Chem Notes
Chem Notes
Chem Notes
Pore isoler, ile
avice uice
(oboal 2) (obooak 22 blood Hagrabio H
Sig2 pH sorne common gubsiarcea shouon on a
pH parer
8-2022 Entry icket
Woker eakrner, SwmemC2
Poo's, C, d sirkdonts, Cudl, MCaIe, am
CFC, pesai cduS)
OYe tlsers)
coralkal piocob
Calcium Sulphade CosO4 Dolproke lamily
4 Hagnesi um sulphote
Sutphae amil
Flopper Sulphote sulphobe armily
Sadium chlarida NaCL
Amnorium Chlovida
Chionde lamily Sesim leml-
B bodium uikote
NH,CL Chlovide amily
No NO Sodium Iamily
codiurn_carbenole Na, CO |Carbonalelaily, Sodiumiamily-
Activiky 2:4 pH osaks
Q ho is he common name ol Commom salk!
A. Noc
ommonname - rocE Sal
hamico name- Sodium chloride
Chlor-alkali proce
en elscriciy 6 ased hrouah an aqQALnGuD SsluHon Sodium chlorido allad-
,brine)it decomposes o lpm Sodium hudroxida. The
procese iS Calad the dhb
plLali pocess ber.ause a the producis
hprmec- chlor Jo Ch Jorine and alkau
pr Sodium mdroxida.
Bieaeeea00nektiUbeD ochlorine gos- uater teaktmeot, Suoimring pocs PVC,disin=-
ectons CHS, pestiid
Ue ohy.drogen A uB, mamarine, ammaria pr \ertlise
JAen Sodium nudroxide- de-areasina metala,
soaps anddakexgenàs pape
ocina ov4ilickal gbres)
Bleachinq loudur
s e a Uab
hing Sodoi
Sodium covbonate
luoahing sada) is ubed in gads, SOOp and aper \Oistri-
S Ued ln he
manulacture o sodi um compounda Such aD borax.
cnodium carbonoBe can be uaed aD a
_ is ued
cleonina anen \or domesic purpoSe.
\or remouing permanent hardness
236 2022 AcAik 2IS -Are the tustala o Salls eallu Dry
what s the (olour o the copp er sulphoe alker heaino
A White
QDo y0u notice woter dropleks n the boiling tube? onere have thase (ome ya
COSO, Lonto ins ober crstalieakion lohen heared tha cruStal waraS
remoeo ond he salk turnA nite.
The aker colle ctS on the sidi
the tex tube.
F'Gaa Pars
CoSOa ,0 (aoq. 2HO
alciu slphoke ceralnudroke Calciumsulpkare dirudraed
Ubes o Haste Paris 6ZA
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joinina the ractured ot
righ pition
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plasrer Ao Support he Lrochured bang
2 also dued \or makino
docorative pieca and pr macino casiqn o
F 31-Hakals are good
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24:6:202z Hetolb and Non-meBolb