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Y6A Practice Book Answers White Rose Maths Edition

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 1 – Place value within 10,000,000

Unit 1 – Place value 2 Numbers to 10,000,000

within 10,000,000 ➜ pages 9–11

1 Numbers to 1,000,000 1. a) 500,000

b) 1,000,000
➜ pages 6–8 c) 1,600,000
2. a) 2,903,471; two million, nine hundred and three
1. a) 329,412 thousand, four hundred and seventy-one
b) 72,304 b) 3,005,765; three million, five thousand, seven
2. a) 123,000 hundred and sixty-five
b) 439,286 3. Counters drawn in columns:
c) 97,103
a) M HTh TTH Th H T O
d) 305,246
3. a) 40 or 4 tens 6 1 4 6 0 0 5
b) 4,000 or 4 thousands
b) M HTh TTH Th H T O
c) 3 or 3 ones
d) 500,000 or 5 hundred thousands 0 5 7 0 2 3 0
e) 4 or 4 ones
f) 100 or 1 hundred 4. a) 1,084,300
b) 2,202,002
4. a) Answers will vary – any number using all six digits
c) 92,092
with a 4 or 8 in the ones column.

b) Answers will vary – any number using all six digits 5. 6*4,506 or 6,**4,506 where * is any number
with a 3, 5, 7 or 9 in the ones column. 6. Yes,
 Danny is correct. You can tell if a number is odd

c) Answers will vary – any number using all six digits or even using just the ones digit – if the ones digit is
with a 5 in the ones column. 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, then the number is even; if it is 1, 3, 5, 7

d) Answers will vary – any number using all six digits or 9, then the number is odd.
with a 5 in the hundred thousands column.
5. a) Missing numbers from left to right along the
number line:

310,000; 320,000; 340,000; 350,000; 360,000; The value of each digit in 8,027,361: 8,000,000 or
380,000; 390,000 8 million; 20,000 or 2 ten thousands; 7,000 or
b) 7 thousands; 300 or 3 hundreds; 60 or 6 tens; 1 or 1 one.

30,000 40,000
3 Partition numbers to
6. a) 74,400 73,500 73,410 73,390
b) 750,167 660,167 651,167 649,167
7. Answers
 will vary – ensure that the number is greater ➜ pages 12–14
than 500,000, is odd, has the same digit in the ones
and the thousands column and the digits total 26. 1. a) 2,000,000 + 300,000 + 20,000 + 6,000 + 400 +
Example answers: 853,163; 507,707. 50 + 7 = 2,326,457
b) 300,000 + 50,000 + 30 + 7 = 350,037
Reflect 2. Jamilla has £2,100,320.

Answers will vary. Encourage children to write down facts 3. a) 7 millions or 7,000,000
they know about the number. Include information about b) 7 hundred thousands or 700,000
odd and even, place value and comparing and ordering c) 7 thousands or 7,000
numbers or digits. d) 7 tens or 70
4. a) 7,000; 10
b) 60,320
5. a) 7
b) 400 + 20 + 9
c) 200,000 + 60,000 + 300 + 90 + 2
d) 8,512
e) 723,572
f) 3,056,825
g) 412,000

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 1 – Place value within 10,000,000

6. a) 3,098,828 5 Number line to 10,000,000

b) 3,099,728
c) 3,108,728 ➜ pages 18–20
d) 2,098,728
e) 2,998,728 1. a) 100,000
7. Answers will vary, as long as the tens digit in each is 7. b) 1,000
Children should recognise that the value of the 10s 2. 1,255,700; 1,255,800; 1,255,900; 1,256,000;
digit stays the same no matter how many digits the 1,256,100; 1,256,200
number has. b) 66,340; 66,350; 66,360
8. There are many possible answers: 3. a) 130,520; 131,520; 132,520
The ones digit must be even for the ten thousand b) 720,700; 820,700; 920,700
digit to be half of it. c) 3,230,000; 3,240,000; 3,250,000
The hundreds digit must be a multiple of 3 (3, 6 or 0)
4. a) 20,000; 70,000; 95,000
so that it can be 3 times the millions digit.
b) 2,300,000; 2,550,000
Ensure the digits add up to 20. c) 620; 730; 785 approximately
For example, 3,510,902; 2,131,616.
5. Arrows drawn to number line:
a) 815,000 851,000 870,000
Answers will vary. Ensure that children have partitioned 800,000 900,000
the number correctly. Parts should total 4,508,375 when
recombined, for example: b) 8,400 8,950 9,500 9,999
4,000,000 + 500,000 + 8,000 + 300 + 70 + 5
3,000,375 + 1,508,000 8,000 10,000

6. a) 5,500,000
4 Powers of 10 b) 7,500,000
c) 8,500,000
➜ pages 15–17

1. a) 38,200 Reflect
b) 382,000
Encourage children to use reasoning to explain their
c) 3,820,000
chosen number. The number is less than half-way
2. a) 35,000 between 200,000 and 300,000 so will be less than
350,000 250,000. Estimate ≈ 2,400,000.
b) 350
35 6 Compare and order any
3. a) 1,260,000 e) 3,900,000 number
b) 600,000 f) 104,000
c) 750 g) 850 ➜ pages 21–23
d) 80
1. N
 umber A is greater. Number A is greater because
4. a) 120,000 c) 1,650,000
the two numbers have the same millions, hundred
b) 3,100,000 d) 5,600
thousands and ten thousands, but A has the greater
5. a) 6 d) 6,000 number of thousands than B.
b) 60 e) 60,000
2. a) 9,580 > 9,570 9,580 < 9,589
c) 600
9,580 < 9,680 9,580 < 10,000
9,580 < 9,681 10,000 > 9,580
Reflect b) 540,000 > 54,000 540,000 > half a million
Children should recognise that when you multiply a 540,000 > 450,000 540,000 < 600,000
number by 10, you add one 0 to the end of the number 540,000 > 540 540,000 < 3,000,000
and move the comma(s). When you divide a number by 3. D (£357,905); A (£370,500); C (£375,000); B (£429,700)
10, you remove one 0 from the end of the number and
4. Benny is fed third.
move the comma(s). To find 100 times bigger than a
number you move two rows up, to find 100 times smaller 5. 73,000; 725,906; 725,960; 728,000
than a number you move two rows down.

