Activity 1

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Education - BTVTED
Sorsogon City Campus
Magsaysay Street Salog (Pob), Sorsogon City
Tel No. (056) 211-0103 Email Add.: [email protected]


1. Do the activity below.

2. In column 2 provide the needed information you may search it through the internet.
3. In column 3, provide your insights or understanding for each item.


1. Work-based learning A set of instructional strategies For me, it is designed to help

that engages employers and the student experience and
schools in providing learning learn real-world work. It also
experiences for students. gives the student an
opportunity to enhance their
knowledge and skills by giving
them a chance to experience
what is happening in a real-
world work setting.

2. Benefits of Work-based In work-based learning programs, As a student, it will be beneficial

learning both young people and adults can in a way that I will be able to
get the experience and skills they apply what I learned at school
need for career success—work- to real-world work, and it will
based learning benefits all who help me to improve my skills,
participate in such programs, especially in my specialization,
especially those with a which is electrical. Students will
disadvantaged background. also have an idea of what a
student's job will be if he
pursues that career. There are
chances that a student will be
absorbed into a company, so
that will help a lot. This work-
based learning will be of great
help not only to the student but
also to the school and employer
because the school will not
have a hard time finding
companies to study with
because employers are also
looking for workers who are
willing to work and improve
their abilities.

3. Work-based training Work-Based Training (WBT) is an For me it is a helpful way of

educational approach that learning that happens in real
predominantly takes place within workplaces. It gives people or
an authentic workplace setting. To student a hands-on experience
participate in Access Recognized and opportunity to apply their
Training’s WBT program, students theoretical knowledge gained in
must be employed within a fully class to a real job.
operational hospitality workplace.
WBT seamlessly blends the
guidance of a Registered Training
Organization (RTO) in theory-
based learning, often delivered
through e-learning platforms, with
practical-based learning overseen
by the employer, both on and off
the job.

4. Job Shadowing Job shadowing is a type of on-the- Job shadowing is observing the
job training that allows an professional as they do the job.
interested employee to follow and The student will be able to learn
closely observe another employee how to do the job, in other
performing the role. This type of words, to picture out or
learning is usually used to onboard experience doing the job. The
new employees into an student will also learn about the
organization or into a new role. daily tasks, responsibilities, and
Job shadowing may also be used activities related to the
as a learning opportunity for specialization, job, or industry.
interns or students to gain an Job shadowing is not just
understanding of the role watching professionals’ work;
requirements and the job tasks. it’s like giving the student an
opportunity to understand
more about the career in which
they are interested.

5. Internship An internship is a professional Internships are learning

learning experience that offers experiences in real-world work.
meaningful, practical work related When students or people do
to a student’s field of study or internships, they get to apply
career interest. An internship gives what they learned in school to
a student the opportunity for actual jobs. But the downside of
career exploration and this is that sometimes there is
development, and to learn new no salary.
skills. It offers the employer the
opportunity to bring new ideas
and energy into the workplace,
develop talent and potentially
build a pipeline for future full-time

6. Apprenticeship Program A training and employment It is like an internship, which

program involving a contract gives hands-on experience to
between an apprentice and an students or people, but the
employer on an approved difference is that it is a paid job.
apprentice able occupation.
Generally, it aims to provide a
mechanism that will ensure
availability of qualified skilled
workers based on industry
7. Learnership Program A practical training on-the-job for It is designed to provide a
approved learnable occupations, combination of theoretical
for a period not exceeding three training and practical work
months. Only companies with experience.
TESDA approved and registered
learnership programs can hire

8. Dual Training System The Dual Training System (DTS) is a For me, it is making the student
mode of training delivery which competent in what student
combines the strength of the interested, through combining
school and that of the workplace. the knowledge and skills that
the student gained in school
and improve it in an actual

9. School based enterprise School-based enterprises are For me, it is teaching the
designed to provide students with student to develop their
general employability skills. They entrepreneurial knowledge and
give students real practice in skills in leadership. It is giving
entrepreneurship and help them the student a chance to practice
develop self-confidence and a real-life scenario about
leadership skills. business, like selling. And by
giving the student a task that
will improve their leadership
skills, leading a team is not only
giving them a task but also
motivating the groupmates and
making them eager to achieve
the goal.

10. On-the-job training OJT is a time efficient and cost- On-the-job training allows
effective method of developing students to experience the
employees by using a actual work environment of the
department's internal resources, field they've chosen. It enables
knowledge, and talent. The OJT them to improve and attain the
usually takes place at the job site abilities as well as knowledge
or in a job-like simulated essential for their professional
environment. lives.

Prepared by:

Johnray B. Habol

Name of Student
Major: BTVTED Electrical Technology 3A

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