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Business: Theory and Practice

ISSN 1648-0627 / eISSN 1822-4202

2022 Volume 23 Issue 1: 131–140



Reny NADLIFATIN1*, Satria Fadil PERSADA 2#, Josua Hasiholan MUNTHE 3,

Bobby ARDIANSYAHMIRAJA 4, Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira REDI 5##,
Yogi Tri PRASETYO 6, Prawira Fajarindra BELGIAWAN 7
of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,
Surabaya, Indonesia
2Entrepreneurship Department, Bina Nusantara University, Malang, Indonesia
6School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Mapua University, Manila, Philippines
3Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
4Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
5Department of Industrial Engineering, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
7School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia

Received 12 July 2020; accepted 29 April 2021

Abstract. In the service sector, such as tourism and hospitality, a traveler often tries to find information about their des-
tination digitally, comparing it to alternatives available to have the best option. This demand businesses that are in the
tourism and hospitality sector to advertise their destination more creatively and informatively, such as using a travel influ-
encer. The present research was conducted to explore how the public adopts information advertised by a social media in-
fluencer that promotes travel or leisure places, better known as a travel influencer. The Information Adoption Model (IAM)
was used to explore the factors that could affect people’s perception of Information Usefulness (IU), which then affects In-
formation Adoption (IA). Several hypotheses that were built from the IAM theoretical framework were tested using Partial
Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) with 150 people as respondents; four out of the seven hypotheses
were accepted. From the accepted hypotheses, it was revealed that more dimensions in the Source Credibility construct
influence Information Usefulness compared to the dimensions from the Argument Quality constructs.
Keywords: information, Information Adoption Model, travel influencer, online reviews, tourism and hospitality, structural
equation modelling, consumer behavior.
JEL Classification: Z31, Z32.

Introduction environment and behavior of an enterprise (Wood & Rob-

ertson, 2000). In order to make an important business de-
Today’s diffusion of technology contributes to a more effi- cision, decision-makers need the appropriate information
cient and easy spread of information, which in turn makes (Wood & Robertson, 2000). Therefore, business owners
information spread faster (Apulu & Latham, 2011). In the often utilize information as a reliable tool to make busi-
distant past, people only able to communicate directly. ness decisions (Kumar, 2006). This is also supported by
While it is a more intimate form of communication, it has plenty amount of information from varying sources and
several downsides: it is effortful, inefficient, and sometimes the increasingly easier access information (Höpken et al.,
disruptive (Apulu & Latham, 2011; Nardi & Whittaker, 2019).
2002). In the business perspective, information plays an Businesses need to be able to maintain their existence
even important role, one that can significantly affect the by better understanding their customer and potential
# BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
## BINUS Graduate Program – Master of Industrial Engineering, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
132 R. Nadlifatin et al. Understanding factors influencing traveler’s adoption of travel influencer advertising: an...

