6 A Comprehensive Review On A PV Based System To Harvest Maximum Power
6 A Comprehensive Review On A PV Based System To Harvest Maximum Power
6 A Comprehensive Review On A PV Based System To Harvest Maximum Power
Abstract: In this paper, a comprehensive review of essential components of the PV (Photovoltaic) system is
elaborated, and their comparative unique features are discussed. The paper describes hardware design
(power converters topologies specifically) employed in PV based energy generation systems to harvest
maximum power from the available energy source. In this study, thirty different Maximum Power Point
Tracking (MPPT) techniques have been critically analyzed and their response with respect to partial shading
condition has been discussed. It is very difficult to say which technique is best as one must consider various
factors and parameters while selecting a technique such as application, convergence speed, accuracy,
efficiency, system reliability, and cost and performance of available hardware. Aiming at the complexity,
hardware implementation, tracking speed, steady-state accuracy, or global maximum detection of the
algorithm, an MPPT algorithm based on a rule table is proposed. In addition, the MPPT of a PV system
based on bio inspired techniques is considered. The bio inspired algorithms and its application in PV system
are compared for the authenticity of the review, and six different MPPT techniques are implemented on PV
systems. A comparative analysis is made based on the results of four different cases of irradiance.
Keywords: maximum power point tracking (MPPT); renewable energy (RE); photovoltaic (PV)
1. Introduction
Currently, the changing trends and recent advancements in power generation sector across the globe
has changed the focus of the researchers to come up with a unique and reliable solution to meet the
dramatically escalating energy demand at a domestic level as well as commercial or even more at an
industrial scale of the ever-growing, never-ending population of the world, keeping the environment clean
and suitable for the inhabitants. In addition, for economic development and prosperity, energy production is
of vital importance to become a strong competitor amongst the leading nations of the world.
The depletion of conventional fossil fuel reserves used for energy generation and even more production
and consumption of biofuel couldn 0t reduce greenhouse gases emission, thus still pose serious problems to
the ecosystem. Renewable energy (RE) based power generation technologies (Solar, Wind, Flywheel, Fuel
Cell, Small Hydro-turbines etc.) are the ultimate, unique and reliable,
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 2 of 63
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480; doi:10.3390/electronics8121480 www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics
and the most feasible and robust solutions to minimize the hazardous environmental effects caused by
conventional fossil fuel-based power generation systems in operation around the developed as well as the
underdeveloped nations of the world.
In literature, numerous power converter topologies regarding operational standalone as well as grid
integrated PV based energy generation systems have been elaborated. Their pros and cons depending upon
the technology and application requirements have been discussed in this research article. The converters like
boost, buck, buck-boost, cuk, Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter (SEPIC), and fly-back converters
topologies are the most frequently used power converter configurations in PV based energy systems. Single
Ended Primary Inductor Converter (SEPIC) converter topology has better efficiency compared to other
designs. Interleaved converter topology in conjunction with a boost converter has been used for the PV
system [1,2]. Multi-level inverter topologies have also been employed for PV systems [3]. Cascaded multi-
level converter topology is a modified version of the multi-level converter used in the PV system with
improved efficiency and better power conversion [4].
In this paper, the conventional, as well as their advanced modified versions of power converters for PV
based energy technology, have been discussed comprehensively. In Section 2, the generic model and its
modified versions of the PV module and cell design and its electrical characteristics have been elaborated. In
Section 3, a brief overview of the power converter and their advanced versions in PV based systems with
pros and cons are given to illustrate the inverter topologies used in the PV system. Section 4 presents the
conventional Maximum Power Point Tracking techniques used for the Photovoltaic system. Furthermore,
Section 5 describes the soft computing techniques used for Maximum Power Point Tracking to date, which
are almost 26 in number. Moreover, Section 6 shows a comparative analysis of six commonly used
techniques and illustrates their results under different environmental conditions. In the end, conclusions are
drawn about these power converter designs.
2. PV Cell
A photovoltaic cell is a PN junction device (like photodiode); it produces electricity from sunlight and
this conversion process is called the Photovoltaic effect. A single PV cell can 0t produce an enormous amount
of power. Usually, it produces just a few millivolts of voltage. It generates few amperes of current at high
irradiance. A PV panel consists of several PV cells connected in series or parallel combination, to attain the
required power. However, the output of the PV panel fluctuates with the change in operating conditions,
such as varying positions of the sun, solar irradiance, and surface temperature. Thus, the overall output of
the PV system is nonlinear in nature. Furthermore, to produce high voltage, multiple PV panels are
connected in series to form a PV string. Multiple PV strings are attached in parallel combination to form a
photovoltaic array to meet the requirements of the power processing unit.
Vt = nsAkT, (3)
where IPV and VPV represent the cell current and voltage, respectively. The reverse saturation current of the
diode is represented as Io, the drop across the diode is represented by Vd, diode thermal voltage is
represented by Vt, the ideality factor of the diode is denoted by n, and Rs and Rp represent the series and
parallel resistance of the PV cell, respectively. However, Rs should be very small, almost equal to zero and Rp
should be very large, ideally equal to infinity. To simplify the analysis, these resistances may be neglected.
Figure 3. Electrical characteristics curves of Kyocera-KC200GT (City, Manufacturer, City, US State abbrev. if
applicable, Country).
The PV panel used for this implementation is KC200GT by Kyocera and Table 1 reveals its basic
specifications. Figure 3 illustrates that, under STC, the current to voltage (IV) curve has a unique knee point
that is known as the maximum power point (MPP). This I–V curve is like the curve provided by the Kyocera-
KC200GT manufacturer0s shown in the datasheet [2].
Impp 7.6 A
Vmpp 26.3 V
Pmpp 200 W
Isc 8.21 A
Voc 32.9 V
Number of Cells (Ns) 54
Kv 0.123 V/K Ki
0.0032 A/K
Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the I–V and P–V characteristics curve at different irradiance values under UIC.
It clearly shows that: the Isc varies with the change in irradiance and so does the MPP. However, all the curves
have a unique MPP. Moreover, the MPP is directly proportional to Isc as shown in Equation (8), while Figures
6 and 7 show the response of the PV module due to the change in temperature. It can be observed that the
MPP is inversely proportional to the temperature.
Figure 8. (a) PV string at uniform irradiance condition, (b–d) PV string under partial shading conditions.
The PV string with different irradiance condition is shown in Figure 8. The power vs. voltage
(P–V) curve of the PV string subjected to multiple PSC is illustrated in Figure 9. The curve in blue with a single
maximum peak at 800 W corresponds to a UIC. However, the remaining curve illustrates PSC. Thus, Figure 9
shows that multiple peaks appear in the P–V curves during partial shading conditions.
However, there is a single MPP that appears in each curve, which is known as global peak (GP), and
remaining peaks are known as local peak (LP). Furthermore, in UIC, there is just one GP and no LP. However,
under PSC, there are many LPs but only a single GP. Thus, to detect the GP from all existing peaks, an
accurate and robust tracking technique is required and that is known as Maximum Power Point Tracking
(MPPT). The MPPT becomes more complex and challenging with the variation in temperature and irradiance.
