert level, so as to have a compacted invert level.
 GRP pipes will be laid in fine sand bed the fitting connection will be rubber joint.
 The pipes will be checked for line and level jointly by our Surveyors and the Engineer’s
 Side bedding will be placed carefully and side discharge skip, discharging the materials centrally.
 The pipe surround material will be placed carefully in the same manner, to a level of 15 cm in
above the crown of the pipe.

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 The pipe slope will be as per our approved shop drawing.

 Selected materials previously excavated from the trench will be utilized to backfill the trench in
150 mm layers.
 Subsequently, backfilling will continue in layers, compacted in the lower regions.
 150 mm wide service warning tape will be placed 300 mm above the crown of the pipe in
accordance with Project Specification or as per Engineer’s instruction.
 After complete backfilling, Hydrostatic test and Deflection test shall be carried out as per project

8.7 UPVC Pipe Installation: (If required)

8.7.1 Preparation:
 Ensure that all materials, including UPVC pipes and fittings, are stored in a cool and dry place.
 Verify that the pipes and fittings comply with the required standards and specifications.

8.7.2 Pipe Cutting:

 Measure and mark the desired length on the UPVC pipe.
 Cut the pipe using a saw or pipe cutter to achieve a clean, square edge.
 Remove any burrs or rough edges using sandpaper or emery cloth.

8.7.3 Fitting Preparation:

 Clean the mating surfaces of both the pipe and fitting using a cleaner or primer recommended
by the solvent cement manufacturer.
 Apply the cleaner/primer evenly using an applicator brush.
 Ensure that the surfaces are free from dirt, grease, and moisture.

8.7.4 Application of Solvent Cement:

 Select a solvent cement that is suitable for UPVC pipes and fittings, and ensure it complies with
local standards.
 Apply a generous and even coat of solvent cement to the cleaned and prepared surfaces of the
pipe and fitting.
 Ensure that the solvent cement is applied up to the end of the fitting socket and covers the
entire circumference of the pipe.

8.7.5 Joining the Pipe and Fitting:

 Immediately after applying the solvent cement, insert the pipe into the fitting socket and give
it a quarter turn to ensure proper distribution of the cement.
 Hold the joint firmly in place for a short period to allow the cement to set.

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8.7.6 Wipe Excess Cement:

 Wipe off any excess solvent cement using a clean, dry cloth.
 Be cautious not to disturb the joint while wiping off excess cement.

8.7.7 Curing Time:

 Allow sufficient curing time as recommended by the solvent cement manufacturer before
subjecting the joint to any stress or pressure.
 Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for temperature and humidity conditions during the
curing process.

8.7.8 Jointing by Gasket Lubrication:

 Apply a thin layer of lubricant recommended by the gasket manufacturer to the inner surface
of the rubber gasket.
 Ensure that the lubricant is evenly distributed and covers the entire gasket.
 Insert the lubricated rubber gasket into the groove of the fitting or socket, ensuring that it is
seated evenly.
 Insert the prepared end of the UPVC pipe into the gasketed fitting or socket.
 Use a rubber mallet or dead blow hammer to gently tap the pipe into the fitting, ensuring a
snug fit.
 Make sure the pipe is fully seated in the gasket and fitting.
 Verify that the pipes and fittings are aligned correctly according to the project specifications.
 Make any necessary adjustments to achieve proper alignment.

8.8 Warning Tape Installation, Backfilling and Compaction:

 Once initial gravity / Air test approved by Engineer, backfill can be commenced.
 All materials must be capable of being compacted to the specified density.
 Backfill material shall be graded with maximum size particles not to exceed 100mm.
 Backfilling & compaction operations shall be in accordance with the applicable utility
specification sections.
 Bring up the fill on both sides of pipes together to ensure pipeline alignment is maintained. Use
a handheld compactor to do this.
 Trenches shall be backfilled using stockpile material in 300mm maximum layers over properly
bedded sewer pipes and carefully tamped until the sewer services have maximum cover of
 Warning tape shall be laid at least 300mm above pipes or as directed by Engineer.
 Avoid damaging the pipes by direct impact. Keep heavy rocks and other such material out of the
fill adjacent to the pipe and the embedment zone.
 The top 1m of backfill shall be compacted to not less than 95% of MDD as per ASTMD1557.
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 Trenches in non-paved areas shall be compacted to 90% of MDD.