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 1 – Place value within 10,000,000

6. a) 0, 1 or 2 5. Circled: 17,450; 16,790; 17,399; 16,500; 16,999; 17,098

b) 6, 7, 8 or 9 6. a) 15,692
c) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 b) Answers will vary but must have 56, 59, 61 or
d) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 62 thousands.
e) 0 c) 59,612 or 59,621
7. Answers may vary. Ensure that each number in the 7. a) 10
row is bigger than the previous number. b) Any digit
 First number: Missing digit can be any digit. c) Maximum: 549,499
Second number: First missing digit is 6; Minimum: 450,000
second missing digit is 8 or 9.
 Third number: First missing digit is 1, 2 or 3;
second missing digit can be any digit. Reflect
The answer is true. Explanations will vary. Encourage
Reflect children to give two explanations to prove it, perhaps
using a number line and using a ‘rule’ that they may
False – Ensure children know that to order numbers, we have come up with.
first need to look at the place value of each digit starting
from the largest value place. In this case, the digit 1 in
120,000 is 1 hundred thousand compared to the digit 8 Negative numbers
1 in 15,600, which is only 1 ten thousand. Therefore
the numbers are not in descending order as 120,000 is ➜ pages 27–28
bigger than 15,600.
1. a) 1 °C
b) 7 °C
7 Round any number 2. a) 4
b) –2
➜ pages 24–26
c) –2
1. a) Olivia is incorrect. She needs to look at the 3. –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2
hundreds column and then decide if she will need 4. a) –10 °C; –5 °C; 5 °C; 10 °C; 25 °C
to round the thousands column up to 4 thousands b) –8, –6, –4, –2, 2, 4, 6, 8
or down to 3 thousands. c) –20; 0; 20; 40; 60; 80; 100; 140
b) 14,000 5. a) 7 section H
13,700 17·5 section K
2. 7,000,000 because it is closer to 7,000,000 than 11 section I
6,000,000. –3 12 section D
–5 section D
3. a) 100,000
–11·1 section B
200,000 b) Three numbers between –12 and –9.
200,000 6. 14 m
b) 60,000 7. A = –16
60,000 B=8
Rounded to the
128,381 1,565,900 72,308 A = –50; B = 20. Explanations will vary. Encourage children
to explain that between 0 and 40, there are 4 intervals,
100,000 100,000 1,600,000 100,000 which means that each interval is worth 10. Now we
10,000 130,000 1,570,000 70,000 know that B is 20 and if we count backwards in tens from
zero, then A = –50.
1,000 128,000 1,566,000 72,000
100 128,400 1,565,900 72,300
10 128,380 1,565,900 72,310

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 1 – Place value within 10,000,000

My journal
➜ page 30

Answers may vary. Ensure that each number satisfies

the statement.
Some only have once answer:
A number that is 10,000 more than 50,389: 60,389.
The greatest number less than seven million that you
can make: 6,985,310

Power puzzle
➜ page 31


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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 2 – Four operations (1)

Unit 2 – Four 7. a) Max has subtracted 1 from each number to avoid

too many exchanges.
operations (1) b) 40,000 – 17,605 = 39,999 – 17,604 = 22,395
200,000 – 136,419 = 199,999 – 136,418 = 63,581
30,001 – 6,984 = 29,999 – 6,982 = 23,017 (subtract 2)
1 Add integers
➜ pages 32–34 Reflect
Various answers are possible.
1. Th H T O
3 2 1 4
+ 5 6 4
3 Problem solving – addition
3 7 7 8 and subtraction
➜ pages 38–40
2. a) 10,635 d) 583,542
b) 64,328 e) 921,217 1. a) 2,438 – 1,330 = 1,108
c) 112,746 f) 1,959,810 She flew 1,108 km further on Monday than on
3. a) 76,492 c) 23,573 b) Wednesday: 2,438 – 227 = 2,211
b) 537,439 d) £8,264,000 2,438 + 1,330 + 2,211 = 5,979
4. 11,883 ml She flew 5,979 km in total.
5. a) 36,182 + 25,057 = 61,239 2. a) The total cost is £203,805.
b) 285,066 + 195,506 = 480,572 b) The difference in cost is £50,175.
6. Max and Jamie’s numbers are: 3. 831 km in total.
38,625 and 52,863 or 38,652 and 52,836 4. C: 18,186
A + B + C = 38,700
Reflect 5. Bella: 36,700
Amelia: 6,950
Various answers are possible. Children should explain
Altogether they scored 43,650.
how to line up the digits correctly according to their
place values and to remember to add in any carried
(exchanged) numbers from the previous column. Reflect
Answers will vary according to how easy or difficult they
find the subtraction methods.
2 Subtract integers
➜ pages 35–37
4 Common factors
1. a) 2,203 d) 17,533 ➜ pages 41–43
b) 4,254 e) 177,308
c) 3,361 f) 493,028 1. a) 1 × 14 = 14
2 × 7 = 14
2. a) 13,708 The factors of 14 are 1, 2, 7 and 14.
b) £176,844
1 × 18 = 18
3. a) Olivia has not lined up the digits correctly. 2 × 9 = 18
b) 43,877 3 × 6 = 18
4. a) 77,338 The factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18.
b) 5,885,500 b) The common factors of 14 and 18 are 1 and 2.
5. a) 14,048 2. a) 5 × 6 = 30
b) 13,548 30 ÷ 5 = 6 (a whole number) so 5 is a factor of 30.
6. 48,706 – 13,581 = 35,125 b) 30 ÷ 8 = 3 remainder 6 (not a whole number) so 8 is
615,003 – 71,187 = 543,816 not a factor of 30.
3. Factors of 40: 1 × 40; 2 × 20; 4 × 10; 5 × 8
Factors of 100: 1 × 100; 2 × 50; 4 × 25; 5 × 20; 10 × 10
The common factors of 40 and 100 are:
1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20.

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 2 – Four operations (1)

4. a) 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 2. a) Multiples of 3 are circled.

b) 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 45 b) Multiples of 7 are shaded.
c) The common factors of 20 and 45 are 1 and 5.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. Left circle: 8, 24
Right circle: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Middle: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
The common factors of 24 and 60 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12.
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
6. a) Common factors of 35, 50 and 70 are circled.
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Factors Factors Factors
of 35 of 50 of 70 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

1 1 1 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
5 2 2 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
7 5 5 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
35 10 7
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
25 10
50 14 c) The common multiples of 3 and 7 are:
21, 42, 63, 84
d) The common multiples of 3 and 7 are multiples
70 of 21.
3. a) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
b) Answers may vary but must be a multiple of 60. b) 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90
The lowest common factor of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 is 60, c) The common multiples of 10 and 15 are:
so any multiple of 60 will be a common factor. 30, 60, 90
4. Multiples of 5 Multiples of 4
Common factors of 15 and 60: 1, 3, 5, 15. 40
No, you would not need to check all the numbers up to
60. All the common factors must be factors of 15 so you 30 16
would only need to check all the numbers up to 15. 20
45 100

5 Common multiples
➜ pages 44–46 Descriptions may vary. For example: I notice that all
the common multiples of 4 and 5 are multiples of 20.
1. Multiples of 8 are circled. Multiples of 6 are shaded.
5. a) The bar model shows that 48 is divisible by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 exactly and it is also divisible by 4 exactly.
Therefore 48 is a multiple of 12 and a multiple of 4,
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 so it is a common multiple of 12 and 4.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 b) The common multiples of 4 and 12 are multiples
of 12: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96.
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Encourage children to find the lowest common multiple,

which is 100.
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
All other common multiples will be multiples of 100.
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

The common multiples of 6 and 8 up to 100 are:

24, 48, 72 and 96.

