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Brinquedo Caminhão Articulado
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eee ya , AULERS A TRIO OF ADDITIONS TO OURGA CA® SERIES PU) If you had fun building the FAT CAT™ bulldozer featured 14" round-ovet me in the December 1987 issue = Qe" bution and the lowboy trailer and TH" Gage dos, dump truck shown in the Au- eo ole gust 1988 issue, you're going We ep i round.over / to love these toys. They're aa just right for any child who has ever dreamed jof ‘movin’ on down the road aboard a diesel-powered 18-wheeler of his or her very own. START WITH A TRACTOR 1 Cut a piece of 34” pine to 2” wide by 12" long for the cab parts (A). 2 Measuring 1” from cach end of the pine, mark the location for a 136" dado 14" deep. Cut the marked ~ Ys" round-over dadoes as shown below right. cies 3 Croscut the pine into two equal lengths. Mark the windshield loca- tion on one piece. (The pine is ex. tra long, so mark the top of the windshield flush with the top of ek the dado.) Drill a blade-start hole inside the marked windshield, and cut the opening to shape with a scrolisaw or coping saw. Sand or file the edges of the windshicld. 4 Apply glue to the mating sur. faces, align the dadoes, and clamp the cab parts (A) together face to locations: 72 WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1990—S — Te RW iest 9% dowel 244" long ‘¥4" button centered wife |x ‘and glued to axle dowel w | z [me w |e lew w fw [aw we | 2 dam. x |Z dam. face. Later, use a sharp chisel to re- moye all the excess gluc. Trim the top and bottom of the cab lamina- tion to length (3") where dimen- sioned on the Tractor Drawing at left. Sand a %" round-over along the sides of the cab top. 5 Cut the hood (B) to size. Sand a 4%" round-over on its top comers, Daill two ¥2" holes 16" deep for the headlights and a 4" hole 4" decp centered from side to side for the radiator cap in the hood where di- mensioned on the Tractor Drawing. 6 With the bottom and edges of the cab and hood flush, glue and clamp them together. (We placed scrap pieces under the clamp heads 0 prevent denting the soft pine.) 7 Cut the chassis (C) to shape, and sand a %" round-over along the front comers. Mark the axle-hole Mark the and deill holes 0 deep for each outside wheel. NOW, FORM THE DUALS Note: You'll need four inside wheels (E) and six outside ‘wheels (F) for each tractor, In addition, you'll need four inside wheels and ‘four outside wheels for each tratler. 1 To'make enough wheels for one tractor, cut a 34" piece of pine to 4x33", Use a 4x4%27" piece for each wallet. Starting 3” from one nd, mark centerpoints 3” apart down the center of each board. 2 With a compass, mark a 2"-diam- eter circle (1" radius) at each marked centerpoint. 3 Chuck a 1” Forstner bit into your drill press. Attach a scrap work sur- face to your drill-press table. AS shown in the photo above, center the bit over a marked centerpoint, and bore a %"-deep hole for each outside wheel—6 outside wheels depression, and cut the wheels. 5 Center the circle-cutter pilot bit over the remaining marked center- points, and cut the four inside wheels to shape. 6 Remove the circle cutter, and chuck a 36" twist drill bit into your drill, press. Utilizing a handscrew clamp to secure the wheels, enlange the 4" axle hole in the center of each wheel 10 38” 7 Cuta piece of #4" all-thread rod to 54" long, and chuck it into your drill press. Attach two wheels at a time to the work arbor where shown in the drawing below. With the drill press running at about 750 pm, hand-sand a slight round-over ‘on cach wheel where shown in the drawing, (We found sanding the round-overs safer than trying to rout them on a router table.) centerpoints on one side of the _ on the tractor and 4 on each trailer Hees chassis, hold the chassis firmly ina (We used the stop on our drill i handscrew clamp, and use a drill press to ensure uniform depth.) Bama 8 Fe to drill the ie" axle holes. 4 Chuck a circle cutter into your se Cut the fifth wheel (D) to size. drill press. Tum the cutter blade }— 36° nut Drill a 516” hole where shown on with pointed end on the inside to | outer the Tractor Drawing. cuta perfect wheel. Raise the cutter WHEEL 9 Leaving a 4" gap at the front to blade 34” higher than the bottom of form the bumper, glue and clamp the pilot bit. Center the pilot bit (7) 96" lat washers the fifth wheel on top of the chassis over the centered depression left by INNER and against the back of the cab. the Forstner bit in each 1” hole, WHEEL Sand smooth, and glue a ¥4" button and slowly cut the wheels to shape seni. into the radiator cap hole. as shown in the photo above. " WOODNAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1930Bill of Materials Per ae TANKER TRAILER be] © [ew] © [ela iB me. | we [ww | ow [ela fim | | aw | rm [la > fe,| «| roan [pla Egil aw | xan [pla LOG