Introduction To Pricing Principles
Introduction To Pricing Principles
Introduction To Pricing Principles
From MBAM960 Marketing: Kotler; Keller; Chernev (2021). Marketing Management, Global
Edition 16e
Chapter 11 – Managing Pricing and Sales Promotions (page 265 in 16e)
Najjar.D. (2019) What Should You Consider When Making Pricing Decisions?
Purpose: to consider the different options for pricing, so you can consider and advise on those that are most appropriate and relevant to
different types of business.
Introduction to Pricing
Price: the amount for which a product or service is sold to a customer
MBAM964 MA1 – Pricing Principles Overview A&F
Pricing is a key concern of managers. Prices represent one of the most effective opportunities to boost
profits. The right price can boost profit; the wrong price can shrink it just as quickly.
As you read through this section, think of examples of products, services, industries, and events that
seem to adopt each pricing principle.
Hand sanitiser sold for £360 on Amazon as vendors take advantage of coronavirus Emma
Brazell Wednesday 4 Mar 2020 5:16 pm
Price: Demand:
Elastic:Price: Demand:
Figure 11.1 Inelastic and Elastic Demand; Kotler (2021) Marketing
Management, Global Edition 16e, page 270
where the demand of a product or service where the demand of a product or service
changes little with a change in the price changes greatly to a change in the price
Close substitutes
No close substitutes
Easy for customers to switch
SHAWN MCINTYRE: Economics For Beginners: Supply And Demand JUL 30, 2016
MBAM964 MA1 – Pricing Principles Overview A&F
ACTIVITY: Identify companies or products/services that seem to adopt the above as part of their
pricing strategy/ies? What about these?
MBAM964 MA1 – Pricing Principles Overview A&F
Difference between cost per unit and the selling price per unit
Complex and unique to each product, business, customer, market, industry?
Najja.D (2022): “… should first be based on how much it costs you to make or how much time it costs you
to do the job.” “…consider what your competitors are doing with their pricing strategy.” “Psychological
pricing is also a factor to consider.” Do you agree?