Astm D4630-19
Astm D4630-19
Astm D4630-19
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D4630 − 19
D4630 − 19
3.2.2 Cw—compressibility of water (M−1LT2). matching technique described by Jacob and Lohman (1)4 and
3.2.3 G—dimensionless function. extended to analysis of single fractures by Doe et al. (2). If the
water flow rate attains steady state, it may be used to calculate
3.2.4 K—hydraulic conductivity (LT−1 ).
the transmissivity of the test interval (3). Discussion—The use of symbol K for the term NOTE 2—The quality of the result produced by this standard is
hydraulic conductivity is the predominant usage in groundwa- dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
ter literature by hydrogeologists, whereas the symbol k is suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the
commonly used for this term in the rock and soil mechanics criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
and soil science literature. and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are
cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure
3.2.5 P—excess test hole pressure (ML−1 T−2). reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740
3.2.6 Q—excess water flow rate (L3T −1). provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
NOTE 3—The function of wells in any unconfined setting in a fractured
3.2.7 Qo—maximum excess water flow rate (L3T−1). terrain might make the determination of k problematic because the wells
might only intersect tributary or subsidiary channels or conduits. The
3.2.8 S—storativity (or storage coefficient) (dimensionless).
problems determining the k of a channel or conduit notwithstanding, the
3.2.9 Ss—specific storage (L−1). partial penetration of tributary channels may make determination of a
meaningful number difficult. If plots of k in carbonates and other fractured
3.2.10 T—transmissivity (L2T−1 ). settings are made and compared, they may show no indication that there
3.2.11 b—formation thickness (L). are conduits or channels present, except when with the lowest probability
one maybe intersected by a borehole and can be verified, such problems
3.2.12 e—fracture aperture (L). are described by Worthington (4) and Smart, 1999 (5). Additional
3.2.13 g—acceleration due to gravity (LT −2). guidance can be found in Guide D5717.
3.2.14 k—permeability (L2). 6. Apparatus
3.2.15 n—porosity (dimensionless). NOTE 4—A schematic of the test equipment is shown in Fig. 1.
3.2.16 rw—radius of test hole (L).
3.2.17 t—time elapsed from start of test (T).
3.2.18 α—dimensionless parameter. The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
this standard.
3.2.19 µ—viscosity of water (ML−1T−1).
3.2.20 ρ—density of water (ML−3).
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 A borehole is first drilled into the rock mass, intersecting
geological formations for which the transmissivity and stor-
ativity are desired. The borehole is usually cored through
potential zones of interest, and is later subjected to geophysical
borehole logging over these intervals. During the test, each
interval of interest is packed off at top and bottom with
inflatable rubber packers attached to high-pressure steel tubing.
4.2 The test itself involves rapidly applying a constant
pressure to the water in the packed-off interval and tubing
string, and recording the resulting changes in water flow rate.
The water flow rate is measured by one of a series of flow
meters of different sensitivities located at the surface. The
initial transient water flow rate is dependent on the transmis-
sivity and storativity of the rock surrounding the test interval
and on the volume of water contained in the packed-off interval
and tubing string.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Test Method—The constant pressure injection test
method is used to determine the transmissivity and storativity
of low-permeability formations surrounding packed-off inter-
vals. Advantages of the method are: (1) it avoids the effect of
well-bore storage, (2) it may be employed over a wide range of
rock mass permeabilities, and (3) it is considerably shorter in
duration than the conventional pump and slug tests used in
more permeable rocks.
5.2 Analysis—The transient water flow rate data obtained
using the suggested test method are evaluated by the curve- FIG. 1 Equipment Schematic
D4630 − 19
6.1 Source of Constant Pressure—A pump or pressure induction and gamma-gamma density logs. Whenever possible,
intensifier capable of providing an additional amount of water also use sonic logs and the acoustic televiewer. Run other logs
to the water-filled tubing string and packed-off test interval to as needed.
produce a constant pressure of up to 1 MPa in magnitude, 7.1.6 Washing Test Holes—The test holes must not contain
preferably with a rise time of less than 1 % of one half of the any material that could be washed into the permeable zones
flow rate decay (Q/Qo = 0.5). during testing, thereby changing the transmissivity and stor-
6.2 Packers—Hydraulically actuated packers are recom- ativity. Flush the test holes with clean water until the return is
mended because they produce a positive seal on the borehole free from cuttings and other dispersed solids.
wall and because of the low compressibility of water they are 7.2 Test Intervals:
also comparatively rigid. Each packer shall seal a portion of the
7.2.1 Selection of Test Intervals—Determine test intervals
borehole wall at least 0.5 m in length, with an applied pressure
from the core descriptions, geophysical borehole logs, and, if
at least equal to the excess constant pressure to be applied to
necessary, from visual observation of the borehole with a
the packed-off interval and less than the formation fracture
borescope or TV camera.
pressure at that depth.