TRAILER: ee] [ow | © [Pla ee ee fe | « | ean lela ee ee SEMITRAILER: Sede] * | z | © [ele iB | we | ww | om [BIG lemon | |e | = lela Das | wv | «| © [ple fe aoe | ww [ew [ela Fee| « | zen (pe or gi | we | zoom [eal “italy cut parts smacked with an * Thon tit bor tt ied aod above. to the howto inractons. Material Laminated pine. eat od 5% ong wth wo 347 nuts and seven 34” fat washor for sand lng the duals, 34" fat washers for ae assem bh, 14" dowel toes or hitch pn, 34" dowel stock for bunks and aes," wood butions, ana pal of #ox%" bass hingos (Slaney #005300), bass hock (Stanley #605330), ##5x 34" brass wood sew, 14” Bch butions i 33 TANKER S TRAILER ‘¥ round-overs 5 evels on each oorner wes F) HITCH PIN IF Center © from side to side undemeatn ree MOUNT @ —_ Sanded 16" round-overs AXLE-MOUNT DETAIL, WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1990HERE’S HOW TO BUILD THE TANKER TRAILER 1 Cut the tanker bed (A) to size from ¥4" pine stock. Rout or sand 1" round-overs along all edges. 2 Mark the 4" hitch pin-hole cen- terpoint, using the drawing below for reference. Drill a 4" hole 36" deep and cut the hitch pin to length from 14" dowel stock. Botton of ‘trailer bed 14" hole %4" deep 1%" dowel 1%" long HITCH PIN ‘Sight chamter: HITCH PIN LOCATION 3 Scribe the radii and cut the axle mount (B) to shape (see the Axle Mount Detail accompanying the Tanker ‘Trailer Drawing for refer- ence). Mark the centerpoints and drill two Ae" holes through the axle mount Glue and clamp the axle mount to the bottom of the tailer bed. 4 From 2x4 stock, cut two pieces 1%" thick by 2%" wide by 8" long, Glue and clamp the two pieces to- gether face to face for the tank (C). ‘Trim both ends for a 714" finished fength. Sand the laminated edges 5 Mark the cut locations on one end of the tank lamination, Tilt your tablesaw blade 45° from yerti- cal. Align the blade with the marked cutlines, and bevel-rip all four edges of the tanker as shown in the photo above right. 6 Rout or sand ¥" round-overs on the front and rear edges of the tank where shown on the Tanker Trailer Drawing. Sand the tank, bed, and axle support smooth. Mark the cuilines, align the fence, and Devel-rip the edges of the tank. T Mark the location, and drill three holes for the fuel caps in the top surface of the tank, Glue a 4" but- ton in each hole. Glue and clamp the tank to the trailer bed. ROUND OUT YOUR CONVOY WITH A LOG TRAILER AND SEMITRAILER Note: The ale supports, bitch pins, and wheel assemblies for the re- maining trailers are constructed in the same way as just described for the tanker trailer. The tratler beds (A) vary slightly in size. See tbe Biit of Materials on page 73 for part sizes of each trailer. | To make the log trailer, cut the bed (A) to size, mark the center- points, and drill six %” holes 36" deep in the top of the bed where located on the Log Trailer Drawing. Cut the bunks to length from +4" dowel stock and glue one in cach hole, Drill the hitch pin hole, and then secure the axle mount. 2 Cut the semitrailer bed and top (A), axle mount (B), front (C), sides (D), and back door (E) to , To allow the door to open and close without binding, sand a 10° bevel on the latch side of the door. Glue and clamp the trailer parts to- gether where shown on the Semi- trailer Drawing. Drill the hitch pin hole and secure the axle mount. At- tach the hinges and catch. FINALLY, MOUNT THE TIRES AND ADD A FINISH [ Cut the tractor and trailer axles to length from 34” dowel stock as di mensioned on the drawings. 2 Glue one outer wheel onto each dowel axle so that the end of the dowel is flush with the inside of the counterbore ‘where shown on the Wheel Section Detail on the top right-hand comet on page 73. After the glue dries, slide a 34" flat wash- er next to the outer tire and an i ner tire next to the washer. Don't glue the inner tire to the dowel. Slide the axle through the axle hole, and then add a washer, inner tire, and another washer. Glue the outer wheel to the end of the axle dowel, leaving enough free play so the tires turn easily. 3 For the front-axle assembly on the tractor, follow the procedure in step 2 with two outer wheels and two washers, 4 To add the hub caps, set the trac: tor and trailers on their sides, Place a drop of glue on the ends of the axle dowels, and glue a 14" wood button to the end of the dowel. Af ter the glue dries, flip over the as semblies and repeat for the other the hinges and catch on the semitrailer. Add the finish (we used polyurethane; left unfinished or fin- ished with an oil, pine toys tend to get dirty). Remove the masking tape. @ Produced by Marlen Kemmet Project Design: James R. Downing, Photographs: Jim Kascoutas; Bob Calmer Mlustrations: Kim Downing: Mike Henty Graphic Designer; Perry A. MeFarlin WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1990
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