BK7007 Ring Sample

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Mat and Ring

A detailed guide for practicing Pilates

Table of Contents
Mat and Ring
Welcome! 1 Hip Lift 28
What is Pilates? 3 The Hundred 30
Pilates Principles 5 Roll Up 32
Introduction to the Pilates Ring 7 Double Straight Leg Stretch 36
Teaser 38
THE PILATES RING Hamstring Press 41
Shoulder Warm-ups 8
Hip Extension 42
Hip and Lower Back Warm-ups 12
Double Leg Kicks 43
Core Engagement 17
Swan Rocking 44
Abdominals with Head Support 18
Bridge 46
Abdominals with the Ring in the Hands 20
Rolling like a Ball 48
Abdominal with the Ring between the Legs 24
Open Leg Rocker 50
Side Leg Series 52
Bananas 54
Spine Stretch Forward 55
Spine Stretch Side 56
Saw 58
Spine Twist 60
Roll Over 62
Jackknife 64
Boomerang 66
Standing Arm Lift 68
Standing Two Arm Press 69
Standing One Arm Press 70
Standing Latissimus Pull 71
Standing Chest Press 72
Standing Head Press 73
Standing Rotation 74
Standing Leg Squeeze 75
Teaching Pilates Ring Classes 76
Pilates Ring Exercise Sequences 78
Introduction to the Pilates Ring
The Pilates Ring Ring Safety
The Pilates Ring or Magic Circle is a fantastic tool for adding The ring is generally a very safe piece of exercise equipment
extra strength and stability challenges to a basic mat class. It but you should be aware of the following precautions when
is especially useful for: practicing with the ring or teaching students how to use it.
»» Isometric toning - Placing the ring between the legs »» Adductor strains, groin strains, unstable pubic bones
or between the torso and the arms helps to tone the or sacroiliac instability - Using the ring between the
adductors, abductors, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major legs is not generally recommended for any of these
and other muscles in the chest and lower body. issues. Be sure to consult your medical professional before
»» Abdominal challenges - The ring adds a level of difficulty beginning any new exercise program.
when placed between the legs for abdominal exercises »» Knee injuries - For some people with knee injuries, using
such as the Hundred or the Teaser. the ring between the legs can be uncomfortable.
»» Pelvic floor toning- Along with strengthening the inner »» Skin sensitivity - Some students, especially older
thighs, the ring will automatically help strengthen the clients are sensitive to the pressure on their skin. You
pelvic floor when it is used between the legs. can try padding the skin or not using the ring if it is too
»» Variety and fun - The ring is such a great tool for so many uncomfortable.
things in a mat class that it adds fun, excitement and »» Keep the ring under control - The Ring can roll or spring
creative new moves for instructors and students at every away from you or your students so be sure to keep good
level. control of it at all times.

Choosing a Pilates Ring Using this Manual

The ring comes in a variety of strengths and configurations. This manual contains a wide range of exercises organized
We recommend the Balanced Body Ultra-Fit Circle® for by exercise category. Each exercise includes the starting
general classroom use because it provides medium position, movement sequence, modifications, variations,
resistance, is relatively light weight and the handles are cueing and imagery, purpose and precautions. At the back
designed to be used from both the inside and the outside. of the manual are several exercise sequences you can do
For more resistance, you can use the Spring Circles with 3 depending on your goals for the day or the focus of your
or 4 bands or the Flex Ring Toner ® when a heavier ring is class. Once you have worked through a few and have a good
desired. In addition to those made by Balanced Body, rings idea what the Pilates ring is all about, feel free to experiment!
by many other manufacturers are readily available.

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The Hundred
Adding the ring to the Hundred creates many new
challenges for this fundamental Pilates exercise.
Starting Position
Lie supine with the legs in a chair position and the arms up
toward the ceiling. Place the ring between the thighs.
Movement Sequence
»» Exhale – Roll the head and upper body off the mat as you
lower the arms toward the outside of the hips. Straighten
the legs and lower them toward the mat as far as you can 1 Hundred - Starting Position
without moving the back. The torso and the legs move
together into the final position. Roll up only as far as the
bottom tip of the shoulder blades.
»» Inhale – Pulse the arms for 5 counts keeping the torso
quiet and the arms straight.
»» Exhale – Pulse the arms for 5 counts.
»» Continue to inhale and exhale as you pulse the arms
for up to 10 sets (100 pulses).
2 Knees Bent - Lift the upper body up
Ring between the ankles: Place the ring between the
ankles to make this a little harder.
Ring around the legs: Place the ring around the outside of
the thighs or the ankles for a new challenge.
Legs bent with the feet on the floor: For beginners or
clients with low back problems, place the feet on the floor to
Legs straight toward the ceiling: Straighten the legs
toward the ceiling for a slightly more challenging position.
Legs lowering: Lower the legs toward the floor as far as you
can without changing the position of the lower back for the 2 Legs to Ceiling - Lift the upper body up
classic Hundred position.
Steering wheel legs: With the ring between the ankles,
rotate the ring to each side as you breath in for 5 pulses and
out for 5 pulses. Keep the pelvis steady.

3 Legs Lowering - Lift the upper body up and lower the legs
only as far as the low back can stay stable

30 © 2010-2011 Balanced Body Inc. Balanced Body® Mat and Ring Manual, All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part.

