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TYPE Original Research

PUBLISHED 14 April 2023

DOI 10.3389/fphy.2023.1171079

Tailed skyrmions—An obscure

OPEN ACCESS branch of magnetic solitons
Guoping Zhao,
Sichuan Normal University, China Vladyslav M. Kuchkin 1,2,3*, Nikolai S. Kiselev 2*, Filipp N. Rybakov 4
and Pavel F. Bessarab 1,5*
Xue Liang, 1
Science Institute, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2Forschungszentrum Jülich and JARA, Peter
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Grünberg Institute and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Jülich, Germany, 3Department of Physics,
Shenzhen, China
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University,
Zhipeng Hou,
Uppsala, Sweden, 5Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Linnaeus University, Kalmar,
South China Normal University, China
Shen Laichuan,
Beijing Normal University, China

Vladyslav M. Kuchkin,
[email protected] We report tailed skyrmions—a new class of stable soliton solutions of the 2D chiral
Nikolai S. Kiselev,
magnet model. Tailed skyrmions have elongated shapes and emerge in a narrow
[email protected]
Pavel F. Bessarab, range of fields near the transition between the spin spirals and the saturated state.
[email protected] We analyze the stability range of these solutions in terms of external magnetic field
SPECIALTY SECTION and magnetocrystalline anisotropy. We calculate minimum energy paths and
This article was submitted to Condensed homotopies (continuous transitions) between tailed skyrmions of the same
Matter Physics, a section of the journal
topological charge. The discovery of tailed skyrmions extends the diversity of
Frontiers in Physics
already known solutions. This is illustrated by solitons with complex morphology,
RECEIVED 21 February 2023
ACCEPTED 31 March 2023
such as tailed skyrmion bags with and without chiral kinks.
PUBLISHED 14 April 2023


Kuchkin VM, Kiselev NS, Rybakov FN and magnetic skyrmions, chiral magnets, Dzyaloshinskii-Moria interaction, geodesic nudged
Bessarab PF (2023), Tailed skyrmions—An
elastic band method, skyrmion homotopy, stochastic LLG dynamics, micromagnetic
obscure branch of magnetic solitons.
Front. Phys. 11:1171079.
doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1171079

© 2023 Kuchkin, Kiselev, Rybakov and 1 Introduction
Bessarab. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the
Chiral magnets represent a unique class of materials where the competition between
Creative Commons Attribution License
(CC BY). The use, distribution or local interaction, in particular, Heisenberg exchange and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
reproduction in other forums is [1, 2] (DMI), gives rise to a vast variety of topological magnetic solitons such as kπ-
permitted, provided the original author(s)
skyrmions [3–6], skyrmion bags [7, 8], skyrmions at the Bogomolny point [9], and
and the copyright owner(s) are credited
and that the original publication in this skyrmions with chiral kinks [10]. Note that the physical systems that exhibit such
journal is cited, in accordance with diversity of solitons possessing arbitrary topological charges and morphology are very
accepted academic practice. No use,
rare in nature.
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms. The primary parameter that distinguishes magnetic solitons is the topological charge,
which defines the homotopy class of a particular solution:
Q n · zx n × zy n dxdy, (1)

where n is the magnetization unit vector field.

The solutions with identical Q can be continuously (without the appearance of magnetic
singularities) transformed into each other [7]. We refer to such transformations as
homotopies, which can be defined as follows. For two magnetic textures n1(r) and n2(r)
with identical Q, there is a unity parametric vector field n(r; τ), τ ∈ [0, 1], which is continuous
with respect to r and τ, and obeys the boundary conditions n(r; 0) = n1(r), n(r; 1) = n1(r).
Homotopy between any two configurations n1(r) and n2(r) is not defined uniquely as there
are infinitely many ways to introduce the parameter τ. A constraint can be introduced by
considering only those homotopies that represent minimum energy paths (MEPs), i.e., the

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Tailed skyrmions. (A) The magnetization vector field of the π-skyrmion. (B) Top view of a π-skyrmion, where colors encode the magnetization
direction. (C–E) Color-coded spin texture of tailed skyrmions with Q = −1. (F) Stability diagram of tailed skyrmions in terms of the magnetic field, h, and
magnetocrystalline anisotropy, u. (G) Minimum energy path between skyrmions depicted in (B–E). All simulations were performed on the 4LD × 4LD

paths lying lowermost on the energy surface of the system. In this skyrmion and its antiparticle (antiskyrmion) were observed
case, the path parameter τ can be associated with the reaction experimentally in FeGe thin platelet [18].
coordinate—the displacement along the MEP—which we In this article, we introduce a new class of chiral magnetic
normalize to ensure that the reaction coordinate is also defined skyrmions we refer to as tailed skyrmions. We demonstrate rich
on the interval [0,1]. Homotopies satisfying the MEP condition are diversity of tailed skyrmions and present a comprehensive study of
also physically relevant as they define thermal stability of the their static properties, stability and finite-temperature dynamics.
magnetic configurations within harmonic rate theories [11–15]. Tailed skyrmions can be thought of as various elongated skyrmions
Homotopies are, by definition, impossible for solitons with stabilized in the narrow range of external magnetic fields close to the
different Q. elliptical instability field of an ordinary π-skyrmion. Some examples
The representative and the most well-studied soliton in chiral of tailed skyrmions are shown in Figure 1. To our knowledge, this
magnets—π-skyrmion with Q = −1 is shown in Figures 1A, B. π- type of solitons has not been reported in the literature.
skyrmions were theoretically predicted more than 30 years ago by
Bogdanov and Yablonskii [3–5]. Nowadays, there is a long list of
magnetic materials where π-skyrmions were observed 2 Model
experimentally [16].
Another type of axially symmetric solitons referred to as kπ- We consider the two-dimensional (2D) micromagnetic model of
skyrmions (k > 1) was theoretically predicted by Bogdanov and a chiral magnet containing three energy terms:
Hubert [6]. Despite the morphological diversity of kπ-skyrmions,
they all belong to only two homotopy classes, with Q = 0 and Q = −1 E  {wex (n) + wD (n) + wU (n)} ldxdy, (2)
for even and odd k, respectively.
The non-axially symmetric solutions with arbitrary topological where n = M/Ms is the magnetization unit vector field which is
charge, also known as skyrmion bags [7, 8] and skyrmions with uniform across the film thickness l, Ms is the saturation
chiral kinks [9, 10] were found only recently. The skyrmion bags magnetization, wex (n)  A|∇n|2 is the Heisenberg exchange
with positive topological charge have recently been observed in FeGe interaction and wU (n)  Ms Bext (1 − nz ) + K(1 − n2z ) is the
plates using transmission electron microscopy [17]. Co-existing potential term containing the Zeeman interaction and the easy-

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Snapshots of the system during the heating-cooling protocol of stochastic LLG simulations. (A) The initial configuration of π-skyrmion. (B–D)
Snapshots of the system after 104, 5·106 and 107 iterations of stochastic LLG simulations with fixed temperature of T = 0.2J/kB. (E,F) Snapshots after 105 and
106 LLG time steps with T = 0. Simulations are performed on the 8LD × 8LD computational domain for h = 0.617, u = 0.

