Macalalad 2021
Macalalad 2021
Macalalad 2021
Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021) 87e95
Forecasting flooding hazards is a very effective non-engineering measure for flood control. Presently, the commonly used forecasting method
in simulating flash flood events is through a watershed hydrological model. Many Asia-Pacific countries like the Philippines are prone to
frequent hydrometeorological hazards such as tropical cyclones, resulting in frequent heavy rainfall events. However, most rivers in the many
basins lack water flow observation data, which makes it challenging to use lumped and data-driven models for flash flood forecasting. With the
continuous progress of remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, the physically-based distributed hydrological
model (PBDHMs) has rapidly advanced. PBDHMs can directly determine the model parameters according to the underlying surface charac-
teristics from remotely-sensed data, which makes it possible for flood forecasting in areas with little to virtually no data. In this study, the Matina
River basin in Davao City was selected as a case study in simulating a small data-poor basin in the region. The Liuxihe model was used to
formulate a forecasting scheme and simulated the past flash flood events. The results show that there is a good correspondence between the past
heavy rainfall events and their corresponding simulated river discharges. The results conform to the hydrological regularities, which can be used
for flood forecasting and can serve as a baseline for the development of a flood forecasting system in the rivers of Davao City and elsewhere.
© 2021 The Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi
Communication Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2225-6032/© 2021 The Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communi-
cation Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
R.V. Macalalad, S. Xu, R.A. Badilla et al. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021) 87e95
evacuated to mitigate disasters. At present, the commonly used along the periphery of a highly urbanized city (Davao City)
forecasting method is to simulate and forecast flash floods by (CLUP, 2013) and is vulnerable to urban sprawl. Finally, (4)
using watershed hydrological models. Among them, a climate change projection shows more intense flooding is
commonly used watershed hydrological models are the expected in the future (Cabrera and Lee 2020). Many small
lumped-models (Crawford and Linsley, 1966; Burnash, 1995; towns in the Philippines have these similar characteristics. The
Sugawara, 1995; Zhao, 1977; Todini, 1996) which utilize increasing occurrences of river flooding in the MRB suggest
parameter-based approaches to quantify non-spatially varying the need for a flood forecasting system in a region with such
representation of hydrological processes. Also in recent de- data-poor or ungauged basins. From remotely sensed data, we
cades, studies have applied machine learning or artificial set up the Liuxihe model to formulate a forecasting scheme
neural network models to flood forecasting of river basins due and simulate the measured flood process. We present the
to their ability to deal with the nonlinearity problem intrinsic determination of acceptable model parameters and evaluate
between rainfall and runoff in hydrologic systems (Zhou et al., their performance in simulating flood events in the basin.
2019; Chang et al., 2020). The Physically-based distributed
hydrological models or PBDHMs are based on the physics of 2. Davao City and flooding
the hydrological processes and use physically-based equations
to describe these processes. Together with the continuous 2.1. Description of modeling site
progress of remote sensing and geographic information system
(GIS) techniques, further development and application of Davao City is a highly urbanized city located in the
PBDHMs have become possible (Chen, 2009). PBDHMs can southeastern part of Mindanao Island in the southern
fully consider the heterogeneity of the underlying surface of a Philippines (Dumayas, 2015; CLUP, 2013). It lies between 60
basin and the spatial distribution of rainfall in a basin by 580 to 70 340 N latitude and 1250 140 to 1250 400 E longitude. It
dividing the basin into refined units, thereby improving the has a total land area of 2443.61 km2 making it the largest city
accuracy of flood forecasting in the basin; thus, these (by land area) in the Philippines. Davao City is the third most
PBDHMs have been called the new generation of basin flood populous city in the country with a population of 1,632,991
forecasting models. Representative PBDHM models include with 670 per km2 density (Census of Population, 2015) or
the SHE model (Abbott et al., 1986a; 1986b), the VIC model 1.57% of the total population of the Philippines (CLUP, 2013).
(Liang et al., 1994), the Vflo model (Vieux and Vieux, 2002), The population of Davao city is increasing at a rate of 2.36% a
the CASC2D model (Julien et al., 1995), the WetSpa model year since the year 2000. As this growth rate continues, it is
(Wang et al., 1997) and the Liuxihe model (Chen et al., 2010), expected that its population will double in 32 years. The city's
among others. location is favorable for regional and international trade.
