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6 Paper05
We survey different approaches to Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) for managing Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).
This kind of identification is used to give full control of identity to end-users by means of a distributed ledger,
without the use of a centralized authority that manages the identity of users. We first describe SSI and then DIDs,
by summarizing their characteristics. We list the different format implementations of these digital identities by
reporting the type of verifiable data registry on which they are based on. We also report the document status
od DIDs, the link to their description, and date of creation and update, with the purpose of understanding how
much these projects are popular. Finally, we show which and how many of these DIDs are based on public or
non-public ledgers.
Decentralized identifiers, Self-Sovereign identity, Identity management
1. Introduction
The last few years featured a sudden explosion in remote work due to the pandemic, which together with
an increase in cloud-based services adoption and recent data privacy requirements (e.g., the European
General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR for short) caused Identity and Access Management (IAM)
systems to face new challenges and threats. Moreover, such a scenario correlated with a rise of malware
performing phishing, ransomware attacks, and data exfiltration. The increased opportunity for a larger
amount of information to be accessed inappropriately thus requires public and private organizations to
focus on the protection of both their own and customer information to ensure service sustainability
and to retain user trust. Hence, additional data protection needs to be offered also through increasingly
sophisticated IAM schemes and tools.
In existing Identity Management (IdM), central authorities are in charge of managing identities, and
users have little to no control over data sharing and privacy. One distinct digital identity that is
created, managed, and controlled by the identity owner is the result of current efforts to abolish the
central service providers. Self-Sovereign Identity is a type of identity that guarantees user-centric data
User authentication is developed in a number of central solutions as part of IdM systems. For example,
a lot of organizations have built their authentication process around Opend ID Connect 1 and OAuth2
standards, but the central authority aspect has not changed. Digital identity authentication verifies that
users are who they say they are on the internet. The IdM’s primary determinant of trustworthiness
is the subject’s verification and the preservation of sensitive data. Access control, which differs from
ITASEC 2023: The Italian Conference on CyberSecurity, May 03–05, 2023, Bari, Italy
Corresponding author.
" [email protected] (S. Bistarelli); [email protected] (F. Micheli); [email protected]
(F. Santini)
© 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
OIDC: https://openid.net.
OAuth: https://oauth.net.
IdM and authentication, is the process of approving or rejecting a subject’s request for access to an
object (i.e., someone or something that wants to utilize a resource) (i.e., resources that a subject wants
to use like network, data, application, service, etc.). Access control, in other terms, is a security method
that limits who or what can perform a given activity (such as use, read, write, execute, or view) on a
particular resource in a computing environment. Most often, this step is finished following successful
A new class of identifiers called a Decentralized Identifier (DID) allows for the creation of a verified,
decentralized digital identity. A DID can be any topic that the DID’s controller chooses (e.g., a person,
group, object, data model, abstract entity, etc.).3 DIDs have been created to be independent of centralized
registries, identity providers, and certificate authorities, in contrast to conventional, federated identities.
DIDs are URIs that associate a DID subject with a DID document allowing trustable interactions
associated with that subject. Each DID document may contain cryptographic information, verification
techniques, or other services that offer a variety of ways for a DID controller to demonstrate control
over the DID. Services allow for secure communication involving DID subjects. If the DID subject is an
information resource, such as a data model, then a DID might offer the capability to return the DID
subject itself.
In this paper, we present the many formats in which these digital identities have been implemented
together with information on their status as documents, links to their descriptions, and dates of creation
and updates. Lastly, we demonstrate which DIDs are based on public or non-public ledgers and how
many there are of each. Anyone can join the network of a public blockchain infrastructure without
needing to ask for permission; additionally, all network users have access to the shared ledger and
can participate in consensus by validating transactions (some examples are the blockchains of Bitcoin
and Ethereum). Private networks are only accessible by invitation, which indicates that a centralized
authority manages who is permitted access to the network. Additionally, this central entity has the power
to assign participants roles, such as granting them the possibility to perform transactions and mining
privileges. The existing transactions on the chain can be edited, deleted, or overridden by the same
entity (some examples are the Morpheus Network 4 and Corda5 ). Finally, a permissioned blockchain (also
consortium blockchain) needs the operator’s consent in order to join and carry out certain operations.
