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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Applicant’s Name: School:

Present Position:

 Authenticated TOR__________________
For Master Teacher I  PRC License
1. Permanent teacher _______________________
2. Bachelor’s degree for teachers or equivalent as provided  Latest Appointment
in Magna Carta for teachers plus 18 M.A. units. __________________
3. Very Satisfactory performance rating for the last two  Date of Last Promotion
years. _______________
4. At least three years experience  Performance Rating (3
5. At least 25 pts. in leadership and potential or has been a VS)____________
demonstration teacher on the district level plus 15 pts. in  Class
leadership and potential. Adviser_______________________
 No. of Demo Teaching
School____ District ____ Division _____
For Master Teacher II Region_____ National _____
1. Master Teacher I (or ESP I) for at least one year
2. Very Satisfactory rating as Master Teacher I
3. Bachelor’s degree for teachers or equivalent as provided
in Magna Carta for Teachers, plus completion of
academic requirements for M.A
4. At least 30 points in leadership, potential, and
achievement, or demonstration teacher on the division
level plus 20 pts. in leadership and potential provided the
activities or accomplishments listed for this purpose had
not been credited or used for earlier promotions.

For Master Teacher III

1. Master Teacher II
2. M.A. in education or equivalent. The following are
considered M.A. equivalent
a. Bachelor’s degree for teacher or equivalent plus 20
years’ experience and at least 20 units for M.A.
b. Bachelor’s degree for teacher or equivalent plus at
least 20 graduate units and at least 18 credit allowance
3. Very satisfactory performance rating as Master Teacher II.
4. At least 45 pts. in leadership, potential and achievement
provided the activities or accomplishments cited for this
purpose had not been credited for an earlier promotion.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


A. Introduced any of the following which has been adopted (20 points maximum)
or used by the school or district/division
1. Curriculum or instructional materials
a. Certification issued by the proper authority that the __________________
curriculum/IMs were used by the School/District
b. Copy of the curriculum/IMs introduced
Regional :10 Division :8 _________________
District : 6 School : 4 ________________
Sub total
2. Effective teaching techniques or strategies School Div.
a. Certificate of Demo Teaching made corroborated __________________
by at least 5 teacher observers
b. Certification that the teaching techniques or __________________
strategies were used by the school/district signed
by school head/district supervisor
c. Copy of the lesson plan showing effective teaching _________________
techniques or strategies duly approved by the
School head
d. Program of Activities when demonstration __________________
teaching was made signed by proper authorities
No. of Demo: School District Div. Region
3 or more 3 pts. 6 8 10
2 2 pts 4 6 8
1 1 2 4 6

Sub total
3. Simplification of work as in reporting system,
recording keeping etc., or procedures that resulted in
cost reduction
a. Certification for Simplification of Work that ______________
resulted to cost reduction, corroborated by five (5)
b. Letter request to the SDS to adopt the originally ______________
made material for the Simplification of Work
c. Brief description of work/ reporting system/record _____________
keeping or procedure that resulted in cost
d. Work plan for the implementation _______________
e. School memorandum _______________
f. Accomplished Report (Narrative and Pictorial) _______________
Regional Level = 20 District Level = 12
Division Level = 16 School Level = 8

Sub Total

4. Worthwhile Income Generating Project (IGP) for

pupils given due recognition by the higher officials of
the division.
a. Certification for being the proponent of an IGP for _______________
two (2) consecutive school years as corroborated
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

by five (5) teachers

b. Letter request to the SDS to conduct an IGP ______________
c. IGP Proposal ______________
d. Accomplished Report (Pictorial and Narrative) ______________
e. Financial Statement ______________
No. of years School District Division Regional
1-2 years 2 pts 4pts 6 pts 8 pts
3-4 years 4 pts 6 pts 8 pts 10 pts
5-6 years 6 pts 8 pts 10 pts 12 pts
7 years 10 pts 14 pts 17 pts 20 pts
and above Sub Total
B. Served as subject coordinator or grade chairman for at (12 points maximum)
least one (1) year or as adviser of school publication or
any special school organization like dramatic club, science
club, etc. and discharge such assignments satisfactorily for
at least two (2) years provided such assignments or
services are in addition to, and not considered part of the
regular teaching load.
a. As subject coordinator
1. Certification for serving as a subject _______________
coordinator for two (2) years corroborated by
five (5) teachers
2. Designation through school memorandum ______________
3. Accomplishment Report (Narrative and ______________