axis/easy-plane anisotropy. The external magnetic field is elastic band (GNEB) method [26, 27]. Dynamical properties of tailed
perpendicular to the plane of the film, Bextez. skyrmions are investigated via the numerical integration of the
The DMI term wD (n)  Dw(n) is defined by combinations Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation [28] using the well-
of Lifshitz invariants [3], Λij  ni zk nj − nj zk ni . The results established semi-implicit method from Ref. [29].
presented below are valid for systems with Bloch-type The calculations were performed and double-checked with
modulations [19], Néel-type modulations [20–22] as well as various software. In particular, we used Excalibur [30] and
for crystals with D 2d or S 4 point group symmetry [3]. Without Mumax3 [31] for energy minimization and calculation of
loss of generality, we assume Bloch-type DMI, stability ranges. MEPs were calculated using the Spirit code [32].
w(n)  Λ(x) (y)
zy + Λxz , in our calculations. By introducing the We used high-accuracy finite difference schemes in the energy
characteristic size of chiral modulations LD  4πA/D and the minimization to remove numerical artifacts in the calculation of
characteristic magnetic field BD  D2 /(2Ms A), we reduce the derivatives in Eq. 2. A typical mesh density in our simulations is
number of independent parameters to two, namely, the 64 nodes per LD. The details can be found in Refs. [7], [10].
dimensionless external magnetic field h = Bext /B D and For the MEP calculations and stochastic LLG simulations, we
anisotropy parameter u  K/(Ms BD ). As follows from the used an effective spin-lattice model of nearest neighbors. All
rigorous analysis on the Γ-convergence of the corresponding calculations were performed with periodic boundary conditions
micromagnetic Hamiltonians (see Refs. [19, 23, 24]), the in the film plane. For visualization of the magnetization, we use
effective anisotropy constant, K, includes leading the standard color code as explained in Figures 1A, B.
contribution of both the dipole-dipole interaction and the
yx Lifshitz invariant in the thin sample limit, l → 0.
4 Initial guesses
3 Methods To obtain statically stable solutions for tailed skyrmions in
Mumax3, we constructed initial guesses for the n-field by placing
This work involves several numerical methods. Stable magnetic domains with magnetization antiparallel to the field, n = (0, 0, − 1),
configurations are obtained via direct energy minimization using the into the state with magnetization pointing along the field, n = (0, 0,
conjugate gradient method with stereographic projections of the n- 1). In the case of axially symmetric skyrmions, e.g., π-skyrmion in
field. For details, see Supplementary Materials in Ref. [25]. MEPs Figures 1A, B, we use a circular shape domain with magnetization
between the stable states are calculated using the geodesic nudged down. For tailed skyrmions shown in Figures 1C–E, the domains

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Tailed skyrmions with Q = 0. Skyrmionium with tails on the inner contour only (A,B), on both contours (C), and on the outer contour only (D–I). The
scale bar is the same for all images.

with down magnetization should approximately mimic the shape of and from below by elliptic instability field, he. Note that Figure 1F
the skyrmion, which can be achieved by placing circular domains in shows the deviation of ht and he from h*—the critical field
a chain. For details, see the Supplementary Materials with the corresponding to the transition between the spin-spiral state
corresponding Mumax script. and the ferromagnetic phase—so as to emphasize the
In the simulation with Excalibur and Spirit, we used the built-in difference between the critical fields which are quite close to
options allowing one to drag and invert the magnetization field each other. The dependence h*(u) is the solution of the well-
interactively, as illustrated in Supplementary Movie S1. Notably, the known equation [5]:
√ √ √
interactive modification of the magnetization field with the drag tool √ 2h h + 2u + 2u
permits for examining whether the skyrmion has reached the 2π − 4 h + 2u − √ ln √ √  0, (3)
u h + 2u − 2u
optimal shape and size.
which is derived from the criterion that the energy of the isolated
spiral (2π-domain wall) equals the energy of the saturated
5 Results ferromagnetic state. The functional dependence h*(u) is shown in
the inset of Figure 1F.
5.1 Stability diagram The critical fields for any tailed skyrmion solutions always meet at
two points: 1) the Bogomolnyi point h = 1, u = −0.5 and 2) the phase
Figures 1C–E shows elementary tailed skyrmions. The two transition point between the spin spiral and ferromagnetic phases h =
solutions with two and three tails can be referred to as a stick- 0, u = π2/8. Thus, the stability range of tailed skyrmions includes both
skyrmion and a spinner-skyrmion, respectively. We use these in-plane and strong out-of-plane anisotropy systems.
solutions to illustrate the range of tailed skyrmion existence. In The range of the external magnetic field corresponding to stable
Figure 1F, the critical fields for stick-skyrmion and spinner- spinner-skyrmion (see the domain bound by the red lines in Figure 1F)
skyrmion are shown with blue and red curves, respectively. The is roughly eight times larger than that for the stick-skyrmion (see the
field range corresponding to stable tailed skyrmions is bound from domain bound by the blue lines). The stability range for most of the
above by the transition field into axially symmetric π-skyrmion, ht, other tailed-skyrmion solutions considered in this work was found to

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Skyrmion bags with tails stabilized for u = 0 and h = 0.617. Each image in (A–I) shows a tailed skyrmion bag with the topological charge indicated in
the top right corner and varying from Q=−7 to Q=+5.

