College Physics Physics 204

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Course code: PHY 204

Course Title: Electromagnetism
Course Adapted From: IGNOU
Course Writer: Dr. A. B. Adeloye
Department of Physics
University of Lagos
Akoka, Lagos
Editorial Team: Dr. makanjuola Oki
National Open University of Nigeria

Dr. A. B. Adeloye
Department of Physics
University of Lagos
Akoka, Lagos

Dr. H. M. Olaitan
Lagos State University

Programme Leader: National Open University of Nigeria



14/16 Ahamadu Bello Way
Victoria island



Unit 1 Macroscopic Property of Dielectrics

Unit 2 Capacitor
Unit 3 Microscopic Properties of Dielectrics
Unit 4 Magnetism of Materials I
Unit 5 Magnetism of Materials II




1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Simple Model of Dielectric Material
3.2 Behaviour of a Dielectric in an Electric Field
3.2.1 Non-Polar and Polar Molecules
3.2.2 Polarisation Vector P
3.3 Gauss's Law in a Dielectric Medium
3.4 Displacement Vector
3.5 Boundary Conditions on D and E
3.6 Dielectric Strength and Dielectric Breakdown
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading


In the previous courses in electromagnetism, you have learnt the

concepts of electric field, electrostatic energy and the nature of the
electrostatic force. However, for reasons of simplicity we confined, for
most parts, our considerations of these concepts for charges that are
placed in vacuum. For example, Coulomb's law of electrostatic force is
the electric field due to a distribution of charges given in Unit 4; refer to
the situation in which the surrounding medium is vacuum. Of equal
importance is the situation in which the electrical phenomenon occurs in
the presence of a material medium. Here we must distinguish between
two different situations, as the physics of these situations is completely
different. The first situation is when the medium consists of insulating
materials i.e., those materials which do not conduct electricity. The
second situation corresponds to the case when the medium consists of
conducting materials, i.e. materials like metals which are conductor of


electricity. The conducting materials contain electrons which are free to

move within the material. These electrons move under the action of an
electric field and constitute current. We shall study conducting materials
and electric fields in conducting materials at a later stage.

In the present unit, you will study the electric field in the presence of an
insulator. In these materials there are practically no free electrons or
number of such electrons is so small that the conduction is not possible.
In 1837, Faraday experimentally found that when an insulating material
– also called dielectric (such as mica, glass or polystyrene etc.) – is
introduced between the two plates of a capacitor, it is found that the
capacitance is increased by a factor which is greater than one. This
factor is known as the dielectric constant (K) of the material. It was also
found that this capacitance is independent of the shape and size of the
material but it varies from material to material. In the case of glass, the
value of the dielectric constant is 6, while for water it is 80. All the
electrons in these materials are bound to their respective atoms or

When a potential difference is applied to the insulators no electric

current flows; however, the study of their behaviour in the presence of
an electric field gives us very useful information. The choice of a proper
dielectric in a capacitor, the understanding of double refraction in quartz
or calcite crystals is based on such studies. Natural materials, such as
wood, cotton, natural rubber, mica are some popular examples of
electric insulators. A large number of varieties of plastics are also good

Dielectric substances are insulator (or non-conducting) substances as

they do not allow conduction of electricity through them.

In this unit first, of all we will study a simple model of dielectric

material and deduce a relationship between applied field E and the
dipole moment p of a molecule/atom. You will learn about electric
polarisation in a dielectric material and define polarisation vector P. You
must have studied Gauss's law in vacuum. You will now apply it to a
dielectric medium. Here we will also introduce you to a new vector
known as the electric displacement vector D. After that we will discuss
the continuity of D and E at the interface between two dielectrics.

In recent years dielectric materials have become important especially

due to their large scale use in electric and electronic devices. There is
high demand for the improvement of operating reliability of these
devices. Reliability of these devices is measured to a great extent by the
quality of electrical insulation. In the last section you will study
dielectric strength and break down in dielectrics.


In the next unit you will study the details of capacitors, especially the
capacitance of a capacitor, energy stored in a capacitor, capacitor with
dielectric, different forms of capacitors, etc.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

• explain the behaviour of a dielectric in an electric field

• deduce Gauss's law for a dielectric medium
• define dielectric polarisation and classify dielectrics as polar and
• explain Displacement Vector (D) and relate it to the electric field
strength (E)
• define dielectric constant
• state and derive the boundary conditions on E and D
• explain dielectric strength and dielectric breakdown.


3.1 Simple Model of the Dielectric Material
You must be aware that:

• every material is made up of a very large number of

• an atom consists of a positively charged nucleus and negatively
charged particles, with electrons revolving around it,
• the total positive charge of the nucleus is balanced by the total
negative charge of the electrons in the atom, so that the atom, as a
whole, is electrically neutral w.r.t. any point present outside the
• a molecule may be constituted by atom of the same kind, or of
different kinds.

To understand the polarisation we shall consider a crude model of the

atom. A simple crude model of an atom is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Fig. 1.1 Model of an Atom


The nucleus is at the centre, and the various electrons revolving around
it can be thought of as a spherically symmetric cloud of electrons. For
points outside the atom this cloud of electrons can be regarded as
concentrated at the centre of the atom as a point charge.

In most of the atoms and molecules, the centres of positive and negative
charges coincide with each other, whereas, in some molecules the
centres of the two charges are located at different points. Such
molecules are called polar molecules.

Further, we note that in dielectrics, all the electrons are firmly bound to
their respective atoms and are unable to move about freely. In the
absence of an electric field, the charges inside the molecules/atoms
occupy their equilibrium positions. The arrangement of the molecules in
a dielectric material is shown in Fig. 1.2.

Fig. 1.2 The arrangement of the atoms in a dielectric material

The charge centres are shown coincident at the centre of the sphere.
Keeping this picture of a dielectric in mind we shall proceed to study its
behaviour in an electric field in the next section.

3.2 Behaviour of a Dielectric in an Electric Field

You have seen in Section 1.2 that in a dielectric material, the centres of
positive and negative charges of its atoms are found to coincide at the
centre of the sphere. It is shown in Fig. 1.3.


Fig. 1.3 Atoms in which the centres of charges are coincident with
the centre of the spheres

A charge experiences a force in the presence of an electric field.

Therefore, when a dielectric material is placed in an electric field, the
positive charge of each atom experiences a force along the direction of
the field and the negative charge in a direction opposite to it. This results
in small displacement of charge centres of the atoms or molecules. This
is also true of molecules whose charge centres do not coincide in the
absence of an electric field. The separation of the charge centres due to
an applied field E is shown in Fig. 1.4.

Electric dipole moment per unit volume is known as polarisation

Fig. 1.4 The separation of the charge centres due to an applied field

This phenomenon is called polarisation. Thus when an electrically

neutral molecule is placed in an electric field, it gets polarised, with
positive charges moving towards one end and negative charges towards
the other. The otherwise neutral atom thus becomes a dipole with a
dipole moment, which is proportional to electric field.

Now we consider another kind of molecule in which the charge centres

do not coincide as shown in Fig. 1.5.


Fig. 1.5 A dielectric material in which charge centres do not


Due to this reason the molecule already possesses a dipole moment.

Such materials are called polar materials. For such materials, let the
initial orientation of the dipole axis be AOB as shown in Fig. 1.6.

Fig. 1.6 Molecule possessing a dipole moment

Now an electric field E is applied. This field pulls the charge centres
along lines parallel to its direction. Thus the electric field exerts a torque
on the dipole causing it to reorient in the direction of the field. In the
absence of an electric field these polar materials do not have any
resultant dipole moment, as the dipoles of the different molecules are
oriented in random directions due to thermal agitation. When an electric
field is applied, each of these molecules reorients itself in the direction
of the field, and a net polarisation of the material results. The
reorientation or polarisation of the medium is not perfect again due to
thermal agitation. Thus polarisation depends both on field (linearly) and


What are dielectrics? In what respects do they differ from conductor?


3.2.1 Non-Polar and Polar Molecules

We have considered two types of molecules. One in which the centre of

positive charges coincide with the centre of negative charges. The
molecule as a whole has no resultant charge. Molecules of this type are
called Non-polar. Examples of Non-polar molecules are air, hydrogen,
benzene, carbon, tetrachloride, etc. The second type is the one in which
the centre of positive charges and the centre of negative charges do not
coincide. In this case the molecule possesses a permanent dipole
moment. This type of molecule is called a Polar Molecule. Examples of
polar molecules are water, glass, etc.

Thus we see that, a Non-polar molecule acquires a Dipole Moment only

in the presence of an electric field: whereas in a Polar Molecule the
already existing dipole moment orients itself in the direction of the
external electric field. Even in polar molecules, there is some induced
dipole moment due to additional separation of charges, however this
effect is comparatively much smaller than the reorientation effect and is
thus ignored for polar molecules.

3.2.1 Polarisation Vector P

Let us study the effect of an electric field on a dielectric material by

keeping a dielectric slab between two parallel plates as shown in Fig.
1.7. The electric field is set up by connecting the plates to a battery.

We limit our discussion to a homogeneous and isotropic dielectric. A

homogeneous and isotropic dielectric is one in which the electrical
properties are the same at all points in all directions. The applied electric
field displaces the charge centres of the constituent molecules of the
dielectric. The separation of the charge centres is shown in Fig. 1.7. We
find that the negative charges of one molecule faces the positive charges
of its neighbour. Thus within the dielectric body, the charges neutralise.
However, the charges appearing on the surface of the dielectric are not
neutralised. These charges are known as Polarisation Surface Charges.
The entire effect of the polarisation can be accounted for by the charges
which appear on the ends of the specimen. The net surface charge,
however, is bound and depends on the relative displacement of the
charges. It is reasonable to expect that the relative displacement of
positive and negative charges is proportional to the average field E
inside the specimen.


Fig. 1.7: Effect of an Electric field on a dielectric material by

keeping a dielectric slab between two parallel plates

From Fig. 1.7, we find that these polarisation charges appear only on
those surfaces of the dielectric which are perpendicular to the direction
of the field. No surface charges appear on faces parallel to the field.
Such a situation occurs only in the special case of a rectangular block of
dielectric kept between the plates of a parallel plate condenser. It is
shown later in this section that surface density of bound charges depends
on the shape of the dielectric material.

The polarisation of the material is quantitatively discussed in terms of

dipole moment induced by the electric field. Recall that the moment of a
dipole consisting of charges q and -q separated by a displacement d is
given by P = − q d. It is known from experiments that the induced dipole
moment (p) of the molecule increases with the increase in the average
field E. We can say that p is proportional to E

or p =αE (1.1)

where α is the constant of proportionality known as Molecular/Atomic

Polarisability. Let us now define a new vector quantity which we shall
represent by P and shall call it polarisation of the dielectric or just
polarisation. Polarisation P is defined as the electric dipole moment per
unit volume of the dielectric. It is important to note that the term
polarisation is used in a general sense to describe what happens in a
dielectric when the dielectric is subjected to an external electric field. It
is also used in this specific sense to denote the dipole moment per unit

Let us first consider a special case of n polarised molecules each with a

dipole moment p present per unit volume of a dielectric and let all the
dipole moments be parallel to each other. Then from the definition of P

P = np


From the above definition, units of P are

Coulomb m Coulomb
Units of P = = = C m −2
m3 m2

In general, P is a point function depending upon the coordinates. In such

cases, where the ideal situation mentioned above is not satisfied, we
would consider an infinitesimal volume V throughout which all the p's
can be expected to be parallel and write the equation
P = lim
∆V → 0
i =1
( N is the number of dipoles in volume V) (

Here V is large compared to the molecular volume but small compared

to ordinary volumes. Thus, although p is a point function, it is a space
average of p. The direction of p will, of course, be parallel to the vector
sum of the dipole moment of the molecules within V. In such a case
where the p's are not parallel, as in a dielectric that has polar molecules,
Eq. ( still holds as the defining equation for p.


Show that the dipole moment of a molecule p and the dipole moment per
unit volume are related by

P = np

where n is the number of molecules per unit volume of the dielectric.

To understand the physical meaning of P, we consider the special case
of a rectangular block of a dielectric material of length L and cross-
sectional area A. Fig. 1.8 represents such a block.

Fig. 1.8 Surface polarisation charges on a rectangular block of



Fig. 1.8a Surface polarisation charges. Actual displacement of charge on

right is dx cos θ

Let p be the surface density of polarisation charges, viz., the number of

charges on a unit area or charge/unit area on the surface. The total
number of polarisation charges appearing on the surface = Aσ

Induced dipole moment = Aσ L (1.2)

Volume of the slab = AL

By definition dipole moment per unit volume = P

Induced dipole moment = PAL (1.3)

Now we can compare the magnitudes of Eqs. (5.2) and (5.3) to obtain
the magnitude P of the polarisation vector to be

P =σp (1.4)

Thus, the surface density of charges appearing on the faces

perpendicular to the field is a measure of P, the polarisation vector. Eq.
(1.4) is true for a special geometry when the dielectric material is a
rectangular block. For a block shown in Fig. 1.8a the surface on the right
is not perpendicular to P. The normal unit vector (n) to the surface
makes an angle θ with P. If the charges are displaced by a distance dx
the effective displacement is dx cos θ for the surface on the right. If n is
the number of charged particle and q is the charge on each particle, then
the surface charge density σ is given by

σ p = n qdx cosθ = P ⋅ n = Pn (1.5)

where q is the positive charge on each atom/molecule and Pn is the

component of P normal to the surface on the right. This also shows why
no charges appear on the surfaces parallel to the applied field ( θ = 90°)
and on the left side of the block the angle between P and n, the unit


vector normal to the surface is 180°; the surface charge density is


For an ideal, homogeneous and isotropic dielectric, the polarisation P is

proportional to the average field E, i.e.,

P = χε 0 E (1.6)

Where χ = P / ε 0 E and is known as electrical susceptibility. This

relation is related to Eq. (1.1); Eq. (1.1) refers to one molecule, whereas
Eq. (1.6) refers to the material. Thus the latter is a macroscopic version
of Eq. (1.1). The constant ε 0 is included for the purpose of simplifying
the later relationships.

The relation (1.6) requires that P be linearly related to the average

(microscopic) field. This average field would be the external applied
field as modified by the polarisation surface charges. The susceptibility
is a characteristic of the material and gives the measure of the ease with
which it can be polarised, it is simply related to α for the nonpolar

From SAE 1 P = np using Eq. (1, 4), we get

σ p = np

The dipole moment per atom in this case p = q ⋅ dx cosθ

3.3 Gauss' Law in a Dielectric

You have studied Gauss law in vacuum. Here, we shall modify and
generalise it for dielectric material. Consider two metallic plates as
shown in Fig. 1.9. Let E0 be the electric field between these two plates.
Now, we introduce a dielectric material between the plates. When the
dielectric is introduced, there is a reduction in the electric field, which
implies a reduction in the charge per unit area. Since no charge has
leaked off from the plates, such a reduction can be only due to the
induced charge appearing on the two surfaces of the dielectric. Due to
this reason, the dielectric surface adjacent to the positive plate must have
an induced negative charge, and the surface adjacent to the negative
plate must have an induced positive charge of equal magnitude. It is
shown in Fig. 1.9.


Fig. 1.9 Induced charges on the faces of a dielectric in an external


For the sake of simplicity, you consider the charge on the surface of
dielectric material as shown in Fig. 1.9a. Now we apply Gauss' flux
theorem to a region which is wholly within the dielectric such as the
Gaussian volume at region 1 of Fig. 1.9a.

Fig.1.9a Gaussian volumes at 1 and 2 inside a dielectric. The

displacement of charges at the surfaces perpendicular to the applied
field is shown

The net charge inside this volume is zero even though this material is
polarised. The positive charges and negative charges are equal. For this
volume the flux of field through the surface is zero. We can write

∫ E ⋅ dS = ∫ ε
surface at 1 S1
0 χ P ⋅ dS = 0 (1.7)

This shows that "lines" of P are just like lines of E except for a constant
(ε 0 ) . Instead of this Gaussian volume, suppose we take another one at
region 2. In this Gaussian volume one surface is inside the dielectric and
the other is outside it The curved surface is parallel to the lines of field
(E or P). For the surface of this Gaussian volume outside the material, P
is nonexistent. However, lines of P must terminate inside the Gaussian
volume. Hence the net flux of P is finite and negative as shown in
Fig.1.9a since the component of P normal to the surface, i.e. Pn and


σ p the surface charge density are equal to each other in magnitude, the
surface integral

P ⋅ dS = Pn dS = −σ p dS (1.8)

= − qp

Where q p is the charge inside the Gaussian volume. Thus, the flux of P
is equal to the negative of the charge included in the Gaussian volume.
Notice the difference in the flux of P and the flux of E.

Now we can generalise Gauss’ flux theorem. Since the effects of

polarised matter can be accounted for by the polarisation surface
charges, the electric field in any region can be related to the sum of both
free and polarisation charges. Thus in general

∫ E ⋅ dS = ε
closed surface 0
(q f + q p ) (1.9)

where q p represents free charges and q p the polarisation charges.


Two parallel plates of area of cross section of 100cm2 are given equal
and opposite charge of 1.0 × 10 −7 C. The space between the plates is filled
with a dielectric material, and the electric field within the dielectric is
3.3 × 105 V/m. What is the dielectric constant of the dielectric and the
surface charge density on the plate?
Using Gauss' theorem for vectors this surface integral can be converted
into a volume integral. Thus the above equation becomes

∫ (∇ ⋅ E)dV = ε ∫ ( ρ
V 0 V
f + ρ p )dV (1.10)

where ρ f and ρ p are respectively the free and bound charge densities.
As this is true for any volume, the integrands can be equated. Thus

ε ∇⋅E = ρ f + ρp (1.11)

The flux of ρ through the closed surface is given by (See equation 1.8)

∫ P ⋅ dS = − q p = − ∫ ρ p dV


which can be written using Gauss' flux theorem

ε 0∇ ⋅ E = ρ f − ∇ ⋅ P
∴ ε 0∇ ⋅ E + ∇ ⋅ P = ρ f
∇ ⋅ (ε 0 E + P) = ρ f
∇⋅D = ρf (1.12)

where D = ε 0 E + P is known as the electric displacement vector. (Note

that 1.12 is already Gauss's Law.)


Show that Eq. (1.12) reduces to Eq. (1.11) when P = 0.

The dimension of D is the same as that of P. The units of D are C ⋅ m −2 .

From Eqs. (1.12) and (1.10) we observe that the source of D is the free
charge density ρ f , whereas the source of E is the total charge density
ρf + ρp.

When we write P = ε 0 E 0 (see Eq. 1.5), we have

D = (1 + χ )ε 0 E (1.13)

Where ε r = (1 + χ ) is known as the relative permittivity of the medium.

Another usual form of electric displacement vector D is given by

D=εE (1.14)

where ε = ε r ε 0 .

Eq. (1.14) provides the relation between Electric displacement D and

electric field E.


Consider two rectangular plates of area of a cross section of

6.45 × 10 −4 m . Each is kept parallel to the other. The separation between,

them is 2 × 10 −3 m and a voltage of 10V is applied across these plates. If a

material of dielectric constant 6.0 is introduced within the region
between the two plates, calculate:


(i) Capacitance
(ii) The magnitude of the charge stored on each plate.
(iii) The dielectric displacement D
(iv) The polarisation

3.4 Displacement Vector D

It is one of the basic vectors for an electric field that depends only on the
magnitude of free charge and its distribution.

In Section 1.4, we introduced a new vector D and called it Displacement

Vector (or) Electric Displacement.