A common difficulty in flood forecasting in the Asia- Davao city serves as the main trade, commerce, and industry
Pacific countries is the lack of flow observation data for hub of the southern Philippines. It also has the largest econ-
most rivers within small basins. For this reason, lumped- omy in the southern Philippine region with an annual growth
models are at a disadvantage as they require a certain num- rate of 2.53% over a 15-year period (CLUP, 2013). Agricul-
ber of flood processes to calibrate the model parameters. Data- ture, industries such as manufacturing, food processing and
driven models (i.e. machine learning) also need a lot of data metalworks, and tourism are some of the main contributors to
for training to achieve better results. In the case of PBDHMs, its economy (Dumayas, 2015).
it can directly determine the model parameters according to Fig. 1a shows the location and topography of Davao City.
the characteristics of the underlying surface, which makes it The site is mostly mountainous to the west characterized by a
possible to forecast the flood in the area with little to virtually mountain range that extends to the southwest. This demarcates
no data. Previous studies show that existing observation data, the western boundary of the city. In the mountain range sits the
even if limited, can be used to optimize the model parameters highest peak in the Philippines called Mt. Apo (3, 144 m
to improve the simulation accuracy. However, even without above sea level), a semi-active volcano located at the south-
any data, it is still possible to determine the model parameters, western tip of the city. To the east is a large adjoining lowland
albeit larger modeling uncertainties should be paid attention to area characterized by coastal plains and gradually sloping
(Chen et al., 2010). valleys that extends to the Davao gulf. To the south are also
In this study, we aim to apply a PBDHM called the Liuxihe lowland areas extending towards the gulf. These areas are land
model (Chen et al., 2010) to a small river basin in the southern with 0e3 percent slopes. The entirety of Davao City's land is
Philippine region called the Matina river basin. The Matina drained towards the Gulf of Davao River and its tributaries
river basin, herein referred to as MRB, is a small watershed (CLUP, 2013).
located in Davao City which experiences frequent flooding Davao City has a total of eight (8) separate watersheds
and even flash floods (Cabrera and Lee 2018). The MRB was (Hearne et al., 2019) as shown in Fig. 1b. Among the water-
chosen as a representative basin because it has the following sheds, the Davao River Basin is the biggest. This river basin is
characteristics: (1) the basin is small and not much attention is one of the eighteen (18) major river basins in the country and
given to it. Hence, the river basin is ungauged. (2) Due to its is considered the 3rd largest river in the southern portion of
climate and topography, it is prone to flooding. Moreover, Mindanao Island. The main Davao river has a length of
flood event frequency is observed to be increasing. (3) It is 150 km. Davao River and its tributaries are the main drainage
R.V. Macalalad, S. Xu, R.A. Badilla et al. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021) 87e95
system of the entire Davao City. It drains an area of over mean total annual rainfall of 1759.1 mm. Fig. 2a shows a
1,700 km2. Other smaller watersheds located within the city significant linear increasing trend of 13.8 mm/year in the
are the Talomo, Matina, Lipadas, Lasang, Sibulan, Tuganay, annual rainfall of Davao city from 1990 to 2020. The average
and Bunawan watersheds. Among these basins, Talomo, monthly mean temperature is above 28 C. The minimum
Lipadas, and Matina rivers are fully enclosed within the city temperature recorded was 22.4 C in February 1990 while the
territory. maximum temperature was observed in April 2016 with a
This study focuses on the Matina River Basin, which is one value of 35 C. Fig. 2b shows the annual mean maximum and
of the eight major river basins in Davao City having an area of minimum temperature in the city. In the last three decades,
78.79 square kilometers and accounts for 3.22% of the area of there are no significant trends in the observed maximum and
Davao City. This basin is located to the southwest of the main minimum temperatures.
city of Davao and is affected by the urban sprawl from the city Tropical cyclones induce many extreme weather events in
to its periphery. The main river of the Matina basin flows from the Philippines that lead to flooding (Macalalad et al., 2021).