Cueing and Imagery

»» Lower the legs only as far as the torso can support them.
»» Lift the head from the rib cage, not from the neck.
»» Keep the torso steady as the arms pulse.
»» Keep the elbows and wrists straight as you pulse.
»» Breathe smoothly and steadily to maximize lung capacity.
»» Warm up the body.
1 Steering Wheel - Starting Position »» Breathe deeply and fully into the lungs and torso.
»» Increase abdominal strength.
»» Teach stability of the torso and lower back.
»» Teach how to lift the head from the torso in abdominal
For neck and shoulder injuries – Support the head, neck
2 Lift the upper body up and lower the legs into the Hundred and upper body with wedge pillow or towels, and work the
position lower body only.
Low back problems – Work with an imprinted spine or use
a supported neutral position of the low back. Use one of the
leg position modifications to keep the stress out of the back.
Avoid with osteoporosis.
3 Rotate the ring to the left keeping the pelvis steady
4 Rotate the ring to the right keeping the pelvis steady _______________________________________________

pilates.com | 1-800-PILATES 31
Double Leg Kicks Intermediate

The ring adds a nice challenge to this traditional mat

Starting Position
Lie prone with the head to one side and the hands lightly
clasped behind the back. Place the ring between the ankles
with the knees bent.
Movement Sequence
»» Inhale – Bend both knees and kick the heels toward the 1 Double Leg Kicks - Starting Position
buttocks 3 times using a sniffing breath. Keep the front of
the hips on the mat and the low back stable.
»» Exhale – Lift the back into extension as you engage the
abdominals, straighten the legs and reach the hands
toward the feet. Keep the head in line with the spine.
Lower the torso back to the mat with the head turned to
the other side and the hands clasped behind the back.
»» Repeat 4 times.
2 Bend the knees and kick the heels toward the buttocks 3
Modifications times
For tight lower backs or hip flexors: Place a towel or
pillow under the front of the pelvis to decrease the stress in
the lower back.
Cueing and Imagery
»» Keep the front of the hips on the mat.
»» Keep the head in line with the spine.
»» Keep the abdominals engaged throughout. 3 Extend the legs and lift the upper body off the mat as you
reach the arms behind you
»» Engage the back, gluteals and hamstring while keeping
the torso long and without compressing the lower back.
»» Keep the lower legs in line with the thighs.
»» Strengthen back extensors, hamstrings and gluteals.
»» Stretch the quadriceps.
»» Stretch the chest and anterior shoulder.
Low back injuries – Engage the abdominals and press the
pubic bone into the mat to decrease the pressure on the
lower back. If the client still gets a pinching sensation in the
lower back, limit range of motion in extension, place a pillow
under the hips or avoid.
Knee injuries – Limit the range of motion in knee flexion.
Stretching the quadriceps before this exercise can be helpful
at decreasing knee discomfort.

pilates.com | 1-800-PILATES 43
Spine Stretch Side Beginning

Starting Position
Sit with the legs straight and open slightly wider than the
hips. Place the ring to the side of the torso with the hand on
top of the handle.
Movement Sequence
»» Exhale – Press the ring down and elongate the torso.
»» Inhale – Lean over to the side reaching the top arm
over toward the ring. The bottom arm will bend to
accommodate the stretch.
»» Exhale – Roll the torso back up to sitting as the elbow
1 Spine Stretch Side - Starting Position
»» Repeat 4 to 8 times to each side.
Tight hamstrings: Bend the knees slightly or sit up on a
rolled mat, a pad or a small box in order to keep you up on
your sit bones with your legs straight.
Ring between the hands: Hold the ring between the hands
and reach the arms overhead. Lean the torso over to each
side keeping the torso long.
Cueing and Imagery
»» Sit up on the very top of the sit bones. 2 Press the ring down as you lean over. Keep the opposite hip
»» Engage the abdominals to lift the pelvis off the legs. on the mat

»» Keep both sit bones on the mat.

»» Sit up on the very top of the sit bones.
»» Lengthen the side before leaning over.
»» Teach axial elongation.
»» Learn how to sit up tall with support.
»» Stretch the lateral torso.
»» Increase the mobility of the shoulder blades.
»» Improve pelvic stability.
Low back and hip injuries – Use the tight hamstring
modification to take stress out of the low back and hips
Shoulder injuries – If the shoulders are uncomfortable,
decrease the pressure on the ring or do the regular version.

56 © 2010-2011 Balanced Body Inc. Balanced Body® Mat and Ring Manual, All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part.
Standing Two Arm Press Beginning

Strengthen the chest in a variety of positions with this simple

Starting Position
Stand and hold the ring in front of the chest with the hands
on the outside of the handles.
Movement Sequence
»» Exhale – Bend the elbows slightly and squeeze the ring
between the hands.
»» Inhale – Release the ring.
»» Repeat 4 to 6 times in each arm position.
Seated chest press: Perform the exercises from a seated 1 Standing Two Arm Press 1 Standing Two Arm Press -
position if standing is uncomfortable. - Starting Position - Chest Starting Position - Low arms
Straight arms: Keep the arms straight as you squeeze the
Overhead press: Raise the arms overhead and squeeze the
1 Standing Two Arm Press - Starting
Diagonal arms: Raise the arms so the ring is in line with the Position - Overhead press
forehead and squeeze the ring.
Low arms: Lower the arms toward the legs as you squeeze
the ring.
Steering Wheel: Keep the ring at chest height and rotate
the ring in both directions.
Moving chest press: Move the arms from the thighs to
overhead as you squeeze the ring at several points along the
Cueing and Imagery
»» Slide the shoulder blades down the back and keep them
there as you squeeze the ring.
»» Maintain the tension on the ring as you raise and lower the
1 Standing Two Arm Press -
»» Maintain good standing alignment throughout the Starting Position - Steering
exercise. wheel
»» Strengthen the anterior chest.
»» Improve scapular stability.
»» Teach standing posture. 2 Rotate the ring to the left 3 Rotate the ring to the right

Neck, shoulder, arm and wrist injuries – Use gentle
pressure on the ring or avoid if the exercise is not pilates.com | 1-800-PILATES 69

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