customers; in other words: market themselves better (Re- To find out whether the Travel influencer’s effort that
instein & Snyder, 2005). Marketing itself is defined as the has been undertaken is successful or not, it is necessary to
process of exploring, identifying, and satisfying demands carry out promotional research. Promotion research aims
and customer needs through products or services (Sheth to determine the effectiveness of promotional programs
& Uslay, 2007). In this process, as noted by Wang et al. and evaluate promotional campaigns to consider future
(2008) and Wang (2016), information has a crucial role. promotional programs and strategies. As with promotion-
Marketers could innovate more creatively today with the al effectiveness research in general, tourism promotion re-
help of digital tools and other technological advance- search seeks to measure the target Travel influencer’s au-
ments. One innovation that currently stands out from the dience’s response at the level of cognition, affection, and
others is how companies are starting to use social media behavior. Firstly, cognition is a person’s mind and mental-
influencers as one of their marketing tools. ity in exposing, understanding and interpreting promo-
A social media influencer (or influencer for short) is tional message stimuli. Have potential travelers seen/read/
an individual that has many active social media followers heard/accessed Travel influencer’s messages? Do they un-
and able to influence them (and possibly other people) derstand the contents of the Travel influencer’s message?
with the contents that they created (Rios et al., 2019). In Do they know how to order a tourism package from the
the last few years, there is a significant increase of influ- promotional information? Secondly, affection is the com-
encer, which makes them have increasing importance in ponent of potential consumer’s feelings or emotions on
promoting a product or service to the public (Gross & persuasion and information from the Travel influencer’s
Wangenheim, 2018). This increase in the number of in- promotion. Do potential travelers like the tourism promo-
fluencers and its impact is supported by a report pub- tion persuasion information? Do interested in potential
lished by Guttmann (2018) in Statista, which stated that travelers booking and visit the tourist attractions that are
the global advertising spending of influencer marketing promoted? Will potential travelers book and see the tour-
on Instagram in 2018 reached 5.67 billion US dollars, it ist attractions? Thirdly, behavior is sometimes also called
is also predicted that at the end of 2020, the number will the conative stage, which is the action, action, or conduct
grow further to 8.08 billion. Compared to the “classic” and of the target group. Have travelers made reservations and
well-known marketing medium of billboards, which have purchases? What is the opinion of tourists after traveling?
an advertising spending value of 10,027 billion US dollars Are they satisfied with the attractions and tourist services?
in the same year, this new and unconventional influencer Will they visit again? Do they recommend services and
marketing performed relatively excellent (IAB/PwC). Hav- tourist attractions? The three audience response measures
ing reviewed the numbers and some of the pieces of re- indicate that any activity needs to be measured for its suc-
search on influencers, it can be concluded that influencer cess rate to evaluate, which will be used as a basis for sub-
is very important aspect of today’s marketing. sequent decision making.
However, the effectiveness of influencer marketing is Thus, the present research will try to explore further
also significantly affected by how the public adopts the in- how the public adopts information advertised by an in-
formation that is provided by the influencers. Many pieces fluencer (Sussman & Siegal, 2003). Past research pieces
of research also addressed this issue, especially on how in- have identified some variables that can influence Informa-
formation that is generated by an influencer affects the ex- tion Adoption, including Argument Quality, Information
istence of a brand, however many of these research focused Credibility, and Information Usefulness (Sirithanaphon-
only on a particular industry such as food or technology chai, 2017; Sussman & Siegal, 2003; Wang, 2016). The
Kim et al. (2015). Research on this subject but on different present research will use these variables, which, when
sectors is needed, specifically in the tourism and hospitality used in conjunction, is also referred to as the Information
sector, which is rarely explored Kim and Forsythe (2008). Adoption Model. This model is able to explain informa-
In the service sector, such as tourism and hospitality, a tion adoption behavior of consumers and suitable to be
traveler often tries to find information about their destina- used for the purpose of this study (Wang, 2016).
tion digitally, comparing it to alternatives available in order
to have the best option (Buhalis & Law, 2008). This, in turn,
1. Literature review
demands the businesses that are in the tourism and hospital-
ity sector to advertise their destination more creatively and 1.1. Travel influencer
informatively. Social media influencer is a very potential an-
swer to this problem. Social media influencer who has travel- A travel influencer is an individual who has a sizable
ers as their main subject is called travel influencer. Further- number of active followers in their social media; they are
more, Ho and Lee (2015) defined a travel influencer as an known to post travel-related content and reviews. Travel
individual who gives reviews on travel destinations via any influencer utilizes photos, videos, comments, and captions
medium: online reviews, photos, videos, or comments. Travel to share their experience on a travel destination; often in-
influencer’s main platform is usually social media; this coin- fluencing their followers’ perception towards the destina-
cides with how social media can be essential for promoting tion in the process, and in turn, shaping their followers
travel packages, furtherly increasing the effectiveness of travel travel decision (Guleria, 2018; Ho & Lee, 2015; Rios et al.,
influencer (Guleria, 2018; Kim & Forsythe, 2008). 2019). There is a unique advantage when using influencer
Business: Theory and Practice, 2022, 23(1): 131–140 133