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 2 – Four operations (1)

6 Rules of divisibility 4.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
➜ pages 47–49
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1. a) 76, 150, 36,108, 70,000, 261,396 to be shaded.
b) 95, 190, 7,000, 1,360,045 to be shaded. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
c) Multiples of 2 end in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Multiples of 5 end in 0 or 5
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
2. Yes: 282, 3,189, 75,000
No: 146, 136,003 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
A number is divisible by 3 if the digits added together
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
equal a multiple of 3.
3. a) Divisible by 2: 136, 288, 1,452 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Divisible by 3: 288, 1,452, 3,315 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
b) 288 and 1,452 are divisible by 6.
c) They are multiples of both 2 and 3, so are multiples 5. Children should write two numbers in each cell from
of 2 × 3 = 6. the following possible answers:
Even multiples of 3 are also multiples of 6. Top left cell: 2, 5
4. a) If the last two digits form a number that is divisible Bottom left cell: 1, 4, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100
by 4, then the number is also divisible by 4. Top right cell: Any prime number except 2 and 5
48 is divisible by 4, so all of the numbers are also Bottom right cell: Any non-prime numbers except
divisible by 4. 1, 4, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 100
b) 224, 1,488, 62,936, 342,196, 500,000 to be shaded.
The top left section can have no more numbers
5. a) 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 in it as they are the only two factors of 100 that
b) 2, 5 or 8 are also prime.
c) 2 or 8
d) 0 or 5 6. a) Children may mention one or more of the
e) 2 or 6 following:
• 2,375 is a multiple of 5 so is not prime.
• 5 is a factor of 2,376, so 2,375 is not prime.
Reflect • 2,375 is in the 5 times table.
Many possible answers. Check that the last two digits b) The sum of the digits of 212,703 is 15, which is a
form a multiple of 4 and that the digits sum to a multiple of 3. So 212,703 is also a multiple of 3.
multiple of 3. For example, 3,636 or 4,128. 3 is a factor of 212,703.
212,703 is in the 3 times table.
7 Primes to 100 7. Explanations may vary. Encourage children to explain
that they can work out prime or composite numbers
using knowledge of times tables and divisions.
➜ pages 50–52
• 123 is not prime because the sum of its digits is 6,
so it is a multiple of 3.
1. a) 7 only has two factors: one and itself.
• 223 is prime because it only has 2 factors,
b) Children may mention one or more of the
1 and 223.
• If the last two digits are prime, this does not mean
• 27 has more than 2 factors.
the whole number will be prime.
• Its factors are 1, 3, 9 and 27.
• 27 is divisible by 3 and 9.
• 27 is a multiple of 3 and 9. Reflect
• 3 × 9 = 27
Explanations may vary. Encourage children to
2. a) Children may mention one or more of the explain that they can work out prime or composite
following: numbers using knowledge of times-tables and divisions
• Their last digit is 5, so they are all multiples of 5. or by drawing arrays. 85 is not prime as it is in the
• They are divisible by 5. 5 times-table, so it has a factor of 5. 89 is prime –
• 5 is a factor of all these numbers. a multiplication tables grid shows that it is not a
b) All the numbers are even, so 2 is a factor. multiple of any number between 2 and 10 and so it
The only even prime number is 2. only has two factors, 1 and itself.
3. a) 13
b) 23
c) 41

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 2 – Four operations (1)

8 Squares and cubes Reflect

➜ pages 53–55 Corrected equations: 12 = 1; 32 = 9; 53 = 125.
Comments may vary. For example:
1. a) 49 • Danny has worked out 1 × 2, but this is not the
b) 125 same as 12. Danny needs to remember that when
2. a) you square a number you multiply it by itself so
12 = 1 × 1 = 1.
• 92 = 9 × 9 = 81, so it is not true that 92 = 3. Danny has
squared the wrong number as 3 × 3 = 9, so 32 = 9.
• Danny has worked out 5 × 3, but this is not the same
as 53. Danny needs to remember that when you cube
a number you multiply it by itself and then by itself
b) again, so 53 = 5 × 5 × 5 = 125.

My journal
➜ page 56

A square number, for example: 1, 4, 16, 25, 36, 64

(256, 324, 625)
A cube number, for example: 1, 64, 125, 216
3. a) 81 d) 8 g) 1 A 3-digit prime number, for example: 163, 241, 251
b) 100 e) 4 h) 1 A 3-digit number that has 3 and 5 as common factors:
c) 121 f) 4 i) 2 various answers are possible but check that they end in
0 or 5 and the digits sum to a multiple of 3. They are all
4. 72 more cubes need to be added. multiples of 15; for example, 165, 540, 255.
Explanations may vary. For example:
• … because each layer is made from 6 × 6 cubes
and you need 2 more layers to complete the big Power puzzle
cube. 6 × 6 × 2 = 72.
• … because there are 6 × 6 × 4 = 144 cubes in the ➜ page 57
shape, whereas 6 × 6 × 6 = 216. 216 – 144 = 72.
5. Bella
 is incorrect as 30 × 30 = 900. She only multiplied Children should find that, whatever numbers they begin
30 by 3 and not by 30. with, they eventually find themselves ‘stuck’, constantly
using and reusing the digits 6, 1, 4 and 7.
6.  Prime Even Square number
This chain gives 7,173, 6,354, 3,087, 8,352, 6,174, 6,174.

13 4   81
2 14 100 16
64 9

All square numbers can be written as a × a, for some

whole number a. Square numbers (apart from 1)
therefore have more than two factors, since their factors
include 1, a and the number itself. The square number 1
is not prime as it has only one factor, 1 (itself). So, there
are no prime square numbers and the circles do not
need to overlap.

