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15 Immunological Biosensors
9 James K. Gimzewski, Jason Reed, Michael A. Teitelland
11 and P. Gordon Malan
18 A principal impetus for developing biosensor systems has the work of Ligler and colleagues, who have produced an
19 been the need to produce a simple, very rapid, sensitive, automated, portable, multi-analyte optical array biosen-
20 and easy-to-use analytical system that does not need sor for real-time biohazard detection. This sensor can
21 trained specialists to produce results. An aim for many detect a variety of chemical toxins and infectious agents in
22 applications is to develop a small, portable unit into which a complex background such as human serum. Appli-
23 the test sample can be applied directly, without pre- cations for immunosensors related to biohazard detection
24 processing. The result should be obtained within seconds, also include pollution monitoring, food safety and
25 and the answer should not be subject to interference or industrial process control. (Iqbal et al., 2000; Billman
26 modification by the test-sample matrix, the user, or et al., 2002; Sapsford et al., 2004).
27 environmental factors. Sensors that use immunological Continuous, in vivo sensing for diagnostic monitoring
28 detection methods are among the most advanced type of and drug delivery is probably the most technically
29 biosensor technologies due to the ubiquity of traditional demanding application for immunosensors and as such
30 immunoassay techniques and because high-detection this field is in its infancy. A notable commercially-
31 specificity is readily obtained with receptor – ligand produced in vivo sensor is the Medtronic MiniMed
32 interaction chemistry. Continuous Glucose Monitoring System. This prototype
33 Traditional ‘rapid’ tests for blood glucose, fertility system consists of a subcutaneous sensor and an external
34 hormones, and drugs of abuse are well proven and cost monitor; in clinical studies it improved patient’s glycemic
35 effective. Immunosensors have become more important control and lowered their hemoglobin A1C values. A
36 in recent years as a result of progress in point-of-care similar but non-invasive sensor is the Glucowatch
37 testing (POC), most of which are ‘rapid’ immunoassay Biographer marketed by Cygnus. This device uses
38 technologies, and due to an increased focus on monitor- iontophoresis to extract sample through the skin and
39 ing environmental biohazards. standard amperometric enzyme detection to measure
40 POC technology made notable strides with the glucose concentration. Both devices have received FDA
41 introduction of emergency room rapid assays for cardiac approval but limitations in their stability, accuracy and
42 stress proteins (troponins, B-type natriuretic peptide – longevity prevent widespread use. (Garg et al., 2004;
43 BNP) and in-clinic tests for infectious agents. Biosite Inc. Kubiak et al., 2004; Steil et al., 2004; Abel and von
44 developed a commercially successful emergency room Woedtke, 2002).
45 POC assay for BNP, a biomarker for heart failure, as one It is impossible to describe succinctly the rapidly
46 recent example for acute cardiac care. Manufacturers are developing field of immunosensors, so in this chapter we
47 now marketing quick, low complexity assays of this type will focus on the core technical categories and provide a
48 for a battery of cardiac markers. Several in vitro diagnostic glimpse of especially promising nascent techniques and
49 companies offer a rapid optical immunoassay test commercially significant efforts. Many excellent reviews
50 designed to diagnose influenza A and B infection in the exist for the reader who wishes a more in-depth discussion
51 doctor’s office to aid in prescription of neuraminidase of a specific technology. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)
52 inhibitors. (Mahutte, 1998; Key et al., 1999; Tucker et al., techniques, a very important sub-class of immunosensors,
53 2001; Azzazy and Christenson, 2002; Rodriguez et al., will not be addressed as they are treated at length in a
54 2002) separate chapter of this book (see CHAPTER 16, SURFACE
55 Detection of chemical and biological warfare agents is PLASMON RESONANCE IN KINETIC, CONCENTRATION AND
56 a primary driver of sensor development and many BINDING SITE ANALYSES ) (Imoarai et al., 2001; Fermann
57 prototype detectors in this area utilize receptor – ligand and Suyama, 2002; Hamilton et al., 2002; Kratz et al.,
58 or enzyme– reporter formats. One significant example is 2002; Mastrovitch et al., 2002; Phillips et al., 2002;