coincide with high precision with the stability range of the spinner- Figures 1B–E). The calculated MEP turns out to be a
skyrmion. In particular, at zero anisotropy the spinner-skyrmion homotopy as the topological charge of the system remains
transforms to the π-skyrmion at the field h = 0.63185, while for the the same, Q = −1, at every point of the MEP. Some other
multi-tailed skyrmion shown in Figure 1E, the transition field is h = examples of homotopy MEPs have already been presented in
0.63115. The reason for all other multi-tailed skyrmions to have a Ref. [33], reporting the method for finding exotic three-
similar critical field is their structure. All multi-tailed skyrmions have dimensional hybrid skyrmion tubes.
threefold branching parts that the stick-skyrmion does not have. The Starting from the π-skyrmion solution and following the
transformation of any multi-tailed skyrmion into the π-skyrmion starts MEP we observe a sequential increase in the number of tails in
with the collapse of the branching part. The saddle point configurations the magnetic texture. The growth of a new tail requires
shown in the insets of Figure 1G illustrate this effect. The MEP in overcoming an energy barrier that turns out to be
Figure 1G demonstrates that the energy barrier associated with the significantly larger than that for the reverse process,
collapse of the threefold branching part is higher than the barrier i.e., removal of the tail. The latter defines the stability of the
protecting the stick-skyrmion from collapsing. This makes the stability tailed states, and can also be written in the form of inequality,
range for multi-tailed skyrmions wider than that for stick-skyrmions. E BC − E B > E BC − E C , where E B and E C are energies of skyrmions
Therefore, the area bound by the red curves in Figure 1F can be shown in (B) and (C), E BC is the energy at the saddle point
considered as a good estimate for the stability range of all tailed- between them. With an increasing external magnetic field, the
skyrmions. barriers corresponding to the tail contraction decrease and
eventually disappear, leading to the transition of the tailed
skyrmions into the axially symmetric π-skyrmion state.
5.2 Homotopies and minimum energy paths As follows from the MEP calculations, the energy of the tailed
skyrmions increases with the number of tails, meaning that tailed
Figure 1G shows the MEP connecting the π-skyrmion, stick- skyrmions represent higher energy metastable states. The latter is
skyrmion, spinner-skyrmion and four-tailed skyrmion (see consistent with the previous study [34].

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Skyrmions with tails and chiral kinks stabilized for h = 0.617 and u = 0. Each image in (A–I) shows a tailed skyrmion with one or a few chiral kinks and
different topological charge Q indicated in the top right corner. The image in (B) is a detailed view of the spin texture near the chiral kink of the skyrmion
shown in (A).

The question about the second lowest energy soliton with Q = −1 temperature spin dynamics simulations for h = 0.617 and u = 0. We
remains open. For instance, 3π-skyrmion and some of the skyrmion used the LLG time step Δt  0.01Jγμ−1 s , and damping parameter α =
bags seem to be promising candidates. However, comparing the 0.1. The system was simulated at the temperature of T = 0.2J/kB,
energies of tailed skyrmions, we found that the stick skyrmion may i.e., significantly lower than the critical temperature for spin spiral
certainly compete with these solutions. In particular, at h = 0.617 ordering, which was estimated to be Tc = 0.7J/kB for chosen
and u = 0, the energy of stick-skyrmion is only 8.4% higher than that parameters [35].
of the π-skyrmion, while the energy of 3π-skyrmion for these The initial magnetic texture of axially symmetric π-skyrmion
parameters is 11% higher. Moreover, the 3π-skyrmion is is shown in Figure 2A. The thermal fluctuations result in
significantly bigger than the π-skyrmion and has a diameter of skyrmion deformation, as seen in Figures 2B–D. After turning
~ 8LD . The size of other skyrmion bags with Q = −1 is even larger. off the temperature and performing cooling with the LLG
This means that the stick-skyrmion is not only lower in energy than simulation at T = 0, the deformed skyrmion quickly turned
other solutions but also has the shortest distance to the π-skyrmion into a stick-skyrmion, as shown in Figures 2E, F and in
in the configuration space. Supplementary Movie S2. A longer heating of the system, in
principle, can also give rise to the appearance of spinner-
skyrmion and other multi-tailed skyrmions. However, such
5.3 Thermally activated transition from π- events have a much lower probability because of the large
skyrmion to stick-skyrmion distance between corresponding minima in the parameter
space and higher energy barriers, Figure 1G. Nevertheless, our
Since the tailed stick-skyrmion solution is the closest local results suggest a simple approach to the experimental
minimum to the π-skyrmion state, excitation of a π-skyrmion by observation of tailed skyrmions.
external stimuli such as thermal fluctuations can induce a nucleation The current-induced dynamic of tailed skyrmions is quite rich
of the stick-skyrmion. To demonstrate this, we performed finite- and demonstrates various types of motion, including the breathing

