Advancing Genome Editing Thru CRISPR-COPIES: An Article Review For The Newly-Developed Tool To Revolutionize CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing

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Name: Alexander Joel N.

Osia Subject: General Chemistry 1

Grade and Section: STEM 11-Newton Teacher: Sir Mark Gil Ramos

Advancing Genome Editing Thru CRISPR-COPIES: An Article Review for the newly-
developed tool to revolutionize CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing

CRISPR-Cas9, popularly known as CRISPR, is a shortened term for “clustered

regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats” and Cas9 pertaining to an enzyme that acts
like a pair of molecular scissors, capable of cutting strands of DNA, is a powerful novel
technological advancement that enables scientists to edit the DNA and genomic sequences of
living organisms thru the removal, addition, or alteration of sections of the DNA sequence
(Smith, 2024; Lanese & Vidyasagar, 2023). According to the Broad Institute, CRISPR
genome editing allows scientists to create cell and animal models that could help various
medical applications such as: acceleration of research on diseases such as HIV, cancer and
mental illnesses, gene therapy, rapid disease diagnosis, advancing agricultural and
biotechnological growth, among others
It's been Introduced that the CRISPR/Cas system would be a cheaper, faster and more
effective way of gene editing. That’s why over the past decade, this technology has gone
tremendous advancements that help the technology produce a more precise editing tool. One
of it’s major advancement is the development of the CRISPR-COPIES by the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment.
According to Huimin Zhao, Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproduct
Innovation (CABBI) Conversion Theme Leader and Steven L. Miller Chair of Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) at the University of Illinois. “CRISPR-COPIES is a tool
that can quickly identify appropriate chromosomal integration sites for genetic engineering in
any organism.” CRISPR-COPIES (with COPIES bieng an acronym of “COmputational
Pipeline for the Identification of CRISPR/Cas-facilitated intEgration Sites) is said to be the
solution for the long unsolved problem of locating optimal integration sites in the genome for
gene edits.
To demonstrate the versatility and scalability of this new technology, in their
published paper in the Nucleic Acid Research the proponents of this research characterized
integration sites in three diverse species: Cupriavidus necator, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and
HEK 293T cells. Through the utilization of the integration sites they discovered, they were
able to genetically modify cells to produce more 5-aminolevulinic acid, a useful molecule
having uses in the food and agricultural industries.
This new advancement would be important in the studies of Chemistry as it could
illustrate how chemistry could be applied to better understand and manipulate the carrier of
the important genetic information of life—the DNA. As CRISPR gene editing implies to the
chemical interaction between DNA molecules and enzymes (Cas9) that could alter DNA
segments. Thru the help of this marvelous advancement, we could now further understand
mechanics, structure, and chemical reactions made by DNA, which could aid is
understanding life.
In an individual aspect, as someone who is fascinated and interested in these field of
sciences—genetics, biotechnology, and medicine, this research is a great innovation. The
CRISPR-COPIES is being utilized to create new grasses and yeasts for biochemical
production, or to treat diseases caused by genetic mutations. This will benefit me as an
individual, and us, in general, in various ways: the creation of new grass and yeast could help
increase food supply therefore everyone could have a food on their plate, and treating
diseases caused by genetic mutations such as cancer will be a great feat in human history that
could save if not thousands, millions of lives—including mine.
In the aspect of national development, the potential of CRISPR-COPIES gene editing
tool to enhance and revolutionize sustainability, efficiency, and diversity of the country’s
biological resources could be highlighted as a contribution to the country’s progress.
Moreover, as the proponents of this development proposes the use of this technology in
production of bioproducts such as biofuels and bioplastics, it could help our country reduce
our dependence from fossil fuels and avoid serious environmental impacts of anthropogenic
activities. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, once used in the medical field, CRISPR-
COPIES could save millions of lives, improving the health and well-being of our
In the article, Wendling (2024) reached into a vital conjuncture that “Researchers
around the world in both academia and industry can benefit from its utility in strain
engineering for biochemical production and transgenic crop development.” Hence, proving
the importance of the development of CRISPR-COPIES tool not just in the national level, but
also at the international standpoint.

Main Article Reviewed
Wendling, A. (2024). CRISPR-copies: New tool accelerates and optimizes genome editing.

Auxiliary Articles
Broad Institute (n.d.). Questions and Answers about CRISPR.
Lanese, N. & Vidyasagar, A. (2023). What is CRISPR, the powerful genome-editing tool?.
Smith, M. (2024). CRISPR. National Human Genome Research Institute.

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