Molecules 23 01222
Molecules 23 01222
Molecules 23 01222
Isolation and Antimicrobial Activity of Coumarin
Derivatives from Fruits of Peucedanum
luxurians Tamamsch
Jarosław Widelski 1 , Simon Vlad Luca 1,2 , Adrianna Skiba 1 , Ioanna Chinou 3 ,
Laurence Marcourt 4 , Jean-Luc Wolfender 4 and Krystyna Skalicka-Wozniak 1, * ID
1 Department of Pharmacognosy with Medicinal Plant Unit, Medical University of Lublin, Chodzki,
120-093 Lublin, Poland; [email protected] (J.W.); [email protected] (S.V.L.);
[email protected] (A.S.)
2 Department of Pharmacognosy, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 16 Universitatii
Street, 700115 Iasi, Romania
3 Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products, School of Pharmacy,
University of Athens, Zografou, 15771 Athens, Greece; [email protected]
4 School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, EPGL, University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, CMU, 1,
Rue Michel Servet, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland; [email protected] (L.M.);
[email protected] (J.-L.W.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +48-8-1448-7086; Fax: +48-8-1448-7080
Received: 30 April 2018; Accepted: 16 May 2018; Published: 20 May 2018
Abstract: As a continuation of searching for phytoconstituents that act as promising agents for
antimicrobial therapy, rare coumarins were isolated from fruits of Peucedanum luxurians and tested.
In a first step, the content of major compounds in the aerial parts and fruits of P. luxurians were
compared. The results clearly showed that the fruits with dichloromethane as a solvent yielded, in
most cases, higher concentrations of almost all the analyzed coumarins than the aerial parts, with
peucedanin detected as the most abundant compound with a concentration of 4563.94 ± 3.35 mg/
100 g. Under this perspective, the dichloromethane extract from the fruits of P. luxurians was
further submitted to high performance countercurrent chromatography with a mixture of n-hexane,
ethyl acetate, methanol, and water 6:5:6:5 (v/v). Combination of HPCCC and prep-HPLC yielded
60 ,70 -dihydroxybergamottin (1), officinalin (2), stenocarpin isobutyrate (3), officinalin isobutyrate
(4), 8-methoxypeucedanin (5), and peucedanin (6). Isolated compounds were tested against several
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria strains. 60 ,70 -Dihydroxybergamottin, peucedanin, and
officinalin isobutyrate appeared to be the most active against all tested bacteria strains with minimum
inhibitory concentration (MIC) values between 1.20 and 4.80 mg/mL. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first report about countercurrent isolation of mentioned coumarins, as well as the first
information about their antimicrobial activity.
1. Introduction
As stated in the WHO report, in the last few decades, the incidence of microbial infections has
increased dramatically together with emergence of antimicrobial resistant strains [1]. Discovering
some alternatives that can potentially be effective in the treatment of these infectious diseases is a
major challenging issue worldwide and phytoconstituents are considered as promising agents for
antimicrobial therapy [1].
Plants have been well-known sources of inspiration for developing novel drug compounds since
antiquity [1]. Coumarins, naturally plant-derived compounds with benzopyrone moiety, possess
a wide variety of biological activities. Series of coumarin analogues are being extensively studied
due to their broad spectrum, low toxicity, and lower drug resistance properties [2]. Novobiocin, an
aminocoumarin antibiotic produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces niveus, was launched onto the
market in the mid-1950s as an effective antistaphylococcal agent used in the treatment of MRSA [3].
Different naturally-isolated coumarins, as well as their chemically modified analogs, are active against
numerous bacterial strains, including those which developed multidrug resistance [2].
The genus Peucedanum, comprising between 100 and 120 species, and widely distributed across
the world, is an important group of the Apiaceae family. Plants belonging to Peucedanum have been
widely used to treat various diseases, including sore throat, coughs, colds, headaches [4,5], epilepsy,
rheumatism, and cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems [6,7]. The first information about
the pharmacological application of Peucedanum plants can be found in “The Canon of Medicine”—an
encyclopedia of medicine compiled by Persian philosopher Avicenna in 1025 [7]. In Central European
medicine, the fruits of P. alsaticum and P. cervaria were found to be applied as expectorant, diuretic,
diaphoretic, sedative, stomachic, and antimicrobial agents [8]. In Austrian traditional medicine,
rhizomes of P. ostruthium have a very long history of use as a remedy for anti-inflammatory ailments [9].