They have an extra layer of access control as a security mechanism, limiting specific on-chain actions
to identifiable participants only. While permissioned blockchains allow any node to operate once the
operator grants permission, private blockchains only permit known nodes to operate (some examples
are Ripple and IBM Food Trust 6 ). For non-public blockchains, we consider all the proposals that do not
meet the features of public blockchains, hence private and permissioned. Some of the proposals are
ledger-agnostic: they are given without specifying the ledger, while some other proposals are based on
a registry which is not a blockchain.
The paper has the following structure: after this introduction motivating the use of DIDs (Section 1),
we present Self-Sovereign Identity in Section 2 and then Section 3 elaborates on DIDs by presenting their
structure and features. Section 4 summarizes the different DID methods, while Section 5 overviews the
related work. Finally, we wrap up the paper with final conclusions and future work.
W3C recommendation on Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0: https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/
Morpheus Network: https://morpheus.network/.
Corda: https://www.r3.com/corda-platform/.
IBM Food Trust: https://www.ibm.com/products/supply-chain-intelligence-suite/food-trust.
Figure 1: An example of SSI ecosystem [2].
2. Self-Sovereign Identity
The term “identity” is in general considered as a collection of attributes associated with a specific person
or entity, given a particular context. A non-human identity may be related to a piece of software or
hardware, for example. An identity includes at least one identifier (or more) and may also indeed include
further attributes associated with that person or entity. For example, human identities may include
attributes such as name, age, address, phone number, and job title. On the other hand, non-human
identities collect attributes such as an owner, IP address, and perhaps a model or version number. This
set of attributes can be used for authentication and authorization, but also to provide information about
the related identity to applications.
A Digital Identity [1] is a means for people to prove electronically that they are who they say they are.
The history of online identities started with centralized identities, then federated, and finally user-centric
identities nowadays. Unfortunately, giving centralized authorities the power to govern a person’s digital
identity has many of the same drawbacks as giving state authorities control over people’s physical
identities: users are tied to a single authority who can confirm a false identity, or even deny their own.
Power is inherently transferred from the users to centralized entities through centralization. One of the
first federated systems was Microsoft’s Passport (year 1999). It envisioned federated identification, which
would enable users to use a single identity across several websites. Nonetheless, it made the federation
virtually as centralized as conventional government by placing Microsoft at its heart. Sun Microsystem
established the Liberty Alliance in response (year 2001). They opposed the concept of centralized power
and established a “genuine” federation instead. The outcome, however, was an oligarchy because the
power of centralized authority was shared among different organizations (e.g., Intel, Oracle, British
Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) is a sovereign, enduring, and portable identity for any person, organi-
zation, or body, that allows its owner to access all relevant digital services by utilizing credentials linked
to the identity in a privacy-preserving manner [2]. Unlike previous identity management systems
where the service provider was at the center of the model, SSI is user-centric. In this system, the claim
issuer releases the identity by attesting some attributes of the user, in order for him to be authenticated
by a relying party. The latter can request claims provided by claim issuers, there must be a relationship
of trust between the relying party and the claim issuer. So the SSI ecosystem is composed of three main
roles Issuer, Holder and Verifier: Issuer: creates and issues credentials to a holder; Holder: receives
credentials from an issuer, retains it and when it is required, it shares them with a verifier; Verifier:
receives and verifies credentials presented by a holder. This workflow, which is further detailed in the
following of this section, is represented in Figure 1.
The basis of the SSI architecture is the distributed ledger of a blockchain. The blockchain acts as a
replacement for the registration authority in classic identity management systems (i.e., IAM) and works
as an identifier registry. A verifiable data registry (VDR),7 in the context of decentralized identity, is a
place where DIDs can be anchored to. Everyone who reads the blockchain can verify the identifier
stored in it by posing a challenge to the user or a delegate. Public-private key pairs are the most
common authentication method used in SSI solutions, in fact, they are called Decentralized Public Key
Infrastructures. However, some of the proposals are not based on a blockchain (as we will see in Figure 2).
The pairing of identification and authentication is maintained. The identifier as well as the verifiable
claims are directly managed by the user. The actual identity claim is stored in user-controlled storage,
typically off-chain for privacy considerations.