For example, in Figure 9, the light blue line indicates UIC, but, due to the PSC case, multiple peaks are
produced in the remaining curves. The shading curves have GP at 800 W, 613 W, 528 W, 406 W, 397 W, and
330 W. Similarly, the voltage at GP is between 80 V to 120 V.
3. A PV System
Figure 10 shows the complete block diagram of a standalone PV system. The major components of a
standalone PV system are PV panels, MPPT based DC/DC converter, charge controller, DC/AC inverter,
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 8 of 63
batteries, filters, and a microcontroller to control the output of the PV panel and harvest maximum power
from the PV system. As the position of the sun is not static, the output characteristics of the PV panel are
nonlinear in nature. Furthermore, if the panel is partially shaded or the environment is rapidly changing, then
multiple peaks generate in the PV characteristics curve [3]. Thus, the main issue in the PV system is to track
maximum power and to force the PV system to work at maximum power efficiency. Thus, an optimum
control strategy is required to resolve this issue.
The most frequently or commonly employed converters for efficient power conversion in PV based
power systems are classified as a boost, buck, and buck-boost converters. These converters find their
applications in renewable energy systems, such as standalone system, grid-integrated system, micro-grid,
smart-grid systems, or hybrid energy systems. In such power generation systems, efficient and robust MPPT
algorithms are imposed to control the output of the converter in order to harvest maximum power from PV
panels under different environmental conditions. The selection of any of these generic power converters
depends upon the specific applications that are targeted.
Vbk Ibk r Ro
= = = D, (10)
Vpv Ipv Rin
where Vbk is the output voltage of the buck converter, Vpv refers to PV module voltage, Ibk represents the
output current of the buck converter, Ipv is the PV module current thus input current to power converter, Ro is
the output or load resistor attached to the power converter, Rin refers to the input resistor of the buck
converter, and D represents the duty ratio of the converter switch.
The buck converter model is the simplest, has higher power efficiency, and it is a perfect choice for the
power design engineer to integrate it as a power converter for the application of PV based power generation
systems. The unique behavior of the buck converter facilitates an efficient battery bank charging under
uncertain conditions of power provision from PV array. Moreover, it also has the capability to regulate the
solar panel0s output voltage, current as well as power efficiency. When the mode of operation of the buck
converter is frequently changed from continuous conduction to discontinuous conduction due to shading
and non-shading conditions, the system0s robustness is affected, and it requires a complex circuit design and
superior control algorithm for stable and reliable operations of the PV-based energy generation system. The
mode of operation of the buck converter primarily depends upon the environmental variations as well as
climatic conditions, thus reducing the efficiency of the converter and challenging the reliable operation of the
buck converter to provide continuous power to the connected load. To address these limitations of the buck
converter, converter configuration is modified and proposed in the available literature [4,5]. The generic
model of a buck converter with a PV module is shown in Figure 11.
One of the major drawbacks of reduced efficiency is improper damping of the LC filter, which produces
unwanted harmonics at the output of the power converter, forcing the PV system to operate under specific
conditions at a local minima power point and resulting in immense power reduction. To avoid undesired
harmonics in the output waveform, an additional damping compensation circuit is required that increases
system complexity further. Its practical implementation becomes challenging due to the variable impedance
characteristic nature of the PV module [6]. Veerachary proposed the most feasible and practically viable
solution to eliminate unwanted oscillations (harmonics) produced at the output side of the general buck
converter by using a fourth-order buck converter that is far more stable, reliable, efficient, and cost-effective
under any variation in weather or environmental conditions [7].
To maximize the output power and conversion efficiency of the buck converter, a switched capacitor
circuit design with a buck converter comprising a reconfigurable switched capacitor in conjunction with PV
systems is proposed in [8]. In this reconfiguration model, a dual predefined mode of operation-based
strategy is employed, which works by using input current and voltage values of the power converter and thus
minimizing power losses. The major drawback of this topology is its additional requirement of switching
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 10 of 63
device circuits, hence increasing switching and conduction losses and rendering down the overall efficiency
of the implemented PV system. The switching losses can be mitigated by employing multiple modulation
schemes, such as the Space Vector Modulation (SVM) technique, the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
technique, the Enhanced PWM (EPWM) technique, and the Hybrid Pulse Width Modulation (HPWM)
technique [9].
Another topology of the multiphase interleaved buck converter is proposed which is mainly based on
splitting the total output current of the power converter into a number of desired phases.
It is a successful strategy to reduce the current stress on the overall PV system due to the connected load.
This novel strategy of splitting current into phases facilitates reducing conduction losses, thus maximizing
system efficiency [10]. To avoid conduction and switching losses due to additional incorporated devices, a
buck converter is designed to keep the power converter operating in the continuous mode for the whole
duty cycle [11]. Another converter design was proposed, namely a synchronous converter in which the
MOSFET is used by replacing the diode to improve the power conversion efficiency by reducing conduction
loss imposed by the switch [12]. For efficient and robust control, the bi-directional flow of power was
introduced: the topology of the bidirectional power flow converter for the application of a PV based system
specifically focusing on DC micro-grid power systems [13].
where Co is the output side capacitor, Vpv is the PV module voltage, Ipv is PV module current, and IL is the
inductor current. The voltage gain, current gain, and their mathematical relationship with duty cycle is
represented by Equation (12):
Vbt Ibt r Ro
= = = , (12)
Vpv Ipv Rin 1 D
D=1 C oVbt ILi + Ipv . (13)
The control parameter of a boost converter is either frequency or duty cycle (duty ratio). The control
input parameters for PV systems, which are either in the stand-alone mode or in the grid integrated mode
are voltage, current, and power (bi-directional power flow in grid integrated mode) [14–16]. In the existing
literature, various models of a generic boost converter have been proposed. The conventional boost
converter encounters a number of problems, such as less robust, less fault tolerant, and the output voltage
control becoming challenging due to varying weather conditions as well as nonlinear characteristics of PV
based systems. Figure 12 presents the model of a boost converter.
To reduce voltage stress and minimize unwanted ripples of input and output voltage, a suggested
technique is an interleaved dual boost (IDB) power converter [17]. Another proposed model is a three-port
bi-directional boost converter based on an interleaved technique that can reduce ripples and increase power
conversion efficiency by reducing switching losses and voltage regulation [18]. In [19], a microinverter
concept is realized by splitting the output capacitor into two parts to maximize efficiency. Mohammed et al.
proposed a coupled inductor technique to minimize switching losses and facilitate voltage regulation during
charging and discharging intervals [20]. In DC micro-grid systems, high voltage conversion gain is essential to
meet the IEEE standard, and a three-port boost converter topology was investigated in [21,22].
Vbk−bt Ibk−bt D
= = , (14)
Vpv Ipv 1−D
where Vbk-bt refers to the output voltage, Ibk-bt refers to the output current, Vpv is the input voltage, and Ipv is the
input current and also the duty cycle.
