Lecture 2 - Introduction To Digital Transformation

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Lecture 2 – Introduction to

Digital Transformation
1. DIGITRANS definition

• Digital business transformation is the integration of new digital technologies into all business areas,
leading to a fundamental change in the way the organization works
• Successful digital transformation goes hand in hand with reengineering and optimization of
business processes in the most appropriate way for the strategy
• Digital business transformation can only be successful if there is a well-founded strategy and
(Schwertner 2017)

1. DIGITRANS definition

• Organization’s digital strategy goal are: improve customer experience, increase efficiency, improve
innovation, improve decision making, transform the business.
• The organization is innovative compared to their competitors. Leadership has sufficient skills,
experience to lead digital strategy (Schwertner 2017)
1. DIGITRANS elements
7 elements of DIGITRANS business

al structure of products
/ services
channels for
with clients
digital skills IT
of infrastructure

of business
2. 3 key areas of DIGITRANS

Transforming customer experience

Transforming Operational Processes

Transforming Business Models

2.1. Transforming customer experience

Customer Top-Line Growth Customer Touch Points

understanding tng trng li nhun vt bc

•- Using social media - Using technology to - Customer service can be

to understand what enhance in-person sales enhanced significantly by
leads to customer conversations digital initiatives
• - Customized product - Multiple channels for the
- Promote their brands packages customer to provide an
more effectively - Simplifying their integrated
through digital media processes through a experience
• digital plugin
- Building new online - Self-service via digital tools
building analytics
capability to
understand customers
in more detail
2.2. Transforming Operational Processes
Process Digitization Worker Enablement Performance Management

• Automation can enable • Individual-level work has been • Beyond being better informed,
companies to refocus their people virtualized digital transformation is actually
on more strategic tasks changing the process of strategic
• This is setting the stage for further decision-making.
• Automation allows researchers to changes related to globalization
focus on innovation and creativity • Transactional systems give
rather than repetitive efforts • The tools that virtualize individual executives deeper insights into
work, while implemented for cost products, regions and customers,
reasons, have become powerful allowing decisions to be made on
enablers for knowledge sharing real data and not on assumptions.
2.3. Transforming business models

• Using digital to transform a new growth business

Digitally • Building digital or service wrappers around traditional products

• Companies are also introducing digital products that complement traditional products
New Digital

• Digital technology coupled with integrated information is allowing businesses to gain global
synergies while remaining locally responsive.
Digital • Global shared services promote efficiency and reduce risk. They even promote global flexibility
3. Key success factors of DIGITRANS
4. DIGITRANS process

1. 2.
Digitized information Telecommunications
Lecture 2 – The end

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