K234101317 Teachable Machine

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// https://github.


// the link to your model provided by Teachable Machine export panel

const URL = "./https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/models/8TeY-6kjR//";

let model, webcam, labelContainer, maxPredictions;

// Load the image model and setup the webcam

async function init() {
const modelURL = URL + "model.json";
const metadataURL = URL + "metadata.json";

// load the model and metadata

// Refer to tmImage.loadFromFiles() in the API to support files from a file picker
// or files from your local hard drive
// Note: the pose library adds "tmImage" object to your window (window.tmImage)
model = await tmImage.load(modelURL, metadataURL);
maxPredictions = model.getTotalClasses();

// Convenience function to setup a webcam

const flip = true; // whether to flip the webcam
webcam = new tmImage.Webcam(200, 200, flip); // width, height, flip
await webcam.setup(); // request access to the webcam
await webcam.play();

// append elements to the DOM

labelContainer = document.getElementById("label-container");
for (let i = 0; i < maxPredictions; i++) { // and class labels

async function loop() {

webcam.update(); // update the webcam frame
await predict();

// run the webcam image through the image model

async function predict() {
// predict can take in an image, video or canvas html element
const prediction = await model.predict(webcam.canvas);
for (let i = 0; i < maxPredictions; i++) {
const classPrediction =
prediction[i].className + ": " + prediction[i].probability.toFixed(2);
labelContainer.childNodes[i].innerHTML = classPrediction;

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