The buck-boost topology is the most frequently used power converter topology for PV systems, which
facilitates harvesting maximum power from solar panels that are severely affected by environmental factors
[23,24]. Tsai-Fu et al. employed two buck-boost converter configurations for the DC micro-grid system to
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 12 of 63
avoid voltage stress and maintain the DC bus voltage [25]. Unfortunately, the output current still contains
ripples [25]. Juha et al. integrated an additional filter into a PV system to remove ripples [26]. David et al.
introduced a concept of the non-inverting buck-boost converter with DC transformer to avoid sudden
changes in voltage variations due to the transition between continuous and discontinuous mode of operation
of the converter and switching of diodes from ON and OFF states [27]. In grid incorporated power systems,
the frequency variation causes an immense decrement in power quality of PV based power generation
systems. Moreover, extremely efficient and robust control is required to monitor the bi-directional flow of
power to comply with IEEE standards [28]. An interleaved buck-boost converter topology proposed by
Mohammad et al. allows the PV based power converter to operate as a multi-channel power converter in
high power grid integrated systems [29].
The Cuk converter is another choice for integrating the PV module and the attached load. The Cuk
power converter operates by a unique principle in the steady-state mode where the average values of the
inductor voltage and capacitor current waveforms are zero. Figure 14 visualizes the generic model for the
Cuk power converter. The Cuk converter operates in two modes. In the first mode, the power switch
(MOSFET) is in ON state, forcing the capacitor to provide power to the connected load. In the other mode,
the power switch (MOSFET) is in the OFF state and the power diode will be in a forward bias condition and
transmits energy to the attached load. The mathematical formulation for voltage and current gain is given by
Equation (15):
where Vck refers to the Cuk power converter output voltage, Vpv represents the PV module voltage, Ick is the
output current of the converter, Ipv is the PV current, and Do is the duty ratio.
A Cuk converter operates in three modes. These modes include continuous current mode,
discontinuous capacitor voltage mode, and discontinuous inductor current mode. Due to PV module
characteristics and nonlinear behavior, the discontinuous capacitor voltage mode is most suitable and
preferred over the other two operational modes for PV based power generation systems as it is highly
efficient and suffers less from switching and conduction losses. The main advantage of using a Cuk converter
for constant current applications is its dynamic behavior contributing by the output side inductor which
ensures constant output current flow towards connected load specifically in discontinuous inductor current
operational mode. In [30], the suggested Cuk converter is designed and tested with a modified optimal
power tracking strategy. In [31], Cuk converter modeling is carried out using a variable parameter approach.
The capacitor voltage and inductor current are considered as state variables to derive a state-space model of
the Cuk converter in PV systems. The stability analysis revealed satisfactory results and the harmonic content
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 13 of 63
in the output voltage is in accordance with IEEE standards, while the (Total Harmonics Distortion) THD level is
maintained and strictly kept less than 5% [32].
Vspc Ispc D0
= =( ), (16)
Vpv Ipv 1 D0
where Vspc refers to the SEPIC power converter output voltage, Vpv represents the PV module voltage, Ispc is the
output current of SEPIC converter, Ipv is the PV current, and Do is the duty ratio. The generic model of a SEPIC
power converter in conjunction with the PV system is shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15. The Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter (SEPIC) with a PV module.
A comparative analysis based upon the critical evaluation of technology employed and user
requirement for a specific application reveals that the buck converter is suitable for the situation
where the required circuit voltage is lower than the voltage produced by the PV module. Conversely, the
boost converter is more favorable for the case where the required circuit voltage is greater than the voltage
developed by the PV module so that the circuit requirement must be fulfilled under varying weather
conditions or under sudden or prolonged environmental changes and the boost converter efficiency must not
be rendered down.
The Cuk power converter and buck-boost power converter both are used when the voltage is stepped
up or stepped down in accordance with circuit or application compliance in PV energy-based systems. Their
major drawback being reported in the literature is the presence of ripples in the output of the Cuk converter
as well as a buck-boost converter. These output ripples drive the converter 0s power conversion efficiency to
unacceptable limits. Moreover, they require a large inductor value to meet IEEE standards of output current
and reduction in unwanted harmonics or current ripples [33].
To address the above-discussed issues regarding voltage requirement and harmonic reduction, a single
switch based SEPIC power converter is employed. SS-SEPIC (Single switch SEPIC) facilitates reducing the
output current ripples, thus maximizing the overall PV system efficiency and improving power quality
available to local loads. In [34], a modified SEPIC power converter model is proposed that primarily focuses
on an impedance matching principle to harvest maximum power from the PV module and facilitates
maximum power delivery to the locally connected critical load. The conventional SEPIC power converter
suffers from high switching losses due to the absence of proper value capacitor, which minimizes the
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 14 of 63
switching stress on the power converter, thus increasing efficiency to a considerable amount. To diminish the
switching losses and to achieve smooth output current with a very small percentage of ripples or harmonic, a
coupled inductor based SEPIC power converter is proposed [35]. Moreover, CI-SEPIC also improves output
power quality by reducing electromagnetic interference. A synchronous SEPIC converter model that
enhanced the system robustness by regulating DC-link voltage value is suggested by Emilio et al. [36]. Chiang
et al. proposed a SEPIC power converter model that is principally based on peak current mode control and
suffices charging the system of the low power PV-based energy systems, thus increasing the life of the
battery bank employed in the circuit [37].
Several fly-back converter models have been proposed in the literature and their pros and cons were
provided. The fly-back converter consists of a lesser number of hardware components comparatively
simplifying its operation, reducing hardware design complexity, and giving rise to its suitability and preferred
choice over other existing topologies in PV based power generation systems. The major problem faced by the
PV system employing fly-back converter is the presence of unwanted harmonic ripples at load current. To
address this ripple current issue, Gab-Su et al. introduced a simple concept of placing a decoupled capacitor
between PV module and a power converter to reduce harmonic ripples in the output current of the flyback
converter. The performance of a flyback converter is severely affected by conduction losses. A module-based
interleaved flyback converter method facilitates reducing conduction losses by controlling the flow of current
through power switch, thus regulating power under varying environmental factors [38]. In [39], the proposed
methodology consists of an active capacitor clamp circuit at the primary side of the transformer and at the
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 15 of 63
secondary side of the transformer, a voltage multiplier circuit is attached to mitigate circulating current and
switching losses due to conduction [40].
Another flyback converter is employed in [41] to restrict the power converter to enhance system
robustness and efficiency under high and varying switching frequency (VSF). The VSF imposes complex circuit
requirements causing accurate mathematical modeling to be a challenging and difficult task. Another flyback
converter scheme is employed in [42] to decrease conduction loss; thus, maximizing power conversion and
mathematical modeling becomes easier. An interleaved flyback module integrated power converter is
discussed in [43] to avoid or mitigate DC-link voltage ripples as
well as electromagnetic interference caused by transformer magnetizing and demagnetizing effect. In
continuous conduction mode, power converter circuit components suffer from huge current stress, thus
decreasing overall system efficiency. To resolve this overstress current issue, Guan et al. [44] employed two
fly-back converter schemes based on frequency variation, and proper duty-cycle control will improve the
battery life and mitigate the current stress on components of the converter. Jong et al. [ 45] introduced a
novel strategy of a series-connected flyback converter to enhance the PV module voltage transfer gain. To
avoid impedance mismatch condition which reduces power transfer capability of the PV module, a sub-
module integrated flyback converter is suggested in [46] which compensates for the PV voltage by injecting
current into the system under impedance mismatch
scenario, or else the sub-module is switched off or isolated from the PV power generation system.
where the peak power of the grid is denoted by Pgrid and the frequency of the grid is ωgrid.