The Immunoassay Handbook. Third Edition 265

D. Wild (Ed.)
q 2005 David Wild. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Immunological Biosensors

59 Achyuthan et al., 2003; Kabir, 2003; Murray et al., 2003; Generally, in clinical chemistry analyses, a lower
60 Price, 2003; Armor and Britton, 2004; Donovan et al., threshold of detection at around micromolar concen-
61 2004; Gutierres and Welty, 2004). trations is satisfactory for most analytes. The demands for
62 hormone measurements in the endocrinology clinic
63 pushed the threshold for detection to around nanomolar
64 concentrations and then below this to the picomolar
65 OVERVIEW range. These measurements were performed almost
66 exclusively with biological binding assays, often immu-
67 A biosensor uses a biological system to measure a noassays. For some more recent applications, lower
68 substance and differentiate this from other substances in detection limits are needed, for example with DNA
69 a test sample. It is a measurement device that is comprised fragments or pesticide residues.
70 of three components: a biological receptor of appro- The ability to detect a small amount of material in a test
71 priate specificity for the analyte (or test material to be sample is determined by the signal-to-noise ratio. Jackson
72 measured); a transducer to convert the recognition and Ekins (1983) have shown that the detection limit of Q2
73 event into a suitable physical signal; and a detection an immunoassay system is directly proportional to the
74 system, including analysis and processing, that is usually relative error in the signal, and inversely proportional to
75 electrical. The physical signal can, e.g. be acoustic, the equilibrium constant of the binding reagent. So, a
76 electromagnetic or mechanical. To bring together these decrease in the measurement error and a high-affinity
77 three components for development of a biosensor, constant (a low-valued equilibrium constant) would
78 therefore, requires an integrated, multidisciplinary team contribute to a low detection-limit for the analysis (see
of biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, and compu- CHAPTER 1 – PRINCIPLES ). Most immunological methods
80 ter experts. This blend of skilled personnel is not found in of analysis are subject to more-or-less severe interference
81 every establishment, so biosensor development has from other components in the complex sample matrix.
82 resulted primarily from inter-institutional collaborative Washing or other additional manipulations are often used
83 projects, or within industry. to minimize interference effects.
84 Most of today’s analyses of biological samples take The design features of a biosensor are little different
85 place in laboratories that use relatively expensive equip- from those of any modern laboratory instrumentation
86 ment and skilled personnel. Tests that involve many system. The concept of an ideal portable biosensor would
87 probably feature most of the following characteristics:
manipulations are increasingly being automated. Where
88 the result is not obtained for many minutes or even several
89 hours, attempts are made to decrease the time of analysis,
† Instruments should be small, self-contained, cheap, and
90 robust, capable of interfacing with existing central
often in automated systems. Microbiological determi-
91 laboratory systems.
nations using conventional culture techniques can take
92 several days or sometimes weeks, so modern alternative
† The user interface should be simple, for use by unskilled
93 operators.
tests are being examined as rapid screens, particularly in
94 † No volumetric measurement of the specimen, e.g. by
the food industry in response to regulatory pressure, to pipette, should be necessary.
95 satisfy consumer concerns about safety. The pharmaceu-
96 † The test specimen alone should be added, with no
tical industry is perhaps the biggest user of automated further reagent addition being required.
97 analytical screening techniques in its quest to develop
98 † Results should be unaffected by the test-specimen
better drugs, faster. matrix, e.g. water, whole blood, serum, urine, or
99 It might have been expected that biosensors would be
100 plasma.
ideally suited to address some areas requiring rapid † The time between presentation of the specimen and
101 analysis. They offer the potential to use relatively
102 final result should be rapid, and ideally less than 5 min.
inexpensive equipment to provide results almost instan- † Built-in standardization and controls are required.
103 taneously outside of the laboratory, where unskilled
104 † An easily understood record of the results should be
personnel may handle a sample. Over the past 10 years, available.
however, the biosensors that have been commercialized † The detection-limit should be appropriate to the
have succeeded only in addressing niche markets; some analyte, and in the sub-picomolar range for the most
of the reasons will be considered below. sensitive systems.
There are many technologies that could potentially be † A wide analytical range is required if the same biosensor
Q1 used for biosensing (Schultz, 1991). The range of these is to be adapted to many different analytes: for a
111 devices, with their many overlapping principles, adap- generic analytical system, a capability for immuno-
112 tations and modifications, makes classification and chemistry, clinical chemistry, enzymology, DNA probe
113 discussion of all types quite difficult. Therefore, only measurements and a variety of other applications is
114 those devices using immunological or enzymatic desirable.
115 components, and which are likely to have some † The potential for simultaneous measurement of multiple
116 commercial potential, will be mentioned here. analytes should be considered.

Electrochemical sensors

117 † There should be a good correlation of results with electrode is proportional to the rate of modification of
118 already-established test methods. the substrate by the enzyme (Figure 15.1).
119 † Biosensor consumables must be cheap to manufacture The rate of an enzymic reaction is dependent on
120 in bulk and readily available (Vo-Dinh and Cullum, the temperature, pH, ions, cofactors, and competitive or
121 2000; Luppa et al., 2001; Raiteri et al., 2001; Abel non-competitive inhibitors (or activators) present in the
122 and von Woedtke, 2002; Cruz et al., 2002; Kusnezow test sample. Any redox compound present, such as
123 and Hoheisel, 2002; O’Sullivan, 2002; Peppas and oxygen, ascorbate, thiols or certain drugs can obviously
124 Huang, 2002; Porwal et al., 2002; Raman et al., 2002; interfere with the reaction. To circumvent some of these
125 Schoning and Poghossian, 2002; Albers et al., 2003; interference effects, chemical electron-acceptors are used
126 Dickert et al., 2003; D’Orazio, 2003; Frederix et al., as mediators. Thus, for example, the ferrocene – ferrici-
127 2003; Ganter and Zollinger, 2003; Hierlemann and nium redox system has been used in the mediation of
128 Baltes, 2003; Hierlemann et al., 2003; Ikai et al., electron transfer from glucose oxidase to graphite
129 2003; Robinson et al., 2003; Selvaganapathy et al., electrodes. The pen-sized glucose biosensor produced
130 2003; Yuqing et al., 2003; Monk and Walt, 2004; originally by MediSense Inc. is based on this system, and
131 Sadik et al., 2004; Sapsford et al., 2004; Turner and physiological concentrations of glucose in the millimolar
132 Magan, 2004). concentration range may be measured in whole blood
133 (Hill and Sanghera, 1990). Q3
134 Immunoassay methods are normally required for
135 measurements of analyte concentrations in the sub-
136 ELECTROCHEMICAL SENSORS millimolar range. Various methods of detection of
137 antibody – antigen interactions using enzyme-labeled
138 reagents have been tried, coupling the enzymic
139 AMPEROMETRIC SENSORS redox reaction to an amperometric detection system
140 Enzymes provide an attractive method of signal amplifi- (Foulds et al., 1990; Heineman and Halsall, 1987). Q4
141 cation. The continual turnover of a substrate generates a However, the efficiency of coupling of the biological
142 cascade signal that is large and can therefore be measured electron-generating steps to the electrode is not fully
143 characterized. Additionally, the effects of inter-
quite easily. Amperometric biosensors generally use
144 fering substances are greater when the substrate concen-
reduction – oxidation (redox) enzyme systems. In the
145 tration falls below millimolar. These and other technical
simplest case, a redox enzyme is immobilized by some
146 difficulties, such as attaching the reagents to the mem-
convenient procedure at an electrode surface. The
147 brane or electrode, have hindered the development of
electrode is held at a fixed potential, adjusted so that
electrons arising from an oxidized substrate are trans- systems based on this principle for immunosensing (Porter,
ferred to the electrode (or vice versa for a reduction 2000; Warsinke et al., 2000; Dijksma et al., 2001; Liu et al.,
reaction), and this regenerates the active form of a 2001a; Liu, et al., 2001b; Pemberton et al., 2001; Porter
cofactor for another redox cycle by the enzyme. The et al., 2001; Lefeber et al., 2002; Li, et al., 2002b;
153 specificity of the reaction is determined by the enzyme. Mittelmann et al., 2002; Sarkar et al., 2002; Albers et al.,
154 Because the rate of enzymic reaction at a fixed 2003; Darain et al., 2003; Fahnrich et al., 2003; Lei et al.,
155 temperature and pH is directly proportional to the 2003; Zeravik et al., 2003; Zhou et al., 2003; Dai
156 substrate concentration, the current produced at the et al., 2004; Lei, et al., 2004; Zacco et al., 2004).
173 Fig. 15.1 An amperometric biosensor arrangement. A mediator is used to transfer electrons from an electrode to an
174 enzyme-catalyzed redox reaction.

Immunological Biosensors


176 Potentiometric devices rely on the measurement of
177 changes in potential that arise from reaction of an
178 analyte with a specific receptor. An extensive range of
179 configurations has been described in which receptor Mass detection sensors are among the most widely
180 molecules have been immobilized on ion-selective used microanalytic technologies. These methods rely, in
181 electrodes. general, on measuring the changes in vibrational resonant
182 Advances in technology now allow silicon semicon- frequency of piezoelectric quartz oscillators that result
183 ductors to be coupled to a biological receptor, offering from changes in mass on the oscillator’s surface (see
184 Figure 15.3).
the potential of cheap, miniature, mass-produced
185 Common configurations are the quartz crystal
biosensors. Several reports on the use of ion-sensitive
186 microbalance (QCM) and the surface acoustic
field-effect transistors (ISFETs) as biosensors have
187 wave (SAW) device. The QCM device consists of a
appeared and Japanese workers are particularly active
188 quartz crystal disk driven by electrodes on either face. The
in this area. However, commercialization of these
189 mass of analytes that bind to the sensor is measured as a
devices has been restricted because of technical
190 change in the crystal’s resonant frequency. This type of
191 difficulties associated with the reproducibility of depos-
iting enzymatic material, its stability, and the relatively sensor is also known as a thickness-shear mode (TSM)
192 device. The mass determination in a TSM sensor is given
193 high cost of the devices compared with other systems
Q5 (Figure 15.2). in terms of the Sauerbrey relation:
195 When applied to immunoassay-based detection sys-
196 tems, this technology has also encountered problems DM ¼ ðA sqrt ðrmÞ=2F 2 ÞDF Q6
197 similar to those of amperometric biosensors. Model
198 systems can be shown to work in buffer solutions, but In the SAW sensor an acoustic wave is created by
199 the interference effects that occur from materials present in applying an alternating voltage to a metallized, inter-
200 the actual test specimens have restricted their more digitated electrode plated onto one end of the thin
201 widespread application. (Holt et al., 2002; Perez-Luna piezoelectric planar substrate of the device. The acoustic
202 et al., 2002; Schoning and Poghossian, 2002; Selvanayagam wave acts on a symmetric transducer at the opposite end
203 et al., 2002; Zayats et al., 2002; Besselink et al., 2003; of the substrate, where the energy is converted back into
204 Hierlemann and Baltes, 2003; Hirano et al., 2003; an electrical signal. The SAW device can be altered for
205 Yuqing et al., 2003; Sadik et al., 2004). particular applications by varying the interdigital spacing
229 Fig. 15.2 Diagrammatic form of a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS). The underlying silicon plate has a surface
230 insulator layer (shaded) of oxynitride. Different detection systems are located in the channels that become photo-responsive
231 only when selectively illuminated by the light-emitting diodes. The alternating photocurrent (l) in the external circuit depends
232 on the applied bias potential. (Redrawn from Hafeman et al. (1988)).