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 3 – Four operations (2)

Unit 3 – Four 3. Column multiplication showing

a) 4,105 × 26 = 106,730
operations (2) b) 3,183 × 15 = 47,745
c) 2,078 × 34 = 70,652
1 Multiply by a 1-digit number d) 3,883 × 73 = 283,459
4. 365 × 24 = 8,760
➜ pages 58–60 There will be 8,760 hours in 2023.
5. 17 × 379 = 6,443
1. a) 492 The pool has 6,443 litres of water in it. This is not
b) 1,085 enough to fill the pool.
c) 31,218
d) 11,151 6. 3,629 × 55 = 199,595

2. 3,050 × 6 = 18,300
3. a) 251 × 7 = 1,757
b) 1,271 × 7 = 8,897
Reasoning may vary. For example:
c) 5,718 × 4 = 22,872
d) 3,014 × 7 = 21,098 1,254 × 21 = 26,334; 2,508 × 11 = 27,588
so 2,508 × 11 is larger.
4. 5,500 × 3 = 16,500
1,350 × 3 = 4,050 2,508 × 11 = 1,254 × 2 × 11 = 1,254 × 22,
16,500 + 4,050 = 20,550 which is larger than 1,254 × 21
so 2,508 × 11 is larger.
Alternative method:
5,500 + 1,350 = 6,850
6,850 × 3 = 20,550
The total mass of the boxes is 20,550 g. 3 Short division
5. Greatest number = 8,765 × 9 = 78,885
Smallest number = 6,789 × 5 = 33,945 ➜ pages 64–66

Reflect 1. a) 486 ÷ 3 = 162

b) 186 ÷ 3 = 62
Explanations may vary. Encourage children to notice the 2. a) 759 ÷ 3 = 253
link between multiplying out each column in the short b) 1,785 ÷ 5 = 357
multiplication and where the answer is found on the c) 2,954 ÷ 2 = 1,477
grid method. d) 2,933 ÷ 7 = 419
3. 425 ÷ 5 = 85
Max can use 85 g of guinea pig food every day.
2 Multiply up to a 4-digit 4. a) 468 ÷ 9 = 52
b) 4,689 ÷ 9 = 521
number by a 2-digit number c) 378 ÷ 6 = 63
d) 3,798 ÷ 6 = 633
➜ pages 61–63
5. 5 is not a factor of 657.
1. a) 100 20 5 6. 657 ÷ 5 = 131 r 2
10 1,000 200 50 = 1,250 350 ÷ 4 = 87 r 2
5 500 100 25 = 625 2,379 ÷ 7 = 339 r 6
7. a) 1,750 ÷ 11 = 159 r 1
125 × 15 = 1,875
b) 3,416 ÷ 12 = 284 r 8
b) 700 20 6
10 7,000 200 60 = 7,260 Reflect
3 2,100 60 18 = 2,178
Answers may vary. Children may mention forgetting
726 × 13 = 9,438
to carry over any remainders to the next column.
2. a) 182 × 23 = 4,186 Some children may mention difficulties with some
b) 3,194 × 31 = 99,014 division facts.

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 3 – Four operations (2)

4 Division using factors c) Subtractions may vary. Children may have

subtracted in groups of 10.
➜ pages 67–69 The two subtractions should show 690 (30 lots)
and 115 (5 lots).
1. a) 3,500 ÷ 7 = 500 500 ÷ 2 = 250 4. a) 528 ÷ 11 = 48
3,500 ÷ 14 = 250 b) 528 ÷ 22 = 24
There is 250 ml of juice in each glass.
5. 992 ÷ 31 = 32
b) 360 ÷ 6 = 60 60 ÷ 4 = 15
There are 32 classes.
360 ÷ 24 = 15
Aki can make 15 clay shells. 6. 702 ÷ 26 = 27
2. a) 1,260 ÷ 20 = 63
b) 180 ÷ 15 = 12 Reflect
c) 1,100 ÷ 22 = 50
3. Factors may vary. Answers may vary. Encourage children to check the
a) 270 ÷ 18 = 15 answer using the inverse calculation of 23 × 24.
b) 7,200 ÷ 24 = 300
c) 5,400 ÷ 36 = 150
d) 5,600 ÷ 14 = 400 6 Divide a 4-digit number by
4. Ambika is correct. Encourage children to prove a 2-digit (long division)
this using an example or by drawing a diagram.
For example: ➜ pages 73–75
 ÷ 4 = 40 and 160 ÷ 8 = 20. This means that if I
double the divisor, the quotient is halved. 1. a) 735 ÷ 15 = 49
 is incorrect. Encourage children to prove this b) 1,890 ÷ 15 = 126
using an example or a diagram. For example: c) 5,610 ÷ 15 = 374
160 ÷ 4 = 40 and 320 ÷ 8 = 40. This means that if I 2. a) 1,258 ÷ 17 = 74
double both the dividend and divisor, the quotient b) 2,465 ÷ 17 = 145
remains the same.
3. a) 1,508 ÷ 29 = 52
b) 2,730 ÷ 42 = 65
Reflect c) 6,603 ÷ 31 = 213
6,440 ÷ 20 = 322 4. 2,444 ÷ 26 = 94. Jen cycles 94 km per day.
Methods may vary. For example: 2,325 ÷ 25 = 93. Toshi cycles 93 km per day.
6,440 ÷ 2 = 3,220; 3,220 ÷ 10 = 322 Jen cycles more kilometres per day than Toshi.
6,440 ÷ 5 = 1,288; 1,288 ÷ 4 = 322 5. a) I know that 10 × 61 = 610, not 620. Ebo has made
a mistake at 7 × 61, as it should be 427, not 437.
5 Divide a 3-digit number by Number line corrections: 437, 498, 559, 620
becomes 427, 488, 549, 610.
a 2-digit (long division) b) 8,845 ÷ 61 = 145
➜ pages 70–72
1. a) 266 ÷ 19 = 14
b) 399 ÷ 19 = 21 2,553 ÷ 23 circled. Explanations may vary.
2. a) 52, 65, 78, 91, 104, 117 Encourage children to notice that 23 is a prime number
b) 221 ÷ 13 = 17 so there are no useful factors to divide by to make the
364 ÷ 13 = 28 calculation easier.
3. a) 92, 115, 138, 161, 184, 207 1,440 ÷ 30 = 48
2,553 ÷ 23 = 111
b) 805 ÷ 23 = 35
3 5
23 8 0 5
– 4 20
3 4 5
– 2 10
1 1 5
– 1 5

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 10

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 3 – Four operations (2)

7 Long division with 6. a) 50

b) 9
remainders c) 6
d) 5
➜ pages 76–78 e) 18

1. a) 15 r 5
b) 26 r 11 Reflect
c) 54 r 2
d) 128 r 14 Answers will vary but children should include at least one
multiplication or division and at least one subtraction or
2. 200 ÷ 15 = 13 r 5 addition.
Andy can fill 13 pages with 5 stickers left over.
3. a) 9 r 21
b) 35 r 10 9 Brackets
4. a) 9
b) One more than for 1,000 ➜ pages 82–84

5. 475 ÷ 35 = 13 r 20. 1. 10 + (2 × 3) → bottom image (bar model)

