The Great Pyramid - Adam Rutherford - Dec. 1942 - J.A. LOVELL - Anna's Archive

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~ By

President of the Institute of Pyramidology


AMERICA—Julius A. Graeves, P.E. 63, Eppirt St., East Orange, N.J., U.S.A,
ICELAND—Snebjérn Jénsson, Austurstreti 4, Reykjavik,


Box 7397 Fr. W@RTw 11, TEXAS


Also in the Icelandic Language

Made and Prinled in Great Britain by C. Tinling & Co., Ltd.,

Liverpool, London, and Prescot.

BK Pe | Aro? g
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Passages and Chambers of the Great Pyramid Frontispiece

The South Side of the Great Pyramid : : ‘ 8
3 Hast F . : : : 10
» North *) . ¥e p : ; 12
i West aA < ee E : 14
Two Views of a Great Pyramid Casing San now in
Edinburgh ‘ : : : : : ; 16
Cartouche of Khufu. : : ; 17
Title Page of ee icercphias A.D. nas : 20
First Page of Preface of Pyramidographia, A.D. roOe, 21
Geometric Construction of the Great Pyramid . : 25
The Great Pyramid from the Air : . 27
The Ancient Pyramid Cubit more accurate ae re
Modern French Metre : : : : é 29
The Nile—Delta Quadrant : ; ‘ 3 : 35
Cairo and environs . : 5 : , : 37
Entrance to the Great Poecnd : : : : 45
Junction of Descending and Ascending Passages 48
The Christ Anglein the Pyramid . F : 2 54
, on the map : 5 55
The perth Side of the Great Pyramid Doe : 58
The pee Pyramid : : s ; : ; 59
ite ~ American’ Step . ; ‘ 69
The Bend and Contraction in the Sete eee ; 76
The Great Subterranean “‘Chamber” 3 : ; 79
Mite Great Seabotthe U:S.A. . ; ; ELEC
The Granite Secret House of the Pyramid a2 5 eRe
The Celestial Circle in the Pyramid’s Secret House a | ae?
Model of Great Pyramid on Professor Smyth’s grave . 144
** Pyramidology is the science which co-ordinates,
combines and unifies science and religion, and is
thus the meeting place of the two. When the Great
Pyramid is properly understood and universally
studied, false religions and erroneous scientific
theories will alike vanish, and true religion and true
science will be demonstrated to be harmonious.”
President of the Institute of Pyramidology.
In these strenuous days people in general have not
so much
leisure time to devote to reading and study, hence
it is not
surprising that requests have come in from many parts
of the
World for a smaller and simpler book on the Great Pyram
one that would be suitable to introduce to ‘the man in
street ’’ who might show some interest in the subject—he
the present little work.
Doubtless many who have not read anything of this theme
previously will be amazed at the marvels of the Pyramid and
the overwhelming weight of evidence behind its Christian
message. Letters are frequently received, expressing great
surprise on learning what the Pyramid reveals. Recently
an Icelandic gentleman in Reykjavik, who had just read some
literature on the subject, wrote “ This has opened up to me
a new world which I had no conception existed.”
To those who, having read this work, wish to investigate
further, The Great Pyramid, a Scientific Revelation, will be
found very suitable for the purpose. In spite of the lack of
time at most people’s disposal nowadays, the old French
proverb still holds good, “ Vouloir c’est pouvoir ”’ or, freely
translated into English, ‘‘ Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

December, 1942.

THE Great Pyramid standing ten miles to the south-west of

Africa’s largest city, Cairo, has attracted more attention than
any other building in the world. Viewed from whatever
standpoint it is a marvel of marvels. Amongst the Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramid was
recognised as the greatest of them all and consequently was
placed at the head of the list. Although it was the oldest
of those Wonders, it has proved to be the most enduring, for
it is the only one out of the whole seven that remains to-day,
and owing to its particular type of construction it will
manifestly yet stand for countless thousands of years to come.
All down the ages since it was built over 4,500 years ago,
historians, architects, poets, scientists, and authors have
eloquently voiced their wonder and admiration regarding it.
Hearken to the following eulogies of famous men concerning
this wonderful Pyramid !
James Ferguson, in his great work History of Architecture
(Vol. IV, p. 31) describes the Great Pyramid as “‘ the most
perfect and gigantic specimen of masonry that the world has
Ver seen.
James Baikie, the historian, says the Pyramid is “ the most
marvellous building that the mind and hand of man ever
planned and executed.”
Professor Graeves, astronomer, in Pyramidograpma says
“The structure of it hath been the labour of an exquisite


(English translation by Rev. Charles Strong).

I ask’d of Time: “ To whom arose this high
Majestic pile, here mouldering in decay ? ”
He answer’d not, but swifter sped his way,
With ceaseless pinions winnowing the sky.
To Fame I turn’d: “ Speak thou, whose sons defy
The waste of years, and deathless works essay !”’
She heaved a sigh, as one to grief a prey,
And silent, downward cast her tearful eye.
Onward I pass’d, but sad and thoughtful grown,
When, stern in aspect, o’er the ruin’d shrine
I saw Oblivion stalk from stone to stone.
“ Dread Power !”’ I cried, “‘ Tell me whose vast
design ¥
He checked my further speech, in sullen tone ;
“Whose once it was, I care not ; now ’tis mine! ”’

For massiveness, the Great Pyramid has never been equalled

all down the ages by any other edifice, and it still is, even in
our modern day, the largest building in the world; its great
square base having a side of 755? feet and covering approxim-
ately 13 acres of ground. It contains thirty times the amount
of masonry in New York’s largest skyscraper. Each of the
four sides of the mighty structure rises nearly 500 feet and
has an area of 5% acres, thus totalling 22 acres of originally
highly polished limestone blocks, which in the brilliant sun-
shine of Egypt, acted as gigantic mirrors reflecting great
beams of light, that could be seen from all over the country.
Hence by the ancient Egyptians the Great Pyramid was
called Ta Khuti, which means “The Lights.”’ It was also
termed Ikhet, meaning the “Glorious Light.’’ As left by the
ancient builders it was lovely to behold ; its lofty summit of
dazzling white towered high into the deep blue Egyptian
skies. No wonder the classical Greek geographer, Strabo,
exclaimed, ‘‘ It seemed like a building let down from heaven,
untouched by human hands!”
The beautiful polished blocks which covered the entire
exterior, thus encasing the whole structure became known
as Casing Stones. At the present day, only a few of these

are left in position on each side at the base, most of the others
having been stripped off by the Arabs and cut up to build their
mosques in Cairo. It was not until a.p. 1925, when the
Egyptian Government Survey was made, that sufficient debris
was Cleared away to exhibit the casing stones for a considerable
length on all four sides of the Pyramid, at the base. The
author was fortunate in visiting and examining the Great
Pyramid during that very year, almost immediately after
the excavations were completed.
The largest of the remaining Casing Stones is approximately
5 feet (in height) by 8} feet by 63 feet and weighs about 19
British tons. A few have been removed to other lands.
Apart from those still left on the Pyramid, the most perfect
specimen anywhere to be found is that preserved in a
glass case in the Royal Scottish Observatory, Edinburgh.
It was recovered from the mounds of sand and stones lying
at the foot of the Pyramid by Waynman Dixon, C.E., who
presented it to the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Professor
C. Piazzi Smyth, one of the greatest Pyramid pioneers. The
present Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Professor Greaves,*
kindly granted the author permission to have the large glass
case removed and to examine, measure and photograph this
Casing Stone, in December 1941. The photographs are
reproduced on page 16. This is one of the smaller type
of Casing Stones from the upper part of the Pyramid, and
measures 2I inches high, 194 inches broad at the top and
z yard at the bottom, whilst its length is 1 Pyramid cubit,
that is, just over 25 British inches. The angle of the face of
the stone shows the steepness of the sloping faces of the
The core masonry behind the casing stones is quite rough,
ee eee
* By a striking coincidence the first book to be written on the Great
Pyramid in the English language was also by a Professor Greaves, who like-
wise was an astronomer (John Greaves, Savilian Professor of Astronomy at
Oxford). This book was called Pyramidographia and was published in
London in the year 1646. Photographs of the title page and first page of
that old book are shown on pages 20 and 21. The work is descriptive
and records what ancient writers said about the Pyramids, but mainly about
the Great Pyramid.
Now In the Royal Scotti 1S h Observatory, Edinburgh

as it is merely filling. It is composed largely of coarse lime-

stone (nummulitic) mainly from the quarries of Masara and
Turra in the Mokattam Hills on the opposite side of the River
Nile. The Pyramid’s principal interior apartment the King’s
Chamber, however, is constructed entirely of red granite from
the Syene Quarries, Aswan. The roof of the King’s Chamber
is formed of enormous granite beams, these being the largest
known stones in the whole building; in fact one of them is
27 feet long by 5 feet broad and 7 feet deep, and weighs nearly
70 tons.
The question naturally arises, when was the Great Pyramid
built and what was its purpose? The first part of the query
is easy to answer, for we have first-hand information from the
Pyramid itself on the point.
In 1763 Nathaniel Davison (British Consul at Algiers)
discovered a “construction chamber” immediately over
the roof of the King’s Chamber, and this has been named
Davison’s Chamber after him. Over seventy years later, in
1837, Colonel Howard Vyse discovered, above Davison’s
Chamber, four more Chambers of Construction, which he
named respectively, Wellington’s Chamber, Nelson’s Chamber,
Lady Arbuthnot’s Chamber and Campbell’s Chamber—the
last named being the topmost. These constructional recesses
are the only places inside the entire Pyramid where original
hieroglyphics are to be found, and they exist in all of them
except Davison’s Chamber. The great value of these hiero-
glyphs lies in the fact that they exhibit the cartouche of
Khufu (Cheops) as the Egyptian king in whose reign the

W ae


Pyramid was built. Khufu was a king of the Fourth Egyptian

Dynasty, so the Great Pyramid is therefore over 4,500 years
old. That is to say, it was already an old building when
Abraham entered Egypt in the twentieth century, B.c. It
was older still when the Israelites came to Egypt; in fact,
it was while the Israelites were in bondage to the pharaohs
that the Great Pyramid’s 1,oooth anniversary occurred.
By the time that Jesus was brought to Egypt as a child, the
Pyramid was very ancient—z2,600 years old! But many
long centuries after that, Napoleon gazed up at the Great
Pyramid and exclaimed ‘‘ More than 40 centuries look down
upon us!” Yes, the Pyramid was 4,400 years old in
Napoleon’s day. As will be shown later, the building itself
in a scientific manner, reveals the exact date of its construction.
From Herodotus, who has been called “‘the Father of
History’ we learn that 100,000 men (relayed every three
months and given free rations) were employed for over 30
years (including Io years in preliminary quarrying) in erecting
this Great Pyramid, wherein are no less than 203 courses of
As to the purpose of the Great Pyramid, the generally
accepted theory has been that it, in common with the other
pyramids, was merely a tomb of a pharaoh. That most of
the pyramids were simply royal mausoleums we have complete
proof, for the mummies have been obtained from them.
Modern research, however, has proved that Khufu was not
buried in the Pyramid attributed to him. But even if an
embalmed body had been deposited therein, it would not
alter the fact that the Pyramid is something more than merely
a tomb. As Commander Barber, U.S.N., points out in his
Mechanical Triumphs of the Ancient Egyptians, even if the
Pyramid was used as a tomb, it was also something much
more ; he says, “‘ the extraordinary mathematical properties
of the Great Pyramid certainly impresses one with the idea
that this pyramid at least was more than a tomb.”
The Great Pyramid is separate and distinct from all the
other pyramids in several respects. While we find other

Egyptian pyramids having downward passages leading to

sepulchral chambers which are either underground or at
ground level, the Great Pyramid is the only one that has
ascending passages leading to chambers up in the body of the
masonry. From the diagram of the passage and chamber
system of the Great Pyramid shown in the frontispiece it
will be observed that the two large chambers in the building
proper have each two air channels or ventilators. No
chambers in any of the other pyramids have ventilators.
‘The presence of ventilators indicates that the apartments
were for some purpose other than sepulchral chambers. They
are living rocms, not death chambers. In all known tombs
in Egypt, both before and after the erection of the Great
Pyramid, the practice, in every instance, was to go down to
the natural rock for the Burial Chamber. Apart from the
single Descending Passage (with its seemingly “ unfinished ”
chamber), and the stone chest in the King’s Chamber, every-
thing in the interior of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh is entirely
different from what we find anywhere in connection with
_ burial monuments. As William Kingsland, M.I.E.E. has
-remarked “ If we look at the Great Pyramid as a whole, it is
difficult to conceive that it was built for the sole purpose of a
tomb, or even for that purpose at all.”
The mists of mystery, however, began faintly to clear away
about the middle of last century. It was suggested that the
structure of the Great Pyramid embodied mathematical and
scientific information, but it was not until 1859, when John
Taylor’s book The Great Pyramid. Why was wt Built? was
published, that sufficient evidence was produced to show the
high probability of the theory and that further investigation
was justified. Accordingly, at the request of John Taylor
himself, Professor C. Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer Royal for
Scotland went to Egypt and undertook a detailed examination
of the Great Pyramid during the winter of 1864-1865, with
the result that most of the main elements of the theory were
proved to be correct in essentials. Further investigations
since that time have proved the truth of the fundamentals of

7 Pyramidographia :|
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: | GORA

| /By loun Gre

|| of Aftronomy in

| Romanorum Fabrice& antigua opera (cum venia | |

id dilium fit) nibil accedunt ad Pyramidum {plendom
rem,& {uperbiam. Bellon. lib.2. Obferv. Cap: 42.

oi LONDON, .
| | Printed for George Badger, and areto be fold ar |
: his fhop in St Danffaws Churchyard |
in Fleet-ftreet 1646, —
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the theory, although considerable adjustment in detail has

been necessary. From Professor Smyth’s day till now it is
rather surprising how few Pryamidologists have undertaken
special visits to Egypt in order to do research work at the
Great Pyramid itself and thus obtain first-hand information ;
the list of Pyramidologists who have done so being as follows :—
Prof. C. Piazzi Smyth, F.R.S.E.,F.R.A.S., in 1864-65 (died 1900).
Prof. John Edgar, M.A., B.Sc.,M.B.,C.M., in 1909 (died IgI10).
Morton Edgar in 1909, 1925-26, etc.
Adam Rutherford, F.R.G.S., F.C.R.A., A.M Inst.T. in 1925.
William Kingsland, M.1.E.E. in 1931 (died 1935).
In addition to the above, two excellent surveys of the Pyramid
have been made: one in 1880-82 by the well-known Egypt-
ologist, Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie, and the other (of the exterior
only) in 1925 for the Egyptian Government, by J. H. Cole,
Researches of the past few decades have disclosed the fact
not only does the Pyramid reveal marvels of mathematics
and science, but much of it is in regard to minute statistics
pertaining to the planet on which we live, such as the precise
size of the Earth, its exact shape, its weight, the distribution
of land and water on its surface, the sun distance, the precise
length of the year to the minute, the tilt of the Earth’s axis
and the period of its revolution. All this is revealed in a sound
scientific manner by geometry. It will be observed that
much of the information thus enshrined was not known by
man at the remote period when the Pyramid was built, and
indeed could not be ascertained by man until modern times,
after the invention of modern appliances and instruments.
This indicates that the Great Pyramid is a revelation of physical
science by a Higher Power. As Sir James Jeans said recently,
the whole evidence of the latest discoveries of modern science
indicate that behind the whole material universe is a
Mathematic Mind. The ancient Plato also declared, “ God
perpetually geometrises.” How appropriate therefore that
the Almighty utter His revelation of scientific truth, not in
words, but through the medium of geometry, a language that
can be understood by all nations and one that is perfect and
absolutely accurate in its expression.
There is another even grander and more wonderful phase of
Pyramid truth superimposed upon the scientific, and it is to
explain that higher revelation in a simple way that this little
volume is written. Before proceeding to that, however, it will
be helpful to deal just briefly and simply with the scientific
aspect, as it forms the foundation.
Throughout the universe all forces act in straight lines in
the first instance ; it is owing to a combination of forces coming
into play that deviation occurs. On the other hand all matter
in the universe is in the form of spheres, and a sphere is the
solid shape that is marked out by a revolving circle. Not
only are the mighty heavenly bodies, “the sun, moon and
stars’ and also the Earth on which we live, in the form of
spheres or globes, but the tiny atoms of which all substances
constituting matter are constructed are each in themselves
exceedingly minute “solar systems” in form, each having
its central ball or “sun” called the proton, and revolving
“planets” called electrons—as revealed by science. That
is to say, the mightiest things in the material creation, the
gigantic suns having diameters of millions of miles, as well
as the tiniest things in creation, the most insignificant elec-
tron of the smallest atom, are all spheres or balls, or as the
small schoolboy would say, they are all “round.” But all
of these, from the least to the greatest, are controlled by forces,
and owe their very existence to forces, each of which individu-
ally acts in a straight line. Yet, because of the combination
of forces all acting in straight lines, the actual motions—
rotation and revolution—of all material spheres, however
mighty or however insignificant, are circular or elliptical.
Hence the geometric basis upon which the whole vast
universe is constructed is the straight line and the circle
(with its further development, the ellipse). Therefore the
ratio between the straight line and the circle is the all-important
and fundamental geometric value in mathematics relating to

the universe. This ratio between the circumference of a

circle and the straight line through its centre (the diameter)
is termed “‘ x”’ (the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet).
This sign ~ has been adopted because of the fact that the
ratio in question has never yet been ascertained to its finality,
although, of course, it has been calculated to an exceedingly
high degree of precision, viz., to over 700 places of decimals.
As an arithmetical vulgar fraction it is nearly 34, but it is
usually quoted more correctly as 314159, which is sufficiently
accurate for ordinary purposes, although astronomers and
geodesists sometimes require to use the much more precise
figure 3-14159205358979.
Now this geometric ratio =, which pervades the whole
universe also pervades the Great Pyramid in its entirety,
inside and outside. Whether we take the mighty building
as a whole, or examine the minutest features of its smallest
chamber, the x ratio is everywhere predominant in the geo-
metric construction. The Pyramid, completed, rises from a
square base, by four triangular faces, to an apex over the
centre of the base. The angle of the slope of the Pyramid’s
sides is such that it results in the vertical height of the building
bearing the same ratio to the circuit of the base that the
radius of a circle does to the circumference. In other words,
if the height of the Pyramid to the apex be taken as the
radius of a circle, the distance round the Pyramid is found
to be exactly equal to the circumference of that circle—see
diagram on opposite page. The angle of the Pyramid’s faces
necessary to produce this result is consequently known as
the m angle (51° 51’ 14:3”).
One of the most interesting and important of the scientific
marvels of the Pyramid is the unit of length revealed in the
monument’s design. The results of recent research indicate
that the chiefs and those in charge of the erection of the
building were not of Egyptian stock but were of Asiatic origin.
Nevertheless, Egyptian labour was employed, and consequently
the unit used in actual construction was the Egyptian cubit,
equal to 20-63 British inches of to-day. But the Pyramid’s
Geometric Construction of the Great Pyramid

Circumference of the Circle = Perimeter of the Square


inches, the precise length of the Pyramid cubit (correct to three

places of decimals).
At the time of the French Revolution, the French savants
also conceived the idea of instituting a unit of linear measure
based upon the size of the Earth, and invented the metre,
which, although it has been adopted in continental Europe,
is, from the scientific standpoint, very faulty. The French
metre was arrived at by taking the 10,000,o0o0th part of the
so-called quadrant of the Earth as calculated from the North
Pole to the Equator, along a meridian passing through
Dunkerque and Paris. In the first place as the Earth is not
a perfect sphere, the said distance is not a true quadrant,
hence it is not truly scientific to determine a unit of straight
measure from such a curved surface, and secondly, the calcu-
lations were subsequently discovered to be slightly in error.
Scientifically, a unit of straight measure should be based on the
straight distance corresponding to the curved semi-meridian,
namely the semi-axis or polar radius of the Earth, as has been
correctly done in the case of the Pyramid cubit. Furthermore
the Earth’s axis is the only constant natural straight line on
our Planet, and it is also truly international, for all nations
rotate round it once every day. How appropriate that the
Pyramid’s units of measurement should be accurately based
upon it! Thus the Designer of the Pyramid long forestalled
modern man in the scientific idea of having a unit of measure
based on the size of the Earth, and therefore the Designer of
the Pyramid evidently knew the exact dimensions of the Earth
long before man did. Indeed, the Pyramid cubit is really
the French metre scientifically and mathematically corrected
over 4,000 years before the French scientists even thought of
the idea !
It has already been shown how and why the zx ratio pervades
the entire Pyramid. There is one other mathematical value
that also permeates the whole Pyramid, namely, the length
of the year, expressed in days. There are three different
years known to astronomers, and all three are shown accurately
to the fraction of a minute, in the Pyramid; nevertheless,




—_— —— ————— I

there is but one of these that pervades the whole building as

m does, and enters into almost every formula relating to linear
measurements in the Pyramid, and that is the year known to
the man in the street, the year of history (technically termed
the mean solar tropical year) and its length expressed in days
is 365-242. For convenience we shall herein refer to this
value-as ~y <.
The ubiquity of ~ in the Pyramid identifies the Creator of
the Universe with the Designer of the Pyramid, whilst that
of y indicates that the Pyramid’s Divine Revelation pertains
to matters in connection with this particular world on which
we live, whose year or period of revolution round the Sun is
365-242 days—the Divine Plan for the planet Earth, and not
that for Venus, Mars, Jupiter or any other world. Hence we
find that the dimensions of the Pyramid’s passages and
chambers are defined by formule incorporating both z and y.
For example, the length of the ante-chamber, already referred
to, is 116-26 Pyramid inches, but this is y divided by zx.
(y + % = 365-242 + 3-14159 = 116-26).
Geometrically, the combination of z and y is expressible by
one simple figure, a circle having a circumference of 365-242
units. (The circumference is y and the ratio between the
circumference and the diameter is x). All measurements of
the principal features of the Pyramid, exterior and interior,
are simple functions of this Year Circle, the unit employed
being the inch. It is amazing to what an insignificant extent
the original perfect inch, as still preserved in the Great Pyramid,
has fluctuated down the ages. The inch as now used in -
Britain after all these long centuries has only deviated from
the original scientific standard by the thousandth part of an
inch, which is practically negligible. For almost all domestic
purposes at least, the inch in the Pyramid and the inch as
found to-day in Britain and U.S.A. can be regarded as identical.
As we go back in history, we find, of course, that the insig-
nificant difference was still more insignificant. Even in the
days of Queen Elizabeth the inch as then in use in Britain
only deviated by a most microscopic fraction from the original

true scientific inch of the Pyramid. We mention here,

incidentally, that our present system of measures very much
needs to be reformed on a decimal system, based however on
the scientific inch and not on the unscientific metre. It is a
significant fact that to-day the inch now belongs exclusively
to the British or Anglo-Celto-Saxon Race, who are the only
people in the world who use it in daily practice.
The Year Circle is the geometric basis of the scientific
revelation of the Pyramid; it embraces the three values,
mt, y and the inch, explained above, the significance of which
is summarised below :—
(I) x signifying the Divine origin of the Pyramid’s revelation.
(2) y_ signifying that the Pyramid’s revelation relates to the
world of mankind on this Earth.
(3) The Inch signifying that the Pyramid’s revelation contains
a particular message to the British race (in the British
Empire and U.S.A.) regarding its function in the
Divine purpose for the nations.
The inch, which to-day is a British unit of measure, is the
key that unlocks the Pyramid’s Divine Revelation to man.
It is now a fact of history too that practically the whole of the
Pyramid’s revelation at present known to us has been unfolded
through members of the British race. Indeed it is remarkable
that the majority of the most eminent Pyramidologists have
been Scotsmen. All the important books on the subject have
been written in English in the first place, and subsequently
translated into other tongues. Not a single book, of any
consequence,.on the Pyramid’s revelation has ever been
written in any other language.
Our day is pre-eminently the scientific age. Many people
to-day will only accept as truth that which has stood the test
of science. In principle, of course, this is good, for the laws
of nature or science are but the laws of God, who brought
them into existence. But it is essential to make a clear
distinction between scientific fact and scientific theory.
Scientific fact is truth, whereas scientific theory may be true

or it may be utterly erroneous. Unfortunately the word

“science” is often used in a slip-shod manner to include
scientific theory right or wrong, and this has given rise to the
anomalous statement that there is disagreement between
science and religion. There is certainly disagreement between
true science and false religion, and also between true religion
and erroneous scientific theories, but never between true
science and true religion, for both emanate from the Almighty
and are in absolute harmony. Hence we see the Divine
wisdom in arranging long beforehand a scientific revelation,
such as the Great Pyramid enshrines, in order to meet the need
of this day of scientific appeal when it arrived, especially when
religion is accused of being at variance with science.
As science and religion are component phases of the great
eternal truth, it is not surprising to find that the Great Pyramid
also reveals the truth in religion and the Divine purpose in
regard to man on the Earth through the ages—the entire
revelation, natural and spiritual, being portrayed upon a
scientific basis. But before investigating the religious and
prophetic aspect of Pyramid revelation, it is appropriate that
we deal with the queries that would be raised by Christians
at this juncture. A Christian would naturally enquire “ Is
it not going contrary to the teaching of Scripture to enquire
into an outside source such as the Pyramid for further Divine
revelation, when the Bible itself informs us that the Scriptures
themselves are sufficient ‘that the man of God may be perfect
and thoroughly furnished’’’? To this question we reply—
In investigating the Pyramid we are not going outside the
Scriptures nor contrary to their instruction, because there is a
Biblical passage, which has hitherto been overlooked, that
identifies the Great Pyramid as God’s Stone Witness that
would speak in this our day. So if a person really believes
the Bible and yet does not now listen to the voice of the
Pyramid, he is missing something which God has specially
provided for his edification in this particular day and age.
But even apart from the Biblical pointer to the Pyramid
dealt with below, the Pyramid itself, of course, contains its

own overwhelming internal evidence of Divine inspiration.

