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Solution And Colligative Properties 28

02. Solution And Colligative Properties

Solution: A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more non reacting substances on molecular level.
Solute and Solvent: The contituent of the mixture present in a smaller amount is called Solute and the one
present in a larger amount is called the solvent.

S.N. Types of solution State of State of Example

solute solvent
(A) Gaseous Solution
01 Gas in gas Gas Gas Air, mixture of N2 and O2
02 Liquid in gas Gas Gas Evaporation ofliquids, water vapors in air
03 Solid in gas Solid Gas Smoke, evaporation of camphor.
(B) Liquid Solution
04 Gas in liquid Gas Liquid Oxyen in water, CO2 in water (carbonated drinks)
05 Liquid in liquid Liquid Liquid Ethyl alcohol in water, mixture of two miscible liquids
06 Solid in liquid Solid Liquid Sugar, salt solution.
(C) Solid solution
07 Gas in solid Gas Solid Adsorption of H2 by Nickel.
08 Liquid in solid Liquid Solid Mercury in silver (Hg-Ag)(Amalgum).
09 Solid in solid Solid Solid Metal alloys, Carbon in iron (steel).

Notes: The solution: (1) liquid in gas (2) Solid in particulartemperature calledsaturated solution.
gas not possible because they do not form Thus in saturated solution dynamic equilibrium
homogenous mixture. exists between solid solute and dissolved
(B) On basis of on of components: solute.
1. Binary solution: Asolution containing two 5. Super saturated solution: A solution
components i.e. solute and solvent. containing large amount of solute than that
2. Ternery solution: Asolution containing four required for saturation of a given amount of
components i.e. 'solute and solvent. solvent at a particular temperature is called
3. Quaternary solution: Asolution containing super saturated solution.
four components i.e. solute and solvent. (D) On the basis of solvent:
(C) On the basis of strength : 1. Aqueous solution: A solution in which water
1. Dilute solution: A solution containing a solvents is called aqueous solution.
relatively low concentration solute is called 2. Non aqueous solution: Asolution in which
dilute solution. solvent is other than water is called non
2. Concentrated solution: A solution containing aqueous solution.
relatively high concentration is called Concentration of a solution:
concentrated solution. The amount of solute present in a given amount
3. Unsaturated solution: Solution which can of solution is called concentration of a solution.
dissolved some more solute at given Ways of expressing concentration:
temperature is called unsaturated solution. There are several ways of expressing
4. Saturated solution: Solutionwhich contains concentration of a solution
maximumamount ofsolutethat canbedissolved (a) Percentage by mass
in given amount of solvent at (b) Mole fraction


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Solution And Colligative Properties 29
(c) Molarity
(d) Molality
Soluyion and Colligative Properties
Name Symbol Definition Formula Effect of Unit
Mass percent %(W/W) Parts of solute (W2) present W2
in 100 parts of solution (1). %(W / W)   100
W1  W2
Both parts in terms of mass
or weight
Volume percent %(VN) Parts (Volume) of solute V2
%(V / V)   100 Changes –
present in 100 parts V1  V2
(volume) of solution.
Both parts in terms of
volume in same units.
Normality N Number of gram Changes eq. dm–3
Massof soluteingm
equivalents of solute in N
 V of 
one dm3 of solution  massof solute indm
Grammolar   solution 
3 

Molarity M Number of moles of solute Changes mol dm–3
in one dm3 of solution
Massof soluteingm
Molality m Number of moles of solute m  No mol kg-1
 
Molar mass   solventin 
in one kg solvent (1000g). of solute  kg 
 
Mole X Ratio of the number of n1 n2 No –
moles of one component X1  ,X 2 
n1  n2 n1  n
(solvent or solute) to the
total number of moles total
of all components in
Massof solutein gm
solution. F
 gmformula  
  Vin dm  Changes
Formality F Number of gram formula of  massof mol dm-3
 solute   of solution 
solute in one dm3 of solution  

Parts per ppm Parts of solute in one

million million parts F
component Ain kg 
Mass or volumeof – ppm

of solution (in same unit) Total mass (or volume)

of solution in kg 
Note: Wl ,W2 and n1 ,n2 be the mass the number 4. Osmotic pressure
of moles of solvent and solute respectively. Vapour pressure of solution:
Colligative properties: (Greek, colligtuscollected
The pressure exerted by the vapours, when
together): A property which depends on the
vapours are in equilibrium with solution, at a
number of particles in solution and not in way on
particular temperature is called vapour pressure
the size or chemical nature of particles is called
of solution.
colligative property.
Types of colligative properties: Colligative properties:
1. Relative lowering of the vapour pressure. (I) Lowering of vapour pressure of solvent:
2. Elevation in the boiling point The difference between vapour pressure of pure
3. Depression in the freezing point solvent (P0) and solution (p) is called lowering of


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Solution And Colligative Properties 30
vapour pressure of solvent. It is not colligative The increase in the boiling point of pure solvent
property. when a non volatile solute dissolved in it, is called
Expression: Lowering of vapour pressure elevation of boiling point. It is colligative property.
= p10  p Expression: If T0 be the boiling point ofthe pure
liquid (solvent) and 'T' be boiling point of the
Raoult's law for partial vapour pressure:
solution then, Tb p10  p
At a given temperature, for a solution of volatile
Mole elevation constant or boiling point
liquids, the partial vapour pressure of each
elevation constant or Ebulliscopic constant
component is equal to the product of vapour
of the solvent (K b) : The elevation in boiling
pressure of the pure component and its mole
point when the molality of the solution is unity
fraction in the solution. p  p10 X1  p02 X 2 (i.e. 1mole of solute is dissolved in 1kg (lOOg)of
Raoult's law for solution containing the solvent.
nonvolatile solute:The vapour pressure of Expression:
solution containing non-volatile solute is directly (i) Tb  molality  Tb = Kb × molality
proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent. (ii) If the molality is one, then  Kb =  Tb.
Relative lowering in vapour pressure: The
Unit of Kb: The Unit of Kb are either, Degree/
ratio of lowering of vapour pressure of solution
molality i.e. Km-1 or cm -1or K kg mol-1.
containing non-volatile solute to the vapour
pressure ofpure solvent is called relative lowering Determination of Molar mass: Molar mass of
of vapour pressure. solute from the elevation in boiling point is
determined by Landsberger and Walker's method
p10  p [Ebullioscipic method]
Expression: X  where (p10  p) is
p10 Calculation: Molar mass of non-volatile solute
K b  W2
 P10  P  M2  kg mol-1
called lowering of vapour pressure and  P 0  Tb  W1
 1 
is called relative lowering of vapour pressure. is K b  W2  1000
OR M2  gram mol-1
mole fraction of non volatile soluter. Tb  W1
Limitations of Raoult's law: It is not applicable Where W2be the mass of non-volatile solute in
1. Concentrated solution kg, W1mass of solvent in kg and M2 and M1is the
2. Volatile solute solute and solvent in kg mol-1
3. Dissociation (III) Depression in Freezing Point (Cryoscopy)
4. Association Freezing point:
Determination of molar mass: The temperature at which vapour pressure ofits
Relative lowering of a vapour pressure is liquid is equal to the vapour pressure of tiie
determined by Ostwald and Walker's dynamic corresponding solid is called freezing point. It is
method. not colligative property. Depression in freezing
(Gas saturation method). point: The decrease in temperature ofthe solvent
Calculation: Molar mass of non-volatile solute when solute is dissolved in it, is called depression
in freezing point.
P10  P W2  M1 Expression: If To be the freezing point of the
M2is calculated as 
P10 M2  M2 pure liquid (solvent) and 'T' be the freezing point
(II) Boiling point elevation:(Ebullioscopy): of the solution then
 Tf= T - T
Boiling point: The temperature at which the
vapour pressure of liquid is equal to the Molal depression constant (Cryosco s:ric
atmospheric pressure (1 atm pressure = 760 mm) constant, Kf): Tfie depression in freezing point
is called boiling point ofliquid, It is not colligative for 1 molal solution i.e. a solution in which 1 gm
property. mole of solute is dissolved irl 1 kg (1000g) of
Boiling point elevationfc (  Tb): solvent is called molal depression constant or


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Solution And Colligative Properties 31
cryoscopic constant. percipitate of copper ferrocyanide fills in the
Expression: 2 CuSO4 + K4[Fe (CN)6]
(i) Tf  molality  Tf  K f  molality Copper Sulphate
Potassium Ferrocyanide
(ii) If the molality is one, then Kf= Tf
  Cu2[Fe (CN)6 + 2 K2SO4
Units of Kf : The units of Kfare either, Degree/
SPM Potassium
molality i.e. Km-1 or °Cm–1 or Kkg mol–1
Determination of molar mass :
Osmotic Pressure  :

Molar mass ofnon-volatile solute from depression
in freezing point is determined by Beckmann's The excess of hydrostatic pressure which is
method. developed as a result of osmosis is called osmotic
Calculation: Molar mass of non-volatile solute pressure. OR
M2 is calculated as The excess pressure which must be applied to
prevent the passing of solvent through a
K f  W2
M2  –1 semipermeable membrane is called osmotic
Tf  W1 kg mol pressure. OR
Osmotic pressure is.the excess of pressure which
K f  W2  1000
OR M 2  gram mol–1 must be applied to a solution in order to increase
Tf  W1 the vapour pressure of the solution untill it
Keep in mind: becomes equal to the vapour pressure of solvent.
Use of ethylene glycol as antifreeze: To avoid Measurement of osmotic pressure: The
the freezing ofwater, a solution of ethylene glycol various methods employed for determination are:
in water is used in radiator. This solution has (i) Pfeffer's method.
freezing point below 0°C.Thus freezing point of (ii) Morse and Frazer's method.
water can be lowered. (iii) Berkeley and Hartley's method (common
(IV) Osmosis and Osmotic pressure: Osmosis method).
(Greek - Topush): (Abbe Nollet in 1748) Calculation:
The spontaneous flow of solvent molecules form Osmotic pressure = h d g
the solution of region of lower concentration to Where, h = height of column, d = density of
the region of higher concentration through a solution in the column and g = acceleration due
semipermeable membrane is called osmosis. to gravity.
Exo-Osmosis: When the membrane permits the Application: From the measurement of osmotic
solvent molecules to come out through the pressure, the molecular mass of proteins, polymers
membrane is called exo osmosis, Ex. : If we put and macromolecules can be determined.
grapes in concentrated NaCl solution, the grapes Laws of Osmotic pressure:
1. van't Hoff's theory of dilute solutions:
Endo-Osmosis: When the membrane permi the
(i) Bolye's van't Hoff law:
solvent molecules to enter inside through the
membrane is called endo-osrnosis. Ex. : If we (a)   C ....(i)
kept grapes in pure water, the grapes swells. n 1
Semipermeable membrane (SPM) Amembrane (b) C   (n = 1 mole) ...(ii)
which allows only solvent molecules and not the
solute molecules to pass through it, is called 1
semipermeable membrane. Thus from equation (1) and (2)  
(a) Natural semipermedable membrane : The
 V = constant
naturally occuring semipermeable membranes are
(ii) Charle's-van't Hofflaw:
parchemnt and cellophane bladder of goat or pig.
(b) Artificial sempermeable membrane: It is 
prepared in laboratory by mixing of aqueous (i)   T  = Constant
solution of potassium ferrocyanide and copper (iii) van't Hoff solution equation:
sulphate in a porous pot. The gelationous


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Solution And Colligative Properties 32
V = nRT (For n mole of solute) (iii) Temperature (iv) Pressure
Where R = Gas constant. (i) Nature of gas
Determination of molecular mass of solute (a) Gases which interact with the solvent or ionise
from osmotic pressure: in solutions have high solubility
By van't Hoff solution equation. (NH3 and HCl)
(b) Gases which do not interact with the water
n2 W RT
 RT,   2 (H2, O2, N2) are less soluble.
ii) Nature of solvent: Polar gases dissolve
W RT more in polar solvent than non-polar solvent
or M2 (like dissolves like)
iii) Temperature: Solubility of a gas in liquid
Where, n2 = Number of moles of solute decreases with rise in temperature.
Van't Haff-Avogadro's law: iv) Pressure: Solubility of a gas in liquid
The volume (V) of a solution containing 1 mole increases with increase in pressure.
of solute at 273 K (oC)is 22.6 dm3 when the Henry's law (Relation between Sand P):
osmotic pressure is 1 atm (1.01325 ×105 pa)
At constant temperature the quantity of gas in
Expression: If 1  2 and V 1 =V 2 .The liquid solvent is proportional to the pressure of
according to Avagadro's law, n1= n2 the gas over the solution
Abnormal molecular masses and solutions Expression: S  P  S = KP
of electrolytes: Where 'S' solubility gas dissolved in a given
1. Association of solute molecules: Due to volume of a solvent at constan, temperature
association, there is decrease in the number 'K' = Henry's constant
of solute particles on dissolving in a solvent Henry constant (K):
and thus decreases the values of colligative Solubility of gas in mol dm–3 at 1 atmosphere
properties. Hence higher values are obtained pressure at reference temperature is called Henry
for the molecular mass of solutes as Constant.
compared to the normal values. When P = latm  S = K
2. Dissociation of solute molecules: Due to Application of Henry's law:
dissociation the number of solute particles
(i) In the production of carbonated drink
in solution is more than the expected value
(ii) In deep sea driving
i.e. these solutions give higher values of
colligative properties. The values of (iii) In the function of lungs.
colligative properties are inversely (iv) In climbers or people living high altitutes.
propertional to molecular masess, hence the 2. Solution of solids in liquids:
calculated values of molar masses for such Solubility of solids in liquid depends upon:
substances will be less than the normal (a) Nature of Solute and solvent (Like
values. dissolves like):
Explanation: (i) Polar solutes dissolve easily in polar solvent.
1. When i < 1 association occurs and Ex [NaCl (Polar) dissolves in water (Polar).
theoretical molar mass is less than (ii) Polar solute does not dissolve in non-polar
calculated mass from colligative property. solvent. [NaCl (Polar)] does not dissolve in
2. When i > 1 dissociation occurs and benzene (non-solvent).
theoretical molecular mass is more than Note: Sugar (non polar) dissolves in water. Here
calculated mass from colligative property. the disolution is due to hydrogen bonding that
3. When i = 1, than solute does not undergo occurs between water and sugar molecules.
association or dissociation in the solvent. (b) Effect of temperature on solubility:
Solubilities of different solutions : (i) If the enthalpy of the solution is positive
1. Solutions of gases in liquids: (Endothermic compound) the increase in
Solubility of gases in liquids depends upon: temperature favours the solubility Ex.
(i) Nature of gas (ii) Nature of the solvent KNO3,NaNO 3,AgNO 3, KI


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Solution And Colligative Properties 33
(ii) If the enthalpy of the solution is negative CaCrO4, CaSO4, (CH3COO)2 Ca
(Endothermic compound) the increase in Solid solution (solid in solid) :
temperature decrease the solubility Ex.
A solution of two or more elements containing only metals and nonmetals is called Alloy or soil solution.
Sr. No. Name of Alloy Constituents (metals) Property U s es
1. Duralium Al + Cu + Mg + Mn Light and strong In construction of air crafts
2. Aluminium AI + Cu + Light and strong In construction of air crafts
Bronze small amount of Mn
3. Babbit metal Sb + Sn + Cu Autofriction In machine bearing
4. Bronze Cu + Ni Hard Hardening agent
5. Stainless steel Fe + Cr + Ni Resistant to In cutlery
6. Spiegeleisen 5 to 20% Mn in Fe Hard In manufacturing rails safes and
heavy machinery
7. Ferromaganeous Mn(70 to 80%) In making electrical and
+ Fe (20 to 30%) heavy machinery
8. Manganin Mn + Fe + Cu + Ni Zero temperature In making electrical measurements
Cu(84%) + Mn coefficient
(12%) + Ni (4%)

Van't Hoff factor (i) (1886): In order to account

for the extent of association or dissociation of iv) C.P. 
substances, van't Hoffintroduced a factor 'i'' Molarmass
called van't Hofffactor.
Theoretical molar mass of solute
Expression: 'i'can be defined as the ratio of  i
Observed molar mass of solute
observed and theoretical value of colligative
property. Observed colligative property
Degree of dissociation  : Fraction of the
total number ofmoles ofsubstance that undergo
(i) i 
Observed colligative property
dissociation at equlibrium is called degree of
Theoreticalcolligative property dissociation.