Biao Escuela and traverses through barangays (villages) of However, rainfall contribution from tropical cyclones is min-
Matina, Pangi, and Matina Crossing before draining in the imal in the southern Philippines where Davao city is located
estuary located at the Matina Aplaya village in the gulf (IDIS, (Bagtasa 2017). In spite of this, Davao still experiences
2016). The Matina river basin, hereafter referred to as MRB, is frequent flooding events. In fact, 30% of the population in the
mainly made up of primary forests and large secondary forests region is at a high risk of pluvial flooding (Cabrera and Lee,
on mountainous terrain. Its relatively uniform temperature and 2020). Floodings in the region are usually caused by exces-
rainfall all year round also make it an ideal location for sive run-off from rivers due to intense rainfall from convective
agriculture. The highest elevation in the MRB is 258 m above clouds embedded in the inter-tropical convergence zone
sea level and its location downstream of the city makes it (ITCZ), Low-Pressure Area (LPA) from passing cyclonic
prone to flooding. flows, converging winds from strong winter monsoon surges,
strong easterly trade winds, as well as rainfall from the outer
2.2. Climate and flooding events rainbands of passing tropical cyclones (Bagtasa 2020). The
low-lying downstream areas prone to flooding are located
The climate of Davao city is classified as climate type IV in along the riverbanks where a large number of informal set-
the Modified Coronas' Climate classification, a climate sub- tlements reside, exacerbating the potential hazards of flooding.
typing classification based on monthly rainfall variability used Flooding in the city usually affects 72 barangays (villages)
in the Philippines (PAGASA, 2014, mostly close to the central business district. According to the Climate type IV is City Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Office
characterized by a climate that experiences no dry season as (CDRRMO), a total of 13.77 km2 of the 138.74 km2 built-up
the rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year with areas in Davao are considered highly susceptible to flooding.
monthly rainfall ranging from 108 mm to 186.7 mm and a With this, 146,930 households are at risk predominantly from
R.V. Macalalad, S. Xu, R.A. Badilla et al. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021) 87e95
Fig. 2. Annual-mean precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature from 1990 to 2020.
the villages of Bucana, Ma-a, Matina Pangi, Tigatto, Matina last decade. It is hypothesized that this increase is due to two
Crossing, and Matina Aplaya. reasons: (1) the southwest-ward migration of the western
From 2000 to 2020, there were one hundred ninety-four North Pacific subtropical high that is causing tropical cyclones
(194) flood occurrences recorded in the city by the to move in a more southward track (Bagtasa 2017), and (2) the
CDRRMO. These events affected a total of 39,316 fam- warping of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Indo-Pacific
ilies, 2492 structures, 46 deaths, and accumulated damages warm pool region (Roxy et al., 2019), which in turn in-
amounting to approximately $1.8 million dollars (CLUP, duces heavier rainfall in the southern Philippine region
2013). The more notable flood events occurred on June 28, (Bagtasa 2020).
2011 (flash flood) due to the effects of the active convection
associated with the ITCZ. The flooding event on January 20, 3. Methodology
2013 (flash flood) caused by continuous excessive rainfall
from the effect of a monsoon surge extending to Mindanao, 3.1. The liuxihe hydrologic model
and on December 22, 2017 due to rainfall carried by Typhoon
Vinta (CLUP, 2013). Fig. 3 below shows the annual summary In the present study, we used the Liuxihe model for the
of flood incidents that occurred in the city from 2000 to 2020. modeling of Matina watershed flood simulations. The Liuxihe
There is an apparent increase in flood event frequency in the model is a PBDHM developed by Chen et al. (2010) of the
Sun Yat-sen University, China. The model segregates the basin
into grid cells, after which, it calculates the evapotranspira-
tion and production flow on the cell scale, it then converges
cell-by-cell to the outlet of the basin through the conflu-
ence network. The model confluence is divided into slope
confluences and river confluences using the kinematic wave
approximation and diffusive wave approximation, respec-
tively, for their calculations. At the same time, the Liuxihe
model proposes an automatic optimization method for model
parameters based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
algorithm (Eberhart and Shi, 2001). In practical applications,
only a representative measured flood is needed to optimize the
model parameters, which can greatly improve the performance
of the model. The use of the refined confluence calculation
Fig. 3. Flood events in Davao City, 2000e2020. methods and the high-efficiency parameter optimization
R.V. Macalalad, S. Xu, R.A. Badilla et al. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021) 87e95
technology have enabled the Liuxihe model to achieve good up). In addition, there are three types of soils including Gleyic
results in forecasting floods in small and medium-sized rivers Cambisols (CN4478), Eutric Nitosols (CN4546), and Ochric
and in reservoir inflow forecasting in China (Xu et al., 2012; Andosols (CN4548).