The particular Scriptural passage, referring to the Great
Pyramid, the meaning of which has been hidden until this age
of science when it was required, is Isaiah 19, 19-2° which says
“In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst
of the land of Egypt, and a pillar (Hebrew matstsebah = monu-
ment) at the border thereof to the LORD. And it shall be
for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the
land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because
of the oppressors, and he shall send them a Saviour, and a
great one, and he shall deliver them.’’ In these verses there
is described a certain monument in Egypt that would be a
witness to God at a time of great oppression followed by a
great deliverance. To-day aggression and oppression have
come to the full, and will soon give place to the New Order
of liberty. How the tortured nations of Europe are now
crying to God “ because of the oppressors’ and at the same
time President Roosevelt has declared the oppressors will be so
utterly crushed that those aggressive powers will never be able
to rise again in a thousand years and that liberty will prevail
throughout the world. Note, too, that a Higher Power than
even President Roosevelt is to ensure the great deliverance,
and guarantee the truth of the honourable President’s words.
As the conditions foretold in the prophecy have now come to
pass before our eyes, the due time, according to the Bible, has
therefore arrived for this monument to be identified and for
its “ voice”’ hitherto silent all down the ages, now to speak
proclaiming its Divine message to our day and generation.
This monument is also described as an altar. There are
two types of altar mentioned in Scripture, namely, altars of
sacrifice and altars of witness. In the case of altars of sacrifice
strict commands were given that such were to be made of earth
or stone, but if stone were used it must be unhewn—no tool
must be used, ‘‘ for if thou lift up thy tool upon it thou hast
polluted it’ (Exodus 20, *4-*5). But in the case of altars of
witness that were not for sacrifice (Joshua 22, ®® 34) no such
instructions were issued. The altar of Isaiah 19, 1°-° is

clearly stated to be an altar of witness: “‘it shall be for a

sign and for a WITNESS unto the LORD of Hosts”; hence
there is nothing to prevent it being built of hewn stone. In
passing, it is interesting to note too that as our modern day
is the appointed time at which this Witness is to speak, this
monument is also become an altar in the modern sense of the
word, namely, a place, literal or metaphorical, where homage
is paid or worship offered. When once we realise that this
monument is a witness to the Lord and is now speaking with
Divine Authority, we instinctively do homage to God there
(without necessarily visiting the literal monument, of course).
Not only is this altar-monument plainly stated to be in
Egypt, but its exact geographical position is defined. It is
described as being “im the midst of the land of Egypt” and
yet “‘ at the border thereof.’ There is only one spot on the face
of the Earth that completely answers this discription, both
geometrically and geographically, and that spot is the precise
place where the Great Pyramid stands. This apparently
contradictory definition—in the centre and yet at the border—
is true in several ways, because of the unique shape and con-
figuration of Egypt.
In ancient time, the country was in two parts, Upper Egypt
and Lower Egypt, and at times each had its own king. It
was the Lower Egypt with which the Israelites were familiar,
for during their Egyptian bondage they were domiciled in
Goshen, which was a region in the eastern part of Lower
Egypt. The territory of Lower Egypt and that of the Nile
Delta were practically identical. The Delta of the Nile is the
most symmetrically shaped delta in the world. If all the
protruding points on the coast of the Nile Delta be joined by
a line, the curve so formed will be found to be the arc of a
quarter-circle or quadrant, as will be seen from the map on
the opposite page. If the ends of that arc be joined to the
centre of that circle, the resultant quadrant is practically
identical with the territory of Lower Egypt, which is the Nile
Delta. From near that centre the River Nile begins to divide
and spread out like a fan into many streams thus forming


The Great Pyramid of Gizeh stands
at the geometric centre and yet at the
southern extremity of the Quadrant

the quadrant-shaped delta. Thus Lower Egypt is shaped

like an open fan or quadrant, having its centre at the extreme
southern point. Geometrically, and from the standpoint of
the physical geography of the country, that point is both at
the centre and yet at the extreme edge or border thereof.
That is the spot where, according to the Prophet Isaiah, you
will find God’s altar-monument erected. The exact spot was
first discovered by an American scientist, who had no con-
ception whatever that his discovery had anything to do with
Biblical prophecy, and that of course makes the matter all
the more unbiassed and conclusive. It was in the year 1868
that Henry Mitchell, Chief Hydrographer of the United States
Coast Survey (who was sent to Egypt to report on the progress
of the Suez Canal that year) was impressed by the regularity
of the general curvature of the coast of the Nile Delta, and on
observing that it formed a quadrant, was curious to ascertain
where the centre was located. To his surprise he found that
centre to be marked by the Great Pyramid, whereupon he
exclaimed ‘“‘ That monument stands in a more important
physical situation than any other building erected by man!”
This unique position is true in regard to political geography
also. This Great Pyramid of Gizeh is near On (Heliopolis) the
capital of the ancient kingdom of Lower Egypt, and equally
near to Memphis, the capital of Upper Egypt, while it was
even closer still to the border between the two Egypts. Both
of those ancient capital cities, as well as the border between the
Egypts, were within sight of the Pyramid. So the Pyramid
was at the political hub or centre and yet at the border of both
the ancient Egypts separately, as well as taken as a whole.
To-day, when the due time has come for the Pyramid to
“speak ”’ as God’s witness, the modern Egyptian Capital City
of Cairo (the largest city in the whole of Africa) is nearer still
to the Pyramid than were either of the former Capitals ; so
near indeed that the Cairo tramcars run out to the Great
Pyramid and a fine panoramic view of the city and its environs
is obtainable from the top of the monument. Thus the Great
Pyramid is at the very heart of Egypt’s political and social


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life, and yet it is at the very border of the country, for beyond
the Pyramid there is nothing but the great Sahara Desert,
which extends right across the vast African Continent. To
the immediate east of the Pyramid is highly cultivated and
densely populated land on which stands the near-by metropolis
of Egypt, but to the immediate west of the monument is the
World’s greatest desert—nothing but sand, sand, sand for
hundreds of miles. So we see that, both geometrically and
geographically, the Great Pyramid is “in the midst of the
land of Egypt ”’ and yet “‘ at the border thereof ”’ in accordance
with Isaiah 19, 19-29, and is therefore the Divine monumental-
witness referred to, and it is interesting to note the striking
similarity of the Hebrew word matstsebah translated “ pillar ”’
in this Biblical passage and the modern Arabic word mastaba,
meaning a pyramid with steep sides that does not rise complete
to an apex, but is flat on the top (what geometers would call
a truncated pyramid) and it should be carefully observed that
the Great Pyramid itself has no apex, and never had: unlike
almost all other pyramids, it culminates in a flat platform at
its summit.
The Hebrew word translated Egypt in Isaiah 19, 19°? is
Mizraim, which in Arabic to-day is Misr. In confirmation
of our application of the term Egypt in the,above paragraphs
we quote from the eleventh edition of the famous Encyclopedia
Britannica under the caption ‘“‘ Egypt’ which states ‘‘ The
distinguishing features of Egypt are the Nile and the desert.
But for the river there would be nothing to differentiate the
country from the other parts of the Sahara. The Nile, however,
has transformed the land through which it passes. Piercing
the desert, and at its annual overflow depositing rich sediment
brought from the Abyssinian highlands, the river has created
the Delta and the fertile strip in Upper Egypt. This cultivable
land is Egypt proper; to it alone is applicable the ancient
name—‘ the black land.’ The Misr of the Arabs is restricted
to the same territory. Beyond the Nile valley east and west
stretch great deserts.’’ From this it is clear that Mizraim or
Egypt was the cultivated territory and that the edge of the

desert was the border (it is only within our present lifetime
that extended artificial boundaries were drawn). Gfzeh is an
Arabic word meaning skirt, edge or border. Hence the full
official name of the Pyramid, The Great Pyramid of Gtzeh
means, in English, The Great Pyramid of the Border. Isaiah
“Ig, *°-?°, could well be rendered into modern English thus—
In that age there shall be, in the centre of Egypt but at the desert
edge, a monument that shall be a sign and an altar of witness
to the Lord of Hosts, for they shall cry unto the Lord because of
the cruel aggressors and He shall send them a mighty Saviour
who shall judge and deliver them.
There is also a remarkable mathematical relationship between
Isaiah 19, 19-?° and the Great Pyramid. In Hebrew, the
letters of the alphabet were employed as arithmetical figures
consequently every word is also a row of figures, and thus all
Hebrew writing has a numeric value. Hebrew, of course,
was the original language in which these verses were written.
The words of the Hebrew text of Isaiah 19, 19-?° as numbers
are as follows: 58, 17, 30, 57, 56, 428, 291, 380, 143, 121, 46,
56, 26, 437, I10, 56, 499, 293, 380, 30, 276, 31, 26, 180,
178, 354, 75, 426, 208, 181. The total of these numbers is
5,449 which is termed the numeric value of these
verses. But the actual height of the Great Pyramid as left
by the ancient builders, is 5,449 Pyramid inches !
What a marvellous numerical identity, for had we been even
the trifling amount of the 5,oooth part of an inch in error
in ascertaining the value of the Pyramid inch, the height of the
Pyramid expressed in Pyramid inches would not have corres-
ponded with the numeric value of Isaiah 19, 1°~?°, the Pyramid
text of Scripture.
As the Scriptures refer to the Great Pyramid it is not
surprising to find that the monument enshrines spiritual and
prophetic truth as well as physical science. On examination
the interior passages and chambers of the structure are found
to reveal, by symbol and measurement, the characteristics
and duration of the ages of world history and particularly
their function relative to the Divine purpose. The chart

forming the frontispiece shows the relative positions of the

passages and chambers of the Great Pyramid. It is in the
form of an elevation (looking east). The passages are all in
the one vertical plane, the same being parallel to the east
and west sides of the Pyramid, at a distance of nearly 24 feet
to the east of the centre of the building; hence the entrance
to the Pyramid is not on the centre line of the north side but
to the east of it, as shown on the diagram on page 58. All
_the chambers extend westward from the vertical plane of the
passage system.
In any building, corridors or passages are not permanent
places of abode; they are simply a means of transit, leading
to rooms or chambers where we can settle down. So in the
Pyramid, as we shall see, the passages fittingly symbolise the
ages and dispensations which must be traversed before reaching
the final destinies represented by the chambers. Furthermore,
these Pyramid passages are constructed to scale, the lengths
of the various corridors being proportionate to the lengths of
the respective ages they represent. Thus, space in linear
distance represents space in time, and the unit of length
represents the unit of time. In the Pyramid’s drawing office,
the so-called Ante-Chamber, as we have already seen, the
Pyramid’s unit of length is shown to be the inch, and the
unit of time the year, and so the scale of the Pyramid’s chrono-
graph is a Pyramid inch to a year. So much of the Pyramid’s
chronological prophecy has now become actual history that
the scale, I inch = 1 year, has been incontrovertibly proved.
The fact that the whole interior arrangement of the Pyramid
is built up from the functions of “x” and “y”’ in geometric
inches is scientific evidence that the great First Cause who
designed the universe, designed the Pyramid’s internal passages,
and therefore designed the duration of the ages, which the
lengths of those passages represent. Hence the Great Pyramid,
ancient as it is, presents to us scientific chronological prophecy
from the Almighty Himself, thus bringing to our mind the
words of Scripture, ““I am GOD . . . declaring the end from
the beginning, and FROM ANCIENT TIMES the things that

are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will
do all my pleasure . . . yea, I have spoken it, I will also
bring it to pass ; I have purposed it, I will also do it ” (Isaiah
46, 10-11),
Having learned the chronological scale to be applied to the
lengths of the passages all we now require in order to obtain
the dates of the ages or periods of time is to ascertain the
starting point or “ scratch mark ” and the date marked thereby.
As the interior passage system constitutes a Divine prophecy,
laid out to scale as an architect’s plan, concerning ages and
events that were future from the time of the Pyramid’s erection,
one would naturally expect that the Entrance into the Pyramid
would mark the date of the building of the Pyramid, and
that every inch forward into the building along the passages
would represent a year forward in time from that date. So
far as the science of Egyptology is concerned, until recent years
only very scanty and uncertain information has been available
regarding the age of the Great Pyramid; in fact, the only
thing that was known with certainty was that it was built in
the reign of Khufu (as disclosed by the hieroglyphics in the
Chambers of Construction in the heart of the Pyramid itself)
but as to the precise time at which that monarch lived there
remained great obscurity, the computations of the leading
authorities differing by many hundreds of years. Recent
research, however, has fixed the time of Khufu’s reign (and
hence the erection of the Great Pyramid) to the end of the
27th century before the Christian Era. Although Egyptologists
state the particular period, none would guarantee the accuracy
of specific dates to a year for Khufu’s reign or the erection of
the Pyramid. From the science of Egyptology we thus learn
that the date marked by the Entrance into the Pyramid falls
somewhere in the 27th century before Christ. So far so good,
but evidently we shall require to turn to some other science
to enable us to fix the exact date of the beginning of
the Pyramid’s chronograph.
As every chronologer and archeologist knows, one of the
most satisfactory methods of ascertaining ancient dates

accurately is by means of astronomical fixing. With the

advance of research in Pyramidology it has become quite
evident that the Great Pyramid was astronomically built,
that is to say, its various planes and angles were designed
in accordance with the positions of the heavenly bodies
relative to the Earth, and particularly to the Pyramid’s
precise position on the Globe. To such an extent is this the
case that one well-known astronomer, Richard A. Proctor,
of Cambridge University, held the view that the Great Pyramid
was originally built as an observatory. So, naturally, the
Pyramid has arrested the attention of eminent astronomers
such as Sir John Herschel and Professor C. Piazzi Smyth.
Astronomers, geodesists and surveyors alike, who have taken
observations there, have been amazed at the exceptionally
high degree of accuracy in the orientation of the Pyramid,
that is, in the construction of its four sides so as to face
absolutely due north, south, east, and west respectively.
After standing for over 4,500 years during which time it has
been subjected to earthquakes, subsidence, and probably even |
slight movement of the Earth’s crust itself through the ages,
the accuracy of the Pyramid’s orientation is even yet so
wonderful, that it is very questionable if any other large
building in the world to-day equals it in that respect. Not
only the orientation but also the various angles and planes
in the structure of the Pyramid have been designed in relation
to the positions of certain stars at specific times, and it is in
connection with these astronomical phenomena that the
Pyramid’s chronology is fixed.
As this work is written for the man in the street, we shall,
in explaining how this astronomical fixing is arrived at, avoid
technicalities as far as possible. Viewed from the site of the
Pyramid at a certain time, the Dragon Star (known to astron-
omers as a Draconis) appeared due north at an angle above
the horizon the same as the tilt of the Entrance Passage on
the north side of the Pyramid. That is to say, the Entrance
Passage and the Dragon Star were in the same inclined plane,
which for the sake of using an easily understood term, we

shall call the plane of the Dragon Star (which formed the pole
star for a period in ancient time). Down the Entrance Passage
at a distance of about forty feet from the entrance there are
two absolutely straight knife-edge grooves cut from roof to
floor, one on each side wall, and opposite each other. This
clearly shows the cutting through or intersection of the plane
of the Dragon Star by another plane. On discovering this
the Astronomer Royal for Scotland immediately began to
calculate back in time to ascertain what was the star indicated
by this plane. He found it to be a star commonly known as
Alcyone (called 7 Tauri by astronomers) the chief star of that
beautiful and much admired little stellar cluster, the Pleiades
or Seven Sisters in the constellation of the Bull. For the
sake of simplicity we shall call this plane the plane of the Pleiades.
Now, the point of time corresponding to the intersection of
the plane of the Dragon Star and the plane of the Pleiades in
connection with their relative positions to the Pyramid has
been geometrically and astronomically fixed and it falls in the
year 2141 B.c. Thus the intersection of these planes in the
-Pyramid, shown by the fine grooves crossing the Entrance
Passage, marks the date 2141 B.c. Furthermore, the appear-
ance of these delicately cut grooves indicates that they are
intended as a clear-cut zero-line or “scratch mark” from
which to take measurements and thus obtain the duration and
dates of the ages represented by the lengths of the Pyramid’s
passages. This “scratch mark” is often referred to as the
Scored Line. Thus the Pyramid singles out that particular
year, 2I4I B.c. as the year of reference in respect of chrono-
logical measurements. So, having ascertained the chrono-
logical scale, a Pyramid inch to a year, and the astronomically
fixed Scored Line date 2141 B.c., the Pyramid’s entire prophetic
chronograph is thereby astronomically fixed. Measurements
in inches, backward or forward from the Scored Line represent
the corresponding number of years before or after the date
The distance from the Scored Line back up the Entrance
Passage to the Entrance itself is 4814 Pyramid inches, repre-
senting 481} years. Counting 481} years back from 2141 B.C.
brings us to the winter of 2623-2622 B.c. as the date marked
by the Entrance, for the erection of the Pyramid, and this
agrees with the recent findings of Egyptology, as we have
seen, that the building of the Pyramid was begun in the
27th century before Christ.
Having traced the Great Pyramid’s representation of chron-
ology backwards from the Scored Lines (2141 B.c.) to the
Entrance (2623 B.c.) marking the monument’s erection, let
us now penetrate further into the Pyramid and examine the
details therein. In order to obtain the truth the method of
procedure must be the co-ordination of fact—the only truly
scientific process whereby the truth can be arrived at. During
recent years various complicated theories have been invented
in attempts to harmonise the Pyramid with preconceived
chronological ideas; this has had a very detrimental effect,
and driven away many people who otherwise would have
taken interest in the subject. As in the case of an ordinary
architect’s plan, there is no question as to what is meant.
The Great Architect of the Universe is, above all, consistent,
and His design in the Pyramid must be interpreted consistently
and taken exactly as constructed by the inspired builders.
The Pyramid is not made of elastic, but of rigid stone, and if
taken just as it stands it can only mean one thing. It is all
those fanciful methods of measurement together with the
invention of intricate theories to make things fit, that have
been responsible for so much misunderstanding regarding the
Pyramid. It is one of the purposes of this little work to
extricate from that labyrinth of intricacies the simple but
powerful truth of the Pyramid. In all cases we take the
dimensions of the Pyramid’s passages just as they were con-
structed by the ancient builders, and let the results take care
of themselves—and, as might be expected, those results are
truly marvellous. Indeed, the time has come that the grand
Pyramid truth can now be presented so beautifully and
satisfactorily that even the unlearned can understand and
rejoice in its simplicity and straightforwardness, whilst the


Revealing time of Construction

Alcyone of Pleiades «


2623 a
2) me
B.C. lq>
| ASS, G

3 — |
in ehe = I
glS-5 . 23} years —
zim Reign of Khufu
2613 2589
B.C. B.C.

FOUNDATION Great Pyramid

Pyramid laid completed Re
: fethergor
most critical scientist can revel in its scientific soundness.
As will be seen from the chart, the Entrance Passage or
Descending Passage as it is often called, by which entry into
the Pyramid is gained, slopes downward at an angle of a little _
over 26°. This passage, after reaching the ground level
continues onward down into the natural rock and finally
enters a great underground cavity termed the Subterranean
Chamber in the bottom of which is a deep shaft known as the
‘Bottomless Pit.” The whole circumstances obviously
symbolise a sinister condition. The passage looks out due
North and the angle of its slope was identical with the altitude
of the Dragon Star (at its lower culmination) when it was the
pole star of ancient time; in other words the Dragon Star
shone directly down the long bore of the passage. The Dragon
Star or Thuban was the brightest or chief star of the Dragon
Constellation, and was known to the ancients as the Devil
Star, typifying the chief of the evil hosts. In the Bible, the
Devil is symbolised by a Dragon and called Satan (Revelation
20, *).. In view of the three facts—(z) that the Devil Star
was at one time the North Star ; (2) that it used to shine down
the Descending Passage of the Great Pyramid, and (3) that
the Descending Passage leads to the Pit—the words of Isaiah
14, 12-15 are significant, ‘How art thou fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer! ... For thou hast said in thine heart, I will
exalt my throne above the STARS of God: I will sit also
upon the mount of the congregation in the farthest end of the
NORTH; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I
will be like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down
to hell, to the jaws of the PIT.” This Descending Passage,
which was the only means of entry into the Pyramid, clearly
symbolises a condition under EVIL influences and out of tune
with the Infinite—truly the condition of the great mass of the
world of mankind. This initial passage of the Pyramid well
represents the course of the nations in general during what
the Bible calls “this present evil world.”
But, as we have seen, there are in the Pyramid, also upward
passages leading, not to an underground pit as in the case of

the Descending Passage, but to freely ventilated chambers or

living rooms up in the masonry of the Pyramid, high above
ground level. These upward or ascending passages clearly
indicate an uplifting influence which in the ultimate lead to
life and liberty, in contrast to the Descending Passage leading
to the underground Pit of death and destruction. It will be
recalled that no other pyramid in Egypt has chambers of any
kind up above ground level; all the chambers in the other
pyramids are death chambers (in which mummies were usually
deposited) access to which is gained only by descending
passages. The Descending Passage leads down to earth and
under the earth thus symbolising that the evil forces lead
eventually to gross materialism and “ Devil” worship in one
form or another, consciously or unconsciously, and accordingly
that great evil power is spoken of in the Bible as “ the god of
this world.” The ascending passages present an opposite
aspect ; they are entirely above the earth and up in the
masonry of the building; they lead, not downward to an
underground dungeon with no “bottom” but upward to
orderly well-ventilated chambers where one can _ breathe
freely. These chambers (one of which is entirely of granite)
magnificently built according to a marvellous geometric design,
have no exits or passages leading beyond them, hence they
are finalities and symbolise great and wonderful destinies.
The passages leading thereto fittingly symbolise the ages and
circumstances in which the influences leading to those destinies
are brought into play. The forces depicted in the Descending
Passage are devilish, but those represented in the Ascending
Passages are the antithesis of that, namely anti-Devilish,
that is, Divine. The influences portrayed in the Descending
Passage are degrading, materialistic and malign; those in
the Ascending Passages are uplifting, spiritual and benign.
The entrance to the First Ascending Passage is thrust
through the roof of the Descending Passage, forming an
aperture nearly 60 inches long at the lower end of which the
floor of the upward passage commences. The place where
the floor of the Ascending Passage thus begins is 1,169} Pyramid

inches from the outside entrance to the Pyramid, thus revealing

a date 1,169} years after the latter part of the year 2623 B.c.,
namely, Spring 1453 B.c. That means, according to the
Pyramid that some class or race or nation was, by the date
1453 B.C., lifted up into circumstances wherein they found
themselves in a new sphere on a spiritual plane above the
nations of the world in general. A diagram of the junction
of these two passages is shown on page 48. It will be
noticed that the space marked A B C D although actually in
the Descending Passage, nevertheless also comes into the
sphere of influence of the First Ascending Passage and according
to the chronological scale (I inch = I year) represents a period
of 120 years immediately prior to 1453 B.c., that is to say,
1573-1453 B.c. This indicates that the immediate causes
or influences producing this new spiritual sphere came into
operation during the 120 years’ period beginning in 1573 B.C.
and culminating in 1453 B.c. by which year that particular
people were due to enter their new sphere as shown by the
beginning of the floor of the new passage marking that date.
_ Let us now test the matter by referring to history to ascertain
if any events corresponding to the above occurred at that time.
It was precisely at that time that the Israelites came through
an experience, lifting them to a higher plane and entirely new
circumstance, and during the transition period which from first
to last lasted just 120 years, they were given a high concept
of the one great Almighty God in marked contrast to the rank
polytheism that was everywhere rife. The beginning of this
spiritual uplift was brought about by the Egyptian oppression
of the Israelites who at that time were in the land of Goshen
in the Nile Delta, for this tyranny caused the Israelites to
turn to God for help and deliverance. The deliverance was
complete when, 120 years later they entered the Promised
That this period was 120 years is shewn in the Bible. In
Exodus 1, °-°4 we are informed that on the succession to the
throne of a tyrannical ‘“‘ new king over Egypt, who knew not
Joseph’ he began to oppress the Israelites. Immediately

afterward the cruel edict against Israelite children declared

in the last verse of the chapter, the birth of the babe Moses
is recorded (2, 1-4°). Thus Moses who was to be the ultimate
deliverer was born just when the Oppression began. After
a long reign the cruel pharaoh died, but to the disappointment
of the Israelites the Oppression did not cease, for his successor
continued the persecution. In the early years of this second
tyrant, Moses was sent for to deliver Israel when he was 80
years old (Exodus 7, 7). After leading the Israelites through
the wilderness for 40 years, he died at the age of 120, just as
they reached the border of the Promised Land (Deuteronomy
34, 7). Thus from the beginning of the Egyptian Oppression
and birth of Moses till the entry of the Israelites into the
Promised Land and the death of Moses when his work of
deliverance was accomplished was 120 years.
Hebrew chronology has now been scientifically established
as far back as this period, and the date for the birth of Moses
at the beginning of the Oppression is found to be 1573 B.C.,
and his death at the border of the Promised Land, 1453 B.c.
It will be observed that this period 1573 to 1453 B.c. is the
precise 120 year period defined at the junction of the Descending
and Ascending Passages, when taken in a perfectly straight-
forward manner just as it stands. The dates shown in the
margin of our English Bibles only differ two years from these,
and when we consider that the chronology therein inserted
was compiled by Archbishop Ussher over 300 years ago, before
the advance of archeology and scientific research, they are
wonderfully accurate; for a two years’ error in the dates of
events about 3,500 years ago is very small. However, the
dates established by the modern scientific methods of arche-
ology, astronomical fixing etc., agree exactly with those
revealed in the Pyramid.
We have only to look into the law which was given to the
Israelites through Moses to realise what a high spiritual
standard was placed before the Israelites at that time in
comparison with the polytheistic idolatry among the nations
all around them. Those laws ensured against the people

becoming priest-ridden. The rights and privileges of the

priests were limited ; they were given no civil power whatever
and wholly lacked opportunity for using their office to impose
upon the rights and consciences of the people. It was also
provided that rich and poor stood on a common level before
the civil law. The arrangements in the law of Moses for the
prevention of excessive wealth or extreme poverty through the
institution of the restitution on the jubilee have not, as yet,
ever been equalled by any other people. Not only was
cruelty to animals prohibited, but even proper rest for the
lower creation that serve man was provided for. The treat-
ment of servants, foreigners and the aged was the subject
of special considerate legislation. The laws were made public
and anyone could copy them, and they were read to the people
at their septennial festivals—thus preventing any tampering
with the rights of the people by men in authority. It should
be mentioned too that the food laws then put into operation
were abreast with, if not in advance of the conclusions of
modern science. The spiritual life, duty towards God and
fellow man ranked of paramount importance. Part of the law
pertained to the land, and the whole law was due to be put
into full operation when the Israelites entered the Promised
Land and found their feet in their new sphere in 1453 B.C.,
the precise date marked by the beginning of the floor of the
First Ascending Passage.
The Israelites, or some section of them, as a nation, thus
occupied the Holy Land and maintained the Mosaic Order
therein, in varying degrees, for approximately fifteen centuries,
that is, until the first century of the Christian era. But the
Mosaic Law was not properly carried out, and through the
centuries serious corruption set in. When Christ came he
condemned the apostate system, declared it to be at an end,
introduced religious and spiritual teaching of the highest
order, and, in the religious world, inaugurated an entirely
new age, with universal scope.
This great change, as well as the precise time when it was
effected, is accurately portrayed in the Great Pyramid. The

afterward the cruel edict against Israelite children declared

in the last verse of the chapter, the birth of the babe Moses
is recorded (2, 14°). Thus Moses who was to be the ultimate
deliverer was born just when the Oppression began. After
a long reign the cruel pharaoh died, but to the disappointment
of the Israelites the Oppression did not cease, for his successor
continued the persecution. In the early years of this second
tyrant, Moses was sent for to deliver Israel when he was 80
years old (Exodus 7, 7). After leading the Israelites through
the wilderness for 40 years, he died at the age of 120, just as
they reached the border of the Promised Land (Deuteronomy
34, 7). Thus from the beginning of the Egyptian Oppression
and birth of Moses till the entry of the Israelites into the
Promised Land and the death of Moses when his work of
deliverance was accomplished was 120 years.
Hebrew chronology has now been scientifically established
as far back as this period, and the date for the birth of Moses ~
at the beginning of the Oppression is found to be 1573 B.c.,
and his death at the border of the Promised Land, 1453 B.c.
It will be observed that this period 1573 to 1453 B.c. is the
precise 120 year period defined at the junction of the Descending
and Ascending Passages, when taken in a perfectly straight-
forward manner just as it stands. The dates shown in the
margin of our English Bibles only differ two years from these,
and when we consider that the chronology therein inserted
was compiled by Archbishop Ussher over 300 years ago, before
the advance of archeology and scientific research, they are
wonderfully accurate; for a two years’ error in the dates of
events about 3,500 years ago is very small. However, the
dates established by the modern scientific methods of arche-
ology, astronomical fixing etc., agree exactly with those
revealed in the Pyramid.
We have only to look into the law which was given to the
Israelites through Moses to realise what a high spiritual
standard was placed before the Israelites at that time in
comparison with the polytheistic idolatry among the nations
all around them. Those laws ensured against the people

becoming priest-ridden. The rights and privileges of the

priests were limited ; they were given no civil power whatever
and wholly lacked opportunity for using their office to impose
upon the rights and consciences of the people. It was also
provided that rich and poor stood on a common level before
the civil law. The arrangements in the law of Moses for the
prevention of excessive wealth or extreme poverty through the
institution of the restitution on the jubilee have not, as yet,
ever been equalled by any other people. Not only was
cruelty to animals prohibited, but even proper rest for the
lower creation that serve man was provided for. The treat-
ment of servants, foreigners and the aged was the subject
of special considerate legislation. The laws were made public
and anyone could copy them, and they were read to the people
at their septennial festivals—thus preventing any tampering
with the rights of the people by men in authority. It should
be mentioned too that the food laws then put into operation
were abreast with, if not in advance of the conclusions of
modern science. The spiritual life, duty towards God and
fellow man ranked of paramount importance. Part of the law
pertained to the land, and the whole law was due to be put
into full operation when the Israelites entered the Promised
Land and found their feet in their new sphere in 1453 B.C.,
the precise date marked by the beginning of the floor of the
First Ascending Passage.
The Israelites, or some section of them, as a nation, thus
occupied the Holy Land and maintained the Mosaic Order
therein, in varying degrees, for approximately fifteen centuries,
that is, until the first century of the Christian era. But the
Mosaic Law was not properly carried out, and through the
centuries serious corruption set in. When Christ came he
condemned the apostate system, declared it to be at an end,
introduced religious and spiritual teaching of the highest
order, and, in the religious world, inaugurated an entirely
new age, with universal scope.
This great change, as well as the precise time when it was
effected, is accurately portrayed in the Great Pyramid. The