Experimetnalcolligative property Expression:

Normal value of thesame property Degree of dissociation (  )

obs (P)obs (Tf )obs ( Tb )obs Νumber of moles dissociated

ii) i     =
theor (P) theor ( Tf ) theor (Tb )theor Total number of moles takes

iii) But C.P  n Percentage dissociation (%  ): %  =  × 100

6. van't Hoff factor (i) and degree of

Observed number of particles
i  dissociation ()
Theoretica number of particles

i 1
n 1


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Solution And Colligative Properties 34

1000  K b V  W
n  no.of particles Formula Tb   d  
RT 
Electrolytes Or
after dissociation d V
Nacl 2 i 1 (Where d = density of the solvent)
i 1 Note: As the solution is dilute volume of the
Ba(NO3 ) 2 or CaCl2 3
2 solution == volume of the solvent.
i 1 P
Na 3 PO 4 4
3 (c) Tf and P0
i 1
Al2 (SO 4 )3 5
4 1000  K f  P10  P 
i 1 Tf   0 
K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ] 5 M2  P1 
(d) Tf and 
7. van't Hoff factor (i) and degree of association
1000  K f 
 : Tf  
d RT
n(l  i) ModifiedExpressions for substances
' 
(n  l) undergoing dissociation or association (Van't
Hoff's factor):
(i) If n = 2 i.e. for dimerisation (2A A2 ) i)   iCRT ii) Tb  iK b m
  ' = 2 (1– i) or = i =  /2 P  n 
(ii) If n = 3 i.e. for trimerisation (3A A3 ) iii) Tf  iK f m iv)   i
P10  N 
3  2 '  Where nand N are the number of molecules of
  '  (1  i) or i   1  
2  3  solute and solvent respectively.
8. Modified relations for substances : IMPORTANT TIPS
P 1. Isotonic solution: The solutions having same
(a) Tb and P0 osmotic pressure are called isotonic solutions or
isomotic solutions.
1000  K b  W2 P10  P 2. Hypertonic solution: A solution which has
Tb  and
M 2  W1 P10 lower osmotic pressure relative to other solution
is called hypotonic with respect to other.
P W2 M1 3. Hypotonic solution: A solution which has lower
or = P 0  W M osmotic pressure relative to other solution is called
1 1 2
hypotonic with respect to other.
1000  K b  P 4. Haemolysis: The osmotic pressure blood is 8
 Tb 
M 2  P10 atm. If blood cells are put in water, it enters in
them and the cells swell up. If water enters in
(b) Tb and  large excess the cells burst out. It is called
1000  K b  W2
Tb  and V  n RT 5. Turgor: The pressure developed inside the cell
M 2  W1 due to the inflow of water into it, is called turgor.
6. Plasmlysis or Crenation: On the contrary, if
1000  K b  W  blood cells are put in concentrated solution of
 Tb   n  n  2 
W1  M2  common salt (NaCl,) water flows out and the cells
shrink down.
1000  K b V  V  7. Reverse Osmosis and Desalination of Sea
Or Tb   n 
W1 RT  RT  water: When the pressure applied on the solution
side is more than the osmotic pressure then


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Solution And Colligative Properties 35
solvent molecules start moving from solution side greater than that of water vapours in the
towards pure solvent side through semipermeable atmosphere at that temperature.
membrane. This is called as reverse osmosis.
8. 0.1% solution of urea, glucose and sucrose, (A) Ways of expressing concentration
(mol/100 ml) follows the order: urea > glucose 1. Percent by mass:
> sucrose. Thus urea will have the lowest freezing
point and vapour pressure. The b.p. will be the Mass of solute
% by mass of solute = Mass of solution × 100
9. Order of decreasing freezing point (100% % x = 'x' g of solute in 100g of solvent. Hence
ionization) ( Tf  Number of particles) (smaller mass of solvent = (100 – x)g.
2. Mole Fraction
Tf greater will be freezing point)
If 'n' moles of solute and 'N' number of moles of
 0.05M NaNO3>0.04 M Ba Cl2 > 0.075 M solvent, then mole fraction of solute would be :
10. For different solutes ofsame molar concentration, a) Xsolute= or W2 = X2 × Molar mass,
the colligative properties have the greater value nN
for the solution which gives number of particles N
on ionization. b) Xsolvent = or W1 = X1 × Molar mass,
Decreasing order of Tb for 0.01 M solution.
( Tb  number of particles) Moles of solute
Xsolute = Moles of solute  moles of solvent ,
K3Fe(CN)6 > K2HgI4 > Na[Ag(CN)2]
n=4 3 2
Molality  M 2
11. If (a) 1m Urea (b) 1 m NaCl (c) 1 m Na2SO4 Xsolvent = 1  molality  M ,
(d) 1m Na 3 PO 4 then order of colligative 2

Molarity  M 2
XSolvent =
 P0  P  molarity  (M 2  M1 )  d
(i)  1 0 , Tb , Tf ,   is d > c > b > a
 P1  3. Molarity (Molar concentration):
(ii) F.Pt. and V.P. is a > b > c > d Moles of solute
Molarity = Volumein dm3 
12. When 1 mole of non-volatile solute is dissolved in
1 kg of water then :
Massof solute
(i) B.Pt. = 100 + 0.51 = 100.51°C
(ii) F.Pt. = 0 – 1.86 = –1.86°C Molar mass of solute  V(dm3 ) =
13. Deliquescene: % Mass  10  d
a) Crystalline substance that absorbs moisture Molar mass
from the atmosphere and get dissolve in it.
The phenomenon is called deliquescence. (Where'd' expressed in g/cm3)
Ex. NaOH, MgSO4 etc. Explanation :
b) For such substances vapour pressure of their
saturated solution is lower than the vapour Molarity of No.of moles
solutions (m) in1dm 3
pressure of water in the atmosphere at that
temperature. Molar 1
14. Efflorescence: 2Molar 2
a) Crystalline substance that gives up its water Semimolar 0.5
of crystallization to atmosphere and get Pentimolar 0.2
disintegrated into dehydrated product. The
Decimolar 0.1
phenomenon is called efflorescence. Ex.:
Na2CO3.10H2O, Na2S2O3· 5H2O Centimolar 0.01
b) Vapour pressure of hydrated crystal is Millimolar 0.001


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Solution And Colligative Properties 36
4. Molality :
Moles of solute Moles of solute
Molality (m) Mass of solvent in kilogram = Molar mass of solute  Mass of solvent in kg

Vol.of solution in dm 3 Mass of solute (g)

Molality (m) = Molarity × =
Mass of solvent in kg Molar mass of solute (g)[vol.of
solution (cm 3 )  d(g / cm3 )  Mass of solute (g)]
Explanation :

Molarity of Molein 1kg

solution (m) of solvent
Motal 1
2 Motal 2
Semimotal 0.5
Pentiomolal 0.2
decimolal 0.1
Centimolal 0.01
Millimolal 0.001

5. Relation between molarity and molality:

(a) Molarity
Molality  Mass of solvent in kg
Volumeof solution in dm3
(b) (i) If 'd' of solvent is given then M = m x d (for dilute solution)
Molarity  1000
(ii) If 'd' of solution is given then Molality = (d  1000)  (Molarity  Molar Mass)

Relation between Molarity (m) and Mole fraction:

X  d  1000
Molarity  solute
X  Molar mass of solvent  (X  Molar mass of solute)
solvent solvent
Relation between Molality (m) and mole fraction of solute (X2) in water is
X2 
55.56  m
(Where moles of water in 1 dm3 is 55.56)
Henry's law:
(i) S = K × P (K  Henry's constant in atm-1)
(ii) P = K × Xgas (K  Henry's constant in atm)
Where S  solubility in mol dm–3
X  mole fraction of gas (solute)
Raoult's law:
1. For volatile solute (for ideal solution)
p  p1  p 2  p10 X1  p02 X 2
p10 and p02 be vapour pressure of pure components 'A1' A2. respectively


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2. For non volatile solute : Depression of freezing point ( Tf ) =
n2 W2 / M 2 Freezing point of the solvent - Freezing point
p10  p  of the solution.
= X 2= n 1  n 2
W1 W2
p10  (ii) Molal depression constant (Cryoscopic
M1 M 2
constant, Kf ) :
p10  p Tf = Kf × molality × molality (if association
where is relative lowering of vapour
p10 or dissociation then Tf = i × Kf × molality)
pressure. (iii) Determination of molar mass of nonvolatile
p  P is lowering of vapour pressure and X2 is
0 solute from depression in freezing point :
the mole-fraction of nonvolatile solute. K f  W2
Tf  OR M2
3. Tocalculate molar mass of solute (M2) from M 2  W1
Raoult's Law: K f  W2
= kg mol1
W2  M1 p 0
Tf  W1
M2   0 1
kg mol 1
W1 p1  p
Kf  W2  1000
OR M 2  g mol–1
W2  M1 p0 Tf  W1
Or M 2   0 1  1000g mol1
W1 p1  p [F] Osmotic pressure ( ) :
Where, W1  Mass of solvent in kg W2  Mass Expression for osmotic pressure: Osmotic
of solute in kg pressure = h d g
M1  Molar mass of solvent in kg M2  Molar Where h = height of column d = density of solution
mass of solute in kg in the column and g = acceleration due to
gravity = 9.8 ms2
P  Vapour pressure of solution p10  Vapour
[G] Van't Hoff solution equation:
pressure of pure solvent
Determination of molar mass of solute from
Boiling point : osmotic pressure:
(i) Elevation in boiling point ( Tb )
Tb = Boiling point of solution - Boiling point V  nRT OR  
of pure solvent
(ii) Molal elevation constant or boiling elevation W2 RT
OR M2 
constant or Ebulliscopic constant of solvent V
(Kb): Tb  K b  Molality (if association or Units of R,  and V::
dissociation then Tb  i  K b  Molality )
0.082litre 8.314 8.314
(iii) Determination of molar mass of nonvolatile Units of R atm K 1 JK 1 JK 1
solute. mol mol1 mol 1
K  W2 Units of ( ) atm kPa (k Nm 2 ) dm3
Tb  b
M 2  W1 Units of (V) lit Pa (Nm 2 ) m3

K b  W2 4. Relation between osmotic pressure ( ) , lowering

OR M 2  kg mol–1
Tb  W1 of vapour pressure elevation of boiling point and
depression in freezing point.
K b  W2  1000
OR M 2  gmol1 P10  p dRT
Tb  W1  
P10 M2
[E] Freezing point:
(i) Depression in Freezing point (Cryoscopy) dRT
( Tf ) : = Tb  1000K


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Where'd' is the density of solution at temperature van't-Hoff factor (i)
'T' and M2 is the molar mass of solute in grams.
i 1  i 1 
5. Relation between degree of dissociation () and '   n 
1 1 n 
van't-Hoff factor (i)
i 1 n  Number of molecules associated.
n ' 1
7.  solution H   hydration H   Lattic H
n '  Number of cations and anions
6. Relation between degree of association () and


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c) Solution process is endothermic till 34°C and
exothermic thereafter
I. Types of Solution and way of expressing d) Solution process is endothermic
concentration and Henry's Law 7. Two solutions A and B have same mole fractions
1. A solution is of the solute. If 1 dm3 of A is mixed with 2 dm3 of
a) a mixture of two compounds B, the mole fraction of the solute in the mixture
b) a compound of two compounds would
c) a homogeneous mixture of two compounds a) decrease
d) all the above b) increase
2. Which of the following statements is incorrect c) remain unchanged
about a solution? d) change
a) A solution is always a homogeneous mixture. 8. CuSO4. 5H2O is a
b) The solute particles in a solution have size less a) solution of a solid in a liquid
than 10 Å. b) solution ofliquid in a solid
c) Brass cannot be called a solution. c) salt only and cannot be called a solution
d) An ionic compound dissolved in water if the d) coordination compound of copper with water
hydration energy is greater than lattice energy. molecules as the ligands.
3. An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of 9. Which one of the following statements is true for
a) a metal and a non-metal a solution?
b) two-non-metals a) Molarity is always equal to molality
c) two metals b) Molarity is always less than molality
d) two or more metals c) Molarity is always greater than molality
4. Out of Molarity (M), molarity (m), formality (F) d) none of these
and mole fraction (x), those dependent on 10. The plot of partial vapour pressure of solvent
temperature are verses its mole fraction in the solution of a
a) M, m b) F, x constant temp. is
c) m, x d) M, F a) a straight line
5. Ionic compounds are readily soluble in polar b) a straight line parallel to one axis
solvents because c) a straight line passing through origin
a) they have high solubility in water. d) none of the above
b) water molecules is polar in nature 11. The sum of mole fractions of A, Band e in a
c) ionic crystals are easily broken down in the s6lution containing O.lmole each ofA, Band e is
polar solvents a) 0.1 b) 0.3
d) of strong electrostatic forces of attraction c) 1.0 d) 1/3
between ions of crystals and the polar solvent 12. Which ofthe following statement is correct about
molecules. steel (S) and tungsten carbide (We) ?
6. Solubility curve of Na2SO4 lOH2O in water with a) S is a substitutional solid while we is an
temperature is given as interstitial solid solution
b) S is an interstitial solid while we is a
substitutional solid solution
c) Both are interstitial solid solutions
d) Both are substitutional solid solutions
13. The vapour pressures of pure solvent and solution
are 120 mm and 108 mm respectively. The mole
fraction of the solvent in the solution is
a) 0.1 b) 0.9
a) Solution process is exothermic
c) 120/108 d) 1.08
b) Solution process is exothermic till 34°C and
endothermic after 34°C 14. The vapour pressure of solution and pure solvent
P and Poresp. If P/P ois 0.15. Then the mole


