Chem Notes

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ig 2-0auning sigh dspayd o conaines (on-

tolning Concentrated ocd and boses

Pore isoler, ile
avice uice
(oboal 2) (obooak 22 blood Hagrabio H
Sig2 pH sorne common gubsiarcea shouon on a
pH parer
8-2022 Entry icket

a l e diluut1n9 On acid wnu is it xecomended hak acid chauld be aúdd oucoBer

and not uater acid?
s i s done \pr precautianoru Yeaons So thal the acid
doeD notSplOAh 0nto our
OuO S i n . he heat 9ererated moy
cowse the mixtuYe to Sploah Our and cauae
burna u0hen a k e r is addocd
to acid Ihe teSt Fube albo may bleak to cuLg to tha
Xesive hectinq. henceacd should be e addod to oaer.

QHo is the concertrahon udrogatons CHo alleched when a soluion oan

ocid is dUuted._
A hen o aiuen amoat o acid is addod toater here is a \ixed numlber
huaronOM 1On per volume one galubhtn On diluion he nea. ehyoroni um
on peY volumedocre0seD and concentrakion_decreoe
HO s he torcenrakon ehudroxido ions (oH) aeeted ohen exceAs
is cisSoived in a soluHon e Scdium hudroxido
A he concertro.kiCn o hudroxide ion sill ncreose when
excess babe is
aicsolled in a soukion sodium hydrode, bu iB haopen.S to a
xen* onlu aker wich the corcenarokih beomes almost constani

9.022 Hoto Strona are acd or loae saluions 2_

he swengn o acidd and baaes dopenda @n_the num ker H* 10ha

and OH ions produced, resp ecHiuely

pH negakve lba o n concentration

pHobood- 4
he pH range in ushich our bady uoorES is 0 to 8.

16.6-2D2 AcHuhy 2-13-Fomilu Salks-

SaJrs formuloa Hami

Poasm Sulphote Sulphake Familu
Sdiym Sulprote NoSO4 Sodium Lamily sulyhoE \Amily
Imporonce apH in

pH sengihuty h pH othe Soil

Plants prd
Onma n baceyavd
pH n
0ur geAhue
Too er Sd-det
Specijc plonts qro Qur stomach praCOA hen the PH,
kivna oraanismu othe mouth
COn strvite onium mspeeitjc ronqAD acid t o a oes
digephion ooeo islowev than bee stihqs ec
a novvow Yanopo opH.Or exampe 5S, tosth de a an acid (hat
PH.When acdtoR bemes prer slonty SonkakimoD
nmuch oid, s0 a causeS pana
Ocidie so OCc SS
6iooas into tiversit Mild P s theUDed o
louwere the pH heuralse Qcid
ver water, and M- and produte r e l i e
aea tdulcu
aquatie to INe

Woker eakrner, SwmemC2
Poo's, C, d sirkdonts, Cudl, MCaIe, am
CFC, pesai cduS)
OYe tlsers)

Bre- Brme (ontoim

C e -qIeaD\na M
OP SOaps and defe
Na+ Malcira Cu caA


coralkal piocob
Calcium Sulphade CosO4 Dolproke lamily
4 Hagnesi um sulphote
Sutphae amil
Flopper Sulphote sulphobe armily
Sadium chlarida NaCL
Amnorium Chlovida
Chionde lamily Sesim leml-
B bodium uikote
NH,CL Chlovide amily
No NO Sodium Iamily
codiurn_carbenole Na, CO |Carbonalelaily, Sodiumiamily-
Activiky 2:4 pH osaks

pH Acid Uned Base Used.