The ranger will need to buy 14 bags of seed. (10 + 2) × 3 → middle image (grid of place value
Reflect 3 + (2 × 10) → top image (base 10 equipment)
2. a) 100
Answers will vary. Encourage children to work out a b) 9
division that leaves a remainder of 10 first. They can c) 75
then use this equation to create the story problem. d) 3
Encourage children to use multiplication to find 3. a) 3 × 5 + 4 = 19
a division which will have a remainder of 10. b) 3 × (5 + 4) = 27
For example: 35 × 20 = 700. Therefore 700 ÷ 35 = 20 c) 10 – 4 ÷ 2 = 8
so 710 ÷ 35 = 20 remainder 10. d) (10 – 3) ÷ 2 = 3.5
e) 10 – 3 × 2 + 5 = 9
f) (10 – 3) × 2 + 5 = 19
8 Order of operations g) (10 – 3) × (2 + 5) = 49
h) 10 – 3 × (2 + 5) = –11
➜ pages 79–81 4. a) Circle 12 × (3 + 5) = £96
b) (3 + 5) × 15 = £120
1. Lines should be drawn to match:
3 × 2 + 6 → second image (towers of cubes) 5. a) 6 × (3 + 5) = 48
3 + 2 × 6 → third image (bead string) b) (7 – 2) × 4 = 20
3 × 6 + 2 → first image (ten frames) c) 3 + (4 × 5) = 23
d) (12 + 6) ÷ 3 – 1 = 5
2. a) Reena has forgotten the order of operations. She e) (12 + 6) ÷ (3 – 1) = 9
has added then multiplied instead of multiplying
then adding. 6. a) <
b) 11 b) >
c) =
3. a) 36 – 3 = 33
b) 20 + 140 = 160 7. Answers may vary. Possible solutions include:
c) 10 – 8 = 2 a) (2 + 2 + 2) × 2 = 12; 2 × (2 + 2 × 2) = 12
d) 800 – 8 = 792 b) 10 = 3 ÷ 3 + 3 × 3; 10 = (3 × 3) + (3 ÷ 3)
e) 50 – 5 = 45
f) 64 – 56 = 8
4. a) 11
b) 90 Multiply 3 times 5 and then add 3 = 18.
c) 12
5. a) 22
b) 28
 should explain the order of operations,
multiplication before addition and subtraction,
to a partner.

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 11

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 3 – Four operations (2)

10 Mental calculations (1) 3. a) 354,000

b) ninety-three thousand
➜ pages 85–87 c) three hundred thousand
d) 3,205,500
1. a) 27 4. a) 49,000
b) 396 b) 800,000
c) £57 c) 850,000
d) 315 5. a) 900
2. a) £8.97 b) 9,000
b) £14.95 c) 5
c) £39.90 d) 19,000
3. a) £5.88 6. a) 24 24,000
b) £5.70 b) 76 760
4. a) 497 kg c) £597 £597,000
b) £119.94 7. 424,900
c) 1,428
d) 900
e) 882
f) 618
Answers will vary. Encourage an explanation that the
5. Explanations may vary. For example, Sofia rounded calculations that can easily be solved mentally will
98 to 100 and worked out 6 × 100 = 600. She added involve limited exchange, for example, addition or
2 cm to each length of wood, so she needs to subtract subtraction of multiples of powers of 10. Calculations not
6 × 2 = 12 from her answer. Sofia’s mistake was that easily solved mentally will involve multiple exchanges.
she only subtracted 1 cm for each length of wood,
6 x 1 = 6.
The correct answer is 588 cm or 5 m and 88 cm. 12 Reason from known facts
6. Explanations
 may vary. Encourage children to
use mental methods to work out that 9 × 49 = ➜ pages 91–93
9 × 50 – 9 = 441. Then use mental maths to solve
9 × 25 = 10 × 25 – 25 = 225. 1. a) 290
b) 291
 subtraction to work out 441 – 225 = 216 and
c) 286
use addition to work out 441 + 225 = 666.
d) 269
e) 389
Reflect f) 3,600
2. a) Lee needs to add 2 instead of subtracting 2.
Explanations will vary but expect to see the use of b) 697
rounding and adjusting.
3. a) 615
b) 123
11 Mental calculations (2) c) 5
d) 6,150
➜ pages 88–90 e) 5
f) 12,300
1. a) 130,000 4. a) 391 + 23 = 414
b) 170,000 b) 391 × 2 = 782
c) 320,000 c) 391 × 10 × 10 = 39,100
d) 370,000
5. Jamilla has multiplied by the difference between
e) 100,000
148 and 48, instead of adding 6 lots of the difference.
2. a) 18 b) 7 To get the correct answer:
180 70 148 × 6 = (100 × 6) + (48 × 6).
1,800 700 As Jamilla already knows 48 × 6 = 288,
18,000 7,000 148 × 6 = 600 + 288 = 888.
180,000 70,000
c) 239

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 3 – Four operations (2)

6. a)
16 × 17 = 272

16 × 16 = 256 2,560 ÷ 16 = 160

256 ÷ 16 = 16

25,600 = 160 × 160 256 = 8 × 32

32 × 16 = 512

b) Answers will vary. Ensure that children have used
the related fact for their new equations.
 example: 16 x 15 = 240; 2,560 ÷ 160 = 16;
162 = 256.

Answers may vary. Encourage children to write facts
that include doubling or multiplying by a power of ten,
and/or using the inverse. For example: 85 × 6 = 510;
255 ÷ 3 = 85; 85 × 30 = 2,550.

My journal
➜ page 94

Answers will vary. Encourage children to use their

number sense (in this case, knowing the patterns in
multiples of 25) to help them find an equation that
leaves a remainder of 10 when divided by 25.

Power puzzle
➜ page 95

Answer will depend on the number rolled and where the

children place the digits. Children should be encouraged
to think about where they place each digit if the aim is to
make the greater total.

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 13

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 4 – Fractions (1)