as a marketing tool: influencer could affect its follow- choose the IAM (Cheung et al., 2008; Shu & Scott, 2014;
ers’ opinion more powerfully. This is due to how there Sussman & Siegal, 2003). For this study, the IAM model
is no significant difference between when an individu- developed by Cheung et al. (2008) we adapted, which have
al sees a paid endorsement or a genuine one (Woods, additional factors substituting the original model’s Infor-
2016). Furthermore, the Travel Influencer strategy is an mation Usefulness antecedents (Figure 2). The additional
activity that involves stakeholders in tourism promo- factors in the Cheung et al. (2008) model can be beneficial
tion, especially those who have experience visiting the in explaining in more detail how the public adopts infor-
objects offered. Tourists and travel agents are relevant mation advertised by an influencer. Further rationale and
interested parties to become reliable influencers. The the hypothesis of this study is explained.
important thing is how tourism objects have an ade-
quate service quality, and this can happen because of 2. Hypotheses development
the strong coordination between parties. Influencers as
figures who influence society are ideally people or or- 2.1. Argument quality
ganizations – travel agents who have experience visiting In an information system, argument quality is considered
a promoted tourism object. The uniqueness, specificity, an essential factor that influences an individual’s percep-
advantages, and quality of the tourism objects offered tion and engagement of information (Shu & Scott, 2014).
are the essential parts of the promotion. However, in The argument quality, being an aspect of information that
practice, companies should be able to anticipate the can be carefully thought, shapes an individual’s attitude
different responses of consumers towards the content through the central route of information processing (Petty
of travel influencers; considering factors such as dif- et al., 1983). Argument quality is defined as a construct
ferent individuals perception, influencers’ credibility, that entailed the strength of an argument embedded in in-
and the quality of information given by the influencers formation (Bhattacherjee & Sanford, 2006). Furthermore,
(Filieri & McLeay, 2014). Therefore, companies should consistent with past works from Filieri and McLeay (2014)
also consider how to optimize their travel influencer and Cheung et al. (2008) we decompose argument quality
and messages that are more likely to affect the public into four main dimensions such as Timeliness, Accuracy,
positively. The selection of travel influencers should be Relevance, and Comprehensiveness.
made by also analyzing the reliability of travel influ- In the tourism and hospitality context, information
encers from a variety of factors, including external and timeliness speciefies consider how newest the informa-
internal factors (Filieri & McLeay, 2014). tion is. When travel influencer is unable to provide timely
information, it is unlikely for their followers to think that
1.2. Information Adoption Model information is useful (Cheung et al., 2008). Thus, Infor-
Sussman and Siegal constructed a theoretical mod- mation Timeliness is critical aspect of information to con-
el, namely the Information Adoption Model (IAM) sidered as a tool for determining a decision (Nelson et al.,
(Figure 1), to better understand what influences people 2005). Thereby, the hypothesis is:
to adopt a message or a piece of information (Sussman & H1: Information Timeliness has a significant positive
Siegal, 2003). The IAM tries to include both external and correlation with Information Usefulness.
internal factors to explain information adoption behavior. Relevancy as a dimension is an essential consideration
These factors consisted of three main variables derived for an individual when evaluating information. Informa-
from the Technology Acceptance Model and the Elabo- tion Relevancy is the degree of how an individual evalu-
ration Likelihood Model: Argument Quality, Information ates the importance of information (Filieri et al., 2018).
Credibility, and Information Usefulness (Shu & Scott, An individual will judge information as relevant when
2014; Sirithanaphonchai, 2017). they see the information that relates strongly to their de-
The IAM was used in many previous pieces of research cision making needs (Demoulin & Coussement, 2020).
and shown good explanatory power in topics such as on- Previous research has shown that Information Relevance
line reviews, buying decisions, even choosing a campus has a positively influences on an individual’s recognized
for studying abroad; the similarity of previous objects and Information Usefulness (Demoulin & Coussement, 2020).
the present study’s object is the main rationale for why we Thereby, the hypothesis is:

