BW - Arts 3
BW - Arts 3
BW - Arts 3
Grade 3
Content Content Performance Learning Competencies CODE Number Target Actual
Standards Standards of Days Date Date
The The Learner
Learner… distinguishes the size of persons in the drawing, A3EL-Ia
I. Elements: creates an artwork of to indicate its distance from the viewer
Lines demonstrates people in the A3EL-Ib
- lines can show understandin province/region. shows the illusion of space in drawing the objects
movement and persons in different sizes
g of lines,
texture is created by texture, On-the-spot A3PL-Ic
appreciates that artists create visual textures by
using different lines shapes and sketching of plants, using a variety of lines and colors
shape of natural ob- depth, trees or buildings
jects are free in form contrast and geometric line tells that in a landscape, the nearest object drawn A3PL-Id
or organic (size, texture) designs is the foreground; the objects behind the
through foreground are the middle ground, while objects
II. Principles: drawing shows a work of art farthest away are the background, and by doing
Depth based on close this there is balance
- balance of size observation of A3PL-Ie
Contrast natural objects in his/ describes the way of life of people in the cultural
- contrast of texture community
her surrounding
noting its size, shape A3PR-If
creates a geometric design by contrasting two
III. Process: and texture kinds of lines in terms of type or size
sketches on-the-spot outside or near the school to
- people in the prov- draw a plant, flowers or a tree showing the
ince/region different textures and shape of each part, using
- on-the-spot sketch- only a pencil or black crayon or ballpen
ing of plants, trees
or building geo- creates a pencil or pen drawing of a scene in daily A3PR-Ih
metric line designs life, where people in the province/region show
their occupation by the action they are doing
V. Principles: paints plants, flowers, trees that shows the differ- A3PR-IIg
Harmony ent textures and shapes of each part
− colors, shapes
and lines that paints a scene of daily life, where people in the
complement each province/region show their occupation by the ac- A3PR-IIh
other create har- tion they are doing.
mony and a
mood of the
Content Content Performance Learning Competencies CODE Number Target Actual
Standards Standards of Days Date Date
VI. Process:
- fruits and
plants (still
life) scene at
a time of day
wild animal