Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Pumpkin Seed Flour of Cucurbita Maxima and Cucurbita Moschata Species 2021
Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Pumpkin Seed Flour of Cucurbita Maxima and Cucurbita Moschata Species 2021
Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Pumpkin Seed Flour of Cucurbita Maxima and Cucurbita Moschata Species 2021
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3 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Deshani Chirajeevi Mudannayake on 29 May 2021.
Sri Lanka
Article history: Pumpkin seeds are rich source of nutrients and beneficial
Received: 29 July 2020 bioactive compounds. In Sri Lanka, pumpkin seeds are discarded
Revised version received: 12 October without being used. Physicochemical characteristics of seeds and
functional properties of pumpkin seed flour (PSF) of two
Accepted: 17 January 2021
Available online: 1 April 2021
varieties of Cucurbita maxima (Suprema and Bingha F1) and one
variety of Cucurbita moschata (Padma) were determined. Seeds
collected from each variety were subjected to different
Keywords: treatments before preparation of PSF: roast at 80-90 °C for 15
Antioxidant activity min, germinate and dry at 50-60 °C for 4h, and dry at 50-60 °C
Flavonoids for 4h as the control, prior to prepare PSF. Antioxidant activity,
Phenolic compounds total phenolic, total flavonoids and flour properties such as
Cucurbita moschata water holding capacity (WHC), swelling capacity (SC), oil holding
Cucurbita maxima capacity (OHC), emulsion stability (ES), organic molecule
absorption capacity (OMAC)) of nine types of PSF were
determined. A sensory evaluation (Hedonic scale) was
conducted to determine the effect of 25, 50 and 75% substitution
Citation: with PSF in biscuit production. The variety × treatment
Uduwerella, H.M.I.A., Arampath, P.C. and interaction effect was significant (p<0.05) for WRC, OHC, SC and
Mudannayake, D.C. (2021). OMAC but not for WHC and ES. Germinated and dried PSF of the
Physicochemical and Functional Suprema variety possessed the highest WHC (6.31±0.16 g/g),
Properties of Pumpkin Seed Flour of OHC (3.23± 0.07 g/g) and SC (6.00±0.28 mL/g) while the highest
Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata antioxidant activity (90.06±0.24%) and flavonoid content
Species. Tropical Agricultural Research, (19.87±1.08 mg QE/g) were observed in germinated dried seeds
32(2): 201- 211. of Bingha F1 variety PSF. In roasted PSF, the highest phenolic
content (1.52±0.02 mg GAE/g) was in Bingha F1 variety.
DOI: Substitution with 25% PSF was selected as the optimum level in
formulation of biscuit with the acceptable sensory attributes.
Uduwerella, H.M.I.A. Hence, PSF possesses a high potential as a source of functional food ingredient in the food manufacturing industry.
using micrometer with 0.01 mm accuracy (Devi et Antioxidant activity (%) = [(Ab − As )/ Ab)] × 100
al., 2018) and geometric mean diameter (GMD) and
arithmetic mean diameter (AMD) were calculated Where, Ab and As are absorbance of the blank and
using the following equations: the sample, respectively.
water was added into 50 mL centrifuge tube in Preparation of pumpkin seed flour cookies
which 1 g of PSF and allowed to hydrate for 24
hours at 25±1 °C. The rehydrated sample was Wheat flour was substituted with 25%, 50% and
centrifuged (3000 rpm, 20 min) and weighed the 75% in formulation of cookies. Margarine (60 g),
solid fraction. yeast (5 g), salt (5 g) and sugar (50 g) were mixed
with different quantities (25%, 50% and 75%) of
The oil holding capacity (OHC) was determined PSF and keeping the content of margarine, yeast,
using the method explained by Vazquez-Ovando et salt and sugar as constant in all treatments. All the
al. (2009) with minor modifications. One gram of ingredients were mixed and kneaded for 15 min to
PSF was transferred into a 50 mL centrifuge tube. form a soft dough. A dough sheet was formed and
Canola oil (20 mL) was added and placed in a cut into star shape with 3 cm diameter followed by
cabinet for 24 hours at 25±1 °C followed by baking at 180±2 °C for 15 min. Unloaded cookies
centrifugation at 2200 rpm for 30 min. Weight of were allowed to cool and packed in airtight
the sample was recorded and OHC expressed as containers for further analysis.
gram of oil held per g of flour sample.