The SSI architecture relies on mapping an identifier to a specific authentication method that is
recorded on a registry [3]. Identifiers can be grouped into three different categories:
• First, identifiers based on random number generation rely on probabilities to avoid collisions.
• Then, centralized identifiers utilize a registration authority in order to assign identifiers and
prevent collisions.
• Finally, blockchain technology can help merge the best aspects of both previous approaches, and
authentication is typically done with the use of a public/private key pair, where the public key is
stored as the value of the identifier on the blockchain [3].
The underlying architecture of the SSI is the blockchain for the registration authority in classic
identity management systems. In fact, it is also called identifier registry.
In defining the key characteristics of SSI, ten principles underlying this model were defined: these
principles have been grouped into three sections in [4], as shown in Table 1. Security can be summed
up as the protection of personal user data and the limiting of data exposure to the minimum required
to fulfill a function. A persistent identity was named as a security requirement, but this should not
contradict a “right to be forgotten” as stated by Allen [5]. The Controllability category as both control
and consent should extend to the removal of the identity, not only the creation and access. The Portability
of the Identity is essential so that the user can use their identity wherever they want and be independent
of any particular identity provider.
The ten principles consist in Existence: A user must have an independent existence, this means that
an SSI identity can never be “decoupled” from its physical entity and therefore cannot exist exclusively in
the digital world. Control: a user must control his own identity. Note that this does not preclude other
entities, such as users, companies, or institutions, from making assertions about the user and defining
certain characteristics or properties. Access: the user must have access to his own data. Transparency:
Systems and algorithms must be transparent. Persistence: Identities must be long-lived. At the same
time, the user should be able to have an identity if they wish and claims should be modified or removed,
this is referred to as the “right to be forgotten”. Portability: Identity information and services must be
portable, i.e. not linked to a digital entity, for example, a social network, nor to a specific jurisdiction,
such as a State. Interoperability: Identities should be as widely usable as possible, they have to be
used globally and are not limited to certain businesses or industries. Consent: Users must agree to the
use of their identity. Minimization: Disclosure of claims must be minimized. Protection: User rights
can be protected and they have priority over the network needs to support the SSI model.
There are three technical elements at the basis of an SSI system:
• Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs): an alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies an entity.
For example, some identifiers for an individual may be the name and surname or the tax code,
or codes that allow this individual to be recognized unambiguously. Similarly, in an SSI model,
DIDs are alphanumeric codes based on a double cryptographic key system, stored on the blockchain,
which allows an entity to be uniquely identified online.
Verifiable data registry: https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/#dfn-verifiable-data-registry.
Security Controllability Portability
Protection Existence Interoperability
Persistance Control Transparency
Minimisation Consent Access
Table 1
Ten Principles of Self-Sovereign Identity [3].
• Verifiable Claims (VCs): any type of attribute associated to an entity. Some equivalents of a
VC in the real world are a driving license or a university degree. However, in the SSI model, the
VCs are digital, immutable, and independently verifiable in each interaction where that specific
attribute is required.
• DID Documents: a set of data describing the DID subject, including mechanisms, such as
cryptographic public keys, that the DID subject or a DID delegate can use to authenticate itself
and prove its association with the DID [6].
In this paper, we focus on the first component, i.e., DIDs, which will be detailed in the following
The DID document uses JSON-LD format and is composed of various components, here is a list of
• The context on the JSON-LD format can be seen as “the context of the conversation” when people
communicate with one another on a specific subject. Context is used to map terms, a short word
JSON-LD: https://json-ld.org.
DID representation formats: https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/#representations.
that may be expanded to IRIs (Internationalized Resource Identifiers). An IRI is built on top of a
URI and is defined as a sequence of characters, not as a sequence of octets. The DID Document
must have exactly one top-level context statement. The key for this property is @context and the
value for this key is the URL for the generic DID context https://w3id.org/did/v1.
• id represents the actual identifier.
• The publicKey lists all the public keys whose corresponding private keys are controlled by the
entity identified by the DID. The value of the publicKey property is an array of public keys. It
includes also id and type properties and the value property can be PublicKeyPem, PublicKeyHex,
PublicKeyBase58, EthereumAddress, or similar, depending on the format and encoding of the
public key.