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fraction of the solute in the solution is 23. Iodine is more soluble in alcohol than in carbon
a) 0.85 b) 0.15 tetrachloride because
c) 1/0.15 d) 1/0.85 a) iodine and alcohol both are non-polar
15. Increasing the temperature of an aqueous solution b) randomness factor is greater in alcohol their in
will cause CCl4
a) decrease in molality c) dissolution of iodine in alcohol is exothermic
b) decrease in molarity whereas it is endothermic in CCl4
c) decrease in mole fraction d) dissolution of bothe is endothermic but heat of
d) decrease in % w/w dissolution in alcohol is less than in CCl4
16. Which of the following represents a metastable 24. An example of a solution having liquid in solid is
system? a) Moist air b) Dry air
a) A dilute solution c) Au-Hg d) C2H5OH + H2O
b) An unsaturated solution 25. Two solutions of KNO3 and CH3COOH are
c) A saturated solution prepared separately. Molarity of both is 0.1 M
d) A supersaturated solution and osmotic pressures are P1, and P2 respectively.
17. The example of solution of liquid in gas is The correct relationship between the osmotic
a) dry air b) aerated water pressures is:
c) amalgam d) moist air a) P2> P1 b) P1= P2
18. Out of molarity (M), molarity (rn), normality (N) c) P1> P2 d) P1, and P2
and mole fraction (z), those independent of temp. FRAC...
are 26. For an aqueous solution of the same solute, terms
a) M. m b) M,N of concentration,
c) m, x d) N, x a) 1M = 1 m
19. Which ofthe following statement is not correct? b) 1M > 1m
a) 1 ppm of fluoride ions in water prevents tooth c) 1 m > 1M
decay d) Any of these is possible
b) 1.5ppm of fluoride ions in water causes teeth 27. If P0 and P are the vapour pressures ofthe solvent
to become mottled and solution respectively, n1 and n2 are the mole
c) Higher concentration of fluoride ions acts as a fractions of the solvent and solute respectively,
poison for rats then
d) Intravenous injections should have lower ionic a) P = P0n1 b) P = P0n2
concentration than that of out blood plasma
n 
20. A solid dissolves in water if c) P0 = Pn2 d) P  P0  1 
a) lattice energy is greater than hydration energy  n2 
b) lattice energy is less than hydration energy 28. Solubility of a gas in a liquid increases with
c) lattice energy is equal to hydration energy a) increase of pressure and increase of
d) dissolution is exothermic. temperature
21. Which one of the following statement is incorrect? b) decrease of pressure and increase of
a) Normality of a solution depends on temperature
temperature c) increase of pressure and decrease of
b) Molality of a solution depends on temperature temperature
c) Molarity ofa solution depends on temperature d) decrease of pressure and decrease of
d) Molality of a solution relates to mass of solvent temperature
and moles of solute 29. Sugar is soluble in water due to
a) High solvation energy
22. The factor K represent: b) Lonie character of sugar
c) High dipole moment of wate, r
a) Molarity b) Formality d) Hydrogen bond formation With water.
c) Normality d) Molality


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30. An example of solid solution is: (negligible mass) with a small hole is kept on top
a) Amalgam of the liquid surface, then the vapour pressure of
b) Brass the liquid in the vessel is
c) Na in NH3 a) more than what would be if the glass plate
d) Dust in air were removed
31. If mole fraction of the solvent in a solution b) same as what would be ifthe glass plate were
decreases then removed
a) vapour pressure of solution increases c) less than what would be ifthe glass plate were
b) boiling point decreases
d) cannot be predicted
c) osmotic pressure increases
38. 5 mL of acetone is mixed with 100mL of H2O. The
d) all are correct
vapour pressure of water above the solution is
32. Which of the following is incorrect?
a) equal to the vapour pressure of pure water
a) Mass of the gas dissolved is inversely
b) equal to the vapour pressure ofthe solution
proportional to its pressure
c) less than the vapour pressure of pure water
b) Mass of the gas dissolved is inversely
proportional to temperature d) more than the vapour pressure of pure water.
c) A soda-water bottle contains oxygen gas 39. In which of the following molecular mass
dissolved under pressure determination method, sensitivity of the
measurements decreases as the molecular mass
d) Permanent gases are less soluble than
of the solute increases
temperature gases.
a) elevation of boiling point/depression in f.pt.
33. Which is not the colligative property?
b) viscosity
a) Refractive index
c) osmotic pressure
b) Osmotic pressure
d) none
c) Lowering of vapour pressure
40. When a crystal of the solute is introduced into a
d) Elevation in boiling point
super saturated solution of the solute
34. Which of the following correctly represents
a) the solute dissolves
Henry's law?
b) the excess solute crystallises out
a) m = KHPA
c) the solution becomes unsaturated
b) xA = KHPA
d) the solution remains super saturated
c) PA = KHxA
d) All of these 41. For an ideal binary liquid solution with PA0  PB0
II. Lowering of Vapour pressure and Raoult's which of the following relations between xA(mole
Law fraction ofAin liquid phase) and yA(mole fraction
35. The use of common salts, NaCI or CaCl 2 ofA in vapour phase) is correctly represented?
anhydrous is made to clear snow on the roads. a) xA = yA
This causes b) xA> yA
a) a lowering in f. pt. of water c) xA < yA
b) a lowering in m. pt. of ice d) xA< yA cannot be correlated with each other
c) ice melts at the temperature of atmosphere 42. V.P.of a solution containing non-volatile solute is
presents at that time a) more than the vapour pressure of solvent
d) all b) less that the vapour pressure of a solvent
36. Which of the following of correct for a solution c) equal to the vapour pressure of solvent
containing non volatile solute from Raoult's law? d) none
a)  V= +ve,  H = +ve 43. The relative lowering ofvapour pressure is equal
b)  V= -ve,  H = -ve to the more fraction of the non-volatile solute.
c)  V= +ve,  H = -ve This statement was given by .
d)  V= -ve,  H = +ve a) Raoult b) Henry
37. A liquid is kept in a closed vessel. If a glass plate c) Joule d) Dalton


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44. An aqueous solution of methanol has vapour a) Henry's law b) Raoult's law
pressure c) Dalton's law d) Boyle's law
a) equal to that of water 53. In two solutions having different osmotic
b) equal to that of methanol pressures, the solution ofhigher osmotic pressure
c) more than that of water is called
d) less than that of water a) Isotonic solution
45. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent, the b) Hypertonic solution
vapour pressure of solvent decreases. This brings c) Hypotonic solution
a) an increase in b.pt. ofthe solution d) None
b) a decrease in b.pt. of a solution 54. When an ideal binary solution is in equilibrium
c) an increase in f.pt. of the solvent with its vapour, molar ratio ofthe two components
d) none in the solution and in the vapour phase is
46. By adding water to the solution, its a) same
a) concentration remains same b) different
b) concentration increases c) mayor may not be same depending upon
c) ionisation decreases volatile nature of the two components
d) concentration decreases d) all
47. The lowering of vapour pressure of the solvent 55. If Raoult's law is obeyed, the vapour pressure of
takes place the solvent in a solution is directly proportional to
a) only when the solute is non-volatile a) (l-mole fraction of solute)
b) only when the solute is volatile b) mole fraction of the solute
c) only when the solute is a non-electrolyte c) mole fraction of the solvent and solute
d) in all the above three cases. d) the volume of the solution
48. Two solutions have different osmotic pressures. 56. The relative lowering to the vapour pressure is
The solution of lower osmotic pressure is called equal to the ratio between the number of
a) Isotonic solution a) solute molecules to the solvent molecules
b) Hypertonic solution b) solute molecules to the total molecules in the
c) Hypotonic solution
c) solvent molecules to the total molecules in the
d) None
49. Which one of the following is an expression of
d) solvent molecules to the total number ofions
Raoult's law if PA is the partial pressure of the
of the solute.
solvent is a solution, ~ is the partial pressure of
the pure solvent and if XAand XB are the mole 57. For determination ofmolecular masses, Raoult's
fraction ofthe solute and the solvent repectively? law is applicable only to
a) dilute solutions of electrolytes
a) PA  PA0 X A b) PA  PA0 X A (1/ X B )
b) concentrated solutions of electrolytes
c) PA  PA0 X B d) PA0  P(X A / X B ) c) dilute solutions of non-electrolytes
50. The pressure under which liquid and its vapour d) concentrated solutions of non-electrolytes.
can coexist in equilibrium is known as 58. 12 g of urea is dissolved in 1 litre of water and
a) normal vapour pressure 68.4 g of sucrose is dissolved in 1 litre of water.
The lowering of vapour pressure of first case is
b) saturated vapour pressure
a) equal to second
c) real vapour pressure
b) greater than second
d) limiting vapour pressure
c) less than second
51. The lowering of vapour pressure in case of dilute
solutions is directly proportional to d) double that of second
a) molality b) molarity 59. The solubility of a gas in liquid at a temperature
is directly proportional to its
c) mole fraction d) all
a) Density b) Melting point
52. Existance of aquatic life is an application of


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Solution And Colligative Properties 43
c) Boiling point d) Pressure a) number of solute particles present in it
60. The vapour pressure of water depends upon: b) chemical nature of the solute particles present
a) surface area of container in it.
b) volume of container c) nature of the solvent used
c) temperature d) none
d) all 68. Which method cannot be used to find out the
61. Dust is an example of- molecular mass of non-volatile solute
a) solid solution a) Victor Mayer's method
b) liquid solution b) Osmotic pressure method
c) gas solution c) Cryoscopic method
d) none d) Ebullioscopic method
62. The molal elevation/depression constant depends 69. The vapour pressure of a dilute solution of a solute
on is NOT influenced by
a) nature of solvent a) temperature of solution
b) nature of solute b) melting point of solute
c) temperature c) mole fraction of solute
d)  H solution d) degree of dissociation of solute
63. Which of the following statement is correct? 70. The vapour pressure (VP) of a dilute solution of
a) Lowering of vapour pressure takes place only non-volatile solute is P and the VP ofpure solvent
is P0' the lowering of the VP is:
in ideal solutions.
b) Lowering of vapour pressure does not depend a) + ve b) - ve
upon the solvent at a given concentration of P P
the solute. c) P d) 0
0 P
c) Lowering of vapour pressure depends upon 71. Alcohol has ... vapour pressure than water at the
the nature of the solute. same temperature
d) Relative lowering of vapour pressure does not a) more b) less
depend upon the solvent at a given c) same d) none
concentration of solute. 72. Binary liquid solutions which exhibit negative
64. For a dilute solution, Raoult's law states that deviations from Raoult's law boil at
a) the lowering of vapour pressure is equal to temperature...... than the expected value
the mole fraction of solute c) lower b) higher
b) the relative lowering of vapour pressure is c) same d) can not be said
equal to the mole fraction of solute 2.15 73. Which solution will show the maximum vapour
c) the relative lowering of vapour pressure is pressure at 300 K
proportional to the amount of solute in solution a) 1MNaCI b) 1MCaCl2
d) the vapour pressure of the solution is equal to c) 1MCH3COOH d) 1MC12HOll
the mole fraction of solvent
74. If Po and Ps are the vapour pressure of solvent
65. Which is not a colligative property? and solution respectively and N1 and N2are the
a) Atmospheric pressure mole of solute and solvent then
b) Lowering of vapour pressure
(P0  PS ) N1
c) Osmotic pressure a) 
d) Elevation of boiling point. P0 (N1  N 2 )
66. An example of colligative property is (P0  PS ) N1
a) Freezing point b) 
b) Boiling point
c) Vapour pressure N1
d) Osmotic pressure c) Ps  P0  (N  N )
1 2
67. The colligative properties of a solution depend on
d) All


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75. Which ofthe following will have the highest F.P. d) records no predictable change
at one atm pressure? 83. 0.1 M NaCI and 0.1 M CH3COOH are found to
a) 0.1 MNaCI solution have osmotic pressure of p1 and P2 respectively
b) 0.1 Msugar solution then what is the correct statement?
c) 0.1 M BaCl2 solution a) P1 > P2 b) P1 = P2
d) 0.1 M FeCl3 solution. c) P1 < P2 d) P1 = P2= 0 atm.
76. A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapours at its 84. Among (P) water (Q) ethanol and (R) mercury
boiling point. On the average the molecules in the correct order of vapour pressure at room
the two phases have equal temp. is
a) potential energy a) P > Q > R b) Q > P > R
b) total energy c) R > Q > P d) Q > R > P
c) kinetic energy 85. In a solution of two miscible volatile liquids A and
d) intermolecular forces B, the plots of their partical VP. Vs their mole
77. If the temperature increases from O°C to 50°C fractions is given by (Assume, VP. of pure A>
at atmospheric pressure, which of the following v.P. of pure B)
processess is excepted to take place more in case
a) fusion b) vaporisation
c) solubilization d) none
78. The lubricating action ofan oil is more if it possess
a) high vapour pressure
b) low vapour pressure
c) high surface tension
d) high density
79. In a solution if the amount of solvent is doubled,
keeping the amount of solutes same, the share of III. Boiling Point Elevation
solute in the solution 86. Which solution will have highest boiling point?
a) become half a) 1% glucose b) 1% NaCl
b) would decrease but not a half c) 1% sucrose d) 1% CaCl2
c) remain unchanged 87. You are given 100 cc of CC14 to extract iodine
d) changed unpredictably from 200 ccof its aqueous solution. For extracting
80. Which of the following plots does not represent maximum amount of iodine, which one of the
the behaviour of an ideal binary liquid solution? following
a) Plot PA versus xA (mole fraction ofAin liquid a) use of 100 cc of CC14 once
phase) is linear b) use of 50 cc of CCl4 twice
b) Plot of PB versus xB is linear c) use of 10 cc of CC14 tep times
c) Plot of Ptotal versus xA (or xB) is linear d) use of 25 cc of CC14 four times
d) Plot of Ptotal versus xA is non-linear 88. The molal elevation constant is the ratio of the
81. In a very dilute solution the no. of moles of solvent elevation in boiling point to
are 10 times more than that ofthe solute. The a) molarity
v.P. of the solution would be b) molality
(VP. of pure solvent = 80 mm) c) mole fraction of solute
a) 80 mm b) 88 mm d) mole fraction of solvent.
c) 72 mm d) 92 mm 89. The elevation in boiling point for one molal solution
82. When a liquid is heated its vapour pressure of a solute in a solvent is called
a) continuously increases a) Cryoscopic constant
b) continuously decreases b) Boiling point constant
c) increases and becomes constant at b.pt of liquid c) Molal Ebullioscopic constant
d) None


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Solution And Colligative Properties 45
90. Boiling point of a solution is independent of than its usual melting point, when the pressure
a) amount of solution increase. This is because
b) pressure a) ice is less denser than water
c) nature of solvent b) pressure generates heat
d) concentration of solution c) the bonds break under pressure
91. Which solution will show maximum elevation in d) ice is not a true solid.
b.pt. 98. The correct relationship between the boiling points
a) 0.1 M KCl of very dilute solutions of AICl3 (tl) and CaCl2
b) 0.lMBaCI2 (t2) having the same molar concentration is
c) 0.1 MFeCl3 a) tl = t2 b) tl > t2
d) 0.1M Fe2 (8O4)3 c) t2 > tl d) t2 > tl
92. Which one of the is not the correct unit of molal 99. The highest temperature at which vapour pressure
elevation constant? of a liquid can be measured is
a) °C/m b) K/m a) boiling point ofliquid
c) K kg mol -1
d) K mol kg–1 b) critical temperature (T)
93. At high altitudes the boiling point of water c) critical solution temperature
decreases because d) inversion temperature
a) atmospheric pressure is low 100. The elevation of boiling point method is used for
b) temperature is low the determination of molecular mass of
c) atmospheric pressure is high a) non-volatile and soluble solute
d) none b) non-volatile and insoluble solute
94. A teacher one day pointed out to his students c) volatile and soluble solute
peculiar fact that water is unique liquid which d) volatile and insoluble solute
freezes exactly at O°Cand boils exactly at l00°C. 101. Molal elevation constant of a liquid is:
He asked the students to find the correct a) the elevation ofb.pt. which would be produced
statement based on this fact by dissolving one mole of solute in 100 g of
a) water dissolves anything however sparingly solvent
the dissolution may be b) the elevation ofb.pt. which would be produced
b) water is a polar molecule by dissolving 1 mole solute in 10 g of solvent
c) boiling and freezing temperatures of water c) elevation in b.pt. which would be produced
were used to define a temperature scale by dissolving 1 mole of solute in 1000 g of
d) liquid water is denser than ice solvent
95. Boiling point of water is defined as the d) none
temperature at which 102. The boiling point of C6H6, CH3H, C6H5NH2 and
a) vapour pressure of water is equal to that of C6H6NO2 are 80°C, 65°C, 184°C and 212°C
one atmospheric pressure respectively. Which will show highest vapour
b) bubbles are formed pressure at room temperature
c) steam comes out a) C6H6 b) CH3OH
d) none c) C6H5NH 2 d) C6H5NO2
96. If the amount of a non-electrolyte dissolved is 103. A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because:
double but that of solvent is quadrupled, the a) heat is more evenly distributed
elevation in boiling point of the solution will be b) b.pt. of water inside the cooker is increased
a) doubled c) the high pressure tenderises the food
b) halved d) all
c) four times 104. Water will boil at 101.5°Cat which ofthe following
d) unchanged pressure :
97. The melting points ofmost ofthe solid substances a) 76 cm of Hg
increase with an increase of pressure acting on b) 76 mm of Hg
them. However, ice melts at a temperature lower