We found (see Sec. 1.4) that the electric displacement is defined by

D = ε 0 E + P ; Gauss' law in dielectric is given by D ⋅ dS = q f dV . For an
isolated charge q, kept at the centre of a dielectric sphere of radius r, we
find that the Gauss' flux theorem gives (being a case of spherical

( 4π r 2 )( D ) = q

Which gives

D = qr / 4π r 2 (1.15)

∴ D = ε E we get E = qr / 4π ε r 2 (1.16)

From (1.16) it follows that the force F, between two charges q1 and q 2 ,
kept at a distance r in a dielectric medium is given by

q1 q 2
F= r (1.17)
4π ε r 2

and the expression for the potential φ at a distance r from q is

φ = q / 4πε r (1.18)

When we compare Eq. 1.16 with the corresponding expression for E in

free space, Eq. 1.17 and 1.18 show similar expressions for Coulomb
force and potentials. We may find that in all these expressions, ε 0 has
been replaced by ε in a dielectric medium.



Two large metal plates each of area 1 sq. metre face each other at a
distance one metre apart. They carry equal and opposite charges on their
surfaces. If the electric intensity between the plates is 50 newton per
coulomb, calculate the charge on the plates.

With this background, we may wrongly conclude that D for a dielectric

medium is same as E for free space. It is therefore important to clearly
distinguish between these two vector quantities:

• E is defined as the force acting on unit charge, irrespective of

whether a dielectric medium is present or not. It is to be
calculated taking into account the free or external charges as well
as the induced charges of the medium. On the other hand D is
defined as D = ε 0 E + P , and it is a vector like electric field, but is
determined only by free or external charges. Note from Eqs.
(1.15) and (1.16) that the value of D does not depend upon the
dielectric constant while the value of E as well as the force
between the charges involve ε .

• The quantity ∫ D ⋅ dS is usually referred to as the electric flux

through the element of area dS . For this reason D is also known
as electric flux density. From the integral form of Gauss' law in
dielectrics, we find that the total flux is q, through an area
surrounding a charge q, and this flux is unaltered by the
presence of a dielectric medium. This is not true in the case of
total flux of electric intensity, since

∫ E ⋅ dS = ε

• Since D is a vector, we may draw lines of displacement in the

same way as we draw the lines of force. The number of lines of
displacement passing through a unit area is proportional to (D).
These lines of displacement begin and end only on free charges,
since the origin of D is the conduction charges/charge density
(see Section 1.4).

Again by using Gauss' law it can be shown easily that the lines of
displacement are continuous in a space containing no free charges. In
other words, at the boundary of two dielectrics, if there are no free
charges the lines of D are continuous, while the lines of E are not
continuous because lines of electric force can end on both free and
polarisation charges. This behaviour of D and E is dealt with in a greater


detail in the next section. These rules are contained in two Boundary
conditions at the interface between two dielectric media.

3.5 Boundary Conditions on D and E

We wish to determine the relationships that E and D must satisfy at the

interface between two dielectrics. Here, we will assume that there are
only polarisation charges at the interface i.e., since the dielectrics are
ideal they have no free electrons, and thus there is no conduction charge
at the interface. Later, these boundary conditions will be useful for
proving laws of reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves. Now
we will determine the boundary condition for vector D.

Boundary conditions give the way in which the basic vectors change
when they are incident on the surface of discontinuity in dielectric

Boundary Condition for D

We apply the Gauss' law for dielectrics to a small cylinder in the shape
of a pill box which intersects the boundary between two dielectric media
and whose axis is normal to the boundary.

Fig. 1.10 shows the cylinder. Let the height of the pill box be very small
compared to its cross sectional area. The contribution to ∫ D ⋅ dS comes
from the components of D normal to the boundary. That is,

∫ D ⋅ dS = Dn 2 dS − Dn1 dS (1.19)
Fig. 1.10 Boundary condition for D between two dielectric media

where Dn1 and Dn 2 are the normal components of D in media 1 and 2

respectively. Dn1 is opposite to the direction of the normal to dS in the
medium (ε 1 ) . Further ∫ D ⋅ dS = 0 since there are no free charges on the
boundary surface.

∴ Dn1 = Dn 2 (1.20)


Thus the normal components of electrical displacement vectors are

continuous across the boundary (having no free charges).

D ⋅ dS = D ⋅ n dS where n is the unit vector along the outward drawn

normal to the area dS. This representation gives the boundary
condition as n ⋅ D1 = n ⋅ D 2
which gives Eq. (1.20). Otherwise the boundary conditions becomes
D1 cosθ 1 = D2 cosθ 2
where θ 1 and θ 2 are the angles between n and D1 and n and
D 2 respectively.

Boundary condition for E

We shall make use of the conservative nature of the electric field in this
case. To obtain the boundary condition for E, we calculate the work
done in taking a unit charge around a rectangular loop ABCDA, Fig.
1.11 shows such a loop. The sides BC and AC of the loop are very
small. As the work done in taking a unit charge round a closed path is
zero (conservative force)

∫ E ⋅ dl = 0


Fig. 1.11 Boundary condition for E between two dielectric media

Let E t1 and Et 2 be the tangential components of E in the media 1 and 2

respectively as shown in Fig. 1.11. Then,

∫ E ⋅ dl = ∫ E
t1 dl − ∫E
t1 dl (1.22)

where l = AB = CD.

Using Eq. 1.21 in Eq. 1.22 we get

E t1 = E t 2 (1.23)


Eq. 1.23 states that the tangential component of the electric field is
continuous along the boundary. Note that to calculate work done, we
need force, which is related to the electric field.

The boundary condition contained in Eq. (1.23) may be written in the

vector form as

n × E1 = n × E 2

where E1 , E 2 are the corresponding electric fields and n is the unit

vector normal to the boundary.


Prove Eq. 1.23a using equation 1.23. Using the vector identity.

∫ E ⋅ dl = ∫
(∇ × E) ⋅ ndS = − ∫ ∇(n × E)dS

Note on Eq. 1.23a

We write Eq. (1.23a) as

E1 sin θ 1 = E 2 sin θ 2 (1.23b)

where θ 1 and θ 2 are the angles between n and E1 and n and E 2

respectively in the media 1 and 2.

This is yet another form of the boundary condition. We write Eq. 1.23b

D1 D2
sin θ 1 = sin θ 2
ε1 ε2

D1 sin θ 1 ε 1
= (1.23c)
D2 sin θ 2 ε 2

Eq. (1.23c) implies that the tangential component of D is not continuous

across the boundary.


Show that the normal component of E is discontinuous across a

dielectric boundary.


3.6 Dielectric Strength and Breakdown

We have seen that under the influence of an external electric field,

polarisation results due to the displacement of the charge centres. In our
discussion, we have treated the phenomenon as an elastic process. A
question that arises in our minds is, "what would happen if the applied
field is increased considerably? One thing that is certain is that the
charge centres will experience a considerable pulling force. If the
pulling force is less than the binding force between the charge centres,
the material will retain the dielectric property and on removing the field
the charge centres will return to their equilibrium positions. If the
pulling force just balances the binding force, the charges will just be
able to overcome the strain of the separation and any slight imbalance
will loosen the bonds between the electrons and the nucleus. A further
increase of the applied field will result in the separation of the charges.
Once this happens the electrons will be accelerated. The fast moving
electrons will collide with the other atoms and multiply in number. This
will result in the flow of conduction current. The minimum potential that
causes the charge separation is known as the breakdown potential and
the process is known as the dielectric breakdown.

Breakdown potential varies from substance to substance. It also depends

on the thickness of the dielectric (thickness measured along the direction
of the field). The field strength at which the dielectric is about to break
down is known as the Dielectric Strength. It is measured in kilovolts
per metre. Knowledge of the breakdown potential is very important for
practical situations, as in the use of capacitors in electrical circuits.
When a dielectric is subjected to a gradually increasing electric
potential, a stage will be reached when the electron of the constituent
molecule is torn away from the nucleus. Now the dielectric breaks
down, viz., loses its dielectric properties, and begins to conduct

The breakdown voltage is the applied potential difference per unit

thickness of the dielectric when the dielectric just breakdown.


In this unit we have examined the behaviour of dielectrics and the

deduction of Gauss’s law. In addition, we have explained the terms,
dielectric breakdown and dielectric strength as well as defined dielectric



When an electric field is applied to an insulating material, it gets

polarised. This means that a dipole moment is created in the material.
This dipole moment is also exhibited as a surface charge density.

Electric dipole moment per unit volume is known as polarisation.

At the atomic level, the polarisation of a medium takes place in two
ways, as there are two kinds of molecules: polar and nonpolar. In
nonpolar molecules the centres of positive and negative charges lie at
the same point and their inherent dipole moment is zero.

In polar molecules the positive and negative charge centres lie at

different points and consequently there is an inherent dipole moment
associated with the molecules, though the net charge of the molecule is

For a dielectric medium, it is convenient to introduce another vector

related to E and P, This is called the displacement vector D defined as

D = ε 0E + P

For the analysis of dielectric behaviour, the relation between the

polarisation vector P and the total electric field E is important. For an
ideal, homogeneous and isotropic dielectric, the relation is expressed as

P = ε 0 χ eE

The constant χ e is known as the electric susceptibility of the medium.

The constant α , corresponding to the susceptibility χ e is known as the

atomic (or molecular) polarisability when we consider the polarisation
of a single atom (or molecule).

In a polarised piece of a dielectric, the volume charge density ρ p (= –

div P ) and the surface charge density σ p are given by P ⋅ n or Pn .
The presence of dielectric leads to the modification of the Gauss' law.
It's modification is

∫ε 0 D ⋅ n dS = q

where q is the total unit free or external charge

or div D = ρ


where D depends only on the magnitude of free charge and distribution.

The general relation between the vectors D, E and P can be used to

define the dielectric constant K and permittivity ε r of dielectric
medium. Using the permittivity ε , the relation between D, P and E can
be expressed in the linear form


P = ε (k − 1)E = (ε − ε 0 )E

The vectors E and D satisfy certain boundary conditions on the interface

between two dielectric media. These conditions are:

(i) The tangential component of E is the same on each side of the

boundary, i.e., E1t = E 2t and
(ii) The normal component of D is same on each side of the
boundary, i.e., Dn1 = Dn 2

Dielectric strength is the applied potential difference per unit thickness

of the dielectric when the dielectric just breaks down.


(1) Calculate the relative displacement of the nucleus of the molecule

modelled in Fig. 1.12 (spherically symmetric molecule) when it is
subjected to an external electric field and hence, its polarisability.

(2) Suppose two metallic conducting plates are kept as shown in Fig.

Fig. 1.12: Model of atom. Fig. 1.12a

The area of cross section of each plate is 2.0 m2 and they are 10–2 apart.
The potential difference between them in vacuum V0 is 3000 volts, and


it decreases to 1000 volts when a sheet of dielectric 1 cm thick is

inserted between the plates. Calculate the following:

(a) The relative permittivity K of the dielectric,

(b) its permittivity, ε ,
(c) its susceptibility χ ,
(d) the electric intensity between the plates in vacuum (here it is
given that Intensity = Voltage across the plate/Area of Cross
(e) the resultant electric intensity in the dielectric,
(f) the electric intensity set up by the bounded charges.

Fig. 1.13 Two metallic conducting plates (a) and (b) with dielectric

(3) Consider two isotropic dielectric medium 1 and 2 separated by a

charge free boundary as shown in Fig. 1.14

Fig. 1.14: Line of force across the boundary between two dielectrics

Now, an electric vector E1 goes from medium 1 and enters into medium
2. If i is the angle of incidence and r is the angle of reflection, prove that
tan i ε 1
tan r ε 2

(4) Show that the polarisation charge density at the interface between
two dielectrics is
ε1 − ε 2
p' = ε 0 n ⋅ E1



IGNOU (2005). Electricity and Magnetism Physics PHE-07, New

Delhi, India.




1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Capacitance
3.2 Parallel Plate Capacitor or Condenser
3.2.1 Energy Stored in a Capacitor
3.3 Parallel Plate Capacitor with Dielectrics
3.3.1 Voltage Rating of Capacitor
3.4 Capacitance of Cylindrical Capacitor
3.5 Capacitors in Series and Parallel
3.5.1 Combination of Capacitor in Parallel
3.5.2 Combination of Capacitor in Series
3.6 Energy Stored in a Dielectric Medium
3.7 Practical Capacitors
3.7.1 Fixed Capacitor
3.7.2 Ceramic Capacitor
3.7.3 Electrolytic Capacitor
3.7.4 Variable Air Capacitor/Gang Capacitor
3.7.5 Guard Ring Capacitor
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading


You have studied in your earlier classes that the potential of a conductor
increases as the charge placed on it is increased. Mathematically we

Q ∝ φ or Q = Cφ (2.1)

where C is the proportionality constant.

We call this constant C the capacity or capacitance. We also call any

device that has capacitance a the capacitor (condenser). You are already
familiar with this device.

We change the capacitance in our radio-transistor while operating the

'tuning' knob and get the radio station of our choice. Capacitors are used
in many electrical or electronic circuits, they provide coupling between
amplifier stages, smoothen the output of power supplies. They are used


in motors, fans, in combination with inductances to produce oscillations

which when transmitted become radio signals/TV signals etc. Besides
these, capacitors have a variety of applications in electric power

In the present unit, we shall learn about capacitance, capacitors of

different forms, energy stored in a capacitor, and the working principle
of a capacitor. We have studied the macroscopic properties of dielectrics
in Unit 1. Here we will study the effect on the capacitance of a
capacitor, when a dielectric is placed between the two plates of a
capacitor. Then we will introduce some practical capacitors.

In next unit we will study the microscopic properties of the dielectrics.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

• define capacitance of a capacitor

• describe capacitors of different geometries and obtain
mathematical expression for their capacitance
• able to calculate the energy stored in a capacitor
• describe the effect of introducing a dielectric material in a
• obtain expressions for the effective capacitance of grouping a
number of capacitors in series and in parallel
• describe practical capacitors such as a guard condenser and an
electrolytic capacitor.


3.1 Capacitance

A capacitor or a condenser is an electronic device for storing electrical

energy by allowing charges to accumulate on metal plates. This
electrical energy is recovered when these charges are allowed to move
away from these plates into the circuit of which the capacitor forms a
part. Any device which can store charges is a capacitor. For example, an
insulated conducting spherical shell of radius R can store charges; hence
it can be used as a condenser. Let us see how it works as a capacitor. If a
charge Q is placed on it, the outer surface of the shell becomes an
equipotential surface. The potential of the outer surface of the shell is
given by


φ= (2.2)
4πε 0 R

with infinity as zero potential. Instead of infinity we can regard the

ground (earth) as zero potential. Then the capacitance of this shell (w.r.t.
ground) is

C= = 4πε 0 R Coulomb/Volt (2.3)

The unit of capacitance C in SI system is the farad.

Farad = Coulomb/Volt (2.4)

If R = 100 cm in the above spherical shell its capacity in farads is

( 4πε 0 )100 = 1.1 × 10 −10 Farad

Thus it is clear from this that if a capacitor is to be made with one unit
(farad) capacity it has to have huge dimensions (1010 m in the above
case). Practical forms of condensers have small dimensions and smaller
units such as picofarad ( 10 −12 Farad) and microfarad ( 10 × 10 −6 Farad) are
more commonly used. The symbolic representation of a capacitor is
o—| |—o.

The above example of a spherical conductor as a capacitor is given only

to illustrate the concept. However, the most commonly used practical
form of condensers always has a system of two metal sheets (circular,
cylindrical or rectangular) kept close to each other with an insulator
separating the two sheets. This system has the ability to have larger
capacity without having the corresponding larger dimensions. You will
learn more about this in detail in the next section.

3.2 The Parallel Plate Capacitor or Condenser

This is the simplest and most commonly used form of a condenser. A

parallel plate condenser consists of two rectangular or circular sheets
(plates) of a metal arranged parallel to each other, separated by a
distance d. The value of d is usually very small and an insulating
material is normally inserted between the two sheets. See Fig. 2.1. A
charge Q (positive) placed on the upper plate distributes equally on this
plate to make it an equipotential surface. The lower plate is shown
grounded. The lower plate is therefore at ground potential (zero
potential). Because of electrostatic induction an equal amount of
negative charge appears on the upper side of the lower plate. This


induced negative charge pulls up almost all the positive charge placed
on the upper plate to the lower side of the upper plate. Thus the electric
field now gets confined to the space between the two plates: the positive
charge acting as sources and the negative charge as sink (the lines of
force originate on the positive charges and end on negative charges).
The induced negative charge is equal lo the amount of positive charge
because of the zero field requirement inside the material of the
conducting sheets. Besides, both the metal sheets are equipotential
surfaces. The lines of force field lines are normal to these sheets except
at edges. See Fig. 2.1. Since all the field lines originate from the upper
plate and end on the lower plate, the value of the electric field, E is
uniform in the space between the plates except at the edge. The edge
effects are negligible if the area of the plates, A, is large compared to d.
Since E is uniform the potential difference between the upper and the
lower plates is given by

Fig. 2.1 Parallel plate condenser A and B are the metal plates
separated at a distance ' d ' .

φ 2 − φ1 = − E ⋅ dl = Ed

where φ 2 , φ1 refer to the potentials of upper and lower plates

respectively. As the lower plate is earthed,

φ1 = 0; φ 2 = Ed (2.5)

To evaluate E let us use Gauss's theorm. Suppose we evaluate the

electric flux for a closed cylindrical surface EFGH of base area S with
its axis normal to the plate. See Fig. 2.2


Fig. 2.2 Gaussian closed cylinder EFGH

One of the horizontal surfaces is inside the metal and the other in the
space between the plates; the curved faces are parallel to the field lines.
There is no flux through EF as the field inside the conducting surface is
zero. Similarly, there is zero flux through EH and FG as the curved
surfaces of the Gaussian cylinder are parallel to the field lines.

Since the potential is defined as the work done per unit

charge, the work done in moving a small charge δ q
against a charge potential φ will be work done = φδ q .

But φ = q / C .

The total work done in charging a capacitor to Q

coulombs is given by
qdq q 2
Total work done = ∫0 C = 2C

The flux through the surface HG of area S is equal to ES . Since E is

along the normal to the area, hence, we can apply Gauss' theorem.
According to Gauss theorem

S σ
ES = , E= (2.6)
ε0 ε0

where, σ is the charge per unit area on the condenser plate. The
potential φ 2 of the upper plate is Ed from Eq (2.1). The total charge Q
is σ A

Q ε0 A
C= = (2.7)
φ d

By keeping a small value for d, the capacity C can be increased. In the

above derivation we have taken the medium between the plates to be
vacuum. The above arrangement has the advantage of the electric field
being unaffected by the presence of other charges or conductors in the


neighbourhood of the capacitor. Moreover, if the area A of the plates is

much greater than d the correction for the capacitance due to the
nonuniform field at the edges is negligible.


Suppose we have the distance of separation between the plates, what

happens to the capacitance?


Find the charge on a 1000 pF capacitor when charged to a voltage of 24


In the next subsection you will learn about the energy stored in a

3.2.1 Energy Stored in a Capacitor

The work done, W in assembling a charge Q by adding infinitesimal

increments of charge is given by:

W = Qφ (2.8)

Where φ is the final potential of the charged body. In the case of a

capacitor of capacitance C, this work, done in placing a charge Q on the
capacitor must also be given by similar expression, i.e.,

W = Qφ (2.9)

This can be written in terms of the capacitance C = Q / φ as

1 Q2
W = Cφ 2 = Joules.
2 2C

This work is stored up in the electric field as potential energy.


Show that in a parallel plate capacitor of area A and the separation of

plates by a distance d in vacuum the energy stored in the (space) volume
of the electric field between the plates is given by Qφ .