Figure 1. Information Adoption Model

134 R. Nadlifatin et al. Understanding factors influencing traveler’s adoption of travel influencer advertising: an...

Figure 2. Conceptual model structure

H2: Information Relevance has a significant positive instead of information itself, and how it can affect the re-
correlation with Information Usefulness. ceiver’s attitude towards the information (Cheung et al.,
Individuals also tend to consider the accuracy of the 2008; Petty et al., 1983). There are two dimensions than
information. Information Accuracy is defined as how can better reflect the essence of this construct: Source Ex-
information has several vital aspects such as consist- pertise and Source Trustworthiness.
ency, correctness, and objectiveness (Nelson et al., 2005; Not every information is perceived as useful when
Sirithanaphonchai, 2017) thus: a potential traveler is bombarded by many information
H3: Information Accuracy has a significant positive from different influencers. This is due to how travelers
correlation with Information Usefulness. will perceive information differently, depending on their
Information Comprehensiveness refers to how in- perception of whether or not the influencer has the ca-
formation is perceived as complete and more detailed pacity and enough experience on the subject of the in-
(Cheung, 2014; Demoulin & Coussement, 2020). Since formation (Neeleman & Van de Koot, 2016). This is also
comprehensive information can be seen as rich infor- known as a construct named Source Expertise, the de-
mation, it will also be perceived as more useful for the gree of competency and knowledge of the information
receiver. This construct was also proven to have a posi- provider in doing travel review. Previous research also
tive correlation with information usefulness in previous revealed that Source Expertise affects Information Use-
research (Cheung et al., 2008). Thus, the next hypothesis fulness (Willemsen et al., 2011) positively. Thus the next
hypothesis was proposed:
was proposed:
H5: Source Expertise has a significant positive correla-
H4: Information Comprehensiveness has a significant
tion with Information Usefulness.
positive correlation with Information Usefulness.
The abundance of travel-related information given by
many influencers could make travelers more selective in
2.2. Source credibility
believing information. However, when an influencer is
Different from Argument Quality, Source Credibility in- seen as trustworthy, it is likely for travelers to see them
fluences people, not through the central route of informa- as more believable and, in turn, increase their perceived
tion processing but the peripheral route: whether the in- Information Usefulness (Ismagilova et al., 2020). Previous
formation receiver associates the information with a posi- research has also investigated this relationship and have
tive or negative cue (Petty et al., 1983). Source Credibility found that there is a positive relationship between both
identifies that the accuracy of the source of information, variable (Ayeh, 2015); thus:
Business: Theory and Practice, 2022, 23(1): 131–140 135

H6: Source Trustworthiness has a significant positive December 2019. A total of 150 people participated in
correlation with Information Usefulness. this present study. Respondents were distributed equally
If information is not reliable or valuable for the re- in terms of gender with male 50.67 percent, female 48.67
ceiver, it would not have a consequential effect on them; percent, and choosing not to answer 0.67 percent. We lim-
this effect is defined as perceived Information Usefulness. it our respondents to tourists who have traveled at least
Since information receivers would not get involved with two times in the last year and have adopted information
information that has no use for them, Information Useful- from online Travel Influencer reviews.
ness will have a positive effect on Information Adoption
(Hussain et al., 2017). Thus, the last hypothesis was: 3.2. Instrument
H7: Information Usefulness has a significant positive The instrument used in this study as a means of collecting
correlation with Information Adoption. data using a questionnaire. This questionnaire is used to
measure the traveler satisfaction index for travel influenc-
3. Research method er content. Statements are compiled using a Likert scale
with five respondents’ answers to travel influencer online
3.1. Sampling and survey administration reviews, namely: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Doubt
In this study, we used primary data gathered through (D), Disagree (DS), and Strongly Disagree (SD). The high-
an online questionnaire distributed in September to er the score obtained, the higher the traveler satisfaction

Table 1. Questionnaire items (Cheung et al., 2008; Evans & Erkan, 2015)

