Science - BSC Information Technology - Semester 6 - 2023 - April - Security in Computing Cbcs

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Paper / Subject Code: 88702 / Security in Coniputing (24 Hours) [Total Marks: 75) N.B.: (1) All questions are compulsory. = S (2) Make suitable assumptions Wherever necessary and state the assumptions made. G) Answers to the same question must be written tozether. (4) Numbers to the right indicate marks, (5) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necesk sary. (6) Use of Non-programmable calculators ‘sallowed. 1. Attempt any three ofthe tating pe “ 15 3. Explain 3D's (Defense, Detection, and Deterrence) aspects of Security can Be applied to any situation, b. Explain various Application-layer attacks which include“any exploit directed"at the applications running on top of the OSI protocol stack. > ; ¢. Write a short note on CIA Tried Model with reference to Sccurty in Computing. 4. With he belp of diagram, explain how Onion Defenct Model isbsterthan other Model for security. © What is Zone of Trust? Explain the importance of Zobe of Tait for communication through with diagram. £ Whatare the various countermeasures that, anyone can implement'to minimize the risk of a successful attack? 2. Attempt any three of the following: 7 1s 2. Explain different types of Authentication in detail, . b. How Kerberos Authentication Process takes place? Explain each step with diagram. ¢, Write a short note on Certificate-Based Authentication. . What is meant by: Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)? Explain its different types. Explain role of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) in Securityin Computiig and Structure and-Function‘of PKI. f “Bach layer of sect authorization rules" and its types. ty is designed.for a specific purpose and cai be used to provide ‘Explain this statement with reference to Database Security Layers 3. Attempt any three of the following: 15 a. Explain different layers of two-tier network fundamentals. b. With reference to OSI model in‘which layer does Router operate? Explain the working of Routing Protocols. .° Write-a short note on different generation of Firewalls. Explain fole of ICMP, SNMP and ECHO in network hardening. ¢. — Withthe help of diagram, explain working of Bluetooth Protocol Stack. £ What issmeant by Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention? Explain working of it (Contd... 29533 Page 1 of 2 E454A1F13B310B680E340962492F8620 Scatmeu wiul LaniSca Paper / Subject Code: 88702 / Security in Computing Attempt any three of the following: > Write a short note on two types of IDS Generation ia brief. What is Private Branch Exchange (PBX)? Explain how it can be secured How Mandatory Access Control Lists (MACL) differ from Discretionary access control lists (DACLs)? Explain, < Explain working of Biba and Clark Wilson Classic Seaurty Models What is meant by Security Reference Monitor? Explain Windows Security Reference Monitor in detail : Explain main problems of TCPAP's lack of security: Attempt any three of the following: . What is meant by Hyperigo mache? Expai \Why itis proteetthis machine. ° ‘Write short nde on Security Begs of led Comput, With the help of diagram explain.the concept of Secure development lifecycle in Agile. Explain phishing mechanism and 3D's aspects of secirity with:reference 10 it. Give a reason in brief, why itis mandatory to update application patches? Explain various mechanisms for easily updating applications, Explain various concerns for web, pilcaionseeriy tobe considered with reference to Security in Computing. 29533 Page 2 of 2 BAS4A1F13D3 10B680E3409E2492F8620 Dcarmieu wii LainSca

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