3.3 Parallel Plate Capacitor with Dielectrics

When a dielectric slab is inserted between the parallel plates of a

condenser the capacity increases. The polarised dielectric slab ABCD
(see Fig. 2.3) reduces the electric field E inside the dielectric by a factor
( 1 / ε r ) where ε r is the relative permittivity as discussed in the last unit:
This can be proved by computing the electric field by using Gauss' law
for electric displacement, D inside the dielectric ABCD. Recall the
Gaussian cylinder used in evaluating E in Section 2.2. The flux of D is
now given by (only free charges contribute to the flux)

Fig. 2.3 Dielectric slab between capacitor plates

DS = σ S (2.11)

as the bound surface charges do not contribute to this flux and

D = ε 0ε r E (2.12)

for an isotropic uniformly polarised dielectric. Thus the field

E= (2.13)
ε 0ε r

The potential difference between the plates is equal to Ed , where d is

now the thickness of the slab filling the entire space between the plates.
The capacitance now becomes

Q σA ε 0ε r A
C= = = (2.14)
φ Ed Ed

The value of the capacitance C increases by the factor ε r , which is the

relative permittivity of the dielectric material.

From Eq. (2.14) we note that the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor
increases with the increase in surface area (A) of the plates and also with
the decrease of the distance separating the plates.


The effect of introducing a dielectric in between the plates increases the

capacitance (Q ε r > 1). Thus the inclusion of a dielectric enables the
capacitor to hold more charges at a given potential difference between
the plates.

We rewrite Eq. (2.14) as

C = ε 0 A /(d / ε r ) (2.15)

and compare it with Eq. (2.7). We find that a dielectric of thickness d

has an equivalent free space thickness (d / ε r ) . This observation will be
useful later when we deal with the capacitor in which the space in
between the plates is only partially filled with a dielectric.


Find the capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor consisting of two

parallel plates of area 0.04 m2 each and placed 10 −3 m apart in free space.

A capacitor is shown in Fig. 2.4 in which a dielectric slab of thickness t

is inserted between the plates kept apart at a distance d. We write the
capacitance of this capacitor, on the basis of the equivalent free space
thickness of the dielectric. We find the free space thickness between the
plates = (d − t ) , where t is the thickness of the dielectric material. This t
is equivalent to t / ε r in free space. The capacitor of Fig. 2.4 is
equivalent to a capacitor with free space between the plates, with the
separation of (d − t + t / ε r ) . We write the expression for the capacitance

ε0 A
C= (2.16)
d − t + t /εr

Fig. 2.4


Fig. 2.5 The equivalent capacitor

Now we will obtain Eq. (2.16) with another simple method. Let the
voltage across the capacitor which is shown in Fig. 2.4 be V. When a
dielectric of thickness ' t ' is introduced between the two plates of the
capacitor, the distance between the positive plate of the capacitor and
the upper surface of the dielectric is say d1 and from lower surface of
dielectric to negative plate of the capacitor is d 2 . Now assume that the
voltage between positive plate and upper surface of the dielectric is V1 ,
the voltage between upper and the lower surface of the dielectric is V2
and the lower plate of the dielectric to the negative plate of the capacitor
is V3 . The total voltage V across capacitor is the sum of these three
voltages i.e.,

V = V1 + V2 + V3

Let E be the field inside the dielectric. Then

V1 = d1 E , V2 E × t / ε r and V3 = d 2 E

V = ( d1 + d 2 ) E + E × t / ε r

From the figure

d = d1 + d 2 + t

d1 + d 2 = (d − t )

From the above equation we get

V = (d − t ) E + E × t / ε r

Using Eq. (2.5), we get that in this case

d = [(d − t ) + t / ε r ]


From Eq. (2.15), we get

ε0 A
C =
ε0 A
[(d − t ) + t / ε 0 ]

We can also find that the ratio of the capacitance with dielectric between
the plates to the capacitance with free space between the plates is equal
to the relative permittivity, viz.,

Capacit. with dielectric between plates

εr =
Capacit. with free space between plates

The relative permittivities ( ε r ) of some of the most common materials

are given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Relative permittivity ( ε r ) of some common materials

Air 1.0006
Castor Oil 4.7
Mica 5-9
Glass 4.5-7.00
Bakelite 4.5-7.5
Paper 2 -2.3
Porcelain 5.5
Quartz 1.5
Water 81


A dielectric of relative permittivity 3 is filled into the space between the

plates of a capacitor. Find the factor by which the capacitance is
increased, if the dielectric is only sufficient to fill up 3/4 of the gap.

3.3.1 Voltage Rating of a Capacitor

Capacitors are designed and manufactured to operate at a certain

maximum voltage, which depends on the distance between the plates of
the capacitor. If the voltage is exceeded, the electrons jump across the
space between the plates and this can result in permanent damage to the
capacitor. The maximum safe voltage is called the working voltage. The
capacity and the working voltage (WV) is marked on the capacitor in the
case of bigger capacitors and indicated by the colour code (similar to


that of resistance) in the case of capacitors having low values of


3.4 Capacitance of a Cylindrical Capacitor

In Section 2.3, we have calculated the capacitance of a parallel plate

capacitor. Another important form of capacitor is a cylindrical capacitor.
This is shown in Fig. 2.6a. A section of this capacitor is shown in Fig.
2.6b. It is made up of two hollow coaxial cylindrical conductors of radii
a and b. The space between the cylinders is filled with a dielectric of
relative permittivity ε r . Practical forms of such capacitors are:

(i) a coaxial cable, in which the inner conductor is a wire and the
outer conductor is normally a mesh of conducting wire separated
from the inner conductor by an insulator (usually plastic).
In Fig. 2.6b, the direction of the field lines is radial, viz., normal to the
surface of the cylinder. Small lines in between the two cylinders, show
the direction of fixed line.

Fig. 2.6: (a) Cylindrical capacitor {b) cross section of the

cylindrical capacitor

(ii) the submarine cable, in which a copper conductor is covered by

polystyrene (the outer conductor is sea water). Since both the
inner and outer cylinders are conductors, they are equipotential
surfaces. The field is radial (normal to the surface of the
cylinder): Because of cylindrical symmetry we conclude that the
capacitance is proportional to the length of the cylinder (as the
length increases, the area of the plot increases). We shall now
find the capacitance per unit length of the capacitor.


Fig. 2.7 Gaussian surface ABCD

Let the charge per unit length placed on the inner cylinder of the
capacitor be λ . The outer cylinder is grounded. An equal and


opposite amount of charge appears on the inner side of the outer

cylinder. This is because of the zero field in the conductor. To
evaluate the field let us consider a coaxial closed cylindrical
surface ABCD of unit length and of radius r. See Fig. 2.7. The
electric field is normal to the inner cylindrical surface and is also
confined to the space between the cylinders. The flux of electric
displacement vector, D, through the bottom and top surfaces of
this Gaussian cylinder ABCD is zero as D is parallel to these
faces. The flux of D is only through the curved surface of ABCD
and as D is normal to this at all points; the flux through this
closed Gaussian surface is given by

D ⋅ dS = ( 2π r )D ⋅ δ l (2.17)

Now D = ε 0 ε r E for isotropic uniformly polarised dielectrics. Using

Gauss' law we get

2π rD = ( 2π r )ε 0 ε r E = λ (2.18)

where λ is the free charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface.


E= (2.19)
2π rε 0ε r

To find the capacitance, we require the potential difference between the

two cylinders. The expression for potential difference is given by

φ = − ∫ Edr (2.20)

Four our case, Eq. (2.20) becomes

φ a − φ b = − ∫ Edr

= ∫ 2π rε ε
a 0 r

λ b
2πrε 0ε r ∫


= ln(b / a ) (2.22)
2πrε 0ε r

As the outer cylinder is grounded, φ b = 0.

Now, capacitance per unit length, C is given by

2πε 0ε r
λ /φa = (2.23)
ln(b / a )

Note: In the expression for the capacitance per unit length of a

cylindrical capacitor, Eq. (2.23), we find that the capacitance depends on
the ratio of the radii and on their absolute values.


Two cylindrical capacitors are of equal length and have the same
dielectric. In one of them the radii of the inner and outer cylinders are 8
and 10 cm, respectively and in the other they are 4 and 5 cm. Find the
ratio of their capacitances.

3.5 Capacitors in Series and Parallel

In Section 2.5, we have seen the method of finding the capacitance per
unit length of a cylindrical capacitor. We multiply the capacitance per
unit length by the length for cylindrical capacitors and get the
capacitance. Now we can consider a cylindrical capacitor of length 2
units as consisting of two cylindrical capacitors of unit length joined end
to end so that the inner cylinders are connected together and the outer
cylinders also get connected similarly. This is shown in Fig. 2.8.

Fig. 2.7 A long cylindrical capacitor seen as a particular

combination of unit cylindrical capacitor

We find immediately that in such a combination the charge on the

capacitor is doubled and so the capacitance is also doubled since the
potential difference remains constant. Two capacitors connected in
parallel (symbolic representation) are shown in Fig. 2.8a.


Fig. 2.8a Two capacitors connected la parallel

In this combination, we find that

• the potential difference between the plates remains the same;

• the charge on each capacitor adds up (more area is available for
storing charges).

We can find an equivalent capacitor that holds the same charge when
kept at the same potential difference as the combinations of the
capacitors. The capacitance of that capacitor is known as the Effective
Capacitance of the combination. Before we proceed further, we note
that capacitors can be grouped or combined in another way too. Here
alternate plates of the capacitors are connected to the succeeding
capacitor so that they form a series. Fig. 2.9 shows the combination; it is
known as combination of capacitors in series.

Fig. 2.9 Capacitors in Series

If a voltage source is connected across the two end plates of the first and
last capacitors of the series, equal charges will be induced in each
capacitor whereas the potential difference across each capacitor will
depend upon its capacitance.

We shall find the mathematical formulas for the equivalent capacitance

of the combination of capacitances in parallel and in series.


3.5.1 Combination of Capacitors in Parallel

Fig. 2.10 shows the combination of three capacitors in parallel.

Fig. 2.10 Capacitors in parallel

Here, C1 , C 2 and C 3 are the capacitances of the individual capacitors,

Q1 , Q2 and Q3 are respectively the charges on them and φ is the
potential difference between the plates of each capacitor. We take C to
be the effective capacitance of the combination. The total charge Q of
the parallel combination is equal to

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3

Since φ is same for this equivalent C of the parallel combination,

Q Q1 + Q2 + Q3
C= =
φ φ

Q1 Q2 Q3
= + +
φ φ φ
= C1 + C 2 + C 3 (2.24)

Thus the effective capacitance of the parallel combination of capacitor is

equal to the sum of the individual capacitances.

3.5.2 Combination of Capacitors in Series

Fig. 2.11 shows the combination of three capacitors in series.

Fig. 2.11 Capacitors In series and the equivalent capacitors


Here C1 , C 2 and C 3 are the capacitances of the individual capacitors.

The application of a voltage will place a charge + Q on one plate which
induces a charge − Q on the other plate. The intermediate plates acquire
equal and opposite charges, because of electrostatic induction. The
potential drop across each will be inversely proportional to its
capacitance. (Since C = Q / φ gives φ = Q / C , since Q is fixed φ ∝ 1 / C ).
Thus φ1 , φ 2 and φ 3 , the potential drops across the capacitors are such
that φ1 ∝ 1 / C1 , φ 2 ∝ 1 / C 2 and φ 3 ∝ 1 / C 3 . Now we replace the capacitors
by a single capacitor of capacitance C that holds the charge Q when
subjected to a potential difference φ = φ1 + φ 2 + φ 3 . This capacitance C is
known as the effective capacitance of the combination. We now write
C = Q / φ or 1 / C = φ / Q . But φ = φ1 + φ 2 + φ 3 . Therefore,

1 φ1 + φ 2 + φ 3


1 1 1 1
= + + (2.25)
C C1 C 2 C3

Thus for capacitors connected in series the reciprocals of the

capacitances add up to give the reciprocal of the effective capacitance.


Determine the equivalent capacitance of the network shows in Fig. 2.12

and the voltage drop across each of the capacitor of the series of

Fig. 2.12



Calculate the effective capacitance of three capacitors arranged in such a

way that two of them C1 and C 2 are in series and the third, C 3 , is in
parallel with this series combination.

3.6 Stored Energy in a Dielectric Medium

In Section 2.3.1, we have studied that the energy stored in a parallel

plate capacitor is given as

U= Cφ 2

We know that

ε0 A


φ = Ed

Putting these values in the above Eq. we get

1 ε0 A
U= E2 × d 2
2 d

= ε 0 ( Ad ) E 2


U 1
= ε0E2 (since v = Ed )
v 2

This is the energy per unit volume.

When a dielectric of relative permittivity ε r fills the space between the

plate of the capacitor, then the effective capacitance is given by

ε 0ε r A
C die =


The energy stored in a capacitor with a dielectric material is given by

U= Cφ 2

1 ε 0ε r A
= (d ⋅ E ) 2
2 d

= ε 0ε r E 2 ( A ⋅ d )

U 1
= ε 0ε r E 2 ( A⋅d = u )
u 2

In the case of a parallel plate condenser, the energy stored per unit
1 1 1
volume is ε 0 E 2 , which becomes ε 0 ε r E 2 = E ⋅ D with the dielectric
2 2 2
material. Where D is the electric displacement in the dielectric. We have
considered here the case of a linear dielectric where E and D are in the
same direction. However, there are dielectrics in which E and D are not
in the same direction. Thus the energy stored per unit volume in a
dielectric medium is given by

E ⋅ D Joules/m

3.7 Practical Capacitors

We shall now study some of the capacitors that are commonly in use.
Capacitors may be broadly classified into two groups i.e., fixed and
variable capacitors. They may be further classified according to their
construction and use. The following are the classifications of the

Now, we will discuss each type of the capacitor one by one.


3.7.1 Fixed Capacitors

These have fixed capacitance. These are essentially parallel plate

capacitors, but compact enough to occupy less space. In their make they
consist of two very thin layers of metal coated on the surface of mica or
paper having a uniform coating of paraffin. The mica or paper forms the
dielectric between the conductors. They are shown in Fig. 2.13.

Fig. 2.13 Fixed capacitors

This arrangement is rolled up to the compact form. Usually they are

piled up in parallel to give a large capacitance. Though paraffin-waxed
paper capacitors are cheaper, they absorb a good amount of power. For
this reason these capacitors are used in alternating current circuits, radio-
sets, etc.

3.7.2 Ceramic Capacitors

These are low loss capacitors at all frequencies. Ceramic materials can
be made to have very high relative permittivity. For example, teflon has
ε r = 8 but by the addition of titanim the value of ε r becomes 100 and on
adding barium titanate the value of ε r may be increased to 5,000. Each
piece of such dielectric is coated with silver on the two sides to form a
capacitor of large capacitance. Yet another advantage with the ceramic
dielectrics is that they have negative temperature coefficient. Ceramic
capacitors are widely used in transistor circuits.

3.7.3 Electrolytic Capacitors

An electrolytic capacitor consists of two electrodes of aluminium, called

the positive and the negative plates. The positive plate is electrolytically
coaled with a thin layer of aluminium oxide. This coating serves as the
dielectric. The two electrodes are in contact through the electrolyte
which is a solution of glycerine and sodium (or a paste of borates, for
example, ammonium borate). There are two types of electrolytic
capacitors—the wet type and the dry type.


In the wet type the positive plate (A) is in the form of a cylinder to
present a large surface area. This is immersed in the electrolyte (E)
contained in a metal can (M). This can act as a negative plate. It is
shown in Fig. 2.14.

In the dry type both plates are in the form of long strips of aluminium
foils. Aluminium oxide is deposited electrically on one (A) of the foils.
This is kept separated from the other (B) by cotton gauze (C) soaked in
the electrolyte. It is then rolled up to a cylindrical form. The oxide films
on aluminium offer a low resistance to current in one direction and a
very high resistance in the other direction. Hence an electrolytic
capacitor must be placed in a DC circuit such that the potential of the
oxide plate is always positive relative to the other plate. It is shown in
Fig. 2.15

Fig. 2.14 Wet type capacitor (electrolytic)

Fig. 2.15 Dry type electrolytic capacitor

3.7.4 Variable Air Capacitor/Gang Capacitor

A very common capacitor whose capacitance can be varied continuously

is used for tuning in a radio station. The capacity of this capacitor can be
uniformly varied by rotating a knob (different forms of such a type of
capacitor are shown in Fig. (2.16)).


Fig. 2.16 Variable air capacitor

The capacitor consists of two sets of semicircular aluminium plates. One

set of plates is fixed and the other set of plates can be rotated with the
knob. As it is rotated, the moving set of plates gradually gets into (or
comes out of) the interspace between the fixed set. The area of overlap
between the two sets of plates can thus be uniformly varied. This
changes the capacitance of the capacitor. The air between the plates acts
as the dielectric. Usually it consists of two condensers attached to the
same knob (ganged). When the knob is rotated the variation of C in both
the plates takes place simultaneously. This is widely used in wireless
sets and electronic circuits. See Table 2.1 for a comparative range of
voltages for different types of condensers.


What is a variable capacitor? Give an example of a variable capacitor

with a solid dielectric.

3.7.5 Guard Ring Capacitor

In Section 2.2 we calculated the capacitance of a parallel plate

condenser. We neglected the nonuniformity of electric field at the edges.
It is possible to get over the problem of edge effects by using a guard
ring capacitor. In this capacitor a ring R is used around the upper plates
of the parallel plate capacitor. The inner diameter of the ring is slightly
larger than the diameter of the capacitor plate. The diameter of the other
capacitor plate is equal to the outer diameter of the ring. Now the edge
effects are absent as far as the plates and are concerned. In estimating
the capacitance of the guard ring capacitor, we take the effective area of
the plates as equal to the sum of the area of the plate A and half the area
of the gap between A and R.

In Table 2.2, the capacity range, max. Rating voltage and use of
different types of capacitors are shown.



In unit 2, we have defined and described capacitors and expressions for

their capacitance have been obtained. The effects of adding dielectric
materials on their properties have been highlighted while their practical
uses have been described.


• Any device which can store charge is a capacitor. The capacity of

capacitor is given by,

Q ε0 A
C= =
φ d

Where the symbols have their usual meaning.

Type of Capacitance Range Max. Rating Remarks
Dielectric Voltage
Paper 250 pF-10 µ F 150KV Cheap, used in circuits
where losses are not
Mica 25 pF-.25 µ F 2KV High quality, used in low
Ceramic 0.5 pF-0.01 µ F 500 KV High quality used in low
loss precision circuit
where miniaturisation is
Electrolytic 1 µ F-1000 µ F 600 V at small Used where large
(Aluminium capacitance capacitance is needed.

• The energy stored in a capacitor is given by

1 Q2
W = Cφ 2 = Joules
2 2C

The symbols have their usual meanings.

• If you introduce an insulator of thickness t between the two

plates of a capacitor, then the resultant capacity is given by

C = ε 0 A /( d − t + t / ε 0 )

• The maximum safe voltage is called rating voltage of a capacitor.


• The capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor, per unit length is given

2πε 0ε r
ln(b / a)

• If two capacitors C1 and C 2 are connected in series, then the

C1C 2
resultant capacity is given by C =
C1 + C 2

• The resultant capacity of two capacitors C1 and C 2 , when

connected in parallel is given by C = C1 + C 2

• The energy stored in a dielectric medium is given by E⋅D

• Practical capacitors are made in different ways, to suit the

particular application. Layers of conducting foil and paper rolled
up give a cheap form of capacitor, mica and metal foil stands
high electric field but are more expensive. Electrolytic capacitors,
in which the dielectric is a very thin oxide film deposited
electrolytically, give very large capacitance. Ceramic capacitors
are useful in transistor circuits where voltages are low but small
size and compactness are very desirable.


(1) A capacitor has n similar plates at equal spacing, with the

alternate plates connected together. Show that its capacitance is
equal to (n − 1)ε 0 ε r A / D .
(2) What potential would be necessary between the parallel plates of
a capacitor separated by a distance of 0.5cm in order that the
gravitational force on a proton would be balanced by the electric
field? Mass of proton = 1.67 × 10 −27 kg.

