Minggu 2 Keprofesian ARL

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Keprofesian Arsitektur Lanskap


Topik Pembahasan
Minggu ke-2

1. Asosiasi Profesi Arsitek Lanskap di Indonesia

2. Kode Etik Keprofesian Arsitek Lanskap
3. Sertifikat Keprofesian Arsitek Lanskap
4. Arsitek Lanskap Profesional di Indonesia
Asosiasi Profesi Arsitek Lanskap
A truly global federation, IFLA currently represents 77 national associations from Africa,
the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. Our mission as landscape
architects is to create globally sustainable and balanced living environments for the
benefit of humanity worldwide.


Develop and promote the profession and discipline of Landscape Architecture, together with its related arts and sciences, throughout the

Establish the profession in its continuing role as an instrument of aesthetic achievement and social change for the public welfare

Contribute in identifying and preserving the intricate balance of those ecological systems upon which the future of civilization depends

Establish high standards of professional practice in design and planning of the landscape, its management, conservation and development

Promote educational and professional international exchange of knowledge, skills and experience.

ISLA (Indonesia Society of Landscape Architects) / IALI (Ikatan Arsitek Lanskap

Indonesia) is the Indonesian society for professional landscape architects formed
on 4 February 1978 and is a member of IFLA APR and IFLA World.
The main aim is to increase the dignity of the professional members of landscape
architects by increasing their activity role in community service, national and
international development.
The management of IALI consists of National Administrators who are supported by
19 Regional Administrators (Provincial level) and 3 Branch Managers at city level
throughout Indonesia.
Kode Etik Keprofesian Arsitektur
Kode Etik

• Kode etik adalah prinsip-prinsip moral yang melekat pada suatu profesi dan disusun secara sistematis. —Shidarta
• Kode etik profesi merupakan norma yang ditetapkan dan diterima oleh kelompok profesi, yang mengarahkan atau memberi petunjuk
kepada anggotanya bagaimana seharusnya berbuat dan sekaligus menjamin mutu moral profesi itu di mata masyarakat.—Abdulkadir
• Kode etik profesi dibutuhkan:
• Sebagai sarana kontrol sosial;
• Sebagai pencegah campur tangan pihak lain
• Sebagai pencegah kesalahpahaman dan konflik
• Merupakan kriteria prinsip profesional yang telah digariskan, sehingga dapat diketahui dengan pasti kewajiban profesional anggota
lama, baru, ataupun calon anggota kelompok profesi
• Dapat mencegah kemungkinan terjadi konflik kepentingan antara sesama anggota kelompok profesi, atau antara anggota kelompok
profesi dan masyarakat.
• Sebagai kontrol melalui rumusan kode etik profesi, apakah anggota kelompok profesi telah memenuhi kewajiban profesionalnya
sesuai dengan kode etik profesi.
Kode Etik

• Menjunjung tinggi martabat profesi;

• Menjaga dan memelihara kesejahteraan para anggota;
• Meningkatkan pengabdian para anggota profesi;
• Meningkatkan mutu profesi
• Meningkatkan mutu organisasi profesi
• Meningkatkan layanan di atas keuntungan pribadi
• Mempunyai organisasi profesional yang kuat dan terjalin erat dan menentukan baku standarnya sendiri.
• Melindungi anggotanya dalam menghadapi persaingan yang tidak sehat dan mengembangkan profesi sesuai cita-
cita masyarakat. Hubungan antar anggota profesi harus meninggikan sikap etis agar eksistensi dan prospek
organisasi terjaga kejelasan orientasinya serta rasa kredibilitas sosial terhadap organisasi profesi tetap dapat
dipertahankan. Kode etik membuat ikatan yang kuat dalam keanggotaan tanpa campur tangan dari pihak luar dan
dapat melindungi profesi terhadap pemberlakuan hukum yang dirasa tidak adil.
—Niru Anita Sinaga
Kode Etik IFLA

• The Landscape Architects of the world, through their national

associations which are members of the International Federation of
Landscape Architects – IFLA – recognize the following ethical standards
towards society, clients, colleagues and the profession, and towards
the landscape and environment. This global code applies to professional
conduct within IFLA and member associations are invited to adopt it. The
purpose of the code is to advocate and pursue the highest standards and
clarify expectations, rather than as a basis for undertaking disciplinary

• Source: IFLA Policy Manual: Ethics 2000 Page no. 01

Kode Etik IFLA
Kode Etik kepada Masyarakat dan Klien

• 1.3 To observe all laws and • 1.5 To make full disclosure

• 1 Society and clients regulations related to the to the client or employer of
professional activities of any financial or other
• 1.1 To promote the highest landscape architects in the interest which is relevant to
standard of professional respective countries; the service or project.
services, and conduct
professional duties with • 1.4 To be fair and impartial • 1.6 To undertake public
honesty and integrity; in all dealings with clients’ service in local governance
contractors, and at any level and environment to improve
• 1.2 To support continuing of arbitration and project public appreciation and
professional development; evaluation. understanding of the
profession and
environmental systems.

