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Parasitic prevalences in fresh water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii in

north and south 24 Parganas districts of West Bengal

Article in Chronicles of Young Scientists · January 2010

DOI: 10.4103/2229-5186.76989


7 863

6 authors, including:

Monjit Paul Mukti Chanda


Bidhan Chandra Patra

Vidyasagar University


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ISSN 2229–5186

Vol 1 / Issue 4 / October-December 2010

Short Communication

Parasitic prevalences in fresh water prawn Macrobrachium

rosenbergii in north and south 24 Parganas districts of
West Bengal
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The occurrence of different freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) parasites, found during the period Website
from April to August 2007, was investigated in different freshwater wetlands of north and south 24 Parganas
districts of West Bengal state in India. Eleven parasites – Zoothamnium, Epistylis, Gregarina, Amphileptus, DOI
Dileptus, Myxobolus, Chilodonella, Balladyna, Gozia, Rhabdochona, Indocucullanus, Procamallanus and
Quick Response Code
Cucullanus – were found after examining 1,000 specimens of Macrobrachium rosenbergii of different-sized
groups. The highest prevalence of the parasites was recorded in the size group of 81–85 mm and 136–140
mm. The intensity of ectoparasitic infection was observed to be high with an increase in size. The gills and
the surface of the body were mostly infected. Endoparasites were found in the intestinal part, and mostly due
to poor raw foods given to the prawns as their diets. The parasites get more shelter and space for them. The
highest intensity of those parasites was found in the month of August due to favourable autumnal conditions,
with little rain and favourable breeding time of the parasites. Stressed and weak prawns are more vulnerable
to infestation under adverse environmental conditions.

Key words:
Ectoparasites, endoparasites, lengthwise prevalence of parasites, Macrobrachium rosenbergii,
monthly prevalence of parasites

Introduction Materials and Methods

Among the observed parasites during the study period, Specimens of prawns (different-sized groups) were
there are some important pathogenic parasites reported in collected during the study from different wetlands
this study from two districts (north and south 24 Parganas) of north and south 24 Parganas districts of West
of West Bengal state in India. At the high densities, these Bengal. The wetlands of the two districts are sometimes
parasites have been found as causing the mortality in
cultured prawns, leading to severe losses in various parts
Monjit Paul, Mukti Chanda, Joydev Maity1, Supriya Sen Gupta,
of the world. Macrobrachium rosenbergii cultured in India,
Bidhan Chandra Patra2, Gadadhar Dash3
in West Bengal, is a most important farmed species for
Department of Industrial Fish and Fisheries, Asutosh College,
agrobusiness due to property as food supply as well as a Kolkata - 700 026, 1Departments of Aquaculture Management and
valuable export product, and about 6% of the total global Technology and 2Zoology, Vidyasagar University,
aquaculture production of shrimps and prawns. There is a Midnapore - 721 102, 3Department of Fish Pathology, West Bengal
tremendous scope for the development of freshwater prawn University of Animal and Fishery Sciences,
culture in India, but the problems coming from pathogens Kolkata - 700 037, West Bengal, India
and diseases lead to the huge loses throughout India as well Address for correspondence:
as the world. Mr. Monjit Paul
P - 227/1, Upen Banerjee Road, Kolkata - 700 060,
The aim of the present study was to investigate some Parnashreepally, Behala, West Bengal, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
parasitic pathogens of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in two
districts of West Bengal (north and south 24 Parganas) How to cite this article: Paul M, Chanda M, Maity J, Gupta S, Patra BC, Dash G.
and their probable reasons for prevalence during different Parasitic prevalences in fresh water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii in north
months of the study period. and south 24 Parganas districts of West Bengal. Chron Young Sci 2010, 1:48-50

Chronicles of Young Scientists  48  Vol. 1 | Issue 4 | Oct-Dec 2010

Paul, et al.: Parasitic prevalences in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii in north and south 24 parganas districts of West Bengal

