Principles of Finance

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Course Outline

(Outcome-Based Education-OBE)
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA Program)
School of Business

Vision of the University: RPSU seeks to be a nationally and internationally renowned center of
excellence in higher education providing accessible yet high-quality education, aimed at
equipping students to compete successfully in the workplace, contribute to our economy and
emerge as humane, skilled, and successful individuals who can change our society, our country,
and the world for the better.
Mission of the University:
 To provide world-class education & develop skilled and qualified people who will contribute
towards a more prosperous and equal society, thereby laying the foundation for a great
 To provide both hard (i.e. domain related knowledge/skills) and soft skills (Communication,
Presentation, Public Speaking, etc.) to prepare students for the modern-day workplace.
 To teach "How to think" rather than "What to think" i.e. to develop Analytical and Problem-
Solving skills.
 To teach the ethical values that will enable our students to develop into well-rounded,
confident human beings (Honesty, Respect, Caring)
 To work in the area of Female Education targeted at building young women of courage,
confidence, and character who will make the world a better place.
Vision of the Program Offering Entity: To be recognized nationally and internationally in
business education, research, scholarly excellence, and collaborative community commitment.

Mission of the Program Offering Entity:

Enable learners to use relevant business knowledge, think critically, solve problems,
communicate, and make decisions in an ethical, social, and professional manner.
To create competent learners through stakeholder engagement, industry collaboration, and
assurance of lifelong learning across all programs.
To produce competent business professionals with strong foundations adapting to changing
Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
To develop leaders and builders of enterprises who create value for their stakeholders and

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

Graduates will have the decision-making capability by applying the knowledge of the business
Graduates will have the ability to incorporate social, ethical, and moral principles in their
professional and personal life.
Graduates will become lifelong learners and contribute effectively to the betterment of society.
Graduates will have the ability of excellent communication skills, ICT skills, leadership skills,
and critical thinking ability to solve business problems using qualitative and quantitative

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

At the end of the BBA program, the learner will be able to acquire the-
PLO1 Cross-Functional Knowledge - The ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
statistics, psychology, sociology, literature, economics, management, marketing,
accounting, MIS, and finance fundamentals, to the solution of complex business
PLO2 Critical Thinking – The ability to investigate multidimensional business problems
using research-based knowledge and methods.
PLO3 Research and Business Intelligence – The ability to acquire qualitative and
quantitative skills to consolidate, synthesize, and analyze business information.
PLO4 Effective Communication – The ability to communicate effectively, verbally as
well as in writing.
PLO5 Individual and Team Work – The ability to work as an individual and in a team
PLO6 Management Skills - The ability to demonstrate management skills while
leading/managing business projects.
PLO7 Entrepreneurial Skills – The ability to exhibit entrepreneurial skills, necessary to
implement new business ideas innovatively.
PLO8 Corporate Social Responsibility - The ability to understand the responsibility of an
organization towards society at large and to contribute towards the betterment of
PLO9 Ethics – The ability to apply ethical principles professionally, keeping in mind the
norms of society.
PLO10 Life-Long Learning – The ability to engage and adapt in independent and life-long
learning in a changing business environment.

Graduate Attributes (GA):

At the end of the BBA program, the learner shall exhibit:
GA1: Knowledge of Business, Managerial competence, and Emerging Technologies
GA2: Intercultural Competence/Communication
GA3: Collaboration, Teamwork, and Leadership
GA4: Competence in Creativity & Innovation
GA5: Research and Business Intelligence
GA6: Global Orientation
GA7: Proficiency in ICT & Digital Literacy
GA8: Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship Orientation
GA9: Cross-functional & Inter-disciplinary Orientation

GA10: Positive mindset
GA11: Professionalism, Ethical, Values Oriented & Socially Responsible behavior
GA12: Life-Long Learning Orientation

Part A- Course Details

1. Course No. /Course Code: 0412-121

2. Course Title: Principles of Finance
3. Course Type: Core Course
4. Year/Level/Semester/Term: Level-100, First Year, Second Semester
5. Academic Session: Fall 2023
6. Course Teacher/Instructor: S.M. Akber
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Contact no. 01673089367
Email- [email protected]
7. Pre-requisite (If any): None
8. Credit Value: 03 (Three)
9. Contact Hours: 40 hours direct (face to face) contact, 80 hours self-preparation, 120 notional
Instructor's Class Schedule:
Batch Days Time Room Makeup slot
26 Tuesday 9.10 am- 10.30 pm R133 TBA
26th Tuesday 10.30am-11.50am R133 TBA

Office Hours:
Work Days Student's Counseling Hour
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday 3.30 pm-4.50 pm
Wednesday Off Day
Thursday Off Day
Friday -

10. Total Marks: 100

11. Rational of the Course: This course is designed to introduce students to key financial
concepts and how companies apply financial analysis to make sound business decisions.
12. Course Objectives: This course is designed to help the students to achieve the following:
I. Identify maximization of the current value per share of the existing stock as the primary
goal of financial management.

