Hydrolysis of 1 8 and 2 3 Naphthalic Anh
Hydrolysis of 1 8 and 2 3 Naphthalic Anh
Hydrolysis of 1 8 and 2 3 Naphthalic Anh
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Hydrolysis of 1,8- and 2,3-naphthalic † anhydrides and the
mechanism of cyclization of 1,8-naphthalic acid in aqueous
solutions ‡
Received (in Cambridge, UK) 4th May 2001, Accepted 21st September 2001
First published as an Advance Article on the web 24th October 2001
Absorbance spectra (UV–visible) and kinetic measurements
were obtained on a Hewlett-Packard HP8452A spectrophoto-
meter equipped with a thermostatted water-jacketed cell
holder (Microquímica MQBTZ99-20), or a Beckman DU-7
spectrophotometer equipped with a Peltier block. Fluorescence
measurements were made on a Hitachi F-2000 spectrofluoro-
meter. pH was measured with a Beckman model Φ71 pH meter.
The electrode was calibrated against standard buffers, in a
thermostatted stirred vessel, at the appropriate temperature Scheme 2
(±0.1 ⬚C). The pH of the buffers was adjusted with NaOH.
Titration of the 2,3-Acid and 1,8-Acid were made on a Radio- measured at several pH’s, by adding 0.025 mL of 1 × 10⫺3 M
meter PHM 82 Standard pH Meter equipped with a glass methanolic solution of the 2,3-Acid to 2.5 mL of 0.10 M buffer.
electrode calibrated with standard buffers at 30 ⬚C. The buffers used were borate, phosphate and citrate from pH 9
to 2.5 and HCl at lower pH’s.
The values of pKa0, pKa1 and pKa2 of 2,3-Acid were deter-
mined from the variation of the uncorrected fluorescence emis-
The kinetics of hydrolysis and cyclization of the substrates were sion intensities at 378 nm using the excitation wavelength fixed
followed at 343 nm for 1,8-An (ε = 12900 M⫺1 cm⫺1) and 365 nm at 300 nm. pKa1 of 1,8-Acid was determined using emission
for 2,3-An (ε = 3600 M⫺1 cm⫺1) in a quartz cell of 1 cm optical intensities at 420 nm and excitation wavelength at 300 nm.
path. The reaction was initiated by adding 20 µL of a stock Excitation and emission slits were fixed to a 10 nm bandpass
solution of the substrates prepared in acetonitrile to 2.0 ml of width. Fluorescence rectangular quartz cells of 1 cm optical
buffer. The final concentration of substrate was 1.0 × 10⫺5 M pathlength were used with a 90⬚ excitation–emission geometry.
for the reactions performed at 30 ⬚C and 1.7 × 10⫺5 M at 50 ⬚C. A methanolic solution, 0.025 mL, of 2,3-Acid 1 × 10⫺3 M was
The buffers used were borate (pH 9.0 to 10.0), phosphate added to 2.5 mL of buffer giving a final concentration 1 × 10⫺5
(pH 6.4 to 8.0), citrate (pH 2.2 to 6.0) and HCl for pH’s lower M. For 1,8-Acid, a 1 × 10⫺3 M solution in NaOH pH 11 was
than 2.0, where the H0 scale was used.15 The buffer concen- used.
trations are detailed in the tables and figure legends. The The values of pKa1 and pKa2 of 1,8-Acid (Scheme 2) were
absorbance values were stored directly on a microcomputer and obtained by absorbance measurements (320 nm) at several pH’s
analysed using the HP 8452 kinetics software. Data analysis in 1.0 cm optical pathlength quartz cells. 1,8-Acid (0.05 mL,
demonstrated first order behaviour for, at least, 4–5 half- 0.01 M) was added to 2.5 mL of 0.10 M buffer yielding a final
lives. Reported rate constants are averages of, at least, three concentration of 2 × 10⫺4 M of 1,8-Acid.
independent determinations differing by no more than 5%. Since absorbance or fluorescence values were obtained within
ca. 20 seconds of 1,8-Acid addition to the buffered solution
pKa determinations no correction on the pKa values regarding the anhydride–acid
equilibrium was necessary.
All determinations were made at 30 ⬚C.
Computational procedures
Potentiometric titrations. The 2,3-Acid was titrated with HCl Ab initio calculations. The potential energy surface for the
using 50 mL of a 0.001 M solution of 2,3-Acid made alkaline formation of 1,8-An was studied by ab initio quantum chemical
with NaOH to pH 11.0, with or without NaCl, under a N2 methods. The gas-phase geometries of reactant, products,
atmosphere. Titrating HCl (0.0667 M) was added to the solu- intermediate and transition states were fully optimised at the
tion with a Hamilton microsyringe. 1,8-Acid was titrated poten- Hartree–Fock (HF) level of theory using the standard 6-31G*
tiometrically with HCl (0.0667 M) under N2 using an aliquot of basis set. Electron correlation energy was included by single-
5.0 mL of a 0.01 M solution of 1,8-Acid (pH 12.0) diluted to point calculations at second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation
50 mL. The initial pH in this solution is near 11.0. Since the theory (MP2), using the same basis set. The characteristics of
pKa2 of 1,8-Acid is near 5.5, and at this pH the 1,8-Acid does all stationary points were evaluated by calculations of vibration
not cyclize (see below), it is not necessary to consider the harmonic frequencies at the HF/6-31G* level. Vibrational har-
anhydride–acid equilibrium. monic frequencies were obtained from second-order analytical
The potentiometric titration of 1,8-Acid at pH’s lower than energy derivatives. Assuming ideal behaviour, partition func-
4.0 were completed in ca. 15 min. On this time scale, the max- tions (translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic) and
imum calculated amount of 1,8-An formed upon cyclization of thermodynamic properties (referring to the standard state of
ance and the total concentration of the diacid, and pKa1 and The fluorescence decrease at high HCl concentration was not
pKa2 refer to the dissociation constants of the diacid, Ka1 and due to quenching of the AH2 fluorescence by chloride ion, but
Ka2 (Scheme 3), as defined by eqns. (3) and (4). rather a significant decrease in quantum yield due to the form-
ation of AH3⫹ species.23 The fluorescence of the 2,3-Acid in 5.0
M HCl decreases 95% compared with that in pH 2.0, while the
addition of 5.0 M NaCl to 2,3-Acid at pH 2.0 leads to only a
30% decrease in the fluorescence intensity.