 Ensure that the pipe is compacted with a pedestrian roller to the requisite level over the top of
the pipe prior to bringing on compaction and construction loads.
 Inspection request shall be raised as per approved ITP.
 Compaction test reports from approved Third Party Laboratory shall be submitted to the


9.1 Inspection Procedure:
 The material received on site shall be inspected by the consultant prior to commencement of
work and the same should be recorded in MIR.
 Once the pipes are installed, it shall be ensured that they are in compliance with the approved
material, approved Method Statement and it complies with all the reference section stated in
the ITP.
 It shall be verified that the pipe is sloped and installed at exact location coordinates as shown in
approved shop drawing or As-built drawing.
 The slope shall be verified by a surveyor and all joints shall be verified visually to confirm that all
the joints are properly done.
 The backfilling and Inspection chamber, catch basins, Frames and Covers shall be inspected by
the consultant as required.

9.2 Test Procedures:

9.2.1 Visual Inspection:

 Begin with a visual inspection of the installed pipes to identify any visible defects, misalignments,
or damage.

9.2.2 Invert Levels and Gradient Check:

 Verify the invert levels and gradients of the installed pipes using a surveyor's level or other
appropriate tools. This ensures that the pipes have been installed at the correct slope to allow
for proper drainage.

9.2.3 Plumb and Alignment Check:

 Ensure that the pipes are plumb and aligned correctly. Misalignments can affect the flow of
stormwater and contribute to potential issues.

9.2.4 Flow Direction Verification:

 Confirm that the installed pipes are configured to allow for the correct flow direction of
stormwater, preventing any potential stagnation or blockages.

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9.2.5 Obstruction Check:

 Inspect the interior of the pipes for any obstructions, debris, or foreign materials that could
impede the flow of stormwater.

9.2.6 Manhole and Gully Assessment:

 Evaluate the functionality of manholes and gullies along the network. Ensure that they are
correctly positioned and allow for proper access and maintenance.

9.2.7 Hydraulic Testing:

 Conduct hydraulic testing to simulate the flow of stormwater through the gravity-fed system.
This involves introducing a controlled amount of water to assess the pipes' capacity and confirm
that the system operates as intended.

9.2.8 Recording and Documentation:

 Maintain detailed records of the testing process, including invert levels, measurements, flow
rates, and any issues identified. Proper documentation is crucial for quality assurance and
compliance reporting.


10.1 Health Safety Requirements:
1. Activities covered in this method statement shall be carried out in strict compliance with the
requirements of the approved Project HSEW Plan.
2. Job briefing / Toolbox Talk shall be conducted by concerned Charge hand/ Foreman before
starting activity.
3. For safety purpose, provide a safety barrier along the perimeter of the excavated area to
prevent hazards.
4. The area of construction shall be cordoned off properly with all necessary safety measures like
signboards, warning tape, traffic cone, barriers & flashlight etc.
5. Access and egress to trench shall be done.
6. Attention will be given to ensure that the safety of all devices is being used for the job.
7. Experienced worker shall be deployed for operation of all type machine and tools.
8. All the required PPEs such as helmet, safety goggles, hand gloves, overall, safety shoes and ear
plugs shall be used by involved workers.
9. Proper supervision shall be ensured to monitor the work.
10. Appropriate Safety guidelines must be adhered to during all stages of construction activity.
11. Manual Handling training shall be conducted.
12. First aid facilities shall be provided with provision of First Aider/ Male Nurse
13. Accident / incidents will be reported immediately followed by a written report within 24 hours
of the occurrence as per site accident / incident reporting procedures.
14. Proper escape route in case of evacuation shall all be designated, marked, and notified to all
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15. Work area shall be barricaded as applicable and necessary.

