Early Republican Era Architecture. Muna-Bedirhan-Shayan

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Early Republican Era Architecture

An Architectural Analysis of Göl Gazinosu

What is happening in Gençlik Parkı (Youth Park)?


Doğan Kuban- Turkish architectural historian 3
- Late Ottoman and Early Republic Years of Turkish Architecture
- The New Era of The Republıc
- Art Movements That Influenced The Period
- Early Republican Era Architecture Examples
- Architectural analysis
● Historical context
● Architectural style
● Form and spatial organization
● Materials and construction techniques
● Aesthetics and design intent
● Cultural significance
● Functionality and usability
● Original elements of the building

‘Bütün sokakları bu kentin Gençlik Parkına açılır

Bir sevgi ilkyaz sıcaklığında

Bir türkü yükselir uygarlıktan yana

Halktan yana emekten yana bilimden yana‘

'All the streets of this city open to the Youth Park

A love in the warmth of spring

A folk song rises for civilization

"For the people, for labor, for science"

Late Ottoman and Early Republic Years of Turkish Architecture

The period from 1900 to 1950,

encompassing the late Ottoman and
early Republic years of Turkish
architecture, is examined under the
heading of "Republic Architecture"
with an emphasis on the search for a
national style and the issue of foreign

Until the 1930s, Turkish architects who graduated from the School of Civil Engineering
(Hendese-i Mülkiye) and the School of Fine Arts (Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi) started to initial
phase of Turkish Neoclassical architecture.

First National Architecture

periods architects;

● Mimar Kemaleddin
● Ali Talat Bey
● Vedat Tek
● Mimar Muzaffer
● Arif Hikmet Koyunoğlu (Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi)

(Hendese-i Mülkiye)
However, the First National Architecture style and its representatives started to face criticism for their
architectural practices.

During the 1930s and 1940s, in World War II, many experts, including architects, were invited to or
exiled to Turkey.
Some of these are:

● Bruno Julius Florian

● Rudolf Belling
● Paul Bonatz
● Franz Hillinger
● Clemens Holzmeister
● Gustav Oelsner Rudolf Belling Paul Bonatz
● Robert Vorhoelzer
Bruno Julius Florian Taut

These architects, active throughout the country and Ankara, played a crucial role in Turkey's
transition to modern architecture.

As a result, this led to the emergence of second wave nationalist architectural tendencies in
the country.

Gustav Oelsner Clemens Holzmeister

Franz Hillinger Robert Vorhoelzer

The most significant difference that sets the Second National Architecture period, apart from the first
is that it drew its inspiration more from the traditional Turkish house rather than monumental
Seljuk and Ottoman architecture.

Architects like Sedat Hakkı Eldem, Emin Onat, Orhan Arda, and Doğan Erginbaş, contributed to this
Second National Architecture movement, with the most iconic structure of the era being Anıtkabir.

An example of a traditional Turkish house Anıtkabir

The New Era of The Republıc

During this period, Turkey took significant steps towards becoming a modern nation-state, and this
transformation was reflected in the field of architecture. Here are some key points about early
Republic architecture:

1.Independence Street and Ankara: Early Republic architecture was concentrated in Turkey's new
capital, Ankara, as well as in important areas like Istanbul's Independence Street.

2.National Architectural Movement: Early Republic architecture was part of a movement known as
the National Architectural Movement. This movement aimed to emphasize Turkish traditions and
materials, even while incorporating influences from the West.

3.Public Buildings: The public buildings of this period featured modern and functional designs. For example,
the Türkiye İş Bankası (Turkey's Business Bank) Headquarters and the Ankara Palas are important examples
of early Republic architecture.

4.Italian Rationalism: Some of the early Republic period buildings were influenced by an architectural
movement known as Italian Rationalism. This movement emphasized functionality and simplicity in design.
As a result, some buildings had straight lines, simple geometry, and minimal ornamentation.

Türkiye İş Bankası
Ankara Palas 12
Early Republic Architecture in Turkey
During this era, Turkey was undergoing significant social and political transformations as it transitioned
into a modern nation-state. Architecture played a crucial role in reflecting and facilitating this change.

1.National Architecture Movement: The architecture of this period is often associated with the National
Architecture Movement.

2.Important Architects:

Kemaleddin Bey Vedat Tek Arif Hikmet Koyunoğlu Emin Onat 13

3.Public Buildings: Early Republican architecture is known for the construction of modern
public buildings. Many government buildings, schools and cultural venues were built,
especially in Ankara. Anıtkabir is one of the most important structures of this period.

TBMM Ankara Opera Building

Art Movements That Influenced The Period

ARTS & CRAFTS (1850-1914)

● Reaction against the Victorian era.

● Craftsmanship.
● Manual production methods.

ART NOUVEAU (1890-1910)

● Natural forms and organic lines.
● Lightweight and visually appealing designs.
● In the interior elements, fancy furniture and designs.
● Asymmetry and curves.

Ankara Train Station

BAUHAUS (1918-1932)

● Integration of art and industry.

● Flexible and efficient design concept.
● Simplicity, practicality and elimination of unnecessary decorations.