Figure 17. PV inverter types (a) single-stage inverter, (b) two-stage inverter.
On the other hand, the inverter with two power processing units is known as two-stage PV inverter,
which is shown in Figure 17b. In the two-stage inverter, the DC–DC converter with the MPPT based charge
control system being separately installed with the inverter [51]. In this inverter, the DC to DC converter
performs two tasks i.e., voltage level adjustment and MPPT. However, the inverter adjusts the current
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 16 of 63
according to the phase and frequency of the grid by injecting a pulse width modulated signal, and it will
convert the DC to AC.
Although the basic control mechanism of the inverter is to convert DC into AC, the inverters with more
than two levels are highly efficient and can be implemented with minimum cost [52,53].
Three commonly used multi-level inverters are i.e., Diode Clamped, Flying Capacitors, and Cascaded H-
Bridge. In Diode Clamped inverters, series capacitors are used to build multiple voltage levels. In a single-
phase n-level diode clamped inverter, n-number of capacitors are required for n voltage levels [54]. Similarly,
n-number of capacitors are required in n-level Flying Capacitor inverters [55]. However, the Cascaded
Multilevel inverter (C-MLI) does not require any additional capacitors or diodes. Thus, it would be a good
option for renewable energy applications such as photovoltaic (PV) systems. Multiple DC voltage sources are
combined to generate required output in case of pf C-MLI [56,57]. Figure 18 shows the basic circuit diagram
of Diode-clamped, flying capacitor, and cascaded h-bridge inverters. The output of the multilevel inverter is a
staircase sinusoidal waveform with minimum harmonics. The multilevel inverter topologies are the most
appropriate option for the PV system because of the modular structure of the PV array where multiple
voltage levels can be easily produced.
Figure 18. (a) diode clamped inverter, (b) fly-back inverter, and (c) cascaded bridge inverter.
4. Conventional MPPT Techniques
The electricity produced by the PV system is nonlinear in nature because the position of the sun is not
constant. Furthermore, the electricity produced by the PV system is dependent on solar light (irradiance) and
environmental temperature [58]. Thus, it becomes a great challenge to harvest maximum power from the PV
system [59]. Figure 19 shows the P–V characteristics curve of the PV panel. The figure depicted that there is a
unique point in each curve where maximum power would be achieved.
Thus, in order to force the PV system to work at that point, many Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
algorithms are introduced by the researchers. Some conventionally used MPPT techniques are: the Fractional
Open Circuit Voltage (FOCV), Factional Short Circuit Current (FSCC) [60], Hill Climbing (HC) method [61],
Incremental Conductance (InC) technique [62], and the Perturb and Observe (P&O) technique [63]. The
aforementioned techniques are efficient, simple, and their response time is very fast in uniform
environmental conditions, but their efficiency degrades in partial shading conditions and rapidly changing
environmental conditions [64]. Moreover, even in UIC, these techniques will oscillate in steady-state
conditions or at MPP [60,65]. However, many hybrid techniques have been developed in order to improve
the performance of the above-mentioned techniques [58,66–68]. This hybrid approach is a combination of
conventionally MPPT techniques and some artificial intelligence algorithms to improve PV system
performance efficiency [69,70]. The detailed description of these conventionally used techniques and their
pros and cons are discussed below.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 17 of 63
where k is a constant that lies between 0.8 and 0.9. In order to compute Isc, the load has to be shed and
then the aforementioned equation yields the IMPP. However, this method has its own drawbacks:
The load interruption when measuring Isc,
The MPP obtained is not exactly accurate as the equation itself demonstrates.
4.1.2. Fractional Open Circuit Voltage (FOCV)
The basic phenomenon of Fractional open-circuit voltage (FOCV) is the same as the FSCC technique.
Thus, it is a direct MPPT technique that doesn 0t track MPP. Therefore FOCV is only an approximation based
technique [67]. It can be implemented by both discrete and analog control methodology. However, FOCV is
easier to implement as compared to FSCC. Furthermore, FOCV is a simple, fast and offline approach to find
the Maximum Power Point that is based on an estimated value of the open-circuit voltage. This technique
works on the principle that Vmpp is approximately equal to some fractional value of Voc [71] that is illustrated
in Equation (20):
where k is the fractional value of open-circuit voltages usually it is between 0.7 to 0.8 time the open-circuit
voltage [73]. Figure 20 presents the block diagram of FOCV. The main drawback of this technique is: it
produces periodic power loss while measuring Voc. Moreover, this technique is not feasible for PSC.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 18 of 63
∆V < 0, C > ∆C, d(k + 1)= d(k)+∆d. (25)
Initially, a set of chromosomes is defined to find an optimal solution from the search space. These
chromosomes are either voltage or duty cycle in the MPPT problem. Usually, these chromosomes are
encoded in the form of a binary code, while the fitness function is the PV equation. The chromosome
population is dependent on the length of the binary code. A larger population will reduce convergence time
but will increase the processing burden. Furthermore, the algorithm will perform the mutation and crossover
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 21 of 63
to produce a new generation. The fitness function will evaluate the new generation, and a new fitness value
would be assigned. This process repeats itself until the highest fitness value is achieved and that will be the
MPP. Usually, a genetic algorithm is used to optimize ANN and FL techniques [98,99]. Both of these
techniques show superior performance to classical P&O but are complex and require high processing time.
The authors in [100] proposed the MPPT method in which the P&O algorithm is integrated into the GA
algorithm to create a single algorithm; by integrating P&O into GA, the population and number of iterations
decreased, thus resulting in finding the global MPPT in less time. The efficiency of the proposed method is
almost the same as of classical P&O, but it can find the GMPP even in partial shading conditions that the
classical method failed to track.
The swarm particles search in the space and identify the local best (Pbest) and global best (Gbest) by using
Equations (26) and (27). For MPPT, the case position of the particle is defined as the duty cycle for the
converter and its value is adjusted by using Equations (28) and (29) [101]. Equations (30) and (31) show the
particle best and global best array, respectively. Thus, this technique may not yield desirable performance
regarding the convergence speed and tracking ability to detect the optimal point:
Authors in [102] proposed a PSO based MPPT technique whose main advantage is the elimination of PI
control because of the direct duty cycle control method. The proposed technique overcomes the drawbacks
of the conventional MPPT methods that cannot track GMMPT in partial shading conditions.
where fli,k is the flight length of the crow I and ri is the uniform distribution random number between 0 and 1.