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Solution And Colligative Properties 46
c) > 76 cm of Hg c) both of these
d) < 76 cm of Hg d) none of these
105. Which characterises the weak intermolecular 112. Todetermine the elevation of boiling point more
forces of attraction in a liquid accurately. The solvent area should take
a) high boiling point a) higher value of Kb
b) high vapour pressure b) lower value of Kb
c) high critical temperature c) high molar mass
d) high heat of vapour isat ion d) low molar mass
106. Addition of common salt to a sample of water 113. The molecular mass of a solute cannot be
will calculated by one of the following relations
a) increase its freezing point and increase the
Kb  1000  w 2
boiling point a) M 2 
Tb  w1
b) decrease its freezing point and increase the
boiling point w 2  RT
c) increase both the boiling and the freezing point b) M 2 
d) decrease both the boiling and the freezing
point. P01  w 2  M1
c) M 2 
107. Equimolal solutions will have the same boiling (P01  P)  w1
point, provided they do not show
a) electrolysis Tb w2
d) M 2  K  1000 w
b) association b 1

c) dissociation 114. Assuming complete ionization, which one of the

d) association or dissociation following aqueous solution will have maximum
108. An aqueous solution is heated until it begins to boiling point?
boil. The atmospheric pressure is 760 mm ofHg. a) 0.2 MNaCl b) 0.2MCaCl2
The boiling temperature will be c) 0.1 M BaC12 d) 0.1 M FeCl3
a) 100°C b) > 100°C 115. Some statements are given below
c) < 100°C d) None a) for the same solution  Tb =  Tf
109. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent, the b) 5%of solution of urea will have more osmotic
vapour pressure of the solvent is decreased. This pressure than that 10% solution of glucose
results in
c) elevation of B.pt. is due to increase in vapour
a) an increase in the b.p. of the solution pressure of solution on adding solute
b) a decrease in the b.p. of the solvent d) depression of F.pt. is due to decrease in vapour
c) The solution having a higher freezing point than pressure of solution on adding solute. Among
the solvent the above
d) the solution having a lower osmotic pressure a) B and D are true
than the solvent. b) A, Band D are false
110. On the basis of intermolecular forces predict the c) B and C are false
correct order of decreasing boiling points of the
d) only D is true
116. Ebullioscopy is concerned with
a) CH3OH > H2> CH4
a) osmotic pressure
b) CH3OH> CH4 > H2
b) lowering of vapour pressure
c) CH4 > CH3pH > H2
c) elevation of B.pt
d) H2> CH4 > CH3OH
d) depression of F.pt
111. Elevation of boiling point is directly proportional
to IV. Freezing Point Depression
a) molality of the solution 117. The temperature at which vapour pressure of a
sofvent in its liquid and solid phase becomes same
b) depression of freezing point in the same solution
is called


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a) b.pt b) f.pt 126. The value of Kf for water is 1.86°,calculated from
c) sublimation point d) none glucose solution. The value of Kf, for water
118. To form a super saturated solution of salt one calculated for NaCI solution will be
must a) = 1.86 b) < 1.86
a) cool slowly c) > 1.86 d) Zero
b) coolrapidly 127. The depression in f.pt. is directly proportional to
c) add some salt to cold solution a) Normality b) Molality
d) use a clear vessel c) Molarity d) None
119. The freezing point of 1% aqueous solution of 128. Which one of the following statement is incorrect?
calcium nitrate will be a) Greater the lowering of va pouring pressure,
a) 0°C b) Above 0°C greater is the boiling point of the solution
c) 1°C d) Below 0°C b) Greater the lowering of vapour pressure,
120. The molal depression constant depends upon greater is the freezing point of the solution.
a) nature of the solute c) At the freezing point, the solute and the solvent
b) nature of the solvent have same vapour pressure
c) heat of solution of the solute in the solvent d) The units of molal depression constant are
d) vapour pressure of the solution. Km-1.
121. The moles of a solute are dissolved in Wg of 129. Which ofthe following 0.1 M aqueous solutions
water. If Kf, is the molal depression constant of will have the lowest freezing point
water, the freezing point of the solution will be a) Potassium sulphate
b) Sodium chloride
1000 K f W1 1000 K f n
a) b) c) Urea
W1 W1
d) Glucose
1000K f W1 1000K f W1 130. The molal cryoscopic constant for water is
c) d)  a) 1.86 K molality-1
n n
122. The depression in freezing point is maximum if, b) 5.26 K molality-1
... is used as solvent c) 55.5 Kmolality-1
a) camphor b) naphthalene d) 0.52 K molality-1
c) benzene d) water 131. When mercuric iodide is added to the aqueous
123. During freezing point depression in the solution solution of potassium iodide, the
the following are in equilibrium- a) f.pt. is raised
a) liquid solvent-solid solvent b) f.pt. is lowered
b) liquid solvent-solid solute c) f.pt. does not change
c) liquid solute-solid solute d) b.pt. does not change
d) liquid solid-solid solvent 132. Molal elevation constant and molal depressi: .,
124. What will be the molecular weight of NaCl constant for water respectively (in °C/m) are
determined experimentally following elevation in a) 0.52, 1.86 b) 1.86, 0.52
the boiling point or depression in freezing point c) 1.52, 0.86 d) 0.86, 1.52
method 133. At a suitable pressure near the freezing point of
a) < 58.5 b) > 58.5 ice, there exists
c) = 58.5 d) None a) only ice
125. On freezing an equeous solution of sugar, the solid b) ice and water
that starts separating out is c) ice and steam
a) sugar d) ice, water and steam, all existing side by side
b) ice 134. The-reverse of fusion is freezing and it is
c) solution with the same composition a) endothermic
d) solution with a different composition. b) exothermic
c) neither exothermic nor endothermic


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d) may be exothermic or endothermic 142. The relationship between osmotic pressure at 273
135. In cold countries, ethylene glycol is added to K when 10 g glucose (P1), 10 g MgC12(P2), and
water in the radiators of cars during winters. It 10 g NaCl (P3)are dissolved in 250 mL of water
results in is
a) lowering in boiling point a) P1> P2 > P3
b) reducing viscosity b) P3 > P1 > P2
c) reducing specific heat c) P2> P1 > P3
d) lowering in freezing point d) P2> P3> P1
136. Equimolal solutions of A and B show depression 143. If 0.1 M solution of glucose and 0.1M solution of
in freezing point in the ratio 2 : 1. A remains in its urea are placed on two sides ofthe semipermeable
normal state in solution. B will be in solution membrane to equal heights, then it will be correct
a) normal b) dissociated to say that
c) associated d) hydrolysed. a) there will be no net movement across the
137. The molar mass of benzoic acid in benzene as membrane
determined by depression in f. pt. method b) glucose will flow towards urea solution
correspond to c) urea will flow towards glucose solution
a) ionization of benzoic acid d) water will flow from urea solution to glucose
b) dimerization of benzoic acid solution.
c) trimerization of benzoic acid 144. A solution which has lower osmotic pressure
d) solvation of benzoic acid compared to that of the other solution is know as
V. Osmosis and Osmatic Pressure a) Hypotonic
138. At constant temp. the osmotic pressure (n) and c) Isotonic
the molarity (M) of the solution are related as b) Hypertonic
d) None ofthe above.
a)   M b)   145. Two solutions A and B are separated by a
M semipermeable membrane. As a result to osmosis,
1 the level of solution A is found to rise. It implies
c)   M d)   that
a) solutionAis more concentrated than solution
139. The molecular mass (rn) of a solute and osmotic B
pressure (rr) of its solution are related as
b) solutionBis more concentrated than solutionA
a)   wRT / m b) m  RT / w c) the solute molecules of A are smaller than
c)   wm RT / w d) m  WR / T those of B
140. Which one of the following statement is false d) the solute molecules of B are smaller than
about osmotic pressure? those of A
a) It is the pressure of the hydrostatic column 146. Who was awarded Nobel Prize for chemistry in
set up due to osmosis. 1901 for discovering laws of osmotic pressure
b) It is the pressure applied on the solution to for solutions
prevent the entry of the solvent into it through a) van't Hoff b) Pauling
the semi-permeable membrane. c) Berkeley d) Seaberg
c) During osmosis, the flow of solvent is only 147. Assuming each salt to be 90% dissociated which
from dilute solution to concentrated solution. of the following will have highest osmotic
d) Osmotic pressure is directly proportional to pressure
the temperature of the solution. a) decinormal Al2(SO4)3
141. Assuming the degree of ionization to be equal, b) decinormal BaCl2
the ratio of osmatic pressures of equimolar solution c) decinormal Na2SO4
of Al2(SO4)3 ,Na3PO4 and K4[Fe(CN)6]is d) a solution obtained by mixing equal volumes
a) 5 : 4 : 5 b) 4 : 5 : 6 of b) and c) and filtering
c) 1: 0.8 : 1 d) 0.8 : 1 : 1 148. When a solution is separated from a solvent by


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semipermeable membrane, then phenomenon semipermeable membrane?
taking place is called as a) Calcium phosphate
a) osmosis b) diffusion b) Nickel phosphate
c) solubility d) none c) Calcium sulphate
149. The osmotic pressure of a solution increases if d) Copper ferrocyanide.
a) temperature is decreased 157. The value ofosmoticpressure doesnot depend
b) solution constant is increased upon
c) number of solute particles is increased a) concentration of the solution
d) volume is increased. b) temperature of the solution
150. A 0.6% solution of urea (molecular mass = 60) c) number ofthe particles of the solute present
would be isotonic with d) structure of the solute particles.
a) 0.1 M glucose 158. A plant cell shrinks when it is kept in
b) 0.1MKCI a) hypotonic solution
c) 0.6% glucose b) a hypertonic solution
d) 0.6%KCI c) a solution nisotonic with cell sap
151. Which of the following colligative properties can d) water.
provide molar mass of proteins (or polymers or 159. Dissolution of a solute is an exothermic process
colloids) with greater precision? if
a) Relative lowering of vapour pressure a) Hydration energy > Lattice energy
b) Elevation of boiling point b) Hydration energy < Lattice energy
c) Depression in freezing point c) Hydration energy = Lattice energy
d) Osmotic pressure. d) None
152. The outer shell of an egg was dissolved in 160. The phenomenon in which cells are swelled up
hydrochloric acid and then placed in concentrated and then burst if placed in hypotonic solutions is
NaCI solution. Which one of the following will called
happen? a) Plasmolysis b) Haemolysis
a) The egg will swell c) Exosmosis d) None
b) The egg will shrink 161. Two aqueous solutions S1 and S2 are separated
c) Nothing will happen to the egg by a semi-permeable membrane. S2 has lower
d) The inside of the egg will become saltish. vapour pressure than S1. Then
153. If a thin slice of sugar beet is placed In a) more solvent will flow fromS1 to S2
concentrated solution of NaCI then b) more solvent will flow from S2 to S1
a) sugar beet will lose water from its cells c) solvent from S1and S2will flow at equal rates
b) sugar beet will absorb water from solutions d) no flow will take place.
c) sugar beet will neither absorb nor lose water 162. A solution which has higher osmotic pressures
d) sugar beet will dissolve in solution compared to other solution is known as
154. As a result of osmosis, the volume of the a) Hypotonic b) Hyperonic
concentrated solution c) Isotonic d) Normal.
a) gradually decreases 163. At low concentrations, the statement that
b) gradually increases equimolal solutions under a given set of
c) suddenly increases experimental conditions have equal osmotic
d) none pressure is true for
155. As a result of osmosis, the volume of the solution a) all solutions
a) gradually decreases b) solutions of non-electrolytes only
b) gradually increases c) solutions of electrolytes only
c) is not affected d) none of these.
d) any of the three. 164. The phenomenon in which cells are shrinked down
156. Which inorganic precipitate acts as a if placed in hypertonic solution is called


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a) Plasmolysis b) Haemolysis equimolal solutions under a given set of
c) Endosmosis d) None experimental conditions have equal osmotic
165. Which salt shown maximum osmotic pressure in pressure is true for
its 1M solution a) all solutions
a) AgNO3 b) Na2SO4 b) solutions of non-electrolytes which neither
c) (NH4)3PO 4 d) MgC2. dissociates nor associates
166. The natural semipermeable membrane is c) solutions of electrolytes only
a) Gelatinous Cu2Fe (CN)6 d) none
b) Gelatinous Ca3(PO4)2 175. Blood cells retain their normal shapes in solutions
c) Plant cell which are
d) Phenol layer a) isotonic to blood
167. An aqueous solution of sucrose, C 12H 22O 11 b) hypotonic to blood
containing 34.2 g/L has an osmotic pressure of c) hypertonic to blood
2.38 atmospheres at 17°C. For an aqueous d) equinormal to blood
solutions of glucose, C6H12O6 to be isotonic with 176. As a result of osmosis the volume of solution
this solution, it would have: a) remains constant
a) 34.2 glL b) 17.1 glL b) increases
c) 18.0 glL d) 36.0 g/L of glucose c) decreases
168. Which involves osmosis d) increases or decreases
a) Crenation b) Plasmolysis 177. The osmotic pressure (rt) of a solution is given
c) Haemolysis d) All by relation
169. The plant cell will shrink when placed in RT CT
a) Water a)   b)  
b) a hypotonic solution
c) a hypertonic solution RC 
c)   d)  RT
d) an isotonic solution T C
170. The process of getting freshwater from sea water 178. Which acts as semipermeable membrane?
is known as a) Calcium phosphate (gelatinous)
a) Osmosis b) filtration b) Phenol layer
c) Diffusion d) Reverse osmosis c) Copper ferrocyanide (gelationous)
171. The osmotic pressure of a dilute solution is directly d) All
proportional to the 179. Which statement is incorrect about osmotic
a) diffusion rate ofthe solute pressure (P), volume (V) and temperature (T)
b) ionic concentration
c) boiling point a) P  , if T is constant
d) flow of solvent from a concentrated solution
b) P  T, if V is constant
172. The molecules which diffuse through a cell
membrane are of c) P  V,ifT is constant
a) Fructose b) Glycogen d) PV is constant, if T is constant
c) Haemoglobin d) Catalase 180. Solute when dissolved in water
173. Aperfectly semipermeable membrane when used a) decreases the vapour pressure of water
to separate a solution from its solvent permits b) increases the boiling point of water
through it the passage of c) decreases the freezing point of water
a) solute only d) all of the above
b) solvent only 181. The osmotic pressure of a dilute solution is given
c) both (a) and b) by
d) none a) P = Po × N1, b)  V = nRT
174. At low concentrations, the statement that