(3) A capacitor is made of two hollow concentric metal spheres of

radii a and b (b>a). The outer sphere is earthed. See Fig. 2.18.
Find the capacity.


Fig. 2.18

(4) In the arrangement shown in Fig. 2.19, find the values of the
capacitances such that when a voltage is applied between the
terminals A and B no voltage difference is set up between
terminals C and D.

Fig. 2.19

(5) Two capacitors one charged and the other uncharged are joined in
parallel. Show that the final energy is less than the initial energy
and derive the formula for the loss of energy in terms of the
initial charges and the capacitances of the two capacitors.


IGNOU (2005) Electricity and Magnetism. Physics PHE-07, New Delhi,






1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Microscopic Picture of a Dielectric in a Uniform Electric
Field Review
3.1.1 Definition of Local Field
3.2 Determination of Local Field: Electric Field in Cavities of
a Dielectric
3.3 Clausius-Mossotti Formula
3.3.1 Polarisation in a Gas
3.3.2 Relation between Polarisability and Relative
3.4 Relation between the Polarisability and Refractive Index
3.5 Behaviour of Dielectric in Changing or Alternating Fields
3.6 Role of Dielectric in Practical Life
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading


In Unit 1, we have studied the macroscopic (average) behaviour of a

dielectric in an electric field. We also found that the field is altered
within the body of the dielectric. This can be accounted for by the
charges appearing on the surface of the dielectric in the case of an
isotropic material. In Unit 2, the macroscopic study of the dielectric
behaviour was used to study the increase of capacitance in a condenser
when a dielectric is placed between the plates of the condenser.

In the present unit, we will describe the microscopic picture of a

dielectric in which we will define the local field ( E loc ), and the average
macroscopic field inside the dielectric ( E i ). Further, we will derive the
relationship between the local field and the macroscopic field. We will
also study the effects of polarisation in nonpolar and polar molecules
and derive the famous Clausius-Mossotti formula for polarisation of
these molecules. Then we will derive Clausius-Mossotti equation for a
gas. We will also study the relationship between polarisability and
relative permittivity. After that, we will derive the relationship between
polarisability and refractive index. As you know that capacitors are used
in alternating fields, so we will also study the effect of an alternating


field on a dielectric. In the last section of this unit we will study the role
of dielectrics in our daily life.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

• define the local field and relate it with polarisation,

• find the macroscopic field within the dielectric and relate it to
• relate the macroscopic electric field, the local field and the
microscopic field within the dielectric,
• write Clausius-Mossotti equation for a liquid and a gas,
• establish a relationship between polarisability and Refractive
• discuss the role of dielectrics in daily life.


3.1 microscopic picture of a dielectric in a uniform electric


In Unit 1 you have studied the average (macroscopic) behaviour of

dielectrics. In this section, we will study the microscopic picture of a
dielectric in a uniform electric field. Let us consider a dielectric in a
uniform electric field as shown in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.1 A molecule in a dielectric medium

In an electric field, the electrons and atomic nuclei of the dielectric

material experience forces in opposite directions. We know that the
electrons in a dielectric cannot move freely as in a conductor. Hence
each atom becomes a tiny dipole with the positive and negative charge
centres slightly separated. Taking the charge separation as a, the charge
as q the dipole moment p in the direction of field associated with the
atom or molecule


p = qa (3.1)

Eq. (3.1) gives the dipole moment induced in the atom/molecule by the
field. Hence we call it the induced dipole moment. If there are n such
dipoles in an element of volume V of the material, we can define the
polarisation vector P as the (dielectric) dipole moment per unit volume


Within the dielectric the charges neutralise each other, the negative
charge of one atom/molecule is neutralised by the positive charge of its
neighbour. Thus within the bulk of the material, the electric field
produces no charge density but only a dipole moment density. However,
at the surface this charge cancellation is not complete, and polarisation
charge densities of opposite signs appears at the two surfaces
perpendicular to the field. Now what is the consequence of the
appearance of polarisation charges?

The consequence of this is that the electric field inside the dielectric is
less than the electric field causing the polarisation. The polarisation
charges give rise to an electric field in the opposite direction. This field
opposes the electric field causing polarisation. It is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Fig. 3.2 Field Inside a dielectric

Hence we conclude that inside the dielectric, the average electric field is
less than the electric field causing polarisation. However, the
macroscopic or average field is not a satisfactory measure of the local
field responsible for the polarisation of each atom.

Let us denote the field at the site or location of the atom or molecule as
the local field. In the next section, we will calculate the local field inside
a dielectric.


3.1.1 Definition of Local Field

In this section we will define the local field in a dielectric material. This
is the field on a unit positive charge kept at a location or site from which
an atom or molecule has been removed provided the other charges
remain unaffected. Fig.3.3 shows a site in a uniformly polarised medium
from which a molecule/atom is removed when all other charges are kept
intact at their positions.

Fig. 3.3 A site in a uniformly polarised medium

The extent of the charge separation depends on the magnitude of the

local field. Hence we conclude that the induced dipole moment, p, is
directly proportional to the local field, E loc . Thus we have,

P = α E loc (3.3)

Where α is the constant of proportionality and is known as

atomic/molecular polarisability and E loc the local field.

To use Eq. (3.3) we require the value of E loc .

3.2 Determination of local field: electric fields in cavities of a


The polarisation of dense materials such as liquids and many solids

changes the electric field inside the material. The field experienced by
an individual atom/molecule depends on the polarisation of atoms in its
immediate vicinity. The actual value of the field varies rapidly from
point to point. Very close to the nucleus it is very high and it is


relatively small in between the atoms/molecules. By taking the mean of

the fields over a space containing a very large number of atoms one gets
the average value of the field.


Show that the field at the centre of a spherical cavity (filled with air) is

The field experienced by an individual atom/molecule may be called the

local field, which is different from the average field. The local field is
the one which causes the polarisation of the atom. The average field can
be expressed as V / d where V is the potential difference between two
points of a dielectric, distant d apart. (as one obtains the field between
the plates of a parallel plate condenser). The estimation of local field is
not so easy. Let us consider three different cavities to find the local field
in a dense dielectric, which has been uniformly polarised. See Fig. 3.4.

Fig. 3.4 The field in a slot cut in a dielectric depends on the shape
and orientation of the slot E shown Is the average field

The directions of electric (average) field E and P are shown in Fig. 3.4.
Suppose we cut a rectangular slot ABCDEFGH as in (a) of Fig. (3.4).
The field E and the polarisation P are parallel to the faces ABCD,
EFGH. The field inside this slot can be found out by evaluating the line
integral of E around the curve C shown in Fig. 3.4(b). Since E ⋅ d l has to
be zero for the closed curve C the field inside this slot has to be the same
as the field outside the slot. Therefore the field inside a thin slot cut
parallel to the field is equal to the average field E.

Now consider a thin rectangular slot with faces perpendicular to the

average field E cut from the dielectric as shown in (c) A'B'C'D'E'F'G'H'
of Fig. 3.4. To find the field inside this slot we use the Gauss' flux
theorem on a surface S with one face outside the slot and one face inside


the slot. See Fig. 3.4(d). The flux of E through faces parallel to E is
zero. Instead of the flux of E, let us consider the flux of electric
displacement D. Let E loc be the field inside the slot, then D1 inside the
slot is ε 0 E loc . The D vector outside the slot is ε 0 E + P . Now, as the flux
of D through the closed surface S has to be zero (no free or external
charges inside the Gaussian surface), we must have

ε 0 E loc = ε 0 E + P

∴ E loc = E + P /ε0 (3.4)

The field inside the slot in this case is different from the field outside by
P / ε 0 because of the surface polarisation charges appearing on A'B'C'D'
shown in Fig. 3.4(c).

Another possible slot is a spherical hole, which is the most likely way an
atom finds itself in most liquids and solids. We would expect that an atom
finds itself, on the average, surrounded by other atoms in what would be a
good approximation to a spherical hole. What is the local field in a
spherical hole? Suppose we cut a spherical hole after "freezing" the state
of polarisation from a uniformly polarised material. If we call E loc the
field inside the spherical hole at its centre and E p the field produced by
the uniformly polarised dielectric spherical plug at its centre, then by
adding E loc and E p , we should get the average field E inside the
dielectric. See Fig. 3.5. This should be true because of the superposition
principle. Thus

E = E loc + E p (3.5)

Fig. 3.5: The field at any point A in a dielectric can be considered as

a sum of the field in a spherical hole plus the field due to the
spherical plugand the required field

E loc = E − E p (3.6)


One can calculate E p (the field produced by the uniform polarised

dielectric) as follows:

The field E p arises from bound charges of density = σ ⋅ n = P cosθ .

Hence the field due to the charges over an area dS is given as:

1 (cos θ )dS
dE p = r
4πε 0 r2

where, r is the unit vector from the surface to the centre of the sphere
where the field is to be calculated.

Resolving dE p into components parallel and perpendicular to P, it is

clear from the symmetry of the situation that only the components
parallel to the direction of P will contribute to the total field E p . Thus
E p = dE p ⋅ cosθ

It should be noted that the direction of E p is parallel to that of P. We

then have

1 cos 2 θ
Ep = P dS
4πε 0 r2

Now, dS = r 2 sin θ dθ dφ

and the limits of θ are from 0 to π and that of φ from 0 to 2π .

Ep = d cos 2 θ ⋅ sin θ dθ
4πε 0

P cos 2 θ
= d−
4πε 0 2

3 P
= ⋅
2 4πε 0

= (3.7)
3ε 0


Then the field experienced by an atom in a spherical hole is

E loc = E −
3ε 0

To determine the field E p at an arbitrary point r inside the dielectric

sphere, we consider the polarised sphere as a superposition of slightly
displaced spheres of positive and negative charges. See Fig. 3.6. Further
note that the field at point r is entirely determined by the charge
contained in the sphere of radius r, interior to point r.

Fig. 3.6 Superposition of slightly displaced sphere of positive and

negative charges

The sphere of positive charge can be regarded as a point charge at its

centre and if P is the volume charge density then the positive charged
4π 3
sphere is equivalent to charge at its centre equal to r . Similarly the
negative charged sphere is equivalent to a point charge at its centre. The
4π 3
magnitude of this point charge is same as r . If 'a' is the separation of
the positive and negative charges in an atom, then the uniformly
4π 3
polarised dielectric is equivalent to a dipole of moment r a. If there
are n dipoles per unit volume, q is the charge on each dipole then
σ p = qn . [The number of positive or negative charges per unit volume is
also equal to n in the spheres considered above]. Then the dipole
moment of the sphere is given by

4π 3 4π 3
r nqa = r P
3 3


4π 3
and the polarised sphere is equivalent to a dipole of moment r P kept
at its centre. The potential due to this dipole at the point r on the surface
is given by

4π r 3 P cosθ P r cosθr
3 4πε 0 r 2 3ε 0

where p , r, θ are as shown in the Fig. 3.7.

Fig. 3.7 Field outside a uniformly polarised sphere

The polarisation is in the direction of E and if we take this to be the z -

direction with the origin at the centre then the potential at T is,

3ε 0

This shows that the potential at a point depends only on its z coordinate.
Hence the electric field is along the z direction and is given by:

−φ P
Ep = =−
Z 3ε 0

This shows that the electric field inside the dielectric sphere is uniform
and in the direction of the polarisation vector. Hence the field
experienced by an atom in a spherical hole is,

E loc = E + (3.8)
3ε 0

The field in a spherical hole is greater than the average field by P / 3ε p .



Show that the field inside a uniform spherically symmetric charge

distribution with charge density is equal to where r is the position
3ε 0
vector of the point with origin at the centre.

3.3 The Clausius-Massotti Equation

In a liquid we would expect an individual atom to be polarised by a field

obtained in a spherical cavity rather than by the average (macroscopic)
field. Thus using Eq. 3.8 and Eq. 3.3 we have,

P = nα E loc

P = nα E + (3.9)
3ε 0

This can be rewritten as:

P= E (3.10)

3ε 0

The susceptibility χ was defined in Unit 1 by the equation,

P = ε 0 χE


nα / ε 0
= (3.11)
1 − nα / 3ε 0

Eq. 3.11 gives the relation between susceptibility and atomic/molecular

polarisability. This is one form of the Clausius-Mossotti Equation.

3.3.1 Polarisation in a Gas

Unlike the atoms/molecules of a liquid or solid it is possible to consider
the atoms/ molecules of a gas as far apart and independent. We can
neglect the field due to the dipoles on the immediate neighbourhood of
an individual molecule. Hence the local field causing polarisation is the
average or macroscopic field E. Therefore we can write,

P = ε 0 χ E = np


where, n is the number of molecules per unit volume. If we consider

only an individual atom/molecule and write the dipole moment p as:

P = ε 0α E (3.12)

where, α is known as the atomic polarisability. Therefore α has the

dimensions of volume and roughly equals the volume of an atom.

We can relate α or χ to the natural frequency of oscillation of electrons

in the atom/molecule. If the atom is placed in an oscillating field E the
centre of charge of electrons obeys the equation

d 2x
m + mω 02 x = qE
dt 2

where m is the mass of electron of charge q , mω 02 x is the restoring force

term and qE the force from outside field - this equation is the same as
the equation of forced oscillation. If the electric field varies with angular
frequency ω then,

m(ω 02 − ω 2 )

For our purposes in the electrostatic case ω = 0 which means that

x =
mω 02

and the dipole moment P is

q 2E
P = qx =
mω 02

From Eq. (3.12) we can write the atomic polarisability as

α = (3.13)
ε 0 mω 02


= ε 0 = εχ (ε 0 − 1) = ε 0 nα


nq 2
ε r − 1 = nα =
ε 0 mω 02

For hydrogen gas we can get a rough estimate of ω 0 . The energy needed
hω 0
to ionise the hydrogen atom is equal to 13.6 eV. Equating this to

where h is the Planck's constant, we get

13.6 × 1.6 × 10 −19 × 2π

6.62 × 10 −34

ω 0 = 20.65 × 1015

Substituting this in the equation 3.13 (a) we get

nq 2
εr ≈ 1+ ≈ 1.00020
ε 0m

The experimentally observed value is ε r = 1.00026.

3.3.2 Relation between Polarisability and Relative Permittivity

In Unit 1, you have noted that one can write P as:

P = ε 0 (ε r − 1)E

where ε r is the relative permittivity.

Using Eq. 3.14 in Eq. 3.8 we get

E0 = E + = (ε r + 2)E / 3 (3.15)
3ε p

Using Eqs. 3.14 and 3.15 one can rewrite Eq. 3.9 as:

(ε r + 2)
P = ε 0 (ε r − 1)E = nα E

which yields,

3ε 0 (ε r − 1)
α = (3.16)
n (ε 2 + 2)


Eq. 3.16 gives us the relation between atomic/molecular polarisability

and the relative permittivity. Eq. (3.16) is another form of the Clausius-
Mossoti equation.


Obtain Eq. 3.15 from Eq. 3.14.

3.4 Relation between the Polarisability and Refractive Index

For a dielectric, the refractive index µ defined as the ratio of the speed
of light in vacuum to the speed in the dielectric medium, can be shown
to be equal to ε r .

µ2 = εr

Using Eq. 3.15 in Eq, 3.14 we get

3ε 0 ( µ 2 − 1)
α= (3.17)
n ( µ 2 + 2)

Eq. 3.17 gives the relation between polarisability and refractive index.
This relation is known as the Lorentz-Lorenz formula.

In all the equations discussed above, n represents the number density of

atoms or molecules which is equal to N A d / W where N A is the
Avogadro number, d the mass density and W the molecular weight. For
gases, we have the gas equation relating pressure, P, volume, V and
absolute temperature T given by

P 'V = RT = N A KT
where q is the mole number

and P '= qN A KT / V = nKT

Therefore, n = p ' / KT

Thus if we determine ε r at different pressures for a gas, we can

calculate the atomic/ molecular polarisability of a gas. For this we write
Eq. 3.16 as

3ε 0 KT (ε r − 1)
α =
p ' (ε r + 2)



(ε r − 1) α
= ( p' / T ) (3.18)
(ε r + 2) 3ε 0 k

Eq. 3.18 represents the linear relation between (ε r − 1) /(ε r + 2) and

( p ' / T ) . If now a graph is drawn with (ε r − 1) /(ε r + 2) on the y-axis and
( p ' / T ) on the x -axis, we get a straight line, the slope of which gives
( α / 3ε 0 k ).

3.6 Behaviour of Dielectric in Changing or Alternating


So far we have considered only electrostatic fields in matter. Now we

would like to look at the effects of electric fields that vary with time,
like the field in the dielectric of a capacitor used in an alternating current

Will the changes in polarisation keep up with the changes in the field?
Will the polarisability, the ratio of P to E, at any instant be the same as
in a static electric field?

For very slow changes or small frequencies we do not expect any

difference. However, for high frequencies or faster process we have to
look at the response time for the polarisation. We have to separately
consider two polarisation processes viz., induced polarisation and the
orientation of permanent dipoles. We know that the induced polarisation
occurs by the distortion of the electronic structure. In the distortion mass
involved is that of electron and the distortion is very small, which means
the structure is very stiff. From our knowledge of oscillatory motion (see
the course on oscillations and waves), its natural frequencies of vibration
are extremely high. Alternatively, the motions of electrons in atoms and
molecules are characterised by periods of the order of the period of a
visible light wave ( 10 −16 seconds). Thus the readjustment of the
electronic structure i.e. the polarisation response is very rapid, occurring
at the time scale of 10 −14 sec. For this reason we find that nonpolar
substances behave the same way from dc up to frequencies close to
those of visible light.

We shall examine the situation in the light of Eq. 3.15, where we have
expressed the Clausius-Mossotti formula in terms of the refractive
index. We know that the refractive index is dependent on the
wavelength or frequency. Thus, in a way 3.13 implies the variation of
the polarisability with frequency.


Experimentally, d.c. values of ε r can be found. The refractive index of

the same substance can be determined by optical methods, using a
spectrometer. A fairly good agreement is found between the refractive
index and ε r values for non-polar substances. However for polar
substances, ε r varies with frequency; it decreases with increase in
frequency. The drop in the value of ε r at high frequencies is due to the
fact that the permanent dipoles are not able to follow the rapid
alternation of the field. In other words the polarisation response of polar
molecules is much slower. However, in the frequency range of visible
light the refractive index and ε r values show a fairly good agreement as
indicated by nonpolar substances.

3.7 The Role of Dielectric Capacitor in Our Practical Life

Dielectrics have several applications. Dielectrics are used very widely in

capacitors. Although the actual requirements vary depending on the
application, there are certain characteristics which are desirable for their
use in capacitors. A capacitor should be small, have high resistance, be
capable of being used at high temperatures and have long life. From a
commercial point of view it should also be cheap. Specially prepared
thin kraft paper, free from holes and conducting particles, is used in
power capacitors where withstanding high voltage stresses is more
important than incurring dielectric losses. In addition, the kraft paper is
impregnated with a suitable liquid such as chlorinated diphenyl. This
increases the dielectric constant and thus reduces the size of the
capacitor. In addition the breakdown strength is increased.

In addition to paper capacitors for general purpose, other types of

capacitors are used. In the film capacitors, thin film of teflon, mylar or
polythene are used. These not only reduce the size of the capacitor but
also have high resistivity. Teflon is used at high frequencies as it has
low loss. In electric capacitors, an electrolyte is deposited on the
impregnating paper. The size of such a capacitor is small as the film is
very thin. Polarity and the maximum operating voltage are important
specifications for these capacitors.

Some ceramics can be used as temperature compensators in electronic

circuits. High dielectric constant materials, where small variations in
dielectric constant with temperature can be tolerated, help miniaturise
capacitors. Barium titanate and its modifications are the best examples
of such materials.