16. Required safety sign boards shall be placed in the area.
17. AACM waste management system to be followed.
18. Access and egress to trench shall be done. Ensure proper coordination with other disciplines so
that all relevant personnel are aware of the requirements. Ensure that a relevant permit to
work is obtained from the appropriate civil contractor, if required.
19. Ensure that the work area is safe and that all constraints on operations have been identified
and necessary precautions have been taken.
20. Welfare Facilities such as drinking water, rest area/ toilets.
21. Safety requirements and precautions, please refer to the approved RA.

10.2 Emergency Procedure

To facilitate the reporting of emergency situations the safety in-charge/Engineer shall arrange for
the following emergency procedure and telephone numbers to be displayed on site and updated

Step-1: If a person is injured/need medical assistance, remove the injured person from where
danger still exists and get first aid, do not leave the injured person until help arrives.
Step-2: For major injuries and incidents, call emergency service required and give location and
nature of emergency.
 HSE Officer -
 CM -
 PM -
 Police - 999
 Ambulance - 998
 Civil Defense (Fire) - 997
PPE requirement
The following PPEs shall be worn by workers involved:
 Helmet, safety goggles, hand gloves, overall, safety shoes and ear plugs.

10.3 Environmental Requirements:

1. All applicable government requirements and regulations pertaining to environmental
protection and pollution shall be identified and adhered to.
2. Good housekeeping should be followed at all times to prevent the occurrence of accidents and
consequent injuries.

10.4 Housekeeping
Housekeeping of fabrication and installation sites will be done in accordance with the OSHAD, DMT
and project safety manual.
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Details particular testing requirements to be undertaken in relation to particular activities in relation
to construction works to ensure contractual quality requirements are achieved and to identify any
non-compliance. Inspections shall be carried out as per ITP approved by the Engineer.

1. Work inspection request approvals.
2. Material inspection request approvals
3. Test reports.

Copies of this Method Statement shall be circulated to the following for Information & action.
1. Project Manager. 4. HSE officer.
2. Project Engineer / Site Engineer. 5. Supervisors
3. QC Engineer / Inspector. 6. Foremen.

14.1 Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP)

14.2 Inspection Check List (ICL)

14.3 Risk Assessment (RA)


Document No. BAS-MS-0006 Rev.: Issue: Issued Date: Page No.

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Risk Assessment For: Installation Of Storm Water Drainage Network Dated: 05-02-2024 Ref: BAS-RA-0006: REV 00
Residual Risk Risk
Risk Rating

Rating (P) x (S)

Probability (P)
Potential Harm/ YES NO

Rating (P) x (S)

Severity (S)

Probability (P)

Severity (S)


•Ensure NOC is obtained from concerned authority.

Working without • Workers •Obtain relevant PTW prior to start of work
1.0. relevant NOCs/ unaware of 3 3 9 •Ensure ITC Traffic Approval (Permit) is available. 1 3 3 Yes
•Work stoppage
permit approval existing hazard •Toolbox talk should be conducted by the Foreman/Job
Performer prior to start of work
• Ensure approved and updated MS/RA for surveyor and
setting out shall be made available at site and
communicated to all employee’s prior commencement
of work
• Ensure all employees are inducted
• Slips, trips and fall
• Use existing passage ways
• Protruding
• Minimize moving while handling equipment’s /tools
Setting out & survey nails/pegs
2.0. • Surveyor staff 3 3 9 • Wear clothing that covers as much as possible of your 1 3 3 Yes
work • Sharp edges
• Adverse weather
• Mandatory PPE’s (Safety helmets, safety shoe, goggles,
hand gloves reflective vest and full sleeve coverall) must
be worn at all times
• Emergency procedure to be made and communicated to
• Ensure Toolbox Talk to all staff are carried .
Site Activities
3.0. Mobilization of • Collision with •Harm to  Vehicle for delivery must have valid registration
materials to the site vehicle & persons, Workers/supervisors certificate.
 Driver must have valid driving license.
• Overloading 4 4 16 1 3 3 Yes
•Property Damage  No over-speeding. Speed limit for vehicle “20 km/h”
• Over-speeding
must be followed at worksite.
• Fall-off materials
 Only designated access must be used for vehicle
• Unsecured Loads maneuvering.

