CO3-SCIENCE (4a's) - Series and Parallel Circuits
CO3-SCIENCE (4a's) - Series and Parallel Circuits
CO3-SCIENCE (4a's) - Series and Parallel Circuits
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating, and managing the instructional process by using
principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
A. Content Standards A simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and
magnetism in electromagnets.
B. Performance Standards Propose device using electromagnet that is useful for home school or
C. Learning Determine the effects of changing the number or type of components in
Competencies / a circuit. S5FE-IIIg-7
Write the LC code for each
II. CONTENT Series and Parallel Circuits
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials SDO Makati Self-Learning Modules, Quarter 3, Module 6 pp. 1-8
pages DepEd CO SLM – Quarter 3, Module 6, pp. 1-14
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials PowerPoint Presentation, pictures, activity sheets, chart, video
from Learning Resource presentation, graphic organizers, sample prototype of a series and
(LR) portal parallel circuit, bulbs, switch, wires, batteries, electric tape, cardboard
B. Other Learning Integration: Science 3
Resources Describe the different uses electricity in everyday life. S3FE-IIIa-b-1
Introductory Activity A. Preliminary Activities
(5 mins) Singing of “It’s Our Science Time” song.
This part introduces the lesson Checking of Attendance
content. Although at times
optional, it is usually included to 1. Review
serve as a warm-up activity to 4 Pics and 1 Word
give the learners zest for the
Identify the words using the pictures as clues. Draw the symbol of the
incoming lesson and an idea
about what it to follow. One
electric component and identify its functions in an electric circuit.
principle in learning is that
learning occurs when it is
conducted in a pleasurable and
comfortable atmosphere
2. Motivation
Show pictures of appliances that can be seen at home.
What makes these things work?
What is electricity?
Aside from the pictures above, how do you use electricity at
Electricity is both a basic part of nature and one of the most widely used
forms of energy. It was discovered by William Gilbert. All electrical
appliances require electricity to function such as television, electric fan,
vacuum cleaner, and many more. At present, we cannot live without
electricity. Electrical energy is used at home, in industry, in
communication, in transportation, in medicine, and in science.
Activity/Strategy Group Activity:
(10 mins) 1. Group the learners into four (4) groups.
This is an interactive strategy to 2. Set norm to follow during group activity. Present the rubrics to
elicit learner’s prior learning the class.
experience. It serves as a 3. Play a video about the difference of a series and a parallel circuit.
springboard for new learning. It 4. Have the pupils work on the activity and present their output in
illustrates the principle that
class after 15 minutes.
learning starts where the
5. Go around and observe each group on how they go along with
learners are. Carefully
structured activities such as the activity.
individual or group reflective
Group 1 & 2
exercises, group discussion, self-
Task: Using the symbols of an electrical component, draw a schematic
or group assessment, dyadic or
triadic interactions, puzzles, diagram of a series circuit.
simulations or role-play, Examples:
cybernetics exercise, gallery
walk and the like may be
created. Clear instructions
should be considered in this Group 3 & 4
part of the lesson. Task: Using the symbols of an electrical component, draw a schematic
diagram of a parallel circuit.
Abstraction Differentiate parallel and series using the diagram below. Fill in the
(5 mins)
blanks with the missing word.
This outlines the key concepts,
important skills that should be
enhanced, and the proper
attitude that should be
emphasized. This is organized
as a lecturette that summarizes
the learning emphasized from
the activity, analysis, and new
inputs in this part of the lesson.
Application EXPERIMENT
(20 mins)
This part is structured to ensure Materials:
the commitment of the learners Light bulbs Wires
to do something to apply their Battery Cardboard
new learning in their own Switch Electrical tape
Create a prototype of a series or parallel circuit using your schematic
diagram on Activity 1.
1. Screw each end of the exposed wiring of the copper wire to one
terminal of each socket.
2. Screw in the bulbs into the sockets.
3. Individually attach the wires to the switch and the other end is to the
4. Turn on the switch to test if the circuit is working.
1. Turn on the switch. What happens?
Carefully detach one bulb. Observe if the other bulbs are affected.
Record your observation.
Indicate special cases including
but not limited to continuation
of lesson plan to the following
day in case of re-teaching or
lack of time, transfer of lesson
to the following day, in cases of
class suspension, etc.
Reflect on your teaching and
assess yourself as a teacher.
Think about your student’s
progress. What works? What
else needs to be done to help
the students learn? Identify
what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for
you so when you meet them,
you can ask them relevant
questions. Indicate below
whichever is/are
A. No.of learners who ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective.
earned 80% on the ___Lesson not carried.
formative assessment. _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery
B. No.of learners who ___Pupils did not find difficulties in answering their lesson.
require additional activities ___Pupils found difficulties in answering their lesson.
for remediation. ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills
and interest about the lesson.
___Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties
encountered in answering the questions asked by the teacher.
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the
___Majority of the pupils finished their work on time.
___Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary
C. Did the remedial lessons ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who ___ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching ___Yes ___No
strategies worked well? ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or Strategies used that work well:
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish ___Metacognitive Development:
to share with other Examples: Self assessments, note taking and studying techniques, and
teachers? vocabulary assignments.
Examples: Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and anticipatory charts.
Examples: Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and
Examples: Demonstrations, media, manipulatives, repetition, and local
___Text Representation:
Examples: Student created drawings, videos, and games.
Examples: Speaking slowly and clearly, modeling the language you want
students to use, and providing samples of student work.
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson