First Week Bread and Pastry
First Week Bread and Pastry
First Week Bread and Pastry
I. Content Standard:
Performance Standard: Baking Tools And Equipment are Identified Based On Their Uses
a. General Objective: L.O. Prepare Tools and Equipment for Specific Purpose
b. Specific Objective: a. Identify the various baking tools and equipment
b. Explain the function of the different baking tools and equipment
c. Demonstrate the correct handling and using of baking tools and
II. Content:
A. Subject Matter: Baking Tools and Equipment and their Uses.
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries
1. Greetings
Good afternoon class! Good morning Ma’am!
2. Prayer
Kindly all stand and let us pray, (the student In the name of the Father and the
will lead the prayer) Son and the Holy Spirit…..
B. Pre-Activity:
1. Drill/Review
Today, let's start by reflecting on some of the baking
tools and equipment we're familiar with. Can anyone in
the class recall any baking tools or equipment they've
seen or used before? Feel free to shout out any items
that come to mind!
2. Motivation
graduated cup
Very good! Graduated cup is important in baking
because it helps you measure ingredients accurately.
How about this one?
electric mixer
mixing bowl
C. Presentation:
So now that you already identify some of the tools and It’s all about baking tools and
equipment, What do you think is our lesson for today? equipment.
Do you have any one of this at your house? answer may vary
Let the students read the objectives Students will read the objectives
At the end of the session, students
will be able to learn how to:
a. Identify the various baking
tools and equipment
b. Explain the function of the
different baking tools and
c. Demonstrate the correct
handling and using baking
tools and equipment
D. Lesson Proper:
1. Activity
Before we will proceed with our topic, let us have an
title of the activity: Baking Tools and Equipment
Matching Game
Group yourselves into 2 groups.
Each group will have an envelope that contains pictures
attached in the manila paper. All you have to do is to
match the name of the tool or equipment with the
correct picture.
The group that finish first will serve as winners. Are my Yes Ma’am!
instructions clear? (The students will start the activity.)
E. Post Activity
2. Analysis
What can you tell us about the activity? We match the picture with its
Yes, that’s correct!
Did you see how each tool has its own function? Yes Ma’am.
Mixing bowl is
designed to hold all your ingredients
and let you mix them together
G. Application:
Given the provided baking tools and equipment, Students will choose the right tools
students will do demonstrate the correct way to handle and equipment and demonstrate the
and use them correct way to handle and use them
IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Identify the baking tools and equipment
described below, write your answer in your paper.
a. Wooden spoon f. Egg beater
b. Pastry blender g. Doughnut cutter
c. Mixing bowls h. Deck oven
d. Pastry wheel i. Loaf pan
e. Spatula j. Utility tray
1. A baking tool that is used for baking loaf bread.
2. Another baking tools that has a sloping sides used
for mixing ingredients and comes in graduated
3. It is called a stack oven.
4. Sheena is making biscuits and doughnuts, she
wanted to cut her dough, what baking tool will she
5. Alvira is baking and is mixing the ingredient, what
tool will she use to hold the ingredients together?
6. It is also called mixing spoon
7. A baking tool used for cutting fat with flour in the
preparation of pies and pastries
8. It is used for beating eggs or whipping cream.
9. Used for cutting dough when making pastries
10. Used for icing cakes.
V. Assignment/Enrichment:
Make a scrapbook of different baking tools and
equipment using magazines or printed materials.
Prepared by:
Activity: Fasteners Made Easy
1. Tools and materials are provided.
2. Inform the group members of your plans for the activity.
3. The fabric should have fasteners attached to it.
4. One group member will demonstrate to class how to attach the fastener to the fabric