The values of the relative fluorescence intensity, F, versus pH
were adjusted using eqn. (6) where CT is the total 2,3-Acid
concentration, AH3, AH2, AH, and A are adjustable
parameters (presented in the legend of Fig. 1C) proportional to
the molar absorption coefficient at the excitation wavelength
and the emission yield for the 2,3-Acid species.
The calculated values of the three pKa’s of 2,3-Acid are
presented in Table 1.
The hydrolysis of 2,3-An was studied over a wide pH range.
Scheme 3 The observed rate constant, kψ, for 2,3-An hydrolysis does not
solid line was calculated using eqn. (2) and the following parameters: εA = 1000 M⫺1 cm⫺1; εAH = 1850 M⫺1 cm⫺1; εAH = 2500 M⫺1 cm⫺1. (C) 2,3-Acid:
the sample was excited at 300 nm and the fluorescence measured at 378 nm. The solid line was calculated using eqn. (6) and AH3 = 100; AH2 =
3400; AH = 2600 and A = 475. The concentration of 2,3-Acid was 1 × 10⫺5 M, buffers 0.1 M and the temperature 30 ⬚C.
1,8-An 2,3-An
Parameters 30 ⬚C 50 ⬚C 30 ⬚C
vary from pH 0.0 to 7.0 (Fig. 2), increasing sharply with pH in for OH⫺ attack. The values of the rate constants are presented
alkali. The slope of the linear log kψ–pH function was 1.0 above in Table 2.
pH 7.0 (not shown) and the kψ–pH pattern can be attributed to The spectra of 2,3-Acid, product of the hydrolysis of 2,3-An,
the water attack on 2,3-An up to pH 7.0 and OH⫺ catalysed remained unchanged, even for 5 days at 50 ⬚C in HCl 5.0 M
hydrolysis in alkali.24,25 The data of Fig. 2 were adjusted using (not shown), implying that if any 2,3-An is formed under these
eqn. (7), where k⫺1 is the first order rate constant for water conditions, the equilibrium strongly favours the 2,3-Acid.
attack on anhydride and kOH is the second order rate constant The kψ–pH dependence for 1,8-An hydrolysis is complex,
consisting of an acid catalysed region at pH’s lower than 1.0, a
kψ = k⫺1 ⫹ kOH[OH] (7) well defined plateau between pH 1.2 and 2.4, a pH dependent
In this pH range the total acid concentration, [1,8-Acid]T, is
given by eqn. (20).
Using eqns. (3), (5) and (20), eqn. (21) can be derived.
The experimental AET–pH dependence (Fig. 4B) was ana-
lysed using eqn. (16) and the best fit values, at 50 ⬚C, were Ka0 = [Acid]T = [AH2](1 ⫹ Ka1/[H⫹] ⫹ [H⫹]/Ka0) (21)
2.45 (pKa0 = ⫺0.39), Ka1 = 3.55 × 10⫺4, (pKa1 = 3.45), KE0 = 115.5
and KE1 = 4.25 (Table 2). The value of pKa1 calculated from the Eqns. (19) and (21) give rise to eqn. (22) and kψ for equi-
fit of the equilibrium data with eqn. (16) is very similar to that librium cyclization from AH2, the predominant active species
determined by titration a 30 ⬚C (Table 1). The value of pKa0 between pH 5 and 2, is given by eqn. (23).9
(Table 2) obtained by fitting the equilibrium data between 1,8-
An and 1,8-Acid using eqn. (16) is identical to that determined
for 2,3-Acid by fluorescence titration (Table 1). (22)
aline hydrolysis of 1,8-An. The reaction rate, v, in this region and from the slope of the plot the value of kH was obtained.
and the observed rate constant, kψ, are given by eqns. (17) and From the pertinent acid–base dissociation equilibria it can be
(18), where kOH is the second order rate constant for OH⫺ shown that eqn. (25) is true.
v = kψ[1,8-An] (17)
kψ = kOH[OH⫺] ⫹ k⫺1 (18)
attack on the anhydride and k⫺1 is the rate constant of water The kψ vs. pH profiles of Fig. 3, at 30 and 50 ⬚C, were
attack on the anhydride. adjusted using eqns. (18), (23) and (25). Between pH 1.0 and 5.0
The plot of log kψ vs. pH, from pH 7.0 to 9.0, was linear with the only adjustable parameter was k1. Below pH 1.0 both k2 and
a slope of 1.0 at 50 and 30 ⬚C and the calculated value of kOH is k⫺2 were varied to fit the experimental data to eqn. (25). As an