Plants of the Peucedanum genus have been used for centuries as antibacterial agents and for some
of them, the activity was confirmed by biological and pharmacological studies, showing moderate
or high activity against different human pathogens. Such activities have also been reported for
P. paniculatum (leaves and roots), P. alsaticum, P. cervaria, P. graveolens, P. ruthenicum, P. zenkeri
fruits, or P. ostruthium roots [7]. Dichloromethane extracts of P. ostruthium roots have demonstrated
anti-mycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium fortuinum, responsible for respiratory system
infections. Two isolated furanocoumarins, ostruthin and isoimperatorin, were found to be the most
potent, with low minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values similar to those of ethambutol and
isoniazid [10]. Oxypeucedanin hydrate, isolated also from rhizomes of P. ostruthium, showed prominent
activity against Bacillus cereus [11]. Imperatorin, bergapten, and isopimpinellin were responsible for
the antimicrobial activity of methanolic extract of P. zenkeri seeds [12].
Due to the versatile and numerous therapeutic traditional uses, a number of phytochemical
analyses were performed on Peucedanum representatives. Comparative phytochemical data are
available for 50 species belonging to genus Peucedanum [7]. Among all the chemical constituents
identified in the plants from Peucedanum genus, the highest impact on pharmacological activity is
assigned to coumarins and essential oils (usually containing coumarin compounds) [7,13]. Coumarins
with different molecular scaffolds have been isolated and identified in different Peucedaum such as:
Simple coumarins and their glycosides; linear and angular furano- and dihydrofuranocoumarins and
their glycosides; and linear and angular dihydropyranocoumarins and their glycosides [7].
Peucedanum luxurians Tamamsch. was found as an endemic plant from Armenia, growing in the
area around Mount Ararat. Preliminary studies showed the presence of rare furanocoumarins with
unique structures in the herb and fruits of this species [14]. For some of them, the immunomodulating
activity was evaluated [15]. The aim of our study is to elaborate the efficient and fast procedure for
their isolation by the use of high-performance countercurrent chromatography, as well as to evaluate
their antimicrobial activity.
parts and fruits of P. luxurians were compared. Additionally, the influence of different solvents on
source of these compounds, in the first step of the experiment, the major compounds in the aerial parts
extraction efficiency was investigated. The procedure for the extraction (accelerated solvent
and fruits of P. luxurians were compared. Additionally, the influence of different solvents on extraction
extraction) and all the other parameters (temperature, time, amount of plant material) were the same
efficiency was investigated. The procedure for the extraction (accelerated solvent extraction) and all
for each sample.
the other parameters (temperature, time, amount of plant material) were the same for each sample.
Obtained extracts prepared for quantitative analysis were injected to HPLC with diode-array
Obtained extracts prepared for quantitative analysis were injected to HPLC with diode-array
detection (DAD) and in the first step, the area under each peak was compared. Additionally, tentative
detection (DAD) and in the first step, the area under each peak was compared. Additionally,
qualitative analysis was performed using an LC–MS system. Six coumarin derivatives were identified
tentative qualitative analysis was performed using an LC–MS system. Six coumarin derivatives
and their presence was confirmed in each analyzed extract. The results clearly showed that the fruits
were identified and their presence was confirmed in each analyzed extract. The results clearly showed
yielded higher concentrations of almost all analyzed coumarins compared to the aerial parts and
that the fruits yielded higher concentrations of almost all analyzed coumarins compared to the
dichloromethane produced the highest yield for almost all coumarins. At the same time,
aerial parts and dichloromethane produced the highest yield for almost all coumarins. At the same
dichloromethane and methanolic extracts from both the fruits and aerial parts were subjected to
time, dichloromethane and methanolic extracts from both the fruits and aerial parts were subjected
preliminary screening for their antibacterial activity, which showed that those from fruits were more
to preliminary screening for their antibacterial activity, which showed that those from fruits were
active against most of the test pathogens. Under this perspective, the dichloromethane extract of P.