Sensory evaluation
For the determination of swelling capacity (SC), 1g
was mixed with 20 mL of distilled water and The cookies made were evaluated on sensory
allowed to hydrate for 24 hours at 25±1 °C. The attributes, colour, aroma, texture, sweetness, taste
volume of the sample was recorded after 24 hours. and overall acceptability by 34 untrained panellists
The SC was expressed as mL per gram of flour using Hedonic scale (9 - like extremely, 1- dislike
sample (Rosell et al., 2009) extremely).
Table 1. Mean±SD (n=3) of the physical properties of the seeds of the three pumpkin varieties
Characteristics Bingha F1‡ Padma‡ Suprema‡
Length (mm) 13.46±0.25b 15.37±0.28a 13.50±0.17b
Width (mm) 7.83±0.11b 8.59±0.13a 6.75±0.14c
Thickness (mm) 1.97±0.08c 2.62±0.07a 2.29±0.06b
True density (g/cm3) 0.50±0.02b 0.61±0.01b 0.90±0.04a
Bulk density (g/cm3) 0.24±0.00c 0.27±0.01b 0.33±0.00a
GMD(mm) 5.78±0.11b 6.87±0.11a 5.80±0.08b
AMD (mm) 7.76±0.61b 8.86±0.68a 7.52±0.41b
Porosity (%) 50.87±2.17b 56.11±1.52ab 63.47±2.27a
‡Values with same letters within a row are not significantly different at p< 0.05 based on the Turkey’s test
by Suprema pumpkin seeds. Suprema variety seeds The highest value 1.52±0.02 mg GAE/g was
were smaller than the other two varieties. This determined in roasted flour sample of Bingha F1.
would be reason for the highest bulk density and Results demonstrated lower value compared with
true density. The results were compatible with the the previous researchers, Sopan et al. (2014) and
previous finding of Devi et al. (2018), which Dissanayake et al. (2018), which were 6.5mg
indicate true density and bulk density as GAE/mL in Cucurbita maxima seeds and 6.2±0.6
1.16±0.01g/cm3, 0.39±0.01g/cm3 respectively. mg GAE/g which was based on the Sri Lankan
Porosity of seeds was significantly difference variety of Cucurbita maxima (Hen wattakka),
among the varieties (P<0.05). Suprema variety respectively.
recorded the highest porosity value (63.47±2.27%)
Thermal treatment has an effect on increasing total
while Devi et al. (2018) reported 65.42±0.47 % in
phenolic content in soya seeds and sesame seeds at
Cucurbita maxima seeds. Porosity calculated as
120-150 °C up to 90 min (Woumbo et al., 2017,
percentage ratio of the bulk density and true
Rizki et al., 2015). Similar trend was observed in
density. Suprema variety contains the highest true
pumpkin seed in this experiment. Control samples
density and bulk density which ensure the highest
of Padma variety showed very low total phenolic
contents compared to control samples of Suprema
variety while roasted samples of Padma variety
Chemical properties of pumpkin seeds contain highest total phenolic contents compared
flour to roasted samples of Suprema variety. The reason
for this change was due to formation of new
The pH value in PSF was not significantly different compounds by Maillard reaction during roasting.
among the varieties (p>0.05). Generally thermal treatment causes the availability
of plant phenolic compounds in the food matrices
DPPH radical scavenging activity: by evaporation of intercellular water in foods,
triggering the changes in lignocellulosic structure
DPPH radical scavenging activity was significantly and promoting the denaturation of protein (Rizki et
different within variety and treatment (T1 (roasted al., 2015).
PSF), T2 (germinated and dried PSF) and control)
(P<0.05). Germinated samples of Bingha F1 variety Flavonoid content:
recorded the highest DPPH radical scavenging The highest flavonoid content was recorded
activity, 90.06±0.24% (P<0.05). The similar results (19.87±1.08 mgQE/g) in germinated seeds of
were reported by Dissanayke et al. (2018) as 82.7± Bingha F1 variety. The highest flavonoids content
3.0% in seeds of Sri Lankan pumpkin (Hen helps to improve the antioxidant activity, free
wattakka) variety. Results revealed that roasted radical scavenging activity and anti-bacterial
pumpkin seeds contain higher radical scavenging activity of the body. Davi et al. (2018) and
activity than the other treatments. Similar results Dissanayake et al. (2018) reported higher content
reported previously soy bean seeds (Woumbo et of flavonoid in Cucurbita maxima seeds of
al., 2017) and sesame seeds (Rizki et al., 2015). 56.16±4.60mgQE/g and 39±0.20 mgQE/g,
Total phenolic content was significantly different respectively. The reason would be the differences
(P<0.05) among pumpkin varieties tested while of the solvents used in the experiments. The
total phenolic content was not significantly present study shows a significant increment of
different (P>0.05) with T1 (roasted PSF), T2 flavonoid content in roasted seed flour and the
(germinated and dried PSF) and control (Table 2).