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 Reversing must be avoided if required banks man
must be assigned.
 Unloading area must be free from unauthorized
person and should barricade wherever required.
 Before unloading the materials, it should be ensuring
that load is stable and proper procedure for unloading
materials must be adopted.
 Competent Supervision should be available all the
time during critical works, like unloading of materials,
 Supervisor should ensure that all the equipment and
materials are at their safe place while resting.
 Risk assessment must be communicated to all
associated persons.
• Close Supervision for the work activates
• Collision with
• Banks man to be availed for equipment’s for equipment
vehicle and
reversing, each equipment must be fitted with reverse
alarm flashing light and fire extinguisher
Working adjacent to • Mechanical  Harm to • Safety training and toolbox talk to include all active
hazard, 3 3 9 2 2 4 Yes
4.0. Equipment /Man- Workers/supervisors safety measures and emergency procedure.
• Fire hazard and
machine interface •Property Damage • Equipment to be inspected before starting the job
• Labors are not allowed to stay too close to equipment’s
hazard by
• Specific PPE include suitable safety Shoes and high
spillage of oil and
visibility vest must be worn
• Speed limit on site must be followed
• Use blunt excavation tools at all times, use of pick-axe
not permitted
• Trench Collapse • Water lance/ jet wash unit to be used to excavate and
• Damage to service • Harm to remove materials closed to electric cable, hand
being excavated. Workers/superviso excavation tools not to touch the extremal sheath of the
Excavate trial by
• Damage to other rs 4 3 12 cable due to risk of scratching. 1 3 3 Yes
5.0. manual means
existing services • Verify that trial hole doesn’t clash with known existing
• Vehicle personnel •Property Damage services
to fall into • Sweep the area using cable detecting tools before
excavation breaking ground.
• Ensure trials pits excavated at places specified in the
relevant plans.

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Visual check surrounding area prior to commencing

• Ensure all works carried out near by the existing facilities

are only after obtaining necessary work permits from the
area of authority.
• Fire/ Explosion
• Get the approved drawing along with the excavation
• Personal Cut
• Minor/ Major Personal permit prior to dig.
Injuries • Only manual excavation to be done close to the services
• Head Injury
Underground • Serious injury (if any), Cable detector to be used frequently to verify
• Loss of body parts 4 5 20 1 3 3 Yes
6.0. utilities • Asset Damages the cable existence.
• Damaged to existing
• Loss of Reputation • If any damages occur to any services. Immediately stop
utilities (while
Delay of Project the work and inform to the concerned authorities.
• All combustible materials should be removed from the
• Electrocution
Property damage
• Maintain good housekeeping standards at site.
Ensure all hazards in the job are communicated with
the site personnel during the daily tool box talk
• Fall of personnel • Only qualified and experienced employees to be used
into the excavation during the work. training for personal.
• Fall of equipment • Tool box talks and regular training for personal.
into excavation • Excavation works shall be carried out and controlled with
• Fall of spoil into Permit to Work system, Method Statement and
excavation excavation project procedure and activity risk
• Collapse of assessment if the excavation is deeper than 1.2meter.
excavation from The excavation it will be properly protected against by
weight of earth • Injury/Harm to sloping or benching; where required shoring will be use.
• Collapse of Workers/operator 4 4 16 • Spoil material kept at least 2 meters away, proper 1 4 4 Yes
7.0. Excavation
excavation from s/supervisors access and egress, used daily inspection checklist and
weight of adjacent • •Property Damage physical barriers is used to alert operators of heavy
vehicle equipment and other workers at the work site of the
• Vehicle driven into edge of an excavation.
excavation • Excavation in loose earth or sand to be stepped out or
• Collapse of shored.
excavation • Excavation to be checked by qualified employee at work
• Physical injury due start and finish
to proximity of • Erections to be barricaded and warning signs posted.