• The DID Authentication is the mechanism by which an entity can cryptographically prove that
they are associated with a DID. The value of the authentication property is an array of the proof
mechanisms, each one includes the type property and embeds or references a public key.
• The DID Service Endpoint includes a serviceEndpoint property that is a JSON array of service
endpoints. serviceEndpoint describes the network address at which a service operates on behalf of
an entity. DID Service Endpoints include discovery services, social networks, file storage services,
and verifiable claim repository services.
• The last component of a DID Document is the Proof. Proof contains a created property which
represent a creation timestamp and an updated property that represent the update timpestamp.
Both of the timestamps are valid XML DateTime values normalized to UTC 00:00.
1. Create. Some DID methods may generate a DID directly from a cryptographic key pair.
2. Read. Some DID methods use blockchains that can store DID Documents directly on the
blockchain. Others may instruct DID resolvers to construct them dynamically based on at-
tributes of a blockchain record. Others may store a pointer on the blockchain to a DID document
stored in one or more parts on other decentralized storage networks such IPFS [9].
3. Update. The update operation is the most critical from a security standpoint because control
of a DID document represents control of the public keys or proofs necessary to authenticate
an entity. Since verification of DID document update permissions can only be enforced by the
target blockchain, the DID method specification must define precisely how authentication and
authorization are performed for any update operation.
4. Delete. DID entries on a blockchain are by definition immutable, so they can never be “deleted”
in the conventional database sense. However, they can be revoked in the cryptographic sense. A
DID method specification must define how this termination is performed.
Table 2: All the available DID methods. Question marks point to information that we were not able
to find. The acronyms in the third column can be read by using the following legend: Public
ledger (Pb) Private ledger (Pr), Permissioned ledger (Pd), Permissionless ledger (Pl), Non-Ledger
(Nl), Ledger-agnostic (La). This table is updated to May 2023.
DID Method Registry Type
3 Ceramic Network Pl Pb
abt ABT Network Pd Pb/Pr
aergo Aergo Pl Pb
ala Alastria Pd Pb
amo AMO blockchain mainnet Pd Pr
antelope Antelope Pl Pb
art Artwork ID Method Nl
asset Ledger-independent generative DID method based on CAIP-19 identifiers La
bba Ardor Pd Pb
bee Ledger agnostic La
bid bif Pd Pb
bluetoqueagent Trusted Digital Web La
bluetoquedeed Trusted Digital Web La
bluetoquenfe Trusted Digital Web La
bluetoqueproc Trusted Digital Web La
bnb Binance Smart Chain Pl Pb
bryk bryk Pd Pr
btcr Bitcoin Pl Pb
ccf Confidential Consortium Framework (CCF) Nl
ccp Quorum Pd Pr
celo Celo Pl Pb
cheqd cheqd Pl Pb
com commercio.network Pd Pr
corda Corda Pd Pr
cosmos Cosmos application chains Pl Pb/ Pd Pr
cot CoTChain ?
cr Hyperledger Fabric Pd Pr
did Decentralized Identifiers ?
dns Domain Name System (DNS) Nl
dock Dock Pd Pr
dom Ethereum Pl Pb
dsrv NaN ?
dual Ethereum Pl Pb
dxd fabric.data-alliace.com Pd Pr
dyne Dyne.org Foundation (Ethereum) Pl Pb
echo Echo Pl Pb
elastos Elastos ID Sidechain Pl Pb
elem Element DID Pl Pb
emtrust Hyperledger Fabric Pd Pr
ens Ethereum Pl Pb
eosio EOSIO Pd Pb
erc725 Ethereum Pl Pb
etho Ethereum Pl Pb
ethr Ethereum Pl Pb
ev Any Ethereum or EVM-compatible ledger Pl Pb
evan evan.network Pl Consortium
everscale Everscale blockchain Pl Pb
example DID Specification ?
factom Factom Pl Pb
fairx FairX Node Nl
future Netease Chain Pd Pr
gatc Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Besu, Alastria Pl Pb/ Pd Pr
gns GNU Name System Nl
grg GrgChain (EVM) Pl Pb
grn Any CosmWasm-compatible ledger Pl Pb/ Pd Pr
health DID Health ?