C acidic (<A HC)
acidic (CT)| ZnCOHD2
acidic ( H2SOa CuCOH)2
CHOONa basic(1)L CHgCoo H NaOH
Naz(Og basic ( )
NaHCO, baie ) | _ NaOH
H, cOz
Nao H
A he ioLagnic and bOe andinaraanic ocics salks are saluble In wode r_

Q ho is he common name ol Commom salk!
A. Noc
ommonname - rocE Sal
hamico name- Sodium chloride

Chlor-alkali proce
en elscriciy 6 ased hrouah an aqQALnGuD SsluHon Sodium chlorido allad-
,brine)it decomposes o lpm Sodium hudroxida. The
procese iS Calad the dhb
plLali pocess ber.ause a the producis
hprmec- chlor Jo Ch Jorine and alkau
pr Sodium mdroxida.
Bieaeeea00nektiUbeD ochlorine gos- uater teaktmeot, Suoimring pocs PVC,disin=-
ectons CHS, pestiid
Ue ohy.drogen A uB, mamarine, ammaria pr \ertlise
JAen Sodium nudroxide- de-areasina metala,
soaps anddakexgenàs pape
ocina ov4ilickal gbres)

Bleachinq loudur

Cnorine 90n Is Ded or ne manuachure bleaching pouoder.

Bleochina paucldr
SpKOduced o the ation o chlor ine an dru sloced lîme (EaLOH),)..

bes o beachinq oLsder

or blPaching coton and linenin me iexHle Irduny \or
deachina o Plp
inaper \ackoreGnd pr bleachingsatbad corhas in laundry,
d) a an Oxidigina aaed n oany chammca idustries; and -
CNO)o make dintiaq uuker ee ram 0etas

18:6-2022 okinq Soda (sodium hudrenencarboate - Na HCOg)

NacL t HO tO2 NH NHacl t No HCO2

Commoniom soddum
Chloride) huydrogehcarbonate

Ubes Baking &cdo

actS as an Antacid wnich S ued o treak upsets and
indigeation- T e PrOCRAS

Ks alpo uned"oe wadhing ab a mler gener

ga)Duu to Lprmokion e soop aamit s used in a (re extinguishar
) T is Ued in eardrops, cosmetics and personalcare preduacs
I t albo acts as a neuralizer *o euhalize the eestaacid.
also acds as a pesBcida
Ulormacinq bakinq powder (a mixture dbakina Sado and a mild edible
acid nen baking pouev is heoke O mxed in aarer, the silouIng
action akeo ploce
aHCOTH->CO: t Ha0 tSoctium Salk a c i d

praduc ed diurimq e Yeaction Con Cawe breo Or Calce to rise

mgking ham sotand gogy

aaning Sata ( u a a n o Sodium carbonote - NaCO

Naa (O3 OH0 Can be obtalned om sodium cnloride I+ can be otptaihee

by hearinq baeina soda. 1s a bagic Sak.
sodlum HIOHONa, COg 0 HO

s e a Uab
hing Sodoi
Sodium covbonate
luoahing sada) is ubed in gads, SOOp and aper \Oistri-
S Ued ln he
manulacture o sodi um compounda Such aD borax.
cnodium carbonoBe can be uaed aD a
_ is ued
cleonina anen \or domesic purpoSe.
\or remouing permanent hardness
236 2022 AcAik 2IS -Are the tustala o Salls eallu Dry
what s the (olour o the copp er sulphoe alker heaino
A White

QDo y0u notice woter dropleks n the boiling tube? onere have thase (ome ya
COSO, Lonto ins ober crstalieakion lohen heared tha cruStal waraS
remoeo ond he salk turnA nite.
The aker colle ctS on the sidi
the tex tube.

.hen addinq uoter 4o the CuSDa s he buuo Calour restor ed

AYes tne. e blm colour is eplored.
QB, ToAEI ol, Rors Snouid be Stred 10 mOLYe pr.oo
Lcniginey ypiQin whu
ANS Mater o ors s Calcwm Sulprale hern1drokes LC0S 2H,0) ken it
in contoc t h coder, it \ps a hard substrce (allod
Aupum. o preuenh
thIS PlaheY o Paris muat be sYore d in a
moSt ote proo, tontoin er.,0t o CaSOa