First Ascending Passage, representing the Mosaic order in the

Holy Land, is immediately followed by a spacious lofty passage
known as the Grand Gallery. It has already been shown
that the beginning of the First Ascending Passage floor marks
the Spring of 1453 B.c. on the Pyramid’s chronograph. The
length of the First Ascending Passage is 1,485 Pyramid inches,
representing 1,485 years. It is thus a matter of simple arith-
metic to ascertain at what date, according to Pyramid prophecy,
the Mosaic Age was due to end and the Gospel Age begin,
for 1,485 years after 1453 B.C. bring us to A.D. 33* as the date
marked by the junction of the Ascending Passage and the
Grand Gallery, and, as will be seen from the margin of our
English Bibles, A.D. 33 was the precise year of the Crucifixion
and Resurrection of Christ ; and the inauguration of the new
age in the religious sphere occurred on the Day of Pentecost
(Whitsuntide) of that same year, A.D. 33, when Christ’s instruc-
tions to preach the Gospel throughout the whole world,
_ beginning at Jerusalem, were put into operation (see
Duke v2ae 27588).
Quite independent of Biblical and Christian writers, a
valuable confirmation of the date of the Crucifixion is supplied
by the Greeks. A mysterious darkening of the sun at mid-
day while Christ was on the cross is described in the Gospels
(Matthew 27, *, and Luke 23, 44-45). This remarkable
phenomenon is also referred to in the Greek records. Phlegon,
who collected the series of Olympiads, records that in the
fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was a mysterious
darkening of the sun at noon, in an unprecedented manner
and to an unprecedented extent, accompanied by an earth-
quake. The Greeks reckoned their years, not from January
to December as we do now, but from midsummer to midsummer.
The fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad ended in midsummer
33, and so included the first half of the year that we would
now call A.D. 33, wherein Christ was crucified. As almost
ee ae ae eee ee
* For the sake of any who may not be used to chronological reckoning, the
rule for ascertaining the A.D. date required is to deduct the figures of the
B.C, date from the total period and add 1, thus:
1485 — 1453 +I =A.D. 33
everyone knows, Christ died in the Roman month of April—
the precise date, according to the Julian Calendar of the
Romans, being Friday, April 3rd, A.u.c. 785*, which, expressed
according to our modern calendar, would be Friday, April rst,
A.D. 33. Phlegon reports that so complete was the darkening
of the sun that the stars were visible at mid-day. This dark-
mess was not caused by an eclipse of the sun,. because there
was no solar eclipse during the 4th year of the 202nd Olympiad,
and it came about in “an unprecedented manner.’’ Besides,
Christ’s death took place at the time of the full moon when
an eclipse of the sun was impossible (a solar eclipse is only
possible at new moon).
The arrangement of the structural features at the upper
end of the First Ascending Passage and the beginning of the
Grand Gallery beautifully depicts the life of Christ and what
that life accomplished for the world. This is marvellous,
when we consider that the Great Pyramid was built more than
a thousand years before Moses compiled the first book of the
Bible and 2,600 years before Jesus of Nazareth lived on Earth !
Immediately within the entrance to the Grand Gallery we
see at our feet, on the right-hand side, a replica of an Eastern
shaft-tomb, but with the mouth of it blown open from within
as if by a violent internal explosion. Surely no sculptor could
more vividly portray resurrection from the dead! According
to the Biblical account, God raised Jesus Christ from the dead
on the third day after the Crucifixion, namely on Sunday,
5th April, A.u.c. 785 on the Roman Calendar, but according
to the Gregorian reckoning adopted in our modern calendar,
this date would, of course, be Sunday, 3rd April, A.D. 33.
The floor of this representation of a burst-open shaft-tomb
is on the same level as the floor of the Queen’s Chamber, and
this level intersects the sloping floor of the First Ascending
Passage 334 inches from the end of the latter, whilst the
vertical line marking the beginning of the Grand Gallery in
turn intersects the ‘‘ Shaft-tomb ”’ level 30 inches from the
lJatter’s intersection with the First Ascending Passage floor,
* a.v.c, == From the founding ofthe city (of Rome) on20th April, 753 B.c.

= | INCH-YEARS— Level of Floor of Queen's Chamber

and burst-open Well-Mouth |



=| (Ancient)



thus forming a triangle, as will be seen from the diagram on
page 54. The last 334 inches of the First Ascending Passage
floor constitutes the hypothenuse (longest side) of that triangle,
whilst the portion of the “ shaft-tomb ” floor-level extending
between the points of intersection just described, forms the
base of the triangle and is 30 inches in length. It will be
observed that the longest side of the triangle marks precisely,
on the Pyramid’s chronograph, the period of Christ’s life on
Earth, 334 years, whilst the base shows the interval of time
from His birth till His baptism, namely, 30 years. The length
of Christ’s ministry is thus revealed to be 34 years
(334 - 30 = 34), as the Prophet Daniel also foretold, but it is
indeed wonderful that the chronology of Christ’s life was
prophetically recorded in the Pyramid so long before Daniel’s
day. Daniel uttered his prophecy, regarding the time of the
coming of the Messiah, over 500 years before the birth of
Christ, but the Pyramid was erected 2,000 years before Daniel’s
time. This triangle in the Pyramid’s design pertaining to
the life of Jesus Christ on Earth we appropriately call THE
The initial point of the Christ Triangle (on the floor of the
First Ascending Passage 33% inches from the end) of course,
marks the tame of the birth of Jesus, but the Pyramid also
indicates the place where He would be born. In the Christ
Triangle the angle at the initial point, making Christ’s birth,
is 26° 18’ 9-7”. As will be seen from the map on page 55,
a line drawn from the Great Pyramid at this precise angle to
the parallel of latitude goes direct to Bethlehem where the
Messiah was born (that is, of course, the ancient little city of
Bethlehem, which lay a few hundred yards to the north of
the present town). This remarkable angle, 26° 18’ 9:7” we
for it not only defines both the time and place of the birth
of Christ (The Messiah) but also determines the ratio of the
hypothenuse and base of the Christ Triangle as 33} to 30, as
the proportionate division of Christ’s life, as it subsequently
came to pass in actual history.

We now come to a very important matter in connection

with the Pyramid’s revelation regarding Jesus of Nazareth,
namely, what function does he perform in the Divine scheme
of things, and what was accomplished to that end during His
advent over 1,900 years ago? To deal with this question, it
will be necessary first of all to turn our attention for a while
to the exterior of the Pyramid.
In 1925, the exterior of the Great Pyramid was carefully
surveyed by the Egyptian Government, the work being carried
out under the direction of J. H. Cole, B.A., F.R.G.S. In
spite of the vandalism of centuries, some of the original casing
stones have been left in position at the base on all the sides
of the building, consequently the surveyors were able to
ascertain the distance round the base of the Pyramid as con-
structed by the ancient builders, and they found it to be
921-455 metres, that is to say 36,238 Pyramid inches. Thus
the original length of each of the four sides was 9,0594 Pyramid
Buried beneath the sands of dozens of centuries the original
setting-out lines for the construction of the base of the Great
Pyramid as engraved on the natural rock by the ancient’
builders have been discovered. The original setting-out
length of the base is clearly defined on the rock at the south
side of the Pyramid, and measures 9,140 British inches, that
is 9,131 Pyramid inches, from corner to corner. Thus the
original designed distance round the base of the Pyramid was
36,524 Pyramid inches (4 times 9,131). The difference between
the designed square circuit of the Pyramid, 36,524 Pyramid
_inches and that as actually constructed, 36,238 Pyramid inches
is therefore 286 Pyramid inches. That is to say, the Pyramid’s
base was built 286 inches short of the perfect design. Examin-
ation of the beautifully made pavement, the base, and the
exterior masonry encasing the Pyramid reveals exquisite skill
and an almost incredibly high degree of accuracy in the work-
manship, and the suggestion that this apparent shortage in
measurement to the extent of 286 inches (nearly 24 feet) is due
to any lack of skill, carelessness or accident on the part of such


“The Stone which the builders rejected
is become the Head of the corner.
Mark 12 °°

highly skilled builders could not be entertained for a moment.

Besides, further investigation proves that the shortage was
intentional, for, wherever on the exterior of the Pyramid there
is any apparent shortage, eccentricity, or imperfection, the
amount of deficiency 1s, in every case, 286 inches. For instance,
the entrance to the Pyramid is on the northern side, but it is
not in the centre of the gigantic face of the structure, but is
situated to the east side of the centre, thus presenting a lop-
sided appearance. To what extent is the entrance “ off the
straight,” as a schoolboy would say? The answer is 286
Pyramid inches! It will be observed that the apparent
“fault ’’ is again 286 inches, precisely the same as in the case
of the ‘shortage’ of the base. The astronomer, Professor
Ch. Lagrange, in the ’eighties,of last century, named this
displacement of 286 Pyramid inches Le Déplacement
Caractéristique (The Displacement Factor)
of the Great Pyramid.
The fact that these irregularities in all cases reveal the
measurement of 286 inches shows that they are not accidental,
but designed, and ‘that the exterior form of the Pyramid as
constructed is intended to symbolise that which is out of
tune with the Almighty. This intention is further proved by
the fact that the Great Pyramid, unlike other Egyptian
pyramids, never had an apex. The Crown or Top Piece was
‘never placed in position. Classical writers who saw the Great
Pyramid before the outside casing was vandalised, describe it
as having no Top Piece. Diodorus, who beheld the building
just as it was left by the builders, at a time when, to use his
own words, it was “complete and without the least decay,”
informs us that it terminated in a flat platform at its summit.
The Great Pyramid was thus constructed an imperfect pyramid,
without its crown, or as geometers would call it, a truncated
pyramid or frustum.
Does it not seem strange that the builders, after their
colossal task of erecting what is still the most massive building
in the World, should all but finish the work, and then at the

very last lap, apparently omit to place the final “ Top-Stone ”’

on their great masterpiece of masonry ?
As the shortage at the base was 286 inches, the result was
that every one of the 203 courses of masonry in the building
was also 286 inches short of the full design, and the platform
at the summit, which was at the necessary level, was con-
sequently 286 inches short of the required measurement to
fit the specified size of the ‘‘ Top-Stone ” that was to be placed
upon it. So the Great Pyramid was never “ crowned.”

The secret of the solution of the Great Pyramid’s exterior

symbolism lies in the discovery of the rectification of the
Pyramid’s displacement feature. When we have ascertained
how this rectification is effected, we will have discovered
how that which is out of harmony with the perfect will of
the Almighty will be brought into line and how this chaotic
world will be brought into tune with the Infinite. In other
words, we will have found how the condition requested in
the Lord’s Prayer ‘‘ Thy will be done on Earth as it is in
Heaven ’’ will be brought about.

As we have seen, everywhere on the exterior of the Pyramid

there is deviation from the complete design, and in all instances,
whatever form the deviation takes, whether contraction,
eccentricity or incompleteness, the extent of such is always
286 inches. So then, for the key to the rectification of this
displacement we must explore the Pyramid to search for
this factor of 286 inches portrayed in an opposite aspect, that
is to say, connected not with contraction, eccentricity or any
other imperfection, but with expansion, enlargement, uplift, |
thus revealing the counteracting power adequate to rectify
the displacement. We find this requirement in only one
place, in the Pyramid’s interior, namely—right over the burst-
open mouth of the well-shaft, featuring the resurrection of
Christ. At this place, the roof of the passage is lifted up
through seven tiers of stone, to the extent of 286 Pyramid
inches, producing that magnificent spectacle known as the
Grand Gallery. Here, there is no trace of contraction or

shortage, but the very opposite, enlargement and uplift—the

counteracting power to the Pyramid’s displacement, and there-
fore the Pyramid’s Rectification Factor. As we have
seen already, the symbolism here pertains to the resurrection,
and ascension of Christ and the Divine manifestation on the
Day of Pentecost of the efficacy of His finished work at Calvary
—all of which according to the Pyramid’s inch-year measure-
ments were due to occur in the Spring of A.D. 33, and all of
which became actual fact at the time Divinely appointed,
as is recorded in the New Testament.
The Great Pyramid thus reveals that the power to rectify
the displacement and so bring the world of mankind into
complete harmony with the Creator, is vested in Jesus Christ.
And the Bible says the same, for it states “ He rose again for
our justification”’ and Christ Himself, after His resurrection
declared “‘ All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”
(see St. Matthew 28,78) The question is, How and when will
this power be put fully into operation and the long-looked-
for era wherein God’s will shall be “ done on Earth as it is in
Heaven ”’ be inaugurated ? To learn how this will be accom-
plished we must investigate the Pyramid’s exterior to ascertain
the manner in which the displacement can be rectified through
the counteracting factor now discovered. To ascertain when
it will come to pass we shall of course require to turn to the
interior passages and chambers which are constructed to scale
so as to reveal the chronology of the Divine plan of the ages.
If the Top Piece were placed on the flat summit of the
Pyramid it would of course overhang the edges all round to
the extent of nearly a yard owing to the little platform being
286 inches short of the full design, in circuit. The distance
from the centre of the base of the “Top Stone” to each of
its four sides, which face due north, south, east and west,
respectively, is, in every case, 286 inches, thus, indicating the
universal application of the Rectification Factor of 286 inches.
Hence Jesus said “TI, if I be lift up, will draw all men unto
me.” The Egyptians called the Top Piece of a pyramid the
Benben, that is, the Crown or Head of the pyramid. The
builders of the Great Pyramid rejected the Crown or ‘“‘ Head
Stone”’ and the Scriptures speak of Christ as ‘‘ the Stone
which the builders rejected.’”’ But the same Scripture speaks
prophetically of the exaltation of the rejected Stone to the
position of Head Stone—‘‘ The stone which the builders
rejected the same is become the Head of the Corner”
(Psalm 118, 22; Matthew 21, *; Acts 4, 40-11) and the “ Chief
Corner Stone” (I Peter 2, *-’). If applied to an ordinary
building these words have no point, if indeed any meaning at
all. But in the case of a Pyramid all the four corners of the
structure finally converge in one stone at the top and that
stone is the Head Stone, so that the Top Stone of the Pyramid
is at the same time both the Head Stone and the Chief Corner
Now, if all the four sides of the entire Pyramid be “ filled
out ’ with masonry until they come into exact line with the
projecting edges and angles of the perfect Top Stone, the
result would be that the corners at the base would fit exactly
into the original setting-out lines engraved by the ancient
Pyramid builders on the foundation rock, and the base circuit
would be enlarged by 286 inches, and the perimeter would
become 36,524 Pyramid inches in accordance with the Archi-
tect’s full design (note that 36,524 is the number of days in a
century). Thus the displacement feature in the Pyramid’s
exterior form is completely eliminated by the application of
the Rectification Factor in the “Top Stone.” The meaning is
obvious. The exaltation of Christ, the perfect “ Top Stone ”’
and the subjection of all things to His holy will is the solution
to the World’s present displacement, and we have the grand
assurance of both the Pyramid and the Bible that this will
actually come to pass at an appointed time in the Divine
purpose. In the meantime, we can see how utterly futile it
would be for us to attempt to establish a new order on an
entirely material basis.
But when is the appointed time for the complete rectification
of the World’s ills? If it is the Divine will to reveal this to us
in our day, it will, of course, be shown on the Pyramid’s

chronograph which, as we have seen, is portrayed in the

interior passages and chambers. Let us therefore turn our
attention again to the interior, and continue our investigation
We reached the place where the life and work of Christ at
His First Advent is portrayed, namely, at the upper end of the
First Ascending Passage and beginning of the Grand Gallery.
Just before proceeding from this point, it should be observed
that, with the exception of the Descending Passage which is
under the domination of the forces of evil, all the main passages
in the Pyramid radiate from the spot portraying the death
and resurrection of Christ, thus indicating that the whole
Divine purpose and arrangement centres in Christ and rests
on Him.—He is the hub and centre of the Divine Plan.
On the day of Pentecost A.D. 33, as referred to above, the
putting into operation Christ’s injunction to preach the Gospel
to all nations throughout the World, beginning at Jerusalem,
constituted the full inauguration of the Christian Dispensation
or, as it is sometimes termed, the Gospel Age. When Jesus
was asked what would be the sign of “‘ the end of the Age ”
(Matthew 24, 3—Revised Version, margin), His reply contained
the following statement: ‘‘ And this gospel of the Kingdom
shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ;
and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24, 14). To-day,
this Gospel has now been translated into more than a thousand
languages and dialects, and has been preached both by word
of mouth and printed page throughout the whole Earth—to
every nation. True, the bulk of the world’s population has
not been converted to Christianity, but that is not what was
stated ; the Gospel of the Kingdom was to be preached through-
out the world as a witness, and that witness has now been
given to every nation on the face of the Earth. The work of
bringing all humanity into harmony with the Divine will and
arrangements is evidently the purpose of an age yet future.
However, the universal proclamation of the Gospel has been
accomplished, and, therefore on the authority of Jesus Christ,
we are now in the end of the Gospel Age.
What has the Pyramid to say about the end of the age?
The Pyramid reveals that not only are we in the end of the
age, but in the end of an order of ages and that a new order
is imminent. In this connection it is significant that the
motto of the youngest of the large nations of to-day, the
United States of America, is ‘“‘ A new order of ages.” From
the Pyramid’s inch-year measurements we have already
ascertained that the Grand Gallery, representing the Gospel
Age, was due to begin in the Spring of A.D. 33, and the accuracy
of this has been confirmed by historic fact. The length of the
Grand Gallery appropriately reveals the duration of the
Gospel Age. When the end of the Grand Gallery is reached
however, it is not followed by another main passage continuing
onward at the same gradient, but by a series of small short
horizontal passages emerging into a great chamber, commonly
known as the King’s Chamber. This chamber is built entirely
of granite, is well ventilated and has no exit. These arrange-
ments show that at the termination of this age we are not
suddenly ushered into a new era at a certain date, but at the
close of the age there is a difficult, troublous transition period
during which the old order is brought to an end and the new
brought in. The beginning of these small, short passages at the
end of the Grand Gallery appropriately marks the date of the
beginning of this comparatively short transition period. As
the date of the beginning of the Grand Gallery on the Pyramid’s
chronograph is the Spring of A.D. 33 and the length of the
Grand Gallery is fully 1,881 Pyramid inches, the end therefore
marks the fall of A.D. 1914 as the date when the painful trans-
ition period was due. All middle-aged and elderly readers
will well remember the great events of 1914 which marked
the start of the breaking up of the old order, exactly on time
in accordance with the chronograph of the Great Pyramid.
Both Christ and Daniel stated that this age would terminate
with ‘‘a time of trouble such as never was, since there was a
nation ”’ and we have truly witnessed this before our eyes, in
varying degrees of intensity ever since 1914.
The fact that the King’s Chamber is a spacious hall and not

a passage shows that it represents a permanent new order

and not simply a transient age. The further fact that it has
no exit indicates that it symbolises a finality—a destiny.
Although the chamber is encased within hundreds of feet of
solid masonry it is flooded with fresh air by means of its two
great air channels, so that one can breathe freely, thus symbol-
ising a condition of life and liberty.
History has been made so fast since 1914 and epoch-making
changes and developments are now taking place one after
another in so short a time that it would be quite impracticable
to portray in stone the present period at the comparatively
small general scale of an inch to a year, hence the Great Archi-
tect of the Pyramid has adopted the same procedure that all
wise architects and cartographers adopt when it is necessary
to reveal the details of some important section that cannot ~
very well be shown on the scale of the general plan or map,
namely, insert an inset at a larger scale. In the case of a map
of a country, it is quite common to find an inset showing the
principal city at a much larger scale than the general map.
Take a map of Palestine for example; on such, it is usual to
“see an inset of Jerusalem and its environs at a larger scale,
because that place is the metropolis and it is impossible to
show the details of the city with its suburbs and surroundings
at the ordinary scale on which the map of the country is
portrayed. Similarly, on the Pyramid’s chronograph, when
it is required to show a very important section of history (or
what will become history) in which great developments take
place in such rapid succession that it is impossible to depict
such at the scale of the general chronograph (an inch to a year)
the Great Architect of the Pryamid has devised insets at a
larger scale. We sometimes hear people speaking of “ change
of scale’”’ in the Pyramid, but this expression is radically
wrong: there is no such thing. In the example of the map
of Palestine just mentioned, no one would say that there is a
change of scale in the map on account of the inset of Jerusalem
being inserted at a larger scale. Changes of scale in a plan or
map would be inconsistent ; in fact the map would be reduced

to an absurdity. Imagine what a map of Scotland would

be like with the County of Roxburgh at one scale, Aberdeen-
shire at another scale, the Isle of Skye at still another, and
soon! It would obviously be a farce. The Pyramid presents
a consistent plan and to attempt to apply changes of scale
to the general chart, or within any individual inset, would.
be fallacious. To do so would be to turn the Pyramid into
“an old fiddle” on which you could play any tune you
The Great Pyramid’s entire chronograph or Chart of the
Ages is constructed in stone, and the scale is consistently a
‘Pyramid inch to a year at the gradient of the Messianic Angle
throughout. There is no change of scale anywhere, neither
is there any deviation from the Messianic or Christ Angle,
which is the slope at which the main passages are constructed.
Attached to the long sloping passages which define the general
chronograph are shorter horizontal ones in the form of insets
to the general chart. It is essential to observe that the general
chronograph is never on the horizontal, and that insertions
or insets are never on the slope. The insertions may be at a
larger, smaller or the same scale according to the structural
data supplied, but those at a larger scale are the more usual,
as, for reasons given above, they are more often required.
If a passage is horizontal, it is consequently off the general
chronograph (which is displayed entirely at the Christ Angle
of 26° 18’ 9-7”) and that fact alone reveals that it is an inset.
If at the beginning of a horizontal passage the contact with
‘the sloping passage system of the general chronograph is in
‘the form of a disconnection or break-off it appropriately
‘represents a “‘ break-off ”’ in the scale, whilst the new scale of
‘the inset is revealed in the construction of the disconnection
or break-off.
In the case of the horizontal Transition Passage System
‘beyond the end of the Grand Gallery the difference of scale
is indicated by the fact that its floor does not join on to the
‘sloping floor of the Grand Gallery at the junction of the two
passages, but is elevated to a higher level and disconnected

from it. As will be seen from the diagram on the opposite

page the horizontal floor projects backward for fully five feet
into the Grand Gallery whilst the sloping floor of the latter
terminates abruptly nearly three feet below, thus forming
what is known as the Great Step. Even the sloping floor line
when it reaches the end of the Grand Gallery does not coincide
with the horizontal floor of the Transition Passages but falls
short by a vertical distance of over 54 inches. The projection
of the horizontal floor into the Grand Gallery overlaps the
general chronograph of the latter to the extent of fully 68
inches (AB on the diagram) whilst the horizontal floor, as we
have just seen, is elevated fully 54 inches above the Grand
Gallery floor line at the junction of the passages (BC on the
diagram). The ratio of these two disconnections—the over-
lap and the elevation—is the ratio of the new scale on the
horizontal inset to the ordinary scale of the general chrono-
graph on the slope at the Messianic Angle. This ratio is as
365-242 to 30. That is to say, that whereas on the scale of
the general chronograph an inch represents 365-242 days
(a year), it only represents 30 days (a month) on the inset
scale of the horizontal Transition Passages beyond the Grand
The first section of the Transition Passage system consists of
a short low contracted passage built of limestone. This is the
last limestone passage in the upper part of the Pyramid’s interior
passage system; beyond this everything is almost entirely
granite. It presents a great contrast to the lofty Grand Gallery
preceding it, and indicates a plunge into strenuous and diffi-
cult times which, as we have already seen, was due to start
in A.D. 1914 according to the Pyramid measurements. The
length of this little passage, symbolising the first phase of the
troublous transition period, is 52 inches, which at the inset
scale of an inch to a month of 30 days represents 52 times
30 days, that is, 1,560 days. On 4th August, 1914, Great
Britain declared war on Germany and within a few months
a dozen nations were involved in the Great War. Precisely
1,560 days later, in accordance with the Great Pyramid’s



Vertical Plane of the |
- W axis of the Pyramid = |
ining the Pyramid’s latitude |
| ao


revelation, the Great War ended on 11th November, 1918.