Nanomechanical sensors

263 Fig. 15.3 Three different forms of piezoelectric biosensors. (Redrawn from Ward and Buttry (1990)).
266 of the transducers, the distance between the transducers, The so-called Love wave device, sometimes referred
267 and the thickness of the substrate. to as a surface-skimming bulk wave, is obtained when a
268 SAW devices respond to changes in the surface layer of the appropriate thickness and acoustic properties
269 wave amplitude or, more commonly, in the velocity of is deposited over a conventional SH device. The energy of
270 the acoustic wave when it interacts with molecules the bulk wave is concentrated in the guiding layer because
271 bound to the surface of the substrate. The thin layer of the shear acoustic velocity in this layer is lower than in the
272 bound material alters the elasticity, density, viscosity, substrate, leading to the alternative name of the surface-
273 and conductivity of the SAW substrate. In some early guided SH wave. The sensitivity to mass loading is
274 work, it is apparent that the exquisite temperature increased by focusing the energy in this layer, which is
275 sensitivity of these devices was not taken into account. dependent on the layer thickness and its acoustic
276 There are many modes of acoustic wave that can properties.
277 propagate on the SAW devices, which can be used The latter devices have the advantage of avoiding
278 variously for sensing applications of gases, liquids or radiation losses in liquids, yet have much better sensitivity
279 deposited solids. to mass loading by concentrating the energy near the
280 Alternative acoustic modes induce particle motion on surface. The SH wave may be guided along device
281 both surfaces of the substrate; these devices are some- surfaces by gratings as well as over-layers, as either SH
282 times referred to as acoustic waveguide (AWG) waves or as STW. The improved sensitivity compared
283 devices. The modes can be grouped into families and, with simple SH devices, without much greater complexity
284 by suitable selection of the type of mode, high sensitivity, in fabrication, holds much promise for their use in liquid-
285 and minimization of non-specific interferences can be phase biosensing. This is because the viscous loading
286 achieved. Over the past decade, it has become clear that, contribution of the solvent, in its attenuation of the shear
287 for applications such as immunosensors, SAW devices wave in other modes, shifts the resonance of the
288 should operate in shear horizontal (SH) or surface transducer with consequent alteration in sensitivity.
289 Q7 transverse wave (STW) modes (Collings and Caruso, Using conventional antibody– antigen interactions on
290 1997). thin substrates, detection limits of nanomolar down to