II. Understand the importance of the time value of money and its application.
III. Able to make a trade-off between risk and return and understand the importance of
IV. Use financial statements to evaluate company performance and develop suggestions for
V. Understand the cost of capital and its application in the financial world.
VI. Learn about various dividend policies and their impact on companies' share prices.

13. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and Mapping of CLOs with Program Learning
Outcomes (PLOs)
Course Learning Outcomes Program Outcomes (PO)/ Generic Skills
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Understand the basic principles, √

concepts, and methods of finance and
the roles of the financial manager in a

Analyze principles, techniques, and √

significant finance functions in
business and organizations
independently and with others of
diverse backgrounds.

Analyze financial statements to make √

investment decisions and evaluate the
company's financial performance.

Develop a sound ethical, √

philosophical, and moral skill set
necessary to succeed in business.

Part B- Contents of the Course

14. Course plan specifying content, CLOs, co-curricular activities (if any), teaching-learning, and
assessment strategy mapped with CLOs.
Week Topics Teaching- Assessment Corresponding
Learning Strategy CLOs
1&2 Chapter: 1- An overview of Managerial Lecture, Assignment/ CLO 01& 4
Finance Book- Viva, Class
Definition of finance, Areas of finance, Article participation
Importance of finance in non-finance areas, Review , Quiz,
Career opportunities in finance, Alternative Midterm
forms of business, Responsibilities of a

financial manager, The goals of the corporation,
Managerial action to maximize shareholder
wealth, Earning per share, Agency relationship,
Roles of manager, Business ethics, Corporate
governance, Forms of business in other
countries, Multinational companies
2&3 Chapter: 2- Analysis of financial statement Lecture, Assignment/ CLO 02 & 03
What is a financial statement, Importance of Book- Viva, Class
financial statement, Financial report, Balance Theoretical participation
sheet, Income statement, Statement of cash & , Quiz
flow, Statement of retained earnings, Tools of Mathemati Midterm,
analysis: Horizontal, Trend, and Vertical cal Final
analysis, and some practices Discussion

Assignment 1 Conceptual CLO 02 & 03

4&5 Chapter: 3- The financial markets and the Lecture, Viva, Class CLO 01 &02
investment banking process Book participation
Definition of the financial market, Types, and Review , Quiz
importance of financial markets, Types of Midterm,
financial intermediaries and their roles, Stock Final
market, Market efficiency, Money versus
Capital, Debt versus Equity, Primary versus
secondary, Derivatives, Types of the general
stock market, OTC, Regulations, Selling
procedure, International financial markets jobs
completed and sold.
Distinguish between under and over applied
manufacturing overhead
Quiz-1 Conceptual CLO 01 & 03
6 &7 Chapter: 4- The time value of money Lecture, Assignment
Definition, Cash flow timeline, Future, and Book- Quiz,
present value, Calculation of maturity and Theoretical Midterm
interest rate, Simple interest, Compound &
CLO 02 and 03
interest rate (yearly, semiannually, quarterly, Mathemati
monthly, weekly, and daily). Problem-solving: cal
4-1,4-2,4-3,4-4,4-5,4-13,4-14 Discussion

Assignment 2 Critical CLO 02 & 03


8&9 Chapter:8- Risk and Rates of return Lecture, Assignment
Definition of risk and return, probability Book- Quiz,
calculation of an expected rate of return (mean), Theoretical Midterm,
Risk (variance and standard deviation), and & Final CLO 02 and 03
coefficient of variation both for individual Mathemati
security, Problem-solving 8-1,8-2,8-9,8-10 cal

Assignment -3 Critical CLO 3, 4

Quiz 2 Critical CLO 3, 4
10& 11 Chapter 9- Capital Budgeting Techniques Lecture, Assignment CLO 02 and 03
Definition, Importance of capital budgeting, Book- Quiz, Final
Project classification, and cash flow Theoretical
classification, Steps in capital budgeting, NPV. &
Payback period and IRR (basic calculation) Mathemati