hedera Hedera Hashgraph Pl Pb
holo Holochain Pl Pr
hpass Hyperledger Fabric Pd Pr
hsk PlatON Pl Pb
iamx undefined ?
ibmdc Hyperledger Fabric Pd Pr
icon ICON Pl Pb / Pr
id ID Service ?
iid Inspur Chain Pd Pr
indy Any Hyperledger Indy Ledger Pd Pr
infra InfraBlockchain Pl Pb/ Pd Pr
io IoTeX Pl Pb/ Pd Pr
ion Bitcoin Pl Pb
iota IOTA Pl Pb
ipid IPFS Nl
is Blockcore Pl Pb
iscc Public Blockchains ?
iwt InfoWallet ?
jlinc JLINC Protocol Pd Pr
jnctn Jnctn Network Nl
jolo Ethereum Pl Pb
jwk Ledger agnostic La
keri Ledger agnostic La
key Ledger-independent DID method based on public/private key pairs La
kilt KILT Blockchain Pl Pb
klay Klaytn Pl Pb
kr Korea Mobile Identity System Nl
kscirc KSChain Blockchain ?
lac LACChain Network Pd Pb
life RChain Pl Pb
lit LEDGIS Pl Pb
meme IPFS & DNS & HTTP Nl
mesh Trusted Digital Web La
meta Metadium Pl Pb
moac MOAC Pd Pr
monid Ethereum Pl Pb
morpheus Hydra Pl Pb
mydata iGrant.io Pd Pr
near NEAR Pl Pb
next Nextme DIDs Network Nl
nft Ceramic Network Pl Pb
nuggets Nuggets Network Nl
nuts Nuts network Nl
object Trusted Digital Web La
ockam Ockam Nl
omn OmniOne Pd Pr
onion Ledger agnostic La
ont Ontology Pl Pb
op Ocean Protocol Pl Pb
orb Ledger agnostic La
oyd Ledger agnostic La
panacea Panacea Pd Pr
peaq peaq Blockchain Pl Pb
peer peer La
pid ProofID Blockchain La
pistis Ethereum Pl Pb
pkh Ledger-independent generative DID method based on CAIP-10 keypair expressions La
pml PML Chain La
polygon Polygon (Previously MATIC) Pl Pb
polygonid EVM compatible chains. Primary on Polygon Pl Pb
prism The Cardano blockchain Pl Pb
psi LEDGIS Pl Pb
psqr Public Square Pd Pb
ptn PalletOne La
qes QES Nl
qui Qui Nl
ray Ethereum Pl Pb
real Ethereum Pl Pb
rm Real-world Asset Tokenization DID Method La
safe Gnosis Safe Pl Pb
san SAN Cloudchain La
schema Multiple storage networks, currently public IPFS and evan.network IPFS Nl
scid StraitsChain ?
self Ledger agnostic La
selfkey Ethereum Pl Pb
sideos Ledger agnostic La
signor Ethereum, Hedera Hashgraph, Quorum, Hyperledger Besu Pl Pb/ Pd Pr
sirius ProximaX Sirius Chain Pd Pb
snail Penpal network ?
snplab SNPLab MyD Network La
sol Solana Pl Pb
sov Sovrin Pd Pb
ssb Secure Scuttlebutt Nl
ssw Initial Network Pl Pb/ Pd Pr
stack Bitcoin Pl Pb
tangle IOTA Tangle Pd Pr
tdid FISCO BCOS Pl Pb/ Pd Pr
ti TiChain Pl Pb
tls Ethereum Pl Pb
trust TrustChain Pd Pr
trustbloc Hyperledger Fabric Pd Pr
trx TRON Pl Pb
ttm TMChain Pl Pb
twit Twit Nl
tyron Zilliqa Pl Pb
tys DID Specification ?
tz Tezos Pl Pb
unik uns.network Pl Pb
unisot Bitcoin SV Pl Pb
uns uns.network Pl Pb
uport Ethereum Pl Pb
v1 Veres One DLT Pd Pr
vaa bif Pd Pb
vaultie Ethereum Pl Pb
vertu VERTU Pl Pb
vid VP Nl
vivid NEO2, NEO3, Zilliqa Pl Pb
vtid NaN ?