In this unit, we have learnt about different types of fields relative to their
polarisation. The Claussius-Massoti equation for liquids and gases has
been derived and the roles of dielectrics in daily life have been highted.


Inside a dielectric the average electric field is less than the electric field
which causes the polarisation.

In a dielectric material, the induced dipole moment p, is directly

proportional to the local field and mathematically given by:
P = α E loc

where the symbols have their usual meanings.

The field inside a spherical hole is given by:

E loc = E + P / 3ε 0

which shows that the field in a spherical hole is greater than the average

The relation between susceptibility and atomic/molecular polarisability

is given by:

nα / ε 0
1 − nα / 3ε 0


(1) A sphere of linear dielectric material is placed in a uniform

electric field E 0 (see Fig. TQ1). Find the field inside the sphere
and polarisation in terms of external field

(2) The electric field inside a polarised sphere is uniform and equal
to − P / 3ε 0 . Prove this by superposing the internal fields of two
spheres of charge whose centres are separated.


Fig. TQ1 A linear dielectric material placed in a uniform magnetic


(3) Show that ε 0 times the force on a unit charge placed in a disc
shaped cavity will measure the electric displacement (D) in a
solid dielectric.

(4) A dielectric consists of a cubical array of atoms (or molecules)

with spacing d between each atom along the ( x , y , z ) axis. It is
influenced by a field E loc applied along the direction of z -axis.
Evaluate the average field produced by all the dipoles.


IGNOU (2005). Electricity and Magnetism, Physics PHE-07. New

Delhi, India.




1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Response of Various Substances to a Magnetic Field
3.2 Magnetic Moment and Angular Momentum of an Atom
3.3 Diamagnetism and Para magnetism
3.3.1 Diagmagnetism – Effect of Magnetic Field on
Atomic Orbits
3.3.2 Paramagnetism – Torque on Magnetic Dipoles
3.4 The Interaction of an Atom with Magnetic Field – Lamor
3.5 Magnetisation of Paramagnets
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignments
7.0 References/Further Reading


In Units 1 and 2, we learn how the magnetic field affects materials and
how some materials produce magnetic field. You must have learnt in
your school Physics Course that in equipment such as generator and
motor, iron or iron alloy is used in their structure for the purpose of
enhancing the magnetic flux and for confining it to a desired region.
Therefore, we will study the magnetic properties of iron and a few other
materials called ferromagnets, which have similar properties as iron. We
shall also learn that all the materials are affected by the magnetic field to
some extent, though the effect in some cases is weak.

When we speak of magnetism in everyday conversation, we almost

certainly have in mind an image of a bar magnet. You may have
observed that a magnet can be used to lift nails, tacks, safety pins, and
needles (Fig. 4.1a) while, on the other hand, you cannot use a magnet to
pickup a piece of wood or paper (Fig. 4.1b).


Fig. 4.1 (a) Materials that are attracted to a magnet are called
magnetic materials, (b) Materials that do not react to a magnet are
called nonmagnetic materials

Materials such as nails, needles etc., which are influenced by a magnet

are called magnetic materials whereas other materials, like wood or
paper, are called non-magnetic materials. However, this does not mean
that there is no effect of magnetic field on non-magnetic materials. The
difference between the behaviour of such materials and iron like
magnetic materials is that the effect of magnetic field on non-magnetic
material is very weak.

There are two types of non-magnetic materials: diamagnetic and

paramagnetic. Unit 4 deals with diamagnetic and paramagnetic effects.
The ideas, concepts and various terms that you become familiar with in
this Unit would help you in the study of ferromagnetism in the next
Unit. In this unit, we present a simple classical account of magnetism,
based on notion of classical physics. But you must keep in mind that it
is not possible to understand the magnetic effects of materials from the
point of view of classical physics. The magnetic effects are a completely
quantum mechanical phenomena. Only modern quantum physics is
capable of giving a detailed explanation of the magnetic properties of
matter because the study requires the introduction and utilization of
quantum mechanical properties of atoms. For a complete explanation,
one must take recourse to quantum mechanics; however, a lot of, though
incomplete, information about matter can be extracted by combining
classical and quantum concepts.

Basically, in this unit, we will try to understand, in a general way, the

atomic origin of the various magnetic effects. The next unit is an
extension of this unit. There, we will try to develop a treatment of
magnetised matter based on some observed relations between the
magnetic field and the parameters which characterise the material.
Finally, we consider the analysis of the magnetic circuit, which is of
particular importance in the design of the electromagnets.



After studying this unit you should be able to:

• understand and explain: gyro-magnetic ratio, paramagnetism,

diamagnetism, Larmor frequency
• relate the magnetic dipole moment of an atomic magnet with its
angular momentum
• explain the phenomenon of diamagnetism in terms of Faraday
induction and Lenz's principle
• explain paramagnetism in terms of the torque on magnetic
• find the precessional frequency of an atomic dipole in a magnetic
• appreciate that a lot of information about magnetism of matter
can be obtained from the classical ideas of atomic magnetism.


3.1 Response of Various Substances to a Magnetic Field

To show how the magnetic materials respond to a magnetic field,

consider a strong electromagnet, which has one sharply pointed pole
piece and one flat pole piece as shown in Fig. 4.2.

Fig. 4.2 A small cylinder of bismuth is weakly repelled by the sharp

pole) a piece of aluminium is attracted

The magnetic field is much stronger in the region near the pointed pole
whereas near the flat pole the field is weaker. This is because the lines
must concentrate on the pointed pole. When the current is passed
through the electromagnet (i.e., when the magnet is turned on), the
hanging material is slightly displaced due to the small force acting on it.
Some materials get displaced in the direction of increasing field, i.e.,
towards the pointed pole. Such materials are paramagnetic materials.
Examples of such material are aluminium and liquid oxygen. On the


other hand, there are materials like bismuth, which are attracted in the
direction of the decreasing field, i.e., it gets repelled from the pointed
pole. Such materials are called diamagnetic. Finally, there is a small
class of materials which feel a considerable stronger force (10 3 - 105
times) towards the pointed pole. Such substances are called
ferromagnetic materials. Examples are iron and magnetite.

How does a substance experience a force in a magnetic field? And why

does the force act in a particular direction for some substance while in
opposite direction for other substance? If we can answer these questions,
we will understand the mechanisms of paramagnetism, diamagnetism
and ferromagnetism. Magnetic fields are due to electric charges in
motion. In fact, if you could examine a piece of material on an atomic
scale, you would visualize tiny current loops due to (i) electrons orbiting
around nuclei and (ii) electrons spinning on their axes. For macroscopic
purposes, these current loops are so small that they are regarded as the
magnetic dipoles having magnetic moment. It is this magnetic moment,
via which the atoms at a substance interact with the external field, and
give rise to diamagnetic and paramagnetic effects. In this unit, you will
understand the origin of paramagnetism and diamagnetism.
Ferromagnetism has been left to be explained in the next unit. Let us
first find out the value of the magnetic moment and see how it is related
to the angular momentum of the atom.

3.2 Magnetic Moment and Angular Momentum of an Atom

Electrons in an atom are in constant motion around the nucleus. To

describe their motion, one needs quantum mechanics, however, in this
unit we shall use only classical arguments to obtain our results, though
we repeat here that our description of the physical world is incomplete
as we shall be leaving out quantum mechanics.

We consider an electron in the atom to be moving, for simplicity, in a

circular orbit around the nucleus under the influence of a central force,
known as the electrostatic force, as shown in Fig. 4.3(a). As a result of
this motion, the electron will have an angular momentum L about the


Fig.4.3 (a) Classical model of an atom in which an electron moves at speed

v in a circular orbit (b) The average electric current is the same as if the
charge - e were divided into small bits, forming a rotating ring of charge,
(c) The orbital angular momentum vector and the magnetic moment
vector both point in opposite directions.

The magnitude of this angular momentum is given by the product of the

mass m of the electron, its speed v and the radius r of the circular path
(see Fig. 4.3), i.e.,

L = mvr (4.l)

Its direction is perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. The fact that
orbital motion of the electron constitutes an electric current will
immediately strike your mind. The average electric current is the same
as if the charge on the electron were distributed in small bits, forming a
rotating ring of charge, as shown in Fig. 4.3(b). The magnitude of this
current is the charge times the frequency as this would equal to the
charge per unit time passing through any point on its orbit. The
frequency of rotation is the reciprocal of the period of rotation, 2π r / v ,
hence the frequency of rotation has the value, v / 2πr . The current is then

I =− (4.2)
2π r

The magnetic moment due to this current is the product of the current
and the area of which the electron path is the boundary, that is,
µ = Iπ r 2 . Hence we have

µ=− (4.3)

It is also directed perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. Using Eq. (4.1)
in Eq. (4.3) we get as follows:

µ=− L (4-4)


The negative sign above indicates that µ and L are in opposite

directions, as shown in Fig. 4.3(c). Note that L is the orbital angular
momentum of the electron. The ratio of the magnetic moment and the
angular momentum is called the gyro-magnetic ratio. It is independent
of the velocity and the radius of the orbit.

According to quantum mechanics, L = h l (l + 1) where l is a positive

integer and h = , h being Planck's constant. However, in some

physical cases the applicability of classical models is close to reality,
therefore, we will go ahead with the classical ideas. Further, the early
work on the nature of magnetic materials was based on classical ideas,
which gave intelligent guesses at the behaviour of these materials.


(1) Show that the magnetic dipole moment can be expressed in units
of JT −1 (Joule per Tesla).
(2) In the Bohr hydrogen atom, the orbital angular momentum of the
electron is quantized in units of h , where h = 6.626 × 10 −34 Js is
Planck's constant. Calculate the smallest allowed magnitude of
the atomic dipole moment in JT −1 . (This quantity is known as
Bohr magneton.) The mass of the electron is 9.109 ×10 −31 kg .

In addition to its orbital motion, you know that, the electron in an atom
behaves as if it were rotating around an axis of its own as shown in Fig.

Fig. 4.4 The spin and the associated magnetic moment of the

This property is called spin. Though strictly it is not possible to

visualise the spin of a point particle like electron, for many purposes it
helps to regard the electron as a ball of negative charge spinning around
its axis. Then you can say that it is a current loop. Spin is entirely a
quantum mechanical idea. Nevertheless, the spin of the electron has


associated with it an angular momentum and a magnetic moment. For

purely quantum mechanical reasons with no classical explanation, we

µ= − S (4.5)

where S is the spin angular momentum and µ is the spin magnetic

moment. The gyromagnetic ratio in this case is twice that in the orbital

In general, an atom has several electrons. The orbital and spin angular
momenta of these electrons can be combined in a certain way, the rules
of which are given by quantum mechanics, to give the total angular
momentum J and a resulting total magnetic moment. It so happens that
the direction of the magnetic moment is opposite to that of the angular
momentum in this case as well, so that we have

µ = −g J (4.6)

where g is a numerical factor known as Lande g-factor which is a

characteristic of the state of the atom. The rules of quantum mechanics
enable us to calculate the g-factor for any particular atomic state, g = 1
for the pure orbital case and g = 2 for the pure spin case.

The atom or molecules interacts with the external magnetic field due to
its magnetic moment. But there is another way in which atomic currents
and hence moments are affected by the field. In this case the magnetic
moment is induced by the field. This effect leads to diamagnetism which
we study in the next section. But before moving to the next section, try
the following SAQ.


(1) Compare Eq. (4.6) with (4.4) and (4.5), to find the value of g for
(i) pure orbital case and for (ii) pure spin case.

(2) The experimentally measured electron spin magnetic moment is

9.27 × 10 −24 Am 2 . Show that this value is consistent with the
formula given by Eq. 4.5.
h h
(Hint: According to Bohr's theory S = . Here h = , h being Planck's
2 2π


3.3 Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism

In many substances, atoms have no permanent magnetic dipole moments

because the magnetic moments of various electrons in the atoms of these
substances tend to cancel out, leaving no net magnetic moment in the
atom. The orbital and spin magnetic moments exactly balance out.
These materials exhibit diamagnetism. If a material of this type is placed
in a magnetic field, little extra currents are induced in their atoms,
according to the laws of electromagnetic induction, in such a direction
as to oppose the magnetic field already present. Hence, in such a
substance, the magnetic moments (on account of induced currents) are
induced in a direction opposite to that of the external magnetic field.
This effect is diamagnetism. It is a weaker effect. However, this effect is

There are other substances of which the atoms have permanent magnetic
dipole moments. This is due to the fact that the magnetic moments due
to orbital motion and spins of their electrons do not cancel out, but have
a net value. When such a substance is placed in a magnetic field, besides
possessing diamagnetism, which is always present, the dipoles of such a
material tend to line up along the direction of the magnetic field. This is
paramagnetism and the material is called paramagnetic. In a
paramagnetic substance, the paramagnetism usually masks the ever
present property of diamagnetism in every substance.

Diamagnetism involves a change in the magnitude of the magnetic

moment of an atom whereas paramagnetism involves change in the
orientation of the magnetic moment of an atom. Let us see how.

3.3.1 Diamagnetism – Effect of Magnetic Field on Atomic


We consider an atom, which has no intrinsic magnetic dipole moment,

and imagine that a magnetic field is slowly turned on in the space
occupied by the atom. The act of switching the magnetic field introduces
change in the magnetic field which, in turn, generates an electric field
given by Faraday's law of induction. It states that the line integral of E
around any closed path equals the rate of change of the magnetic flux Φ
through the surface enclosed by the path.

For simplicity, we choose a circular path along which the electron in the
atom is moving (see Fig. 4.5). The electric field around this path is given
by Faraday's law as:

∫ E⋅d l = − dt



E × 2π r⊥ = − ( B ⋅ π r⊥2 ) (4.7)

Fig. 4.5 An electron moving in circular orbit m a uniform magnetic

Held that is normal to the Orbit

where, r⊥ is the radius of the circular path perpendicular to B. The

above equation gives the circulating electric field whose strength is,

r⊥ dB
E=− (4.8)
2 dt

This electric field exerts a torque τ = −eE r⊥ on the orbiting electron

which must be equal to the rate of change of its angular momentum ,
that is,

= −eE r⊥

dL  r dB 
or = −e − ⊥  r⊥
dt  2 dt 

dL r 2 dB
or =e ⊥ (4.9)
dt 2 dt

The change in angular momentum, ∆L , due to turning on the field is

obtained by integrating Eq. (4.9) with respect to time from zero field as

e r⊥2
∆L = ∆B (4.10)


Thus Eq. (4.10) shows that a build up of a magnetic field B causes a

change in the angular momentum of the electron, ∆L , and hence a
change in the magnetic moment governed by Eq. (4.4) as follows:

∆µ = − ∆L
e r⊥2
∆µ = − B (4.11)

The direction of the induced magnetic moment is opposite to that of B,

which produces it as can be seen from the negative sign in the Eq.
(4.11). In this equation, we have the term r⊥2 which is the square of the
radius of the particular electron orbit whose axis is along B. If B is along
the z -axis, we put r⊥2 = x 2 + y 2. Thus, the average < r⊥2 > would be
2 < x 2 > , since < x 2 >=< y 2 >=< z 2 > , due to spherical symmetry.
1 1
Further < x 2 > = < y 2 > =< z 2 >= < x 2 + y 2 + z 2 >= < r 2 > gives
3 3
< r2 > .

Hence the Eq. (4.11), which we shall write as

e 2 < r⊥2 >

∆µ = − B


∆µ = − < r2 > B (4.12)

We find that the induced magnetic moment in a diamagnetic atom is

proportional to B and opposes it. This is diamagnetism of matter. If each
molecule has n electrons, each with an orbit of radius r, then the change
in the magnetic moment of the atom is

∆µ = −
∑< r
all electrons

There is an alternative way of understanding the origin of diamagnetism

which is based on the fact that an electron either speeds up or slows
down depending on the orientation of the magnetic field. Let us see
how. As shown in Fig. 4.6, in the absence of the magnetic field, the
mv 2
centripetal force is balanced by the electrical force as follows:


1e 2 mv 2
= (4.13)
4πε 0 r 2 r

Let us find out what happens to one of the orbits when an external
magnetic field is applied as shown in Fig. 4.7.

Fig. 4.6 There is no external magnetic field. Centripetal force is

balanced by the electrical force

Fig. 4.7 Magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the orbit

In the presence of the magnetic field there is an additional term

e( v × B) and under these conditions speed of the electron changes.
Suppose the new speed is v1 , then

1 e 2 mv12
ev1 B + =
4π ε 0 r 2 r


m 2 m
ev1 B = (v1 − v 2 ) = (v1 + v)(v1 − v)
r r

If we assume that the change ∆v = v1 − v is small, we get

ev1 B = (2v1 )∆v

e rB
∆v = (4.14)


A change in orbital speed means a change in the dipole moment given

by Eq. (4.3) as follows:

1 e2r 2
∆µ = − e(∆v)r = − B (4.15)
2 4m
This shows that change in µ is opposite to the direction of B. In the
absence of an external magnetic field, the electron orbits are randomly
oriented and the orbital dipole moments cancel out. But in the presence
of a magnetic field, the dipole moment of each atom changes and all get
aligned antiparallel to the external field. This is the mechanism
responsible for diamagnetism. This property of magnetic material is
observed in all atoms. But as it is much weaker than paramagnetism it is
observed only in those materials where paramagentism is absent.

3.3.2 Paramagnetism – Torque on Magnetic Dipoles

Paramagnetism is exhibited by those atoms which do not have magnetic

dipole moment. The magnetic moment of an atom is due to the moment
produced by the orbital currents of electrons and their "unpaired spins".
A current loop having µ as its magnetic dipole moment when placed in
a uniform field experiences a torque T which is given by

τ = µ ×B

The torque tends to align the dipoles so that the magnetic moment is
lined up parallel to the field (in the way the permanent dipoles of
dielectric are lined up with electric field). It is this torque which
accounts for paramagnetism. You might expect every material to be
paramagnetic since every spinning electron constitutes a magnetic
dipole. But it is not so, as various electrons of the atom are found in
pairs with opposing spins. The magnetic moment of such a pair of
electrons is cancelled out. Thus paramagnetism is exhibited by those
atoms or molecules in which the spin magnetic moment is not cancelled.
That is why the word "unpaired spins" is written above. Paramagnetism
is generally weak because the linings up forces are relatively small
compared with the forces from the thermal motion which try to destroy
the order. At low temperatures, there is more lining up and hence
stronger the effect of paramagnetism.


A. Of the following materials, which would you expect to be

paramagnetic and which diamagnetic?

Copper, Bismuth, Aluminium, Sodium, Silver.


B. Would it be possible to prepare an alloy of, say, a diamagnetic

material like copper and a paramagnetic material like aluminium
so that the alloy will neither be paramagnetic nor diamagnetic?

3.4 The Interaction of an Atom with Magnetic Field-Larmor


In the last subsection, while explaining paramagnetism we, considered

an atom as a magnet with the magnetic moment µ. When placed in a
uniform magnetic field B, it is acted upon by a torque τ = µ × B , which
tends to line it up along the direction of the magnetic field. But it is not
so for the atomic magnet, because it has an angular momentum J like a
spinning top. We already know that a rapidly spinning top or a
gyroscope in the gravitational field is acted upon by a torque, the result
of which is that it precesses about the direction of the field. Similarly,
instead of lining up with the direction of the magnetic field, the atomic
magnet precesses about the field direction. The angular momentum and
with it the magnetic moment precess about the magnetic field, as shown
in Fig. 4.8a.

Due to the presence of the magnetic field, the atom will feel a torque T
whose magnitude is given by:

τ = µ B sin θ (4.16)

where θ is the angle which µ makes with B. The direction of the torque
is perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field and also of µ, as
shown in Fig. 4.8b.