Assignment -4 Critical CLO 02 and 03

12 Chapter: 11- Cost of Capital Lecture, Assignment CLO 02 and 03
Definition, Cost of debt, Cost of preferred Book- Quiz, Final
stock, Cost of retained earnings, the CAPM Theoretical
approach, Cost of newly issued common stock, &
WACC vs Required rate of return, and Mathemati
problems from chapters and questions. cal
10 Mid Term Week
14 Chapter: 13- Dividend Policy Lecture, Assignment CLO 3& 4
Introduction, Dividend policy, and stock value, Book- Quiz, Final
Investors and dividend policy, Types of Article
dividend payment, Dividend procedure, Review
Reinvestment plan, Factors influencing
dividend policy, Stock dividend, Split,
Dividend policy
Quiz 3 Critical CLO2,3,4
15 Review and Presentation

Part C- Assessment and Evaluation

15. Assessment and Evaluation

1) Assessment Strategy: Attendance & Participation, Quizzes, Viva, Group Assignment, Group Work
Presentation, Mid-term, and Final Examination.

Quizzes: There will be at least two announced quizzes. The average will be taken, and the weight will be
15 percent.
Attendance and participation: Attendances at lectures are compulsory and they will carry marks.
Experience indicates that students who do not attend lectures have difficulty passing the subject as topics
considered in lectures may go beyond the treatment given in your textbook. The weight will be 5 percent.
Assignment/Term Paper, VIVA, and Presentation: Please check the assignment and term paper
submission dates in the course outline. Submission may be in a group or individual. Assignment and term
paper topics will be provided by the faculty members, which will align with the topic of the course and
the weight will be 10 percent.
Unannounced Viva will be taken. The weight will be 5 percent. PowerPoint presentation from the
assignment will carry 5 percent.
Mid-Term Examinations: There will be a midterm examination during the semester. The midterm
examination will be held according to the semester academic calendar. The syllabus for the examinations
is given in the course content. The duration of the mid-term examination is typically 60 minutes. The
weightage will be 20 percent.
Final Examination: The final examination will be held according to the semester academic calendar at
the end of the semester. The syllabus for the examinations is given in the course content. The duration of
the final examination will be 120 minutes. The weight will be 40 percent.

Assessment Schedule Briefly:

Assessment Item Data and Day Weighting (Total of
Equal 100%)
Attendance and Participation Throughout the Semester 5%
Assignment 1 Submission September 12, 2023 5% Average
Class Test/Quiz 1 September 12, 2023 15% Average
Assignment 2 Submission October 03, 2023 5% Average
Class Test/Quiz 2 October 03, 2023 15% Average
Mid Term Examination Announced by the COE 20%
Assignment 3 Submission November 28, 2023 5% Average
Assignment 4 Submission December 05, 2023 5% Average
Quiz 3 December 05, 2023 15% Average
Term Paper Submission October 18, 2023 10%
Presentation and Viva October 18, 2023 5%
Final Examination Announced by the COE 40%

Assessment Rubric
CLOs Attendance Quiz Assignmen Term Presentation Mid-term Final
& t Paper Viva Examination Examination
CLO 1 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO 3 √ √ √ √
CLO 4 √ √ √ √ √

2) Marks Distribution:
a) CIE- Continuous Internal Evaluation =60 Marks
Bloom's Category Assignments / Class Test/ Mid-Term External Participation in
Marks (Out of 40) Presentation Quiz (15) (20) Curricular / co-curricular
(20) Activities (5)
Remember 2 3 2
Understand 5 3 3
Apply 5 3 5 5
Analyze 5 4 5
Evaluate 3 2 5

b) SEE-Semester End Final Examination (Summative) = 40 Marks

Bloom's Category Marks
Remember 5
Understand 10
Apply 5
Analyze 10
Evaluate 5
Create 5

Makeup Procedure:
According to the decisions of the 4 th Academic committee of RPSU, the decision regarding the makeup
exam is mentioned below:
Makeup Examinations will be taken only on the recommendation of the Academic Committee of the
respective department for the students who fail to attend midterm examinations/ final examinations in due
time for valid reasons
After completion of the pre-scheduled Mid Term Examination make-up examinations must complete
within 2 weeks. Makeup Examinations will be taken maintaining the regular process of the university,
After completion of pre-scheduled Final Examinations make-up examinations must complete within 1
week, and make-up examinations will be taken maintaining the regular process of the university.

Part D- Learning Resources

16. Learning Materials

Text Book:
1. Scot Besley and Eugene F. Brigham, Essentials of Managerial Finance, 14 th Edition Thompson South-
Western, USA, 2006. ISBN: 0-324-23278-0
2. Eugene F. Brigham, and Joel F. Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 15 th Edition,
Thompson South-Western, USA, 2019.

Reference Book:
1. Lawrence J. Gitman- Principles of Managerial Finance, 10th Edition, Herper Collins Publishers Inc.


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