F'Gaa Pars
CoSOa ,0 (aoq. 2HO
alciu slphoke ceralnudroke Calciumsulpkare dirudraed
Ubes o Haste Paris 6ZA
e d b4 daor \pr
joinina the ractured ot
righ pition
hok is lo moko he sa
plasrer Ao Support he Lrochured bang
2 also dued \or makino
docorative pieca and pr macino casiqn o

1GupSUm S ued ao soil

addiYNe L t is callad Lara paster to improbve

the soi UDrEObili y and Yeceptivita Ba Moistore

i s whed aA a n odditive n wipid
a t er pacticuany ponck o settie
durt ana clay omd
parkiclo aithsut injuria cuahic \
3 s uAed as a
lpod oddihe ad a dietors Aurce a cacum


A(gAkaline medhum doen noi alo mk fo hira our eol

e n mk sek o uurd, the prenence
saleal does not c it ka
Ldi eSDu, ence tn milk takoD lonae Hme io Se Qp curd.

4h wl dauene \om 6 ecaue dorina rd jgtnaon kkch aud sroduc e

NE dA hen mulk hOngua intu o d, t pi chan and g i
hat d 9oo espect to otserue o e n n i l comaa Yo boi2
A hes millk isabtuut e boi , here mubt oe more eeruescentg duL t o
reac.ence buema Stdo
-Uamp otal w1Ye
éfree end o4e


F 31-Hakals are good
anc exoaml)

Dyat g 31
24:6:202z Hetolb and Non-meBolb

DiHerence bekuoeen _metala and non-me talUs

Rtoperky Nelala Non: metalks
Hetallic ustre Mexala haue o bright,Shiny on- meraln do not
Surlace in a puLe srake. This are or shirtimas, Moweve
ropery is callad melallicdiamo nd and
Pokinu m
grophite the
a n t Zedint
luntre. Ea Gold, Siluer,ekc.
alle tropic Lorm ocarloon
have ustre eyen nouah
heu are non-metala
RHardnans Hos ol he metals are Non-metala are brite in
hard. he hardhs varie| hature ker and brealc inte
om mekals to etalaVeru line owdery moA tar
Lithiumsodiumard pota-apped wmoa hommr Eg
ssium are excepticna, Hpe uphuA An exephion is diarord-
ove s -an allptrope ocarhoh
Duckility Mgkalb are diuckle and can be Hast non-metalo are not
pullad into aJuurminmducile Eg Brcanine. Cotcn
Ord Lopner Hotoever, metalp like |thre is a on-mekal
2inc aé not ducile betauDe Is ducile_
Hallaability Mokals can be siad into tin Non mekalb are general
snaals.Siluer and aluninum on-allaable. ëg- oxygen
Ore mallaolsle mekala. Hekalb and sulphur cannot oe
ike merury, h0uerer, arento shaes
5Clecticol (oductiviy Mglalb Londuuct eluckrici ky bu Non melala are
uusualu ror
allauiing Nee edachtons to Onduucaars elacticiku-
rOve loeNeen atomA. omer Hoever, gaphife is a opod
and gcld are qood tonduttos (onducior o
cdachriciy. Hakala ke
bismuthore nol cocd corduc
Hors oectriiky
boad xdwctor ohao Me1alh.a1e qod Lordiwclos.o Non-mdala do nat hoswLesug
ak beaDe their portica tee elactYONS to p a s eoctrci
oreveru closely pocked so eeienty, herte nore
vioraHond ore possed. Gn bad condctors c hear. buaph
ver auckly. 4ead is a i e s o açro Onductor
Mekal wich is a poor cordu-lhaa
or o hak
Sonorily Makala are_SOnoroun and ore Non-mekals are not sororo
hence ued 'in muia ord produce adull sourd
iAAY umantsEXamplLA_are ushen hit sitm o hamev
n amOpper. ur cury is no
BHalkingant and They hauO high melkinq ad on-mekala ubuLally hae lou
boiling point boilina points.Narcurs is molkinq and lbeilinq oints.
On exezeption. Graphite and diam Ond are

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