It should be noted, too, that this inch-month inset scale in
the horizontal Transition Passages was known before the
Great War began. In the year I904 it was thus applied
by William Reeve of Toronto, Canada. Five years later, in
1909, William Reeve published a book entitled History ful-
filling Prophecy, in which he stated that the first portion of
this passage following the Grand Gallery represented a period
of trouble lasting 4 years and 4 months, during which the
British Race would be involved in war but not be defeated.
History has now demonstrated that he was correct in these
two particulars, for the Great War lasted practically 4 years
and 4 months and the enemies of the British Race suffered
defeat. In what way Britain is denoted in the Pyramid, we
shall explain presently.
For other details in connection with this period of trouble
we must turn to another horizontal inset situated vertically
beneath this one, namely, the subterranean horizontal inset
system, the principal feature of which is the Great Subterranean
Cavity or “chamber ”’ cut out in the natural limestone rock.

It should be clearly understood at this juncture that on the

Pyramid’s chronograph (either on the general chronograph
or on an inset) a date is not simply marked by a point but by
the entire vertical alignment of the particular point. A
vertical line drawn at any place on the general chart of sloping
passages marks the self-same date on whatever passages it
may intersect. For example, if we select a point on the floor
of the Grand Gallery, say 1,000 inches up from the beginning
of that passage, thus marking the date A.D. 1033 and drop a
vertical line therefrom down to the Descending Passage
beneath, it will be found that the point where it intersects
the floor of the latter passage also marks the date A.D. 1033.
The same rule applies to the horizontal insets constructed on
the inch-month scale. A vertical line dropped from the point
marking 4th August, 1914, at the beginning of the Transition
Passages falls just within the Great Subterranean Cavity at
its commencement. The end of the floor of the passage

leading into the Cavity lies only } of an inch to the north of

this vertical line. As the scale on the horizontal insets is an
inch to a month of 30 days (unless specially shown to be
different, as in the case of the Horizontal Passage to the
Queen’s Chamber), the entrance to the Great Subterranean
Cavity therefore marks a date } of 30 days, that is 74 days,
prior to the night of 4th August, 1914, namely 28th July, ror4,
the very day on which the first declaration of war was made
in the Great War. Hostilities began when Austria-Hungary
declared war on Servia, 28th July, 1914, Four days later,
Ist August, Germany declared war on Russia, and on 3rd
August Germany declared war on France, then, on the following
day, 4th August, just a week after the beginning of hostilities,
Great Britain declared war on Germany.
But the question naturally arises, Why should the date of
the beginning of the Great War be shown in the lower regions
of the Pyramid but the date of Britain’s entry into that war
be portrayed in the upper passages? It will be recalled that
the Descending Passage represents the course of the nations
-of the world in general, as affected by evil influences, whilst
the Ascending Passages feature the course of those parties
who have come under direct Divine influence through the
- ages and with whom God has been dealing in a specific
manner for a particular purpose. Those who symbolically
traverse the Grand Gallery and the horizontal Transition
System beyond, have been and are being God-directed with a.
final object in view in connection with the destiny of the
human race. As the Transition Passages lead into the King’s
Chamber symbolising the establishment of the New Order of
liberty and life, the people who are represented as traversing
those passages are the Divinely directed human instrument
selected for the purpose. The nations of the world in general
cannot be represented there, for their course as we have seen
is in the Descending Passage. Only those parties under
Divine Guidance that are to have a part to play as honoured
instruments in the Divine Plan for the ultimate salvation and
blessing of all mankind, are represented in the ascending

passages of the Pyramid; that is why Christ is shown there,

also the cream of Jewry (in God’s sight), with those who com-
prise the true Church of God (but not any particular denomina-
tion, for some of the Saints are outside all denominations).
As given more in detail later, each of these parties has
an appropriate function in the setting up of the New Order.
But in addition to those enumerated above there is another
party that has an honoured task to perform in the inaugura-
tion of this New Order. While another part of the Pyramid
shows that there will ultimately be a harmonious universal
international state from which war, armaments and a multitude
of other evils will be entirely abolished, nevertheless in the
present transition period of international strife, some race or
nation, in the very nature of things, must lead the way as the
spearhead through the trouble and finally out of the chaos
into the New Order of justice and freedom. Who are the
privileged people to whom Providence has entrusted this
noble task? The Pyramid clearly shows that 4th August,
Ig14, was the date when this people were plunged into the
great unprecedented trouble and that they would continue
in the first phase of it (The Great War) for precisely 1,560 days,
as revealed by the details of the entrance into the Transition
Passages as given above. Whatever great nation entered
the Great War on that day and remained in the war for the
period specified is the Nation thus honoured to lead the nations
into the grand new age now imminent. It was Great Britain
who declared war on Germany that day in order to keep her
word and honour her treaties wherein she had solemnly
promised to protect small and weaker nations from aggression,
and, true to the Pyramid’s chronograph, Britain remained in
that struggle for 1,560 days till the aggressor was defeated
for the time being. Therefore the British are the race thus
honoured to lead the way into the New Order, and this has
become more and more evident as we have ploughed through
these painful years of transition.
In the present greater World War it was again Britain who
at the very outset declared war on the same beastly aggressor

for the same mean action of pouncing mercilessly on little

neighbours weaker than itself (Belgium in 1914 and Poland in
1939). And after the collapse of France in 1940, the British
stood alone as the sole champions of liberty against the mighty
aggression that threatened the whole world with its bestiality.
How fitting were the words of the British Prime Minister, the
Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, when in December, 1941, he said,
“ He must indeed have a blind soul who cannot see that some
great purpose and design is being worked out here below, of
which we have the honour to be faithful servants.”
This Divine vocation, however, is not limited to the British
Isles, but extends to the whole stock of which Britain is the
kernal, and hence, in the ultimate, includes the whole Norse-
Anglo-Celto-Saxon Race in the British Empire and U.S.A.,
and in fragments outside these confines, such as Iceland.
In fact, the Pyramid singles out the two great nations, Great
Britain and the U.S.A. and the very tiny nation of Iceland as
each performing a distinctive function, though in complete
unison and co-operation, in the Divine scheme of things
Whilst the Divine arrangements for the inauguration of the
New Order are revealed in the upper passages of the Pyramid,
the Old Order and its destiny are portrayed in the lower
passages. For thousands of years the world has been more
or less dominated by aggressive empires—in earlier ages, by
Asiatic nations, but during the past 2,200 years by powers of
Continental Europe, who are still attempting world domination
to-day. These powers and the evil influences controlling them
are depicted by the long Descending Passage, as explained
above. The Descending Passage fittingly represents the Old
Order, whilst the Ascending Passages and upper portion of
the Pyramid portray the Divine preparation for, and the
inauguration of the New Order, which is shown to be
permanent, for it will be Divinely directed and controlled.
The tyranny of the Old Order increased until the World was
finally plunged into the Dark Ages, as is symbolised by the
Descending Passage going ever down, down, down, for many
hundreds of inches. The Dark Ages developed gradually
during the middle centuries of the Christian Era and ended
with the Renaissance (Revival of Learning) and the Reforma-
tion. During the blackest part of the Dark Ages tyranny and
intolerance had reached a terrible pitch. If a person dared
to possess even a copy of the Bible in his native language
he risked his life, and if he dared to preach the Scriptures
and give out an interpretation contrary to that sanctioned by
“the powers that be’”’ he was usually tortured or burnt at
the stake. The Bible was kept buried in a dead language,
Latin, with the deliberate malicious intention of keeping the
masses of the people in the darkness of ignorance, for well did
the villains know that the Bible is the torch of civilisation
and liberty and that if the peoples got to know really what
Christ did teach, then their diabolical priestridden regime
would come to an inglorious end—‘‘ Where the Spirit of Christ
is, there is liberty.”’
The Renaissance, the Age of Geographical Discovery, and
the Reformation—all falling within the fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries—put a brake on the downward trend of civilisation
and prevented the world from sinking into deeper depravity.
Had it not been for these events the world in our day would
have been much worse than it is. The staying effect of these
developments on the world’s downward course is beautifully
portrayed in the Pyramid, for far down the Descending Passage
at a part that, by measurement, represents the very time of
those events, the passage bends from a downward to a hori-
zontal course, and at the same time contracts in bore. In
the ascending and upper passages, which symbolise influences
and forces that are good, a contraction in the bore represents
the operation of such influences in more contracted circum-
stances, hence signifies restraint, trouble, difficulty, but in
the descending and lower passages, which symbolise evil
influences, a contraction in bore symbolises the contraction or
measure of restraint of the evil forces, and so signifies a con-
dition in which such evil powers have less scope and less effect.
So while contraction in bore always represents restraint, the

resultant developments symbolised by such may be opposites

in different parts of the Pyramid.
So we see that in the Descending Passage portraying evil
forces, the contraction in bore represents a measure of restraint
of such forces and hence conditions more tolerable. On the
accompanying diagram the details are shown of that part of
the Descending Passage where the bend and contraction occur.
The distance from the Entrance of the Pyramid down to the
point where the bend takes place is 4,1424 Pyramid inches.
As the Entrance marks the fall of the year 2623 B.c., the bend
therefore represents a date 4,1424 years later, namely A.D. 1521,
whilst, as will be observed from the diagram, the “ lines of
influence’ of the horizontal section come into play 81 years
earlier, in A.D. 1440. History has completely verified that the
developments during the 81 years from 1440 produced the
new circumstances of greater freedom from 1521 onwards.
Now, 1440 marked the time of the invention of the printing
machine (the exact date of this epoch-making invention is
not recorded in history, but it is known to have been during
the second quarter of the fifteenth century, and it will be
noted that 1440 is about the middle of that quarter). Printing
proved to be the greatest material power in the spread of
knowledge and abolition of ignorance—the very factor required
to bring the Dark Ages toanend. The Renaissance or Revival
of Learning quickly followed and coincided with the rapid
development of printing, ultimately producing the alleviated
conditions in the form of the Reformation, beginning in
Germany in 1521, the very date shown in the Pyramid as the
turning point in the conditions and the beginning of a measure
of relief from the tyranny. As D’Aubigné’s famous work,
The History of the Reformation, points out, from 1521 onward
the influence of the Reformation spread like wildfire over
Europe. Thus the great forces which the Pyramid showed
would develop from 1440 and would produce the great change
in 1521, became an accomplished fact.
While the Revival of Learning and the Reformation effected
the termination of the Dark Ages, they did not end the Old


Order by any means; these events only constituted the

preliminary stage. To-day, four hundred years after the
Reformation, the evil forces of tyranny and_ intolerance,
scheming to recover full world domination, are still centred
in Rome and Berlin (with a ‘‘new branch” opened in Tokyo
during recent years). The period of history of the dominant
Continental nations from the Reformation to our day is
portrayed between the bend in the Descending Passage and
the Great Subterranean Cavity. Although we do not purpose
to go into the details in this little volume, as we deem it more
helpful to devote the space to the present and future situa-
tions, we just mention by way of interest that the principal
developments shown in the lower part of the Pyramid passage
system, referring to that period are the French Revolution,
Napoleonic Wars and the decline of the Papacy in Europe.
All the events symbolised down in that part as well as the
dates marked pertain exclusively to the affairs of Continental
Europe. British and American history of that period is
depicted entirely in the upper passages of the Pyramid.
The terminal horizontal portion of the Descending Passage
leads finally into the Great Subterranean Cavity. According
to the usual horizontal inch-month scale, the date marked by
the entrance into the Great Subterranean Cavity, as we have
above shown, is 28th July, 1914, the day on which the Great
War began, the first belligerents being Continental nations.
This brings us to the interpretation of the symbolism and
the consideration of the chronology relative to the Great
Subterranean Cavity. This Subterranean ‘“‘ Chamber” has
a terrifying appearance, for in its exceedingly rough-and-
tumble bottom is a great yawning crater, in the centre of
which is a vertical shaft, thus resembling the mouth of a
volcano. In the ancient Egyptian ritual it was alluded to
as the Chamber of Central Fire and also the Chamber of Chaos.
It is truly the Pyramid’s “ Chamber of Horrors.” As it is a
spacious place at the end of a passage symbolising evil influences
it therefore represents a time and condition wherein restraint is
withdrawn and the forces. of evil unleashed; so, during the
period it represents, we can expect to see a veritable “ Hell let
loose ” on the Continent of Europe in particular. In 1914, right
on the very day revealed in the Pyramid, Europe was plunged
into the inferno. The “time of trouble such as never was
since there was a nation,’ foretold by Christ and Daniel,
began and, at the time of writing, still continues. In this
part of the Pyramid no distinction is made between the
World War of 1914 and the World War of 1939, nor the inter-
vening World Economic Depression. All these are pictured
as the one great trouble and one great process. From 1914
it has really been all the one war, the interval being merely
an armistice. In fact the Pyramid indicates that the real
origin of the matter dates from the Franco-Prussian War of
1870, the success of which urged the Germans to prepare for
and attempt world domination by means of the mailed fist,
and in 1914 they thought that the day had come to have it.
However, the Pyramid leaves us in no doubt as to the
outcome of it all. The whole of the Subterranean Chamber
slopes down to and converges upon the gaping Pit, as the
great crater with its deep shaft is usually called. (The Egyptian
Government do not allow the public, even when accompanied
by official Arab guides, to go into the Subterranean Chamber, as
it is too dangerous.) The symbolism is obvious. The evil
powers, when let loose, instead of accomplishing their objects,
will bring about their own destruction—land in the Pit. This
means, of course, that the world of mankind will be freed from
the tyrants and beastly aggressors, with which they have been
plagued so long.
It will be observed from the diagram on the opposite page
that the exit from the Great Subterranean Chamber is at a
considerably lower level than the entrance. In traversing
the “chamber” from the entrance to the exit it is thus
necessary not only to cross it but also to drop from the floor
of the entrance down to the level of the floor of the exit.
Vertical rises or drops in the floors of the passages and chambers
do not in any way affect the datings on the Pyramid’s chrono-
graph. The alteration in level cannot in itself represent any
by obtained
are but
the on not
are italics
in shown Dates

“ Ss: ER?

further dates, because all points in a vertical plane running

direct across a passage or chamber (east-west) mark the same
date as the intersection of such plane with the regular floor
line of the passage or chamber. Nevertheless when traversing
the Pyramid’s interior passages we cannot ignore these rises
and falls when we come to them. When such are encountered
we must climb either up or down as the case may be, otherwise
we would be unable to proceed further. A rise or drop natur-
ally represents a development for the better or worse, in
connection with whatever is symbolised at the particular
point, and the fact that there is a climb up or down involved,
clearly indicates that such has a chronological significance.
So while the date on the Pyramid’s chronograph marked by
the rise or drop is that of the beginning of the process or
development symbolised the extent of the rise or fall represents
the duration of the process or development, hence the termin-
ation of such can be easily calculated by simple arithmetic,
although the date is not actually shown on the chronograph.
As the Subterranean Chamber has no floor, the bottom of it
resembling the rugged mountain rock of a volcano, there is
therefore no floor line, hence the difference of 41 inches in the
floor levels of the entrance and exit is of important chrono-
logical significance. It indicates that after the great aggressive
Central Powers of Europe have reached the zenith of their
power, the duration of their decline and fall is symbolised by
the drop to the level of the exit. The distance across the
Subterranean Chamber, from the extremity of the passage
floor, forming the entrance, to the opposite side of the Chamber
as measured along its axis is 3223 Pyramid inches, representing
3228 months of 30 days each, which when measured from
28th July, 1914, come to 25th January, 1941. Owing to the
slight obliquity and irregularities of the ‘“‘chamber” the
extreme measurement across is 5 inches more, viz. 3273 inches,
thus indicating a 5-month period, 25th January—25th June,
1941, wherein the circumstances would develop that would
turn the tide against the aggressor and ultimately bring about
the terrific disaster to the wicked powers as symbolised by the

Pit. History now shows that these very circumstances

developed right on time, and as everyone now knows, 1941
was the “ pivotal year” of this great world upheaval. The
drop thus represents the period of the decline, fall and pulver-
isation of the evil aggressive powers.
The beginning of the year r94r found the arch-aggressor
Hitler, assisted by his puppet Mussolini, still advancing and
over-running the surrounding countries ; in fact, he was doing
just as he liked in Continental Europe. Without a single
friend helping, Britain was standing alone against the gigantic
and beastly military monster. But by the end of that year
what a change! The retreating armies of Germany and her
allies were bleeding and freezing to death in the Russian
winter, and the Germans and Italians in Northern Africa were
likewise being hurled back. Britain by then had gained mighty
allies, Russia, U.S.A. and China. Consequently, in December,
1941, the British Prime Minister truly said, ‘‘ We reach the
crest of the road.” ‘‘ The tide is turning against the Hun ’’—
just as pre-recorded in the Pyramid.
But how do the precise dates of the initial causes of the
beginning of the Axis downfall tally with the Pyramid datings
January 25th and June 25th, 1941? Up till the beginning
of 1941 America was neutral as regards the war. But right
on the Pyramid date January 25th, 1941 (British time), Lord
Halifax arrived in the U.S.A. from Britain; he was given an
unprecedented reception by President Roosevelt, and then
American legislature hastened to pass laws to aid Britain.
Within a few months the famous Atlantic Charter was signed,
and before the year had ended the U.S.A. was fully into the
war as a belligerent by the side of Britain. That the part
taken by America is a large factor in “ the turning of the tide
against the Hun” no-one will deny. The other great factor
was the entry of Russia into the war in 1941, and the immediate
results in this case were even more striking. As shown by the
above measurements, June 25th, 1941, marked the limit of
the domination by the European dictators according to the
Pyramid. True to the Pyramid’s chronograph, the great
dictators continued to extend their domination right up to
the time limit. Prior to June, 1941, if the dictators decided
to dominate or conquer a country, it became an accomplished
fact within a few months or weeks or even days. But with
the entry of Russia into the war at midsummer the dictator-
ship powers are now struggling for their very lives and bleeding
to death, and have neither the power nor the time to extend
their domination any more. On 18th June, 1941, Hitler gave
Russia to the 25th of the month, that is, a week, for “ capitu-
lation to German demands for control of the Soviet’s food and
material resources.’”’ But German troops crossed the Russian
frontiers without warning on 22nd June, Hitler’s excuse being
that Russia was preparing to attack Germany on the 25th,
the expiring date of the ultimatum. This date, 25th June,.
1941, when Germany and Russia were officially at war, is the
day shown in the Pyramid.
Thus, true to the Pyramid’s prophetic measurements, the
five months 25th January to 25th June, 1941, witnessed the ©
coming into operation of those forces that caused the turn in
the World War and are now bringing down the Axis Powers.
How long will the downfall take? As we have observed, the
drop down to the exit of the Subterranean Chamber is 41
inches,* representing 41 months of 30 days, namely, 1,230 days,
which when counted from the five month period 25th January
—25th June, 1941, bring us to the five month period 7th June—
5th November, 1944, which appropriately marks the exit or
liberation of Europe from the pit of Nazi tyranny and thus the
throwing of the Nazis back into their own den (Germany).
The further drop from the exit down to the bottom of the
chamber at that point is 9 inches, bringing us 9 months later to
4th/5th March—1st/2nd August, 1945 by which time we may ex-
pect the backbone of Nazi power to be broken, and then followed

* It is important to notice that when this drop of 41 inch-months is taken

at the entrance to the Subterranean Chamber, and calculated from the entrance
date, 28th July, 1914, the date revealed is 9th December, 1917, the precise
day on which Jerusalem was delivered by the British from age-long oppression,
in fulfilment of the words of Christ, ‘‘ Jerusalem shall be trodden down of
the Gentiles till the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled,”
by the revolutionary era, as symbolised by the bumpy bottom.
By the exit out of the Great Subterranean Cavity we enter
into what is known as the Dead End Passage. This is the
lowest passage in the entire Pyramid, in both senses of the
word—it is the lowest in height, as well as being at the lowest
level. Its bore is only about 29 inches square. This, the
greatest contraction in the Pyramid’s passages, shows that
after 1944 the dominating evil systems that try to rule the
Earth will be restricted to an extent hitherto unknown in the
history of the world! That will indeed be grand! But this
does not mean that we are going to have Utopia or the
Millennium all at once in 1945. Whilst the collapse of some
of the mighty evil systems will doubtless happen with alarming
suddenness, the restraint of all the various evil influences in
the world will be more gradual as shown by the fact that the
Dead End Passage is of considerable length, but as this takes
us into the future, it is essential, before proceeding further,
to ascertain if it is yet the Divine will for us to know anything
of the future times, for if not, then it would be futile for us
to attempt to interpret the Pyramid’s record of the future.
All the main time-prophecies of the Old Testament Scriptures
are gathered together in one book—Daniel. In the closing
chapter of that book the Divine injunction is recorded “ Shut
up the words and seal the book.” Six hundred years later
this book of Divine ‘‘ times and seasons” was still sealed;
for when Jesus was asked concerning the time of the end of
the age and the setting-up of the long promised Kingdom of
God on earth, He said: “It is not for you to know the times
or the seasons which the Father hath put in His own power.”
“No man knoweth, no, not the angels which are in heaven,
neither the Son, but the Father only.” So in Christ’s day
the time-features of the Divine Plan of the Ages were a profound
secret, not only on Earth but even amongst the heavenly
hosts too. Seeing that Jesus said that none in heaven or
that none
earth knew except the Almighty Father, it follows
except the Almighty Himself could have been the Designer
and world
the Great Pyramid, which, is a “ blue print ’”’ of ages
events, portrayed as an accurate scale-drawing, thousands of
years before they occur. But, praise be to God, this is not an
eternal secret, for the Lord declares through the Prophet
Daniel that He has pre-arranged an appointed time when the
great secret is due to be revealed. He says, “The words are
closed up and sealed until the time of the end.” In this con-
nection therefore it is a matter of the first importance to
ascertain whether or not we have yet arrived at that appointed
time. As is to be expected, God has supplied many evidences ~
by which we would know when “the time of the end” had
come. Having given those from the Pyramid source, we deem
it advisable, owing to the vital importance of the matter to
give further Scriptural proof also. Here are three of the
principal lines of evidence from the Bible :—
I. Twice over in the Book of Daniel, namely, in chapter 2
and in chapter 7, God through the prophet gives a panoramic
view of all the dominant empires that would rise and fall in
succession from Daniel’s day right down through the ages
till ‘the time of the end,’ when a New Order under Divine ©
direction would be inaugurated. These empires have risen
and passed into history in the very succession foretold, with
the precise characteristics foretold, and occupying the exact
time foretold, and now the final phase of the last of these is
passing away on the Continent of Europe to-day. These
empires are Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome in its
various phases and developments, namely, Pagan Rome, Papal
Rome, and lastly the aggressive powers of modern Europe
(centred in Rome and Berlin) now being smashed. Here, then,
is one evidence that we are in “ the time of the end.”
2. But for those who are entirely unacquainted with world
history God has supplied another proof which the simplest mind
can appreciate. He has told us the conditions that would
characterise ‘‘ the time of the end.” All we have to do is to
look around us and see if those conditions are before our eyes
to-day ; if they are not, then it is useless for us to try to under-
stand the Divine “ times and seasons ’”’; but if they are, then
the due time is here to comprehend those great mysteries.
What are the distinguishing characteristics of modern times ?
They are two: (1) With the advent of mechanised transport
this has become the age of travel. Only a little over a hundred
years ago Napoleon was not able to travel any faster than
the Pharaohs 5,000 years before him, whereas now the whole
world has become grid-ironed with railways, the oceans a net-
work of steamships routes, and the atmosphere permeated by
great air lines over both land and sea. (2) We are also living
in a day of great advancement of knowledge, a day of intense
scientific research. But in addition to the advanced know-
ledge brought to light by the experts, we have also world-wide
diffusion of general knowledge by means of free education and
the circulation of books, magazines and newspapers by the
million at low cost—a thing entirely unknown in the history of
the world hitherto. Now these two are the very conditions
which the prophet Daniel said would mark the time of the end.
In Daniel 12, 4, it is recorded: “In the time of the end many
shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.’’ Ferrar
Fenton’s translation of the Bible into modern English renders
this passge thus: “‘ Many will travel, and knowledge will be
increased.”’ The prophet also states the condition in which
the time of the end will culminate, viz.: ‘A time of trouble
such as never was since there was a nation.” Everyone
will agree that since 1914 we have experienced an unprecedented
period of world-wide trouble and strife. Truly the time of the
end is here.
3. For those who are of a calculating type of mind God has
also provided a chronological proof. The period during which
those successive empires were to last until their smashing began
preparatory to the establishment of the Divinely designed
New Order is stated by the Prophet Daniel to be “ Seven
Times,”’ a cryptic expression which is solved in the Book of
Revelation. In chapters 11, 12 and 13, a certain period is
interchangeably spoken of as “forty-two months,” “ 1,260
days,” and “‘ time, times, and half a time ”’ (1.e., three-and-a-half
times). Seeing therefore that three-and-a-half Times equal
1,260 days, then Seven Times are twice 1,260 days, 1.¢.,