Situation 2: if crow j knows that crow i is tracking it, crow j, in order to protect its food from being
stolen, will fool the crow i and take it to another place in the search space. Both situations can be expressed
as follows:
× mi,k − xi,k rj ≥ APi,k . i,k+1 = xi,k + ri × fli,k
a random position otherwise
AP is called awareness probability. The algorithm searches in the local region if its value is taken to be
small, and, if taken to be large, then the algorithm searches in a much larger global search space.
Mi(t) × Mj(t)
F d
ij (t) = G(t) × Rij(t) + ε× (xdj (t) − xdi (t)), (34)
where d = 1, 2, D, G(t) is the gravitational constant at a specified time t, Mi(t) and Mj(t) are the inertial
masses of the particles i and j, Rij(t) defines the distance between particle j and i, ε is the small constant, and
xdj (t) and xdi (t) are positions of particles j and i, respectively.
where G0 and α are the user defined parameters and T is the total number of iterations.
The total force acting from other particles on the ith particle is as expressed by Equation (38):
Finally, position and velocity of the ith particle can be defined by Equations (40) and (41):
Vid(t + 1) = randi × Vid(t) + adi (t), (40) xdi (t + 1) = xdi (t) + Vid(t + 1). (41)
α is a very important parameter in GSA directly impacting the global search mechanism that affects the
convergence speed and precision. If its value is set too large, the convergence speed is high with low
precision, and, if its value is set small, then its precision is high with slower convergence speed. Thus, the
authors in [104] propose an α which takes on the values dynamically. If the particle is near optimum value,
then the value of α becomes small, and, if the particle is far from the optimum point, then the value of α
becomes large to converge faster.
Authors in [105] used GSA with the traditional P&O method. PV curve is scanned through GSA and,
afterward, the best-attained solution is transferred to P&O. The hybrid method results in better tracking
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 24 of 63
5.6. Cauchy and Gaussian Sine Cosine Based MPPT Method
Authors in [106] proposed a Cauchy and Gaussian Sine Cosine based MPPT method which is a hybrid
Sine Cosine algorithm (SCA) with Cauchy density and Gaussian distribution function. SCO is used to create the
initial population for which the mechanism of SCA tracks MPP. Cauchy density is used to improve exploration
search ability to avoid getting trapped in local optima and for fast convergence to the global optimum point
and Gaussian distribution function is used to improve the exploitation phase of the search mechanism.
Initially, SCA is used to create an initial population of track MPP through the sine cosine algorithm
mechanism. For search space exploration and exploitation phases, expressions presented in Equation (42)
are used:
The sine and cosine range in the above equations can be defined by Equation (43) to balance the
exploration and exploitation. Figure 26 shows populations trajectory path of SCA:
− × ∀∈
α=λ k k K, (43)
where Xik is the updated position of the ith population in the k + 1th iteration. Pki is the fitness function of
corresponding Xik. ψ, ϕ, and β are the random numbers. K and k are the total number of iterations and
current iteration, respectively. To improve exploration searchability and exploitation phase of the search
mechanism, CGF is incorporated in SCA in position updating. Cauchy density and Gaussian distribution are
defined by Equations (44) and (45):
fc(v) = , (44)
1 [− (υ− u )2 / (2σ2 )]
√ e (45)
fN(υ) = 2πσ ,
where Nu, σ2 is a normal distribution with variance σ2 and mean u. V0 is the mean value for Cauchy
distribution CV0, γ2. This work focuses on the single sensor (current) based MPPT to improve the lead-acid
battery charging. In a lead-acid battery, 90% to 95% of the voltage remains constant at any state of charge.
Thus, by this method, the charging power and duty cycle has been estimated to maximize the power as
power is the function of the current. Due to only a single sensor in use, the cost of the MPPT system is less as
well as due to less computational burden this method can be implemented on a less expensive
where Xik,best and Xik,worst are the values of variable i for the best and worst candidates during the kth
iteration. The final selection process is represented by Equation (47):
+1 = iikk,,+jj, if1, Otherwisef(Xik,j) > f(Xik,+j 1) .
ik,j X
5.8.2. Differential Evolution
DE is a global search algorithm and the proposed technique to improve the performance of Jaya
algorithm by pulling all population candidates toward the MPP. DE selects three solution candidates Xj1(k),
Xj2(k), and Xj3(k) from the population of the Jaya and passes on through the mechanism of the DE algorithm.
DE mechanism consists of three steps: mutation, crossover and selection. Jaya pushes all solutions away from
the worst values and DE pulls the solutions of Jaya toward the global solution as well as the mutation
operator closely observing the movements and very perfectly updating the final solutions.
λΓ(λ) sin(πλ/2) 1
L(λ) = π1+λ(S >> S0 > 0). (49)
L(λ) shown in Equation (49) is the levy distribution that helps to increase the strength of the pollination
and is responsible for the transfer of the pollens to greater distances. γ is the scaling factor to control
step size and Γ(λ) is the standard gamma function.
2 The abiotic and self-pollination process is categorized as local pollination and is defined by Equation
xti+1 = xti + ε(xtk − xtj), (50)
where xtk and xtj are the pollens from the same species. ε is used for local search between [0, 1].
3 Pollinators are attributed to creating flower constancy and the reproduction probability of new species
will improve the similarity of flowers involved in pollination.
4 Probability switch P ∈ [0, 1] controls the switching between local and global pollination and is found to
be 0.8 in most of the cases.
FPA is well suitable for nonlinear optimization problems such as the output of the PV systems because it
involves two stages of calculation of the control variable i.e., global and local pollination. No other
optimization algorithm has the mechanism of dual search in a single-stage process. The FPA method is
compared with PSO and P&O methods to verify its superiority over other methods using simulation and
hardware experimental results under different environmental conditions.
Figure 27. The flowchart of the Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO) algorithm.
Luciferin Update Phase: The luciferin carried by glowworms depends on the objective function value of
the current position and is updated by Equation (51):
where ρ represents the luciferin decay constant, γ is the luciferin enhancement constant, Ii(t) is luciferin at
iteration t, and F(xi(t + 1)) is the objective function.
Movement Phase: Each glowworm moves towards better individuals and the probability that agent i is
moving towards agent j is expressed by Equation (52):
Ij(t) − Ii(t)
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 28 of 63
pij = Pm∈Ni(t) I (t) − Ii(t). (52) m
Ni(t) shown in Equation (53) represents the neighbor agent of the agent i:
Ni(t) = nj : di,j(t) < rid , Ii(t) < Ij(t . (53)
di,j(t) represents the Euclidean distance between glowworms i and j. rid is the range of the
glowworm i at time t.
Glowworms are attracted and move towards the neighbor that has the larger luciferin quantity and
glows brighter. The movement update rule is as follows:
D , (55)
→ → →→
where A, C, and D are the coefficient vectors, X∗ is the optimum solution and updates if a better solution is
obtained, k is the current iteration, and X is the current position vector of the whales. A and C can be
calculated by Equations (57) and (58):
→→ →
· −
A=2a r a, (57)
→ →
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 30 of 63
C=2 r. (58)
r is the random vector between [0, 1], a linear decrease from 2 to 0 as iterations move on X is the
optimum solution with knowledge of the prey. A flowchart describing detailed methodology WOA based
MPPT is shown in Figure 29. The proposed technique is tested on 6S, 3S2P and 2S3P PV configuration under
dynamic and partial shading environmental conditions and benchmarked with GWO and PSO techniques.