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Risk Assessment For: Installation Of Storm Water Drainage Network Dated: 05-02-2024 Ref: BAS-RA-0006: REV 00
• No equipment to be lain within 1 meter of the trench
• Spoil to be kept at least 1.5 meters from the trench edge.
• No vehicles to be positioned adjacent to the excavation
• Warning signs and notices to be posted to prevent entry
into the area by unauthorized vehicles
• Lighting required for excavation left open overnight in
public areas.
• The plant will be operated by trained and authorized
• Banks men will be used to control the backfilling
operation in to prevent plant working to close to the
excavation edge.
• Unauthorized personnel will be excluded from areas
where the backfilling of excavations is taking place.
• A survey of the area will be Carried out to Assess risks to
any adjacent structures and/or utilities that may exist
Operators will be briefed on any identified potential
• NOC to be obtained from Area Authority before starting
the works.
• Underground Services to be marked.
• Trial Pit in different place by manual digging only.
• For the protection of Cable and pipe calibrated detectors
to be used.
• Excavation deeper than 1.2 meters shall be start sloping,
benching or shoring if required.
• Access and Egress to be provided and to be sufficient.
• Dewatering System to be provided to prevent flood
• Proper PPE to be worn.
• Site HSEW inspection to include all excavation activities
 Collision with  Harm to people •Ensure Plant and Equipment must have valid
Use of Plant and vehicle and
• Damage to 5 3 15 registration and 3rd party certificate. 1 3 3 Yes
8.0. Equipment person
property •Ensure Operator must have valid- driving license (UAE)
 mechanical
and 3rd party competency certificate.

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 Prolonged noise •Pre-mobilization of Plant and Equipment must be
exposure carried out as mobilized by a competent person prior
 Maneuvering in to use to ensure it is free from defect, damage and
the work area leakage.
 fire hazard and •Make sure All rotating parts must be guarded and
environmental should not be exposed.
hazard by •Speed limit for vehicles must be implemented 20km/h.
spillage of oil and •Designate access must be identified for vehicle
hydrocarbon movement.
•All audible and visible safety devices must be in
working condition such as side indicators, reverse
horn, beacon light and side glasses for rear view.
•Only assigned workers must be present on work area
and must maintain safe distance of 3m from Plant and
•Fire extinguisher should be available in the Plant and
Equipment in working condition.
•All workers and operators should receive adequate
training on use of fire extinguishers.
•Pre-task briefing/ Tool Box Talk: Working with moving
machineries along with risk assessment briefing must
be conducted
•All mandatory & Job specific PPE must wear by all
person at site.
Pre-drilling/ well point • NOC and permit to dig to be obtained prior to start
installation  Failure of  Worker activity
(If Required) equipment  Operators • Site induction course to all personnel.
3 3 9 1 3 3 Yes
9.0.  Collapse of well  Supervisors • TBT regarding the procedure, hazards and risk to be
point conducted prior to start of work.
 Falling objects • Certified plant and operator with valid TPI certificate
• Work area to be isolated
 Collapse of wall • Contamination • Discharge pit to be fully compacted
 Failure of • Damage to property • Equipment must be regularly maintained and inspected
3 3 9 1 3 3 Yes
10.0. Discharge of water equipment • Physical injury • Edge to be fully protected
 Fall from the edge • Serious Injury • Only authorized person allows within the area
 Drowning • Sediment tank to be utilized prior discharge.