2,520 days. (Note that a Time represents an ancient year

of 360 days, that is, 12 months of 30 days.) In chronological
prophecy the Divinely provided scale is given in Ezekiel 4, °,
which states: ‘“‘I have appointed thee each day for a year.”’
Therefore Seven Times, or 2,520 days, on the prophetical scale
represents 2,520 years in actual time. So then 2,520 years
after the fall of the year 607 B.c., when the Babylonian Empire
gained the ascendancy as the dominating empire of the day,
brings us to the fall of A.D. 1914 as the date for the beginning
of ‘‘ the time of trouble,” wherein the aggressive kingdoms of
Europe are broken to pieces prior to the inauguration of the
New Order. True to the Divine prophetic clock, the great
smashing trouble began dead on time in IgI4, as we well
So now we have given three independent lines of proof that
we are in “ the time of the end,” and therefore God’s appointed
time is here to reveal to those who reverence Him the wonderful
secrets promised, and, depend upon it, He has kept His promise,
which is ever faithful, ever sure. God has now revealed the
ages and dispensations of His grand plan; and what a revela-
tion! What a privilege to be shown those glorious things
which hitherto the very “ angels desired to look into.”
Now when the unfolding has come it is a grander and more
glorious revelation than we would ever have thought possible
here below, in this age. Not only has practically the whole
of the Book of Daniel been revealed, but many other hitherto
hidden passages of Scripture have yielded their secrets, so that
now the entire plan of God in all its main features has been
unfolded before our eyes.
The hidden meaning of the Great Pyramid, the interior of
which is but a “ blue print,” in stone, of the Divine “ times
and seasons’ recorded in the Book of Daniel, has therefore
also been kept secret until this “time of the end.” That is
why even Jesus Christ, at the time He was on Earth, never
once referred to the Pyramid. Had the slightest hint been
given that it embodied a scale drawing of the ages—past,
present and future—man might, at that time, have obtained
an approximate idea, at least, of the then future ages, but
that would have been contrary to the express will and purpose
of the Father. But it is grand that the ‘‘ due time” for the
opening of the Book of Daniel and the revealing of the mystery
of the Pyramid is here. So we can now proceed to investigate
those portions of the Pyramid’s chronograph that relate to
the future without any fear that we would be prying into
anything that God does not wish us to.
As we have seen, the south wall of the Great Subterranean
“Chamber” is geometrically defined as marking the date
January 25th, 1941. The length of the Dead End Passage
beyond is 6453 Pyramid inches, representing 645% months of
30 days, that is to say, 53 years and 3 days, which will con-
sequently run out on January 28th, 1994, by which time we
may therefore expect the domination of all evil powers to have
ceased. That does not mean that there will be no evil what-
soever on the Earth after 1994, but it does mean that every
evil institution of every description (social, civil and eccles-
jastical) that in any way injures or deceives or oppresses
humanity will have been swept off the face of the Earth by
that time. The eradication of evil from the individual soul
will be a much longer process, as we shall see later. Never-
theless, the fact that the Descending and underground system
of passages comes to a blind end at 1994 on the chronograph,
shows that every trace of the Old Order of oppression (political,
financial and ecclesiastical) will have vanished before the end
of the present century. This will all- be accomplished, of
course, through the power of the New Order to be inaugurated
during the years that now lie immediately ahead of us.
Having traced the history, decline, collapse and the final
annihilation of the Old Order let us now go to the uppermost
part of the Pyramid’s interior passage system and trace the
inauguration, constitution and operation of the grand New
Order. The Descending and underground passages lead to
a pit and a blind end, representing the ultimate fate of the
Old Order, but the system of ascending passages symbolising
the Divinely directed preparation for the New Order lead

finally up to well-ventilated and magnificently constructed

chambers having no exits, thus symbolising that the con-
ditions of the New Order will not only be grand but permanent.
This Divinely controlled New Order is often referred to in the
Scriptures, and we are repeatedly assured that ultimately it
will be both universal and permanent. -—“ it shall stand for
ever’ and “shall never be destroyed.”’ In point of time the
full inauguration of this grand New Order is foretold to follow
the passing of the present aggressive powers of Europe (Daniel
Zp Bar a8)

In the Bible each of the great Orders in World history is

spoken of symbolically as a “‘ world’ comprising “‘ a heavens
and an earth.’’ The constitution during the ages before the
Flood is called ‘the world that then was”’ (2 Peter 3, ®) whilst
the present Order, now being smashed, is termed “ this present
evil world’’ (Galations 1, *), and the permanent New Order
soon to be established is called ‘‘ the world to come ”’ (Hebrews
2, 5). This metaphorical use of the word “world” is not
confined to the Bible; we have the same in modern English.
For example, the late British Premier, the Rt. Hon. Ramsay
MacDonald said, “‘ There is nothing less than a world crumbling
beneath our feet.”” He was, of course, referring to the
crumbling of the Old Order of 1914.
Just as in the literal physical world we have the earth with
the heavens (atmosphere, etc.) above it, so likewise in Scripture
each of the three great ‘‘ worlds” or Orders of human history
is also symbolically termed ‘“‘a heavens and earth.’’ In the
third chapter of 2 Peter the archaic Order or First World is
also referred to as the heavens and earth that were of old,
but the Second World “this present evil world ”’ is spoken of
as “the heavens and the earth which are now,” whilst the
Third World or New Order is called the ‘“‘ new heavens and
new earth.’’ Our planet, the Earth, is, of course, the scene of
all the three “ worlds”’ or orders. The symbolic “‘ heavens ”
relate to the spiritual controlling powers (good or evil) whilst
the symbolic “earth ”’ pertains to human society as organised
under the influence of such controlling powers. This is very
plainly shown in the Bible, for during “this present evil
world” the Devil is declared to be “the prince of the power
of the air’ that is, the ‘‘ heavens’; he is called ‘“ the god of
this world” also “the prince of this world.” In harmony
with this the Apostle Paul says ‘‘ For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places.” Evidently the Devil and _ his
associate demons comprise the ‘“‘ heavens”’ of “this present
evil world.” The corresponding “earth” is represented in
human society as organised by the dominating empires of
history culminating in the great aggressive powers of to-day.
This view helps to explain some matters otherwise mysterious.
It is almost incredible that any human beings, however de-
praved, would of their own free will, deliberately plan mass
atrocities of the most bestial type such as the villainous German
Government are doing to-day. Surely they are goaded on by
the demon influence of which the Apostle Paul spoke. Doubt-
less, the vile “ bosses’”’ of Europe, namely Hitler, Goebbels,
Mussolini and Co., are under the full control of the evil spirit
powers that comprise the wicked “ heavens ”’ of “ this present
evil world.”
If the New Order is to be successful and permanent, it is
obvious that the present “heavens” as well as the present
‘earth’ must be overthrown, and it was to this that Jesus
referred when he said “‘ Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but my words shall not pass away”’ (Luke 21, %%). Note that
in the context Christ shows that this will occur within the
lifetime of those living when Jerusalem is freed from oppression.
As we have already noted, Jerusalem was delivered from its
age-long oppression twenty-five years ago, on December 9th,
1917, so the Devil and his spirit associates together with his
chief earthly puppets in Rome and Berlin have not very long
to go now. The Apostle Peter says ‘‘ the heavens ”’ shall go
on fire and pass away with a great noise and that “ the earth
also and the works that are therein shall be burned up”’
(2 Peter 3, 1° 12). This great ‘‘ world” conflagration is now

going on before our eyes. How appropriate was the headline

“The World on Fire’ which appeared in some of our news-
papers earlier in the war. In Zephaniah 3, &-® God says,
‘Therefore wait ye upon me saith the Lord, until the day
that I rise up to the prey! for my determination is to gather
the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon
them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger; for all the
earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For
then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may
all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one
consent.’’ Notice that it is the social “earth,” 7.e. the evil
organised systems, that are to be devoured by the fire of God’s
righteous indignation which will sweep the whole earth, whilst
the people will be so completely delivered from oppression
that they will ultimately all worship God “ with one consent.”
Evidently a great unprecedented world-wide reformation and
revival lie ahead in the not far distant future.
It is beyond the power of man to dislodge the present wicked —
“heavens’’ and it is equally beyond the power of man to
establish “the new heavens,’ hence we are absolutely
dependent upon God for the success of the New Order. In
marked distinction to the “‘heavens’’ of the first ‘‘ world ”
in the ages before the Flood and to that of the second “‘ world ”’
“this present evil world,” the “ heavens ”’ of the third “ world”
or New Order now imminent are to be grand beyond human
description. In 2 Corinthians 12, 1-4 it is recorded by the
Apostle Paul that, in vision, he was carried down the ages
and “caught up to the third heaven ’”’ that is to say, ‘‘ the
heaven” of the third “world.” Paul was thereby given a
glimpse of the splendour of the ‘‘ new heavens ”’ as set up by

Christ Himself; no wonder he was unable to describe or

reveal the glories he beheld !
We shall now trace the Divine preparation for both phases
of the New Order, namely “ the new heavens ’”’ and “‘ the new
earth.”” As Satan, the Chief of the present Order is to be
overthrown, the Pyramid reveals, as we have seen, that Jesus
Christ is the only one eligible to be Head of the New Order.

Our investigation of the Pyramid’s Rectification Factor dis-

closed that Jesus is the only one able to bring mankind back
into harmony with the Divine will, and that in due time He
will be exalted as the symbolic “Top Stone” or “‘ Head
Stone ” to whom all shall be subservient “ both which are in
heaven and which are on earth’”—Ephesians 1, 1°. We
observed, too, that at the beginning of the Grand Gallery it
is revealed that Christ “‘rose again for our justification ”
whilst Jesus Himself, after his resurrection, declared “‘ All
power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” to be mani-
fested “‘in the dispensation of the fullness of times.”’
Now, the Grand Gallery and the Ante-Chamber and King’s
Chamber that follow relate to the Divine preparation of the
governmental parties for the New Order and their installation
into office. The Grand Gallery is divided into two distinct
portions, an upper and a lower each with its separate, though
related, symbolism. Throughout the entire length of this
28-feet high Gallery, there is cut a 6-inch wide groove, mid-
way between the floor and roof, on each side wall. This
structural feature at once suggests a sliding partition between
the upper and lower portions. The height of the roof of the
Grand Gallery exceeds that of the First Ascending Passage
to the extent of the Rectification Factor, as has already been
explained, whilst the height of the “ partition” grooves
exceeds it by a distance equal to the diameter of the year-
circle (the circle having a circumference of the same number
of Pyramid inches as there are days in the solar year). This
precise geometric dimension (y + ~ = 116-26 Pyramid inches)
in Pyramid symbology is always associated with celestial,
spiritual or heavenly matters as distinguished from that which
is purely terrestrial. The fact that the “floor” of this higher
half of the Grand Gallery is lifted up to the extent of the
diameter of the “‘ Celestial Circle’ indicates that this upper
portion relates to a heavenly call in connection with the
Divine preparation for the heavens of the New Order, and this
is completely confirmed by the Scriptures. Just as the Devil
and his associate demons comprise “ the heavens” of the Old

Order now ending, so also the Bible makes it clear that in

“the new heavens ”’ of the New Order, Christ the Head will
also have associates with Him in that high office. Jesus
Himself has promised his faithful footstep followers that they
shall be exalted along with Him in His high office and share
with Him in all His glory and work as “ the new heavens,”
whose function it will be to guide, reconstruct and restore
human affairs, the social earth, with such satisfaction and
perfection as to bring about ultimately the fulfilment of the
Lord’s Prayer ‘“‘ Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.”
In view of this, how significant are the statements recorded in
the third chapter of Galations, ‘‘ If ye be Christ’s, then are ye
Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise .. . in
thee shall all nations be blessed’ (verses 7, 8, 29). O what
a change when the Devil with his demons are overthrown,
and Christ with the Saints are in full power! Not only is
Jesus spoken of as the great Head and King of “the new
heavens and new earth’”’ but He is also stated to be the great
Judge of the World (John 5, #2), and to show how intimately
the saints will be associated with Christ and how high their
exaltation in the “ heavens’’ of the New Order, the Bible
plainly says not only that the saints shall likewise judge the
world but that they shall even judge angels, too. “‘ Know
ye not that the saints shall judge the world ”’ and also “‘ judge
angels ”’ (1 Corinthians 6, 2°).
Seeing that Christ is to be the great King and Judge of both
the “new heaven ”’ and the “ new earth’”’ and that the saints
are to be associated with him in the jurisdiction both of terres-
trial beings (mankind) and celestial (the angelic hosts) this
necessitates that the saints, like Christ Himself, also be raised
in a celestial resurrection and given powers far above the
human and the angelic also, and furthermore that this take
place right at the outset of the inauguration of the New Order.
And both the Bible and the Pyramid clearly show that this is
precisely what will take place. Concerning Christ it is written,
“God hath highly exalted Him far above angels, principalities
and powers and every name that is named” and that “ He

is sat down on the right hand of God in the majesty on High.”

Whilst concerning the overcoming saints it is written that
they “ shall be in the likeness of His resurrection ” “‘ fashioned
like unto His glorious body ” and Christ Himself says of them :
“To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My
throne.” “‘ Ye shall sit with Me in My throne, even as I am
set down with my Father in His throne.’
The Apostle Paul, speaking of ‘“‘the resurrection of the
dead”’ in 1 Corinthians 15, says, “‘ There are also celestial
bodies, and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestial
is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.” ‘ As is
the earthy [terrestrial] such are they also that are earthy;
and as is the heavenly [celestial] such are they also that are
heavenly. And as we [the saints] have borne the image of
the earthy [in this life] we shall also bear the image of the
heavenly [in the resurrection].”” In harmony with this the
Book of Revelation speaks of two resurrections, the first being
the celestial or heavenly resurrection—that of the saints—
whilst the second at a later period is the general resurrection
of the world of mankind—the terrestrial resurrection. Regard-
ing the heavenly resurrection of the saints and their high
exaltation with Christ in the “‘ heavens ”’ of the ‘‘ New world,”
Revelation 20, ® proclaims, “‘ Blessed and holy is he that hath
part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath
no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and
shall reign with Him a thousand years.’”’ So, concerning the
inauguration of the New Order wherein Christ and the saints
come into control, the Prophet Daniel declares “‘ And the
time came that the saints possessed the kingdom,” whilst
Jesus said, “ Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good
pleasure to give you the kingdom.”’ So herein is the destiny
of the true church—the “ Little Flock” of overcoming saints
out of all nations—called to be “ heirs of God and joint-heirs
with Christ”? in the everlasting World-Kingdom, through
whom “all nations shall be blessed.”
In the present dispensation God has thus been calling,
training and preparing the saints as prospective members in
“the new heavens”’ of the New Order, and it is from this
point of view that the Apostle Paul says that the saints “ have
been quickened together with Christ and made sit together
in heavenly places.’’ Hence in the Bible this call of the
saints is termed ‘“‘ the heavenly calling ” and “ the high calling.”’
The Greek word which is translated “ church ” in our English
Bibles is ekklesia and means “that which is called out.’’ So
the election of the true church must be completed, and the
elect themselves exalted to office in the First Resurrection
at the end of the present age before the New Order can be
fully inaugurated and the promised blessing and uplift of all
nations begin. Thus the destiny of the true church, the
true saints under Christ their Head is to function as the “ new
heavens’ of the New Order or “world to come” “world —
without end.” The setting-up of “‘ the new heavens ”’ at the
end of this present age is beautifully portrayed in the structural
arrangements beyond the Grand Gallery in the Pyramid.
Before going into details of this, however, we think it better
to show how, during the present dispensation, God has also
been preparing for the leadership of “‘ the new earth,” and then
we shall deal with the Pyramid’s representation of the setting-
up of both “the new heavens and the new earth,” that is,
the New Order in its entirety.
As the “ heavenly calling ”’ or “ high calling’ of the saints
during this age is portrayed by the higher or upper portion
of the Grand Gallery above the partition grooves, so appro-
priately the course of the class or race of people whom God
has been directing to take the initiative in the establishment
of “the new earth ”’ in due time is represented by the long
floor of the Grand Gallery beneath. The Grand Gallery floor,
it will be observed, is the continuation of the floor of the First
Ascending Passage, at the same upward gradient. As herein-
before proved, the beginning of the actual floor of the First
Ascending Passage marks the date that the Israelites of old
entered the Promised Land under Divine direction, whilst the
long floor itself symbolises the path of the Israelites, or more
accurately, those sections of the Israelites who remained in

the Holy Land till Christ’s day. In a.p. 33, the date marked
by the end of the First Ascending Passage, Jesus announced
to the Jews then inhabiting Palestine, ‘‘ Your house is left
unto you desolate.’”’ The Jews were thus cast off, from Divine
favour, in the meantime at any rate, because of unfaithfulness.
But the floor of the First Ascending Passage does not abruptly
end or alter in any way at the end of the passage; on the
contrary, it continues unbroken onward and upward, at the
same width and the same gradient, forming the floor of the
Grand Gallery. This indicates that when the Jews as a
nation in the Holy Land rejected Christianity, “ the straight
line of Divine working” or special Divine direction to the
end in view continued, and must therefore have been switched
from the Jews to another people. And the Saviour Himself
expressly stated that this is precisely what would happen,
for, addressing the Jews he said, “‘ The kingdom of God shall
be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the
fruits thereof.”” A good many Christian people think that the
nation here referred to is the true church. While we would
not deny this as the spiritual interpretation, nevertheless
neither can we deny the literal fulfilment, for the setting of
the verse is literal; the Jews were a literal nation, and surely
the other nation referred to in the same sentence is also a
literal nation. Who is this other nation whom the Almighty
has been guiding and directing with a view to their being
His servants in leading the world ultimately into the enduring
New Order of liberty and peace, “the new earth wherein
dwelleth righteousness’ under the control of Christ? In
answering this question we will not indulge in theorising,
but go direct to contemporary history and take the facts as
we find them. It is strange that it is not better known that,
amongst all the peoples of the world, the Ancient British were
the first in a national capacity, to accept Christianity and
make public declaration of the fact. ‘ The glory of Britain ”’
says Genebrard “ consists not only in this, that she was the
first country which in a national capacity professed herself
Christian, but she made this confession when the Roman
Empire itself was pagan and a cruel persecutor of Christianity.”
Even Roman Catholic writers admit this. In his Three
Conversions of England, Robert Parsons, the Jesuit, admits
that Christianity came into Britain direct from Jerusalem.
‘“ Polydore Vergil in the reign of Henry VII, and after him
Cardinal Pole, both rigid Roman Catholics, affirmed in Parlia-
ment, the latter in his address to Philip and Mary that ‘ Britain
was the first of all countries to receive the Christian faith.’
This priority of antiquity was only once questioned, and that
on political grounds, by the ambassadors of France and
Spain, at the Council of Pisa, a.p. 1417. The Council, how-
ever, affirmed it. The ambassadors appealed to the Council
of Constance, A.D. 1419, which confirmed the decision of that
of Pisa, which was a third time confirmed by the Council of
Sena, A.D. 1423, and then acquiesced in.”’ This decision laid
down that on the points of antiquity and precedency the
Church of Britain must be given priority and that it was
_ founded by Joseph of Arimathea “‘immediately after the
passion of Christ.’’ As Sebellius states: “Christianity was
privately confessed elsewhere, but the first nation that pro-
claimed it as their religion, and called itself Christian after the
name of Christ, was Britain.” (Sabell. Enno. bk. vii. c. 5)
and again Professor Camden: ‘Britain, partly through
Joseph of Arimathza, partly through Fugatus and Damianus,
was of all kingdoms the first that received the Gospel” (Card-
well’s Ancient History 1837-p. 18).
The idea held by some that Christianity was brought to
Britain by the Roman Catholic missionary, Augustine, in
A.D. 597 is altogether erroneous: it was Roman Catholicism,
and not Christianity itself, that was introduced into our
Islands at that date by Augustine. The famous ecclesiastical
historian Eusebius, who lived three hundred years before
Augustine came to Britain and who is well known as the
Father of Church History says “ The Apostles passed beyond
the ocean to the isles called the Britannic Isles.’’ This is con-
firmed by the early British historian Gildas (A.D. 516-570)
who states, ‘‘ Meanwhile, these islands . .. received the
beams of light, that is, the Holy precepts of Christ, the true
Sun... at the latter part, as we know, of the reign of
Tiberius Cesar.” This Tiberius Caesar was the reigning
Roman Emperor, when Christ was crucified. Notice Gildas’
words “as we know,” which indicate that what he records
regarding the introduction of Christianity into Britain was in
his day a matter of common knowledge. Tiberius Cesar reigned
from A.D. 14 to 37, therefore Gildas’ words, “in the latter
part of the reign of Tiberius Cesar” show that Christianity
was introduced into Britain ‘immediately after the passion
of Christ”’ as the above-mentioned European Councils declared,
for the classical ecclesiastical historian Eusebuis, just referred
to, states in his Chronica that the Crucifixion of Christ occurred
in the 19th year of the reign of Tiberius Czar, that is, in the
Spring of A.D. 33, which it will be observed, agrees exactly
with the Pyramid dating. Thus the British Church was_ of
Hebrew origin, not Papal.
“ That very early, the Gospel came by the hands of Hebrews
is borne out by the finding of two medals bearing the effigies
of our Lord without a halo; one of these was unearthed at
Cork in 1812, under the foundation of one of the very first
Christian monasteries ever built in Ireland; the other under
a ruin of a Druidical circle at Bryngwin, in Anglesey, about
the same time. Antiquaries informs us that the Hebrew
letter ‘ Aleph’ on the obverse side to the right of the effigy
of one of these, gives the date as the first year after the resur-
rection, the other Hebrew letters signifying Jesus, on the
left ; the word Messias is on the collar, and the reverse side
has an inscription in Hebrew, rendered thus, “ Messiah the
Prince, came in peace, and man, life for man became.”’ On
the other medal, the inscription is different, but also in Hebrew,
and reads ‘Nought in Thee was found worthy of Divine
Wrath’” (British History Traced, p. 132—Rev. L. G. A.
Roberts). ©
Not only was the ancient British Race the first nation to
recognise Christianity, but all available evidence also goes
to show that Glastonbury (in Somersetshire) was the first
Christian Church building in the world and that it was built
by Joseph of Arimatheza and his associates. The famous
Vatican Librarian, Cardinal Baronius, discovered an ancient
MS. in the Vatican telling of Joseph of Arimathza, Lazarus,
Martha and Mary landing at Marseilles in A.D. 35. This is
in agreement with the records of the early English historian
William of Malmesbury, who states that Joseph of Arimathea
(who took care of our Lord’s body after the Crucifixion)
accompanied by eleven missionaries under his charge, came to
Britain via France, having been sent by Philip the Apostle,
and that the British King gave them Ynys-vitrin or Glaston-
bury and twelve Hides of land. Confirmatory of this the
Doomsday Book contains the following entry:

“The Church of Glastonbury has in its own ville twelve

Hides of Land, which have never paid tax.’’ (Doomsday
Survey, folio p. 249b.)

In J. W. Taylor’s work, The Coming of the Saints, the journey

of Joseph of Arimatheza is followed place to place from Palestine
through Gaul, via Marseilles into Britain. Furthermore the
early Welsh writer, Maelgwyn of Llandaff (circ. A.D. 450)
informs us that Joseph of Arimathza is buried at Glastonbury |
(Avalon). That Joseph of Arimathza preached the Gospel
in Britain is also confirmed by foreign writers, e.g. St. Gregory
of Tours in his History of the Franks, and Haleca, Archbishop
of Saragossa in his Fragmenta.
For a long time Glastonbury (“‘Isle” of Avalon) was
regarded as the most sacred spot in all Britain. The original
church erected by Joseph of Arimathza and his companions
was built of wattles. At the present day, the ruins of Glas-
tonbury Abbey stand on the site of that old wattle church.
That spot has thus been a place of Christian worship from
Christ’s day to the present time. Regarding its antiquity as
such, note the following extracts from the various authorities :

Sir Henry Spelman: “ It is certain that Britain received the

faith in the first age from the first sowers of the Word. Of -

all the Churches whose origin I have investigated in Britain,

the Church of Glastonbury is the most ancient.”
Archbishop Ussher: ‘The British National Church was
founded a.p. 36, a hundred and sixty years before heathen
Rome confessed Christianity. The Mother Church of the
British Isles is the Church of Insula Avallonia called by the
Saxons, Glaston.”’
Fuller; “ If credit be given to ancient authors, this Church of
Glastonbury is the senior church of the world.”
Publius Discipulus: “ The Church of Avalon in Britain no
other hands than those of the disciples of the Lord them-
selves built.”
Theodore Martin (Lovar): “It is not too much to say that
the site of St. Mary’s Church in the Abbey grounds at
Glastonbury is the site of the first known above-ground
church in the world.”
The old Glastonbury Chronicle contains the record of the
- British King, Arviragus, granting Joseph “‘ twice six hides
(of land) at Glastonia and that Joseph left the rights with
his companions”

Why should Joseph of Arimathza choose Glastonbury in

the “Isle” of Avalon? There is an amazing amount of
evidence that Jesus, as a young man, seeking a quiet retreat
outside the Roman Empire, so as to be unmolested, came to
Britain by sea, and in the quiet sanctuary of the Isle of Avalon
spent some years in prayer and meditation, preparing for His
ministry and passion. This absence of Christ from Palestine,
no doubt explains the Bible’s silence regarding the early man-
hood of Jesus. That Jesus built for Himself a little wattle
house for prayer and meditation, near a well at the foot of
the hill known as Glastonbury Tor, and that it was subse-
quently used by Joseph of Arimathzea and his associates as a
private chapel (as distinct from the church they erected beside
it for public worship) is confirmed by the following extract
from the report which Augustine sent to Pope Gregory during
the mission to Britain at the end of the sixth century:
“In the western confines of Britain there is a certain royal
island of large extent, surrounded by water, abounding in all the
beauties of nature and necessaries of life. In it the neophites
of catholic law, God beforehand acquainting them, found a church
constructed by no human art, but by the hands of Christ Himself,
for the salvation of His people.”
(Glastonbury used to be surrounded by an expanse of fresh
water, hence the name Isle of Avalon, 1.e. Isle of Apples).
In that great authority the Doomsday Book (A.D. 1088)
there is recorded ‘“‘ The House of God, in the great Monastery
of Glastonbury, called the Secret of the Lord.’ But even
many centuries before the Doomsday Book was compiled,
Taliesin, the Prince-Bard and Druid wrote, “ Christ, the
Word from the beginning, was from the beginning our Teacher,
and we never lost His teaching.” To quote C. C. Dobson:
“ Here was an island unconquered by the Romans, and remote
from Roman influence and authority. The attempt to conquer
it by Julius Cesar (55 B.C.) had proved abortive. Here was
a faith propagated by profound oral teaching, enshrining the €

truth of the coming Christ, under the very name Jesu and,
the principle of the atonement. Do we wonder that Jesus
came to reside in a land thus ripe to receive His truth?”
“In Britain He would be free from the tyranny of Roman
oppression, the superstition of Rabbinical misinterpretation,
and the grossness of pagan idolatry, and bestial immoral
customs. In Druid Britain He would live among people
dominated by the highest and purest ideals, the very ideals
He had come to proclaim.” This forcefully brings to our
mind the words of Jesus near the very end of His ministry,
“The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you [the Jews in
Judea] and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof
William Blake, the poet (1757-1826), having heard the
story of Christ’s stay in Britain, immortalised it in his
“ Jerusalem,” which has been beautifully set to music by

Sir Hubert Parry, and known as “ The Glastonbury Hymn,”

which is now sung on great occasions.
So “when Joseph of Arimathza subsequently came [to
Britain] to proclaim the Saviour under the very name [Yesu
or Jesu] familiar to every Druid, and as having fulfilled in the
Atonement their basic principle, we do not wonder that he
received a welcome at the hands of the Druids. It is a remark-
able fact that Druidism never opposed Christianity, and
eventually became voluntarily merged in it.’””’ As John Pym
Yeatman in his Early English History, page 104 says, ‘‘ The
stories of the atrocities of the Druids were mere inventions
of the Romans to cover their own cruelty and to excuse it.
The religion of a people who were so mild and merciful that
they would not even imprison their debtors, as did the Romans,
could not be bloody.” In Religions of Britain, page 37,
Charles Hulbert likewise states, “‘ The charge of staining their
consecrated places with human blood and offering upon the
altar of Cor-Gawr or Stonehenge human victims, hath no real
foundation in fact ; an accusation as wicked as unjust... . Next
to the Jewish in purity we consider the ancient religion of
, The old Druid religion was far in advance of heathen religions
in general. It taught the truth of the one great supreme God,
in contradistinction to the polytheism which was rife every-
where. Then in the second place they had no graven images.
No idols of British origin have ever been unearthed in our
country. From Land’s End to John O’ Groat’s no such thing
has ever been found. As Wylie’s History of Scotland, page 71
states: ‘‘ Relics of all sorts have been found in our soil, but
never idol of British manufacture, nor is one such to be seen
in any of our museums.”’
In view of all the above facts, we can understand why, after
his expulsion from Palestine, Joseph of Arimathea was eager
to bring the Gospel to Britain and to take up residence at
Glastonbury, already hallowed by the home of Jesus there.
Here Joseph lived for the remainder of his life. The Welsh
poet Maelgwyn, of Llandaff (A.D. 450), records that on Joseph

of Arimathza’s grave at Glastonbury the epitaph was as

follows :
“T came to the Britons after I buried Christ.
I taught:elt reer.