Results clearly showed its superiority over other techniques with respect to accuracy and tracking speed. The
authors in [117] introduce a whale optimization with differential evolution technique (WODE) based MPPT
method for rapidly changing environmental conditions and PSC. The WODE technique is good for fast
convergence as well as oscillation free tracking of GMPP. It has some unique advantages over other
techniques such as fast convergence, less steady-state oscillation, and less computational burden.
D = C.Xp(t) Xp (t), (59)
→ → →→
X(t + 1) = Xp(t) A.D, (60)
where t is the current iteration, A, C, and D denote the coefficient vectors, Xp and X denote the prey position
vector and grey wolf position vector, respectively. A and C vectors are calculated by Equations (61) and (62):
→→ →
A = 2 a .r1 − a , (61)
→ →
C = 2. r 2, (62)
where a linearly decreases from 2 to 0 as the iterations move on, and r1, r2 are the random number between
[0, 1]. Alpha usually guides the hunt followed by beta and delta which also occasionally take part in the
hunting process. Alpha is referred to as the best candidate solution because it has the best knowledge of the
prey location. Delta and omega take care of the wounded wolves. Wolves finish the process by attacking
when the prey stops moving.
To assess the effectiveness of the proposed technique, its performance is benchmarked with P&O and
IPSO based MPPT techniques and, from the results, it was found that the GWO based technique shows
superior performance to other MPPT methods. Table 2 shows the performance comparison of the proposed
technique with other techniques.
where ε is random number from [–1, 1] or Gaussian distribution and At is average loudness. Loudness
decreases and pulse rate decreases as the bat moves towards the global optimal position. Loudness Ai and
pulse rate ri is updated by Equations (67) and (68):
− −
rit+1 = Ri[1 exp( γt)], (68)
j j j j
xi = xmin + rand[0, 1] xmax − xmin , (69)
{ ··· } { ··· }
j j where i = 1, 2, , SN , j = 1, 2, , D and xmax, xmin and
D are the maximum and minimum of the parameter j and number of optimization parameters, respectively.
For each cycle C = 1, 2, ··· , MCN, every employed bee produces a new solution according to the following
equation and evaluate its fitness fiti:
vij = xij + φijxij − xkj, (70)
where k ∈ {1, 2, ··· , SN}, j ∈ {1, 2, ··· , D} and φij ∈ [−1, 1].
Employed bees shared the information and then onlookers found the new positions with the probability
given in Equation (71):
Pi = P SN .
n=1 fitn
The fitness function of each new candidate is compared with the old one and, if it is better than the old
one, then it is updated in the memory; otherwise, the old solution is retained. If the fitness of a solution
cannot be improved at the end of each cycle, then the new solution is randomly searched using Equation
(70). The flowchart of the ABC based MPPT technique is shown in Figure 31. The ABC based MPPT technique
is proposed in [123]. The proposed technique is a simple and robust technique that successfully overcomes
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 34 of 63
the problems associated with conventional MPPT techniques. Results showed that the proposed technique
has better performance than PSO based MPPT. Furthermore, it only requires two control parameters and its
convergence is independent from the initial conditions.
Figure 31. Flowchart of the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) based MPPT Algorithm [123].
Tk = αTk−1. (73)
After four perturbations, the temperature value is updated, and the author implements the
inhomogeneous SA. In inhomogeneous SA, equilibrium is not required at each temperature level. The SA
algorithm is shown in Figure 32.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 35 of 63
Figure 32. Flowchart of the proposed Simulated Annealing (SA) based MPPT technique.
5.21. Fireworks Algorithm Based MPPT
The fireworks algorithm (FWA) is an intelligent metaheuristic optimization algorithm based on
intelligent behavior of swarms. FWA simulates the fireworks explosions in the night sky to find an optimal
solution. In FWA, in the search space, initially a number of fireworks are generated, and a stochastic
explosion process is started for each firework. A shower of parks is generated and filled the local space
surrounding the exploded fireworks in the result of fireworks explosion. The newly generated sparks and
fireworks both are the potential solutions of the problem in the search space. For efficiently searching the
global optimal point in the search space, the algorithm uses the explosion sparks produced by an explosion
operator and Gaussian mutation sparks by the Gaussian mutation operator. A proper balance between the
exploration and exploitation process is the main feature of this algorithm. Exploration is the ability of the
algorithm to search for a big region for the global optimum solution, and exploitation refers to the process to
search for a smaller region to avoid big jumps and refine the solution. Gaussian mutation sparks are
generated to enhance the local search capability as well as to ensure the diversity of the swarm. Figure 33
shows the flowchart of FWA.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 36 of 63
where the location of individual particle DF is represented by X and, for the kth position, it would be Xk.
Alignment: For matching the velocities of moving DF exhibiting synchronization given by Equation (75):
Ai = k=1 (75)
where Vk is the velocity of the kth individual. N
Cohesion: All the particles tend to move to the midpoint of neighborhood mass. The cohesion Ci is
shown in the Equation (76):
Ci = k=1 Xk − X. (76)
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 37 of 63
Food Attraction at location XFood is shown by Equation (77) where Individuals tend to move towards
Fi = XFood − X. (77)
Enemy: Individual particle tends to detach from the enemy. Enemy location Xenemy is shown by Equation
Ei = Xenemy + X. (78)
Combining the effects of these five traits, the final upgraded location of individual particle DF is given by
Equation (79):
Xi = Xi + ∆Xi, (79)
The explanation of all symbols of Equation (80) is given in Table 3. The stepwise procedure of
implementing DFA algorithm implemented by [126] is shown in Table 4. Figure 34 demonstrates the
flowchart of the DFA algorithm.
where l is the length of flight and variance is represented by λ. However, the value of λ is between 1 and 3.
The new generation is represented by x(t+1) as shown in Equation (82). α is used for initial step change:
xi = xtj + α ⊕ Levy(λ), (82) (t+
To improve the convergence efficiency of the cukoo0s method, an adaptive cuckoo search algorithm is
proposed by the researchers in [125,128]. The flow chart of this Adoptive Cuckoo Search Algorithm (ACCO) is
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 39 of 63
shown in Figure 35. In this technique, the fixed switching parameters of the cuckoo search algorithm are
frequently updated in order to remove the unwanted glitches in power and voltage outputs.