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a) 0.01 m NaCl
1 P0  PS
c)  P = P0N0 d) V  P b) 0.005 m C2H5OH
0 0
c) 0.005 m Mgl2
182. Blood has been found to be isotonic with d) 0.005 m MgSO4
a) normal saline solution 190. Benzoic acid undergoes dimerisation in benzene
b) saturated NaCI solution solution, the van't Hoff factor 'i' is related to the
c) saturated KCI solution degree of association 'x' of the acid as
d) saturated solution of a 1 : 1 mixture of NaCI. a) i = (1 - x) b) i = (1 + x)
and KCI c) i = (1- x/2) d) i = (1+ x/2)
183. Isotonic solutions are those which have the: 191. van't Hoff factor (i)
a) same osmotic pressure a) Is less than one in case of dissociation
b) same molarity b) Is more than one in case of association normal
c) same density molecular mass
d) same normality normalmolecular mass
184. Osmosis is the spontaneous flow through a c) i =
observed molecular mass
semipermeable membrane of
a) a less concentrated solution into more observed molecular mass
concentrated solution . d) i =
normalmolecular mass
b) the solvent from a solution of lower
192. Acetic acid on dissolution in benzene will show
concentration to one of higher concentration
a) two times of its normal molecular mass
c) solute particles from a solution of higher
concentration to one of lower concentration b) its normal molecular mass
d) none c) half of its normal molecular mass
d) none
185. Two solutions A and B are separated by
semipermeable membrane. If liquid flows from 193. On mixing 10 mL of acetone with 40 mL of
A to B then chloroform, the total volume of the solution is
a) A is more concentrated than B a) < 50 mL b) > 50 mL
b) A is less concentrated than B c) = 50 mL d) Cannot be predicted
c) both solutions have same concentration 194. The substance A when dissolved in solvent B
shows the molecular mass corresponding to A3
d) none
The van't Hoff factor will be
186. One mole each of urea, glucose and sodium
a) 1 b) 2
chloride were dissolved in one litre ofwater. Equal
c) 3 d) 1/2
osmotic pressure will be produced by solutions
of 195. Benzoic acid dissolved in benzene shows
a) Urea and glucose a) Its normal molecular mass
b) Sodium chloride and urea b) Double of its normal molecular mass
c) Glucose and sodium chloride c) Half of its normal molecular mass
d) Not definite.
d) None
196. Solutions A, B, C and D are respectively 0.1 M
187. Who proposed the concept, that solute particle
glucose, 0.05 M NaCI, 0.05 M BaCl2 and 0.1 M
in solution behaves like gaseous molecules
AlCI3Which one ofthe following pairs is isotonic?
a) Boyle b) van't Hoff
a) A and B b) Band C
c) Nollet d) Charles
c) A and D d) A and C.
188. Which of the following solutions will have the
197. Which of the following solution will have the
highest boiling point at 1 atm pressure?
highest boiling point?
a) 0.l M FeCl3 b) 0.l M Ba Cl2
a) 1% solution of glucose in water.
c) 0.l M NaCl d) 0.1 Murea
b) 1% solution of sucrose in water.
189. Which of the following aqueous solution has
c) 1% solution of sodium chloride in water.
minimum freezing point?
d) 1% solution of calcium chloride in water.


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198. On mixing 10 mL of carbon tetrachloride with 10 b) associated
mL of benzene the total volume of the solution is c) both
a) > 20 mL d) cannot say anything
b) < 20 mL 207. The van't Hoff factor (z) for a dilute solution of
c) = 20 mL K3[Fe(CN)6] is
d) cannot be predicted a) 10 b) 4
199. Which of the following is incorrect? c) 5 d) 0.25
a) Molecular mass of NaCI found by osmotic 208. van't Hoff factor for 0.1 M ideal solution is
pressure measurements is half of the theoretical a) 0.1 b) 1
value c) 0.01 d) none of the three.
b) Molecular mass of CH3COOH in benzene 209. Which salt may show the same value of van't
found by cryoscopic methods is double of the Hoff factor (i) at that of K4Fe(CN)6 in very dilute
theoretical value solution state
c) Osmotic pressure of 0.1 M glucose solution is a) A12(SO4)3 b) NaCI
half of that of 0.1 M NaCI solution c) Al(NO3)3 d) Na2SO4
d) Molecular mass of HCI found by any 210. The experimental molecular mass of an
colligative property will be same in the aqueous electrolyte will always be less than its calculated
solution and benzene solution. value because the value ofvan't Hoff factor 'i' is:
200. Relation between degree of dissociation (a) and a) less than 1 b) greater than 1
vant Hoff's factor for BaCl2 is
c) equivalent to 1 d) zero
a) i = 1+  b) i = 1+ 2 
211. The ratio of the value of any colligative property
c) i = 1-  d) i = 1- 2  is KCI solution to that of AlCl3 solution is:
201. The van't Hoff factor of NaCI assuming 100 % a) 1 b) 0.5
dissociation is c) 2 d) 4
a) b) 2
2 I. Types of Solution and way of Expressing
c) 1 d) 3 Concentration
202. The depression in freezing point of 0.1 M aqueous 212. A solution has an osmotic pressure of8.314 Pa at
solutions of HCI, CuSO4 and K2SO4 are in the 300 K. It's concentration would be :
ratio a) 0.056 M b) 0.56 M
a) 1 : 1 : 1 b) 1 : 2 : 3 c) 0.0034 M d) 0.034 M
c) 1: 1 : 1.5 d) 2 : 4 : 3 213. In a solution of 7.8 g benzene (C6H6 ) and 46.0 g
203. Which of the following compounds corresponds toluene (C6H5CH3) the mole fraction of benzene is :
to van't Hoff factor (i) to be equal to 2 for dilute a) 1/6 b) 1/5
solution? c) 1/2 d) 1/3
a) K2SO4 b) NaHSO4 214. An aqueous solution of urea containing 18g urea
c) Sugar d) MgSO4 in 1500 cm3 of the solution has density equal to
204. The van't Hoff's factor (i) for a 0.2 molal aqueous 1.052. If the molecular mass of urea is 60, then
solution of urea is the molality of the solution is
a) 0.2 b) 0.1 a) 0.200 b) 0.192
c) 1.2 d) 1.0 c) 0.100 d) 1.200
205. The van't Hoff factor (i) for a dilute aqueous 215. The mole fraction of water in a solution containing
solution of glucose is 50 g of water and 50 g of ethyl alcohol is :
a) Zero b) 1.0
50 18
c) 1.5 d) 2.0 a) b)
50  50 18  46
206. van't Hoff factor more than unity indicates that
the solute in solution has 1.09 2.78
c) d)
a) dissociated 1.09  2.78 1.09  2.78


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216. The molarity o.f an aqueous solution of NaOH 226. The mole fraction of C2H5OH (Molar mass =
containing 8 g in 2 litre of the solution is 46) in 5 molal aqueous ethyl alcohol solution is
a) 0.1 M b) 0.2 M a) 0.0826 b) 0.826
c) 0.25 M d) 0.15 M 5
217. A solution containing 3.01 ×1023 HCI molecules c) 5 d)
is diluted to a volume of 4 litres. The molar 227. A sugar syrup of weight 2.14.2 grams contains
concentration of the solution is 34.2 grams of water. The molal concentration is
a) 1M b) 2 M a) 0.55 b) 5.5
c) 0.125 M d) 0.25 M c) 55 d) 0.1.
218. 100 mL of 0.1 M solution of solute A are mixed 228. To a 4L of 0.2 M solution of NaOH, 2L of 0.5 M
with 200 mL of 0.1 M solution of solute B. If A NaOH are added. The molarity of resulting
and B are non-reacting substances, the molarity solution is :
of the final solution will be
a) 0.9 M b) 0.3 M
a) 0.3 M b) 0.4 M
c) 1.8 M d) 0.18 M.
c) 0.1 M d) 0.15 M
229. 0.115 g of pure sodium metal was dissolved in
219. An aqueous solution of glucose is 10 % in 500 mL distilled water. The normality of the above
strength. The volume in which 1 gm mole of it is solution would be
dissolved will be
a) 0.010 N b) 0.0115 N
a) 18 litres b) 9 litres
c) 0.023 N d) 0.046 N
c) 0.9 litres d) 1.8 litres
230. 200 g. of 5 solution (by mass) of the solute A is
220. Mole fraction of glucose in 18 % (wt./wt.) mixed with 300 g. of a 10 % solution (by mass)
solution of glucose is of solute B. The mass percent of A and B in the
a) 0.18 b) 0.1 mixtures are respectively
c) 0.017 d) 0.021. a) 3 and 5 b) 5 and 10
221. The molality of a solution having 18 g of glucose c) 2 and 6 d) 6 and 12
(Molar mass = 180 ) dissolved in 500 g of water is : 231. Equal volumes of 10 % solution (by wt) of the
a) 1 m b) 0.5 m solute A and 15% solution (by wt) of the solute
c) 0.2 m d) 2 m B are mixed. The mass percent of A and B in
222. At 40°C the vapour pressure in torr, of methyl the mixture would be respectively
alcohol - ethyl alcohol solution is represented by a) 5 and 7.5 b) 10 and 25
the equation. P = 119XA + 135 where XA is c) 5 and 10 d) 20 and 30
molefraction of methyl alcohol then the value of 232. 400 cm3 of water is added to 6 % of 600 g (molar
PA mass = 36) of a solute. The molarity of solution
lim is
X A 1 X
a) 254 torr b) 135 torr a) 3 b) 1.5
c) 119 torr d) 140 torr c) 0.25 d) 1
223. 150 mL of C2H5OH (density = 0.78 g mL-1) is 233. Volume of 0.2 M H2 SO4 solution containint 20
diluted to one litre by adding water; molality of millimoles of the solute is
the solution is a) 10 cm3 b) 100 cm3
a) 2.54 b) 11.7 c) 20 cm d) 200 cm3
c) 2.99 d) 29.9 234. The volume of 95 % H2SO4(density = 1.85 g
224. 50 g. of a solute is dissolved in 0.95 kg. of the cm-3) needed to prepare 100 cm3of 15 % solution
solvent. The mass percent of the solution is of H2SO4 (density = 1.10 g cm3) will be
a) 5 b) 0.90 a) 5 cc b) 7.5 cc
c) 0.52 d) 0.090 c) 9.4 cc d) 12.4 cc
225. A solution is 0.25 % by mass. the weight of 235. Concentrated sulphuric acid is approximately 18
solventcontaining 1.25 g of solutes would be molar. 5 cc of it are added to make 500 cc of the
a) 506 g b) 498.75 g solution. The approximately normality ofthe
solution will be
c) 580.25 g d) 581.25 g


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Solution And Colligative Properties 54
a) 0.18 b) 0.09 247. What is the molarity of H2SO4 solution that has a
c) 0.36 d) 0.27. density 1.84 gm / cc at 35°C and contains 98 %
236. 2 mole of ehtanol is dis olved in 8 mole ofwater. H2SO4 by weight?
The mole fraction of water in the solution is a) 4.18M b) 8.14M
a) 0.2 b) 0.8 c) 18.4M d) 18 M.
c) 0.4 d) 0.1 248. A l L of water sample has 0.1 g fluoride
237. 92 g. of ethanol is dissolved in 108 g. of water. concentration. What is the concentration of
The mole fraction of ethanol in the solution is fluorine in terms of ppm level?
a) 0.25 b) 0.75 a) 250 b) 100
c) 0.50 d) 0.35 c) 400 d) 1000.
238. 1dm3 ofwater contains 90 g. ofglucose. The mole 249. If 20 g. of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in 1 dm3
fraction of glucose in the solution is of water, the molarity of the solution will be
a) 0.33 b) 0.66 a) 0.5 b) 0.25
c) 0.5/56.05 d) 0.5/55.55 c) 0.1 d) 0.2
239. The number of moles of hydroxide (OH-) ion in 250. The volume of water of be added to 50 ems of a
0.3 litre of 0.005 M solution ofBa (OH)2is decimolar solution to convert it to a centimolar
a) 0.0075 b) 0.0015 solution will be
c) 0.0030 d) 0.0050 a) 500 cm3 b) 450 cm3
240. Rectified spirit contains 95 % ethanol by mass. c) 400 cm3 d) 100 cm3
The mole fraction of ethanol will be 251. 30 g. of acetic acid is dissolved in 1 dm3of a
a) 0.881 b) 0.99 solvent. The molality ofthe solution will be (Given,
c) 0.118 d) 0.81. density of solvent = 1.25 g cm-3)
241. The molarity of pure water is a) 0.40 b) 0.35
a) 55.6 b) 50 c) 0.55 d) 0.25
c) 100 d) 18. 252. If the density of a solvent is greater than 1kg.dnr",
242. If 18 g of glucose (C6H12O6) is present in 1018 g then the molarity (M) and molality (m) are related
of an aqueous solution of glucose, it is said to be as
a) 1 molal b) 1.1 molal a) M > m b) m > M
c) 0.5 molal d) 0.1 molal. c) m = M d) none of these
243. The number of iodine atoms (N) present in 1 ern" 253. For a solution of dibasic acid the molarity (M)
of its 0.1 M solution is and normality (N.)are related as :
a) 6.02 × 1023 b) 6.02 × 102 a) N = M / 2 b) 2 M = N
c) 6.02 × 10 d) 1.204 ×1020 c) M = N d) M > N
244. The mole fraction of a solute in its solution in 254. The molality of a 1molar solution will be (Given,
acetic acid is 0.2. The mass of solute (molar mass density of solvent = 1.5 kg. dm-3)
= 40) in 120 g. of acetic acid would be a) 1.5 b) 1
a) 2g b) 8g c) 0.66 d) 10.72
c) 10 g d) 20 g 255. If the density ofthe solvent is 2.5 kg dm-3.The 2
245. 4.9 g of H2SO4 is present in 500 cm3 of the molal solution of a solute in this solvent will be
solution has molarity. a) 5.M b) 2.5 M
a) 0.2 b) 0.1 c) 4M d) 1.25M
c) 0.01 d) 0.02 256. The molarity of solution obtained by mixing 800
246. A centi-molar solution is diluted 10 times. The mL of 0.5 M HCI and 200 mL 1.6M HCI will be
molarity would become a) 0.72 b) 0.36
1 1 c) 1.2 d) 2.1
a) b) 257. A solution CaCl2 is 0.5 mol/litre, then the moles
10 100
of chloride ions in 500 mL will be
1 1 a) 0.25 b) 0.50
c) d)
1000 1 c) 0.75 d) 1.00


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Solution And Colligative Properties 55
258. A molar solution that which contains one mole of a) 0.2 b) 0.06
solute in c) 0.4 d) 0.88
a) 1000 g of solution 269. The number of moles of solute present in 2 dm3
b) 1000 g of solvent of 0.5 M solution is
c) 1 litre of solution a) 2 b) 1
d) 1 mL of solution c) 0.5 d) 0.25
259. Mole fraction of glycerine in a solution of 36 g. 270. The mole of fraction of nitrogen, in a mixture of
of. water and 40 g of glycerine is (M. Wt of 7 g of N2 and 16 g of O2 is
glycerine = 92) a) 0.5 b) 0.75
a) 0.2 b) 0.8 c) 0.66 d) 0.33
c) 0.46 d) 0.36 271. The wt. percent of the solute in a solution is 20.
260. An X molal solution of a compound in benzene The volume of solvent containing 60 g of solute
has mole fraction of solute equal 0.2. The value (d = 1.2 g/cc)
of X is a) 0.24 dm3 b) 0.12 dm3 .
a) 14 b) 3.2 c) 1.2 dm 3
d) 0.2 dm3
c) 0.46 d) 2.0 272. The molarity of in the solution after 2 litres of 3M
261. To 100 ml of a 0.5 M solution, 400 ml of water is AgNO3 is mixed with 3 litres of 1M BaCl2 is
added, the final molarity would be a) 1.2M b) 1.8M
a) 0.125 `b) 0.1 c) 0.5 M d) 0.4 M
c) 0.25 d) 0.15 273. 0.2 mole of HCI and 0.1 mole of calcium chloride
262. 800 ml of 0.1 MH2SO4 is mixed with 200 ml of were dissolved in water to have 500 mL ofsolution.
0.8 MH2SO4The molarity of the mixture is The molarity of CI- ions, in the solution is
a) 0.32 b) 0.24 a) .04M b) 0.8 M
c) 0.12 d) 0.48 c) 0.4M d) 0.08 M
263. How many grams of CHpH would have to be II. Henry's Law
added to water to prepare 150 mL of a solution 274. What is the concentration of dissolved oxygen at
that is 2.0 M CH3OH ? 25°Cat 1atm pressure if partial pressure ofoxygen
a) 9.6 b) 2.4 is 0.22 atm? (KH= 1.3x 10-3mol dm-3atm -1)
c) 9.6 × 103 d) 4.3 x 102 a) 2.86 ×10-4M b) 5.9 × 10-3M
264. If the density of pure water is 0.999 g cm3.The c) 1.7 × 10 M-3
d) 0
molarity of pure water will be 275. The millimoles of N2 gas that will dissolve in 1L
a) more than 55.5 b) less than 55.5 of water at 298 K when H2 is bubbled through
c) equal to 55.5 d) equal to 1 water and has a partial pressure of 0.96 bar will
265. The wt. of unhydrous sodium carbonate needed be (Given that at 298 KH = 76.8 k bar)
to prepare 500 ml of a decinormal solution would a) 0.85 b) 0.693
be c) 0.981 d) 0.453
a) 5.3 g b) 10.6 g 276. The mole fraction of saturated solution is 1.2 x
c) 1.06 g d) 2.65 g 10-6.The pressure ofthe above the solution is (KH
266. The molarity of a 10 % NaOH solution is = 1.44.97 bar)
a)2.5 b) 0.5 a) 0.174bar b) 17.4bar
c) 0.25 d) 0.05 c) 27.4 bar d) 0.274 bar
267. The amount of oxalic acid (Molar mass 63) 277. N2 exerts a pressure of 0.987 bar. The mole
required to prepare 500 mL of its 0.10 N solution fraction of N2, is (KH= 74.48 kbar)
is a) 7.648 x 10-3 b) 9.87 x 10-5
a) 0.315 g b) 3.150 g c) 1.3 x 10-5 d) 2.6 X 10-5
c) 6.300 g d) 63.00 g 278. KH value for Ar(g) , CO2(g),CO2(g), HCHO(g) and
268. 120 g of urea is present in 5 L of solution, the CH4(g) are 40.39, 1.67, 1.83 × 10-5 and 0.413
active mass of urea is respectively. Arrange these gases in the order of
their increasing solubility.