7.2.2 Changes in Lithology—Test each major change in
6.3 Pressure Transducers—The pressure shall be measured lithology that can be isolated between packers.
as a function of time, with the transducer located in the 7.2.3 Sampling Discontinuities—Discontinuities are often
packed-off test interval. The pressure transducer shall have an the major permeable features in hard rock. Test jointed zones,
accuracy of at least 63 kPa, including errors introduced by the fault zones, bedding planes, and the like, both by isolating
recording system, and a resolution of at least 1 kPa. individual features and by evaluating the combined effects of
6.4 Flow Meters—Suitable flow meters shall be provided several features.
for measuring water flow rates in the range from 103 cm3/s to 7.2.4 Redundancy of Tests—To evaluate variability in trans-
10−3 cm3/s. Commercially available flow meters are capable of missivity and storativity, conduct three or more tests in each
measuring flow rates as low as 102 cm3/s with an accuracy of rock type. If the rock is not homogeneous, the sets of tests
61 % and with a resolution of 10−5 cm3/s; these can test should encompass similar types of discontinuities.
permeabilities to 10−3 md based on a 10-m packer spacing.
Positive displacement flow meters of either the tank type 7.3 Test Water:
(Haimson and Doe (6) or bubble-type (Wilson, et al (3) are 7.3.1 Water Quality—Water used for pressure pulse tests
capable of measuring flow rates as low as 10−3 cm3/s; these can shall be potable and free of particulates, and compatible with
test permeabilities to 10−4 md based on a 10-m packer spacing. the formation. Even small amounts of dispersed solids in the
injection water could plug the rock face of the test interval and
6.5 Hydraulic Systems—The inflatable rubber packers shall
result in a measured transmissivity value that is erroneously
be attached to high-pressure steel tubing reaching to the
surface. The packers themselves shall be inflated with water
using a separate hydraulic system. The pump or pressure 7.3.2 Temperature—The lower limit of the test water tem-
intensifier providing the constant pressure shall be attached to perature shall be 5°C below that of the rock mass to be tested.
the steel tubing at the surface. A remotely controlled down-hole Cold water injected into a warm rock mass causes air to come
valve, located in the steel tubing immediately above the upper out of solution, and the resulting bubbles will radically modify
packer, shall be used for shutting in the test interval and for the pressure transient characteristics.
instantaneous starting of tests. 7.4 Testing:
7.4.1 Filling and Purging System—Once the packers have
7. Procedure been set, slowly fill the tubing string and packed-off interval
7.1 Drilling Test Holes: with water to make sure that no air bubbles will be trapped in
7.1.1 Number and Orientation—The number of test holes the test interval and tubing. Close the downhole valve to shut
will be sufficient to supply the detail required by the scope of in the test interval, and allow the test section pressures (as
the project. The test holes will be directed to intersect major determined from downhole pressure transducer reading) to
fracture sets, preferably at right angles. dissipate.
7.1.2 Test Hole Quality—The drilling procedure will pro- 7.4.2 Constant Pressure Test—Pressurize the tubing, typi-
vide a borehole sufficiently smooth for packer seating, shall cally to between 300 and 600 kPa above the shut-in pressure.
contain no rapid changes in direction, and will minimize This range of pressures is in most cases sufficiently low to
formation damage. minimize distortion of fractures adjacent at the test hole, but in
7.1.3 Test Holes Cored—Core the test holes through zones no case should the pressure exceed the minimum principal
of potential interest to provide information for locating test ground stress. It is necessary to provide sufficient volume of
intervals. pressurized water to maintain constant pressure during testing.
7.1.4 Core Description—Describe the rock core from the Open the downhole valve, maintain the constant pressure, and
test holes with particular emphasis on the lithology and natural record the water flow rate as a function of time. Then close the
discontinuities. downhole valve and repeat the test for a higher value of
7.1.5 Geophysical Borehole Logging—Log geophysically constant test pressure. A typical record is shown in Fig. 2.
the zones of potential interest. In particular, run electrical- Record the pressures, times, and volumes.