The switching parameter to linearly increase its values as CS iterations increase is defined by
Equation (84):
Paci = (Pa max).( Ti ). (84)
The switching parameter to increase exponentially with respect to increase in iterations is given by
Equation (85):
P (
Paci = ( a max). Exp Ti ). (85)
In addition, to represent the switching parameter that uses cubic power, Equation (86) is provided:
Ci 3
P (
Paci = ( a max). Ti ) . (86)
The fitness function (J) is the value of PV power at MPP, where D is the duty cycle and n is the number
of samples. Voltage Samples generated based on Lévy distribution are given by Equations (87) and (88):
Di = Dti + α ⊕ Levy(λ), (87)
α = αo(dbest − di). (88)
Figure 35. Flowchart presentation of the proposed Adoptive Cuckoo Search Algorithm (ACOA) based MPPT control
for the PV system.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 40 of 63
5.25. Particle Swarm Optimization Gravitational Search (PSOGS) Based MPPT
Particle swamp optimization is a bio-inspired model for the optimization of problems in which the
collective intelligence of identical individuals is utilized to maximize the efficiency of operation. In PSO,
particle swamp optimization particles are associated to be a flock of birds. Each particle with individual
direction and velocity is initialized in a search space. Search space is confined mathematically and contains
the best possible solution. In every iteration, the best position and direction are updated to the neighboring
swarm particles i.e., sharing of intelligence enhances the candidate solution. Each particle represents a
candidate solution. The PSOGS is implemented on the MPPT problem by [129].
The PSO mathematical model with GS is made in which each particle is initialized with randomized
velocity and direction and represents a candidate solution. N is the number of initialized particles that are
also exhibiting candidate solutions. The position of particle I is given by xi = (xi1 + xi2 + + xiN) and
corresponding velocity of particle vi = (vi1 + vi2 + + viN) Bound by vmax in an N dimensional search space.
Position and velocity are updated by Equations (89) and (90):
where current solution is the xki (position of particle) at the kth iteration, while c1, c2 represent positive constants,
r1, r2 are two random variables range [0, 1], w is the inertial weight which impacts the vector of velocity on new
velocity direction and magnitude, velocity is kept in limit by bounding vmax limit on vectors, which is initialized as
a function of the range of the problem.
Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) is a heuristic algorithm and it was introduced in 2009. The
mathematically modeling GSA is based on Newton 0s law of gravity, and motion is used; the system starts
with random agents (Na) and the gravitational forces are informed from the agent k to l. The general
equation of GSA is given by Label (91):
Mpl(t) ∗ Mat(t)
Fdlk = G(t) Rlk(t) + εx k(t) − x l (t) .
d d
α ∗ iter!
∗ −
G(t) = Go exp , (93) maxite
where Go is the initial value of gravity. α is descending coefficient, iter is current iteration, maxite is maximum
number of iterations. Hence, total force being induced upon candidate l is given by Equation (94):
where d is problem search space dimension, rk is random number. The general equation of Newtonian
acceleration is deduced by Equation (95):
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 41 of 63
= ma a= . (95)
The GSA expression can be written as Equation (96):
The reason for PSO-GSA combination was to utilize the attractive social intelligence of PSO and
incorporate this social intelligence with precise local search capability i.e., acl(t) of GSA; hence, an effective
approach is to maximize the search for GM and avoid trapping in LM; in addition, oscillations due to
perturbation and power loss are minimized. GSA0s local search ability acl(t) is a representation of duty cycle,
and the velocity and positions of agents is updated using Equations (99) and (100), respectively:
Figure 36. Flow chart of Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) for MPPT of the PV system [131].
Algorithm 1. Pseudo code of Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) for MPPT [131].
1 : β = 2, γ = 0.5, th = 0.2
2 : sense VPV and IPV and calculate Γ
3 : Eftol > 0 tolerence
4: while Ev > Eftol do
5: d = initial guess
6: while k = 0, 1, 2, ... , n do
7: evaluate f(d)
8: find D_worst and calculate f(d_worst)
9: j = index of y_worst
10 : if (f(d +∆kΓ) > f(dworst)
11: dj = dj +∆kΓ
12: ∆k+1 = γ∆k
13: −
elseif ((f(d ∆kΓ) > f(dworst))
14: dj = dj −∆kΓ
15: ∆k+1 = β∆k
16 : else
17 : ∆ k +1 = ∆ k
18 : dj+1 = dj +∆kΓ
19 : end if
20 : k=k+1
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 43 of 63
21 : if(∆_k < Th)
22 : break
23 : end if
24 : end while
25 : calculate Ev
26 : end while
dik+1 = dik − Γ, (101)
(VSC − Voc)
Γ= , (102)
2 vut
PN i i
k= 1 ( F dk − avg F dk )
Ev =. (103)
(N − 1)
The two control variables of the algorithm are voltage and current. Equations (101) to (103) depict the
basic equations for an updated control parameter i.e., duty cycle.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 45 of 63
Figure 37. (a) PV system simulated model; (b) PV curves under partial shading.
The tracking time is measured from the time of initialization until GM is reached. The settling time
includes the time duration in which particles settle on GM point without oscillations. Settling time for DFO,
ABC, PSO-GS, PSO and CS is 0.28 s, 0.38 s, 0.62 s, 0.70 s, and 0.69 s, respectively. The ABC and DFO have a
minimum difference between tracking and settling times. This indicated that the coherence properties and
onlooker bee of DFO and ABC play a significant role to converge at MPP.
The P&O converges to GM but can 0t settle down at GM due to oscillations produced by continuous
perturbation. To reduce oscillations, the step size has to be reduced considerably, but, consequently, P&O
tracking time drops. Undesired oscillations dissipate power causing power loss and reduce efficiency. To
balance tracking time and efficiency, the step size of the boost converter is kept inside a range that only
generates oscillations within 2–5% of PV arrays stated power. The oscillations produced by P&O are 22 watts
in this case. DFO and PSOGS reduce the magnitude of the oscillations by <1 watt, achieving a 94% reduction
in oscillations. Random oscillations by PSO remain significantly high. Figures 40 and 41 indicate that PSO has
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 47 of 63
the highest oscillations among bio-inspired algorithms. The oscillations in voltage and current are is the duty
observed in Figures 42 and 43. The control parameter that updates in each iteration cycle is shown in Figure
40 and indicates that the proposed technique effectively tracks the MPP in lesser iterations. PSOGS performs
slightly better than PSO. In Figure 41, it is observed that the DFO, ABC, and CS also effectively track GM in
fast varying irradiance. The prominent effect of Levy flight is observed in Figure 40 during an interval of 0.2–
0.5 s. A large fluctuation by CS technique is because of Levy flight. We can conclude that quick re-tracking,
least oscillations, and high efficiency are results of higher information sharing among swarm particles and
organized structure enhanced by features like alignment in DFO. In Figures 42 and 43, current and voltage
transients are presented for comparison. The oscillations produced by P&O are successfully minimized by
bio-inspired techniques.
The maximum power obtained under PS conditions by DFO, P&O, ABC, PSOGS, PSO, and CS is
793.8 w, 393 w, 789.4 w, 783.8 w, 791.5 w, and 778.6 w, respectively. The highest efficiency is achieved by
DFO while it is 99.4% by PSO. The lowest efficiency achieved by P&O is 49.3%, which is trapped in LM1
because P&O is stuck at LM1. The ABC, PSOGS, and CS produce 99.1%, 98.4%, and 97.81% respectively.