vvo Vivvo Pd Pr
web Web Nl
wlk Weelink Network Pl Pb
work Hyperledger Fabric Pd Pr
zk Arweave Pl Pb
Method State Created Update
did:ala app https://alastria.io/en/id-alastria/ 2020 2022
did:bba draft https://wubco.blobaa.dev/ 2020 2022
did:dns draft https://danubetech.github.io/did-method-dns/ 2020 2022
did:key draft https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-key/ 2020 2022
did:orb draft https://trustbloc.github.io/did-method-orb/ 2021 2022
did:panacea draft https://github.com/medibloc/panacea-core 2020 2022
did:sov draft https://sovrin-foundation.github.io/sovrin/spec/ 2019 2022
did:ssb draft https://viewer.scuttlebot. 2022 2022
did:trust draft https://github.com/trustcerts/did-trust-method 2021 2022
Table 3
DID methods which take advantage of non-public blockchains, updated in 2022.
Public: 28.93
Others: 37.93
Ethereum: 51.72
(a) Of all DID methods, the 28.93% of them uses public (b) The public blockchains used in DIDs are mainly
blockchains. based on Bitcoin (10.34%) and Ethereum (51.72%).
Figure 2: Partitioning of methods between public and non-public ledgers and the most used public blockchains.
5. Related Work
In this section, we present and describe some of the works in the related literature that survey blockchain-
based approaches to SSI and applications concerning SSI and blockchain-based systems.
In [11] the authors provide an overview of IAM solutions based on their basic components, including
identity management, authentication, and access control; related to the identity concept, they discuss
self-sovereign identity. A taxonomy based on their features is then proposed to categorize these
proposals. Finally, the existing methods are compared by using the proposed taxonomy.
The work in [3] provides an overview of the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) concept, focusing on
four different components that are considered essential to the architecture. Self-Sovereign Identity is
enabled by the new development of blockchain technology. The authors give a simple overview of
blockchain-based SSI, introducing an architecture overview as well as relevant actors in such a system.
Then they discuss identifiers in such systems by presenting some related approaches in SSI. Most central
to the concept of an SSI is the verifiable claims that are presented to relying parties.
[12] provides a review of existing blockchain-based identity management papers and patents published
between May 2017 and January 2020, which allow the user to take over control of his/her own identity.
The work in [13] examines the properties that a self-sovereign identity should have and explores the
impact of SSI on the laws of identity. It also describes the essential life cycles of an identity management
system and inter-relates how the notion of SSI can be applied in these life cycles.
Method Network State Created Update
did:bnb Binance Smart draft https://github.com/ontology-tech/ 2020 2020
Chain DID-method-specs/blob/master/did-bnb/
did:btcr Bitcoin draft https://github.com/dcdpr/btcr-DID-method 2018 2021
did:dual Ethereum draft https://github.com/Smart-ID-Card/Dual-DID/ 2020 2021
did:ens Ethereum draft https://github.com/veramolabs/did-ens-spec 2021 2021
did:eosio Eosio app https://www.gimly.io/eosio-identity 2021 2021
did:erc725 Ethereum discontinued 2018 2018
did:etho Ethereum draft https://github.com/ontology-tech/ 2020 2020
did:ethr Ethereum draft https://github.com/decentralized-identity/ 2019 2021
did:gatc Ethereum and oth- draft https://github.com/gataca-io/gataca-did-method 2020 2020
did:ion Bitcoin app https://identity.foundation/ion/ 2020 2022
did:ipid IPFS draft https://did-ipid.github.io/ipid-did-method/ 2018 2019
did:jolo Ethereum app https://jolocom.io/ 2020 2021
did:monid Ethereum app https://www.monid.online/ 2020 2021
did:pistis Ethereum draft https://github.com/uino95/ssi/blob/consensys/ 2019 2020
did:pkh Ethereum app https://spruceid.dev/docs/didkit/ 2021 2021
did:polygon Polygon, Ethereum draft https://github.com/ayanworks/ 2021 2021
did:scheme IPFS draft https://github.com/51nodes/ 2020 2020
did:selfkey Ethereum app https://selfkey.org/download/ 2019 2019
did:signor Ethereum e altro ? https://github.com/cryptonicsconsulting/ 2020 2021
did:sol Solana app https://www.identity.com/ 2021 2022
did:stack Bitcoin draft https://github.com/stacks-network/ 2021 2021
did:tangle IOTA Tangle app https://tangleid.github.io/#/ 2019 2022
did:tls Ethereum draft https://github.com/digitalcredentials/tls-did/ 2020 2021
did:trx Tron draft https://github.com/ontology-tech/ 2020 2020
did:tyron Zilliqa app https://www.ssiprotocol.com/#/ ? ?
