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GR 11 March 2022 CT

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Instructions and Information:

1. This question paper consists of 8 pages and 3 questions.
2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Answer in blue or black ink.
4. Read the questions carefully before answering.
5. Number the answers exactly as on the question paper.
6. Drawings must be done in pencil and labelled in pen.
7. Write neatly and legibly.
1.1. Four possible answers are provided with each statement or question. Indicate the correct
answer by writing down only the letter next to the question number.

1.1.1 Saprophytes are organisms that feed on …

A plant sap.
B dead and decaying organic matter.
C living organic matter.
D all organic matter.

1.1.2 The following is a list that describes viruses:

1. Play a significant role as decomposers.
2. Are the major pathogens of humans.
3. Are obligate parasites.
4. Reproduce within host cells.

From the list above, which of the following are true of viruses?

A 1, 2 and 3
B 2, 3 and 4
C 1, 3 and 4
D 2 and 4 only

1.1.3 Microorganisms play a key role in the …

A regeneration of oxygen.
B recycling of nutrients.
C decomposition of organic material.
D All of the above.

1.2. Give the correct term for each of the following statements:
1.2.1 Growth of a seed into a new plant
1.2.2 Heart-shaped structure in the fern life cycle which develops from a spore
1.2.3 Waxy layer that reduces the amount of water lost in a plant
1.2.4 Organisms which have a true nucleus and organelles
1.2.5 A facility where seeds are stored.
[5 x 1 = 5]

1.3. Decide whether item A only, B only, Both or None of the items in the second column fit
the statement in the first column.
1.3.1. First line of defence A. Fever
B. Skin
1.3.2. Characteristics of Protists A. Animal like
B. Plant like
1.3.3. Immune cells which produce antibodies A. Lymphocytes
B. Phagocytes

(3 x 2 =6)

1.4. Study the diagram below showing the structure of a flower.

1.4.1. Name the type of pollination that can be linked to this flower? Give ONE visible
reason for your answer. (2)
1.4.2. Identify the parts labelled A, B and C. (3)
1.4.3 Use the letters A to F only and identify the following:
(a) Part which receives pollen. (1)
(b) Structure where a seed can form. (1)
(c) Part where pollen is produced. (1)


2.1. The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the way we live our lives in many different ways. So
far, no cure has been found for this disease, and the whole world is depending on vaccines
to protect the people from infection.

The table below shows the number of positive Covid 19 cases that were recorded in South
Africa from 21st March 2021 to 31 March 2021.

Date in
Number of new positive COVID 19 cases
March 2021
21 1051
22 599
23 510
24 1048
25 1554
26 1516
27 1387
28 965
29 548
30 756
31 1422

2.1. What type of micro-organism has caused the COVID 19 pandemic?

1 (1)

2.1. Draw a line graph to show the information in the table above.
2 (6)

2.1. Explain what a vaccine is and how it will help to protect the people of
3 South Africa against this pathogen. (3)


2.2 Lindiwe carried out an investigation to determine whether light affects the
growth rate of mould. In order to do this, she:

a) Selected two slices of dry white bread of the same type and size
b) Poured 50ml of water on each slice of bread.
c) Each slice was covered, and one slice was placed in a dark cupboard.
d) The other slice was placed in bright sunlight.
e) The percentage of mould was measured each day at 08h00 every
second day and the results were recorded in a table.

Below is a table of the results from this investigation and a drawing of the breadmould that
Lindiwe made.

2.2.1 Name the dependent variable in this investigation. (1)

2.2.2 From the results of the investigation, what conclusion can Lindiwe
come to? (1)

2.2.3 State ONE way in which this investigation can be made more
reliable. (1)

2.2.4 List TWO ways that Lindiwe ensured that the results of the
investigation was valid. (2)

2.2.5 To which group of micro-organisms does the mould belong? (1)

2.2.6 Write down the LETTER and NAME of the part of the breadmould:

a) That releases enzymes to digest food before absorbing it

b) Produces spores for reproduction (2x2) (4)

2.2.7. Label part B. (1)


2.3 The process illustrated in the diagram (Figure 3) below is commonly used in biotechnology.

Figure 3: Biotechnology benefits diabetes sufferers.

2.3.1. Name the microorganism represented here. (1)

2.3.2. Name the structure of this microorganism into which the human gene is
inserted. (1)
2.3.3. Name the hormone that is genetically engineered in this manner to medicate
patients suffering from diabetes. (1)
2.3.4Name the human organ that is normally responsible for producing the hormone as
mentioned in QUESTION 2.3.3. (1)


3.1 Read the extract below.

Malaria is a serious threat to human life in sub-Saharan Africa more than any other
infectious disease. The Female Anopheles gambiae mosquito acts as the definitive host
of Protozoa Plasmodium and allows sexual reproduction to take place in its gut and
becoming the animal that claims many human lives annually. Infection rates may vary
seasonally due to temperature changes.
Kenyan highlands were regarded by the colonial settlers as safe from malaria as
compared to the surrounding lowland malaria areas of Uganda and Kenya. At an
altitude of about 6000 feet, Kisii had been considered too high for the survival of the
mosquito that harbors the parasite. Malaria encroached into the highland communities
because of wide scale population settlement that was linked to increased transportation
which enabled the inhabitants to access areas that were endemic for malaria. Between
May and July 1999, in Kisii District Hospital alone, 300 people died of malaria and about
18,000 cases were admitted.

3.1.1 Name the parasite for malaria (1)

3.1.2 Explain why the highlands are safer from malaria than the lowlands. (2)
3.1.3 What is the percentage of reported cases resulted in deaths due to malaria
between May and July of 1999 in Kisii? (Show calculation) (3)
3.1.4 How did the Department of health obtain the statistics of cases and death? (2)
3.1.5 Name two ways to control malaria. (2)
3.1.6 Why do you think it is difficult to eradicate malaria in Kenya? (1)

3.2 Study the phylogenetic tree below and answer the questions that follow.

3.2. Name the ancestor of all the plant groups.

1 (1)

3.2. Identify the plant groups shown by the letters:

2 a) X
b) Y (2)

3.2. Provide TWO examples of plants that:


a) Do not have vascular tissue

b) Produce seeds (4)

3.2. With reference to the phylogenetic tree above, list THREE

4 characteristics of GYMNOSPERMS. (3)

3.2. Describe TWO ways in which the moss and the fern are similar in the
5 way that they reproduce. (2)

3.2. Discuss ONE way in which a spore is different from a seed.

6 (2)




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