BW - Arts 3

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Grade 3
Content Content Performance Learning Competencies CODE Number Target Actual
Standards Standards of Days Date Date
The The Learner
Learner… distinguishes the size of persons in the drawing, A3EL-Ia
I. Elements: creates an artwork of to indicate its distance from the viewer
 Lines demonstrates people in the A3EL-Ib
- lines can show understandin province/region. shows the illusion of space in drawing the objects
movement and persons in different sizes
g of lines,
 texture is created by texture, On-the-spot A3PL-Ic
appreciates that artists create visual textures by
using different lines shapes and sketching of plants, using a variety of lines and colors
 shape of natural ob- depth, trees or buildings
jects are free in form contrast and geometric line tells that in a landscape, the nearest object drawn A3PL-Id
or organic (size, texture) designs is the foreground; the objects behind the
through foreground are the middle ground, while objects
II. Principles: drawing shows a work of art farthest away are the background, and by doing
 Depth based on close this there is balance
- balance of size observation of A3PL-Ie
 Contrast natural objects in his/ describes the way of life of people in the cultural
- contrast of texture community
her surrounding
noting its size, shape A3PR-If
creates a geometric design by contrasting two
III. Process: and texture kinds of lines in terms of type or size
sketches on-the-spot outside or near the school to
- people in the prov- draw a plant, flowers or a tree showing the
ince/region different textures and shape of each part, using
- on-the-spot sketch- only a pencil or black crayon or ballpen
ing of plants, trees
or building geo- creates a pencil or pen drawing of a scene in daily A3PR-Ih
metric line designs life, where people in the province/region show
their occupation by the action they are doing

sketches and colors and view of the

province/region with houses and buildings A3PR-Ii
indicating the foreground, middle ground and
Content Content Performance Learning Competencies CODE Number Target Actual
Standards Standards of Days Date Date
background by the size of the objects

Content Content Performance Learning Competencies CODE Number Target Actual

Standards Standards of Days Date Date
The The Learner
IV. Elements:  distinguishes the size of persons in the drawing, A3EL-IIa
 Color on-the-spot painting and indicate its distance from the viewer
- mix colors to demonstrate of plants, trees and
create tints, s buildings and  shows the illusion of space in drawing the objects
and persons in different sizes A3EL-IIb
shades and understandin geometric line
neutral colors g of lines, designs  appreciates that artists create visual textures by A3PL-IIc
texture, using a variety of lines and colors
 Shape shapes and applies knowledge on
− animals have balance of space (foreground,  discusses a landscape (foreground, middle A3PL-IId
shapes size, contrast middle ground and ground, background) to show depth
− adapted to their of texture background) in a
needs through landscape painting  tells stories about the occupation of the people liv- A3PL-IIe
drawing ing in their community
 Texture
− is created by  creates geometric designs by contrasting lines A3PR-IIf
and shapes
variety of lines

V. Principles:  paints plants, flowers, trees that shows the differ- A3PR-IIg
 Harmony ent textures and shapes of each part
− colors, shapes
and lines that  paints a scene of daily life, where people in the
complement each province/region show their occupation by the ac- A3PR-IIh
other create har- tion they are doing.
mony and a
mood of the
Content Content Performance Learning Competencies CODE Number Target Actual
Standards Standards of Days Date Date

VI. Process:
- fruits and
plants (still
life) scene at
a time of day
wild animal

Content Content Performance Learning Competencies CODE Number Target Actual

Standards Standards of Days Date Date
The The Learner
I. Elements: Learner… 1. tells that a print made from objects found in nature A3EL-IIIa
 Shape Exhibits basic skills can be realistic or abstract
− letter stencils demonstrates in making a design
1. appreciates the importance and variety of materi- A3PL-IIIb
− logo designs understandin for a print and
als used for printing
− abstract shapes g of shapes, producing several
 Color colors and clean copies of the 2. observes that a print design may use repetition of
− Complementary principle print shapes or lines and emphasis on contrast of A3PL-IIIc
colors repetition and shapes and lines
emphasis manipulates a stencil
II. Principles: through with adequate skill to 3. realizes that a print design can be duplicated many
times by hand or by machine and can be shared A3PL-IIId
printmaking produce a clean print
 Repetition (stencils) for a message, with others
− of letters and slogan or logo for a
T-shirt, poster or bag 1. explain the meaning of the design created
logos and
shapes 2. designs an attractive logo with slogan about the
produces at least 3 environment to be used for printing
 Emphasis good copies of print
− of shapes by using complementary
contrast colors and 3. creates and cuts a stencil from paper or plastic A3PL-IIIe
contrasting shapes sheets to be used for multiple prints on cloth or
hard paper A3PR-IIIf
III. Process:
Content Content Performance Learning Competencies CODE Number Target Actual
Standards Standards of Days Date Date

 PRINTMAKING 2. creates a print for a shirt, bag or a poster using

(stencils) stencils with abstract designs that conveys a mes-
− T-shirt /cloth sage and can be replicated
 writes a slogan about the environment that corre-
− poster prints lates messages to be printed on T-shirts, posters,
− duffel bag print banners or bags A3PR-IIIh

1. school/district exhibit and culminating activity in

celebration of the National Arts Month (February)
Content Content Performance Learning Competencies CODE Number Target Actual
Standards Standards of Days Date Date

The The Learner

Learner…  identifies different styles of puppets made in the A3EL-IVa
I. Elements: creates a single Philippines (from Teatro Mulat and Anino Theater
 SHAPES demonstrat puppet based on Group)
− human and ani- es character in legends,
 appreciates variations of puppets in terms of A3PL-IVb
mals understandi myths or stories material, structure, shapes, colors and intricacy of
 COLORS ng of using recycled and textural details
− primary shapes, hard material
− secondary colors,  creates a puppet designs that would give a specific A3PR-IVc
− tertiary textures, creates a mask or and unique character
 TEXTURES and headdress that is
− visual and actual emphasis imaginary in design  applies designs of varied shapes and colors on A3PR-IVd
II. Principles: by variation using found and puppets to show the unique character of the
of shapes recycled materials puppet
 Emphasis and texture A3PR-IVe
 constructs a simple puppet based on a character in
− by Variation of and demonstrates basic
a legend, myth or story using recyclable materials
shapes and tex- contrast of skill in constructing a and bamboo sticks or twigs A3PR-IVf
ture colors puppet made from a
 CONTRAST through hard material and  manipulates a puppet to act out a character in a
− of colors sculpture stick, which can be story together with other puppets
and crafts manipulated A3PR-IVg
III. Process:  performs as puppeteer together with others, in a
puppet show to tell a story using the puppet he/she
 SCULPTURE and created
− puppets on a  designs and creates mask or headdress with the
use of recycled or natural objects, inspired by best
− hand puppet
− imaginary masks  creates a mask or headdress that is imaginary in
design using found and recycled material, inspired
by local festivals
Principal II Teacher I

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