did:tz Tezos draft https://did-tezos.spruceid.com/ 2020 2022
did:unisot Bitcoin SV draft https://gitlab.com/unisot-did/ 2021 2021
did:vaultie Ethereum app https://vaultie.io/about/ 2019 2020
did:vivid Zilliqa, Neo app https://moonlight.io/ 2021 2021
Table 4
DID methods on public blockchain systems. We highlight in bold the methods updated in 2022.
Moreover, the paper illustrates several possible information flows involving a self-sovereign identity
leveraging blockchain technology covering different aspects of an identity management system.
The paper in [14] presents a blockchain-based digital identity solution. Without depending upon
a single trusted third party; the proposed framework achieves passport-level legally valid identity.
This solution for making identities Self-Sovereign builds on a generic provable claim model for which
attestations of truth from third parties need to be collected. Four different implementations are shown
to offer sub-second performance for claim creation and claim verification. In [15] the authors present
the Sora identity system, which is a mobile app that takes advantage of blockchain technology to create
a secure protocol for storing encrypted personal information, as well as sharing verifiable claims about
personal information.
The work in [16] provides a criteria-driven survey of the solutions and technologies for identity-
managing blockchain-based systems and architectures in the context of verified claims and self-sovereign
identities. the authors consider an extensive set of requirements covering ecosystem aspects, end-user
functionality, mobility and overhead aspects, compliance/liability, EU regulations, standardization, and
In [17] the state-of-the-art in Blockchain (BC)-based self-sovereignty and patient data records in
healthcare is reviewed, by also proposing to provide an analysis of the design trade-offs. The motivation
is to investigate the potential of blockchain technology for use in patient data and identity management.
As a distributed decentralized technology, blockchains can be very beneficial, giving patients control
over their own data and self-sovereign identity. The work in [18] first validates nine properties of
self-sovereignty proposed by credible sources, then it proposes five new ones, and finally, it reasons
about and validates these properties by proposing an architecture to enforce them. In [19] the authors
implement a PoC of a decentralized OpenID Connect Provider by matching it with SSI, in order to
give users the freedom to choose from a large pool of identity providers instead of just a select few
6. Conclusion
With the rapid growth of digital ecosystems, individuals are increasingly sharing large amounts of
personal data through low-security digital interactions, sacrificing their privacy and security. Digital
ID is a way of proving who we are and generating opportunities to carry out interactions in a simple
and safe way in the digital world. Efficiency, cost reduction, fraud prevention, and less bureaucracy are
some of the benefits of using a secure digital identity.
Blockchains (public from our point of view) can support the transparent use of DID for real-world
applications. However, using this approach to IdM is still challenging: Many IdM features, including
identity recovery, lookup services, backup of cryptographic keys, etc., may be jeopardized by the
complete removal of the central authority. As a result of their familiarity with the various warnings,
it has been demonstrated in practice that user agreement frequently results in the disclosure of the
maximum information. Moreover, in order to provide pseudonymity while retaining the necessary
levels of secrecy, integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation, and robustness, a user-controlled identity
requires a transparent flow of data.
In this paper, we have collected and reviewed 107 different approaches to represent a DID, all
following W3C standards and reference documents [6, 8, 10]. The goal is to understand where possible
real-world applications based on SSI are directed to, and the general adoption of this approach.
S. Bistarelli and F. Santini are members of INdAM GNCS and Consorzio CINI. This work has been partially
supported by: GNCS-INdAM, CUP E55F22000270001; Project FICO, Ricerca di Base 2021, University
of Perugia; Project BLOCKCHAIN4FOODCHAIN, Ricerca di Base 2020, University of Perugia; Project
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