Immunological Biosensors

291 picomolar concentrations have been claimed with ‘ideal’ Baltes and co-workers developed techniques for
292 test samples, though this is perhaps unlikely to be manufacturing cantilever sensors using a CMOS process,
293 achieved with typical clinical specimens. Manufacture of which provides the potential advantage of mass pro-
294 the devices to produce cheap, disposable units with duction for commercial applications. Their fully integrated
295 uniform characteristics may be relatively easy, although device contains a Wheatstone bridge to sense cantilever
296 provision of multi-analyte analysis on a single unit would bending, eliminating the need for external optics (Franks
297 provide a challenge (Cavic et al., 1999; O’Sullivan and et al., 2002; Hierlemann and Baltes, 2003; Hierlemann
298 Guilbault, 1999; O’Sullivan et al., 1999; Kaiser et al., et al., 2003).
299 2000; Shen et al., 2000; Uttenthaler et al., 2001; Zhou Similarly, Boisen et al. have produced an active
300 and Cao, 2001; Chou et al., 2002; Eun et al., 2002; He cantilever array system with completely integrated
301 and Zhang, 2002; Li et al., 2002a; Liss et al., 2002; Sota on-chip actuation and deflection sensors, highlighting
302 et al., 2002; Wong et al., 2002; Aizawa et al., 2003; Killard the miniaturization potential that gives cantilever sensors
303 and Smyth, 2003; Kim et al., 2003a; Kim et al., 2003b; an advantage over many competing technologies (Boisen
304 Kim and Park, 2003; Marx, 2003; Ruan et al., 2003; et al., 2000; Grogan et al., 2002; Davis et al., 2003).
305 Stubbs et al., 2003; Tamarin et al., 2003; Killard and Startup companies Protiveris, Cantion, and Concentris
306 Q8 Smyth, 2004; Laricchia-Robbio and Revoltella, 2004; are all attempting to perfect and commercialize cantilever
307 Schaible et al., 2004). technology (Luckham and Smith, 1998; Moulin et al.,
308 2000; Hansma, 2001; Ilic et al., 2001; Allison et al., 2002;
309 Marie et al., 2002; Sepaniak et al., 2002; Arntz et al.,
310 2003; Dutta et al., 2003; Kooser et al., 2003; Liu et al.,
MICROCANTILEVER SENSORS 2003a; Rasmussen et al., 2003; Ilic et al., 2004; Zhang
312 The microcantilever is an emerging and particularly and Ji, 2004).
313 versatile class of sensor which is unique in its combination
314 of simplicity, sensitivity, and potential for miniaturization.
315 Microcantilevers can sense and quantitate biological
316 proteins, nucleic acids, and a variety of organic and MICROMAGNETIC SENSORS
317 inorganic chemical species. The principal mechanism of This sensor technology is less mature than others but has
318 action for sensing is a nanoscopic deflection caused by shown promise in proof-of-concept studies. Magnetically
319 receptor – ligand-induced stress on one face of the based nanomechanical sensors make use of the weak
320 microcantilever. The deflection signal can be recorded interaction of magnetic fields with the sample and are
321 with an optical lever, an interferometer or a piezoresistive related to magnetic bead-based assays that are common
322 element. When operated in ‘active mode’, cantilever in molecular biology. Experiments that measure recep-
323 sensors are induced to oscillate at their resonant tor – ligand binding forces make use of magnetic particles
324 frequency and function very much like the mass-detection to precisely control applied unbinding forces. The
325 sensors described above. relatively inert magnetic particles can be translocated
326 Gimzewski and colleagues produced the first cantilever and rotated in a sample to measure force in a variety of
327 array immunosensor, which could distinguish species- directions and when coated with the appropriate sensor
328 specific binding of protein A to rabbit IgG. The same element can even probe receptor– ligand interactions
329 sensor design could also detect single base-pair mis- inside single cells (Kausch and Bruce, 1994; Schalkhammer,
330 matches in DNA oligonucleotide hybridization experi- 1998; Ptak et al., 2001; Richardson et al., 2001; Tanaka
331 ments. Another iteration of this device, a ‘nanomechanical and Matsunaga, 2001; Graham et al., 2003; Kim et al.,
332 nose’, used an array of non-specific polymer probes to 2003a,b; Liu et al., 2003b; Puckett et al., 2003; Ruan
333 distinguish hydrogen, primary alcohols, natural flavors, et al., 2003; Hong et al., 2004; Weizmann et al., 2004).
334 and water vapor in air (Baller et al., 2000; Fritz et al., 2000;
Lang et al., 2002; Arntz et al., 2003; Yue et al., 2004).
Majumdar and co-workers produced a prototype POC
cantilever immunosensor for prostate specific antigen OPTICAL SENSORS
(PSA). This device detected physiologic levels of free PSA
in a high background of albumin and plasminogin human As with the other types of biosensor outlined above, there
serum proteins serum (Wu et al., 2001; Majumdar, 2002; are now a large number of developments that make use of
342 Yue et al., 2004). the physical properties of light in various ways to
343 Thundat and colleagues have used single cantilever detect small changes in analyte concentration. In an
344 nanosensors to detect heavy metal ions, neurotoxins, and immunosensor configuration, optical methods often rely
345 glucose. The latter application utilized cantilever-bound on fiber-optic input and collection elements, with the
346 glucose oxidase enzyme as a detector – reporter element receptor – ligand pair bound to the fiber surface or in the
347 (Cherian et al., 2002; Stevenson et al., 2002; Cherian nearby fluid. Detection and quantitation typically make
348 et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2003; Pei et al., 2004). use of fluorescent tags or bio-/chemiluminecent reporters.