Construct Items
Travel influencer’s contents are current
Travel influencer’s contents are timely
Information Timeliness
Travel influencer’s contents are up-to-date
I always adopt current information in Travel Influencer contents
Travel influencer’s contents are relevant
Trave Travel influencer’s contents are appropriate
Information Relevance
Travel influencer content is able to meet the needs of information about my travel plans.
Travel influencer’s contents are applicable
Travel influencer’s contents are accurate
Travel influencer’s contents are correct
Information Accuracy
Travel influencer’s contents are reliable
Travel influencer’s contents are not misleading
Travel influencer’s contents cover my needs
Travel influencer’s contents include all necessary values
Information Comprehensiveness
Travel influencer’s contents sufficiently complete my needs
Travel influencer’s contents have sufficient breadth and depth
How knowledgeable is the travel influencer who posted content?
To what extent is the travel influencer who posted content an expert on traveling?
Source Expertise
Travel influencer who posted contents are knowledgeable in evaluating the quality of travel
Travel influencer who posted contents is an expert in evaluating the quality of travel
How trustworthy is Travel Influencer who wrote contents?
How reliable is travel influencer who wrote online content?
Source Trustworthiness
Travel influencer who gives comments in contents are trustworthy
Travel influencer who left comments in contents are reliable
Travel influencer contents are valuable
Travel influencer contents are informative
Information Usefulness
Travel influencer contents are helpful
Travel influencer contents are useful
You accept the opinion suggested by travel influencer in their contents
Travel influencer contents motivate you to take action.
Information Adoption
I followed travel influencers’ advice and went to the destinations described in the content
I always choose to travel influencer recommended destinations
136 R. Nadlifatin et al. Understanding factors influencing traveler’s adoption of travel influencer advertising: an...

index to traveler influencer content. Conversely, the low- many dependent variables and many independent vari-
er the score obtained, the lower the traveler’s satisfaction ables. Since a PLS-SEM technique was used, there is no
with traveler influencer content. Table 1 shows the main assumption about the data distribution (Lowry & Gaskin,
contents of the questionnaire. We have seven constructs 2014). Before doing data analysis, we first tested the va-
which four questions represent each construct. lidity and reliability of PLS-SEM data such as Cronbach
Alpha, Rho_A, Average Variance Extracted (AVE), and
3.3. Data processing Composite Reliability (CR). AVE and CR were used to
The research data collected was tested and processed using measure the data’s convergent validity, while Cronbach
the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach with the smart- Alpha and Rho_A measure the internal consistency of
PLS 3.0 software. PLS is a structural modeling technique the data. The following describes the testing of the good-
that can identify individual behavior, including adopt- ness of the measurement model in SEM-PLS as follows:
ing information (Esfandiar et al., 2020; Lowry & Gaskin, First, Convergent validity, illustrating that a set of indica-
2014). The use of the PLS-SEM can solve problems with tors represents one latent variable and underlies the latent
very complex models and relationships between variables. variable. This explains that the indicators of a latent vari-
PLS-SEM can be used in a research model consisting of able must have a high correlation. Second, Discriminant

Table 2. Validity and reliability test result

Cronbach’s Composite
Factor Item Factor Loading rho_A AVE
Alpha Reliability

IA1 0.848
Information IA2 0.803
0.829 0.835 0.886 0.66
Adoption IA3 0.787
IA4 0.812
IU1 0.884
Information IU2 0.812
0.898 0.901 0.929 0.767
Usefulness IU3 0.911
IU4 0.892
IAC1 0.867
Information IAC2 0.88
0.876 0.882 0.915 0.728
Accuracy IAC3 0.852
IAC4 0.813
IC1 0.777
Information IC2 0.909
0.895 0.896 0.928 0.763
Comprehensiveness IC3 0.917
IC4 0.884
IR1 0.817
Information IR2 0.806
0.827 0.832 0.886 0.66
Relevancy IR3 0.866
IR4 0.756
IT1 0.833
Information IT2 0.784
0.855 0.861 0.902 0.697
Timeliness IT3 0.878
IT4 0.842
SE1 0.853
SE2 0.901
Source Expertise 0.88 0.884 0.917 0.735
SE3 0.844
SE4 0.831
ST1 0.749
Source ST2 0.835
0.835 0.835 0.89 0.671
Trustworthiness ST3 0.861
ST4 0.827
Business: Theory and Practice, 2022, 23(1): 131–140 137

