CHED-UNESCO, Bangkok 2009- to ensure that the ISTE ( International Society for Technology in Education) For
program outcomes related to ICT shall achieved, Students
Standard 1. Creativity and Innovation-This will produce
ICT COMPETENCY STANDARDS SEVEN DOMAINS students who demonstrate creative thinking, creative
Domain 1. Understanding ICT in Education – knowledge.
demonstrate awareness of policies affecting ICT in Standard 2. Communication and Collaboration- this standard
education requires students to use digital media and environments to
Domain 2. Curriculum and Assessment - communicate and work collaboratively
demonstrate understanding of concepts, principle Standard 3. Research and Information Fluency –Students are
and theories of ICT system as they apply to teaching expected to apply tools to gather, evaluate, and use information
learning. and plan strategies for inquiry.
Domain 3. Pedagogy –apply relevant tools for Standard 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision
classroom activities Making- this standard expects the students to use critical
Domain 4. Technology Tools – demonstrate thinking skills to plan and conduct research.
competence in the technical operation of the Standard 5. Digital Citizenship- every technology students
technology tools and systems as they apply to becomes a digital citizen who demonstrate ethical and legal
teaching and learning behavior.
Domain 5. Organization and Administration- Standard 6. Technology Operations and Concept-sound
managetechnology-assisted instruction in an understanding of technology concepts, systems and operation is
inclusive classroom environment a standard that students should comply with.
Domain 6. Teacher Professional Learning-Explore
existing and emerging technology to acquire LESSON 2.Basic Concept in ICT
additional content and pedagogical knowledge ICT Covers any product that will store, receive, manipulate,
Domain 7. Teacher Disposition transmit or receive information electronically in digital form. For
Example, personal computers, digital television, email, robot.
ISTE ( International Society for Technology in 1. Technology – refers to a mix process and product use in the
Education) application of knowledge.
ISTE ( International Society for Technology in 2. Information and Communication Technology Literacy or ICT-
Education) For Teachers use of digital technology communication tools and/ or networks
Standard 1. Technology Operations and Concepts- to access manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate
This means that teachers demonstrate a sound information to function in a knowledge society (Guro 2011).
understanding of technology operations and 3. Educational Technology- use of technology in teaching and
concepts. learning. Includes both non-digital (flip arts, picture, models
Standard 2. Planning and Designing Learning realia, etc. and digital (electronics tools, hardware, software
Environment and Experiences – the standards and collections.
implies that teachers utilize the use of technology to 4. Digital Literacy - ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and
plan a design effective learning environments and create content using information technologies and the internet.
experiences. According to American Library Association(2018) it is the ability
to use information and communication requiring both cognitive
Standard 3. Assessment and Evaluation – teachers and technical skills.
apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective 5. Digital Learning-any type of learning accompanied by
assessment and evaluation strategies to collect and technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use
analyze data of technology.
Lesson 2….. Lesson 2….
6. Online Digital Tools and Apps – used an internet
connection to access the information needed. 18. Blog – online journal where posted information from both
Common example is Skype teachers and students
7. Online Digital Tools and Apps- can still be used 3 KIND OF BLOGS:
even if there is no internet access. Among these are: Blog used of communication, blog used for instruction and
Canary Learning, Pocket, Evertone, ibooks, KA LITE. blog used for both ( Ferries & Garry, 2010)
8. Instructional Technology- the theory and practice 19. Wiki – editable website usually with limited access, allows
of design, development, utilization, management students to collaboratively create and post written works or
and evaluation of the process and resources of digital files such as digital photos or videos. Wikepedia is one of
learning. the most widely recognized of all wikis
9. Software – refers to program control instruction 20. Flipped Classroom – utilized reversed instructional delivery
and accompanying documents. where the teachers required to use the web resources as
10. Multimedia – is a sequel or simultaneous use of homework or out of class activity as initial instruction of the
a variety of media formats in each presentation of lesson which will be discussed during the class time
self-study program (Smaldino, 2005) 21. Podcast – video or audio multimedia clip about a single topic
11. Internet – massive network of networks typically in the format of the radio talk show.
networking infrastructure. It connect millions of 22. Google Apps – a cloud based teaching tools which is stored
computers together globally. in the google and is available for students both at home and in
12. World Wide Web ( www) – also called the web school period.
which is araphical environment on computer 23. Vlog – a video blog in which each entry is posted as video
networks that allows you to access, view and instead of the text.
maintain documents 24. Facebook- popular networking site used by students and
13. Web Access – the ability of the learner to access adults worldwide to present information on themselves and to
the internet at any point during the lesson to take the world.
advantage of the array of available educational 25. VOIP ( Voice Over Internet Protocol) – a category of
resources. hardware and software that enables people to use the internet
14. WebQuest – an inquiry-oriented lesson format in as transmission medium for telephone calls by sending voice
which most or all information that learners work data and pocket using ip rather than traditional circuit
with comes from the web. transmission.
Visual Symbols
These are more abstract representations of the concept or
the information.
First introduced in Dale's 1946 book "Audio- Examples of these are information presented through a
Visual Methods in Teaching" graph or a chart.
Is a visual model that shows a continuum of For example, a process can be presented using a flow
learning. chart.
The Challenges of Teaching with Technology
Digital technologies—such as computers, handheld
devices, and software applications—by contrast, are protean
(usable in many different ways; Papert, 1980); unstable (rapidly
Lesson 4….. changing); and opaque (the inner workings are hidden from users;
Turkle, 1995).
Also, complicating teaching with technology is an
Verbal Symbols understanding that technologies are neither neutral nor unbiased.
This category appears to be the most abstract because Approach to Thinking about Technology Integration
An approach is needed that treats teaching as an
they may not exactly look like the concept or object
interaction between what teachers know and how they apply what
they represent but are symbols, words, codes, or they know in the unique circumstances or contexts within their
formulae classrooms.
learning where one learns by doing. There is no “one best way” to integrate technology into
4. How many sense will your students employ when curriculum. Rather, integration efforts should be creatively
you use an instructional material taken from a band of designed or structured for particular subject matter ideas in
the cone? specific classroom contexts.
Technology Knowledge
A person’s understanding of the function and
operation of currently available technology and
applications on that technology. Students develop
technological knowledge particular to technological
enterprises and environments and in relation to how
and why things work.