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Risk Assessment For: Installation Of Storm Water Drainage Network Dated: 05-02-2024 Ref: BAS-RA-0006: REV 00
• Collapse of partial • Installation will be carried out by trained and
or finished competent personnel working under supervision.
formwork. • Concrete units will be lifted using suitable certificated
• Working at heights. lifting tackle/equipment and tag lines
• Manual material • Personnel will wear PPE such as gloves safety footwear,
handling and  Harm to workers, safety glasses and safety helmets
awkward posture. operators, • Suitable tools will be used to assist in the installation of
Installation of • Falling materials supervisors, people 3 3 9 concrete units. 1 3 3 Yea
concrete units and components.  Damage to • Good housekeeping standards will be in areas where
• Struck against property installation work is being undertaken.
components. • Rigging studies will be prepared for concrete units
• Struck by moving being placed within limited access or equipment reach.
machinery and • Good housekeeping measures will be enforced in order
components or to prevent slips, trips and falls during material handling.
tools. • Material will be stored in safe area.
• Electrical contact.
• Training to be provided prior to start of work. (TBT,
manual handling, hazards)
• Only approved formworks material shall be used, and
shall be in good condition
• Formworks shall be designed by Competent Engineer.
• Adequate PPE to be provided
 Manual handling • Safe working platform to be provided
 Sharp edges Slip • Avoid overloading while shifting materials
 Harm to workers, • Safe working procedure for shifting of materials to be
and trip
operators, followed
 Fall from height
Formwork and Steel  Fall of material
supervisors, people 4 3 12 • Maintained housekeeping in work area 1 3 3 Yes
fixing  Protruding nails  Damage to • Safe access and egress to be maintained
 Unapproved Bar property • De-nailed used materials
bending • Bar bending equipment shall be in good condition,
equipment inspected and tagged by competent person.
• Only trained operators use bar bending equipment.
• Use the correct tools for the job
• Protruding rebar to be provided with rebar caps or other
• Protect the sharp edges of tools that are to be stored or
• Shuttering shall be adequately supported and braced.

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• Adequate and suitable PPE to be provided
• Equipment to be inspected prior to use and must have
a valid Third-Party Certificate
 Failure of
• Safe access and egress to work area
• Personnel exposed to noise and vibration must be
 Slip and trip fall
 Vibration
• Work under strict supervision by approved Competent
 Noise
 Harm to Person
 Collapse of
• Foremen to ensure rotation of Vibrator Operators Full
Concreting formworks Workers/superviso
4 4 16 supervision of works. 1 4 4 Yes
13.0. activities/Operation  Exposure / contact rs
• MSDS must be conveyed to the workers and ensure it is
of concrete mixer with cement  Property Damage understood.
 Struck by concrete
• Ready mix truck to be placed at the correct location and
ensure while concreting no simultaneous work is not
 Accidental contact
with the rotating
• Provide recap bar
parts of the mixer
• Access across rebar’s fixing will be maintained with
 Protruded rebar
timber loading
• Provide safe access/egress and workplace
• Ensure mixer is cleaned and washed in designated areas
• NOC and permit to dig to be obtained prior to start
• Rotating and activity
moving parts. • Site induction course to all personnel.
• compressed air • TBT regarding the procedure, hazards and risk to be
systems. conducted prior to start of work.
• hydraulic systems. • Certified plant and operator with valid TPI certificate
• hazardous • Harm to • Work area to be isolated
• Drilling and
substances and Workers/supervisors • Ensure all mechanical parts are guarded
Installation of Deep 4 4 16 1 3 3 Yes
14.0. dangerous goods. • Whenever Practicable mechanical lifting aid e.g.
• electricity. •Property Damage • Competent Supervision to ensure the work is carried
• manual tasks. out safely
• working at height. • Personnel will be trained in manual handling
• falling objects techniques.
• Dust • Avoid unnecessary twisting and turning
• Noise • Gloves/safety footwear will be worn by personnel
• engaged in manual handling.
• Fire extinguisher to be present at work site

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• Train the staff for good posture; use slip resistance
shoes with toe protection.3

• Ensure the ladder is inspected and is safe to use.