validity describes the ability of each latent variable to dis- value (0.7). The complete result of the validity and reli-
criminate against other latent variables. This explains that ability measurements is provided in Table 2.
a latent variable’s indicators must be highly correlated with After evaluating the validity and reliability, we need
the underlying latent variable and weakly correlated with to do another test: the model fit test. This test is useful to
other latent variables. To test the discriminant validity, the identify whether the model fits the data in our research.
parameter that must be considered is the cross-loading Some parameters commonly used to test model fit with
value. Third, a Reliability test is carried out to measure the PLS method are Standardized Root Mean Square Re-
the consistency, accuracy, and accuracy of an indicator in sidual (SRMR) (< 0.082) (Hair Jr et al., 2016) and Normed
making measurements. Fit Index (NFI) (>0.75) (Matsuno et al., 2005). With our
SRMR of 0.064 and NFI of 0.764, we consider fitness in
our model. After seeing the model fit test, then in testing
4. Result the PLS model, it can also be done by evaluating the value
4.1. Data analysis on the Q square predictive relevance for the construction
model. The results show that the Q-square value is above
This sub-chapter will explain our data analysis and proce- zero, indicating that the predictive relevance model is
dure; we checked whether our variables are represented by because the Q-square predictive relevance value is 0.60.
the questionnaire items and how fit is the model for this Testing is done using the t-test. If T statistic > 1.96, be-
analysis. Firstly, convergent validity can be tested by the cause the significance level is 5%, it is concluded that it is
value of the correlation between the item/indicator score significant and vice versa.
and the construct score. The indicator is considered reli-
able if the correlation value is > 0.7. However, for research
5. Discussion
at the development stage, the loading scale of 0.50–0.60
is still reliable. Furthermore, the indicator is declared After testing the data from the bootstrapping method (see
reliable for reliability if the composite reliability value is Figure 3), we tested our hypotheses: evaluating the path
> 0.70 (Cheung et al., 2008). The CR of the present study’s estimates and significance value from the bootstrapping
constructs was ranging from 0.87 to 0.93, and the AVE method. We find that Information Usefulness significantly
was ranging from 0.66 to 0.77. Rho_A and Cronbach’s α boosted Information Adoption with positive correlation
measured items’ internal reliability; both have 0.7 as the positive correlation to information adoption (b = 0.78, p <
minimum value, which all our items have surpassed (Hair 0.01); thus, H7 is supported. The acceptance of H7 means
et al., 2006). For factor loadings, which are the basis for that useful information is necessary for travel influencers
CR and AVE calculation, all have surpassed the minimum in order for their message to be adopted by their followers.

Figure 3. PLS Path model and result (source: developed by the authors)
138 R. Nadlifatin et al. Understanding factors influencing traveler’s adoption of travel influencer advertising: an...