Optical sensors

349 FLUORESCENT EVANESCENT WAVE minimized by introducing a washing step. Although

350 fluorescent techniques have the potential for great
SENSORS sensitivity, and hence even lower detection-limits, the
352 This technique relies on the properties of light when it is interference effects have generally limited the attainment
353 reflected at a surface between two transparent media of of very low detection-limits in real samples. Despite this
354 different refractive indices. A light beam is totally internally limitation, commercial developments have been investi-
355 reflected within an optical waveguide (e.g. an optical gated by several companies (Squillante, 1998; Spiker and
356 fiber) and, at the points of reflection, part of the light Kang, 1999; Cui et al., 2000; DeLisa et al., 2000; Marks
357 enters the external, lower refractive index medium before et al., 2000; Moreno-Bondi et al., 2000; Blair and Chen,
358 it returns to the waveguide. This results in an evanescent 2001; Anderson and Nerurkar, 2002; Balcer et al., 2002;
359 field which penetrates only a fraction of a wavelength of Neumann et al., 2002; Vo-Dinh, 2002; Krioukov et al.,
360 the light into the surrounding medium, and which decays 2003; Liebermann and Knoll, 2003; Liu et al., 2003b;
361 exponentially with distance from the surface (Figure Tedeschi et al., 2003; Ekgasit et al., 2004; Garden et al.,
362 15.4). Because there are multiple reflections within an 2004; Monk and Walt, 2004).
363 optical fiber, it is essentially covered by this evanescent
364 field, whose external influence is limited to within a few
365 100 nanometers from the fiber surface. Thus, if the optical INTEGRATED OPTICAL SENSORS
366 fiber is dipped into a solution containing a fluorophore As mentioned above, Ligler and co-workers have devel-
367 with an appropriate excitation wavelength, only those oped and field tested an integrated optical immunosensor
368 molecules in the evanescent field near the surface will which is capable of detecting a variety of toxic substances
369 fluoresce (Sutherland et al., 1984). and pathogens in real-world situations. This prototype is
370 When appropriate receptors or antibodies are attached fully automated and portable, which is essential for
371 to the fiber surface, then either competitive or immuno- continuous monitoring applications. Efforts in this area
372 metric assays can be performed using fluorophore-labeled now focus on miniaturizing the optics and detector
373 reagents. An immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody has elements so that the entire device can be handheld.
374 dimensions of 5 £ 15 nm, i.e. an average of about Further, most of the detection chemistry is antibody-based
375 10 nm. Although the influence of the evanescent field and new efforts are needed to expand the range of probe
376 will extend a few 100 nanometers into the medium, the chemistries to accommodate a wider array of analytes
377 concentration of unbound fluorophore will be low, so a (Rowe-Taitt et al., 2000a; Rowe-Taitt et al., 2000b;
378 majority of the fluorescence will arise from specifically Rowe-Taitt et al., 2000c; Sapsford et al., 2001; Delehanty
379 bound fluorophore at the fiber surface. Detection limits at and Ligler, 2002; Holt et al., 2002; Sapsford et al., 2002;
380 nanomolar concentrations have been achieved with Taitt et al., 2002; Sapsford et al., 2003; Sapsford et al.,
381 measurement times of only a few seconds. 2004).
382 A major deficiency with most fluorescent measurement One integrated optical sensor that has made it to the
383 techniques is that the fluorophore and exciting light are clinic is the optode continuous intravascular blood
384 both influenced by the test specimen. When the specimen gas monitor. An example of this type of device is the
385 is serum, plasma or whole blood, light absorption and FDA-approved Paratrend 7 from Diametrics Medical,
386 fluorescence quenching can significantly decrease the which is a disposable, sterile, single-use fiber-optic sensor
387 measured signal in a specimen-dependent manner. for continuous measurement of pH, pCO2, pO2 and
388 Alternatively, interference can occur from endogenous temperature. This device is used in critical care situations
389 fluorophores present in the specimen; this is normally to provide real-time oxygenation, ventilation, and meta-
390 bolic data. Sensors of this type use a variety of
391 biochemical reporter methods including chemically sensi-
392 tive dyes and compound selective membranes; they are
393 also compatible with affinity probe chemistries and
394 enzyme-based reporter systems (Mahutte, 1998; Ganter
395 and Zollinger, 2003).
400 Quantum dots are luminescent semiconductor nanocrys-
401 tals that behave similarly to fluorescent reporter mol-
402 ecules. They are unique in that the emitted light is
403 confined to a very narrow frequency band making them
404 Fig. 15.4 Diagrammatic representation of the evanescent ideal for use in multiplex assays. Also, quantum dots are
405 wave. The evanescent field decays exponentially with much more physically robust than fluorescent molecules,
406 distance away from the high refractive-index surface. which suffer from photobleaching and other undesirable