Fig. 4.8 (a) The angular momentum associated with atomic magnet
processes about magnetic field (b) The presence of magnetic field
results in the torque T. It is at right angles to the angular
momentum; (c) The torque changes the direction of the angular
momentum vector, causing precession


Notice that the torque is perpendicular to the vector J. Now according to

Newton's second law

τ= (4.17)

For small changes, we can write it as

∆J = τ ∆t (4.18)

In other words, the torque will produce a change in the angular

momentum with time. Suppose that ∆J is the change in the angular
momentum in an interval of time ∆t . This ∆J will be in the direction of
τ. This will result in the tip of J moving in a circle about B as the axis.
This is, in fact, a precession of J (so also of µ) about the direction of B.
The magnitude of ∆J can be written by using Eq. (4.16) in Eq. (4.18) as

∆ J = τ ∆t = ( µ B sin θ ) ∆t (4.19)

Although the torque τ, being at right angles to J, cannot change the

magnitude of J, it can change its direction. Fig. 4.8c shows how the
vector ∆J adds vectorially onto the vector J to bring this about. If ω p is
the angular velocity of the precession and ∆φ is angle of precession in
time ∆t , then

ωp = (4.20)

From Fig. 4.8c we see that

∆J ( µ B sin θ )∆ t
∆φ = =
J sin θ J sin θ

Dividing above by ∆t , approaching the differential limit and putting

ωp = , we get
ωp = (4.21)

Substituting for µ / J from the Eq. (4.6), we get

ωp = g B (4.22)


as the angular speed of precession of an atomic magnet about the

direction of B. If in Eq. (4.22) g = 1, then ω p is called the Larmor
frequency, and is proportional to B. It should be borne in mind that this
is the classical picture.

Now you may wonder if the atomic magnets (dipoles) precess about
magnetic field, how many of these dipoles get aligned along the
direction of magnetic field. We know that the potential energy of a
dipole in the applied field is given by –µ µ ⋅ B = − µ B cosθ . Therefore, an
unaligned dipole has a greater potential energy than an aligned one. If
the energy of the dipole is conserved then it cannot change its direction
with respect to the field, i.e. the value of angle θ remains constant. So it
keeps precessing about the field. However, by losing energy the atomic
dipole gets aligned with the field. In a solid, the dipole can lose energy
in various ways as its energy is transferred to other degrees of freedom
and so it gets aligned with the field depending upon the temperature of
the solid. To change the orientation of the dipole, the maximum energy
required is 2µB . If µ is about 10 −23 Am–23 and a large field, say, 5T is
applied then the potential energy will be of the order of 10 −22 joules. This
is comparable to the thermal energy kT at room temperature. Thus only
a small fraction of the dipoles will be aligned parallel to B. In the next
section it will be shown, using statistical mechanics, what fraction of
dipoles is aligned along B.

In the presence of the magnetic field, when the tiny magnetic dipoles
present in the material get aligned along a particular direction we say
that material becomes magnetized or magnetically polarized. The state
of magnetic polarization of a material is described by the vector quantity
called magnetisation, denoted by M. It is defined as the magnetic dipole
moment per unit volume. It plays a role analogous to the polarization P
in electrostatics. In the next section we will also find the expression of
magnetisation for paramagnets. But before proceeding do the following


Water has all the electron spins exactly balanced so that their net
magnetic moment is zero, but the water molecules still have a tiny
magnetic moment of the hydrogen nuclei. In the magnetic field of 1.0
Wb m –2 protons (in the form of H- nuclei of water) have the precession
frequency of 42 MHz. Calculate the g - factor of the proton.


According to Boltzmann's law the probability of finding

molecules in a given state varies exponentially with the
negative of the potential energy of that state divided
by kT . In this case the energy E depends upon the angle
θ that the moment makes with the magnetic field. So
probability is proportional to exp(−U (θ ) / kT ) .

3.6 Magnetisation of Paramagnets

In the presence of an external magnetic field, the magnetic moment

tends to align along the direction of the magnetic field. But the thermal
energy of the molecules in a macroscopic piece of magnetic material
tends to randomise the direction of molecular dipole moments.
Therefore, the degree of alignment depends both on the strength of the
field and on the temperature. Let us derive the degree of alignment of
the molecular dipoles, quantitatively, using statistical methods.

Suppose there are N magnetic molecules per unit volume, each of

magnetic moment µ , at a temperature T. Classically, the magnetic
dipole can make any arbitrary angle with the field direction (Fig. 4.9). In
the absence of an external field, the probability that the dipoles will be
between angles θ and θ + dθ is proportional to 2π sin θ dθ , which is the
solid angle dΩ subtended by this range of angle. This probability leads
to a zero average of the dipoles. When a magnetic field B is applied in
the z - direction, the probability becomes also proportional to the
Boltzmann distribution, e −U / kT . Here U = − µ ⋅ B = − µ B cosθ is the
magnetic energy of the dipole when it is making an angle θ with the
magnetic field, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute

Fig. 4.9 Calculation of the paramagnetic properties of materials in

an external magnetic field


Hence, the number of atoms (or molecules) dN per unit volume for
which µ makes angles between θ and θ + dθ with B, is given by

dN = 2 πKe + µ B cosθ / kT sin θ dθ (4.23)

where K is a constant.

Calling µ B / kT as a, the total number of dipoles per unit volume of the

specimen is

N = ∫ dN = ∫ 2πKe + a cosθ sin θ dθ

Putting cosθ = x , we have

N = 2πK ∫ e + ax dx

2π K a
= (e − e − a ) (4.24)

The magnetic dipole, making an angle θ with B, makes a contribution

µ cosθ to the intensity of magnetization M of the specimen. Hence, the
magnetization of the specimen obtained by summing the contributions
of all the dipoles in the unit volume is given by:

M = ∫ dNµ cosθ
= 2πKe + µ B cosθ / kT µ cosθ sin θ dθ

= 2πK ∫ e + ax xdx

where, again, we have put cosθ = x and µ B / kT = a . Evaluating the

above integral, we obtain

1 1 
M = 2π Kµ  (e a + e − a ) + 2 (e a + e − a )
a a 

Substituting for 2π K from the Eq. (4.24), we get


 (e a + e − a ) 1 
M = µ N  a −a
− 
 (e − e ) a 

 1
∴ M = M s  coth a −  (4.25)
 a

where M s = µ N is the saturation magnetization of the specimen when

all the dipoles align with the magnetic field. The expression coth a − is
called the Langevin function which is denoted by L(a) .

We now consider two cases: (i) when is very large. This would
happen if the temperature were very low and/or B very large. For this

1 e a + e − a 1 1 + e −2 a 1
L (a ) = coth a − = − = − ≈1
a e a − e − a a 1 − e −2 a a

Hence, M = M s . These would be saturation.

(ii) When is small which means that T is large and / or B is
1 a
small. In this case coth a − = and M = M s ( µ B / 3kT ) = µ 2 NB / 3kT .
a 3

The complete dependence of M on B is shown in Fig. 4.10. For your

comparison, the dependence of M on B based on quantum mechanical
calculation is also shown.

Fig 4.10 The Magnetisation of paramagnetic material placed in a

magnetic field B as a function of a = (i) is based on classical
calculation with no restriction on the direction of dipole (ii) is based


on quantum mechanical calculation with restriction on the direction

of dipole


Evaluate the integral ∫ e ax xdx


Show that when a = µ B / kT is small, M = M s  coth a −  = s
1 M a
 a 3

Let us now sum up what we have learnt in this unit.


In unit 4, we have explained gyromagnetic ratio, paramagnet-ism,

diamagnetism and Larmor frequency. In addition, we have explained
how to obtain information about magnetism of matter from the classical
ideas of atomic magnetism.


• All materials are, in some sense, magnetic and respond to the

presence of a magnetic field. Materials can be classified into
mainly three groups: diamagnetic, paramagnetic and
ferromagnetic. Diamagnetism is displayed by those materials in
which the atoms have no permanent magnetic dipole moments.
Paramagnetism and ferromagnetism occurs in those materials in
which the atoms have permanent magnetic dipoles.

• The orbital motion of the electron is associated with a magnetic

moment n, which is proportional to its orbital angular momentum
J. We write this as

µ = − g 
e 
 2m 

• where e is the charge on electron, m the mass of electron and g is

Lande g - factor which has a value ≈ 1 for orbital case and 2 for
spin case.

• The ratio of the magnetic dipole moment to the angular

momentum is called the gyromagnetic ratio.

• The magnetic dipoles in the magnetic materials are due to atomic

currents of electrons in their orbits and due to their intrinsic spins.


• Change in the magnitude of the magnetic moment of atoms is

responsible for diamagnetism whereas change in the orientation
of the magnetic moment accounts for paramagnet ism.

• Because the magnetic moment is associated with angular

momentum, in the presence of a magnetic field, the atom does not
simply turn along the magnetic field but precesses around it with
a frequency ω p = g (e / 2m) B . This is called the Larmor

• When a diamagnetic atom is placed in an external magnetic field

normal to its orbit, the field induces a magnetic moment opposing
the field itself (Lenz's law) as

er 2
∆µ = B

where r and m are the radius of the orbit and mass of the electron.

• When atoms of magnetic moment µ are placed in a magnetic

field B, then the Magnetisation M is given by

M = M s (coth a − 1 / a )

where, a = and M s = µ N is the saturation magnetisation
when all the dipoles are aligned in the direction of field.


1. A uniformly charged disc having the charge q and radius r is

rotating with constant angular velocity of magnitude ω . Show
that the magnetic dipole moment has the magnitude, ( qω r 2 ) .
(Hint: Divide the sphere into narrow rings of rotating charge; find
the current to which each ring is equivalent, its dipole moment
and then integrate over all rings.)

2. Compare the precession frequency and the cyclotron frequency of

the proton for the same value of the magnetic field B.


IGNOU (2005). Electricity and Magnetism, Physics PHE-07, New

Delhi, India.




1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Ferromagnetism
3.2 Magnetic Field Due to a Magnetised Material
3.3 The Auxiliary Field H (Magnetic Intensity)
3.4 Relationship between B and H for Magnetic Material
3.5 Magnetic Circuits
4.0 Conclusions
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignments
7.0 References/Further Reading


Earlier in this course you have studied the behaviour of dielectric

materials in response to the external electric fields. This was done by
investigating their properties in terms of electric dipoles, both natural
and induced, present in these materials and their lining up in the electric
field. The macroscopic properties of these materials were studied using
the so-called polarization vector P, the electric dipole moment per unit

The magnetic properties of materials have a similar kind of explanation,

albeit in a more complicated form, due to the absence of free magnetic
monopoles. The magnetic dipoles in these materials are understood in
terms of the so-called Amperian current loops, first introduced by

All materials are, in some sense, magnetic and exhibit magnetic

properties of different kinds and of varying intensities. As you know, all
materials, can be divided into three main categories: (i) Diamagnetic;
(ii) Paramagnetic and (3) Ferromagnetic materials. In this unit, we shall
study the macroscopic behaviour of these materials.

We understood the macroscopic properties of the dielectric materials

using the fact that the atoms and molecules of these substances contain
electrons, which are mobile and are responsible for the electric dipoles,
natural and induced, in these substances. The polarisation of these
substances is the gross effect of the alignment of these dipoles. Similarly
we describe the magnetic properties of various materials in terms of the
magnetic dipoles in these materials.


In Unit 4, we have already explained diamagnetism and paramagnetism

in terms of magnetic dipoles. In this unit, first, we will mention the
origin of ferromagnetism. Later, we will develop a description of the
macroscopic properties of magnetic materials


After studying this unit you should be able to:

• understand and explain the terms: ferromagnetism, amperian

current, magnetisation, magnetic intensity H, magnetic
susceptibility, magnetic permeability, relative permeability
• relate magnetisation M (which is experimentally measurable) and
the atomic currents (which is not measurable) within the material
• derive and understand the differential and integral equations for
M and H and apply these to calculate fields for simple situations
• interrelate B, H, M, no, H and y_<
• relate B & H for various magnetic and non-magnetic materials
• derive an equation in analogy with Ohm's law for a magnetic

Fig. 5.1: Domain

Consider two electrons on atoms that are close to each other. If

the electron spins are parallel, they stay away from each other
due to Pauli’s principle, thereby reducing their coulomb energy
of repulsion. On the other hand, if these spins are anti-parallel,
the electrons can come close to each other and their coulomb
energy is higher. Thus, by making their spins parallel, the
electrons can reduce their energy.


3.1 Ferromagnetism

Ferromagnetic materials are those materials, which respond very

strongly to the presence of magnetic fields. In such materials, the
magnetic dipole moment of the atoms arises due to the spins of unpaired


electrons. These tend to line up parallel to each other. Such a line-up

does not occur over the whole material, but it occurs over a small
volume, known as 'domain\ as shown in Fig. 12.1. However, these
volumes are large compared to the atomic or molecular dimensions.
Such line-ups take place even in the absence of an external magnetic
field. You must be wondering about the nature of forces that cause the
spin magnetic moments of different atoms to line up parallel to each
other. This can be explained only by using quantum mechanical idea of
"exchange forces". We will not go into the details of exchange forces.
About this, you will study in other courses of physics, but we are giving
you some idea of exchange forces in the margin remark.

Fig. 5.2 The domains in an unmagnetised bar of iron. The

arrows show the alignment direction of the magnetic moment
in each domain

In an unmagnetized ferromagnetic material, the magnetic moments of

different domains are randomly oriented, and the resulting magnetic
moment of the material, as a whole is zero, as shown in Fig. 5.2.
However, in the presence of an external magnetic field, the magnetic
moments of the domains line-up in such a manner as to give a net
magnetic moment to the material in the direction of the field. The
mechanism by which this happens is that the domains with the magnetic
moments in the favoured directions increase in size at the expense of the
other domains, as shown in Fig. 5.3a.

Fig. 5.3 In a ferromagnetic material domain changes, resulting in a

net magnetic moment, occur through (a) domain growth and (b)
domain realignment


In addition, the magnetic moments of the entire domains can rotate, as

shown in Fig. 5.3b. The material is thus magnetised. If, after this, the
external magnetic field is reduced to zero, there still remains a
considerable amount of magnetization in the material. The material gets
permanently magnetized. The behaviour of ferromagnetic materials,
under the action of changing magnetic fields, is quite complicated and
exhibits the phenomenon of hysteresis which literally means 'lagging
behind'. You will study more about this in Sec. 5.5.

Above a certain temperature, called the 'Curie Temperature', because

the forces of thermal agitation dominate 'exchange' forces, the domains
lose their dipole moments. The ferromagnetic material begins to behave
like a paramagnetic material. When cooled, it recovers its ferromagnetic

Finally, we briefly mention two other types of magnetism, which are

closely related to ferromagnetism. These are anti-ferromagnetism and
ferrimagnetism (also called ferrites). In this course, we will not study the
physics of antiferro- and ferrimagnetism. The main reason for
mentioning these materials are that they are of technological importance,
being used in magnetic recording tapes, antenna and in computer

In antiferromagnetic substances, the 'exchange' forces, as we mentioned

earlier, play the role of setting the adjacent atoms into antiparallel
alignment of their equal magnetic moments, that is, adjacent magnetic
moments are set in opposite directions, as shown in Fig. 5.4 a.

Such substances exhibit little or no evidence of magnetism present in the

body. However, if these substances are heated above the temperature
known as Neel temperature, the exchange force ceases to act and the
substance behaves like any other paramagnetic material.

In ferrimagnetic substances, known generally as ferrites, the exchange

coupling locks the magnetic moments of the atoms in the material into a
pattern, as shown in Fig. 5.4b. The external effects of such an alignment
is intermediate between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism. Again,
here the exchange coupling disappears above a certain temperature.

Fig. 5.4 Relative orientation of electron spins in (a)

antiferromagnetic material and (b) ferrite.


Thus, we find that the magnetization of the materials is due to

permanent (and induced) magnetic dipoles in these materials. The
magnetic dipole moments in these materials are due to the circulating
electric currents, known as amperian currents at the atomic and
molecular levels. You are expected to understand the correct
relationship between magnetization in a material and the amperian
currents, together with the basic difference (and sometimes similarities)
between the behaviour of the magnetic materials in magnetic fields, and
dielectrics (and conductors) in electric fields.

Though the physics of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials have

analogues in the electric case, diamagnetism is peculiar to magnetism.
The student is advised to read the matter in this unit and find the
analogies and appreciate the differences, if any, by referring back to the
units on dielectrics. In the next section, we will find out the relationship
between the macroscropic quantity M, which is experimentally
measurable and the atomic currents (a microscopic quantity) within the
material which is not measurable. With the help of this relationship, we
can find out the magnetic field that magnetised matter itself produces.

3.2 Magnetic Field Due to a Magnetised Material

In Unit 1, we have described the macroscopic properties of dielectric

materials in terms of the polarization vector P, the origin of which is in
the dipole moments of its natural or induced electric dipoles. We shall
adopt a similar procedure in the study of magnetic materials. You would
be tempted to say that we should carry over all the equations in the study
of dielectrics to magnetic materials. One way of doing this would be to
replace the electric field vector E by B, then replace P by an analogous
quantity which we shall call magnetization vector M which is the
magnetic dipole moment per unit volume. Further, we replace the
polarization charge density ρ p by magnetic 'charge' density ρ m
whatever that means, by writing ∇ ⋅ M = − ρ m just as we had ∇ ⋅ P = ρ p .

In fact, people did something like this, and they believed that magnetic
charges or monopoles exist. They have built a whole theory of
electromagnetism on this assumption. However, we know that magnetic
'charges' or monopoles have not yet been detected in any experiment so
far, despite a long search for them. Now, we know that the
magnetization of matter is due to circulating currents within the atoms of
the materials. This was originally suggested by Ampere, and we call
these circulating currents as 'amperian' current loops. These currents
arise due to either the orbital motion of electrons in the atoms or their
spins. These currents, obviously, do not involve large scale charge
transport in the magnetic materials as in the case of conduction currents.


These currents are also known as magnetization currents, and we shall

relate these currents to the magnetization vector M.

Let us consider a slab of uniformly magnetised material, as shown in

Fig. 5.5a. It contains a large number of atomic magnetic dipoles (evenly
distributed throughout its volume) all pointing in the same direction. If
µ is the magnetic moment of each dipole, then the magnetisation M
will be the product of µ and the number of oriented dipoles per unit
volume. You know that the dipoles can be indicated by tiny current
loops. Suppose the slab consists of many tiny loops, as shown in Fig.
5.5b. Let us consider any tiny loop of area a, as shown in Fig. 5.5c. In
terms of magnetisation M, the magnitude of dipole moment µ is written
as follows:

µ = Madz (5.1)

where dz is the thickness of the slab.

Fig. 5.5: (a) A thin slab of uniformly magnetized material, with the
dipoles indicated by (b) and (c) tiny current loops is equivalent to
(d) a ribbon of current/ flowing around the boundary


If the tiny loop has a circulating current I , then the dipole moment of
the tiny loop is given by

µ = Ia (5.2)
Equating (5.1) and (5.2) we get

M = or I = Mdz (5.3)

Here we have assumed that the current loops corresponding to magnetic

dipoles are large enough so that magnetisation does not vary appreciably
from one loop to the next, so Eq. 5.3 shows that the current is the same
in all current loops of Fig. 5.5b. Notice that within the slab, currents
flowing in the various loops cancel, because every time if there is one
going in one particular direction, then a continuous one is going in the
exactly opposite direction. At the boundary of the slab, there is no
adjacent loop to do the cancelling. Hence the whole thing is equivalent
to the single loop of current I flowing around the boundary, as shown
in Fig. 5.5d. Therefore, the thin slab of magnetised material is equivalent
to a single loop carrying the current Mdz, Hence, the magnetic field at
any point external to the slab, is the same as that of the current Mdz.