No. of years School District Division Regional

1-2 years 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
3-4 years 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts
5 years above 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts 6 pts

b. As grade year level chairman/leader

1. Certification for serving as grade/year level
chairman corroborated by five (5) teachers
2. Designation through school memorandum
3. Accomplishment Report (Narrative and Pictorial)
No. of years School District Division Regional
1-2 years 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
3-4 years 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts
5 years above 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts 6 pts
Sub Total

C. Served as Chairman of a Special committee, such as (12 points maximum)

curriculum study committee, committee to prepare
instructional materials and/or committee to prepare school
program, and discharge work with utmost efficiency.
1. Certification for serving as Chairman of a Special _____________
Committee for IMS, corroborated by five (5)
2. Designation through School Memorandum _____________
3. Copy of curriculum/IMS prepared/Programs _____________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

4. Accomplishment Report (Narrative and Pictorial) _______________

No. of times School District Division
Chairman; Member Chairman; Member Chairman; Member
1-4 times 2 1 4 2 6 3
5-7 times 3 2 6 4 9 6
8-10 times 4 3 8 6 12 9 Sub Total

D. Initiated or headed or participated in an educational (12 points maximum)

research activity duly approved by educational authorities
either for improvement of instruction, for community
development, or for teacher welfare.
1. For action Researches
a. Letter request to SDS to conduct Action ________________
b. Approved Research Proposal _______________
c. Research Report _______________
d. Accomplishment Report (including brief report
on the implications of such research for the _______________
improvement of instruction, community
development or teacher welfare)
Chairman 12 pts. Member: 7 pts.
For participation as member of such activity (7 pts)
Sub Total
E. Coordinator of community project or activity or of a (12 points maximum)
program of another agency or coordinator of a rural
service improvement activity in community such as
feeding, nutrition, agro-industrial fairs, etc., for at least
two (2) years.
1. Certification as the Coordinator of the Community ______________
Project for at least two (2) years
2. Designation as Coordinator of a Community _____________
Project in the form of a Memorandum signed by
DepEd Officials and other agencies involved in the
community project
3. Project Proposal _____________
4. Accomplished Report (Narrative and Pictorial) _____________
No. of times School District Division
Chairman;Member Chairman;Member Chairman;Member
1-4 times 2 1 4 2 6 3
5-7 times 3 2 6 4 9 6 Sub Total
8-10 times 4 3 8 6 12 9
F. Organized / Managed an in-service activity or other (12 points maximum)
similar activities at least on the school level (at least two
days INSET)
1. Certification for organizing and managing In- _____________
service Training/Seminar-Workshop
2. Approved Training Designs and Program of _____________
3. Accomplishment Report (Narrative and Pictorial) _____________
No. of times School District
Chairman;Member Chairman;Member
1-4 times 4 2 6 3
5-7 times 6 4 9 6
8-10 times 8 6 12 9 Sub Total
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

G. Credited with meritorious achievements such as: (10 points maximum)

1. Trainer or coach of contestants who received
prizes, commendations or any form of recognition:
a. Certification as trainer/coach/coordinator ______________
issued by authorities concerned
b. Certificate of Recognition awarded/received ______________
signed by proper school officials.
c. Award/commendation/citation given to ______________
winning pupil/group contestant trained,
coached and signed by proper school officials
d. Program of activities of the ______________
a. National Winner – 10 points School - .75 points
b. Regional Winner – 5 points
c. Division Winner – 3 points
d. District Winner – 1.5 points

Sub Total
2. Awards received as member/coordinator of Boy
Scout/Girl Scout/Red Cross activities
a. Certificate of Recognition as coordinator
signed by proper authorities _____________
National Level – 10 points School Level - .5 points
Regional Level – 5 points
Provincial Level – 3 points
District Level – 1 point Sub Total
H. Authorship (10 points maximum)
Ten (10) points for a book and one (1) each for each
article provided they are on education
1. Copy of the articles published ______________
2. Certification from the publisher ______________
3. Copy of the certificate of copyright Registration ______________
for authorship of a book
4. Copy of the published book/article ______________

Sole Authorship – 10 points

Co-Authorship – 5 points
Article – 1 point per article Sub Total

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


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