Chen et al., 2016, 2017; Li et al., 2017, 2019, Chen et al.,
2017a,b, Wang and Chen, 2019). 3.3. Rainfall data
3.2. Land surface data Fig. 6 shows the location of the 4 rainfall stations around
the MRB. These stations are located at Pangi (PG), Mintal
The data comprising the physical characteristics of a basin (MT), Calinan (CN), and PshsSmc (PS). These are automatic
that are required for the construction of the Liuxihe model rain gauges installed and maintained by the Department of
include the DEM(Digital Elevation Model), land use/cover Science and Technology (the Philippines) e Advanced Sci-
map, and soil map. Among the various data, the DEM data is ence and Technology Institute. The Thiessen polygon method
the basis of the Liuxihe model structure. The DEM data was used to interpolate the hourly-rainfall data of the MRB,
quality directly affects the slope, basin area, river length, and and the corresponding interpolation weights are set at 0.475,
other significant geographic parameters of the basin. Hence, 0.424, 0.097, 0.004 for the PG, MT, CN, and PS rain gauge
DEM is the most important data used in model construction. stations, respectively.
This study selected the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission-3
(SRTM3) DEM data from NASA (National Aeronautics and 4. Model implementation and discussion
Space Administration) ( and are map-
ped by the US Space Shuttle Endeavour Interferometric Radar In this study, we simulate two flooding scenarios in the
with a spatial resolution of 90 m. Fig. 4 shows the SRTM3 MRB. We set up the Liuxihe hydro model using the SRTM3
DEM data for the MRB. From this data, the basin has a size DEM, land use, soil, and rainfall data presented in the previous
of 65.49 km2, a minimum, maximum, and mean elevation section. We utilized the following derived values as initial
of 4 m, 258 m, and 131.86 m, respectively, and a minimum, parameters to run the Liuxihe Model. These parameters
maximum, and mean slope of 00, 24.620, and 3.360, represent the physical characteristics of each unit of the hy-
respectively. drologic model. First, flow direction was determined using the
The land use/cover type data are from the USGS(U.S. method of Jenson and Domingue (1988) where the DEM was
Geological Survey) land use type database ( initially conditioned to remove “depressions” that hinder flow, and the soil type data are from the FAO(Food in the model. The flow path is then calculated by determining
and Agriculture Organization) soil type database ( the steady decrease in DEM elevation values for the hori- The downloaded land use and soil type data were at zontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent cells of each grid.
a resolution of 1000 m 1000 m and, therefore, were The channel and slope units were divided with a cumulative
resampled to a resolution of 90 m to match the DEM data. The flow threshold set at 600. The river was then extracted using
land use and soil types of the SRTM 3 Liuxihe model in the the Strahler method (Strahler, 1957) based on remotely sensed
MRB are shown in Fig. 5. From the data, there are three types images obtained from Google Earth. The rivers consist of
of land use in the basin, including cultivated and managed order 2 channel segments in 5 river nodes. Then, the river
areas, Mosaic areas (Cropland/Tree Cover/Other natural channels were divided into 9 virtual river sections. The cross-
vegetation), and artificial surfaces and associated areas (built- sectional width, side slope, and bottom slope of each virtual
R.V. Macalalad, S. Xu, R.A. Badilla et al. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021) 87e95
In this study, two flood events in the MRB were selected for
simulation, a severe thunderstorm event on May 3, 2017, and a
Fig. 5. Terrain property data of MRB from the SRTM 3 database. (a) Land-use persistent rainfall event on August 23, 2018. These events will
types; (b) soil types.
R.V. Macalalad, S. Xu, R.A. Badilla et al. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021) 87e95
Table 3
Eigenvalues of simulation results. (Rainfall values are Basin-wide mean).
Flood event 20170503 20180823
Rainfall peak (mm) 12.524 7.505
(Basin-wide mean)
Average rainfall (mm) 1.73 1.574
Quantum of rainfall of PG station (mm) 38.76 43.225
Quantum of rainfall of MT station (mm) 16.366 0.509
Quantum of rainfall of CN station (mm) 7.081 0.3298
Quantum of rainfall of PS station (mm) 0.395 0
Flood peak (m3/s) 21.246 25.061
Runoff coefficient 0.433 0.540
Rainfall and flood peak time difference (min) ~80 ~50
Table 2
The initial values of soil-related parameters.
Type Thickness of Saturated water Field Saturated hydraulic Soil characteristic Wilting
soil layer (mm) content capacity conductivity of soil (mm$h1) coefficient point
CN4478 1000 0.458 0.278 15.66 2.5 0.137
CN4546 1000 0.522 0.442 1.22 2.5 0.328
CN4548 1000 0.469 0.298 13.96 2.5 0.137
R.V. Macalalad, S. Xu, R.A. Badilla et al. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021) 87e95
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