Unit 4 – Fractions (1) 1 1

3. a) 4 ; 2 ;
1 1 3 1 5 3 7
b) 8 ; 4 ; 8 ; 2 ; 8 ; 4 ; 8
1 Equivalent fractions and 1 1 3 2 1 3 7 4 9
c) 10; 5 ; 10 ; 5 ; 2 ; 5 ; 10 ; 5 ; 10
simplifying 1 1 1 1 5 1 7 2 3 5
d) 12; 6 ; 4 ; 3 ; 12 ; 2 ; 12 ; 3 ; 4 ; 6 ;
➜ pages 96–98 3 1
4. A = 11 6 or 11 2
2 1
1. a)
1 B = 12 6 or 12 3
4 4 2
; ÷7 C = 13 6 or 13 3
6 5
c) ÷ 5; 7; ÷ 5
5 D = 14 6
1 1 1 1 5 1 7 2 1 5 11 1
2. a)
d) 4
3 5. , , , , , , , , , ,   ,
12 36 18 12 9 36 6 36 9 4 18 36 3
2 9
b) e)
7 Reflect
c) 9
f) 9
3. a) 18 The first arrow is pointing to 3 4 . I know this because
b) 84 each whole is split into 4 equal parts on the number line,
c) 50 making each part 4 . It is on the third part up from 3
10 24 so this will be 3 4 .
4. a) 20
b) 36 1
The second arrow is pointing to 4 8 . I know this because
25 40 1 1
5. a) 40
b) 64 half of 4 is 8 . The arrow is pointing half-way between the
6. a) 63
2 7
d) 11 first part after 4, so this will be 4 8 .
5 1
b) e) 2 2
1 1 3 Compare and order fractions
c) 15 2 f) 1 4
7. a) 1 part shaded ➜ pages 102–104
b) 2 parts shaded
c) 4 parts shaded 1. a) The LCM of 2 and 4 is 4.
20 1 2 1 3
8. 2
= 4 . So 2 < 4 .
b) The LCM of 5 and 10 is 10.
3 6 3 7
Reflect 5
= 10 . So 5 < 10 .
c) The LCM of 8 and 3 is 24.
To simplify a fraction, find the highest common factor 3 9 2 16 3 2
of the numerator and denominator and use it to divide 8
= 24 ; 3 = 24 . So 8 < 3 .
both parts of the fraction. If the highest common factor d) The LCM of 5 and 7 is 35.
is 6, then divide the numerator and denominator by 6. 3 21 4 20
= 35 ; 7 = 35 . So 5 > 7 .
3 4
You can also simplify in stages by dividing by common 5
7 3 4
factors of the numerator and denominator until there 2. From smallest to greatest: 10 , 4 , 5   .
are no common factors left.
3. From greatest to smallest: D, C, A, B.
11 7 2 3 7 3 1
4. a) , ,   b) 3 , 8 , 4 ,
2 Equivalent fractions on a 15 10 3
11 11 35 45
5. a) < 1 24 b) <
number line 4
6 8
6. A 9
B  6 C   3
➜ pages 99–101
2 1 2 Reflect
1. a) 3; 1 3; 2 3  b) 9 6 c) 7 1 ; 8 1
8 2 4
2 1 Explanations may vary. For example:
2. a) 85 95 1
92 5 15 5 10 5 15
= 24 and 12 = 24 , so 8 is greater than 12 .

8 9 10 Dividing a whole into a larger number of equal pieces

30 17 9
2 10 will mean that the size of each piece is smaller.
20 10 1 1 5
Therefore 12 is smaller than 8 . This means that 12 will
be smaller than 8 .
1 2 3

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 14

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 4 – Fractions (1)

4 Add and subtract simple 3. a)

2 7
+ = + =
5 15 15 15 15
7 13

fractions b)
5 1 15
+ = + =
8 3 24 24 24
8 23

3 2 9 8 1
➜ pages 105–107 c) – = – =
4 3 12 12 12
9 1 18 5 13
3 3 d) – = – =
10 4 20 20 20
1. a) 5
d) 7
3 3 6 3 9
5 1 e) + = + =
b) 6
e) 9
10 20 20 20 20
9 3 18 15 3
10 f) – = – =
10 4 20 20 20
13 19
4 2 4 14 18
2. Aki has added the denominators as well as the 4. 21
+ 3 = 21 + 21 = 21
numerators. When adding fractions, only the
2 1 8 5 13
numerators are added. 5. a) 5
+ 4 = 20 + 20 = 20
3 6 9
+ 10 = 10 b) Answers can vary.
1 5 7 10 17
3. a)
– 7 = 4 d)
24 15 39
+ = For example: 4 + 14 = 28 + 28 = 28 .
15 15 15 50 50 50
– 8 = 15 e)
+ 11 = 20
31 31 31 24 24 24
45 15 30
c) – = f)
+ 82 = 121
51 51 51 200 200 200
1 9 7 3 Children should mention using equivalent fractions,
4. → 20 → 20
20 20 using their LCM, to change the denominators so that
5 5 2 8
→ 20 → 20 they are the same value. One of the answers can
20 20
4 6 be simplified.
→ 20 2 1 8 5 13
The LCM of 4 and 5 is 20: 5 + 4 = 20 + 20 = 20 .
4 1 2 1
5. a) =
12 3
d) 8 4
= 3 1 3 1 2 1
The LCM of 10 and 5 is 10: 10 – 5 = 10 – 10 = 10 = 5 .
8 4 18 3
b) =
10 5
e) 24 4
15 3 20 1
c) =
20 4
f) 100 5

6. a)
5 6 Add mixed numbers
10 8
1 2
b) 9
e) 10 ➜ pages 111–113
1 12
c) 8
f) 30 1. a) Add the wholes: 3 + 2 = 5
Explanations may vary, but children should mention 1 1 4 3 7
Add the fractions: 3 + 4 = 12 + 12 = 12
changing the answer to an equivalent fraction with the
same denominator as in the question Combine the whole and fraction: 5 12 .
5 1 5 3 8 2 1
b) Add the fractions: 6 + 2 = 6 + 6 = 6 = 1 6 = 1 3 .
Reflect 1 1
Add the wholes: 1 + 1 3 = 2 3 .
Children should explain that the numerators should be 2 1
2. a) 3 + 3 + 10 = 3 + 30 + 30 = 3 30
20 3 23
added, not the denominators, and that the answer can
1 3 4 1 1 5 1 10 11
be simplified: 8 + 8 = 8 = 2 . b) 2 + 14 + 5 + 7 = 7 + 14 + 14 = 7 14
1 3 5 6 11 1
3. a) 1 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 3 + 10 + 10 = 3 10 = 4 10
5 Add and subtract any 3 5 18
b) 2 + 4 + 1 + 6 = 3 + 24 + 24 = 3 24 = 4 24 = 4 12
20 38 14 7

two fractions 1
4. Aki spends 4 12 of an hour on his homework.
➜ pages 108–110 5. The distance from the café to the beach is 5 10 km.

6 1 7 9
1. a) + = 6. Mo
 needs 18 10 m of fencing.
10 10 10
21 10 11 Mo needs to buy 5 packs of fencing.
b) – =
24 24 24
4 1 8 5 3
2. a) – = – =
5 2 10 10 10
m remains.

