Bluetooth is now mainstream that it has become synonymous with the 21st
century. The wireless technology allows exchanging data over short distance
using short wavelength radio transmission, providing convenience, intelligence
and controllability. In this paper, a home lighting control system using arduino
bluetooth interface with android smartphone as platform is proposed and
prototyped. Technology in arduino, android smartphone and bluetooth are
reviewed. HC-05 bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol) module, designed for
transparent wireless serial connection setup is being used in the design. Android
application is downloaded to android smartphone to monitor and control the
operation of the lighting system remotely. The application facilitates in controlling
the operating pins of Arduino. Design shows that arduino bluetooth interfacing
can control a house lighting using an android smartphone as a platform. In future
lighting home automation, timer will be included to be more energy- efficient
and highly scalable. For secured, ubiquitously accessible and remotely controlled
lighting system, GSM module will be incorporated in future designs. It would
be extended to the large-scale environment such as colleges, offices and factories,
among others.
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
International Peer Reviewed Journal
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
The purpose of this study is to design a home lighting control system using
Arduino bluetooth interface with android smartphone as platform.
System Architecture
In this study, a design in lighting automation system based on Arduino
bluetooth interface using android smartphone as platform is presented. This
system is composed of hardware interface module and software communication
module. Being the heart of the system, all communication and control pass
through the arduino microcontroller.
The hardware required materials in this design are Arduino and battery (with
cable), bluetooth module HC 05/06, relay, bulbs, connecting wires and android
device. Android version use in this study are android 7 nougat, marshmallow
version 6.x, lollipop version 5.x, kitKat version 4.4.x, and 4.3, 4.2 and 4.1
version all jelly bean. Figure 4 shows an Arduino microcontroller and a Bluetooth
module HC 05/06. While the software requirement are Arduino Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) and android studio.
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
Figure 6. Relay
The four main parts of this project are android smartphone, a bluetooth
transceiver, an arduino and relay as shown in Figure 7.
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JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
Figure 10 shows the schematic diagram of the lighting system with switching
functionalities to control lighting using arduino through the relay system. The
corresponding bluetooth module pin connection is indicated in the figure.
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A relay pin–out, as shown in figure 12, pins 2 and 4 act identical to the two
terminals of a switch. When a HIGH voltage is applied to the relay, switch turns
ON, and switches OFF when a signal is withdrawn.
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
The Bluetooth module should be removed from the arduino board and
connected once the upload is complete.
void setup()
pinMode(blueLamp, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLamp, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLamp, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if(Serial.available() > 0)
data =;
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Figure 14 shows the circuit connection of the design. The working module
of the proposed system has been successfully built by harnessing the potential
benefits of android phone and bluetooth together. The Bluetooth system can
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
function at real time with high speed of communication. The range of Bluetooth
appliances is around 10- 100 meters. The system can be controlled within the
Bluetooth range. This is a significant drawback of this system.
The primary aim of this paper is to design a home lighting system based on
arduino Bluetooth interface using android smartphone as platform. A working
designed has been developed to control the lighting status using android Bluetooth-
enabled phone and Bluetooth modules through arduino. All communication
pass through the microcontroller for lighting status and interface for the control
of lighting. The bluetooth module transmits and receives commands from the
bluetooth-enabled phone. Arduino Remote app communicates among Bluetooth
devices. Android application, Arduino Remote, proved to be very efficient and
convenient. It is concluded that the design of lighting system using arduino
microcontroller and bluetooth module using android smartphone as platform
can effectively control home lighting remotely and wirelessly.
International Peer Reviewed Journal
The circuit design can be introduced at homes, homes for Person with
Disability (PWD) and home for the aged. The design concept can also be
evaluated by stakeholders alike for acceptability and impact.
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