Fundamentals of Biology

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Fundamentals of Biology

1.1 Biological Field and Career

• Meaning of Biology
1. ‘Bios’ is life & ‘logos’ is study.
2. Biology is the study living organisms, their life processes and interaction with the
Examples of biological research areas:
Fields Explainations
Botany Study about plant life
Physiology Study of the function and mechanism in organisms
Genetics Study of inheritance and genetic variation
Microbiology Study of microorganisms
Ecology Study of interactions between organisms and their environment

The contribution of biology in everyday life:

1. Medical: In vitro fertilisation, family planning, plastic surgery and gene therapy.
2. Pharmaceutical: Production of synthetic vitamins, vaccines, insulin and synthetic
3. Food production: Use of microorganism in the production of cheese, soy sauce, tapai
and tempe.
4. Agriculture: Transgenic crops and animals, hydroponic and aeroponic technology.

Careers related to biology:

1. Agriculture officer 9. Optician
2. forest manager 10. Dentist
3. Ecologist 11. Dietitian
4. Bio-technologist 12. Physiotherapist
5. Marine biologist 13. Biochemist
6. Pharmacist 14. Veterinarian
7. Nurses 15. Environmental officers
8. Doctors 16. Bioinformatic engineer

1.2 Safety and Rules in Biological Laboratory

Self-protection Descriptions and functions
Gloves • Made from latex/rubber/plastics.
• Protects the hands from heat and dangerous chemical substances;
strong acid and strong alkali.

Prepared by: Teacher H’ng Tai Mei 方岱嵋师

Lab coat and • Lab coat: aids to protect the skin and clothes from chemicals
lab shoes spillage.
• Lab shoes: protects the legs from chemical spil age and broken
Goggle and Protects the face and eyes from chemicals splash and protects from
face mask inhaling chemicals that can interrupt the respiratory system.
Handwash Washing both hands before leaving the lab is a must.

Eye washer Contains salt solution used to wash the eyes if chemical
substances/foreign particles get into the eyes.
Fume hood Station for work that involved with fumes or toxic gas; chlorine, bromine
and nitrogen dioxide.
Emergency Station used to wash the hand and body when someone exposed to
shower station dangerous chemicals.

Laminar flow Station for work involved with plant tissue culture, medium preparation
cabinet that provides a sterile environment to the workplace.

Biosafety Station for work involved with bacteria, fungi and virus cultures helps to
cabinet prevent the cultures from contaminating the environment.

Substances that cannot thrown in the sink:

1. Chemical substances, glass, metals, plastics, woods or any solid substances.
2. Grease, oil and oil paint.
3. Toxic substances; benzene, chloroform, hydrogen cyanide, argentum.
4. Heavy metals; mercury, lead, cadmium.
5. Radioactive wastes.
6. Reactive substances that are unstable; sodium metal, ether, hydrogen peroxide.

Substances that can be thrown in the sink:

1. Any liquid/solution that has low concentration, not dangerous and biodegradable.

Methods of handling biological wastes:

Waste category Example Methods of handling
Sharp waste Syringe with needle, needle, Throw it in the sharp-bin
glass and scalpel waste
Non-sharp waste Gloves, tissue paper, Petri Throw it in the biohazard
dish, agar, culture waste bag, sterilize it and throw it
in the biohazard bin

Prepared by: Teacher H’ng Tai Mei 方岱嵋师

Animal carcass Organs, animal tissue Wrap it with tissue paper,
waste, carcass put it in the biohazard bag
and freeze it
Liquid Broth culture, liquid media, Decontaminate the waste
blood and blood product through autoclave before
throw it in the biohazard bin

Accidents in the laboratory:

Steps to handle general chemical spills:
1. Inform your teacher
2. Declare the spill area as a restricted zone.
3. Prevent the chemical spill from spreading using sand.
4. Scoop up the chemical spill from using appropriate equipment.
5. Dispose it safely.

Steps to handle mercury spills:

1. Inform your teacher
2. Declare the spill area as a restricted zone.
3. Sprinkle sulphur to cover the mercury spills
4. Cal the fire and rescue department.

Practices in a biological laboratory:

Practices Explainations
Clothing ethics Use a lab coat, gloves, safety shoes and goggles when appropriate.
Laboratory safety • Do not work alone in the laboratory without supervision.
rules • Wash your hand after conducting an experiment.
• Do not bring in irrelevant items into the laboratory.
• Clean your workstation using disinfectant.
• Dispose wastes according to the set procedures.
• Do not eat and drink in the laboratory.
• Identify all safety symbols on substances and equipment before
Safety measures • Stop work immediately and switch off al nearby power sources.
for fires • Unplug appliances
• Exit the laboratory according to the emergency exit plan.
• Cal the fire and rescue department.
• Do not panic and stay calm.
• Do not turn back to collect your belongings.
Prepared by: Teacher H’ng Tai Mei 方岱嵋师
• Assemble at the assembly point.
Handling glass • Be cautions when handling hot glassware.
and chemicals • Report any damaged equipment or glassware to teachers
• Keep flammable chemicals away from fire sources.
• Do not touch, taste and smell chemicals directly.
Handling live • Use appropriate gloves when handling biological specimens.
specimens • Specimens that are not harmful and have been dissected should
be buried or frozen.
• Wash hands with antiseptic detergents before and after
• All surfaces and workstations should be cleaned with disinfectant
before leaving the lab.
Emergency help • Inform your teacher
• Call the fire and rescue emergency number.
• Remove the victim from the scene.
• Give emergency treatment.
• Make the place of accident as a restricted area.

1.3 Communication in Biology

Data presentation:
Types of data
1. Table

2. Graph: line, bar and histogram

i. Line

Prepared by: Teacher H’ng Tai Mei 方岱嵋师

ii. Bar

iii. histogram

3. Diagram

1.4 Scientific Investigation in Biology

• Scientific method - Is a series of step to finding an answer to explain a certain

Identify the problem

Forming hypothesis

Planning an experiment

Identify & control variable

Conducting the experiment

Collecting data

Analyse & Interpreting data

Drawing conclusion

Writing a report

Prepared by: Teacher H’ng Tai Mei 方岱嵋师


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