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Solution And Colligative Properties 56
a) HCHO < CH4 < CO2< Ar for KCIsolution to that for sugar solution is nearly
b) HCHO < CO2< CH4 < Ar .......... times:
c) Ar < CO2< CH4 < HCHO a) 1 b) 0.5
d) Ar < CH4< CO2< HCHO c) 2 d) 2.5
279. The solubility of methane in benzene at 298 K 286. 6 g urea is dissolved in 90 g water. The relative
under 760 mm Hg if KH= 4.27 X 105 mm Hg is: lowering of vapour pressure is equal to:
a) 1.78 x 10-4 b) 1.78 x 10-5 a) 0.0196 b) 0.06
c) 17.8 x 10 -4
d) 1.78 X 10-6 c) 1.10 d) 0.0202
280. Air contain O2 and N2 in the ratio of 1 : 4. The 287. Vapour pressure of CCl4, at 25°C is 143mm Hg.
Henry constant for O2 and N2 are 3.30 x 107 torr 0.5 g of a non-volatile solute (mol. wt. 65) is
and 6.60 ×107 torr respectively. Ratio of solubility dissolved in 100 cm-3of CCl4.Find the vapour
of O2 and O2 dissolved in water at atmospheric pressure of the solution. (Density of CCl4, = 1.58/
pressure and room temperature is cm 3).
a) 1 : 4 b) 4 : 1 a) 141.93 mm b) 94.39 mm
c) 1: 2 d) 2 : 1 c) 199.34 mm d) 143.99 mm
III. Lowering of Vapour Pressure and Raoult's 288. The vapour pressure ofbenzene at 90°Cis 1020
Law torr. A solution of 5 g of a solute in 58.5 g benzene
281. Water and chlorobenzene are immiscible liquids. has vapour pressure 990 torr. The M.Wt. of solute
Their mixture boils at 90°C under a reduced is:
pressure of 9.58 ×104 Pa. The vapour pressure a) 78.2 b) 178.2
of pure water at 90°C is 7.03 ×10 4Pa and c) 206.2 d) 220
molecular mass of chlorobenzene is 112.5 On 289. The vapour pressure of ethanol and methanol a
what percent basis, cholorobenzene in the 42.0 mm and 88.5 mm Hg respectively. An ideal
distillate is equal to: solution is formed at the same temperature mixing
a) 50 b) 60 46.0 g of ethanol with 16.0 g of methanol. The
c) 70 d) 80 mole fraction of methanol in the vapour is
282. The vapour pressure of benzene at a certain temp. a) 0.467 b) 0.502
is 640 mm Hg. Anon-volatile-non-electrolyte solid c) 0.513 . d) 0.556
weighing 2.175 gisadded to 39.0 gofbenzene. The 290. One molar solution of sodium chloride will has
vapour pressure ofthe solution is 600mm Hg.What the relative lowering of vapour pressure close to:
is the molecular mass of the soild substance? a) 5.8% (wt./vol) urea solution
a) 6.96 b) 5.8% (wt./vol)glucose solution
b) 65.3 c) 1.0 M glucose solution
c) 63.8 d) 2.0 M urea solution
d) none of the above. 291. 34.2 g of canesugar is dissolved in 180 g of water.
283. Liquid A and B form an ideal solution. Ifvapour The relative lowering of vapour pressure will be
pressure of pure A and Bare 500 Nm-2 and 200 a) 0.0099 b) 1.597
Nm -2 respectively, the vapour pressure of a c) 0.840 d) 0.9901
solution ofA in B containing 0.2 mole fraction of
292. The vapour pressure of a pure liquid A is 70 torr
A would be
at 27°C. It forms an ideal solution with another
a) 700 Nm-2 b) 300 Nm-2 liquid B. The mole fraction of B is 0.2 and total
c) 260 Nm-2 d) 140 N m-2 vapour pressure ofthe solution is 84 torr at 27°C.
284. The vapour pressure of pure benzene and toluene The vapour pressure of pure liquid B at 27°C.
are 160 and 60 torr respectively. The mole a) 14 b) 56
fraction of toluene in vapour phase in contact with c) 140 d) 70
equimolar solution of benzene and toluene is
293. At 88°C benzene has a vapour pressure of 900
a) 0.50 b) 0.6 torr and toluene'has a vapour pressure of 360 torr.
c) 0.27 d) 0.73 What is the mole fraction of benzene in the
285. The ratio of the value of any colligative properly mixture with toluene that will boil at 88°C at 1


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Solution And Colligative Properties 57
atm pressure, benzene-toluene form an ideal The molecular mass of the solute is
solution: a) 180 b) 90
a) 0.416 b) 0588 c) 270 d) 200
c) 0.68 d) 0.74 IV. Boiling Point Elevation
291. The relative lowering of vapour pressure 301. The molal elevation constant of water = 0.52
produced by dissolving 71.5 g of substance in K.molality:'. The boiling point of 1.0molal aqueous
1000 g of water is 0.0173. The molecular mass KCI solution (assuming complete dissociation of
of the substance will be: KCI) should be:
a) 74.39 b) 18.0 a) -273.04 K b) 374.04 K
c) 342 d) 60 c) 37.404 K d) 273 K
295. The vapour pressure of water at room 302. The boiling point of a water containing nonvolatile
temperature is 23.8 mm Hg. The vapour pressure solute is 101.04°C of 2 molal solution, the
of an aqueous solution of sucrose with mole ebullioscopic constant of water is
fraction 0.1 is equal to a) 0.52 K . kg mol-1 b) 1.04 K . kg mol-1
a) 2.9 mm Hg b) 24.2 Hg c) 10.4 K . kg mol-1 d) 5.2 K . kg mol-1
c) 21.42 mm Hg d) 21.44 mm Hg. 303. An aqueous solution containing 1 g of urea boils
296. The vapour pressure of two pure liquids (A) and at 100.25°C. The aqueous solution containing 3 g
(B) are 100 and 80 torr respectively. The total of glucose in the same volume will boil at
pressure of solution obtained by mixing 2 mole of a) 100.75°C b) 100.5°C
(A) and 3 mole of (B) would be: c) 100°C d) 100.25°C
a) 120 torr b) 36 torr 304. At certain hill-station, pure water boils at
c) 88 torr d) 180 torr 99.725°C. If Kb, for water is 0.513°C kg mol",
297. Vapour pressure of CC14 at 25°C is 143 mm Hg. the boiling point of 0.69 m solution of urea will be
0.5 g of a non-volatile solute (Molar mass 65) is a) 100.079°C b) 103°C
dissolved in 100 cm3 of CC14 Find the vapour c) 100.359°C d) unpredictable.
pressure of the solution. (Density of CCl4 = 1.58/
305. Elevation in boiling point was 0.52°C when 6 g of
cm 3).
a compound X was dissolved in 100 g of water.
a) 141.93 mm b) 94.39 mm Molecular mass X is: (Kb = 5.2 mol-1 100 g HP)
c) 199.34 mm d) 143.99 mm. a) 120 b) 60
298. An ideal solution was obtained by mixing methanol c) 180 d) 342
and ethanol. If the partial vapour pressure of
306. The molal elevation constant for water is 0.52 K
methanol and ethanol are 2.619 × kPa and a 4.556
molality-1 The elevation caused in the boiling point
kPu.respectively, the composition of vapour (in
of water by dissolving 0.2.5 mole of a non volatile
terms of mole fraction) will be:
solute in 250 g of water will be:
a) 0.635 MeOH, 0.365 EtOH
a) 52°C b) 5.2°C
b) 0.365 MeOH, 0.635 EtOH
c) 0.52°C d) 0.052°C
c) 0.574 MeOH, 0.326 EtOH
307. The molal elevation constant for water is 0.56°C
d) 0.173 MeOH, 0.827 EtOH per kg ofwater. The boiling point of solution made
299. The vapour pressure of a solvent decreased by by dissolving 6.0 g of water (NH2CONH2) in 200
10mm of Hg when a non-volatile solute was g of water is
added to the solvent. The mole fraction of solute. a) 10.028°C b) 100.28°C
In solution is 0.2, what would be the mole fraction
c) 50.14°C d) none of these
of solvent if decrease in vapour pressure is 20
308. Y g of non-volatile organic substance ofmolecular
mm of Hg:
mass M is dissolved in 250 g benzene. Molal
a) 0.8 b)0.6
elevation constant of benzene is Kb Elevation in
c) 0.4 d) 0.2 its boiling point is given by: M 4KbY
300. The vapour pressure of solution of 5 g of non-
electrolyte in 100 g of water at a particular M 4K b Y
a) b)
temperature is 2985 Nm-2. The vapour pressure KbY M
of pure water at the temperature is 3000 Nm-2.


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Solution And Colligative Properties 58

Kb Y Kb Y V. Freezing Point Depression

c) d) 317. The freezing point of 0.1 M solution of glucose is
4M M
-1.86°C. If an equal volume of 0.3 M glucose
309. The molal boiling point constant of water is solution is added, the freezing point of the mixture
0.53°C. When 2 mole of glucose are dissolved in will be
4000 g of water, the solution will boil at: a) -7.44°C b) -5.S8°C
a) 100.53°C b) lO1.06°C c) -3.72°C d) -2.79°C
c) 100.265°C d) 9.47°C 318. Pure benzene freezes at 5.45°C at a certain place
310. A solution containing 3.3 g of a substance in 125 but a 0.374 m solution of tetrachloroethane in
g ofbenzene (b.p 80°C) boils at 80.66°C. If Kb benzene freezes ar 3.SSoC.The Krfor benzene
for one litre of benzene is 3.28°C, the molecular is
mass of the substance shall be a) 5.08 K kg mol-1 .
a) 127.20 b) 131.20 b) 508 K kg mol-1
c) 137.12 d) 142.72 c) 0.508 K kg mol-1
311. The boiling point of an aqueous solution of a d) 5O.8°C kg mol-1
nonvolatile solute is 100. 15°C. What is the 319. The freezing point of a O.OSmolal solution of a
freezing point of an aqueous solution obtained by non-electrolyte in water is : (Kf= 1.86 Kmolality:')
diluting the above solution with an equal volume a) -1.86°C b) -O.93°C
of water? The values of Kb and Kf, for water are
c) -O.093°C d) 0.093°C
0.S12°C and 1.86°CK molality-l.
320. The freezing point of 1 molal NaCI solution
a) -O.S44°C b) -O.S12°C
assuming NaCI to be 100%dissociated in water
c) -.o.272°C d) -1.86°C is : (Kf,= 1.86 K molality-1)
312. The boiling point of 0.1 molal aqueous solution of a) -1.86°C b) -3.72°C
urea is 100.18°C at 1 atm. The molal elevation c) +1.86°C d) +3.72°C
constant of water is
321. An aqueous solution of a non-electrolyte solute
a) 1.8 b) 0.18 boils at 100.52°C. The freezing point ofthe solution
c) 18 d) 18.6 will be (Kf,= 1.86 K kg mol-1, (Kb = 0.52 K kg
313. The 0.1 molal aqueous solution of glucose boils mol-3)
at 100.16°C. The boiling point of O.S molal a) O°C b) -1.86°C
aqueous solution of sucrose will be c) 1.86°C d) none of the above.
a) SOO.80°C b) 100.80°C 322. Molal depression of freezing point of water is
c) 20.16°C d) 20.8°C 1.86° per 100 g of water. 0.02 mole of urea
314. The molal b.p. constant for water is 0.513°C kg dissolved in 100 g of water will produce a
mol-1. When 0.1 mole of sugar is dissolved in 200 lowering of tempreature of:
g of water, the solution boils under a pressure of a) 0.186° b) 0.372°
1 atm at c) 1.86° d) 3.72°
a) 100.S13°C b) 100.0S13°C 323. What would be the freezing point of aqueous
c) 100.256°C d) 101.02SoC solution containing 17 g of C2H5OH in 1000 g of
315. For a solvent Kb = S kg mol-1 using this solvent, water (KfH2O = 1.86 K molality-1)?
the solution records the elevation of boiling point a) 272.31 K b) 273.69 K
of O.soC.The molality of the solution is c) 273 K d) 27.36 K
a) 0.2S b) 0.1 324. A solution of 1.5 g of non-electrolyte in 20 g of
c) 10 d) unpredictable water freezes at 271.94 K. If Kf = 1.86 K kg
316. If the elevation in boiling point of a solution of 10 mol:' then the molecular mass of the solute will
gm of solute (mol. mass = 100) in 100 gm of water be
is  Tb the ebullioscopic constant of water is a) 179.97 g mol-1 b) 207.8 g mol-1
a) 10 b) 10  Tb e) 309.6 g mol-1 d) 109.6 g mol-1
325. A 0.5 molal solution of ethylene glycol in water is
c)  Tb d)  Tb /10
used as coolant in a car. If the freezing point