more active against most of the test pathogens. Under this perspective, the dichloromethane extract
luxurians fruits was further submitted to high-performance counter-current chromatography
of P. luxurians fruits was further submitted to high-performance counter-current chromatography
(HPCCC) separation to isolate pure compounds for evaluation of their biological activity, as well as
(HPCCC) separation to isolate pure compounds for evaluation of their biological activity, as well as to
to complete the quantitative analyses (HPLC-DAD chromatogram of the crude extract is presented
complete the quantitative analyses (HPLC-DAD chromatogram of the crude extract is presented in
in Figure 1).
Figure 1).
in the separation of coumarins, including coumarins from other species of Peucedanum genus [16].
The K value, which is a partition coefficient for the target compounds, were calculated by dividing the
concentration of the analyte in the upper stationary phase by that in the lower mobile phase (reversed
mode) [16]. Among the three HEMWat solvent mixtures tested, only the one with a ratio of 6:5:6:5
(v/v/v/v) gave the most appropriate K values of the analyzed compounds (from 0.19 to 3.61; Table 1).
Furthermore, the separation factor (α = K2 /K1 , K2 > K1 ) was found to be optimal (α > 1.20) for all target
compounds, except compounds 3 and 4 (see Table 1), suggesting these two compounds may co-elute
under HPCCC experimental conditions. In this regard, two other solvent systems, one consisting
of petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, methanol, and water (1:1:1:1 v/v/v/v) and the other of n-hexane,
acetone, and water (3.9:5:1.9 v/v/v) were investigated. Despite the fact that the K values of compounds
3 and 4 were adequate, the separation factor α still remained unsolved in both situations. Nevertheless,
the K values of some of the compounds of interest were either lower than 0.2 (which would give a
low peak resolution with elution near the solvent front), or higher than 5 (which would lead to an
excessive broadening of peak with a longer elution time). Thus, HEMWat 6:5:6:5 (v/v/v/v) was further
selected as HPCCC separation solvent system. With this solvent system, at 1600 rpm and a flow rate of
6 mL/min in the semi-preparative separation mode, the retention of the stationary phase was stable
and was equal to 78%.
Solvent System
1 2 3 4 5 6
HEMWat (5:6:5:6) 0.83 3.01 5.14 5.16 9.49 11.57
HEMWat (1:1:1:1) 0.47 1.59 3.09 3.25 5.31 6.34
PEMWat (1:1:1:1) 0.50 1.95 2.47 2.51 4.38 4.90
HAtWat (3.9:5:1.9) 0.16 1.22 1.15 1.06 0.55 0.33
HEMWat (6:5:6:5) 0.19 0.89 1.57 1.65 2.85 3.61
α2/1 = 4.68 α3/2 = 1.76 α4/3 = 1.05 α5/4 = 1.73 α6/5 = 1.27
HEMWat denotes hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-water, PEMWat denotes petroleum ether-ethyl acetate-methanol-
water, HAtWat denotes hexane-acetone-water, and α denotes the separation factor.
Following a single HPCCC injection of the dichloromethane extract of P. luxurians fruits (300 mg),
five fractions were collected: FR I (min 15–16), FR II (min 25–26), FR III (min 28–30), FR IV (min 44–46)
and FR V (min 54–59) (Figure S1). All five fractions were collected within 60 min, evaporated, and
dissolved in methanol prior to HPLC-DAD analysis. FR I, II, and IV contained compounds 1, 2, and 5,
respectively, with purities higher than 80% but lower than 95%. A mixture of compounds 3 and 4 was
found in FR III, whereas FR V gave compound 6 with 99.7% purity. In order to obtain higher amounts
of the target compounds, separation was repeated two times more (each time with 300 mg of extract)
and all similar fractions were pooled together with the previously collected ones, to yield 10 mg of FR
I, 5 mg of FR II, 15 mg of FR III, 5 mg of FR IV, and 68 mg of FR V (compound 6, 99.7% purity).