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 15

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 4 – Fractions (1)

Reflect 8 Multi-step problems

Changing such large numbers into improper fractions ➜ pages 117–119

is not the most efficient method. A better method 9
would be to add the whole numbers together, add the 1. The total mass of the apple and pineapple is 10 kg.
fractional parts together and then combine them for 2. The perimeter of the triangle is 1 21 m.
the answer. 9
3. There is 3 10 m of wood remaining.
12 + 7 = 19 4. 3
3 3 12 15
+ 4 = 20 + 20 = 20 = 1 20
27 7 24
7 7
19 + 1 20 = 20 20
5 11
3 3 7 16 12
12 5 + 74 = 20 20

5 1
7 Subtract mixed numbers 12 2

5. The total length of the pencils is 22 20 cm.
➜ pages 114–116 4
6. Georgia weighs 1 15 lbs more than Anna.
1 11
1. a) 2 4 c) 6 12
b) 2 15
4 17
d) 4 20
3 2 Answers will vary. Ensure that the calculation in the
2. a) 3 5 b) 2 5 1
problem gives an answer of 2 3 .
3. 1 15

4. The baby giraffe is 2 20 m tall.

9 Problem solving – adding
5. Add together the difference of 6 + 1 + 5 = 1 30 .
1 1 11 and subtracting fractions
1 5 11
3 5 – 1 6 = 1 30 ➜ pages 120–122
7 17
6. 1 10 . 1. The height of the tallest elephant is 2 20 m.
5 11 1
7. Heart = 4 12 (Star = 1 12) 2. The mass of the empty picnic basket is 4 kg.
3. There were 11 4 million downloads in total.
Reflect 23
4. The spider is 30 m from the top of the drainpipe.
Methods may vary. Children may choose to convert 5. The distance BC is bigger than the distance AB by 9 .
both mixed numbers to improper fractions, then find
equivalent fractions with the same denominator, before Reflect
doing the subtraction and simplifying/converting back
to a mixed number. Answers will vary.
Or Encourage children to spot their mistakes and learn
Children may opt to exchange one whole into fifths to from them. Ask: How could they make things easier? Would
ensure the fraction part in the minuend is bigger than being fluent with their times-tables help?
the fraction part in the subtrahend, before finding
equivalence with the same denominator and subtracting.
Children could show finding the difference by counting
on from the subtrahend to the minuend and adding the
parts together. For example:
1 1
1 3 9
Solution: 5 5 – 2 4 = 2 20

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 16

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 4 – Fractions (1)

My journal
➜ page 123

1. a) 1 15 c) 1 1 e) 5 7
24 18
19 3
b) d) 8 f) 1 1
20 20 12
2. Danny’s method is correct. Jamie’s method is not
quite correct as first she will need to exchange one
whole for 4 quarters to ensure that the fraction
part of the minuend is bigger than the fraction part
of the subtrahend.
Solution: 1 20 .

Power puzzle
➜ page 124

3 4 8
1. a) 6 7 + 3 5 = 9 35
3 1 1
1 10 22 35

3 2 7
44 3
1 12

19 5 47
36 4 60

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 17

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 5 – Fractions (2)

Unit 5 – Fractions (2) 2. a)


1 Multiply fractions by integers

➜ pages 126–128
2 2 4
b) 3 × 5 = 15
7 3 12
1. a) 4
= 14 c) 3
8 3
b) = 1 5
7 1 18 2 1
2. a) 2
= 32 c) 8
= 28 = 24 6 3 10 5
3. a) 20
= 10 b) 18
12 2 35 5 1
b) 5
= 25 d) 10
= 3 10 = 32
2 6 12 4 3 2 6 3
4. a) 3
× 7 = 21 = 7 b) 4 × 5 = 20 = 10
3 8
3. 1 × 3 = 3 and 15 = 5
3 9
× 3 = 5 = 15
4 8 24 5. This statement is always true because you are
5 5
×3= 5 multiplying a number less than one by another
4 4
3 + 15 = 45 24 4
= 45 number less than one. In other words, you are finding
3 4 a part of a part.
So, 1 5 × 3 = 4 5
1 1
4. a) 13 5 c) 8 4 Reflect
2 2
b) 18 3 d) 20 5 1 3
Children should draw a pictorial representation of 2 × 5 .
1 3
5. Kate
 has multiplied the numerator and the Encourage children to explain that 2 times 5 is the same
1 3
denominator by 4. The denominator is the unit of that as 2 of 5 .
number and so does not change when you multiply a
8 2
fraction. The answer should be 3 = 2 3 .
3 Multiply fractions by
11 1
6. 5
= 25 fractions (2)
His owner needs to buy 3 bags of dog biscuits.
➜ pages 132–134
7. a) 4 d) 5
b) 4 e) 5
c) 2 f) 9 1. a) 8
b) You can multiply the numerators together and the
Reflect denominators together.
2 2
2 8 2 2. a) 1 × 5 × 3 = 15
Encourage children to prove that 1 3 × 4 = 4 3 = 6 3.
1 2 1
Children could show this with calculations and/or b) 2 × 9 × 4 = 36 = 18
pictorial representations. 3 6 1
c) 2 × 9 × 4 = 36 = 6
10 10 2
d) 1 × 5
× 11 = 55 = 11

2 Multiply fractions by 3. a)
d) 16

fractions (1) b)
4 63
c) f)
➜ pages 129–131 15 230

1 2 3 1
1 1 1 4. a) ×5 c) ×
1. a) 2
×4=8 3 5 2
1 5 5 1 7 1 1 7
1 b) × 6 or ×6 d) 12 3
× =6×6
Zac uses 8 of the bag of flour. 3 3

1 3
b) 2 × 4 = 8
3 5. a) Aki has added the numerators instead of
multiplying them.
3 6
Zac needs 8 of the bag. b) Kate has the correct answer of 56 . She has just
simplified it to 28 .

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 18

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 5 – Fractions (2)

6. Answers may vary. Some possible solutions are: 5 Divide a fraction by an

2 4 1 8
a) 3
× 5; 5 × 3 integer (2)
2 6 3 4
b) × 7; 7 × 3
3 ➜ pages 138–140
2 2 3 2
c) 4
× 2; 4 × 3
1 1
1 3 3 3
× 3 × 8; 4
3 1. a) 12
b) 10
2. 16
Reflect 3. a)
12 12
Answers may vary. Encourage children to relate the 4. a)
÷ 3 = 15
1 1
b) 2 ÷ 4 = 8
shortcut method of multiplying numerators together 5
and denominators together to using pictorials to help 5. a)
explain what is going on and why it works. 18 24
b) 18
g) 2
4 Divide a fraction by an c) 30
h) 3
1 1
integer (1) d) 20
i) 3
➜ pages 135–137
5 1
6. 1 – 6 = 6
1. 12
÷2= 1
6 12
2 4
2. a) c) 1 1
9 9 7. 2
÷ 24 4
÷ 12
b) 1 1
÷ 8 8
2 1
3. a) 11
b) 5
1 2 Reflect
4. a) 9
e) 15
1 4 1 2 1 1 1
b) 4
f) 17 This is false. 10 × 2 = 10 = 5 . 10 ÷ 2 = 20 .
3 1
c) 7
g) 17
6 Divide a fraction by an
5. a)
2 4 integer (3)
5 5
6 15
b)     ➜ pages 141–143
20 20
c) 7  2  14  1 6 3 6 2
1. a) 8
÷2=8 b) 15 ÷ 3 = 15
d) 10  8  2  5
6 3 6 3
4 2. a) 10
÷ 2 = 10 b) 14 ÷ 2 = 14
6. The snail travels 15 km each day.
10 5 12 3
12 56
    18 3. a) ÷ 2 = 16 d) ÷ 4 = 40
7. 18 60 24
16 40
12 4 10 2
b) 15
÷ 3 = 15 e) 45
÷ 5 = 45
15 5 10 5
Reflect c) 24
÷ 3 = 24 f) 18
÷ 2 = 18
8 2 1 6 2 1
The correct answer is 15 . Danny has divided both the 4. a) 20
÷ 4 = 20 = 10 b) 18
÷ 3 = 18 = 9
numerator and the denominator by 5. As the divisor is a 4 2
5. 50
or 25 of the bottle of milk will be in each glass.
factor of the numerator, the denominator, which is just
the unit of that number, will not need to change here. 3 2
6. Square = 16 ; circle = 5 ; rhombus = 5.
Encourage children to prove their calculation with a a)
pictorial representation. 2
b) 25