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Solution And Colligative Properties 59
constant of water be 1.86°C per mole, the mixture 1.86°; Kb = 0.512°). What is the elevation in boiling
shall freeze at point?
a) 0.93°C b) -O.93°C a) 0.186 b) 0.512
c) 1.86°C d) -1.86°C c) 0.152/1.86 d) 0.0512
326. A solution of 1.25 g of a non-electrolyte in 20 g 335. The freezing point of a solution prepared from
of water freezes at 271.94 K. If K f= 1.86 1.25 g of non-electrolyte and 20 g of water is
Kmolality-1 then the molecular wt. of the solute 271.9 K. If molar depression constant is .86 K
is: mol-1 then molar mass of the solute will be:
a) 207.8 g/mol b) 179.79 g/mol a) 105.7 b) 106.7
c) 209.6 g/mol d) 109.6 g/mol c) 115.3 d) 93.9
327. A solution containing 1 mole of ethylene glycol 336. A 0.2 molal aqueous solution of a weak acid HX)
dissolved in 1000 g of water (Kf, = 18.6 K molality- is 20 percent ionised. The freezing point of this
) will freeze at: solution is (Kf, = 1.86 Kim for water)
a) 273 K b) 2.544 K a) -O.45°C b) -0.90°C
c) 254.4 K d) 25.44 K c) -O.31°C d) -O.53°C
328. What is the molality of ethyl alcohol (molar mass 337. The freezing point of aqueous solution that
= 46) in aqueous solution which freezes at-10°C: vcontains 5% by mass urea, 1.0% by mass KCI
(Kf for water = 1.86 K molality-1) and 10% by mass of glucose is: (Kf,H2O = 1.86
a) 3.540 b) 4.567 K molality-1)
c) 5.376 d) 6.315 a) 290.2 K b) 285.5 K
329. The molal depression constant for a solvent is c) 269.93 K d) 250 K
4.9. The depression in freezing point for a 338. The values of Kf for solvents, P, Q, R and S are
millimolal solution of a non-electrolyte in the 1.86, 1.99, 5.12 and 4.7 kg mol-1 resp. The
solvent is equimolal solutions of a solute in these solvents
a) 0.49 b) 4.9 will have the freezing point in order of solvents
c) 4.9 + 0.001 d) 0.0049. a) R> S > Q > P b) P> R> S > Q
330. The amount of urea to be dissolved in 500 mL of c) P > Q > S > R d) R > Q > P > S
water (K = 18.6 K mol-1 100 g solvent) to produce 339. The solutions containing 6 g of urea (molecular
a depression of 0.186°C in freezing point is: mass = 60) per dm 3 of water and another
a) 0.3 g b) 3 g containing 9 g of solute A per dm3 of water freeze
c) 6 g d) 9 g at the same temp. The molecular mass of A is
331. The molecular mass of NaCI determined by a) 120 b) 90
studying freezing point depression of it's 0.5% c) 54 d) 150
aqueous solution is 30. The apparent degree of 340. If 15 gm of a solute in 100 gm of water makes a
dissociation of NaCI is: solution that freezes at -1.0°C, then 30 gm of the
a) 0.95 b) 0.50 same solute in 100 gm of water will make a
c) 0.60 d) 0.30 solution the freezes at
332. The depression in f.pt. of 0.01 m aqueous solution a) -0.5°C b) -2.0°C
of urea, sodium chloride and sodium sulphate is b) 0°C d) 2.0°C
in the ratio: 341. How many grams of sucrose (Molar mass = 342)
a) 1 : 1 : 1 b) 1 : 2 : 3 should be dissolved in 100 I? water in order to
c) 1 : 2 : 4 d) 2 : 2 : 3 produce a solution with a 105.0°C difference
333. 20 g of a binary electrolyte (mol. wt. = 100) are between the freezing point and the boiling
dissolved in 500 g of water. The freezing point of temperatures? (Kf = 1.86 C/m, Kb 0.51°C/m)
the solution is -0.74°C, Kf, = 1.86 K molality-1 a) 34.2 g b) 72 g
The degree of ionization of the electrolyte is: c) 342 g d) 460 g.
a) 50% b) 75% 342. The percentage composition by mass of an
c) 100% d) Zero aqueous solution of a solute (molecular mass 150)
334. An aqueous solution freezes at-O.186°C (Kf= which boils at 373.26 is (Kb = 0.52)


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a) 5 b) 15 a) 3.42 g of cane sugar in one litre water and
c) 7 d) none of the above. 0.18 g of glucose in one litre water
343. 8g ofHBr is added in 100 g of H2O. The freezing b) 3.42 g of cane sugar in one litre water and
point will be (Kf, = 1.86, H = 1, Br = 80) 0.18 g of glucose in 0.1 litre water
a) -O.75°C b) O°C c) 3.42 g of cane sugar in one litre water and
c) -3.67°C d) -7.6°C 0.585 g of NaCI in one litre water
VI. Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure d) 3.42 g of cane sugar in one litre water and
344. Osmotic pressure of blood is 7.65 atm at 310 K 1.17 g of NaCl in one litre water
An aqueous solution of glucose that will be 352. 0.6 g of a soluts is dissolved in 0.1 litre of a solvent
isotonic with blood is wt.lvol: which develops an osmotic pressure of 1.23 atm
a) 5.41% b) 3.54% at 27°C. The molecular mass of the substance is
c) 4.53% d) 53.4% a) 149.5 g mol-1 b) 120 g mol-1
345. The osmotic pressure of a solution at O°C is 4 c) 430 g mol-1 d) None.
atmospheres. What will be its osmotic pressure 353. The osmotic pressure of decimolar solution of
at 546 K under similar conditions? glucose at 30°C is:
a) 4 atm. b) 2 atm. a) 24.88 atm b) 2.488 atm
c) 8 atm. d) 1 atm. c) 248.8 atm d) 2488 atm
346. The osmotic pressure in atmospheres of 10% 354. Osmotic pressure of a solution of a solution
solution of cane sugar at 69°C is (density is 1 g/mL) containing. 3 g of glucose
a) 724 b) 824 (molecular mass = 180) in 63 g of water at 15°C
is: (R = 8.314 J K-l mol-1)
c) 8.21 d) 7.21
a) 41.570 kPa
347. The osmotic pressure of 0.2 molar solution of urea
at 27°C is en = 0.082 litre atm mol-1K-1) is b) 415.70 kPa
a) 4.92 atm b) 1 atm c) 41570 kPa
c) 0.2 atm d) 27 atm. d) 4157kPa
348. The osmotic pressure of a 5% (wt.lvol.) solution 355. 100 cc of 1.5% solution of urea is found to have
of cane sugar at 150°C is (Molar mas = 342) osmotic pressure of 6.0 atm and 100 cc of 3.42%
solution of cane sugar is found to have an osmotic
a) 4 atm b) 3.4 atm
pressure of2.4 atm. If the two solutions are mixed
c) 5.078 atm d) 2.45 atm
the osmotic pressure of the resulting solution will
349. Osmotic pressure of a solution containing 0.1 mole be
of solute per litre at 273 K is
a) 8.4 atm b) 4.2 atm
0.1 c) 16.8 atm d) 2.1 atm.
a) × 0.082 × 273 atm
1 356. A solution containing 8.6 g urea in one litre was
b) 0.1 × 2 × 0.082×273 atm found to be isotonic with a 5%(wt./vol.) solution
of an organic non-volatile solute. The molecular
1 mass of latter is:
c) × 0.082 × 273 atm 0.1 273
0.1 a) 348.9 b) 34.89
0.1 273 c) 3489 d) 861.2
d) × atm 357. A solution containing 4 g of a non-volatile organic
1 0.082
solute per 100 mL was found to have an osmotic
350. Osmotic pressure of 40% (wt.lvol.) urea solution
pressure equal to 500 em of mercury at 27°C.
is 1.64 atm and that of 3.42% (wt./vol.) cane
The molecular mass of solute is:
sugar is 2.46 atm. When equal volumes of the
a) 14.97 b) 149.7
above two solutions are mixed, the osmotic
pressure of the resulting solution is c) 1697 d) 1.497
a) 1.64 atm b) 2.46 atm 358. If a 6.08%(wt./vol) solution of cane sugar (molar
mass = 342) is isotonic with 1.52% (wt./vol)
c) 4.10 atm d) 2.05 atm
solution of compound B then the molecular mass
351. Following solutions at the same temperature will
of compound B is:
be isotonic.


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a) 152 b) 76.5 a) 15 b) 14.8
c) 85.5 d) 180 c) 1500 d) 148
359. What is the volume of solution containing 1 g mole 368. A solution containing 500 g of a protein per litre
of sugar that will give rise to an osmotic pressure is isotonic with a solution containing 3.42 g of
of 1 atm at S.T.P.? sucrose per litre. The molecular mass of protein
a) 224.0 litre b) 22.4 litre is
c) 2.24 litre d) none of the above. a) 5 b) 146
360. Osmotic pressure of a sugar solution at 27°C is c) 34200 d) 50000
2.46 atmosphere. The concentration of the 369. The osmotic pressure a solution at O°Cis 2 atm.
solution in mol per litre is: What will be its osmotic pressure at 273°C under
a) 1M b) 0.01 M similar conditions
c) Q.0125M d) 0.1 M a) 0.5 atm b) 2 × 273 atm
361. 1 litre of a solution containing 500 g of a protein c) 4 atm d) 273/2 atm
exerts an osmotic pressure of 0.82 atm at 27°C. 370. A solution containing 4 g of polyvinyl chloride in
The molecular mass of the protein is: litre of dioxane was found to have an osmotic
a) 82000 b) 50000 pressure of 6 x 10-4atm at 300 K. The molecular
c) 41000 d) 15000 mass of the polymer is
362. Osmotic pressure is 0.0821 atm at a temperature a) 3 × 103 b) 16 × 105
of 300 K. Find concentration in molellitre c) 5 × 104 d) 6.4× 102
a) 0.033 b) 0.066 371. The relationship between osmotic pressure at 273
c) 0.33 x 10 -2
d) 3. Kwhen 10 g glucose (P1), 10 g urea (P2) and 10
363. The concentration of glucose (in g/litre) solution g sucrose (P3) are dissolved in 250 mL of water.
which is isotonic with a solution of urea containing a) P1> P2 > P3 c) P2> P1 > P3
6 g per litre will be: b) P3 > P1 > P2 d) P2 > P3 > P1
a) 6 b) 34.2 372. Insulin (C2H10O5) is dissolved in a suitable solvent
c) 18 d) 1.8 and the osmotic pressure (  )of solutions of
364. Solute A is a ternary electrolyte and solute B is various concentration (g/cm3) C is measured at
non-electrolyte. If 0.1 M solution of solute B 20°C. The slope of a plot of  against C is found
produces an osmotic pressure of 2P, then 0.05 M to be 4.65 ×10-3.The molecular mass of the insulin
solution of A at the same temperature will is
produces an osmotic pressure equal to: a) 4.8 ×105 b) 9 × 105
a) P b) 1.5 P c) 3 × 105 d) 5.16 × 106
c) 2 P d) 3 P 373. A solution of protein (extracted from crabs) was
365. A 3.42%(wt./vol.) solution of cane sugar is prepared by dissolving 0.75 g in 125 cm3 of an
isotonic with a 5.96% (wt./vol.) solution of aqueous solution. At 4°C an osmotic pressure rise
raffinose. The molecular mass of raffinose is: of 2.6 mm of the solution was observed. Then
molecular mass of protein is (Assume density of
a) 59.6 b) 596
solution is 1.00 g/cm3)
c) 5.96 d) 5960
a) 9.4 × 105 b) 5.4 × 105
366. The osmotic pressure of a solution containing 4.0
c) 5.4 × 1010 d) 9.4 × 1010
g solute (molar mass = 246) per litre at 27°C is
(R = 0.082 1 atm. mol-1 K) 374. If 1 is the osmotic pressure of solution containing
a) 0.1 atm b) 0.4 atm 6g. of acetic acid per dm3 and  2 that of a solution
c) 0.2 atm d) 0.8 atm containing 5.85 g. of NaCl per dm3 at the same
367. The vapour pressure of benzene at 80°C is temperature then
lowered by 10 mm by dissolving 2 g of a
nonvolatile substance in 78 g of benzene. The a) 1  2 b) 1  2
vapour pressure of pure benzene at 80°C is 750 c) 1  2 d) 21  2
mm. The moelcular mass of the substance will
375. The osmotic pressure (in atm.) of aIM solution a
non-electrolyte at O°Cwill be


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a) 1 atm b) 22.4 atm
i 1
c) 0.0821 atm d) 76 atm a)  
(x  y  1)
376. The osmotic pressure of a 0.5 M solution of NaCl
at 0°C will be i 1
a) 11.2 atm b)  
(x  y  1)
b) less than 11.7 atm
c) more than 11.2 atm x  y 1
c)  
d) unpredictable i 1
377. Solute A is a ternary electrolyte and solute B is a
x  y 1
non-electrolyte. If 0.1 M solution of solute B d)  
produces an osmotic pressure of 2 P, then 0.05 i 1
M solution of A at the same temperature will 385. Acetic acid exists in benzene solution in the
produce an osmotic pressure equal to dimetric form. In an actual experiment, the van't
a) 1.5 P b) 2 P Hofffactor was found to the 0.52. Then the degree
c) 3 P d) P of dissociation of acetic acid is
378. Which compound corresponds to van't Hofffactor a) 0.18 b) 0.88
value (i) to be equal to 2 for dilute solution c) 0.96 d) 0.52
a) K2SO4 b) NaHSO4 386. 0.1 molal aqueous solution of sodium bromide
c) Sugar d) MgSO4 freezes at -0.335°C at atmospheric pressure. Kf
for water is 1.86°C. The percentage of
379. The values of observed and calculated molecular
dissociation ofthe salt in solution is
masses of silver nitrate are 92.64 and 170
respectively. The degree of dissociation of silver a) 90 b) 80
nitrate is c) 58 d) 98
c) 46.7% d) 60.23%
1. The molal freezing point for water is 1.86°C
VII. Association and Dissociation mo-1 If 342 g of cane sugar is dissolved in 1000
380. The values of observed and calculated molecular mL of water the solution will freeze at
masses of silver nitrate are 92.64 and 170 a) 1.86°C b) -1.86°C
respectively, The degree of dissociation of silver c) 2.42°C d) -2.42°C
nitrate will be 2. The BaCl2 ionises to an extent of 80 %in aqueous
a) 60% b) 83.5% solution, the value ofvan't Hoff factor is
c) 46.7% d) 60.32% a) 2.6 b) 0.4
381. The values of observed and calculated molar c) 0.8 d) 2.4
masses of Ca(NO3)2 are respectively 65.6 and 3. Equal weight of methane and bxygen are mixed
161. The degree of dissociation of calcium nitrate in an empty container at 25°C. The fraction of
will be the total pressure exerted by oxygen is
a) 25% b) 50% a) 1/2 b) 1/3
c) 75% d) 60% c) 114 d) 115
382. Van't Hoff factor of very dilute solution of 4. An aqueous solution is 1.00 molal in K.I. Which
Ca(NO3)2 is change will cause the vapour pressure of the
a) 1 b) 2 solution of increase ?
c) 3 d) 4 a) Addition of NaCl
383. KBr is 80% dissociated in solution. The freezing b) Addition of Na2SO4
point of a 0.5 molal solution is (Kf water = 1.86°C/m) c) Addition of 1.00 molal Kl
a) 273 K b) 277 K d) Addition of water
c) 271.326 K d) 269 K 5. A solution of sucrose (molar mass = 342 g mol-1)
384. The degree of dissociation () of a weak has been prepared by dissolving 68.5 g of sucrose
electrolyte AxBy is related to van't Hoff factor (i) in 1000 g of water. The freezing point of the
by the x y expression