Fractions I-IV were subjected to semi-preparative HPLC separation, separately. Five compounds
were obtained with purity above 97% (as measured by HPLC-DAD): Compound 1 (6 mg, 98.4%
purity), compound 2 (2 mg, 97.1% purity), compound 3 (6 mg, 99.7% purity), compound 4 (7 mg, 97.8%
purity), and compound 5 (1.5 mg, 99.7% purity). The structures of compounds were elucidated by
complementary spectroscopic methods, such as: HPLC-DAD connected to electrospray-ionisation
quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (HPLC-DAD-ESI-Q-TOF-MS) and 1D- and 2D-NMR
(Supplementary Material). The compounds were determined as 60 ,70 -dihydroxybergamottin (1),
officinalin (2), stenocarpin isobutyrate (3), officinalin isobutyrate (4), 8-methoxypeucedanin (5), and
peucedanin (6). These data were in agreement with those available in the literature [14,17,18]. Their
chemical structures are presented in Figure 2.
Griseb [22]. Moreover peucedanin (6) was purified from the petroleum ether-diethyl ether extract of
P. officinale L. fruits [20] and the diethyl ether, methyl-tert-butyl ether, and ethyl acetate extracts of P.
morisonii Bess. aerial parts [23]. In addition, stenocarpin isobutyrate (3) was isolated from the
methanol and ethyl acetate extracts of P. morisonii Bess., aerial parts [23]. Although these coumarins
were identified in Peucedanum genus (except 6′,7′-dihydroxybergamottin), their isolation through
Molecules 2018, 23, 1222 5 of 12
HPCCC technique was not previously reported.
Figure 2. Chemical
Chemical structures
structures of
of coumarins
coumarins isolated
isolated from
from P. 60 ,70 -dihydroxybergamottin (1),
P. luxurians: 6′,7′-dihydroxybergamottin (1),
officinalin (2), stenocarpin isobutyrate (3), officinalin isobutyrate (4), 8-methoxypeucedanin (5), and
peucedanin (6).
2.3. Quantitative
Except for 6HPLC-DAD Analysis
0 ,70 -dihydroxybergamottin (1), which is a well-known cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitor
purifiedjuice that waswere
compounds not reported in Peucedanum
further used to completegenus [17], allanalysis,
quantitative the otherascoumarins were
well to evaluate
identified in the aerial parts of P. luxurians
their potential antibacterial activity. Parameters of the calibration curves and both the limitand
[14,15]. Officinalin (2), officinalin isobutyrate (4), of
peucedanin (6) were also isolated from the dichloromethane fraction of the essential oil of P. tauricum
Bieb. fruits [18], while 8-methoxypeucedanin (5) was previously reported in the chloroform extract of
P. ruthenicum M.B roots [19] and the hexane-diethyl ether-methanol extract of P. longifolium Waldst. and
Kit. roots [20]. Peucedanin (6) and officinalin isobutyrate (4) were isolated also from the etheric extract
of the roots of Opopanax chironium (L.) Koch. (Apiaceae) [21], while peucedanin (6) and officinalin (2)
were isolated from the chloroform extract of the aerial parts of Opopanax hispidus (Friv.) Griseb [22].
Moreover peucedanin (6) was purified from the petroleum ether-diethyl ether extract of P. officinale L.
fruits [20] and the diethyl ether, methyl-tert-butyl ether, and ethyl acetate extracts of P. morisonii Bess.
aerial parts [23]. In addition, stenocarpin isobutyrate (3) was isolated from the methanol and ethyl
acetate extracts of P. morisonii Bess., aerial parts [23]. Although these coumarins were identified in
Peucedanum genus (except 60 ,70 -dihydroxybergamottin), their isolation through HPCCC technique was
not previously reported.
Molecules 2018, 23, 1222 6 of 12
Table 3. Activity of P. luxurians extracts and isolated coumarins against tested bacteria (zone of
inhibition (mm)/MIC values (mg/mL)).