This suggests that businesses in the travel and tourism in- studies have also found the insignificant relationships be-
dustry, when considering using a travel influencer, need to tween these relationships (Cheung et al., 2008; Manthiou
prioritize the usefulness and the factors affecting it in order & Schrier, 2014; Sirithanaphonchai, 2017). Therefore, hy-
for their messages to be adopted by their target market. potheses 2, 3, and 4 are rejected. Information Relevance
Moreover, this present study investigated the variables had no effect on Information Usefulness, a possible ex-
that precede (antecedents) information usefulness. The planation for this is because although information is rel-
hypothesized correlation between information timeliness evant, it can also be already common knowledge, and if
and information usefulness is positive significant (b = that is the case, the information can be evaluated as not
0.203, p < 0.05), thus H1 is supported; an earlier study also useful. Information Accuracy was also found to be an in-
found this relationship (Manthiou & Schrier, 2014). This significant antecedent of Information Usefulness; a pos-
can be interpreted as when information is up to date, fol- sible reason behind this is how travelers might not be able
lowers of travel influencers will perceive that information to validate the information provided by the influencers,
as more useful. Since sometimes there is multiple informa- making non-accurate information can still be perceived
tion that is posted by travel influencers and how there are as useful by travelers and vice versa (Cheung et al., 2008).
also multiple influencers available, potential travelers may Lastly, Information Comprehensiveness was also found to
need the most recent information at their disposal. For have an insignificant correlation with Information Use-
instance, potential travelers will see a week-old post of a fulness; it happen when information receivers intend to
travel site from influencer A as more useful compared to avoid complexity or have a limited time to access detailed
a year old post of a travel site from influencer B, which information, which can be the case in this study (Cheung
might have outdated information such as ticket price or et al., 2008).
Source Expertise is also shown to have a positive cor- 5.1. Theoretical implications
relation to Information Usefulness (b = 0.270, p < 0.05),
consistent with findings in a previous study (Manthiou & This research provides a new insight to the behavioral re-
Schrier, 2014); thus, H5 is supported. This means that fol- search’s, especially in the context of information adoption
lowers of travel influencers need to first believe that travel behavior. Our finding furtherly confirms the effectiveness
influencer is an expert on tourism, before perceiving the of the IAM model to explain information adoption be-
information that they give as useful. Businesses in the havior: showing a good model fit in our case and 0.60 R2
tourism and travel industry should consider the expertise value. We also enriched the field of influencer marketing
of a travel influencer before hiring one. The expertise of by focusing on a particular sector, demonstrating that in-
the influencer should also be advertised properly. Hirers fluencer marketing is a worldwide phenomenon and an
could ask their influencers to put the influencer’s level of up-and-coming marketing tool in this internet era. Fur-
expertise in their profile information and/or messages ther investigation on the topic of travel influencers using
(Sirithanaphonchai, 2017). different approaches or methods is recommended.
Source Trustworthiness (b = 0.360, p < 0.01) also have
a positive correlation to Information Usefulness, making 5.2. Managerial implications
H6 supported. Travelers need to believe that they have a
trustworthy source of information in order for them to Information Usefulness with the variables that precede
perceive the information as valuable. In tourism and travel them include of Information Timeliness, Source Exper-
influencers perspective, the trustworthiness of travel in- tise, and Source Trustworthiness has a strong influence
fluencers can be evaluated by how travelers perceive the on individuals’ information adoption behavior. Therefore,
reviews or messages provided by the influencers as genu- companies that use travel influencer as their marketing
ine; a genuine, honest, and from the heart messages can tool must ensure that the travel influencer is able to pro-
lead to evaluation from travelers that the messages that vide information (promotion) which are fresh, up to date,
is conveyed and the deliverer of the messages are trust- timely, and current. Other than the information itself,
worthy (Sirithanaphonchai, 2017). Additionally, the iden- when using a travel influencer, their credibility and knowl-
tity and the personal information of the influencer also edge of tourism are very important to travelers. If a travel
plays an important role in building their trustworthiness. influencer does not have enough credibility or knowledge,
Hence, hirers of travel influencers should seek a travel travelers will unlikely to think that the information that
influencer, which is perceived as a genuine deliverer of they are presented with is valuable, which in turn, will not
the message and is seen as a credible and trustworthy in- make them adopt it.
dividual. Another proxy for credibility for the influencer,
which uses social media as a platform, is how many their Conclusions
followers are.
Whereas, Information Relevance (b = 0.116, p > 0.01), This research successfully identified the dimensions
Information Accuracy (b = 0.004, p > 0.01), and Informa- that contributed to how an individual adopts informa-
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significant influence on Information Usefulness. Previous by a travel influencer. It was found that the Information
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