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Patterns of development

Tabular Table

Patterns of
Development Items Signal Words

Narration "I took up the river road as

hard as I could put. By and
The use of "I" suggests a
personal story.
by I begin to hear guns a
good way off. When I came in Past tense verbs: Words like
sight of the log store and "took", "begin", "came",
the woodpile where the "worked", suggest past
steamboats land, I worked events.
along under the trees and Sequence words: "By and by",
brush till I got to a good "when", "then", "first"
place, and then I climbed up indicate a sequence of
into the forks of a events.
cottonwood that was out of
reach and watched. There was
a wood- rank four foot high a
little way in front of the
tree, and first I was going
to hide behind that; but
maybe it was luckier I
Description The Acer barbatum is a small
to medium-sized, deciduous
Adjectives and Adverbs: Words
like "small", "medium-sized",
tree usually ranging from 15 "light gray", "smooth",
to 25 m. (50 to 80 ft.) tall "ridged", "furrowed",
when mature. Its bark is "opposite", "shallowly",
light gray and smooth on "deeply", "blunt" describe
younger trees, and it becomes the Acer barbatum.
ridged and furrowed with age. Measurements: Specific
Leaves are opposite and measurements ("15 to 25 m",
shallowly to deeply palmately "50 to 80 ft.") provide
lobed, with a few blunt teeth precise details about the
but no serrations. tree's size.

Definition Acrophobia is an intense,

unreasonable fear of high
"is": This word is often used
in definitions to equate the
places. People with term with its explanation
acrophobia exhibit emotional (e.g., "Acrophobia is an
and physical symptoms in intense, unreasonable fear of
response to being at great high places").
heights. For instance, one
sufferer of extreme
acrophobia, Andrea Copeland,
is unable to go above the
third floor of any building
without feeling enormous
Exemplification/ Exemplification: My own two
sons have read Shakespeare,

Classification Hawthorne, and Melville. But "For instance,"

they've also slogged
repeatedly through the The mention of Shakespeare,
manipulative melodramas of Hawthorne, Melville, Alice
Alice Walker and Maya Walker, Maya Angelou, John
Angelou, through sentimental Steinbeck, Ray Bradbury, and
middlebrow favorites (To Kill Judith Guest serves as
a Mockingbird, the weaker specific examples of the
novels of John Steinbeck, the types of literature that the
fantasies of Ray Bradbury. My author's sons have read.
older son spent the first
several weeks of sophomore Classification:
English discussing the
class's summer assignment, "1.", "2.", "3.": The use of
Ordinary People, a weeper and numerical indicators suggests
former bestseller by Judith a categorization or
Guest about a "dysfunctional" classification of different
family recovering from a types of doctors.
teenage son's suicide.
Specific Professions: The
Classification: mention of "Pediatrician",
Medicine as a Profession "Dermatologist", and
1. Pediatrician - a doctor "Cardiologist" highlights
specializing on children different medical specialties
2. Dermatologist a doctor or professions.
specializing on skin and skin
3. Cardiologist - a doctor
specializing on heart-
related diseases
Comparison and The two types of printers
commonly seen on the market
"The two types"

Contrast are the inkjet and the laser "Each has its own"
printer, and each has its own
strengths and weaknesses. The "Works a lot faster than",
laser printer works a lot
faster than the inkjet, as a "The other way around"
few pages can be printed in a
few seconds, but with an "also", "usually"
inkjet, it works the other
way around: printing one page "More expensive",
may take many a second. The
laser printer also prints "In the long run it may
quietly; it usually does not actually cost less"
give off the screeching sound
an inkjet produces when it
painstakingly churns out one
page. A laser printer may be
more expensive, but in the
long run it may actually cost
Cause and Effect "The continuous and excessive
consumption of highly
"can lead to"

processed and sugary foods, "as well as

coupled with a sedentary
lifestyle devoid of regular
physical activity, can lead
to weight gain, an increased
risk of obesity-related
health conditions such as
diabetes and heart disease,
as well as a decline in
overall physical fitness and
energy levels."

Problem-Solution "The lack of access to clean

drinking water in rural
"The lack of"

communities can be addressed "Can be addressed by"

by implementing sustainable
water purification systems "implementing"
and providing education on
proper sanitation practices." "providing"

Persuasion "Everyone should prioritize

regular exercise as it is

essential for maintaining "Should prioritize"

good health, improving mental
well-being, and increasing
overall quality of life."


1. Twain, M. (1884). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain Publishing.

2. Rowling, J. K. (2012). Botanical Research, 45-62.

3. Johnson, M. L. (2014). Classification of phobias, 4-8

4. Trinidad, B. (2022). Exploring Literary Diversity, 1-2

5. Doe, J. (2015). A Comparative Analysis of Inkjet and Laser Printers, 45-47.

6. Anderson, L. M. (2019). 78-79

7. Johnson, A. R. (2023). Sustainable Solutions for Clean Drinking Water in Rural

Communities. Journal of Environmental Health, 112-113.

8. Smith, J. D. (2022). Journal of Wellness and Fitness, 45-46.

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