fed with domestic sewage water as well. intensity was high in August (26%). Ciliophora: Chilodonella
were high in June (42%) and were the lowest in August in
Sampling was carried out on a monthly basis from April (7%). Nematoda: Procamallanus intensity were high in July
to August 2007. For this investigation, the prawns were (31%) and August (35%). Nematoda: Rhabdochona were high
transported alive to the laboratory of Asutosh College, in August (31%), with a dominance in June and July. The
Department of Industrial Fish and Fisheries, in the same present study is related to the report of Srivastava[5] from
water as in the wetland. A total of 1,000 specimens were the intestine of prawns, where the intensity was high due
examined. The total length of each specimen was measured. to the breeding season. The intensity of the ectoparasites
The exoskeleton, gills, surface of the body underneath the was high in August due to favourable climatic conditions
exoskeleton, legs and the intestinal part of the prawns like autumnal season with little rain. These favourable
and scrapping from these parts were examined under a conditions are helpful for the breeding of those parasites.
light microscope. The total number of the parasites was Because of the same reasons, the endoparasites were
determined by screening and counting the entire material dominant in the month of August [Table 1].
of each slide. Air-dried smears were stained by hematoxylin
& eosin and studied under the microscope with ×100, ×150, In lengthwise prevalence, it was concluded that the
×400 and ×450 magnifications.

For the identifications of the parasites, various literatures, Table 1: Month-wise ecto- and endo-parasitic
taxonomy books, parasitic pictorial guide and expert prevalence statistics, April–August 2007
comments were taken. The monthly and lengthwise Parasites % parasites (month-wise)
prevalence of the parasites was studied. April May June July August
Ciliophora: Amphileptus 21 43 24 4 9
Result and Discussions Myxosporea: Myxobolus 21 23 18 21 26
Ciliophora: Chilodonella 18 18 42 10 7
Fouling disease is the main problem in the rice–shrimp Gregarians 7 4 16 9 12
farming system. In the study, the fouling protozoans, Nematoda: Procamallanus 22 6 9 31 35
Zoothamnium and Epistylis, were detected and found to Nematoda: Cucullanus 18 29 33 27 38
be dominant in the gills of the adult prawns. A similar Nematoda: Rhabdochona 11 40 22 25 31
examination was carried out by Xianle Y Xiaozhong HU Ectoparasites 23.5 26 41.5 47.5 65
and Tran TT et al.[1-3] Chilodonella, Amphileptus, Dileptus, Endoparasites 44.5 40.5 47.5 46 58
Myxobolus and Balladyna were found in the skin, gill and
carapace regions of the prawns, causing blackening or dirty
appearance of the regions.
Table 2: Length-wise statistics: Ecto- and endo-
parasitic prevalence, 2007
Endoparasites like Gozia, Rhabdochona, Indocucullanus, Total length Average weight % of parasites (length-wise)
Procamallanus and Cucullanus are found in the intestinal (mm) (g) Ectoparasites Endoparasites
parts of the prawn. The parasites actually weaken the 61–65 59.6 20 28
prawns, reducing the normal growth. These parasites are 66–70 70.2 24 32
common in Bengal and are reported by Arthur and Abu 71–75 76.3 29 35
Tweb.[4] 76–80 80.5 27 34
81–85 86.3 36 40
The parasites were mostly detected from the surfaces of the 86–90 93.2 30 10
body (39%), swimming legs (26%) and gills (20%) and under 91–95 97.8 20 25
the exoskeleton (15%). The mobility and feeding were also 96–100 103.4 10 20
checked. The prawns showed abnormal swimming behavior 101–105 108.6 5 19
and surfacing. In severe cases, mortality could occur. 106–110 126 10 19
111–115 139.9 12 29
The swimming legs, body surface and the gills are mostly
116–120 149 25 24
preferred because the parasites get better shelter benefits of 121–125 163.5 1 10
different nutrients and foods from here. 126–130 190.2 5 2
131–135 198.6 10 21
However, the occurrences of such parasites vary in different 136–140 208.4 40 12
months during the study period due to the changes 141–145 211.7 20 27
of a seasonal pattern in different months. Ciliophora: 146–150 226.4 23 27
Amphileptus were found mostly (43%) in May, and prevalence 151–155 226.7 20 33
was shown to be higher in April, May and June. Myxosporea: 156–160 247 5 9
Myxobolus were found almost throughout the year, and 161–170 289.2 19 17

Chronicles of Young Scientists  49  Vol. 1 | Issue 4 | Oct-Dec 2010

Paul, et al.: Parasitic prevalences in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii in north and south 24 parganas districts of West Bengal

ectoparasitic intensity was high in the 81–85-mm size group vulnerability is high. Disease is perhaps a major threat to
and the 136–140 mm size group [Table 2]. Lower-sized intensive rearing operations.
prawns are less affected because they live in newly prepared
ponds, but with an increase in size of the prawn, the pond References
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proper diagnosis is important for effective treatment.
Aquaculture is a high-risk industry and, where local
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
economies become dependent on it, the financial

Chronicles of Young Scientists  50  Vol. 1 | Issue 4 | Oct-Dec 2010

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