Activity 1
Activity 1
Activity 1
4. Job Shadowing Job shadowing is a type of on-the- Job shadowing is observing the
job training that allows an professional as they do the job.
interested employee to follow and The student will be able to learn
closely observe another employee how to do the job, in other
performing the role. This type of words, to picture out or
learning is usually used to onboard experience doing the job. The
new employees into an student will also learn about the
organization or into a new role. daily tasks, responsibilities, and
Job shadowing may also be used activities related to the
as a learning opportunity for specialization, job, or industry.
interns or students to gain an Job shadowing is not just
understanding of the role watching professionals’ work;
requirements and the job tasks. it’s like giving the student an
opportunity to understand
more about the career in which
they are interested.
8. Dual Training System The Dual Training System (DTS) is a For me, it is making the student
mode of training delivery which competent in what student
combines the strength of the interested, through combining
school and that of the workplace. the knowledge and skills that
the student gained in school
and improve it in an actual
9. School based enterprise School-based enterprises are For me, it is teaching the
designed to provide students with student to develop their
general employability skills. They entrepreneurial knowledge and
give students real practice in skills in leadership. It is giving
entrepreneurship and help them the student a chance to practice
develop self-confidence and a real-life scenario about
leadership skills. business, like selling. And by
giving the student a task that
will improve their leadership
skills, leading a team is not only
giving them a task but also
motivating the groupmates and
making them eager to achieve
the goal.
10. On-the-job training OJT is a time efficient and cost- On-the-job training allows
effective method of developing students to experience the
employees by using a actual work environment of the
department's internal resources, field they've chosen. It enables
knowledge, and talent. The OJT them to improve and attain the
usually takes place at the job site abilities as well as knowledge
or in a job-like simulated essential for their professional
environment. lives.
Prepared by:
Johnray B. Habol
Name of Student
Major: BTVTED Electrical Technology 3A