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Solution And Colligative Properties 63
solution obtained will be 13. Which one of the following in the ratio of the
(Kf for water = 1.86 K Kg mol-1) lowering of v.P. of 0.1 M aqueous solution of
a) – 0.372°C b) - 0·520°C BaCl2, NaCl and Al2(SO4)3 respectively ?
c) + 0.372°C d) - 0.570°C a) 2 : 3 : 5 b) 3 : 2 : 5
6. If sodium sulphate is considered to be completely c) 5 : 2 : 3 d) 5 : 1 : 2
dissociated into cations and anions in aqueous 14. A 0.1 molal aqueous solution of a weak acid is 30
solution, the change in freezing point of water % ionized. If Kr for water is 1.86 % C/m, the
(  Tf) when 0.01 mol of sodium sulphate is freezing point of the solution will be
dissolved in 1 kg of water, is a) -0.18°C b) -0.54°C
(Kf = 1.86 K kg mol-1) c) -0.36°C d) -0.24°C
a) 0.0744 K b) 0.0186 K 15. 200 mL of an aqueous solution of a protein
c) 0.0372 K d) 0.0558 K contains its 1.26 g. The osmotic pressure of this
-4 3
7. If 10 dm of water is introduced into a 1.0 solution at 300 K is found to be 2.57 × 10-3 bar.
dm-3 flask at 300 K, how many moles of water The molar mass of protein will be (R = 0.083 L
are in the vapour phase when equilibrium is bar mol-1K-l)
established ? a) 51022 g mol-1 b) 122044 g mol-1
(Given: Vapour pressure of H2O at 300 K is 3170 c) 31011 g mol-1 d) 61038 g.mol-1
Pa; R = 8.314 JK-l mol-1) 16. The freezing point depression constant for water
a) 4.46 × 10-2 mol b) 1.27 × 10-3 mol is = 1.86°C m-1. If 5.00 g Na2SO4 is dissolved in
c) 5.56 × 10-3mol d) 1.53 × 10-2 mol 45.0 g H2O, the freezing point is changed by
- 3.82°C. Calculate the van't Hoff factor for
8. On mixing, heptane and octane form an ideal
Na 2 SO 4
solution. At 373 K, the vapour pressure of the
two liquid components (heptane and octane) are a) 2.05 b) 2.63
105 KPa and 45 kPa respectively. Vapour c) 3.11 d) 0.381
pressure of the solution obtained by mixing 25.0 17. The van't Hoff factor i for a compound which
g of heptane and 35 g of octane will be (molar undergoes dissociation in one solvent and
mass of heptane = 100 g mol-1 and of octane = association in other solvent is respectively
114 g mol-1) a) less than one and greater than one
a) 96.2 k Pa b) 144.5 k Pa b) less than one and l ess than one
c) 72.0 k Pa d) 36.1 k Pa c) greater than one and less than one
9. Kb for water is 0.52 Km-l. Then 0.1 m solution of d) greater than one and greater than one
NaCl will boil approximately at 18. Mole fraction of solute in a 1.00 molal aqueous
a) 100.52°C b) 100.052°C solution is
c) 101.04°C d) 100.104°C a) 0.1770 b) 0.0177
10. 138 g of ethyl alcohol is mixed with 72 g of water. c) 0.0344 d) 1.7700
The ratio of mole fraction of alcohol of water is 19. The degree of dissociation () of a weak
a) 3 : 4 b) 1 : 2 electroyte, Ax By is related to van't Hoff factor
c) 1 : 4 d) 1 : 4 (i) by the expression :
11. Two solutions of a substance (none-electrolyte)
i 1
are mixed as - 480 mL of 1.5 M first solution + a)   x  y  1
520 mL of 1.2 M second solution
a) 2.70 M b) 1.344 M
x  y 1
c) 1.50 M d) 1.20M b)  
i 1
12. Asolution of 10 g of non-volatile binary electrolyte
(molar mass = 100) in 500 g of water freezes at x  y 1
- 0.74°C. What is the degree of ionisat ion ? c)  
i 1
(Kf of water = 1.85 Km-l)
a) 50 % b) 75 % i 1
d)  
c) 100 % d) 0 % (x  y  1)


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20. Ethylene glycol is used as an antifreeze in a cold moles of Q would be
climate. Mass of ethylene glycol which should a) 140 torr b) 20 torr
be added to 4 kg of water to prevent it from c) 68 torr d) 72 torr
freezing at - 6°C will be : 29. A solution of urea (molar mass = 56) boils at
[Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol-1, and molar mass 100.18°C at atmospheric pressure. If Kf, and Kb,
of ethylene glycol = 62 g mol-1] for water are 1.86 and 0.512 K. Kg mol -1
a) 204.30 g b) 400.00 g respectively. The above solution freezes at
c) 304.60 g d) 804.32 g a) -6.54°C b) 6.54°C
21. A 5.2 molal aqueous solution of methyl alcohol, c) 0.654°C d) -0.654°C
CH3OH, is supplied. What is the mole fraction of 30. Which one of the following solution has lowest
methyl alcohol in the solution ? freezing point ?
a) 0.190 b) 0.086 a) 0.2 M Na2SO4 b) 0.1 M Urea
c) 0.050 d) 0.100 c) 0.2 M NaNO3 d) 0.1 M Ba Cl2
22. A 5%solution of cane sugar (molar mass 342) is 31. The weight in grams of a non-volatile solute
isotonic with 1% of a solution of an unknown (molar mass = 60) to be dissolved in 90g of water
solute. The molar mass of unknown solute in g/ to produce a relative lowering of V.P. of 0.02 is
mol is a) 4 b) 8
a) 136.2 b) 171.2 c) 6 d) 10
c) 68.4 d) 34.0 32. The density of a solution prepared by dissolving
23. The molality of a urea solution in which 0.0100 g 120 g of urea (mol. mass = 60 u) in 1000 g of
of urea,[(NH2)2CO] is added to 0.3000 dm3 water is 1.15 g/mL. The molarity of this solution
ofwater at STP is is :
a) 0.555 m b) 5.55 × 10-4 m a) 2.05 M b) 0.50 M
c) 33.3 d) 3.33 × 10-2 m c)1.78M d) 1.02M
24. Dissolving 120 g of urea (molar mass 60) in 1000 33. Kf for water is 1.86 Kkg mol-1. If you automobile
g of water gave a solution of density 1.15 g/mL. radiator holds 1.0 kg of water, how many grams
The molarity of the solution is of ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) must you add to get
a) 1.78M b) 2.00 M the freezing point of the solution lowered to
c) 2.05 M d) 2.22 M - 2.8°C ?
25. The freezing point (in °C) of a solution containing a) 27 g b) 72 g
0.1 g of K3[Fe (CN)6](Mol. Wt. 329) in 100 g of c) 93 g d) 39 g
water (Kf = 1.86 K kg mol-1) is 34. 29.2% (w/w) HCl stock solution has a density of
a) - 2.3 × 10-2 b) - 5.7 × 10-2 1.25% g mL. The molecular mass of HCI is 36.5 g
c) - 5.7 × 10-3 d) - 1.2 × 10-2 mol-1. The volume (ml.) of stock solution required
26. The elevation in boiling point of solution of 10 g to prepare a 200 mL solution of 0.4 MHCl is :
of solute (Molar mass = 100) in 100 g of water is a) 2 mL b) 4 mL
Tb the the ebullioscopic constant of water is c) 8 mL d) 6 mL
35. For a solution containing 2.5 g of a non-volatile
Tb non-electrolyte solute in 100 g of water, the
a) b) Tb
10 elevation in boiling point at 1 atm pressure is 2°C.
c) 10 Tb d) 100 Tb Assuming concentration of solute is much lower
than the concentration of solvent, the vapour
27. 1.2% NaCl solution is isotomic with 7.2%glucose pressure (mm of Hg) of the solution is
solution. What will be the van't Hoff's factor ? (take Kb = 0.76 K kg mol-1)
a) 0.5 b) 1 a) 724 b) 740
c) 2 d) 6 c) 736 d) 718
28. The vapour pressure of two liquids P and Q are 36. PA and PB are the vapour pressure of pure liquid
80 and 60 torr. respectively. The total V.P. of components, A and B, respectively of an ideal
solution obtained by mixing 3 moles of P and 2 binary solution. If xA represents the mole fraction


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Solution And Colligative Properties 65
of component A, the total pressure ofthe solution d) 0.2 M MgS04 and 0.1 M NH4Cl
will be 40. The molarity of a solution obtained by mixing 750
a) PA + XA (PB - PA) mL of 0.5 (M) HCl with 250 mL of (M) HCl will
b) PA + XA (PA - PB) be
c) PB+ xA(PB-PA) a) 0.975 M b) 0.875 M
d) PB + xA(PA - PB) c) LOOM d) 1.75M
37. Vapour pressure of chloroform (CHCl3) and 41. A solution of sucrose (molar mass = 342 g mol-1)
dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) at 25°C are 200 mm is prepared by dissolving 68.4 g of it per litre of
Hg and 41.5 mm Hg respectively Vapour solution. What is its osmotic pressure (R = 0.082).
pressure of the solution obtained by mixing 25.5 1 atm K-l mol-1 at 273 ?
g or CHCl3 and 40 g of CH2Cl2 at the same a) 3.92 atm b) 4.48 atm
temperature will be (Molecular mass of c) 5.92 atm d) 29.4 atm
CHCl 3 = 119.5 u and molecular mass of 42. At 300 K, 36 g of glucose present per litre in its
CH2Cl2 = 85 u) solution has an osmotic pressure of 4.98 bar. If
a) 173.9 mm Hg b) 615.0 mm Hg the osmotic pressure of solution is 1.52 bar at the
c) 347.9 mm Hg d) 90.34 mm Hg same temperature what would be its
38. The V.P in mm of Hg of an aqueous solution concentration ?
obtained by adding 18 g of glucose to 180 g of (Molar mass of Glucose = 180 g mol-1)
water at 100°C a) Ll g L? b) 22 g L-l
a) 7.60 b) 76.0 c) 36gL-l d) 42 g L-l
c) 759 d) 752.4 43. The boiling point of solution containing 68.4 g of
39. Which one of the following is an isotonic pair of sucrose (molar mass = 342 g mol-1) in 100g of
solution ? water is (Kb for water = 0.512 K. kg mol-1)
a) 0.15 M NaCl and 0.1 M Na2SO4 a) 100.02°C b) 98.98°C
b) 0.2 M urea and 0.1 M sugar c) 101.02°C d) 100.512°C.
c) 0.1 M BaCl2 and 0.2 M urea

Answer Key
Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans
1. b) 2. a) 3. b)
4. d) 5. a) 6. d)
7. b) 8. c) 9. b)
10. a) 11. b) 12. c)
13. b) 14. d) 15. d)
16. b) 17. c) 18. b)
19. d) 20. d) 21. b)
22. c) 23. b) 24. c)
25. a) 26. b) 27. c)
28. d) 29. d) 30. b)
31. c) 32. a) 33. c)
34. c) 35. a) 36. d)
37. d) 38. d) 39. a)
40. b) 41. b) 42. a)
43. c)


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Solution And Colligative Properties 66

Answer Key
Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans
1. c) 2. c) 3. d)
4. d) 5. d) 6. c)
7. c) 8. b) 9. d)
10. c) 11. c) 12 a)
13. b) 14. a) 15. b)
16. d) 17. d) 18. c)
19. d) 20. b) 21. b)
22. d) 23. d) 24. c)
25. c) 26. b) 27. a)
28. c) 29. d) 30. b)
31. c) 32. c) 33. a)
34. d) 35. b) 36. a)
37. d) 38. c) 39. a)
40. b) 41. c) 42. b)
43. a) 44. c) 45. a)
46. d) 47. d) 48. c)
49. c) 50. b) 51. d)
52. a) 53. b) 54. c)
55. a) 56. b) 57. c)
58. a) 59. d) 60. c)
61. c) 62. a) 63. d)
64. b) 65. a) 66. d)
67. a) 68. a) 69. b)
70. a) 71. a) 72. b)
73. d) 74. d) 75. b)
76. c) 77. b) 78. b)
79. b) 80. d) 81. c)
82. c) 83. a) 84. b)
85. a) 86. d) 87. c)
88. b) 89. c) 90. a)
91. d) 92. d) 93. a)
94. c) 95. a) 96. b)
97. a) 98. b) 99. b)
100. a) 101. c) 102. b)
103. b) 104. c) 105. b)
106. b) 107. d) 108. b)
109. a) 110. b) 111. c)
112. a) 113. d) 114. b)
115. d) 116. c) 117. b)
118. b) 119. d) 120. b)
121. b) 122. a) 123. a)
124. a) 125. b) 126. a)
127. b) 128. b) 129. a)
130. a) 131. a) 132. a)
133. d) 134. b) 135. d)
136. c) 137. b) 138. a)
139. a) 140. c) 141. c)
142. d) 143. a) 144. a)


DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448
DGT MH –CET 12th CHEMISTRY Study Material 40
Solution And Colligative Properties 67

Answer Key
Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans
145. a) 146. a) 147. a)
148. a) 149. c) 150. a)
151. d) 152. b) 153. a)
154. b) 155. b) 156. d)
157. d) 158. b) 159. a)
160. b) 161. a) 162. b)
163. b) 164. a) 165. c)
166. c) 167. c) 168. d)
169. c) 170. d) 171. b)
172. a) 173. b) 174. b)
175. a) 176. d) 177. d)
178. d) 179. c) 180. d)
181. b) 182. a) 183. a)
184. b) 185. b) 186. a)
187. b) 188. a) 189. a)
190. c) 191. c) 192. c)
193. a) 194. d) 195. b)
196. a) 197. c) 198. c)
199. d) 200. b) 201. b)
202. c) 203. d) 204. d)
205. b) 206. a) 207. b)
208. b) 209. a) 210. b)
211. b) 212. c) 213. a)
214. b) 215. d) 216. a)
217. c) 218. c) 219. d)
220. d) 221. c) 222. a)
223. c) 224. a) 225. b)
226. a) 227. a) 228. b)
229. a) 230. c) 231. a)
232. c) 233. b) 234. c)
235. c) 236. b) 237. a)
238. c) 239. c) 240. a)
241. a) 242. d) 243. d)
244. d) 245. b) 246. c)
247. c) 248. b) 249. a)
250. b) 251. a) 252. a)
253. b) 254. c) 255. a)
256. a) 257. b) 258. b)
259. a) 260. b) 261. b)
262. b) 263. a) 264. c)
265. d) 266. a) 267. b)
268. c) 269. b) 270. d)
271. d) 272. a) 273. b)
274. a) 275. b) 276. a)
277. c) 278. c) 279. c)
280. c) 281. c) 282. b)
283. c) 284. c) 285. c)


DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448
DGT MH –CET 12th CHEMISTRY Study Material 41
Solution And Colligative Properties 68

Answer Key
Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans
286. a) 287. a) 288. d)
289. c) 290. d) 291. a)
292. c) 293. d) 294. a)
295. c) 296. c) 297. a)
298. a) 299. b) 300. a)
301. b) 302. a) 303. d)
304. a) 305. b) 306. c)
307. b) 308. b) 309. c)
310. b) 311. c) 312. a)
313. b) 314. c) 315. b)
316. c) 317. c) 318. a)
319. c) 320. b) 321. b)
322. b) 323. a) 324. d)
325. b) 326. d) 327. c)
328. c) 329. d) 330. c)
331. a) 332. c) 333. d)
334. d) 335. a) 336. a)
337. c) 338. b) 339. c)
340. b) 341. b) 342. c)
343. c) 344. a) 345. c)
346. c) 347. a) 348. c)
349. b) 350. d) 351. b)
352. b) 353. b) 354. c)
355. b) 356. a) 357. b)
358. c) 359. b) 360. d)
361. d) 362. c) 363. c)
364. d) 365. b) 366. b)
367. d) 368. d) 369. d)
370. c) 371. c) 372. d)
373. b) 374. a) 375. b)
376. c) 377. c) 378. d)
379. b) 380. b) 381. c)
382. c) 383. c) 384. a)
385. c) 386. b)


DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448
DGT MH –CET 12th CHEMISTRY Study Material 42

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

DGT Group - Tuitions (Feed Concepts) XIth – XIIth | JEE | CET | NEET | Call : 9920154035 / 8169861448

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