Radio Isotope and Radiation Technology - 1

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Supriya Panda

Roll No. 54R0019029


If periodic chart of element is consulted in order to find natural radio isotopes, it is found in
the very beginning with tritium followed by 10Be,14C and many others. In this way before Bi,
12 cosmogenic radioisotopes are found, that is to say those radioisotopes produced
continuously by nuclear reactions taking place between light elements present in earthly
atmosphere and radiation coming from the outside space but also 18 primordial radio isotopes
are found, which were created at the same time that non-radioactive isotopes composing the
92 natural elements classified in the periodic table. From Bi on, every isotope is radioactive,
up to U, and then the artificial elements produced by laboratory nuclear reactions from Np to
element which atomic number 117. In this way, from 117 known element, 64 are radioactive,
which makes as much as 55% of all those units forming the chemical compounds. Therefore,
the complete understanding of radioactivity should be a suitable tour to advance in our
knowledge of Universe, and consequent application to get better living conditions. So, this
paper deals with radioisotopes as suitable instrument for chemical analysis. Primordial
radioisotopes are considered first to measure the concentration of elements in which they are
forming part in a given sample, foodstuff for example, even when they might be used in
mineral. We will continue with induced nuclear reactions to create radioisotopes whose
radioactive level is proportional to tiny masses of elements present in any sort of material, to
finish with the use of radioisotope to measure volume and masses which were extremely
difficult to obtain without them. Many elements which found on earth exist in different
atomic configurations and are termed isotopes which have same atomic number but differ in
their atomic mass. These unstable element decay by emission of energy such isotopes, which
emit radiation, are called radioisotopes. Using of these isotopes in various sectors like
industries, agriculture, healthcare and research centres has got a great importance at present.

Radioisotope production: -

The production of radioisotopes involves several interrelated activities, its production in

reactors is based on neutron capture in a target material, either by activation or generation of
radioisotopes from fission of the target material by bombardment with thermal neutrons.
Research reactors and accelerators for diagnostics and therapy in nuclear medicine. Some
hospital house has their own cyclotrons and produce radioisotopes with short radioactive life
onsite, which then become radiopharmaceuticals for direct use by patients. A cyclotron is a
type of particle accelerator which repeatedly propels a beam of charged particles in a circular
path. Medical radioisotopes are made from non-radioactive materials.

Application: -

1.Radiation in medical therapy was first applied to the treatment of thyroid cancer. The
patient drinks a determined amount of the solution spiked with radioactive iodine131. The
beta emissions of this radioisotopes subsequently target and destroy the cancer in the thyroid.

2. Radiation technology including electron beam and gamma ray irradiation has great
potential in the field of environmental protection due to its special characteristics.

3.The use of radioisotopes in Agricultural Research is divided into two broad groups.

i. As Tracer Atoms- The property of radiation is used for identification of elements.

ii. As source of Radiation mutation breeding, food preservative, sterile male technique, bulk
density and moisture determination of soils etc.

Effect of exposure to radio isotope: -

Radiation passing through the material breaks the bonds by removing the electron of an atom
or molecules. Radiation causes the viscosity of oil and grease to increase as gummy, tar-like
polymers are formed.
Conclusion: -

Hence, Radioisotopes are a productive part of today’s world. At the end of world War-II,
these Were regarded as the most promising peacetime application of our new knowledge of
the atom. Accident involving radioactive sources have not been occurred in our country so

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