Officinalin isobutyrate (4) was more active than officinalin (2) itself (MIC values 2.25–4.80 and
4.50–5.75 mg/mL, respectively), except for the inhibition E. coli growth, where both compounds had
almost same activity. According to previously published data, the stronger activity was a result of the
aliphatic chain substituted in C-7 position, e.g., an isoprenyl group to the furanocoumarin skeleton
resulted in an increase in lipophilicity of the molecule, what helped to penetrate through the thick
membrane of these bacteria [10,26]. This aliphatic chain substituted at C-5 position shared responsibility
for activity of 60 ,70 -dihydroxybergamottin (1) which was the most active in our experiments. When a
methoxy group was attached to C-8 position in stenocarpin isobutyrate (3), the compound exhibited
a weak antibacterial activity, as compared to its structural analogue, officinalin isobutyrate (4).
Similarly, the presence of methoxy group in the ring of 8-methoxypeucedanin (5) led to a decrease
in activity when compared to peucedanin (6). However previously published reports suggest that
additional methoxygroup in the C-8 position for another furanocoumarin-phellopterin may enhance
the antimicrobial activity [26]; thus, further experiments are required. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first report concerning the antimicrobial activity of isolated compounds.
3.1. Chemicals
Analytical-grade petroleum ether, n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, acetone, and
methanol were purchased from POCh (Gliwice, Poland). Methanol, acetonitrile, ammonium formate,
and formic acid used for HPLC and LC-MS analyses were of chromatographic grade and obtained
from J.T. Baker (Deventer, The Netherlands). Deuterated chloroform (CDCl3 , 99.8 atom %D) was
acquired from Armar Chemicals (Döttingen, Switzerland). A Simplicity® water purification system
(Millipore, France) was used to purify the water.
Poznań, Poland (plant material identified by Grażyna Naser). The voucher specimen (7973_S003) was
kept in the Department of Pharmacognosy, Medical University of Lublin, Poland. The air-dried fruits
and herbs were dried, grounded and pulverized.
Ten µL volumes of the above solutions were required to wet the test paper discs. The incubation
conditions used in experiments were 24 h at a temperature of 37 ◦ C. Standard antibiotic netilmicin
(4–88 µg/mL) was used as reference drug. For each experiment, any pure solvent used was also applied
as a blind control. The results were reported as the diameter of the zone of inhibition around each disk
(in mm) and MIC values were calculated. The MIC values were determined using the dilution method
in 96-well plates. The experiments were repeated three times and the results were expressed as average
values. Netilmicin was used as reference compound.
4. Conclusions
An efficient strategy based on elaboration of optimal extraction parameters as well as one
step HPCCC for the rapid separation, and purification of rare coumarins from the nonpolar
extract of P. luxurians, was presented. This was the first report concerning the efficient isolation
of coumarin derivatives such as: 60 ,70 -dihydroxybergamottin, officinalin, stenocarpin isobutyrate,
officinalin isobutyrate, 8-methoxypeucedanin, and peucedanin with HPCCC. Additionally, 60 ,70 -
dihydroxybergamottin was reported for the first time in Peucedanum genus. The isolated compounds
were evaluated for their antibacterial activity for the first time and possible structure–activity relation
was discussed.
Supplementary Materials: The following are available online. Figure S1: HPCCC chromatogram of the
dichloromethane extract of Peucedanum luxurians fruit, Figure S2: HPLC-DAD chromatograms and UV spectra
of isolated compounds, Table S1: Parameters of calibration curves of quantitative HPLC-DAD analysis, and
Spectroscopic data of compounds 1–6.
Author Contributions: J.W., K.S.-W. designed experiments and prepared manuscript; S.V.L., A.S. performed
the isolation and optimization of extraction; J.W., K.S.-W. and S.V.L. performed LC-MS analysis; I.C. designed,
performed and analyzed the biological experiments; and L.M. and J.-L.W. performed structural elucidation of
pure compounds, analyzed and described the results. All the authors approved the final manuscript and declare
no conflicts of interests.
Funding: This research was financed from grant No 4/POLTUR-1/2016.
Acknowledgments: Authors would like to acknowledge Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University in
Poznań, Poland for providing plant material. The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Geneva
(J-L. Wolfender) is thankful to the Swiss National Science Foundation for the support in the acquisition of the
NMR 600 MHz (SNF R’Equip grant 316030_164095).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds 60 ,70 -dihydroxybergamottin, officinalin, stenocarpin isobutyrate,
officinalin isobutyrate, 8-methoxypeucedanin, and peucedaninare available from the authors.
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