Maelgwyn also describes the exact position of the grave with

meticulous care. The stone sarcophagus of Joseph of Arim-
athza, bearing clear marks of identity, was re-discovered in
After Joseph of Arimathza, the next well-known missionary
to Britain was Simon Zelotes, one of the Twelve Apostles of
Christ. Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyre (A.D. 303) informs us that
Simon Zelotes preached Christ all along the North coast of
Africa and then crossed to Britain (Synopsis de Apostol—o).
Next came Aristobulus. The historian Alford in Regia Fides,
vol. i, p. 83, states, “It is perfectly certain that before St.
Paul had come to Rome, Aristobulus was absent in Britain.”
Again Dorotheus says, “ Aristobulus who is mentioned by the
Apostle in his epistle to the Romans (Rom. 16, 1°) was made
Bishop in Britain.”
Then came St. Paul to Britain. Theodoretus says: “ Paul
preached the Gospel to the Britons and others in the West ”
(De Curandis Grecorum Affectionibus, Lib. IX). After inves-
tigation, Capellus states: “I scarcely know of one author
from the times of the Fathers downwards who does not
maintain that St. Paul, after his liberation preached in every
country in Western Europe, Britain included” (History of
the Apostles). Bishop Burges writes, “ Of St. Paul’s journey
to Britain we have as satisfactory proof as any historical
question can demand.” (Independence of the British Church).
It is interesting to note that the names of a British prince
and princess, who had become Christians are mentioned in
the Bible by the Apostle Paul. Linus and Claudia, named
in 2 Timothy 4, #4, were the son and daughter of the well-
known British king, Caractacus. The verse reads “ Do thy
diligence to come before winter. Eubulus greeteth thee

and Pudens and Linus and Claudia, and all the brethren.”
Pudens mentioned in the verse was the husband of Claudia ;
he was a Roman noble. At the time that verse was written,
all three of them were living in Rome. Pudens has the dis-
tinction of being the only name mentioned in the Bible recorded
in stone of ancient date in Britain. Amongst Roman remains
at Chichester there was dug up in 1723 a stone bearing an
inscription in which Pudens is mentioned in connection with
the erection of a Roman temple there. This stone is now
exhibited outside the Council House at Chichester and is
known as the Pudens’ Stone. The incident recorded on it,
of course, occurred before Pudens accepted Christianity.
Pudens was a Roman officer stationed at Chichester during
the earlier part of the Roman occupation of Britain and it
was during his stay here that he won the affections of the
British king’s daughter Claudia. Pudens and Claudia were
subsequently married in Rome in A.D. 53.
How deep a root Christianity had taken in the British Isles
during the centuries immediately following the time of Christ
may be judged from the following extract from Chrysostum,
Patriarch of Constantinople A.D. 347-407: ‘“‘ The British
Isles which are beyond the sea [Mediterranean] and which
lie in the ocean [the Atlantic] have received the virtue of the
word. . . . Though thou shouldest go to the ocean, to the
British Isles, there thou shouldest hear all men everywhere
discussing matters out of the Scriptures with another voice
indeed, but not another faith; with a different tongue, but
the same judgment.”
The Ancient Britons of the British Isles thus being the first
race to recognise Christ, became the pioneer nation in missionary
work. In this connection the great work done by the Irish
section of the early Celtic Church must not be overlooked.
The noble part played by Ireland in missionary work earned
for it the title “Isle of Saints’’ during the early centuries.
At that time, ‘‘swarms of devoted missionaries ’’ went out
from Ireland to every part of Europe, so much so that Dr.
Johnson states that Ireland was “the school of the west.”

The vigour of the early British Christians may be gauged by

the fact that missionaries from the Church in the British Isles
founded the Churches of Gaul (France) Lotharingia (Lorraine)
and Helvetia (Switzerland.)
Following the sixth century, the little Scottish Isle of Iona,
immortalised by Columba, became the great spiritual light-
house of the north, whose influence was ultimately felt over
all Europe, from Iceland to the Mediterranean. “Iona .
stood for all that was luminous and spiritual, pure and un-
worldly. The missionaries of Iona left their mark upon
almost every corner of Europe, and some of her most precious
manuscripts rest to this day in European libraries” (The
Norseman in Alban [Scotland] — page 23, Robert Lock
Bremner). In the eighth century the library at Iona contained
one of the most valuable collections of manuscripts in the
world. ‘‘ For two hundred years Iona was the lighthouse
for the western nations, whence missionaries went forth in
all directions.” (Celt, Druid and Culdee, p. 110. J. H. Elder).
From the mass of foregoing evidence it is clear that Britain
was the leading nation in the pioneering of Christianity, and
to-day, we are still the foremost race on Earth in regard to
the spreading of the Scriptures—the great Bible Societies
which were founded last century have done an enormous work
in this respect. It is interesting to note that the extending
influence of Britain’s sea-power and the impulse to exploration
during the sixteenth century were accompanied by an impulse
to spread the Gospel. On this point the Encyclopedia
Britannica, under the caption ‘‘ Modern Missions ’’ states:

“The development of the maritime power of England, which

the Portuguese and Spanish monarchies noted with fear and
jealousy, was distinguished by a singular anxiety for the spread
of the Christian faith. Edward VI in his instructions to the
navigators in Sir Hugh Willoughby’s fleet, Sebastian Cabot in
those for the intended voyage to Cathay, and Richard Hakluyt,
who promoted many voyages of discovery in addition to writing
their history, agree with Sir Humphrey Gilbert's chronicler, that

‘the sowing of Christianity must be the chief intent of such as

shall make any attempt at foreign discovery, or else whatever
ts builded upon other foundation shall never obtain happy success
or continuance.’ ”’

It is also a remarkable fact that the phenomenal growth

of Bible Societies and Foreign Missions and the rapid
expansion of the British Empire have been simultaneous.
To-day more than 90 per cent. of the funds for Foreign Protest-
ant Missions are subscribed by the British Empire and the
U.S.A. Fully 90 per cent. of Foreign Missionaries are from
the same source. During the year 1939 the Scriptures dis-
tributed by the British and Foreign Bible Society, American
Bible Society and the National Bible Society of Scotland, to
mention only three, reached the colossal total cf over 28,000,000,
printed in many hundreds of languages. The total distribu-
tion of copies of the Scriptures by all other nations combined
for the same period is only a few thousands. Verily God has
found His witnesses in those nations that have sprung from
the race of the British Isles !
In spite of all her faults, Britain and her kindred nations
to-day are, from the spiritual point of view, manifestly a long
way in advance of the great Continental nations steeped in
pagan Nazi-ism, Fascism, Atheism, etc. Especially now in
this great World War, where would the proclamation of the
Gospel be, but for Britain and the nations that have sprung
from her? Surely the British to-day, notwithstanding all
their admitted blemishes, are as much God’s witnesses in the
modern world as Israel of old were in the ancient world!
And in this connection it is interesting to observe that the
Lord through the Prophet Isaiah addresses his people as
dwelling on islands: “ Hearken unto me, my people; and
give ear unto me, O MY NATION: for a law shall proceed
from me. The ISLES shall wait upon me and on mine arm
shall they trust.” “The ISLES shall wait for His law.”
“ Tisten O ISLES unto me: and hearken ye people from far.”
‘‘ Wherefore glorify ye the Lord . . . in the ISLES OF THE

WEST” (the Hebrew word for sea and for west is the same ;
“isles of the sea’”’ is a meaningless translation for all islands
of any consequence are in the sea). The only important
islands in the west are the British Isles and Iceland. In his
work on Pre-historic Nations Baldwin says, “In Sanskrit
books the British Islands are described as. “ The Sacred Isles
of the West.” The small number of people inhabiting Ice-
land, although forming a separate community, are of the
same race as the British, with the Norse element pre-
The Great Pyramid identification of Britain as the people
who are to lead the way through the present chaotic transition
period into the New Order of spiritual values according to
the Divine purpose, however, is very striking. It will be
recalled that although the short passage leading from the
end of the Grand Gallery pertains to the Great War, the
date marked by its entrance (4th August, 1914) is not the date
when the war began but that on which Britain entered into
it, and the length of the passage corresponds to the precise
period that Britain was in that world conflict. Britain is
therefore the nation that, through the centuries has symbol-
ically traversed the Grand Gallery from its beginning marking
A.D. 33, when the Jews, as a nation, were cast off from Divine
favour. This completely confirms our findings regarding the
circumstances of the early history of Britain, and demonstrates
that Britain was the nation to which Christ referred when
He said that the interests of His Kingdom would be taken
from the Jews and given to another nation. The fact that
Britain is the nation whose course during the past nineteen
centuries is represented by the track of the passage floor
throughout the Grand Gallery means that British history
has been God-directed so as to develop in the British race
those characteristics and virtues necessary to perform the
task now entrusted to us. This explains why the Anglo-
Celto-Saxon temperament is more suited to serve and guide
humanity than is the Continental type in general. In the
hand of God, Britain, with her companions, is to be a servant

nation helping the whole world of mankind out of the “ gutter,”

and not an objectionable, proud “ master race”’ of the type
Hitler proposed the Germans should be. The British Common-
wealth of Nations has therefore been built up under Divine
direction and has been brought into existence for an enduring
purpose in the interests of the human race.
After the collapse of France in 1940, the Nazi tyrants were
prevented from over-running the British Isles, when, humanly
speaking, they could have done so. That by which the life
of the British Empire was preserved and to which our nation
owes its very existence to-day was the will of the Almighty,
who has graciously purposed that Britain shall be an honoured
instrument in the establishment of “the new earth.’’ The
British stood alone for over a year (1940-1941) against the
hideous military monster of Europe and saved the freedom
of the World, but only by the grace of God. Let Britons not
forget the deliverance of Dunkirk and that it quickly followed
the National Day of Prayer.
At this juncture students of the Scriptures naturally enquire
where do the Jews come into the picture ? Does not the Bible
teach that the Jews are to be restored at the end of the age
and play an important part in the inauguration of “ the new
earth’’? Yes, it is perfectly clear from the Bible that the
Jews, or a certain section of them at any rate, are going to
have such an experience and revelation at the close of the
present age that “they shall look upon him whom they have
pierced [Jesus] and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth
for his only son” (Zechariah 12, *°). The context of this
passage of Scripture reveals that this is to occur at the time
when Jerusalem and Judea are being re-inhabited and re- ©
built by the house of Judah, the Jews. The return of Jews
to Palestine and the rebuilding of the cities of Judah and
creation of new towns with populations entirely Jewish in the
Holy Land has been going on vigorously before our eyes for
the past 25 years, that is, ever since the deliverance of Jeru-
salem and the Promised Land in 1917-1918. Therefore,
the long foretold great spiritual awakening of the Jews is

imminent, and so great will be the awakening and so radical

the change in the religious life of the Jews that the Bible
declares it will profoundly influence the other nations and that
ultimately the Jews will lead the nations in the worship of
God; listen again to the voice of the Prophet Zechariah,
“Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come
to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of
the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a
JEW, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that
God is with you.” “ Yea, many people and strong nations
shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and
to pray before the Lord”’ (Zechariah 8, 22-25). The Divinely
allocated function of the reformed Jews in the establishment
of “the new earth’ is evidently mainly connected with
ecclesiastical matters and the worship of God, and so we find
that when the Israelites were first formed into an organised
community after the Exodus God destined the House of Judah
to be His sanctuary, as the Psalmist declares: ‘‘ Judah was
His sanctuary.”
As we are now in the chaotic transition period between the
Old Order and the New World, we would naturally expect to
see by this time the first signs at least, of some movement
within Jewry itself, and also signs of Anglo- Jewish co-operation,
as it is upon Britain that the burden of the task falls in the
leading of humanity into the New Order. And true enough,
a virile Hebrew-Christian movement has sprung into existence
amongst the Jews themselves in recent years. Besides, the
attitude of Jewry in general towards Jesus Christ is changing—
not that they as a whole are yet regarding him as their Messiah,
but their attitude has become friendly, and Jesus of Nazareth
is now even freely discussed in some Rabinnical circles.
As for the recent development of Brito-Jewish collaboration,
this is almost too well known to be repeated here. The first
important move was made in November, 1917, when the
British Government issued the famous Balfour Declaration
promising to facilitate the establishment of a national home
for the Jews in Palestine. Early in the next month the

British delivered Jerusalem from centuries of oppression,

whilst in the following year the Turks were driven entirely
out of Palestine and the whole country fell into British hands.
Jewish immigrants then poured into Palestine. In 1925,
Lord Balfour opened the famous Hebrew University in Jeru-
salem “the crown of Hebrew Revival’ and this has become
the centre of Jewish life and culture throughout the world.
Hebrew, which has been a dead language for a much longer
period than Latin, has been revived in Palestine and is recog-
nised by the Government as an official language of the country.
Then the intensified persecution of the Jews in Continental
Europe, especially in Germany after the assumption of power
by Hitler, caused increased Jewish immigration into Palestine
and a great influx of Jews into the British Isles and U.S.A.
However, as will be observed, all this wonderful development
had its origin in the Balfour Declaration, and on this point
the words of General Ludendorff are worthy of note: he said,
‘¢ By the Balfour Declaration of 2nd November, 1917, with —
its far-reaching promises, Britain undertook to protect the
Jewish nation, and thus bound up the interests of that
nation with her own destiny.’’ (These Eventful Years, Vol. I,
p. 280). Thus the Jews are now bound up in the destiny of
Britain in harmony with the Divine arrangement, so that they
will be ready to perform their particular function and collab-
orate with us when Britain, which must also yet be purged,
lays the foundations of “‘the new earth” in the years that
lie immediately ahead.
As the Holy Land is now under British control and the
restoration of the Jews is taking place within the scope and
jurisdiction of the British Empire, and the destiny of the
Jews has become incorporated within our own destiny, the
course of the Jews at this stage is therefore not shown separately
in the Pyramid, but is included in that of the British Empire
as part of the one great composite “ nation ”’or power that

will, when further purged, constitute the nucleus of “ the new

When we speak of Britain in this connection, of course we

mean the whole of what is now called the Anglo-Saxon world,

the kernel of which is Great Britain. In fact, the Pyramid
shows that associated with Great Britain as part of the one
great ‘‘ power’ in the inauguration of the New Order, there
will be two kindred communities who are not under the British
Crown, namely, the United States of America and Iceland.
It is rather remarkable that one of these, the U.S.A., is enormous
(population, 130,000,000), while the other, Iceland, is very
tiny (population 130,000). As one is a thousand times larger
than the other in population, their functions in connection
with the New Order are, as we would expect, entirely different.
From the standpoint of historical development, the U.S.A.
is, of course, really a development out of the British Empire.
The first colonisations were all British and the bulk of the
population of the U.S.A. to-day are of the Anglo-Celto-Saxon
stock of the British Isles, whilst their language and even their
weights and measures are British, and they have the same
religious outlook. Hence it is not surprising to find the
Pyramid indicating that America together with the members
of the British Commonwealth will act as one with Great Britain
and conjointly lead the world into the New Order.
The Great Step at the end of the Grand Gallery is one of the
key features in the entire Pyramid. As explained above, its
geometric construction supplies the key to the chronological
scale of the horizontal inset that follows, but it is also the
key to much more. The vertical edge of the Great Step
defines the E-W Axis and therefore the latitude of the Pyramid.
The date marked on the general chronograph by this vertical
riser of the Step is 1846, the year that witnessed the “ com-
pletion ” of the U.S.A., the largest single Anglo-Saxon nation
in the world. That year saw the U.S.A. at war with Mexico,
and this resulted in colossal acquisitions of territory; the
whole of New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and California (a
total area greater than that of the entire British Isles, France,
Germany and Italy all put together) being annexed to the
U.S.A., thus “completing ’’ America as it stands to-day.
These vast territories were occupied by the U.S.A. in 1846,

the official annexations taking place during 1846-1850.

A.D. 1846 was the year in which the United States expanded
itself over the full breadth of the great American Continent
from the Atlantic to the Pacific, as it appears on our maps
at the present day. Prior to that date the U.S.A. only extended
over the eastern part of the continent, and had only the
Atlantic seaboard. In that same year, 1846, the boundary
between the United States and Canada was fixed by law and
the boundary obelisks each bearing the date 1846 were erected
all along the frontier from the Pacific to the Great Lakes—
but, of course, east of this they were not necessary, as natural
geographical features (lakes and rivers) mainly form the
boundary. It is remarkable that 1846, the Great Pyramid’s
American Identification Date, should be exhibited on stone
across the American Continent for well over a thousand miles,
and that this long line of dated stones should mark the boundary
between that country and part of the British Empire, whose
course is represented by the floor of the Grand Gallery on
which the 1846 date is so prominently marked. This 1846-
date-boundary-line, which lies due east-west for much of its
course (on 49th Parallel) forms an axis dividing the great
North American Continent into two practically equal parts
of well over 3,000,000 square miles each. The vertical front
of the Great Step lies exactly on the east-west axis of the
Pyramid and therefore marks its latitude. Thus the latitude
of the apex and centre of the Great Pyramid mark the date
1846 on the Pyramid’s chronograph. But this latitude at
which the Great Pyramid is built, namely 29° 58’ 51” N.,
chronologically marking A.D. 1846, is the mean latitude of the
southern boundary of the U.S.A., 7.e. the U.S.A—Mexico
frontier, which was actually defined in that very year, 1846,
when the south-west territories were occupied by U.S.A.
troops (the statutory fixing of the various sections of it taking
place during the four years immediately following). And
as if to mark the mean latitude of the boundary, the frontier
actually crosses the parallel of latitude of the Great Pyramid
at a point just mid-way across the Continent between the Gulf of




Annuit coeptis = He hath prospered our beginnings

foal aPilse] rh
ames Ela sselak
eter Te]sfereea[slai
am sderxxy)

Novus ordo seclorum = A New Order of Ages


Mexico and the Pacific Coast (the Rio Grande del Norte forming
the border-line at the spot). It should be noted too that the
Pyramid’s parallel of latitude defines the general line of the
major portion of the south coast of the United states of America
(Gulf of Mexico).
As 1846 was the year in which the largest of all the present
Anglo-Celto-Saxon nations, the United States of America,
was formed, as we know it on the map today, how significant
is the date 1846 revealed in the Pyramid on the specific
track that represents the course of the Anglo-Celto-Saxon
nations which have developed out of the original race of
the British Isles. Furthermore, as the Great Step, which
marks the year 1846, on the chronograph, constitutes the
structural beginning of the special horizontal passage system
at the enlarged inset scale applicable to Modern Times, which
system portrays the inauguration of the permanent New
Order—note, not simply a new age but a new world, a new
order of ages. In view of this, how highly significant is the
fact that on the reverse side of the official Great Seal of the
United States of America there is portrayed the Pyramid with
the Apex or Top Stone raised up separately above it and
encircled with the halo of Divine Glory under the All-Seeing
Eye, whilst underneath are the three Latin words “ Novus
ORDO SECLORUM’”’ meaning A New Order of Ages, whilst over
the top are the two Latin words “ ANNUIT COEPTIS”’ He has
prospered our beginnings. (This Seal is, of course, used for
official documents. Both sides of it were also printed on the
dollar notes issued in December, 1935.) One cannot refrain
from remarking, what a pity these wonderful mottoes, so full
of meaning, are hidden in the dead language Latin. Even
the Bible itself was kept in Latin in the Dark Ages in order
that the common people might be kept in ignorance regarding
its real teaching. In more modern times of course, there is
usually no ulterior motive in the use of Latin on official or
public documents and mottoes ; it has simply become a habit
—a bad habit, for it keeps the common people in the dark.
May we suggest that Latin be abolished from all documents,

national mottoes, prescriptions and the like that come before

the public notice, and that the modern language of the country
be adopted instead, so that the people can comprehend. (The
author makes this suggestion completely without prejudice,
for he happens to know something of Latin—having studied
the language consistently for several years and then carried
off a First Prize in the subject.) In the case now before us
we specially suggest to our American brethren that the Latin
be removed from their Great Seal, and that the grand national
mottoes thereon, fraught with uncommon truth, be expressed
in English that all may understand. There are no other
national mottoes in the world to compare with them; they
express in a nutshell the destiny of the United States of
America and the very purpose for which the Almighty brought
the American Nation into existence—to lead the world into
“a new order of ages,” in collaboration with the great British
Commonwealth of Nations, hence the significance also of the
words on the obverse side of the Great Seal, ‘“E PLURIBUS
unuM”’ “One out of many.” Truly Americans can already
say, “ He hath prospered our beginnings.”
From the above facts, therefore, the Pyramid clearly reveals
that the U.S.A., a modern nation which has only come into
existence in very recent times, although not officially within
the British Commonwealth of Nations, is nevertheless incor-
porated in the great Anglo-Saxon “ power ”’ Divinely designed
to introduce the New Order. The fact that the Great Step,
which we could appropriately call the “American” Step,
is the structural feature that introduces us to the special
horizontal passage system which portrays the inauguration
of the New Order reveals that in the Divine purpose the new
world could not come into being until the U.S.A. had first
of all been brought into existence and grown to “ completion ”’
and furthermore, that the U.S.A. is to play a very prominent
part in introducing the ‘‘new order of ages.” The total
length of this horizontal passage system beyond the Grand
Gallery is 4753 Pyramid inches, and the chronological scale
applicable thereto as revealed by the geometric construction

of the introductory Step is a Pyramid inch to a month of

30 days, as already demonstrated, hence the period represented
is 475% months of 30 days, that is, 14,260 days. As already
ascertained, the entrance into that horizontal passage system
marks midnight, August 4th, 1914, when Britain entered the
Great War and the preliminary stage in the smashing of the
Old Order began; 14,260 days from that time brings us to
August 20th, 1953, as the date by which the transition period
will have ended, the Old Order gone, and the foundations of
the New Order of Ages will have been laid. While the main
pillars of the old “ Babylonian ” system of arrogant states in
Continental Europe may be expected to collapse in 1945 as
shown by the Subterranean Chamber details, nevertheless
there are many other lesser props of the old unjust Order to
come down after that, some of them indeed in nearly every
country. The Pyramid shows that after the downfall of the
aggressor powers, practically another decade will pass before
all the various unrighteous institutions of the Old Order are
brought to an end. Simultaneous with the mopping up of
the Old Order, the New will, of course, gradually come in.
Although the date on the chronograph marked by the end
of the Grand Gallery is 1914, as obtained by the direct measure-
ment up the passages at the Messianic Angle, nevertheless in
actually traversing the Grand Gallery, at the end we encounter
and must surmount the Great Step at the 50th course of the
Great Pyramid’s masonry, thus suggesting the approach to
the great Jubilee of Restitution and Rectification, which
indicates that we are being introduced to the preliminary
preparations for the Rectification of the World. But Recti-
cation is impossible so long as the Old Order stands, hence the
first steps involve the destruction of the Old World. If a
garden city is to be built on a site at present occupied by
slums, the first job is the demolition of the slum property.
The Old Order is like the slum dwellings, in more senses than
one, and the initial process of rectification is obviously the
demolition of the main structures, at least, of that Old Order.
The main structures of the earthly phase of the Old Order

are, of course, the great empires and states that have tried to
dominate and enslave the world for their own selfish aggran-
disement. The direct measurement up the Grand Gallery
to the beginning of the horizontal inset gives the chrono-
graph date 1914 as the beginning of the initial stage of that
demolition. The fact that the direct chronograph measure-
ment giving the 4th August, 1914 date ignores the “ American ”
Step shows that on that date Britain alone, without the U.S.A.,
would be involved in the beginning of the initial state. As
only the British and kindred nations are shown in the upper
passages of the Pyramid, there is nothing to prevent allies
joining with them, either because they have the wisdom
to do so, or are forced into the position through circumstances.
But it must be clearly observed that at the beginning of the
First World War in 1914 and at the beginning of the present
Second World War (which is but the continuation of the
First) when Germany began her great aggressions on sur-
rounding nations, the first nation to call to account the mighty
murderous aggressor and declare war on Germany at great
peril to herself (humanly speaking) was Britain—which
demonstrates the truth of the Great Pyramid’s revelation that
Britain is the “‘ spearhead ”’ of the New Order on Earth.
The uppermost portion of the Great Pyramid’s interior
passage system portrays this transition period (1914-1953)
from the standpoint of the inauguration of the New Order,
whilst the lowermost portion, lying some 240 feet vertically
beneath, depicts the simultaneous overthrow and destruction
of the Old Order. The period of 4 years from the summer
of the year 1941 to the year 1945 is revealed to be the time of
the sinking, collapse, and destruction of the Axis Powers
which are the main pillars of the Old Order. The present
World War will develop into the Great Revolution—a revolu-
tion such as the world has never known, one in comparison
with which the French and Russian Revolutions will be in-
significant. Those great organisations whose headquarters
are in Rome and Berlin, but whose influence and intrigue extend
to every part of the Globe, will be ground to powder and

utterly destroyed, never to rise again. With them the bondage

and intolerance of the Old Order will go, and the liberty of the
individual soul will triumph.
As will be seen from the charts, the special horizontal passage
system beyond the Grand Gallery is mainly constructed of red
granite. The first low part, however, is entirely of limestone,
and pertains, as we have seen by its symbolism and measure-
ment, to the period of the First World War in relation to
Britain, from 4th August, 1914, to Armistice Day, 11th
November, 1918. This was the initial stage of the World
Tribulation with which “this present evil world”? ends and
was prophetically referred to by Christ as ‘“‘ the beginning of
sorrows ”’ during which Jerusalem and Judea ceased to be
“trodden down of the Gentiles.’”” Jerusalem was delivered
in the closing month of 1917 and the entire country was freed
in 1918, and since then they have not been “ trodden down ”’
by any power; on the contrary the Holy Land, with its
capital, Jerusalem, have been uplifted by Britain from the
ashes of centuries. In Our Lord’s Great Prophecy (Matt. 24,
Mark 13, Luke 21) from which the above quotations are taken
He says, “‘ this generation [7.e. the generation that witnesses
“the beginning of sorrows’”’ and is living when Jerusalem is
delivered] shall not pass away till all be fulfilled.’ (Luke 21, *).
According to Biblical usuage a generation was 40 years, the
duration of the Wilderness Journey of the Israelites (Numbers
32, 18). “The beginning of sorrows’ commenced in 1914,
and therefore the period of that generation will ‘“‘ pass away ”’
by 1954, forty years later. Our Lord’s Great Prophecy
reveals that within this period the Old Order will come to an
end, the First Resurrection take place and “ the new heavens ”’
come into being, and the foundations be laid of the New Order,
or in other words, the transition from the Old Order to the
New will be complete. According to the Prophecy all this
is due to be fulfilled before the period of this generation passes
away during the year 1954, that is to say all is to be accom-
plished by 1953 at the latest. We have already shown from
the geometric measurements that the end of the horizontal

system symbolising this transition period marks the date

20th August, 1953, which, it will be observed, agrees with
Our Lord’s Great Prophecy to the letter.
Furthermore, the details portrayed in that horizontal
passage system agree precisely with the details of Our Lord’s
Great Prophecy. As mentioned above, ‘“‘ the new heavens ”’
of the New Order comprise Christ and his resurrected saints,
who will displace ‘the heavens which are now’’ consisting
of the Devil and his demons. In the Bible the New Order is
often called the Kingdom of God and it was for this that
Christ taught us to pray “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be
done on Earth as it is in Heaven.’’ However great the prepar-
ations now being made for the New Order, it obviously cannot
be fully inaugurated until ‘the new heavens’’ come into
being, that is, until the saints be resurrected and given power
and authority, “sitting with Christ upon His throne,” dis-
placing Satan as “‘ the god of this world ’’ and “ the prince of
the power of the air.”’ This obviously necessitates the First
Resurrection—the resurrection of Christ’s saints—to take place
in the present transition period between the Old Order and
the New ; and both the Bible and the Pyramid clearly reveal
that will be so. Our Lord in His Great Prophecy reveals that
before this generation passes [7.e. the I914 generation] He
shall come for his saints and appear ‘‘in heaven ’”’ and that
consequently ‘“‘the powers of the [present] heavens shall be
shaken.”’ In harmony with this the Apostle Paul, addressing
the saints, states, “when Christ who is our life shall appear,
then shall ye also appear with him in glory.’’ So Christ tells
us that within the allotted generation (1914-1954), what we
now call the Old Order, the present “‘ heaven and earth shall
pass away’”’ in “‘a time of trouble such as never was since
there was a nation ”’ and “ distress of nations with perplexity ”’
—just what we see happening before our very eyes to-day.
And Jesus said, ““ When these things begin to come to pass,
then look up, and lift up your heads: for your deliverance
draweth nigh.”
But the main feature in Our Lord’s Prophecy and the one