ART DECO (1928-1935)

● Influenced by Art Nouveau.

● Minimal ornamentation.
● Rare materials.
● Concrete in construction.
● Big windows.

CUBISM (1907-1950)
● Geometrical shapes.
● Cubic houses and apartments.
● Concrete and glass.
● The basis of modern interior design in the mid-20th century.

Early Republican Era
Architecture Buildings


Constructed during the 1920s and


traditional Turkish and Anatolian

architectural elements, contemporary
styles and needs.

Design and Structure

traditional Turkish mansion design

with a modern layout

courtyards Ankara Palas Binası

residential architecture,
well-proportioned rooms and halls
first museum of the Republic of Turkey

The building designed by Arif Hikmet


- showcases elements of the
Neoclassical style

- reflecting the synthesis of

Western and Turkish styles
characteristic of the era
- symmetrical plan

- the building utilizes Ankara stone

- The use of local materials is

symbolic, rooting the building in
its Anatolian context Etnografya Müzesi
Established in 1926 as Gazi Teacher
Training Institute (Gazi Terbiye Enstitüsü)
National Architectural Renaissance
modern architectural language , Seljuk
and Ottoman architectural heritage.

Design and Structure

Symmetrical façade, a central axis

Stone and brick are prominently used

Ornamental elements, such as arches

and intricate stonework showcase
traditional craftsmanship and design
Gazi Üniversitesi Binası
first built as the Turkish Hearths
Headquarters 1927-1931

later served as the Ankara Community

Center 1932-1952

and finally became the Painting and

Sculpture Museum 1980

- symmetric approaches on its facades

- columned entryway Traditional Turkish

and Seljuk architecture grand entrance
Türk Ocakları Merkezi - Pointed arches, a hallmark windows
blending with the neoclassical style's
rectangular forms

- designed by Tahsin Bey in 1926

served as the Ankara Courthouse for

several decades
First National Architectural Period


- grandeur and symmetry

Thick walls ensuring stability and

thermal regulation
Ankara Adliye Binası The wooden double-sash windows hint
at both practicality and a preference for
traditional materials

two-sided stairs at the entrance

emphasizes the building's role as a
public institution 22
Belediyeler Bankası Genel
designed by Seyfi Arkan

construction was completed in 1937

reinforced concrete, the front facade is

made of local facing stone

Seyfi Arkan's design prioritized the

future urban dynamics of Ankara while
optimizing the existing land's demands

Seyfi Arkan's design for the Belediyeler

Bankası Genel Müdürlüğü manifests a
synthesis of form and function. It reflects the
early Republican era's ambition to
modernize while ensuring that buildings
serve multifunctional purposes 23
Architectural analysis
1. Historical context
2. Architectural style
3. Form and spatial organization
4. Materials and construction techniques
5. Aesthetics and design intent
6. Cultural significance
7. Functionality and usability
8. Original elements of the building

1. Historical context
- Opening year: 1946-1966
- Explanation: Alcoholic Casino
- Gençlik Parkı (Youth Park) plan prepared by Theo
- Purpose: Western aesthetics and lifestyle
- Location: positioned on a green island

FIGURE 1: (A) 1934 dated Genclik Park drawings of Jansen. (B) Final plan of
the Genclik Park by Teo Leveau. Source: Atilim University Digital City Archive,
2017 (A), Ercan and Memluk, 2015 (B).

2. Architectural style
- simple characteristics dominant
- traces of the Republic period modern architecture
- Early modern-from cubic to modern

3. Form and spatial organization
- vertically-oriented part facing the lake
- horizontally stretched part is designed as a restaurant area
- ground floor consists of a cloakroom, casino-restaurant area,
service areas, boiler room, stage, and toilets
- initial open design - more functional layout.

4. Materials and construction techniques
- Overall Floor covering: mosaic tiles
- casino-restaurant area: wooden coating
- Walls: created with plaster moldings
- Ceiling: plaster panels with grid separations
- Other ceiling part: left painted over plaster

5. Aesthetics and Ornamentations :

- minimalist design-large glass facade

- blurring boundaries between the interior and the exterior.
- half-octagon entrance, raised flooring, and arching doorways.
- geometric shapes and strong axial design elements.
- entrance: raised rectangle defined with columns.

6. Cultural significance:
- most elite and popular venue in the region
- essential places of its time with its entertainment philosophy
- popular socializing place
- number of entertainment places increased
- park functioned as Ankara's entertainment center, it deviated
from its original design in terms of landscaping
- resilience in maintaining significance

Expansive Glass Facades
transparency and emphasizing the relationship between
interior and exterior spaces

Linear Building Form

massing that extended on the east-west axis

Entrance Details
half-octagonal protrusion, a raised rectangular entrance was
flanked by columns

Columns and Enclosed Entrances

rhythm and articulation to the façade

Stage as a Central Feature

leather for its cladding
Window Treatments
closing of window openings and the introduction of partitions
● A: Stage Area
● B: Restaurant-Entrance Area
● C: General Perspective from Entrance Building’s Original Spatial Dynamics
● D: North Side
● E: Entrance Area original layout have been expansive, with large open spaces
● F: Restaurant Area Southern Facade
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