Immunological Biosensors

407 photochemistry. Goldman and colleagues have conju- These devices rely on relatively well-understood physical
408 gated antibodies to quantum dots for use in multiplex principles, and the associated instrumentation is quite
409 immunosensing. They detected and quantitated biotoxins simple to assemble. The analyte-detection elements in the
410 including cholera toxin, ricin, shiga-like toxin 1, and optical or the piezoelectric sensors are relatively cheap
411 staphylococcal enterotoxin B in a microtiter format (Cunin and easy to construct.
412 et al., 2002; Medintz et al., 2003; West and Halas, 2003; The fluorescent methods used with the optical sensors,
413 Goldman et al., 2004). although intrinsically more sensitive than the other optical
414 methods, suffer from potentially greater interference
415 effects arising from the test-specimen matrix. It is for this
416 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE reason that the SPR or integrated optics sensors have
417 DIRECTIONS been commercialized as the next generation of general-
418 purpose analytical tools. These devices have not yet
419 The benefits and deficiencies of the various types of met all the criteria listed in this chapter for an ‘ideal’
420 biosensor systems discussed above are summarized in biosensor, particularly with regard to miniaturization; but
421 Table 15.1. The amperometric and potentiometric they have met most of these. Future developments are
422 sensors have been intensively investigated over the past likely to extend their flexibility and deployment within the
423 35 years since Clark and Lyons, 1962 described the first next 20 years.
424 glucose sensor. It is notable that the most advanced A major development in the biosensor field is directed
425 commercial glucose sensors still use electrochemical at designing a reaction cell in which both the kinetics of
426 detection methods. In studies to date electrochemical analytical reaction and flow characteristics at the sensor
427 methods seem to be less versatile than other techniques, surface are optimized for ease of manufacture and use.
428 but they are competitive in applications where the proper The key to reproducible manufacture and consequent
429 chemistry exists, while ISFET efforts have great miniatur- ease of use of these biosensor systems is the uniformity
430 ization potential. of physical and chemical properties of the biophysical
431 Nanomechanical sensors such as microcantilevers, or interface. Instrumentation developments center around
432 one of the several optical devices described are the most miniaturization, improved signal processing, and addres-
433 likely candidates as general-purpose bioanalytical sensors sing the possibility of analyzing multiple analytes simul-
434 of the future. They are easy to produce and have potential taneously on the same reaction-cell sensor surface.
435 for use over a wide range of analyte concentrations. They The chemistry of reagent deposition, assay format and
436 also approach the low detection limits required for other aspects related to the use of the reagents are, in
437 immunosensing, while the reproducibility of results is general, not very different from those encountered with
438 similar to that achieved by conventional immunoassays. immunoassay systems. Attention has to be given to using
Table 15.1. Biosensors: a comparison of technologies.
444 Sensor technology Main advantages Main disadvantages
446 Amperometric Proven technology Susceptible to interference
447 Clinical chemistry analytes Limited low detection limit
448 (micromolar) Immunosensing difficult
449 Potentiometric Potentially cheap microchip High set-up manufacture costs
450 manufacturing technology Limited low-detection limit
451 Limited reproducibility
453 Light-addressable Proven technology Slow near lower detection limit
454 potentiometric Potentiometric stability Multiple steps, including washing
455 Multi-analyte capability
456 Fluorescence evanescent-wave Rapid (, 5 min) Lower detection limit limited by
457 sample interferences
458 Non-homogeneous format
460 Surface acoustic wave Theoretical lower detection limit High cost of manufacture of
461 is picomolar identical units
462 Temperature sensitivity
463 Non-specific effects