206 | Uduwerella et al. (2021) Tropical Agricultural Research, 32(2): 201-211
Table 2. Mean ± SD (n=3) pH, total phenolic content, anti-oxidant activity, flavonoid content and proximate composition of PSF
†WHC is Water Holding Capacity, WRC is Water Retention Capacity, SC is Swelling Capacity, OHC is Oil Holding Capacity, OMAC is Organic Molecule Absorption Capacity, EA is
Emulsifying Activity, and ES is Emulsion Stability.
‡Values with same letters within a row are not significantly different at p< 0.05 based on the Turkey’s test
208 | Uduwerella et al. (2021) Tropical Agricultural Research, 32(2): 201-211
Figure 2. Mean scores of the sensory attributes in 25, 50 and 75 % PSF substituted biscuits.
different with the variety and treatments (P<0.05). texture, sweetness and overall acceptability of the
Pumpkin seeds were excellent in oil holding within treatments were significantly different at P<0.05
the fiber matrix. A similar result, 4.60±0.22g was among the treatments while aroma was not
reported by Nyam et al. (2009). The highest significantly different (P>0.05) (Figure 2). The
organic molecule absorption capacity (OMAC), highest score for all sensory attributes were
2.29±0.14g was measured in roasted seed samples recorded at 25% substituted PSF in cookies
of Bingha F1 variety and the values were compare to 50% and 75% substitution. Overall
significantly different among the varieties and the acceptability and sweetness were evaluated as like
treatments (P<0.05). OMAC in Bingha F1 variety moderately while colour, aroma, texture and taste
was higher than value, 1.31±0.13 g reported by were evaluated as like slightly for 25% substituted
Nyam et al. (2009). The variation in insoluble cookies. Malkanthi et al. (2020) reported that 5%
dietary fiber in pumpkin seeds has a higher impact incorporation of PSF in string hoppers was scored
on OMAC. Effective and efficient higher OMAC the highest sensory attributes for appearance,
value could be achieved with fat, bile acids, colour, aroma, taste, texture and overall
cholesterol, drugs and toxic compounds in the acceptability than 10% and 15% PSF
intestine (Vazquez-Ovando et al. 2009). incorporation. A gradual reduction of scores for all
the sensory attributes was recorded with
Emulsification Activity (EA) was significantly incorporation of more than 5% PSF in formulating.
different among the variety and the treatments
(P<0.05) while Emulsion Stability (ES) was
significantly different among the variety (P<0.05)
and significant differences were not seen among CONCLUSION
the treatment (P>0.05). PSF yielded from the
control sample of Suprema variety shows the The highest bulk density, true density and porosity
highest EA value (48.33±0.33 mL) while the values were reported by pumpkin seeds of
highest ES value, 47.33±0.33 mL in roasted seed Suprema variety while the highest GMD and AMD
flour. Nyam et al. (2009) reported similar value for were in Padma variety. Antioxidant activity and
EA 46.25±4.33 mL, and lower value ES 38.75±1.44 flavonoid content were the highest in germinated
mL. Although pumpkin seeds had better EA, seed samples of Bingha F1. The maximum total
pumpkin rind flour possesses higher emulsion phenolic content was reported in roasted seed
stability than the PSF because of higher oil content flour sample of Bingha F1 variety (1.52±0.02
in pumpkin flour of the rind. Roasting inactivates mgGAE/g). Germinated Suprema seeds had the
the hydrolytic enzymes in seed flour and protects highest moisture content and total solid content in
the oil fraction thus increase and maintaining the roasted seed samples. Germinated samples of
emulsion stability. Bingha F1 variety and roasted samples of Padma
variety recorded the highest protein and crude fat
Sensory properties content respectively. Germinated seed flour of
Suprema variety has shown the best flour
Mean scores of sensory attributes in cookies properties including the highest water holding
prepared by incorporating PSF, colour, taste, capacity and swelling capacity. Therefore, seed
210 | Uduwerella et al. (2021) Tropical Agricultural Research, 32(2): 201-211
flour of Suprema variety has the highest potential sensory attributes. Formulation and development
for partially replacement of wheat flour in bakery of value-added food products from PSF possesses
products. Further pumpkin seeds can be used for higher potential to reduce the waste of pumpkin
oil extraction. The best level of substitution of PSF seeds and able to reduce the cost of production in
is 25% in formulation of biscuits with acceptable bakery product with substantial health benefits
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