The tracking time of DFO, ABC, PSOGS, PSO and CS is 0.18 s, 0.35 s, 0.32 s, 0.68 s and 0.35 s,
respectively, and settling time is 0.21 s, 0.45 s, 0.49 s, 0.70 s and 0.45 s, respectively. In tracking GM, DFO
settles at GM within 470 ms achieving 19% faster tracking to the second-best. Faster tracking shows the
robustness, and, due to faster settling time, undesired oscillations are successfully removed. The tracking
time of P&O is neglected because it gets stuck at LM1 and can 0t locate GM. Case 2 again indicates superior
performance of DFO followed by ABC and PSOGS, although PSO achieves 99.4% and random oscillations are
still observed in voltage and current. CS also shows a similar behavior that is undesired in normal working
conditions. DFO achieves 1–5% better power convergence efficiency
with a reduction of ripples <1 watt. The output is stable, and current and voltage have zero oscillations as
shown in Figures 48 and 49. In Figure 46, the duty cycle updating correlating to each iteration indicates that
DFO, ABC, and PSOGS can detect and converge at GM in lesser iterations.
The maximum power achieved by DFO, ABC, PSOGS, PSO, and CS is 1074, 1066,1070,1068, and 1067w,
respectively. P&O has achieved lowest 67.79%, DFO 99.98%, ABC 99.07%, PSOGS 99.44%, PSO 99.256%, and
CS 99.163%. Figures 59 and 60 depict that the implemented techniques can successfully track GMPP in a
different number of iterations. The oscillations are minimum for DFO. The current and voltage comparison
corresponding to Case 4 are given by Figures 61 and 62, respectively. Stable output power and steady
current are advantageous behaviors. However, the technique which lags in settling time suffers the most in
the transient loss. It affects the overall performance and significantly reduces harvested power.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 54 of 63
Figure 63 illustrate that the time taken by DFO, ABC, PSOGS, PSO, and CS to track GM is 0.17 s,
0.25 s, 0.31 s, 0.42 s, and 0.40 s, respectively. The settling time of each technique is 0.20 s, 0.31 s, 0.40 s, 0.50
s, and 0.51 s, respectively. As illustrated in comparative results, ABC has a minimum settling time following
DFO. It settles within 0.3 s and is on average 56 ms–300 ms faster under CPS conditions. CS, PSO, and PSOGS
take over 600 ms each to settle at searched Maxima. The overall performance sequence in Case 4 is DFO >
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 55 of 63
Figure 63. Average efficiency, convergence time and settling time of MPPT techniques.
1. Traditional analytical gradient-based techniques are quick to track MPP in static irradiance and
temperature. However, oscillations around GM and LM trap are major drawbacks.
2. Swarm-based techniques implying random variables, distribution functions or stochastic behavior for
updating the candidate solutions can find GM successfully. However, due to randomness rooted in
solution optimization, they have lower settling time and random oscillations are observed. Examples of
such techniques are PSO and CS.
3. The techniques that involve multiple relations within swarm particles such as DFO and ABC show better
performance and are able to perform effectively under all weather conditions.
4. A larger number of swarm particles yield better final results; however, it takes a toll on computational
resources and time. The practical implementation may become more expensive due to the utilization
of costly hardware.
5. It is seen that medium-sized swarm population with multiple effective correlations within swarm
particles proves to be more effective for MPPT of PV system under all circumstances.
Table 8. Power, tracking and efficiency tabular comparison of existing techniques.
Irradiance Converge Settling Time MPP Power (W) Power (W) Eff.
Tech. Energy
Pattern Time (s) GMMP (s) Located at MPP Tracked (%)
Case 1 0.24 0.28 Yes 1260 1259.5 × 99.9
2.517 103
Case 2 PS 0.19 0.21 Yes 795 793.5 6
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 56 of 63
Case 3 PS 0.26 0.43 Yes 450 438.7 × 99.6
1.584 103
Case 4 CPS 0.17 0.20 Yes 1080 1074 × 99.9
2.156 103
Case 1 0.12 0.12 Yes 1260 1237 × 98.1
2.46 103
Case 2 PS LM LM No 795 396.4 7
Case 3 PS LM LM No 450 304 49.7
P&O 0
Case 4 CPS LM LM No 1080 264 520.0 24.4
Case 1 0.33 0.38 Yes 1260 1259 × 99.9
2.512 103
Case 2 PS 0.35 0.45 Yes 795 789.4 2
Case 3 PS 0.33 0.56 Yes 450 448.8 1.576 103 99.1
895 7
Case 4 CPS 0.25 0.31 Yes 1080 1066 × 99.0
2.10 103
Case 1 0.45 0.62 Yes 1260 1259 × 99.9
2.512 103
Case 2 PS 0.32 0.49 Yes 795 783.8 × 3
1.565 10
Case 3 PS 0.33 0.45 Yes 450 447.1 98.4
Case 4 CPS 0.31 0.40 Yes 1080 1070 × 99.4
2.14 103
Case 1 0.47 0.70 Yes 1260 1257 × 99.7
2.500 103
Case 2 PS 0.68 0.70 Yes 795 791.5 × 3
1.570 10
Case 3 PS 0.41 0.81 Yes 450 439.2 99.4
Case 4 CPS 0.42 0.50 Yes 1080 1068 × 99.2
2.13 103
Case 1 0.46 0.69 Yes 1260 1258 × 99.8
2.511 103
Case 2 PS 0.35 0.45 Yes 795 778.6 × 3
1.55 10
Case 3 PS 0.30 0.84 Yes 450 430 97.8
859.5 1
CS 6
Case 4 CPS 0.40 0.51 Yes 1080 1067 × 99.2
2.13 103
7. Conclusions
In this work, a comprehensive review of MPPT methods is presented and categorized as conventional,
soft computing, and optimization algorithms-based methods. This work presented developed techniques for
MPPT to help readers understand and select suitable techniques for their specific problems. The cost
effective and efficient extraction of maximum power from photovoltaic arrays depends on the MPPT control
strategy. Various MPPT technologies are reviewed, and the block diagram, schematic diagram, working
principle, algorithm, and their advantages and disadvantages are described. This paper summarizes the
input, output, and hidden parameters of MPPT under the condition of uniform, rapid change and partial
shadow. The conclusion of this paper is that most of the traditional MPPT algorithms perform MPP operation
on photovoltaic arrays under uniform
weather conditions, but they cannot get real MPP under fast changing and partial shading conditions. The
intelligent and advanced algorithm drives the photovoltaic array to reach the real maximum power point
under the condition of partial shadow and rapid change, but the algorithm is complex and difficult to be
realized with embedded technology. This paper also provides evaluation criteria of various MPPT algorithms,
which can help MPPT developers choose a convenient technology for any desired photovoltaic system. The
potential application areas of the review document are also illustrated in tabular form, which refers to the
load (resistance, inductance, battery and grid) of the MPPT. Here are some noteworthy suggestions, and
performance of different techniques are presented. It is very difficult to say which technique is best as one
Electronics 2019, 8, 1480 57 of 63
has to consider various factors and parameters while selecting a technique such as application, convergence
speed, accuracy, efficiency, system reliability, and cost and performance of available hardware.
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