• Ensure that the ladder is placed on a level, surface and
• Check for defects, cracks stable
• , or the accumulation of dirt or foreign substances
before and after use.
• Do not use a damaged ladder.
• Avoid over-reaching or standing on the last step of the
• Harm to ladder
 Falls from height
4 4 16 • TBT and training related to safe use of ladder 1 3 3 Yes
15.0. Use of Ladder  Slip, trips and fall Workers/superviso
• Do not pull or move ladders from side to side, as over
time this movement can cause ladders to become less
• Property Damage stable and wobblier.
• Never use ladder under the influence of drinks or drugs
• Maintain three points of contact
• Make sure the load rating on the ladder is appropriate to
the worker and equipment involved.
• Choose a step ladder that is about 3 feet shorter than
the highest point you will be working, as this ensures a
more stable base.
• Activity will be under close supervision at all times by
 Car Crane failure
lifting supervisor
 Lifting gears failure
• Designated access area and work area to be cordoned
 Fall of load
off with warning signage
 Struck by load
• Lifting equipment and lifting gears must be inspected
 Car Crane over
 Harm to and have valid THIRD-PARTY CERTIFICATE
turn due to
Workers/superviso • Lifting Equipment to be operated by licensed and with
uneven ground. 4 4 16 1 4 4 Yes
16.0. Lifting Activities rs • THIRD PARTY CERTIFICATE for competency
 Worker hit by out-
 Property Damage • Only competent and certified rigger shall do the rigging
 Car Crane in
• Two sides tagline attached to the load.
contact with
• Ensure outriggers are fully extended
overhead services
• Ensure ground is leveled and compacted
 Car Crane
• Assess the area, ensuring that there are no existing
positioned over
overhead cables.

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Project Client Consultant Contractor
Risk Assessment For: Installation Of Storm Water Drainage Network Dated: 05-02-2024 Ref: BAS-RA-0006: REV 00

• Pre-task briefing regarding the hazard risks and control

measures of the power tools
• Authorized Technician should inspect the power tools to
ensure that it is safe for use.
• Ensure the presence of trained fire warden and
availability of suitable fire extinguisher
• Electrical equipment must have earth – fault – circuit –
protection via residual current devices (RCD). Equipment
shall pass the portable appliance testing (PAT testing).
• Only trained personnel shall operate the power tools
• The operator should ensure regular breaks are taken
from use to provide postural relief and to avoid hand-
arm vibration injury
 Harm to • Wear or use personal protective equipment (PPE); this
 Back injury
workers/operators may include items such as safety glasses or goggles, or a
 Musculoskeletal
face shield (with safety glasses or goggles), hearing
disorder /members of the
Use of Power Tools 4 3 12 protection, dust mask, glove and safety shoes 1 3 3 Yes
17.0.  Upper limbs public
• Do not wear loose clothing or dangling jewelry as they
disorder  Damage to may get caught in the moving parts of the power tools. If
 Damage to load
property you have long hair, keep it tied back.
• Ensure the attachment selected is designed for the
purpose it will be used (e.g. only use abrasive discs for
grinding and cut-off discs for cutting).
• Only use attachments designed for use on power tools
and do not use circular saw blades on angle grinders
• Inspect all wheels and bits for cracks and defects before
• Ensure that the mounting flange surfaces are clean and
• Ensure the fixed guard is in place while operating the
• Use the mounting blotters supplied.
• Use an appropriate ventilation exhaust system to reduce
inhalation of dusts, debris, and coolant mists. Exhaust