References and further reading

465 assay formats in which the signal change is large enough time continuous sensing is a chief concern and cost/sensi-
466 to measure. The assay system should be a homogeneous tivity vs. traditional techniques is less important. We have
467 one, with no separation or measurement step required, so described a number of efforts to use semiconductor-like
468 the design of the assay format becomes in some respects manufacturing technologies to produce immunosensors
469 easier than for a conventional immunoassay. cheaply and in quantity. This, along with further
470 Much of this discussion has focused on methods to miniaturization, will be necessary to make immuno-
471 detect a receptor– ligand binding event that is compatible sensors competitive with current ELISA-type assays in
472 with real-time, continuous monitoring. These technol- many diagnostic applications (Hierlemann et al., 2003;
473 ogies have become relatively sophisticated and each has Lee, 2003).
474 strengths and weaknesses that vary by application. In the Continuous, in vivo biosensing would revolutionize
475 future we expect more research emphasis on design of the the diagnosis of disease and the controlled delivery of
476 biochemical receptor elements themselves. Most current therapeutics. The blood glucose sensing technology
477 sensors use canonical antibody – antigen chemistry or already mentioned in this chapter and the arterial
478 something very similar. There is great need for probes blood gas optode mark early but notable efforts. In
479 which are more stable, more versatile in terms of reality, researchers have just begun to address the many
480 recognition while retaining high specificity and which substantive hurdles which exist in this area: these include
481 can be regenerated in situ. Some examples of new probe complete sensor/readout integration, biocompatibility
482 chemistries include molecularly imprinted polymers and long-term, in vivo sensor stability. Finally, the
483 (MIPs), ‘smart-polymers’ and RNA aptamers (de Wildt widespread use of biosensors is limited in many cases
484 et al., 2000; Iqbal et al., 2000; Kaiser et al., 2000; Mishra not by technology development but by questions about
485 and Schwartz, 2002; O’Sullivan, 2002). the utility of various biologic and environmental markers
486 We also expect more advanced probe design to be (Gerritsen et al., 1999; Trettin et al., 1999; Frost
487 accompanied by signal processing informatics that and Meyerhoff, 2002; Musham and Swanson, 2002;
488 compensate for the unavoidable non-specific background Nicolette and Miller, 2003; Yancy, 2003; Coradini and
489 found in real-world biosensing situations (Baller et al., Daidone, 2004; Mark and Felker, 2004; Roongsritong
490 2000; Reder et al., 2003; Turner and Magan, 2004). et al., 2004).
491 Array-based approaches are already very popular in
492 nucleic acid detection and much effort is being expended
493 to produce reliable protein – protein recognition arrays.
494 Arrays would allow ‘super multiplex’ analysis of samples
495 and are needed to capture the complex patterns of REFERENCES AND FURTHER
496 disease states; this aspect of molecular diagnostics is
severely limited by today’s single- or few-analyte rapid READING
498 immunoassay methods (Blank et al., 2003; Niemeyer
et al., 1994; Rowe-Taitt et al., 2000b; Delehanty and Abedinov, N., Popov, C. et al. Chemical recognition based
499 on micromachined silicon cantilever array. J. Vac. Sci.
500 Ligler, 2002; Kusnezow and Hoheisel, 2002; Abedinov
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502 Pavlickova et al., 2003; Peluso et al., 2003). Abel, P.U. and von Woedtke, T. Biosensors for in vivo
503 Integrated immunosensors require some form of glucose measurement: can we cross the experimental
504 sample handling and for the miniaturization necessary, stage. Biosens. Bioelectron. 17, 1059 – 1070 (2002).
505 this will involve microfluidics. Microfluidics is a broad and
promising field with many iterations of tiny fluid circuits, Achyuthan, K.E., Pence, L.M. et al. ZstatFlu (R)-II test: a
506 chemiluminescent neuraminidase assay for influenza viral
507 pumps, separation devices, etc. One successful commer-
cial example is the Caliper Technologies LabChip, which diagnostics. Luminescence 18, 131 –139 (2003).
509 allows very high density formats for traditional ligand – Aizawa, M. Immunosensors. In: Biosensor Principles and
510 receptor and enzyme-relayed assays. The primary market Applications (eds Blum, L.J. and Coulet, P.R.), 249– 266
511 for this device is drug discovery but in time this technology (Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1991).
512 and its derivatives will move to the clinical laboratory and
replace large immunoassay machines and other tra- Aizawa, H., Kurosawa, S. et al. Conventional detection
ditional instruments (Wells, 1998; Dutton, 1999; method of fibrinogen and fibrin degradation products
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516 Schmut et al., 2002; Wu et al., 2003). tron. 18, 765– 771 (2003).
517 Cost per test/datapoint is very important when Albers, J., Grunwald, T. et al. Electrical biochip technology –
518 comparing immunosensors to traditional immunoassay a tool for microarrays and continuous monitoring. Anal.
519 technology. Standard ELISA assays are very sensitive and
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520 inexpensive, which creates a high hurdle for sensor
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565 Natl Acad. Sci. USA 100, 11356– 11360 (2003).
566 de Wildt, R.M., Mundy, C.R. et al. Antibody arrays for high-
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569 Dickert, F.L., Lieberzeit, P. et al. Sensor strategies for
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574 Cherian, S., Mehta, A. et al. Investigating the mechanical Dijksma, M., Kamp, B. et al. Development of an electro-
575 effects of adsorption of Ca2þ ions on a silicon nitride micro- chemical immunosensor for direct detection of interferon-
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Cherian, S., Gupta, R.K. et al. Detection of heavy metal ions
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586 biomolecules and magnetoresistive sensors. Biosens.
587 Dutton, G. Hewlett Packard and Caliper launch microfluidics Bioelectron. 18, 483– 488 (2003).
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595 Hafeman, D.G., Parce, J.W. and McConnell, H.M. Light-
596 Eun, A.J., Huang, L. et al. Detection of two orchid viruses addressable potentiometric sensor for biochemical sys-
597 using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) immunosensors. tems. Science 240, 1182 – 1185 (1988).
598 J. Virol. Methods 99, 71 –79 (2002). Hamilton, M.S., Abel, D.M. et al. Clinical evaluation of the
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600 immunosensor for the detection of polycyclic aromatic influenza virus. J. Clin. Microbiol. 40, 2331 –2334 (2002).
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604 Fermann, G.J. and Suyama, J. Point of care testing in the He, F. and Zhang, L. Rapid diagnosis of M. tuberculosis using
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References and further reading

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