He specially stresses is His coming to take the saints to be

with Him in glory “‘in the heavens,’’ and so we find that the
predominating symbolism in the horizontal system beyond
the Grand Gallery in the Pyramid pertains to the First Resur-
rection—the gathering of the saints to form “‘ the new heavens.”
On emerging from the “‘ Great War ”’ Passage we immediately
find ourselves under the granite roof of the ‘‘ Ante-Chamber ”
and from that point onward the structure is almost entirely
of granite ; the King’s Chamber itself and the passage leading
into it being wholly granite. The whole granite arrangement
was alluded to in the ancient Egyptian ritual as The Secret
House. It forms a separate and distinctive feature of the
Pyramid, which is otherwise built entirely of limestone; it is
really a separate building within the limestone of the Pyramid.
It is also a geometric entity, as it is constructed according
to a complete geometric design, the extent of which coincides
exactly with the complete granite structure. .
As granite is a superior stone to limestone, the predominating
symbolism of the Granite ‘‘ House”’ in the Pyramid pertains
to the higher phase of the New Order, that is, “the new
heavens.”’ Both the geometric and the structural symbolism
completely confirm this. The distance from the end of the
limestone “‘ Great War ”’ passage along the full length of the
“ Ante-Chamber”’ to the beginning of the Granite Passage
is the same as the height of the Grand Gallery’s partition
grooves above the roof line of the First Ascending Passage
and is equal to the diameter of the Celestial Circle (the Year
Circle). Thus the length of the Ante-Chamber is such that
the Celestial Circle fits exactly into the “ chamber ”’ between
its north and south walls. The radius (58-13 P”) and double
radius or diameter (116.26 P”) of the Celestial Circle, in the
Pyramid, are invariably associated with the “heavens ”’ or
spiritual life. For example, the Pyramid’s Apex (of the
full design) is 5,813 Pyramid inches above the base, and this
is precisely 100 times the radius of the Celestial Circle. Ten
(10) is the complete number, on which the numeric systems
of all nations are based. Ten times ten (10 X I0) or ten





11th Nov.
4th August 20th August
1914 1953




squared (10) represents that which is complete on all sides—

perfection. How appropriate therefore that Christ, the
embodiment of spiritual perfection, as Head of the New
Heavens should be represented by the Pyramid’s Apex or
Top-Stone exalted to the height of 100 times the radius of
the Celestial Circle above the earth. That the length of the
Ante-Chamber being equal to the Celestial Circle diameter
is of deep spiritual significance and has to do with the new
heavens is confirmed by the structural symbolism. At the
end of the Ante-Chamber, over the entrance to the small
Granite Passage, four deep broad vertical grooves rise right
up to the lofty roof of the “chamber.” At the bottom of
each of the vertical grooves there is a scoop eight inches long,
the lower end of the scoops coinciding with the beginning of
the roof of the low Granite Passage. The symbolism here is
unmistakable ; it clearly pictures a process of being scooped
up or caught up, which instinctively calls to our mind the
words of the Apostle Paul with reference to Christ’s return
and the First Resurrection when he said, ‘‘ The dead in Christ
shall rise first ; then we which are alive and remain SHALL
BE CAUGHT UP together with them in the clouds to meet
the Lord IN THE AIR” and so form “the new heavens ”
and thus displace the present “prince of THE POWER
OF THE AIR” as the Bible designates the Devil. The
words of Our Lord’s Great Prophecy regarding this event
are: ‘‘ They shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of
heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his
angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather
together his elect from the four winds ’’—hence the significance
of the four grooves.
These four vertical grooves rising from the roof of the Granite
Passage at its entrance clearly show that this passage represents
the passage of the saints into glory to form “ the new heavens,”
and this is completely proved by the fact that this short
passage leads into the King’s Chamber, the predominating
symbolism of which unmistakably pertains to resurrection
glory in the Divine presence. In the ancient Egyptian texts

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the King’s Chamber was alluded to as “‘ The Chamber of the

Resurrection ”’ and also as “‘ The Chamber of the Open Tomb ”
for in it stands the Granite Coffer, which has the appearance
of an empty stone coffin without a lid. The ancient Egyptians
of the Pyramid period, on observing what appeared to be an
empty lidless sarcophagus being placed in the Pyramid’s
crowning chamber, the King’s Chamber, while under construc-
tion, concluded, and rightly so, that it symbolised resurrection,
but naturally they misapplied it to a local deity—the deified
Osiris—instead of to Christ and the risen saints of an age then
in the far-distant future. Speaking of the beliefs of the ancient
Egyptians regarding the Pyramid, the well-known Egyptolo-
gist, Marsham Adams, in his work The Book of the Master of
the Hidden Places (1933 edition) p. 41, says, “In truth, the
Great Pyramid is the House of a Tomb ; but it is not a closed
but an open tomb. It is the tomb. . . not of the dead, but
of the risen.”’
It is remarkable, too, that this Coffer in the King’s Chamber
is the same size, in its interior capacity, as was the Ark of
the Covenant in the Holy of Holies in the original Hebrew
Temple at Jerusalem. It will be recalled that it was from the
top of the Ark of the Covenant that the Shekinah Light,
representing the Divine presence, radiated. The correspon-
dency in symbolism between the granite Secret House in the
heart of the Pyramid and the ancient Hebrew Tabernacle or
Temple,is striking. The two granite blocks forming the roof
of the short, low Granite Passage, together with the other
blocks above them constituting the “ partition ’’ between the
Ante-Chamber and King’s Chamber correspond symbolically
to the enormously thick curtain called the Vail which divided
the Holy from the Holy of Holies, and under which the High
Priest had to stoop down to gain access to the presence of the
Lord represented in the Holy of Holies (or Most Holy). In
the Tabernacle proper or Secret House, gold was the metal
used in construction, whilst in the Court outside a lower grade
of metal, namely copper, was employed. So the Pyramid’s
Secret House is constructed of granite, whilst outside of that

Sanctuary the entire Pyramid is built of a lower grade stone,

limestone. Thus, granite in the Pyramid corresponds to gold
in the Tabernacle and represents things Divine. The King’s
Chamber, the innermost of the two chambers of the Pyramid’s
sanctuary has the same significance as the innermost of the
Tabernacle’s two chambers, the Holy of Holies.
The great mystery enshrined in the Pyramid’s “ Secret
House ”’ of granite, therefore, is the union of the members of
the true church with Christ in the First Resurrection. And
what is most convincing, the New Testament also declares
this to be the great mystery of the Scriptures that has been
hidden from ages and generations. Listen to the following
statements from the Bible: ‘‘ Christ also loved the church
and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse
it . . . that he might present it to himself a glorious church,
not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it
should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love
their wives as their own bodies. For we are members of his
body. For this cause shall a man... be joined unto his
wife and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery :
but I speak concerning Christ and the Church.’’ ‘* Behold,
I shew you a mystery: we [the saints] shall not all sleep, but
we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an
eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound and the
dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.”
“The dead in Christ shall rise first and we which are alive
and remain shall be caught up together with them. . . so
shall we ever be with the Lord.” ‘‘ The mystery which hath
been hid from ages and from generations but now is made
manifest to his saints to whom God would make known
what is the riches of the glory of this mystery . . . which is
Christ in you, the hope of glory.’’
There is no exit from the King’s Chamber ; it is a finality.
This shows that “‘ the new heavens,” comprising Christ and the
risen saints, and of course, ‘‘ the new earth”’ organised under
their direction and control will be an abiding condition. Hence
“the new heavens and the new earth wherein dwelleth

righteousness’ are also termed in the Bible “the world

without end.” The Prophet Daniel says the same thing but
in different phraseology : ‘‘ The saints of the Most High shall
take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even
for ever and ever.” ‘‘ And the kingdom and dominion, and
the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall
be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose
kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall
serve and obey Him.”’
Now to summarise the situation—The horizontal system
beyond the Grand Gallery portrays the time of transition
between the Old Order and the New Order, and is the precise
period covered by Our Lord’s Great Prophecy. The intro-
ductory limestone section comprising the first low passage
represents the first World War, 1914-1918, with relation to
Britain, the power that liberated Jerusalem and the Holy Land
from age-long oppression. The Lord referred to this as ‘‘ the
beginning of sorrows,’’ wherein He said “nation shall rise
against nation and kingdom against kingdom ”’ and Jerusalem
would cease to be “ trodden down of the Gentiles.” Beyond
_ the “‘ Great War ”’ Passage we come into the sphere of granite
and enter the Secret House, the symbolism of which is mainly
devoted to the final union of Christ and the saints (the true
Church) in the First Resurrection. This is the mystery or
secret enshrined in the ‘‘ Secret House” of the Pyramid and
it is this same great secret or mystery that the Bible repeatedly
refers to and says it is the mystery that has been hidden for
ages, and it is the main theme of Our Lord’s Great Prophecy.
Concerning His Prophecy the Lord said it would all be fulfilled
within a generation, that is, in less than 40 years, in accordance
with the Biblical usage of the term. According to the chrono-
logical scale provided by the Pyramid itself, the measurement
of the full length of the “‘ Secret House ”’ with its introductory
limestone passage reveals that all will be fulfilled in 39 years,
from I914 to 1953. Verily, the Great Pyramid’s Secret House
of granite, with its introductory passage, is Our Lord’s Great
Prophecy in stone! The simultaneous dissolution of the

Old Order in the ‘‘ time of trouble such as never was since

there was a nation” is portrayed in the Great Underground
Cavity and Pit that lie vertically beneath the Secret House.
The granite ‘‘ Secret House ” is an entity, forming a complete
pattern of symbolism in itselfi—a mass of symbolism en bloc,
pertaining to the period as a whole, in which it is set, namely,
1918-1953. In the Ante-Chamber portion, particularly, the
symbolism is very elaborate, involving portcullis arrangements,
pilasters, broad groovings, semi-circular cuttings, wainscots,
etc. ; obviously it would be unreasonable to measure up any
one of these details, calculate a date therefrom and expect the
particular symbolic detail only to apply to that moment of time.
Clearly the elaborate symbolism applies to the Granite House
as a whole and will all be fulfilled within the chronological
period represented thereby. Even the geometrical construc-
tion confirms this. If the Celestial Circle, which exactly fits
into the Ante-Chamber and defines its length, be regarded
as a chronological cycle, that is to say if it were to make a
complete revolution along the inset chronograph, which is |
represented on the floor, the date defined by the end of the
cycle would be 20th August, 1953, which is the very day,
marked by the end of the Pyramid’s “ Granite House.” That
is to say, the entire mass of detailed symbolism portrayed in
granite forms one comprehensive whole applicable to the period
as a whole, showing the developments that will take place
within the specified period represented by the Granite House
and defined by the chronological cycle of the Celestial Circle
which is geometrically portrayed in the Ante-Chamber at the
entrance to that Granite House.
How perfectly this position harmonises with what Christ
foretold! He told us that when we see these things begin
to take place (and we have now seen “the beginning of
sorrows ’’ and deliverance of Jerusalem which he prophesied)
the generation witnessing them would not pass away till all
the words of His Great Prophecy had been fulfilled. The
main event dealt with in the Prophecy and the one that is
emphasised is the final union of all the elect saints with Christ

in glory, which is therefore due within the Biblical generation

of 40 years from “the beginning of sorrows” in 1914. The
Pyramid shows also that all that is foretold in our Lord’s
Great Prophecy is chronologically due to occur by the fall of
1953, just within the 40 years’ limit. While the Lord informed
us of the period, He did not reveal the precise day when the
union of His true church with Him would be completed in
glory, but on the contrary told us to ‘‘ Watch!” Although
the exact period is so definitely shown in the Pyramid, even
to the very day, and the symbolism portraying the glorifica-
tion of the church so outstandingly clear and predominant,
yet the precise date within the specified period is not revealed,
but here, as in the Scriptures, there is sufficient made plain to
cause every faithful footstep follower of Christ to ‘‘ Watch ”’
diligently, for at the most there is only some ten years to run,
and it may be much less, for the King’s Chamber represents
the inauguration of ‘‘ the new heavens” with the nucleus of
“ the new earth ” under its control by the fall of the year 1953.
But having been instructed to watch, let us watch for any
indications that the time may be nearer. Two dates in con-
nection with Biblical time-prophecies fall within this brief
period, and it will be worth our while to watch them. The
beginnings and endings of the long-term periods of chrono-
logical prophecy run in series. The last two dates of the series
in connection with the “1,335 days” of Daniel’s prophecy

run out in 1945 and 1948. Especially in view of the state-

ment ‘‘O the blessedness of him that waiteth, and cometh
to the 1,335 days’’ we would be well advised to watch care-
fully these two dates. It should also be carefully noted that
the ‘‘ 2,300 days’’ of Daniel’s prophecy run out precisely in
1953, the limiting date of the chronograph of the Pyramid’s
Secret House of Granite.
With this glorious revelation of the Pyramid’s Secret Granite
House how futile it is to look here for dates, etc. in connection
with the present war and chaos amongst the nations, for
these are to be found in their appropriate place, the chaotic
Subterranean Cavity far below. The bursting-up of the Old

Order could never be found symbolised in granite in the

The dark transition period between the Old Order and the
new, during which the glorification of the true church takes
place, is several times fittingly spoken of in the Bible as a
“night.” In fact in Mark’s account of Our Lord’s Great
Prophecy, Christ ends with these words: ‘‘ Watch ye there-
fore: for ye know not when the Master of the House cometh,
at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the
morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And
what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch!” In early Old
Testament times there were three watches in the night, namely,
the First Watch till midnight, the Middle Watch till 3 a.m.
and the Morning Watch till 6 a.m. In Christ’s time however
the night from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. was divided into four watches
of three hours each and named as under :—
First Watch or Evening .. 6p.m. tog p.m.
second ,, ,, Midmght .. 9p.m.to12mm0t.
Third i> ome LOCRCVOW..... SIA Tint Ose Bee
Bourth» » 30,7 Mornings... ..@3):aanito astue
In the dark night of trouble, 1914-1953, we are now about
to enter what would correspond to the Morning Watch, 1943-
1953. True to the Prophecy, we did not know beforehand
during what watch the Lord would gather his saints and
“shake the powers of the heavens”’ by forming “ the new
heavens,’’ but we knew it would happen within the generation
as He had told us. But we now know the Watch, because
three out of the four have now passed, and therefore it can
be no other than the fourth or Morning Watch.
Whilst the “ morning watch”’ is one of hope, for it term-
inates in the dawning rays of sunshine, nevertheless it also
contains the blackest of the night, for it is a true saying, “‘ The
darkest hour comes just before the dawn.” Both Bible and
Pyramid reveal that the brightest morning in the world’s
history, the establishment of “‘ the new heavens and the new
earth wherein dwelleth righteousness’ is to be preceded by

the darkest of her night. God says in the Scriptures “I will

shake the heavens and the earth; and I will overthrow the
throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the
kingdoms of the heathen. And I will shake all nations, and
the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house
with glory, saith the Lord of Hosts.” (Haggai 2, 7» 2» 22),
This is truly a black cloud with a golden lining !
The climax in the shaking of the symbolic earth, i.e. the wreck-
ing of the present social structure of the world, is pictured in
the symbols of the Book of Revelation as a colossal earthquake
such as has never been known. This is most appropriate, for
if the earth symbolises the social earth, then an earthquake
fittingly symbolises a violent shaking and overthrow in
organised society, in other words a revolution. Listen to the
Bible’s description of the terrible revolution now imminent
that will completely wreck the Old Order: ‘‘ And there was
a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the
earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great ’—Revelation
16, 18. The context shows that this is associated with the fall
of the Babylonian system which has continued in the dominant
Continental Empires through the ages as the heart and
core of the Old Order. In other words this most appalling
revolution is the terrific Continental Revolution now imminent,
in which particularly the systems centred in Rome and Berlin
will be blown off the face of the earth. Revelation indicates
it will be particularly terrible in the city that sitteth on seven
hills, 7.e. Rome (both symbolic and literal).
The Bible is teaming with examples of where the present
terrible world trouble is depicted and then immediately followed
by a description of the grand conditions of the New Order.
See, for example, Isaiah, chapter 34, where the present world
holocaust is vividly portrayed, whilst the following chapter,
the famous 35th, describes the glories of the New Order, and
closes with the grand words “sorrow and sighing shall flee
away.” Similarly Isaiah 24 gives a vivid picture of the
current world tribulation whilst the next chapter, 25, tells of
the glorious time to follow wherein God “ will destroy the face

of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread
over all nations. And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is
our God, we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice
in his salvation.”
In Isaiah, chapter 24, just mentioned, describing this great
final cataclysm upon the nations, there is interjected, right
in the middle of the lurid description, the statement that in
a certain region the people shall glorify God and sing loud
praises to Him. In other words, a great spiritual revival is
to develop during this great tribulation, and this is described
as bursting forth in the “Isles of the West ”’, which, as we
have already shown, are the isles off the west coast of Europe,
namely, the British Isles and Iceland. This is just what we
would naturally expect, for, as we have seen, it is the
race living on these islands who are the Divinely appointed
instrument to act as the “spearhead” leading the nations
into the new age, and, when purged, to form the nucleus of
the New Order amongst the nations, under the control of
Christ. Doubtless the great revival will have much to do
with the necessary purging.
Earlier in this work we have quoted part of the Scriptural
reference now under consideration, but here is the text in
full: “ They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the
majesty of the Lord, they shall cry aloud from the west. |Hebrew
“yam ’’ = sea or west]. Wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the
Jires, even the name of the Lord God of Israel in the Isles of the
West. From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs,
even glory to the righteous.” (Isaiah 24, 14-16), While these
verses apply to the Isles of the West in general—the British,
Icelandic and Faroese Islands—a careful examination of the
prophecy reveals that the words have a particular application
to Iceland. Note the following particulars concerning the
homeland of the people who are to be heard praising God in
the midst of a troubled world :—

1. These insular people are described in the prophecy as

living amidst fires. In our world the only fires of nature

that we know of are volcanoes, and Iceland is the only

one of these islands that has active volcanoes. Not only
so, but in proportion to its size, Iceland contains more
volcanoes than any other country in the world. In
modern times, the tremendous outpourings of white-
hot lava in Iceland are unexampled anywhere else in the
World. As comparatively recently as 1783 the great
Laki Craters threw out a lava stream about 45 miles in
length and 15 miles in breadth. Stefan Stefansson in
his book on “Iceland” says that this is “by far the
greatest on record and ‘unparalleled on the Earth in
historic times’.’’ So far as is known, this is the biggest
fire the World has ever seen since man was upon the
Earth. The whole country of Iceland was formed by
fire ; it owes its existence entirely to volcanic action, and
the many geysers and hot springs to be found all over
the island are connected with the volcanic fires below.
Iceland is known to Europeans as “ The Land of Fire.’’*
Truly, the Icelandic nation has lived amidst fires !
The Hebrew word “ urim” translated “ fires”’ in the
above quotation from the English Bible also means
“lights”. The only great natural lights in our world
are the Polar Lights (The Northern Lights or Aurora
Borealis and the Southern Lights or Aurora Australis)
and the only island nation living sufficiently near either
Pole to see these lights vividly from all parts of their
country is Iceland.

2. The prophecy locates this insular country as being in

“the uttermost part of the earth” or as the ancients
said, the “ultima thule”. The expression was at one
time applied in a general way to the far north, but later
became localised to Iceland. Sir Richard Burton has
* It is also referred to as ‘‘ The Land of Fire and Frost.’’ Iceland was
originally called Snowland. Although the climate in the lower lands of the
south-west is remarkably equable, the interior of Iceland contains huge snow-
fields, Perpetual snow occupies over 5,400 square miles of the country, and
the snow-line in the north of the island is only 2,000 feet above sea-level.

written a work of two large volumes entitled Ultima

Thule: this work is a description of Iceland, which this
author calls ‘‘The Canaan of the North’’. Iceland is
certainly at ‘‘the uttermost part of the earth”, for
beyond it there is nothing but the ice-bound Polar Sea.
The north coast of Iceland touches the Arctic Circle.

That God has been preparing the Icelandic nation to sing

praises to Him at that special time now near at hand, is shewn
by the following extract from Chambers’ Encyclopedia (caption
“Tceland”’; Vol. VI, pp. 61-65): “‘ Iceland has always been
and still is rich in song writers, especially, of a lyrical and
religious tendency.’ In the seventeenth century the great
religious poet, Hallgrimur Pjetursson (1614-1674) was raised
up, and ever since that time his beautiful hymns have been
sung at family worship in many Icelandic homes and have
had a distinctly uplifting influence on the spiritual life of the
When the great revival comes what a contrast there will be
between the happy worship of God in Iceland as voiced in
Isaiah 24, 1#-1® and the shattering of those great materialistic
nations on the Continent, as described by the prophet in the
same chapter, declaring: “‘ The earth shall reel to and fro
like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage ; and the
transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it ; and it shall fall
and not rise again.” “ The earth mourneth and fadeth away,
the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people
of earth do languish.” “The earth is utterly broken down,
the earth is clean dissolved.”
The similarity of the position of Iceland to-day in relation
to the nations of Christendom to that of the Tribe of Benjamin
amongst the Tribes of Israel in Biblical times is very striking,
as will be seen from the following :—

Benjamin Iceland
1. The Tribe of Benjamin was by Iceland is the smallest civilised
far the smallest of all the Twelve nation, not only in Europe, but in
Tribes of Israel. the whole World.
2. Benjamin, the ancestor and Iceland became inhabited last of
federal head of the Benjamites, was the European countries, and is there-
the youngest of all Jacob’s twelve fore the youngest of them all.
sons, from whom the respective
tribes of Israel originated.

3. At one time Benjamin “ ravined The Icelandic forefathers, as

as a wolf”’, but in the end; proved Vikings, also ‘‘ ravined as a wolf’’,
to be the tribe truest to the Faith, and but in the end, Iceland likewise
all Twelve Apostles of Christ were proved true to the Faith. To-day,
ultimately chosen from that one although there is full religious liberty,
Tribe. The Benjamites (or almost everybody in Iceland accepts
Galilzans, as they were later called) Christianity. ‘‘ From the first the
followed the Saviour by the thou- Icelanders have been an almost
sand, (It was the Jews of Judea homogeneous people as_ regards
who rejected Him.) church and religion, and religious
controversies may be said to be
unknown in the country.”

4. The Benjamites were liberty- The Icelanders are also very

loving and tolerant in _ religion. liberty-loving and tolerant in
It was the most famous Benjamite religion, The Established Church
of all, the great Apostle Paul, of Iceland is Protestant and Evan-
who said: ‘‘ Where the spirit of the gelical. ‘‘ The Icelandic Church has
Lord is, there is liberty’ “‘ Stand always been liberal in her views, even
fast therefore in the liberty where- the so-called orthodox branch of
with Christ hath made us free.” ji ASM ome Tes ban Ote tiemmebeat
fae or 3, 2", Gal's, 7.) tolerance exercised by this Church,
sectarian bodies are extremely few
and inconsiderable.

5. The SBenjamites (Galilzans) The oldest known translation of

were the first to translate and preach the Scriptures (O.T.) in any living
the Scriptures in other languages language is that in Icelandic (12th
(Actse2, (e-1t). century).