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(A) axially symmetric π-skyrmion. (B,C) stick-skyrmions of different lengths. (D) chiral droplet soliton. (E,F) stick-skyrmion with one tail and one chiral
kink. All solutions co-exist for u = 1.194 and h = 0.01. The energy minimization was performed on a large size domain, Ly = 4LD and Lx = 16LD, to avoid the
influence of periodic boundary conditions. All images have identical scale, as marked in (A). (G) y-component of magnetization along the dashed
symmetry line of the skyrmions (A–C). Hollow circles denote the zeros of ny(x).

mode and the rotational motion. Moreover, one can induce skyrmions and depend on their symmetry, which agrees with the
switching between tailed skyrmions by applying sufficient previous study of skyrmion dynamics [36].
current density. Detailed investigation of these effects goes
beyond the scope of this study and will be presented
elsewhere. Nevertheless, to prove the stability of the tailed 5.4 Tailed skyrmions with arbitrary
skyrmions under translational motion we provide a movie (see topological charge
the Supplementary Material) that illustrates the dynamics of four
skyrmions shown in Figure 1: ordinary π-skyrmion (Figure 1B), So far, we have only discussed solutions with Q = −1. However,
stick-skyrmion (Figure 1C), spinner-skyrmion (Figure 1D), and the tails can, in principle, be added to any soliton with an arbitrary
multitailed skyrmion (Figure 1E). In this simulations, we used the topological charge. Adding a tail creates a new soliton, but does not
following material parameters: A  4 pJ/m, D  0.718 mJ/m2 change the topological charge of the system. This section provides
(LD = 70 nm), K  0, the electric current density j = 109 A/m, examples of such skyrmions. All solutions presented in the following
the parameter of non-adiabaticity ξ = 0.1 and the damping were obtained on a square simulation domain of size Lx = Ly = 8LD
parameter α = 0.01. The simulation domain size is 6LD × 6LD. for parameters h = 0.617 and u = 0.
The total time of simulations is 2 microseconds. The script that In Figure 3, we show topologically trivial
can be used to reproduce these results is provided in the solitons—skyrmionium with tails. Note that all solitons shown in
supplementary material. The simulations demonstrate that the Figure 3 are homotopically equivalent despite a different number of
shape of the tailed skyrmions does not change during the motion tails and their position on the inner or outer contour of the solitons.
induced by relatively low current. Since all the skyrmions have Noticeably, the skyrmionium with more than three tails on the outer
identical Q = −1, they move with the positive deflection angle. contour, see, e.g., Figures 3G–I, has rotational symmetry of order
The absolute values of the deflection angle are different for all equal to the number of tails.

