Advanced Accounting Test 4 CH 4 Unscheduled Nov 2023 Test Paper
Advanced Accounting Test 4 CH 4 Unscheduled Nov 2023 Test Paper
Advanced Accounting Test 4 CH 4 Unscheduled Nov 2023 Test Paper
Question Paper
(Rs. In crores)
P&L a/c 90
The shareholders of Perrotte Ltd. have on the recommendation of their Board of Directors
approved on 12-9-22 a proposal to buy back the maximum permissible number of Equity
shares considering the large surplus funds available at the disposal of the company.
The prevailing market value of the company’s shares is Rs. 25 per share and in order to
induce the existing shareholders to offer their shares for buy back, it was decided to offer a
price of 20% over market.
You are also informed that the Infrastructure Reserve is created to satisfy Income-Tax
requirements. You are required to compute the maximum number of shares that can be
bought back in the light of the above information and also under a situation where the loan
funds of the company were either Rs. 1,200 crores or Rs. 1,500 crores.
Assuming that the entire buy back is completed by 09.12.2022, show the accounting entries
in the company’s books in each situation.
(8 Marks)
Complicated Ltd. (an unlisted company) gives the following information as on 31.3.2022:
The Company wants to buy back 25,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each, on 1st April, 2022 at
Rs. 15 per share. Buy back of shares is duly authorized by its Articles and necessary
resolution has been passed by the Company for this. The buy-back of shares by the
Company is also within the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. The payment for buy
back of shares was made by the Company out of sufficient bank balance available shown as
part of Current Assets.
You are required to prepare the necessary journal entries towards buy back of shares and
prepare the Balance Sheet of the company after buy back of shares.
(8 Marks)
The following was the summarized balance sheet of Bhoomi Ltd. as on 31 st March, 2022:
9% Debentures 40,000
2,15,200 2,15,200
On 1st April, 2022 the Company redeemed all its Preference Shares at a Premium of 10% and
bought back 25% of its Equity Shares at Rs. 20 per Share. In order to make Cash available,
the Company sold all the Investments for Rs. 25, 000 Lakhs and raised a Bank Loan
amounting to Rs. 16, 000 lakh on the Security of the Company's Plant.
Give the necessary Journal Entries considering that the buyback is authorized by the articles
of company and necessary resolution is passed by the company for this. The amount of
Securities premium may be utilized to the maximum extent allowed by law. .
(6 Marks)
Rs. Rs.
Share capital:
Authorised capital
(Issued two months back for the purpose of buy back)
Current liabilities
Tangible assets
Building 25,00,000
Machinery 31,00,000
Current assets
Inventory 12,00,000
On 1st April, 2022, the company passed a resolution to buy back 20% of its equity capital @
Rs. 60 per share. For this purpose, it sold all of its investment for Rs. 25, 00,000.
The company achieved its target of buy-back. You are required to:
(b) Give the Balance Sheet of the company after buy back of shares.
(8 Marks)
M/s. Vriddhi Infra Ltd. (a non-listed company) provide the following information as on
Inventories 1,80,000
Share Capital: 1, 00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 Each fully paid up 10,00,000
10% Debentures (Secured by floating charge on all assets) 20,00,000
On 21st April, 2022 the Company announced the buyback of 15,000 of its equity shares @
Rs. 15 per share. For this purpose, it sold all its investment for Rs. 2.50 lakhs. On 25th April,
2022, the company achieved the target of buy back. On 1st May, 2022 the company issued
one fully paid-up share of Rs. 10 each by way of bonus for every eight equity shares held by
the equity shareholders.
You are required to pass necessary Journal Entries for the above transactions.
(5 Marks)