In case there is non-uniform magnetization in the material, the atomic

currents in the (amperian) circulating current loops do not have the same
magnitude at all points inside the material and, obviously, they do not
cancel each other out inside such a material. Still we will find that
magnetised matter is equivalent to a current distribution J = curl M. Let
us see how we have arrived at this relation.

In the non-uniformly magnetised material consider two little blocks of

the volume ∆x∆y∆z , cubical in shape adjacent to each other along the y-
axis (see Fig. 5.6a). Let us call these blocks ' 1' and '21 respectively. Let
the z -component of M in these blocks be Mz ( y ) and M z ( y + ∆y )

Let the amperian currents circulating round the block ' 1' be I ( 1 ) and
round the block '2' be I (2).Using Eq. (5.3) and referring to Fig. 5.6a we

I x (1) = M z ( y )∆z


I x ( 2) = M z ( y + ∆y ) ∆z


Fig. 5.6: Two adjacent chunks of magnetised material, with a larger

arrow on the one to the right in (a) and above in (b), suggesting
greater magnetisation at that point. On the surface where they join
there is a net current in the x-direction.

At the interface of the two blocks, there will be two contributions to the
total current: I (1) flowing in the negative x -direction, produced due to
block 1, and I (2) flowing in the positive x-direction produced due to
Block 2. The total current in the positive x -direction is the sum:

I x ( 2) − I x (1) = [ M z ( y + ∆y ) − M z ( y )]∆z


∂M z
∆I x = + ∆y∆z (5.4)

Eq. (5.4) gives the net magnetization current in the material at a point in
the x -direction in terms of the z-component of M. The current per unit
area, i.e., current density Jm flowing in the x -direction is given as

∆I x
(J m ) x =

where ∆y∆z is the area of cross-section of one such block for the current
∆I x . Hence

∂M z
(J m ) x = + (5.5)

In these equations, we have put suffixes x to the currents to indicate

that, at the interface of the blocks, the current is along the x -axis.


If the magnetisation in the first block is

M ( x, y , z ) + ∆y + higher order terms.
The z -component of magnetisation of the first block in
terms of I x (1) is written as M z ∆z = I x (1) .

Similarly, the z -component of magnetisation of the

second block neglecting high-order terms which vanish in
the limit where each block becomes very small, is given

 ∂M z 
M z +  ∆z = I x (2)
 ∂y 

There is another way of obtaining the current flowing in x-direction by

considering these two tiny blocks, one above the other, along the z-axis,
as shown in Fig. 5.6b. We obtain the relation as

∂M z
(J m ) x = − (5.6)

By superimposition of these two situations, we get

∂M z ∂M y
(J m )x = − = (∇ × M ) x (5.7)
∂y ∂z

Eq. (5.7) is obviously the x -component of a vector equation relating Jm

and the curl of M. Combining this with y and z components, we obtain

Jm = ∇×M (5.8)

Eq. (5.8) is a more general expression representing the relationship

between the magnetisation and the equivalent current. We see from Eq.
(5.8) that inside a uniformly magnetized material in which case M =
constant; we have J m = 0. This is true. See Eq. (5.8), the current is only
at the surface of the material where the magnetization has a
discontinuity (dropping from a finite M to zero). Inside a non-uniformly
magnetized material J m is nonzero.

We shall see in the next section that J m , which is introduced to explain

the origin of magnetisation in a material, is made to make its exit from


the equation, and only the conduction current density indicating the
actual charge transport and which is experimentally measurable remains.

3.3 The Auxiliary Field H (Magnetic Intensity)

So far we have been considering that magnetisation is due to current

associated with atomic magnetic moments and spin of the electron. Such
currents are known as bound currents or magnetisation amperian
current. The current density J m in Eq. (5.8) is the bound current set up
within the material. Suppose you have a piece of magnetised material.
What field does this object produce? The answer is that the field
produced by this object is just the field produced by the bound currents
established in it. Suppose we wind a coil around this magnetic material
and send through this coil a certain current, I Then the field produced
will be the sum of the field due to bound currents and the field due to
current, I . The current I is known as the free current because it is
flowing through the coil and we can measure it by connecting an
ammeter in series with the coil. (In case the magnetic material happens
to be a conductor, the free current will be the current flowing through
the material itself.) Remember that free currents are those caused by
external voltage sources, while the internal currents arise due to the
motion of the electrons in the atoms. The current is free, because
someone has plugged a wire into a battery and it can be started and
stopped with a switch. Therefore, the total current density J can be
written as:

J = J f + Jm (5.9)

where, J f represents the free current density.

Let us use Ampere's law to find the field. In differential form, it is

written as:

∇ × B = µ0J (*)

Using Eq. (5.9), Ampere's law would then take the form as follows:

∇ × B = µ 0 (J f + J m )

As mentioned earlier, we have no way to measure J m experimentally,

but we have a way to express it in terms of a measurable quantity, the
magnetization vector M through the Eq. (5.8). We then have


∇ × B = µ 0 J f + µ 0 (∇ × M )


B 
∇ ×  − M  = J f (5.10)
 µ0 

 B 
Eq. (5.10) is the differential equation for the field  − M  in terms of
 µ0 
its source J f , the free current density. This vector is given a new
symbol H, i.e.,

−M = H (5.11)

The vector H is called the magnetic 'intensity' vector, a name that rightly
belongs to B, but, for historical reasons, has been given to H. Using Eq.
(5.11), Eq. (5.10) becomes,

∇×H = J f (5.12)

In other words, H is related to the free current in the way B is related to

the total current, bound plus free. This surely has made you think over
the purpose of introducing the new vector field H. For practical reasons
the vector H is very useful as it can be calculated from the knowledge of
external current only, whereas B is related to the total current, which is
not known. Eq. (5.12) can also be written in the integral form as

∫ H⋅d l = I f (5.13)

where I f is the conduction current through the surface bounded by the

path of the line integral on the left. Here the line integral of H is around
the closed path, which may or may not pass through the material. This
equation can be used to calculate H, even in the presence of the
magnetic material.


Fig. 5.7 shows a piece of iron wound by a coil carrying a current of 5A.
Find the value of ∫ H⋅d l = I f around the path (1), (2) and (3). Also
state for which path(s) B = H and B ≠ H.


From Eq. (5.3), we see that the unit in which M is measured is amperes
per meter. Eq. (5.11) shows that the vector H has the units as M, hence
H is also measured in amperes per metre. The electrical engineers
working with electromagnets, transformers, etc., call the unit of H
ampere turns per metre. Since 'turns', which is supposed to imply the
number of turns in the coil carrying a current, is dimensionless, it need
not confuse you.

Magnetic Properties of Substance

In paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials, the magnetisation is

maintained by the field. When the field is removed, M disappears. In
fact, it is found that M is proportional to B, provided that the field is not
too strong. Thus

M∝B (5.14)

It is conventional to express Eq. (5.14) in terms of H instead of B. Thus

we have

M = χmH (5.15)

The constant of proportionality χ m is called the magnetic susceptibility

of the material. It is a dimensionless quantity, which varies from one
substance to another. We can characterise the magnetic properties of a
substance by χ m . It is negative for diamagnetic substances and positive
for paramagnetic materials. Its magnitude is very small compared to
unity, that is | χ m | < < 1. For vacuum χ m is zero, since M can only exist
in magnetised matter. We give below a short table giving the values of
χ m for diamagnetic and paramagnetic substances at room temperature.


Material χm
Paramagnetic Aluminium 2.1 × 10 −5
Paramagnetic Sodium 0.84 × 10 −5
Paramagnetic Tungsten 7.6 × 10 −5
Paramagnetic Oxygen 190 × 10 −5
Diamagnetic Bismuth -1.64 × 10 −5
Diamagnetic Copper - 0.98 × 10 −5
Diamagnetic Silver
- 2.4 × 10 −5
Diamagnetic Gold
-3.5 × 10 −5

We have not given a table for the susceptibilities of ferromagnetic

substances as χ m depends not only on H but also on the previous
mangetic history of the material.

Using Eq. (5.11) in the form

B = µ 0 (H + M )

we have,

B = µ 0 (1 + χ m ) H (5.16)

= µ0 K mH

∴ B= µH (5.17)

where µ = µ 0 K m = µ 0 (1 + χ m )

∴ Km = (5.18)

µ is called the permeability of the medium and Km is called the

relative permeability. We see that µ has the same dimensions as µ 0
and Km is dimensionless. In vacuum χ m = 0 and µ = µ 0 . Relative
permeability Km differs from unity by a very small amount as Km for
para- and ferromagnetic materials are greater than unity and for
diamagnetic material it is less than unity.

The magnetic properties of a material are completely specified if any

one of the three quantities, magnetic susceptibility, χ m , relative
permeability Km or permeability µ is known.


Example 1

A toroid of aluminium of, length 1 m, is closely wound by 100 turns of

wire carrying a steady current of 1 A. The magnetic field B in the toroid
is found to be 1.2567 × 10 −4 Wb m– 2. Find (i) H, (ii) χ m , and Km (iii) M
in the toroid and (iv) equivalent surface magnetization current I m .


(i) According to Eq. (5.13)

∫H⋅d l = I f

To evaluate H produced by the current, we consider a circular

integration path along the toroid. H is constant everywhere along this
path of length 1m. The number of current turns threading this integration
path is 100 × 1A. Since H is everywhere parallel to the circular
integration path, we get

H × 1 m = 100 × 1 A


100 × 1A
H= = 100 A/m

(ii) From Eq. (5.16)

B = µ0 K m H


B 1256.7 × 10 7 1
Km = = × = 1.00005
µ0 H 4π × 10 −7


(1 + χ m ) = K m

∴ χ m = K m − 1 = 1.00005 – 1 = 5 × 10 −5

(iii) From Eq. (5.15)

M = χmH


= 5 × 10 −5 × 100 A m – 1 = 5 × 10 −3 A m – 1

(iv) I m = ML

= 5 × 10 −3 A m – 1 × 1 m = 5 mA

In this solution, we have assumed B, H and M to be uniform over the

cross-section of the toroid and along the axis of the toroid.

Try to do the following SAE


An air-core solenoid wound with 20 turns per centimetre carries a

current of 0.18 A. Find H and B at the centre of the solenoid. If an iron
core of absolute permeability 6 × 10 −3 H m–1 is inserted in the solenoid,
find the value of H and B?

3.4 Relationship between B and H for Magnetic Material

The specific dependence of M on B will be taken up in this section. The

relationship between M and B or equivalently a relationship between B
and H depend on the nature of the magnetic material, and are usually
obtained from experiment.

A convenient experimental arrangement is a toroid with any magnetic

material in its interior. Around the toroid, two coils (primary and
secondary) are wound, as shown in Fig. 5.8.

If we consider the radius of the cross-section of the toroidal windings to

be small in comparison with the radius of the toroid itself, the magnetic
field within the toroid can be considered to be approximately uniform. A
current passing through the primary coil establishes H. The
establishment of the current in the primary coil induces an electromotive
force (emf). By measuring the induced voltage, we can determine
changes in flux Φ and hence, in B inside the magnetic material. If we
take H as the independent variable, and if we keep the track of the
changes in B starting from B = 0, we can always know what B is for a
particular value of H. In this way, we can obtain a B-H curve for
different types of magnetic material.


Fig. 5.8 Arrangement for investigating the relation between B and

M, or B and H, in a magnetic material

The experiment described above can be carried out for diamagnetic and
paramagnetic materials by commencing with I = 0 and slowly
increasing the value of I to obtain a series of values of B and H. A plot
of B against H for these substances is shown in the Fig. 5.9(a). We see
that the graph is a straight line as expected from the relation

B = µ 0 (1 + χ m ) H (5.16)

Fig. 5.9 Internal magnetic field (B) versus applied magnetic field (H)
for different types of magnetic materials, (a) In diamagnetic and
paramagnetic materials, the relationship is linear, (b) In
ferromagnetic materials, the relationship depends on the strength of
the applied field and on the past history of the material, in (b), the
field strengths along the vertical am are much greater than along
the horizontal axis. Arrows indicate the direction in which the fields
are changed.

where µ 0 and χ m are constants. The slope of the graph is given by χ m

can be determined using the following relation:

χm = −1


For diamagnetic substances, slope < µ 0 making χ m < 0 . For

paramagnetic materials slope > µ 0 , so that χ m > 0.

If in the experiment given above we use ferromagnetic materials like

iron, we obtain a typical B – H curve as shown in Fig. 5.9(b).

(i) At I = 0, i.e., when H = 0, B is zero. When I is increased. B and

H are determined for increasing values of I . At first, B increases
with H along the curve 'a'. At some high value of H, the curve
(shown by the dashed line in the figure) becomes linear,
indicating that M ceases to increase, as the material has reached
saturation with all the domain dipole moments in the same

(ii) If, after reaching saturation, we decrease the current in the coil to
bring H back to zero, the E-H curve falls along the curve 'b'.
When I reaches zero, there is still some B left, implying that
even when I = 0, there is still some magnetization of M left in
the specimen. The material is permanently magnetized. The value
of B for H = 0 is called remanence.

(iii) If the current is reversed in the primary coil and made to increase
its value, the B-H curve runs along the curve 'b' until B becomes
zero at a certain value of H. This value of H is called the coercive
force. If we continue to increase the value of the current in the
negative direction, the curve continues along 'b' until saturation is
reached again.

(iv) The current is now decreased until it becomes zero once again.
This corresponds to H = 0, but B is not zero and have
magnetization in the opposite direction. Here we reverse the
current again, so that the current in the coil is once more along
the positive direction. With the increasing current in this
direction, the curve continues along the curve 'c' to meet the
curve 'b' at saturation.

If we alternate the current between large positive and negative values,

the B-H curve goes back and forth along 'b ' and 'c ' in a cycle. This
cycle curve is called hysteresis curve. It shows that B is not a single
valued function of H, but depends on the previous treatment of the

The shape of the hysteresis loop varies very widely from one substance
to another. Those substances, like steel, alnico, etc., from which
permanent magnets are made, have a very wide hysteresis loop with a
large value of the coercive force (see Fig. 5.10). However, those


substances, like soft iron, permalloy, etc., from which electromagnets

(temporary magnet) are made, should have large remanence but very
small coercive force. Those ferromagnetic materials, which are used in
the cores of transformers, like iron-silicon (0.8-4.8%) alloys, have very
narrow hysteresis loop.

Fig. 5.10 The hysteresis curves for a few materials. Curves (a) and
(b) are respectively for specimen of soft - iron and steel materials

3.5 Magnetic Circuits

A magnetic circuit is the closed path taken by the magnetic flux set up in
an electric machine or apparatus by a magnetising force. (The
magnetising force may be due to a current coil or a permanent magnet.)

In order to study the resemblance between a magnetic circuit and an

electric circuit, we will develop a relation corresponding to Ohm's law,
for a magnetic circuit. Let us consider the case of an iron ring (Fig. 5.11)
magnetised by a current flowing through a coil wound closely over it.


I = current flowing in the coil

N = number of turns in the coil

l = length of the magnetic circuit (mean circumference of

the ring)

A = area of cross-section of the ring

µ = permeability of iron.

In this case, all the magnetic flux produced is confined to the iron ring
with very little leakage (we shall see the reason for this later). We have
seen earlier that H inside the ring is given by


Fig. 5.11 Magnetic circuit

∫ H ⋅ d l = NI (from Ampere's law)

where, the path of integration is along the axis of the ring. As the line
integral of electric field E over a circuital path is the electromotive force
(e.m.f), by analogy, the line integral of H is termed as magnetomotive
force (M.M.F.)

∴ M.M.F. = ∫ H ⋅ d l = NI
At every point along this path in the ring, we write


Further, if Φ is the magnetic flux given by Φ = BA, then H = Φ / µA ,


M.M.F. = ∫ H ⋅ d l = Φ∫ µA
= NI (5.19)

where we have taken Φ outside the integral as it is constant at all cross-

sections of the ring. Eq. (5.19) reminds us of a similar equation for an
electric circuit containing a source of E.M.F., namely,

ρ dl
e.m.f. = current × resistance = I ∫ (5.20)

The Eqs. (5.19) and (5.20) suggest that:

(i) The magnetomotive force ( ∫ H ⋅ d l ) is analogous with e.m.f.

( ∫ E ⋅ d l ).


(ii) The magnetic flux Φ is analogous with current I in Ohm's law,

 dl 
(iii) The magnetic resistance known as reluctance  ∫  is
 µ A
ρ dl 
analogous with electric resistance  ∫ 
 A 

∴ M.M.F. = flux × reluctance


Total flux Φ = = (5.21)
reluctance dl
∫ µA

If we take µ to be constant throughout the ring then

dl L
reluctance ℜ = ∫ = (5.22)
µA µA

where L is the length of the ring. However, we must recognise the

significant difference between an electric circuit and a magnetic circuit:

(i) Energy is continuously being dissipated in the resistance of the

electric circuit, whereas no energy is lost in the reluctance of the
magnetic circuit.
(ii) The electric current is a true flow of the electrons but there is no
flow of such particle in a magnetic flux.

(iii) At a given temperature, the resistivity ρ is independent of

current, while the corresponding quantity in reluctance varies
with magnetic flux Φ.
Reluctances in Series

Let us assume that the toroid is made of more than one ferromagnetic
material, each of which is of the same cross-sectional area A, but with
different permeabilities µ1 , µ 2 , …


Fig. 5.12 (a) A magnetic circuit composed of several materials:

Reluctances in series, (b) Magnetic circuit consisting of two loops:
Reluctances in parallel.

Then, (see Fig. 5.12a) as before, we have

NI = ∫ H ⋅ dl
= ∫ H ⋅ dl + ∫
1 2
H ⋅ dl + ...

where the integrals on the right are taken over axial paths in the
materials 1,2, .... Therefore,

M.M.F. = ∫ 1 µ1 A
dl + ∫
2 µ 2A
dl + ...

dl dl
= Φ∫ +∫ + ...
1 µ1 A 2 µ 2A

 L1 L 
= Φ + 1 + ...
 µ1 A µ 2 A 

= Φ (ℜ1 + ℜ 2 + ...) = Φℜ

so that the total reluctance of the given magnetic circuit is given by

ℜ = ℜ1 + ℜ 2 + ... (5.23)

Reluctances in Parallel

We shall next illustrate the case of a magnetic circuit in which the

reluctances are in parallel. Fig. 5.12b shows such a magnetic circuit. The
current carrying coils have N turns each, carrying a current I amperes.


The magnetic flux Φ threading the coil splits into two paths with fluxes
Φ 1 and Φ 2 as shown in the figure. Obviously, Φ = Φ 1 + Φ 2 . We assume
that the area of cross-section A is constant everywhere in the circuit.

Let the lengths of the paths ABCD, DA and DEFA shown in the figure
be L , L1 , and L2 respectively. For the path ABCDA, we have

NI = ∫
dl + ∫

= L + 1 L1 (5.24)
µA µ 1A

Similarly for the closed path ADEFA , we have

0= ∫
dl + ∫
dl (5.25)

Notice that we have used µ1 and µ 2 for the paths AD and DEFA.
As Φ ’s being different for these paths, H would be different. This
makes µ ’s different in these paths. Using Φ = Φ1 + Φ 2 and Eq. (5.25),
we write

µ 2 L1
Φ = Φ1 + Φ 1
µ 1 L2

 µ L 
= Φ 1 1 + 2 1 
 µ 1 L2 

Substituting the value of Φ1 from the above equation in the Eq. (5.24),
we have
 L1 L2 
 ⋅ 
Φ µ1 A µ2A
NI = L + Φ 
µ A  L1 L 
 ⋅ 2 
 µ1 A µ2A 


 ℜ ℜ 
NI = Φ  ℜ + 1 2  (5.26)
 ℜ 1ℜ 2 


This shows that the reluctances of the paths DA and DEFA are in
parallel as the magnetic flux Φ splits into Φ1 and Φ 2 along these paths
respectively. The combined reluctance ℜ of these paths is given, in
terms of the reluctances ℜ1 and ℜ 2 of these paths, as follows

1 1 1
= + (5.27)
ℜ ℜ1 ℜ 2

Notice that the Eq. (5.24), (5.25) and Φ = Φ 1 + Φ 2 are the statements of
Kirchhoff's laws for magnetic circuits.