In ancient time, the little Tribe of Benjamin was the one

that usually led the way in new spiritual developments and
revivals, and at such times exhibited great faith in God.
Right at the very outset of Israel’s national history at the time
of the Exodus, when the Israelites, pursued by the Egyptian
hosts, came to the edge of the Red Sea, all stood in desperation
except the Tribe of Benjamin, who trusted God, leaped into
the bed of the sea, and led all Israel safely across. (Jewish
Encyclopedia, Vol. III, page 24). Then at the great crisis
when Christ came, it was again the Tribe of Benjamin who led
the way and became the pioneers of Christianity. The Ben-
jamites by that time had become known as Galileans, owing
to their having occupied the territory called Galilee in the
north of the Holy Land. All of the Twelve Apostles of Christ
were Galilzans, 1.e. Benjamites ; (Judas Iscariot was a Judean,
but his place was eventually taken by a Benjamite). Then
Paul, the great pioneering Apostle to the Gentiles, said him-
self that he was of the Tribe of Benjamin (Romans 11, }).
The Galilzans followed Christ by the thousand; it was the
Judzeans in the south from whom Christ received the most of
his persecution.
Psalm 68, speaking prophetically of the time when the
kingdoms of the Earth in general begin to sing praises unto
God, reveals that there will be a modern Benjamin, who will
lead in the thanksgiving and praise and that they will be a
small community ; note particularly the words in the latter
portion of the prophecy: ‘‘ He hath scattered the peoples that
delight in war. Princes shall come out of Egypt ; Ethiopia shall
haste to stretch out her hands to God. Sting unto God, ye kingdoms
of the Earth; O sing praises unto the Lord.” “ The stingers
went before... There is litile Benjamin their ruler (leader).”
—R.V. The last sentence is beautifully translated in the
French Bible, which reads :—
“ Voici Benjamin le plus jeune, qui conduit les autres.”
(Behold Benjamin the youngest, who leads the others.)
In Isaiah 24, 14-16 we are told the geographical position of the
homeland of those who would lead in praise and thanksgiving
to God when the great aggressive nations “that delight in
war ’’ are being smashed and the New Order, wherein is no war,
is coming in. On investigation we found this to be the British
and Icelandic Isles in general, but Iceland in particular.
Psalm 68 prophetically names these people, who would lead in
the praise at that time, as Benjamin, therefore Iceland is the
modern Benjamin, the Benjamin of prophecy ; and, from the
facts given above we see that the name is most appropriate,
for in many respects Iceland to-day stands in the same relation
to the other European nations of Christendom that Benjamin
did to the other Tribes of Israel in ancient time, and that the
characteristics of the Icelanders are strikingly similar to
those of the Benjamites of old.

From the political standpoint, of course, Iceland is much too

insignificant to have any weight or power in setting up the
structure of the New Order among the nations; the major
part of that task will be the honour of the British Empire and
the U.S.A. to perform. But it is within the power of a tiny
nation like Iceland to produce the light that could set ablaze
a great spiritual revival spreading over many nations. In
fact, the Bible itself tells us that in spiritual matters ‘‘ God
hath chosen the weak things of this world to confound the
things which are mighty . . . that no flesh should glory in
his presence.”’ In spiritual matters God has frequently used
a very lowly man to move a great nation, so likewise a tiny
nation filled with spiritual power could mightily influence
all Christendom. When this great revival, which the Bible
indicates will be greatly helped forward by deliverances
through Divine intervention (Ezekiel 39, #4-?%), has spread
over many nations, God says that the city of Jerusalem, the
scene of the death and resurrection of the Saviour, will be
established as the ecclesiastical Capital of the World—Read
Isaiah 2, 14, and Jeremiah 3,17. That will be the time when
' the Jews will come upon the scene prominently and play
their part in the inauguration of the New Order, as described
above. It is in preparation for this that God has arranged
for the rapid re-settling of Palestine by the Jews during the
past quarter century.
At this juncture a chronological feature should not pass
unnoticed. The parties whom God has arranged to function
in the inauguration of the New Order are portrayed in the
Pyramid as coming under the influence of the granite in 1918.
By that date the great Anglo-Saxon nations of the British
Commonwealth and U.S.A. had long been free from domination
or oppression, but not so with Iceland and Palestine, the
homelands of the other two peoples destined to function in
the inauguration of the ‘‘ new earth.” But with the fall of
the year 1918 both of these lands were set free—all Palestine
was liberated from age-long oppression with the close of the
Great War, whilst Iceland, though not involved in the war,
was freed from centuries of domination, within three weeks of
Armistice Day, namely December Ist, 1918, the anniversary
of which is now observed annually as Iceland’s National
Independence Day. The progress in both Iceland and Pales-
tine since 1918 has been phenomenal, and in marked contrast
to the centuries of stagnation previous to that date. Although
Iceland was freed from outside interference in 1918, she still
recognised the Danish King as King of Iceland, until 1941,
when Iceland became an entirely independent sovereign state.
It was also in 1941 that a well-known Icelander, J6nas Gud-
mundsson, published in the Icelandic Capital, a book entitled
Spddémarnir um Island (Prophecies regarding Iceland) drawing
attention to Iceland’s honoured calling. The book shows in
a clear and simple yet scholarly way the marvellous fulfilment
of Pyramid and Bible prophecies regarding Iceland. Amongst
other things it draws attention to the fact that one of our
own Pyramid writings published in 1937 stated that Iceland
was due to obtain complete liberation in 1941 and that this
came to pass right on time, when Iceland became a sovereign
state in May of that year. J6énas Gudmundsson also points
out that the present free and prosperous condition of Iceland,
in marked contrast to the terrible sufferings of Europe, was
also plainly depicted years ago, at a time when there was no
appearance of such development in Iceland: Dr. Helgi
Pjeturss, Iceland’s most eminent geologist has, from a different
angle of approach, also come to a similar conclusion regarding
Iceland’s calling. It was in 1941 too, on August 14th, that the
President of the U.S.A.and the British Prime Minister signed the
epoch-making Atlantic Charter in the North Atlantic, and before
leaving that region the British Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon.
Winston Churchill, addressed the liberty-loving Icelanders from
the balcony of their Houses of Parliament in Reykjavik.
The Great Pyramid in its own wonderful way geometrically
defines the geographical position of Iceland and at the same
time symbolically indicates the function of Iceland relative to
the introduction of the New Order, in harmony with what
we have just elucidated from the Biblical standpoint. In this

case, however, the matter is distinctly more technical than

anything dealt with in this little volume thus far, and is beyond
the scope of this work, which is intended to be a non-technical
book for ‘‘ the man in the street ’’,
But apart from Biblical and Pyramid revelation, is there
any special reason why Iceland should lead the way in thanks-
giving and revival? Yes, definitely! Certainly no country
in Europe, if not in the whole world, has such cause for thanks-
giving at the present time, as Iceland. To-day, when prac-
tically all the nations of the world, belligerents and neutrals
as well, are suffering severely through this great World War,
Iceland has never been so well off in all her history.* Further-
more, in addition to the enjoyment of freedom and prosperity,
Iceland has no fear of invasion by the murderous Nazi aggressors
for she is amply protected by strong British and American
forces. The Icelandic nation above all others ought to be
praising God day and night for such comfort, liberty and peace
in the midst of a world writhing in agony. Although Iceland
has neither army, navy nor air-force, yet God is demonstrating
_ how He can protect a defenceless country in a world armed
to the teeth. If any Icelander does not feel full of gratitude
to God for such amazing care in such a perilous world, he is
doing his country a positive injury, for if there be many such,
God in His love would doubtless find it necessary to withdraw
from Iceland some of her present material blessings in order
that the spiritual values be more highly appreciated, so that
the revival be not delayed. Let this great call for thanks-
giving and revival be sounded loudly in every Icelandic church,
so that Iceland may continue to enjoy all her present blessings,
and that other nations be encouraged to revival also. Thus
* One of the paintings by Iceland’s greatest sculptor and artist, Einar
Jénsson, shows the child Jesus and his Mother sheltering in a cave hollowed
in the side of an Icelandic glacier surrounded by snowfields. By this picture,
called J6l. 1917 (Christmas, 1917) the painter wished to portray that during
the Great War, Iceland was one little spot on Earth where the Saviour could
rest really peacefully at Christmas. Whilst this wonderful painting, now
to be seen in Reykjavik, is a true representation of the situation at that
time, it is much more, for it is prophetic and depicts with even greater vivid-
ness God’s great protecting care over Iceland in this greater World War.
The painting is verily Isaiah 24, 16 displayed on canvas.
the coming great spiritual revival in the “Isles of the West ”’
is shown to begin in the far north of these isles, in Iceland,
and spread southward into the British Isles.

Having now examined both the descending and ascending

series of the Pyramid’s passages and the chambers into which
they lead, let us now turn our attention briefly to the large
horizontal system lying between the two—the only part of
the interior of the Pyramid that we have not yet dealt with.
This consists of a long passage, usually known simply as the
Horizontal Passage, leading to the beautifully constructed
Queen’s Chamber. Originally the beginning of the Horizontal
Passage was completely covered over by the floor stones of
the Grand Gallery, thus indicating that this horizontal system
is quite separate and distinct from the sloping passage systems.
The Queen’s Chamber, in which the Horizontal Passage
terminates is a final chamber, that is to say, a chamber having
no exit; it is therefore a finality and symbolises a destiny.
It is spacious, magnificently constructed and has two ventil-
ators, thus indicating that the destiny is a grand one of life
and liberty. In these two respects it is like the King’s Chamber.
The two chambers have also the same width, but the Queen’s
Chamber is shorter, that is, it does not extend so far west as
the King’s Chamber. But the Queen’s Chamber is built at a
much. lower level as it is constructed on the 25th course of
masonry from the base of the Pyramid, whilst the King’s
Chamber rests on the 50th course. Furthermore, whilst the
King’s Chamber is built entirely of red granite, the Queen’s
Chamber contains no granite whatever, being entirely of
limestone—a lower grade of stone. All this clearly shows that
the destiny symbolised by the Queen’s Chamber, grand though
it be, refers to a lower plane than that of the King’s Chamber.
Edrisi, who visited the Great Pyramid and wrote an account
of it in the thirteenth century, states that in his day there
was still an empty coffer in the Queen’s Chamber as well as
one in the King’s Chamber. Sir Flinders Petrie, commenting
on Edrisi’s record describes it as an “‘ accurate and observant
account of the Pyramid.”’ He also suggests that some of the
fragments of that coffer are possibly amongst the innumerable
pieces of loose stone now filling the many holes and corners
in the chamber caused by excavations. It is practically
certain that had the coffer in the King’s Chamber not been
made of very hard tough granite, it would also have disappeared
long before now, for even as it is, it shows evidences of having
been severely mauled. The fact that the Queen’s Chamber
originally contained an empty coffer reveals that the destiny
it symbolises also involves a resurrection, but, of course, on a
lower plane than that portrayed in the King’s Chamber.
Instinctively this brings to our mind the two resurrections
of Scripture, defined as celestial and terrestrial, respectively.
As the Apostle Paul declares, ‘‘ But the glory of the celestial
[represented by the highly elevated granite King’s Chamber]
is one, and the glory of the terrestrial [represented by the less
elevated limestone Queen’s Chamber] 7s another.”
Confirmatory of this is the fact that the Queen’s Chamber
floor lies on the same level as the 30-inch base of the Christ-
_ Triangle described above. That horizontal base we discovered
represented the 30 years of Jesus’ life from his birth at Bethle-
hem till his baptism at Jordan, when he offered his perfect
humanity for the life of the world. The Heavenly Father
visibly manifested his acceptance of the offer, and Jesus
thenceforth for the next 34 years “ poured out his soul unto
death,”’ the sacrifice being consummated at Calvary. That
the Queen’s Chamber stands on the level or plane representing
human perfection, indicates that this is the destiny portrayed
by that Chamber, and this is in complete agreement with the
fact that the symbolism of the Chamber pertains to the terres-
trial resurrection, and not the celestial. How plain it is that
the Queen’s Chamber represents the destiny of the world of
mankind which will be obtained in an age following the entry
of the saints into their celestial destiny in the First Resurrec-
tion. After the saints are united with Christ in the First
Resurrection and have taken control as “ the new heavens ”
they will then begin their long-promised function of “ blessing

all the nations of the earth” in the regeneration. In the

ancient Egyptian texts the Queen’s Chamber is aptly referred
to as the Chamber of the Moon, wherein takes place the regen-
eration. In Egyptian symbology the moon was associated
with the ancestral home of the Egyptians, the Holy Land of
Khent, Paradise. The walls in the great Hall of Khent at
the entrance to the Temple of Isis at Annu or Denderah are
covered by the representation of the fourteen daily ascents
of the moon as it waxes from the new to the full moon, sym-
bolising the restoration of Paradise on Earth. The Bible
describes the age immediately following Christ’s return for his
saints as “the times of restitution of all things which God
hath spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the
world began” (Acts 3, 2%).
The long, low Horizontal Passage, with its rough, bumpy
floor, by which access to the Queen’s Chamber is gained,
fittingly represents the long ages of oppression through which
humanity passes before reaching its glorious destiny. The
Descending Passage and the features in the lower part of the
Pyramid’s interior system portray the Old Order, particularly
its governmental powers ; the ascending passages and features
in the upper portion depict the preparation for and inaugura-
tion of the governmental powers of the New Order; whilst
the Horizontal Passage and Queen’s Chamber lying between
the two represents the course of humanity itself, that is, the
peoples of the world as they have fared, first under the ruler-
ship of the old orders and finally under the permanent grand
New Order. In fact this central horizontal system constitutes
a panoramic view of the course of human history, through the
ages, to its eternal destiny, as it was in the mind of God from
the beginning. To illustrate that this is the viewpoint : Jesus
did not “ die for our sins and rise again for our justification ”
until mankind had been on the earth for long ages, but the
Bible clearly states that the Divine arrangement was made
for Jesus to be the Saviour of the World before man came into
existence on the earth at all, as we read in 1 Peter 1, 19721,
““ But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without

blemish and without spot : who verily was foreordained before

the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last
times for you, who by him do believe in God, that raised
him up from the dead, and gave him glory”; and again in
Revelation 13, 8, where Christ is referred to as “ the Lamb
slain from the foundation of the world.” Accordingly, in
the Pyramid, we find that the representation of the burst-
open shaft tomb portraying the death and resurrection of
Christ is situated at the very beginning of the Horizontal
Passage, whilst the Queen’s Chamber symbolising the ultimate
glorious destiny of mankind made possible through Christ,
is situated right at the end of the passage. We ask, Could
stone say more loudly, “ Known unto God are all his works
from the beginning of the world.’”’ God knoweth the end
from the beginning. It is as though the Almighty in designing
the Pyramid had first of all arranged for the plan of human
salvation, as it existed in His own mind, to be shown right in
the very heart and centre of the structure, as exhibited by the
central horizontal system, and then designed the sloping
passages, etc., round this in order to show the details in the
working out of that plan as it developed in actual practice
through the ages. Thus in the one case the death and resur-
rection of Christ the Saviour as symbolised by the burst-open
shaft-tomb is represented as being the beginning or founda-
tion of the whole matter, whilst in the other case it forms the
hub and centre of the whole scheme.
As this central horizontal system constitutes a panoramic
view of human history, it is, of course, laid out at a scale much
~ smaller than that of the general chronograph on the sloping
passages. The scale of this important horizontal system is,
in this instance, as in that of the other horizontal systems,
consistently revealed in the structural details in the Horizontal
Passage itself. As the period displayed in this case not only
extends forward into the far distant future but also backward
into the far remote past, it is impossible to elucidate the matter
satisfactorily without dealing at considerable length with
ancient chronology and archeological research, which of

course, is beyond the scope of this little volume : those desiring

to study the subject more deeply are referred to our more
detailed treatises on Chronology and Pyramidology, namely,
Hebrew Chronology Scientifically Established, and The Great
Pyramid, A Scientific Revelation.
However, it is appropriate that certain important chrono-
logical features relating to the New Order should be treated
here. It will be recalled that the date marked by the end of
the Dead End Passage beyond the Great Subterranean Cavity,
as obtained by the measurements is 28th January, 1994,
and that the symbolism indicates that by that time all the
evil, harmful or deceptive institutions will have gone, and every
trace of the structure of the Old Order will have vanished.
From the measurements of the King’s Chamber we learned
that the foundations of the New Order are due to be laid by
20th August, 1953. The complete setting-up or inauguration
of the New Order and the wiping out of all traces of the Old -
Order so far as its social structure is concerned will thus occupy
a period of over forty years from 1953 to 1994.
The social structure of the New Order having been built in
harmony with the will of God and His righteous laws by 1994,
that Divine Order will then be ready to function with full
unimpeded scope and tackle the real task for which it was
brought into being. What that task is, is stated in Scripture
in no uncertain terms. In Revelation 21, it is recorded that
the Apostle John was given a great vision of the future, which
he describes saying, ‘‘ And I saw a new heaven and a new earth
[a New Order]”’; and then proceeds to narrate what shall
be accomplished in that new order ; he says, “‘ And God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no
more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be
any more pain: for the former things [the sufferings of the Old
Order] are passed away.’’ In harmony with this the Apostle
Paul declared, “‘ He must reign till he hath put all enemies
under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”
The Pyramid shows the same, and reveals how long will be
required to eliminate evil and all that it entails (sin, sorrow,
suffering and death). It will be observed that the end of the
Dead End Passage marks the extreme southern limit of the
Great Pyramid’s interior passage system; consequently its
vertical alignment defines the extreme limit not only of the
special inch-month chronograph, but also of the general
chronograph. The plane of the Descending Passage ever
downward is the plane of evil and if this be continued till it
reaches the alignment defined by the end of that downward
passage system (that is, the vertical alignment of the end of
the Dead End Passage) we shall therefore obtain the date
when evil, with all its dire consequences, is due to come to an
end, after which there shall be no more sin, sorrow, pain or
death. The date marked by this extremity, according to the
inch-year scale of the general chronograph is A.D. 2994, which.
it will be noticed, is precisely 1,000 years after 1994, defined
by the same alignment on the special inch-month chronograph.
Thus, according to the Pyramid the period that will be required
to remove sin and death from the Earth is 1,000 years, exactly
as stated in the Bible. As we have learned from the Scripture
just quoted Christ is to reign till the last enemy, death, is
destroyed, and Revelation 20 states that the saints are going
to reign with him 1,000 years. Truly the Bible and the
Pyramid are harmonious to the last degree !
We have seen that even now God is making active prepara-
tions for the New Order, the 1,000-year opening-phase of which
will constitute the Millennial Reign of Christ, often simply
called the Millennium. The Pyramid has also revealed to us
that the complete inauguration of the Millennial conditions
will occupy the period 1953-1994. Every age has its inaugural
as well as its closing period, and the Millennium is no exception.
The terminal period at the end of the Thousand Years or
Millennium is referred to in the Bible as the Little Season,
during which a necessary testing takes place. Although, for
reasons already stated we cannot in this book go into the
chronological details of the central horizontal system, never-
theless we just state here, by way of interest that the period of
the Little Season at the end of the Millennium is therein
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revealed to be A.D. 2953-2994, hence precisely of the same

duration as the inaugural period a thousand years earlier.
So then, the long-expected Millennium is due to begin with
the inaugural period 1953-1994 and terminate at the “ Little
Season ”’ 2953-2994. By the latter date the New Order will
have been established in all its perfection and fulness, for
every trace of sin and death will have been wiped out forever,
as beautifully stated in Revelation 21, 4, cited above. The
Millennium, or first thousand years of the New Order will be
grand and glorious indeed, but the eternity to follow will te
more glorious still. As the Scriptures say, ‘‘ The whole earth
shall be filled with the glory of Jehovah.”’ Whilst the mass of
mankind has been quite oblivious to it, and many have been
thinking that matters had all gone wrong, yet, all the time
God’s great plan has been moving majestically forward to its
grand consummation. “ Across the vista of ages He saw in
His purpose the glory of an intelligent creation in His own
likeness, established in righteousness and worthy of His gift
of eternal life. He therein foresaw the mutual pleasure of the
Creator and the creature and with a peaceful patience He
resolved to wait for the glorious consummation.”
As we are now drawing very near to that grand day of
justice, truth and love, what is our present responsibility?
When we realise that much of the present trouble is due to the
opposition of the Old Order to the powerful righteous influences
of the New Order now coming in, our obvious duty is to align
ourselves on the side of the New Order, both individually and
nationally. Both the Bible and the Pyramid make it perfectly
clear that the New Order, with its lofty principles, is going to
triumph absolutely and completely—so completely indeed that
the Old Order, with all its selfishness and greed, will be utterly
annihilated, all the main pillars collapsing within the next
decade and every trace of the structure being wiped out
within the present twentieth century. The establishment of
the New Order is going to be so completely thorough and
universal that within the next millennium (3rd millennium
of the Christian Era) all things in heaven and on earth will be
brought into perfect harmony with God’s holy will and law.
What a glorious prospect ! How foolish for either nations or
individuals to attempt to stand in the way of such a grand
New Order—as some of the Continental powers in particular
will learn by bitter experience shortly. But there are those
in our own country, too, that are standing in the way of the
New Order, and not least amongst these are some of the
bigoted religious movements and individuals, who would like
to cut off from Christian fellowship all who do not accept their
particular interpretation of Scripture, and who exhibit such
a spirit of intolerance so typical of the Old Order and so con-
trary to the spirit of Christ and the New Order. LIBERTY
is the very essence of Christianity. -As the Bible itself says:
“Where the spirit of Christ is, there is liberty.”
The next question that naturally arises is the practical one :
HOW, in view of the problems and intricacies of the present
difficult times, can we come into harmony with the principles
of the Divinely planned New Order? President Franklin D.
Roosevelt gave us the solution to this in a nutshell when he
VIVAL, for if a man’s spiritual condition is right, every other
phase of his life automatically comes right; and the same
is true of a nation. And as we have just seen, this is precisely
the specific message of the Great. Pyramid in our time, calling
particularly to the British Commonwealth, U.S.A. and Ice-
land in the present circumstances, to lead the way. The
Pyramid is sounding a great call to these nations for a true
and sound revival as the real and speedy solution to their
present troubles. The key-note of the GREAT PYRAMID’S
Christians whether inside or outside of the denominations,
heed the call, put their shoulder to the wheel, and assist in



If you have received help

and encouragement from
the reading of this book
and would like to assist
in making this grand
message of the Great
Pyramid more widely
known, so that many
who are distressed in the
present trying times might
obtain the very uplift of
spirit which this message
affords, the Institute of
Pyramidology has been
founded for the purpose
of enabling you to do so
effectively. Particulars
regarding the Institute
are to be found on the
next page.
Kingsway Hai, Kinesway, Lonpon, W.C.2.


Present Emergency Address:

39, Beverley Gardens, Stanmore, Middiesex, London.

The Institute of Pyramidology, the only institute of its kind

in the World, was founded early in 1940 with the object of
advancing knowledge and research in Pyramidology in all its
branches. The main aim is to make more widely known all
over the World the great Divine Revelation enshrined in the j
Great Pyramid, in all its aspects—scientific, prophetic and
Anyone who understands that the Great Pyramid is a Divine
Revelation represented in stone is eligible for membership.
The activities of the Institute are carried on entirely through
voluntary contributions. Those who wish to support the
Institute in making known everywhere this grand Pyramid
truth please fill in the form on the opposite page and despatch
to the Secretary in order to be recorded as members.
While no fixed annual subscription is imposed, neverthe-
less we encourage a voluntary regular subscription, for
obviously no institute can carry on regular work without a
regular income. We know that Pyramid believers every-
where wish the proclamation of the Pyramid’s glorious Message
to continue, and that increasingly, but if this desire is to be
realised it is necessary for most of the members voluntarily
to subscribe a sum, however small, regularly to the Institute.
A line has therefore been provided for each member to state
how much he or she intends to contribute per year. This
information will greatly facilitate the Institute in planning
its work ahead.
= = =



As I have rece‘ved a blessing from the grand message of

the Great Pyramid and wish to assist in its proclamation so
that others also may derive a like benefit, please record my
name as a member of the Institute of Pyramidology.

ai eel i@)ce) 6s -e: (y's) 1s) ea'= Je! a)we) 6° 8.3) ee] Bile
Ge(ese! ete) je: pile) ls) @|leljes Jel e]is:le:(opie, -*{ 6;16]s6) 0) 8/6:
(Please state Titles, Mr. Mrs. or Miss)

WN aS UE TAU BOSS che, Be WA Nc Aededecos Bho te k Guitr then ee ae


fal ein) sical(e+ a» -e (e) (ie) e.0. ©.le) oe] 6 © le erie! 6 isis) o3)8)

Pe PCONIE EIN Orca. cccis.cs oucate isininon aieot

Voluntary Subscription (State amount per Year)..........

SURIUALUV En eishiera ales ietoiae an jaueieUale +i area g.

To the Secretary,
39, Beverley Gardens,
Stanmore, Middlesex, London.



This work is the product of life-long and intensive research
in the subject, and is very comprehensive in regard to the
spiritual and prophetic aspects of Pyramidology. The
symbolism of practically every nook and corner of the great
edifice is explained. The book should be read by every
Christian, for it portrays the Christian religion on a scientific
basis, and is consequently of inestimable value in these days
when Christianity is so often assailed on scientific grounds.
A newly obtained astronomical proof of incalculable value
in establishing the Great Pyramid’s chronological revelation
is herein elucidated for the first time in print. The work
contains fascinating information on the subject and much that
has never before been published. It contains a large and
unique chronological table, checked by the unerring test of
the Hebrew Sabbatic and Jubilee cycles.

Handsomely bound. Gilt lettered. Demy 8vo. 370 pages.

15 Plates.

Price 10/6 (°°!9%) In English and Icelandic.



Also obtainable as under :

AMERICA—Julius A. Graeves, 63, Eppirt St., East Orange,
Nie iS AS
ICELAND—Snebjérn Jénsson, Austurstreti 4, Reykjavik.
By the same author

This book deals in a fascinating way with the
origin, function and future of the Icelandic nation.
It is unique, for no other work of its type has
ever been published on Iceland, and it should be
read by all Icelanders at home and abroad, as well
as by others who are in any degree interested
in that charming Isle of the Sagas.



Obtainable in Iceland Obtainable in America

from ; from
Snebj6rn Jdénsson, Julius A. Graeves,
Boksali, 63, Eppirt St
Austurstreti 4, East Orange,
Reykjavik. IN; Jp USA:


In Iceland Kr. 1. In Gt. Britain 1/6 In America 45c.
(Postage 2d. extra).

The Great Pyramid
Its Christian Message
are delivered
by the President :
On the first Saturday afternoon of every month,
at3 oclock, at the
If you are in London or the Home Counties, come and
hear current events interpreted, month by month, in the
light of the Great Pyramid’s wonderful revelation, which
co-ordinates all scientific and religious truth.


** Pyramidology is the science which co-ordinates,
combines and unifies science and religion, and is
thus the meeting place of the two. When the Great
Pyramid is properly understood and universally
studied, false religions and erroneous scientific
theories will alike vanish, and true religion and true
science will be demonstrated to be harmonious.”
| President of the Institute of Pyramidology.

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