• Source: IFLA Policy Manual: Ethics 2000 Page no. 01
Kode Etik IFLA
Kode Etik sebagai Sesama Anggota

• 2 Professional colleagues • 2.3 To act in support of other • 2.5 To participate only in

landscape architects, planning or design
• 2.1 To promote services
colleagues and partners in competitions which are in
truthfully, without
their own and other disciplines. accordance with the approved
exaggeration, or misleading or
Where another landscape competition principles and
deceptive claims that are
architect is known to have guidelines of IFLA, or of the
discreditable to the profession
undertaken work for which the IFLA member organization in
of landscape architecture, or to
member is approached by a the respective country.
the work of other practitioners.
client, to notify the
• 2.2 To ensure local culture and professional colleague before
place are recognized by accepting such commission.
working in conjunction with a
• 2.4 To respect the fee
local colleague when
regulations of the profession in
undertaking work in a foreign
countries where such
regulations exist.
• Source: IFLA Policy Manual: Ethics 2000 Page no. 01
Kode Etik IFLA
Kode Etik untuk Lanskap dan Lingkungan

• 3.2 To develop, use and • 3.3 To advocate values

• 3 The landscape and specify materials, that support human
environment products and processes health, environmental
which exemplify the protection and
• 3.1 To recognize and principles of biodiversity.
protect the cultural and sustainable
historical context and •
management and
the ecosystem to which landscape regeneration.
the landscape belongs
when generating
design, planning and
management proposals.
• Source: IFLA Policy Manual: Ethics 2000 Page no. 01
Sertifikat Keprofesian Arsitek
Sertifikat Keahlian (SKA)
Dasar Hukum dan Kualifikasi
• Bukti kompetensi dan keahlian sebagai tenaga ahli profesional di • Konstruksi untuk Tahun Anggaran 2013
bidang jasa konstruksi.
• Peraturan Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi No. 11 Tahun
• Dasar Hukum: 2006 tentang Registrasi Usaha Jasa Pelaksana Konstruksi
• UU 18 Tahun 1999 tentang Jasa Konstruksi • Peraturan Lembaga No 04 tahun 2011 tentang Tata Cara Registrasi
Ulang, Perpanjangan Masa Berlaku, dan Permohonan Baru
• Undang-Undang No. 2 tahun 2017 tentang Jasa Konstruksi
Sertifikasi Tenaga Ahli Konstruksi
• Peraturan Pemerintah No. 28 Tahun 2000 tentang Usaha dan
• Surat Keputusan Lembaga Nomor 10/KPTS/LPJK-N/II/2012 Tentang
Peran Masyarakat
Penetapan Asosiasi Perusahaan yang diBeri Kewenangan Untuk
• Jasa Konstruksi Melakukan Verifikasi dan Validasi
• Peraturan Pemerintah No. 4 Tahun 2010 Tentang Perubahan atas
Peraturan Pemerintah No. 28 Tahun 2000 tentang Usaha dan Peran
• Kualifikasi tenaga ahli jasa konstruksi:
Masyarakat Jasa Konstruksi
• Keputusan Menteri Permukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah No. 369/ • Ahli Utama
KPTS/M/2001 tentang Pedoman Pemberian Izin Usaha Jasa • Ahli Madya
Konstruksi Nasional
• Ahli Muda
• Surat Edaran 10 perihal Pemberlakuan Sertifikat Badan Usaha
(SBU) dan Sertifikat Keahlian (SKA) dan Seftifikat Keterampilan
(SlCf) pada Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Pekerjaan Konstruksi dan Jasa •
Konsultansi sefta Kualifikasi Penyedia Jasa
Sertifikat Keahlian (SKA)
Proses Pembuatan

• Terdaftar sebagai anggota IALI

• Mengisi formulir pengajuan proses sertifikasi
• Melengkapi persyaratan
• Membayar biaya sertifikasi
• Mengikuti proses verifikasi dan validasi oleh Badan Sertifikasi IALI
• Mendapatkan Sertifikasi Keahlian
Arsitek Lanskap Profesional di
Jenis Profesi Arsitektur Lanskap
Di Indonesia


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