Now we see why the magnetic flux does not leak through the air. Air
forms a parallel path for the flux, for air, µ = µ 0 and for a ferromagnetic
material µ ≈ 10 4 ; hence the air path is a very high reluctance path
compared to that through the ferromagnetic material. The magnetic flux
will follow the path of least reluctance, a situation similar to that in the
electric circuit.

The magnetic circuit formulae are used by the electrical engineers in

calculations relating to electromagnets, motors and dynamos. The
problem is usually to find the number of turns and the current in the
winding of a coil, which is required to produce a certain flux density in
the air gap of an electromagnet. Knowing the reluctance of the circuit,
M.M.F. is calculated from the relation:

M.M.F. = flux × reluctance

Since M.M.F. is also NI (see Eq. (5.19)), the magnitude of ampere turns
can be calculated. Let us illustrate it by studying the magnetic circuit of
an electromagnet.

Magnetic Circuit of an Electromagnet

The magnetic circuit of an electromagnet consists of the yoke which

forms the base of the magnet, the limbs on which the coil is wound, the
pole pieces and the air gap. See Fig. 5.13. Let l1 be the effective length
and a the area of cross-section of the yoke. If µ1 is the permeability of
its iron, then is the reluctance of the yoke. Similarly the reluctance
µ1 a1
of each limb is 2
µ 2 a2


and the reluctance of each pole piece is , while the reluctance of
µ 3 a3
the air gap is (because µ air ≈ 0 ). Hence the total reluctance of the
µ 0 a4
magnetic circuit is

l1 2l 2l l
+ 2 + 3 + 4
µ1 a1 µ 2 a 2 µ 3 a3 µ 0 a 4

Fig. 5.13 Magnetic circuit of an electromagnet.

If the magnetic circuit carries one and the same flux Φ across all its
parts, then according to Eq. (5.19), the number of ampere turns is:

 l 2l2 2l3 l4 
Φ  1 + + +  (5.28)
 µ 1 a1 µ 2a2 µ 3a3 µ 0a4 

Let us take another example of calculating the magnetic field B in the air
gap of a toroid of Fig. 5.14. Here the toroid is of a ferromagnetic
material (soft iron) with a small air gap of width 'd ' which is small
compared to the length L of the toroid. For this case, we have

 (L − d ) d 
NI = Φ + , Φ being the flux through this
 µ A µ 0 A 
magnetic circuit.

= [µ 0 (L − d ) + µ d ]
µ µ0


NIµ µ 0
B = (5.29)
µ 0 L + ( µ − µ 0 )d


This is the value of the magnetic field in the air gap. Read the following
example which shows how the air gap effectively increases the length of
the toroid.

Fig. 5.14: Magnetic field in the air gap

Example 2

Compare the examples of a complete toroid of length L wound with a

coil of N turns each carrying a current I amperes and of a toroid of
length ( L − d ) with an air gap of length d (d << L) . Show that the air gap
effectively increases the length of the toroid by ( K m − 1)d , where Km is
the relative permeability.


In the case of a complete toroid without the air gap, we have

B = NI /   . In the event of an air gap of length d , we have from Eq.

NIµ µ 0
B =
µ 0 L + ( µ − µ 0 )d

Dividing both the numerator and the denominator by µ µ 0 , we get

B = =
L  1 1 1 d 
+  − d (L − d ) +
µ  µ0 µ  µ µ 0 

= 1
d 1
[(L − d) + Kmd]
(L − d ) +
µ  µ0  µ


so that

B =
[ L + ( K m − 1)d ]

If we compare this formula with that for the complete toroid, we see that
L is effectively increased by ( K m − 1)d .
Before ending this unit solve the following SAQ.


A soft iron ring with a 1.0 cm air gap is wound with a coil of 500 turns
and carries a current of 2 A. The mean length of iron ring is 50 cm, its
cross-section is 6cm2, its permeability is 2500 µ 0 . Calculate the magnetic
induction in the air gap. Find also B and H in the iron ring.

Let us now sum up what we have learnt in this unit.


In this unit, we have explained the terms, ferromagnetism, amperian

current, Magnetisation, M, Magnetic intensity, H, susceptibility,
permeability etc. An analogy has been derived for magnetic circuit from
Ohm’s law. In addition, we have learnt about the inter-relationship
between, M, H and other quantities.


The behaviour of the ferromagnetic materials is complicated on account

of the permanent magnetization and the phenomenon of hysteresis. This
behaviour is explained by the presence of the domains in these
materials. In each domain the dipole moments are locked to remain
parallel due to 'exchange' force. However, in the unmagnetised state, the
magnetisation directions of different domains are random, resulting in a
zero net magnetisation. There also exist two other kinds of magnetic
materials: antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic.
For non-uniform magnetisation, magnetised matter is equivalent to a
current distribution J = ∇ × M , where M is magnetisation or magnetic
moment per unit volume.
The magnetic field produced by the magnetised material is obtained by
Ampere's law as follows:

∇×B = J f + Jm


where J f is the free current density which flows through the material
and J m is the bound current density which is associated with
magnetisation. This gives
B 
∇ ×  − M  = J f
 µ0 


 B 
H  = − M  is a new field vector.
 µ0 

For paramagnetism and diamagnetism B, M and H are linearly related to

each other, but for ferromagnetic materials which exhibit hysteresis, a
non-linear behaviour.

The study of the electromagnets, motors and dynamos involves the

problem of current carrying coils containing ferromagnetic materials,
i.e., it involves the study of magnetic circuits. We speak of the magnetic
circuits when all the magnetic flux present is confined to a rather well-
defined path or paths.

The magnetic circuit formula is:

magnetomotive force (M.M.F.) = flux × reluctance

M.M.F. is also equal to NI where N is the number of turns of the coil

wound over the magnetic material and I the current flowing through
each coil.

Reluctance ℜ =

where l , a and µ are the length, area of cross-section and permeability

of the material. Additions of reluctances obey the same rules as
additions of resistances.


1. Find the magnetizing field H and the magnetic flux density B at

(a) a point 105 mm from a long straight wire carrying a current of
15 A and (b) the centre of a 2000-turn solenoid which is 0.24m
long and bears a current of 1.6 A. ( µ 0 = 4π × 10 −7 H/m).
2. A toroid of mean circumference 0.5 m has 500 turns, each
carrying a current of 0.15 A. (a) Find H and B if the toroid has an


air core, (b) Find B and the magnetization M if the core is filled
with iron of relative permeability 5000.

3. A toroid with 1500 turns is wound on an iron ring 360 mm2 in

cross-sectional area, of 0.75-m mean circumference and of 1500
relative permeability. If the windings carry 0.24A, find (a) the
magnetizing field H (b) the m.m.f., (c) the magnetic induction B,
(d) the magnetic flux, and (e) the reluctance of the circuit.


IGNOU (2005). Electricity and Magnetism, Physics PHE-07, New

Delhi, India.




(1) Please see text.

(2) The dipole moment per molecule = p

The number of molecules per unit volume = n

∴ The dipole moment per unit volume = n p

By definition, the dipole moment per unit volume = Polarisation P

∴ P=np

(3) The dielectric constant K is given by


without the dielectric the electric field would be

q 1.0 × 10 −7 C
E0 = =
ε 0 A (8.85 × 10 −12 C 2 N −1 m 2 ) (100 × 10 − 4 m 2 )


= 1.13 × 10 6 Vm −2

1.13 × 10 6 Vm −2
Dielectric constant =
3.3 × 10 5 Vm − 2

The surface charge density on the plate is

q 1.0 × 10 −7 C
= 2
= 1.0 × 10 − 6 Cm − 2
A 100m

(4) From Eq. (1.12)

∇⋅D = ρf

(i) we know that

D = ε 0E + P

Putting the value of D in Eq. (i)

D = ε 0E + P = ρ f

When P = 0, the above equation becomes

∇ ⋅ ε 0E = ρ f

(ii) ∇⋅E =

Eq. (1.11) is

ε 0∇ ⋅ ε 0 E = ρ f + ρ p

when ρ p = 0, the above equation reduces to

ε 0∇ ⋅ ε 0 E = ρ f
∇⋅E =

(iii) Eq. (ii) and Eq. (iii) are the same. Hence prove the result.


(5) (i) The capacitance is

C =ε
Before, calculating the capacitance, we will calculate the permittivity of
the dielectric as follows:

ε = ε 0ε r

= (6.0)(8.85) × 10 −12 farad/m

= 5.31 × 10 −11 farad/m


C =ε = (5.31 × 10 −11 farad/m)
= 1.71 × 10 −11 farad

(ii) We know that

Q = CV
= (1.71 × 10 −11 farad) (10 V)
= 1.71 × 10 −10 C

(iii) The dielectric displacement is calculated as follows:

V (5.31 × 10 −11 farad / m)(10 V )

D=ε E =ε =
l 2 × 10 −3 m

= 2.655 × 10 −7 Cm– 2

(iv) The polarisation is

P = D − ε0E = D − ε0
= 2.66 × 10 −7

(8.85 × 10 −12 farad / m)(10 V )

Cm– 2 −
2 × 10 −3 m

(6) Let σ be the charge density on the surface of the plates.

Considering each plate as an infinite plane sheet charge, the
intensity at a point between them due to positively charged plate
= σ / 2ε 0 .


The intensity at the point due to the negatively charged plate is

also = σ / 2ε 0 acting in the same direction. Hence the resultant
intensity at the point is

σ σ σ
+ =
2ε 0 2ε 0 ε 0

Since E = 50 N/C and ε 0 = 8.854 × 10 −12 farad/m

= 50

∴ σ = ε 0 × 50 = 8.854 × 10 −12 × 50

= 442.7 × 10 −12 Cm – 2

Total charge on each plate

= ε 0 E × Area of each plate

= 442.7 × 10 −12 × 1

= 4.427 × 10 −10 C

(7) From Eq. (1.21) we have

∫ E ⋅ dl = 0
From vector analysis we have

∫ E ⋅ dl = ∫ (∇ × E) ⋅ n dS = − ∫ ∇ ⋅ (n × E)dS


For ∫ ∇ ⋅ (n × E)dS to be zero, the integrand ∇ ⋅ (n × E) has to be to zero.

Again, in as much as ∇ ⋅ (n × E) represents a space derivative operation

we can set n × E to be either a constant or zero. If we set n × E = 0 then
a trivial result follows. So it is better to choose

n × E = a constant

Applying this to Fig. 1.11, we get


n × E1 = n × E 2

which is Eq. (1.23a).

(8) The integral from of Gauss' law in dielectrics is

∫ D ⋅ dS = total free charge enclosed


(Refer to the Fig. 1.10)

(n ⋅ D n 2 − n ⋅ D n1 )ds = σ f ds

where σ f is the surface charge density on the interface between the

dielectrics and n the unit vector along the outward drawn normal to the
surface D n 2 and D n1 are the normal components of the displacement
vector in media 2 and 1 respectively.

When σ = 0, we get n ⋅ D n 2 = n ⋅ D n1

Now D n1 = ε 1E n1 and D n 2 = ε 2 E n 2

∴ D=εE

∴ ε 1n ⋅ E n1 = ε 2 n ⋅ E n 2
n ⋅ E n1 ε 1
n ⋅ En2 ε 2

Thus we find that the normal component of E is discontinuous.




(1) The potential difference (V) between the plates is not changed.
But the electric field between the plates is V /(d / 2) = 2(V / d ) =
twice the value of the electric field E. The doubling of the electric
field doubles the charge on each plate. Therefore, C = Q / V also
doubles. Thus if we halve the distance of separation between the
plates, the capacitance doubles.

(2) We know that

C = Q /V

C = 1000 µ F

= 0.001 F
V = 24 V

Q = CV = 0.001× 10 24 C = 0.024 C

(3) The energy stored in a capacitor is

W = Cφ 2
It can be written

W= Cφ × φ

(i) We know that

Q = Cφ

(ii) Using Eq. (ii) in Eq. (i), we get

W = Qφ
Hence prove, the result.

(4) C = ε0 A/ d

Here, ε 0 = 8.85 × 10 −12 F/m, A = 4 × 10 −2 m2, d = 10 3 m



8.85 × 10 −12 × 4 × 10 −2
C= −3
= 3.54 × 10 −10 F

Here C is the charge that raises the potential by unity or the charge
holding capacity.

(5) We have

Capacit. with dielectric between plates

εr =
Capacit. with free space between plates

Here ε r = 3. Thus the capacitance of the capacitor will get trebled

when the dielectric ( ε r = 3) is filled up in all the air space.

Now a dielectric material is introduced. Let its thickness be t. The

capacity of the capacitance is

ε0 A ε0 A
C air = , C dielectric =
d (d − t + t / ε r )

C dielectric [ε 0 A /(d − t − ε r )] × d
C air ε0 A
d − t + t /εr

Here t = d and ε r = 3.

3 3d d
d − t + t /εr = d − d + =
4 4×3 2


C dielectric d
= =2
C air d /2

That is, the capacitance will get doubled.

(6) C1 = 2πε 0ε r / ln(10 / 8)



C 2 = 2πε 0ε r / ln(5 / 4)

C1 ln(5 / 4)
= =1
C 2 ln(10 / 8)


C1 = C 2

(7) When the capacitor are connected in series, the equivalent is

given by

1 1 1 1 1
= + + +
C r 0.05 0.02 0.1 0.05

CT = 0.01 µ F

Q = CT V

= 220 × 0.01 × 10 −6

= 2.2 × 10 −6 C

Q 2.2 × 10 −2
V1 = = = 44 V
C1 0.05 × 10 − 2

Q 2.2 × 10 −2
V2 = = = 110 V
C 2 0.02 × 10 − 2

Q 2.2 × 10 −2
V3 = = = 220 V
C 3 0.01 × 10 − 2

(8) The arrangement is shown in Fig. 2.20. Let C 4 be the effective

capacitance of C1 and C 2 . Using series law of capacitors

1 1 1
= +
C 4 C1 C 2

C1C 2
C4 =
C1 + C 2


This capacitance C 4 then adds to C3 to give the total capacitance C of

the combination i.e.,

C = C 4 + C3


C1C 2
C = C3 +
C1 + C 2

Fig. 2.20




(1) We identify pairs of dipoles equidistant from the centre, from

Unit 3, we know that the dipole field falls off with distance as
1 / r 2 . Since equidistant pairs have directions of p opposite to one
another, the overall field at the centre due to the pair is zero. This
is the case for every other pair. Hence E in = 0.

(2) According to integral form of Gauss's law

E ⋅ n ds = dV
1 4 3
E 4πr 2 = πr
ε0 3
E= r
3ε 0
in the vector form
E(r ) = (r )r / 3ε 0

P ε (ε − 1)E
(3) E loc = E + =E+ 0 r
3ε 0 3ε 0
3E + (ε r − 1) E
3ε 0
= (ε r + 2)E / 3




1(a) Potential energy U of the magnetic dipole is given by the relation:

U = µ ⋅ B where µ is the dipole moment and B is the magnetic

Since U is expressed in Joules and B in Tesla, the above relation

gives the unit of magnetic dipole moment as JT −1 .

(b) From Eq. (11.4), L
L= (because angular momentum of electron is quantized)

where n is an integer.

Hence minimum allowed magnitude of dipole moment is given by

putting n = 1, as follows:

e h 1.602 × 10 −19 C 6.626 × 10 −34 Js

µ min = = ×
2m 2π 2(9.109 × 10 −31 kg ) 2π


µ min = 9.27 × 10 −24 C Js kg −1

= 9.27 × 10 −24 J T −1

∴ the Bohr magneton is given by = 9.27 × 10 − 24 JT −1

2. (a) g = 1 (ii) g = 2
(b) Eq. (4.5) is µ = S


1.6 × 10 −19 C
9.27 × 10 − 24 Am 2 = ×S
9.1 × 10 −31 kg
so that


9.1 × 0 −31 kg × 9.27 × 10 −24 Am 2

1.6 × 10 −19 C

9.1 × 9.27 A kg m 2
= × 10 −36
1.6 C

= 52.72 × 10 −36 Js

= 0.5272 × 10 −34 Js

But the spin angular momentum S is , therefore,
h h
= = 0.5272 × 10 −34 Js
2 4π

h = 4 × 3.142 × 0.5272 × 10 −34 Js

= 6.626 × 10 −34 Js

which is indeed the value of Planck’s constant.

3. (a) Copper is slightly diamagnetic. Bismuth, Silver-

diamagnetic, Aluminium & Sodium – paramagnetic

(b) No. Since the diamagnetic material is characterised by the

absence of intrinsic magnetic dipoles and paramagnetic
substances have magnetic dipoles, the alloy of these
materials will be the material with intrinsic magnetic
dipoles. Such a material will exhibit the property of
paramagnetism which masks the diamagnetism of both
components of the alloy.

4. We have the formula

ωp = g B
2πf p = ω p
2m 1
g = 2πf p × ×
e B

2πf p = 2 × 4.14 × 42 × 10 6 s −1 = 263.93 × 10 6 s −1


2m 2 × 1860 × 9.1 × 10 −31

For proton, = −19
kgC −1
e 1.6 × 10

= 21.15 × 10 −9 kgC −1

Given, = 1 Wb −1 m 2

Using this above we obtain g = 5.584, which is the proton g - factor.

xe ax e ax
5. (a) ∫ xe ax dx =
dx integrated by parts

xe ax 1 e ax xe ax e ax
= − = − 2
a a a a a
+1 +1 +1
 xe ax  1  1 1
Hence, ∫ xe dx = 
 −  2 e ax  = 2 (e + a + e − a ) − (e + a − e − a )
−1  a  −1  a  −1 a a

e a + e −a
6. We have coth a = and also that
e a − e −a

a2 a3 a2 a3
ea = 1 + a + + + ... and e − a = 1 − a + − + ...
2! 3! 2! 3!

 a2 a4   a2 
e a + e − a = 21 + + + ... ≈ 21 + 
 2! 4!   2! 

 a3   a2 
e a − e − a = 2 a + + ... ≈ 2a1 + 
 3!   3! 

so that
2 1  a2  a 2 
coth a = ≈ 1 + 1 − 
 a2  a  2  6 
a1 + 
 6 

1  a2 a4  1 a
= 1 + − ≈ +
a  3 12  a 3



1 a
coth a − = and M = M s a / 3
a 3




1. Path (1) encloses I = 5 A

∴ ∫ H ⋅ dl = I = 5 A
For path (2) ∫ H ⋅ dl = 7 I = 35 A
For path (3) ∫ H ⋅ dl = 2I = 10 A
B = H for path (1)

B ≠ H for paths (2) and (3) because these paths pass through iron.

H = nI = (2000m −1 )(0.18 A) = 360 Am


B = µ 0 H = (4π × 10 −7 H / m)(360 A m −1 ) = 0.45 mT

If an iron core of absolute permeability 6 × 10 −3 H/m is inserted in

the solenoid, then H remains unchanged, i.e.,

H = 360 Am


B = µ H = 6 × 10 −3 H / m)(360 Am −1 ) = 2.16 T

3. The expression for the magnetic induction in the air gap is

B =
[ L + ( K m − 1)d ]

Substituting the values given in the question, we get

500 × 2 × 2500 × 4π × 10 −7
B =
0.50 + (2500 − 1)0.01

10 3 × 10 4 × π × 10 −7 π
= = = 0.123 Wb m– 2
0.50 + 25 25.5

B in the iron ring has the same value as in air, but H in iron is given by




H = 0.123 / 2500 × 4π × 10 −7

= 39.1 Am– 1


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