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Project Client Consultant Contractor
Risk Assessment For: Installation Of Storm Water Drainage Network Dated: 05-02-2024 Ref: BAS-RA-0006: REV 00
systems must be designed and maintained
• Do not use power tools near flammable materials.
• Do not use any liquid coolants with portable grinders.
• Do not tighten the mounting nut excessively.
• Do not put the power tools on the floor or working
surface until it has stopped.
• Do not keep any materials close to the grinding wheel
when it is not in use.
• Keep the electrical cord clear off the pathway
 Inadequate • Portable toilet and periodical cleaning.
maintenance of • Site shade, drinking water availability and sealed.
welfare facilities  Environmental • First-aid box and trained First-aider.
Site welfare
 Lack of pollution 3 3 9 1 3 3 Yes
18.0. facilities
management  Health effects
towards welfare
• All Employees will be undertaking a TBT training
course leading to Hazards and risks related to hand
• Ensure workers involved in the operation are
physically fit.
 Heavy loads,
• Load weight for carrying per person should not exceed
 Uneven loads
 Harm to 20kg.
 sharp edges
workers/operators/ • Load and size must be considered while assigning
 Congested
3 3 9 person for shifting of materials. 1 3 3 Yes
19.0. Manual Handling working areas members of the
• Material stacking should not be over shoulder level.
 Obstructed public • Correct manual handling technique to be briefed and
pathway  Damage to property monitor by team leader.
 poor visibility
• Workers should not take shortcuts & no horseplay.
 Poor Techniques
• Adopt appropriate posture when handling and carrying
survey equipment. Rest must be given to assigned
• Appropriate PPE such as hand gloves, safety shoe, and
high visibility jacket must be worn

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Project Client Consultant Contractor
Risk Assessment For: Installation Of Storm Water Drainage Network Dated: 05-02-2024 Ref: BAS-RA-0006: REV 00
 Arrangement of proper welfare facilities with cold
drinking water, shelter areas, oral rehydration
 Provide working in the heat training
 Heat exhaustion  Harm to  Conduct toolbox talk related health effects of working
Working under  Heat stroke
workers/operators 3 4 12 in the heat 1 4 4 Yes
20.0. direct sunlight and  Dehydration
 Supervisors  Frequent breaks
high temperature  Fainting
 Encourage workers to drink sufficient amount of water
 Skin burn/rashes
 Ensure proper supervision
 Emergency procedures in case of emergency
 Provide suitable PPE and clothing
• Drinking water signage
 Contracting/spr  Conduct regular awareness session and TBT including
eading of Covid19 topic.
COVID-19 by not  wash your hands regularly with soap and water or clean
washing hands them with alcohol-based hand sanitizers
adequately  Harm to  Maintain at least 1 metre distance between
 Contracting/spr workers/operato  Avoid touching your face.
eading of rs/members of  Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
Working during COVID-19 by not the public 4 3 12  Stay home if you feel unwell. 1 3 3 Yes
PANDEMIC maintaining  Drivers/Supervisor  Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the
social distancing s lungs.
 Contracting/spre  Practice physical distancing
ading of COVID-  Contractors  Avoid unnecessary travel and
19 by not  Stay away from large groups of people.
cleaning  Mandatory use of facemask and other COVID-19
surfaces/equipm regulations
ent’s 

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Project Client Consultant Contractor
Risk Assessment For: Installation Of Storm Water Drainage Network Dated: 05-02-2024 Ref: BAS-RA-0006: REV 00
Table 2- Likelihood of the Event

Descriptor Likely Frequency Probability

Frequent Occurred frequently 5
Often occurred several times per year 4
Likely Has occurred more than once 3
Possible Has occurred 2
Rare Never occurred 1
Table 3- Risk Rating
Likelihood Consequence ( From Table 1 )
(From table 1 ) Insignificant ( 1 ) Minor ( 2 ) Moderate ( 3 ) Major ( 4 ) Catastrophic ( 5 )
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3 ) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4 ) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent/ Almost
5 10 15 20 25
Certain (5)
15 -25 Extreme Activity or industry should not proceed in current form
8 – 12 High Risk Activity or industry should be modified to include remedial planning and action and be subject to detailed OSH assessment
4–6 Moderate Risk Activity or industry can operate subject to management and / or modification.
1-3 Low Risk No immediate action required, unless escalation of risk is possible

Date: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

HSEW Engineer Project Manager:

Client Approval: Date: Approval: Resident Engineer:


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