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Figure 4 provides examples of tailed skyrmion bags of anisotropy and perpendicular magnetic field where the tailed
various topological charges and demonstrates diversity of skyrmions remain statically stable. We show a wide diversity of
tailed skyrmions. For example, Figures 4C–E shows three tailed skyrmions with arbitrary topological charges. The presence
skyrmion configurations with the same topological charge of tails changes only the soliton’s symmetry but does not change
Q = −1 but different symmetry and different number of tails. its topological charge. Thus, the transitions between tailed
Figures 4G, H demonstrates two different skyrmion bags with and tail-free solutions are homotopies. We demonstrated
the same positive topological charge, Q = +3. that such transitions can be identified using the GNEB
Another qualitatively new feature appears in the case of method. The energy barriers involved in the homotopies
skyrmions with chiral kinks and tails. Figure 5 provides several tend to be smaller than what needs to be overcome to change
examples of such skyrmions having various topological charges. the topological charge of the system [38]. As a result, tailed
Note that the chiral kink on the outer contour of the skyrmion skyrmions can be obtained from a regular π-skyrmion by
carries the topological charge Q = +1. Because of this, the topological applying weak thermal fluctuations, as demonstrated by the
charge of skyrmions in Figures 5A, B equals zero and does not stochastic LLG simulations.
depend on the number of tails. The skyrmions with antikinks of Our results contribute to the development of a complete picture
topological charge Q = −1 are only stable at strong out-of-plane of the diversity of statically stable magnetic solitons in chiral
anisotropy [10]. magnets. After submission of the paper, we became aware
Figures 5C–E illustrate that the chiral kinks form coupled pairs of structurally similar solutions discovered in a superconducting
in the presence of tails. A similar phenomenon was observed for system [39].
chiral kinks on the 2π-domain wall [10]. Generally, the chiral kinks
on a straight domain wall repel each other at large distances and
attract each other only at small distances [10]. Similarly, a pair of Data availability statement
kinks can form a coupled state on tailed skyrmions, with finite
distance between the kinks on the order of 0.1LD. With increasing The original contributions presented in the study are included in
field, the solutions with Q = +1 shown in Figures 5C–E collapse the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed
to an antiskyrmion [37]. Figures 5F–I show skyrmion bags with to the corresponding authors.
positive topological charges hosting chiral kinks and tails
Author contributions
5.5 Effect of strong perpendicular anisotropy VK performed calculations, NK and PB supervised. FR originally
on tailed skyrmions discovered the tailed skyrmion configuration. VK wrote the first draft
of the manuscript. All authors contributed to manuscript revision,
So far, the diversity of tailed skyrmions has been demonstrated read, and approved the submitted version.
for the u = 0 case. However, all tailed skyrmion solutions can also be
obtained for any value of u in the range from −1/2 to π2/8 (see the
diagram in Figure 1F). Moreover, for strong perpendicular Funding
anisotropy, u ≲ π2/8, we found distinct co-existing solutions
representing tailed skyrmions of different lengths. In Figures The authors acknowledge financial support from the Icelandic
6B,C, we show several examples of stick-skyrmions of different Research Fund (Grant No. 217750), the University of Iceland
lengths, which coexist for a given u, h, with ordinary π-skyrmion Research Fund (Grant No. 15673), the Swedish Research Council
shown in Figure 6A and are separated by small energy barriers. The (including Grant No. 2020-05110), and the European Research
energy of the stick-skyrmion increases with its length. Note that such Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
tailed skyrmions of different lengths are observed only at strong and innovation program (Grant No. 856538, project “3D MAGiC”).
anisotropy. As Figure 6G shows, the magnetic structure of such
stick-skyrmions is non-trivial. In particular, the y component of
magnetization is modulated along the skyrmion symmetry axis Conflict of interest
giving an energy gain sufficient for the skyrmion stabilization.
The number of zeros of ny increases with the length of a stick- The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
skyrmion. absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
Interestingly, the stick-skyrmion with one tail and one chiral construed as a potential conflict of interest.
kink (see Figures 6D–F) also exhibits multiple minima
corresponding to the solutions of different lengths.
Publisher’s note
6 Conclusion All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
In conclusion, we presented in this work a new class of chiral organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
skyrmions—tailed skyrmions. We identified the range of uniaxial reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or

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claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or SUPPLEMENTARY MOVIE S2
Movie 2 demonstrates the process of stick-skyrmion nucleation from the π-
endorsed by the publisher.
skyrmion by means of temperature fluctuations. It shows the stochastic LLG
simulations followed by cooling of the system.

Supplementary material Movie 3 illustrates the current-induced dynamics of the π-skyrmion, stick-
skyrmion, spinner-skyrmion, and multi-tailed skyrmion (see Figures 1B–D).
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online
at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2023.1171079/ Mumax script “initial_state.mx3” contains code for creating initial guesses for
full#supplementary-material stick-, spinner- and multi-tailed skyrmions.


Movie 1 demonstrates the process of constructing initial guesses for tailed Mumax script “tailed_sk_dynamics.mx3” contains code for simulating
skyrmions in Excalibur code. current-induced dynamics of tailed skyrmions.

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