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 19

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 5 – Fractions (2)

Reflect Reflect
Explanations may vary. Children may explain that they Answers will vary. Encourage children to explain what
will need to find equivalent fractions to make the they found challenging and how they might help
numerator a multiple of the divisor 4 and then divide. themselves make it easier.
Some children may have figured out a shortcut of
multiplying the denominator by 4, but do ensure that
children understand why it works. Some children may 9 Fraction of an amount – find
also see that ‘dividing by 4’ is the same as finding
2 1
‘a quarter of’ and so choose to do 7 × 4 .
the whole
2 8 2 1
÷ 4 = 28 ÷ 4 = 28 = 14 ➜ pages 150–152

1. 12 × 3 = 36
7 Mixed questions with There are 36 animals in the field.
fractions 2. 36
3. £30
➜ pages 144–146
4. Toshi earns £51 more per week.

1. a)
= 23
2 5. a) 80 c) 200
3 b) 64 d) 108
The perimeter is 2 3 cm.
6. a) There are 120 pages in Alex’s book.
3 18 4
b) 7 × 6 = 7
= 27 b) There are 60 pages in Lee’s book.
The perimeter is 2 7 cm.
8 Reflect
2. The area is 35 cm2.
6 3
The perimeter is 2 35 cm. Answers will vary. Although both equations involve 4
2 of amounts, in one case you know the amount and are
3. Richard walks 4 7 km in total. 3 3
asked to find 4 of it. In the other, you know the value of 4
4. a)
5 1
b) of the amount and are asked to find the whole amount.
12 15 3 3
1 Solutions: 4 of 60 = 45; 4 of 80 = 60.
5. Each side of the square is 10 m.
6. 20
of the middle rectangle is shaded. My journal
➜ page 153
Answers will vary. Encourage children to show step-by-
Max forgot about the order of operations. He should step with reasoning to demonstrate their understanding
have done the mutiplication calculation first and then of fractions and the four operations. Are they able to
the addition. The correct answer is 8 . teach a partner?

8 Fraction of an amount Power puzzle

➜ pages 147–148 ➜ page 154

1. 8 of the buttons are blue. 1.

2. Andy had £480 left.
3. Kate sells 5 more cookies han Ebo. 36 18 27 15 4·5 8 2 20
4. Sophia pays £3.60 more than Holly.
5. a) 153 km 150
3 A B
b) 36 minutes (accept 5 of an hour) 2.
c) 50 metres or 0·05 kilometres 30 210
6. a) < b) <
7. 9

© Pearson Education Ltd 2022 20

Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 6 – Measure – imperial and metric measures

Unit 6 – Measure – 2 Convert metric measures

imperial and metric ➜ pages 158–160

measures 1. a) 3,000 g
4,000 g
b) 300 cm
900 cm
1 Metric measures 7,000 g 2,600 cm
12,000 g 450 cm
➜ pages 155–157 3,500 g 425 cm
2. a) 2,000 ml b) 5 kg
1. Children should circle: 3,000 ml 6 kg
a) km 3,500 ml 6·5 kg
b) kg 3,540 ml 6·58 kg
c) mm 35,400 ml 65·8 kg
d) l 3. a) 500 cm e) 30 m
e) m b) 7,500 g f) 12,050 ml
2. About the c) 0·65 l g) 8,400 m
More than Less than d) 34 mm h) 1,005 g
same as
Yoghurt pot  4. a) Lexi has multiplied by 100 instead of 1,000.
Drinking glass  The correct answer is 2,600 g.
Cereal bowl  b) Lexi divided by 100 instead of multiplying by 100.
Carton of milk  The correct answer is 490 cm.
Watering can  5. a) Possible pairs for A and B:
Tin of soup  mm (A) and m (B); m (A) and km (B);
mg (A) and g (B); g (A) and kg (B); ml (A) and l (B).
3. a) Any two from: m, cm, mm or km.
b) Yes. D and E are both cm, as you multiply by 100
b) Any two from: mg (milligram), g or kg.
to convert from m to cm, and multiply by 10 to
c) Any two from: ml, l, mm3, cm3 or m3.
convert from cm to mm.
4. Circled:
a) 2 m
b) 25 kg
c) 21 mm
Ticked. Alex
d) 200 ml
e) 800 g Alex is correct because, when converting within metric
units, you either divide or multiply by 10, 100 or 1,000.
5. Boxes ticked from top to bottom: This changes the positions of the digits in the place
True, False, False, True, False. value grid and so changes the values of these digits.
6. a) Ticked: Less than 1 gram. However, the digits themselves do not change –
b) Answers will vary. Look for children recognising although zeros may need to be added as place holders.
that medicines are generally taken in very small So, the answer will only contain the digits 5, 7 and 0.
amounts and so are best described using a small
unit of measure. Children may also use knowledge
that a millimetre is smaller than a metre (or 3 Calculate with metric
millilitre is smaller than a litre) to reason that a measures
milligram must be smaller than a gram.
➜ pages 161–163
1. a) Isla has 2,100 km left to run.
No. The milk is given as 1,000 ml, which is 1 litre, b) The bush is 45 cm taller than the fence.
the flour is given as 0·25 kg, which is 250 g, and the c) 12 servings of 200 g can be taken from the bag.
shoelaces are likely to be sold in pairs rather
2. Aki
 needs to convert the units to a common unit,
than length.
either grams or kilograms. He has just added the
amounts without converting first.
Correct answer: 880 g + 1,500 g = 2,380 g (or 2·38 kg)
3. a) There are 300 ml of squash in each glass.
b) There are 60 ml of orange juice in each glass.

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 6 – Measure – imperial and metric measures

4. 1·78 m or 178 cm
5. The mass of one banana is 150 g.
The mass of one apple is 200 g.
Answers will vary. For example:
If I know that 5 miles is about the same as 8 km,
Reflect I also know that:
10 miles is about the same as 16 km;
Answers will vary. For example: 800 km is about the same as 500 miles;
Bella has a water bottle that has 0·5 l of water in it. 1 mile is about 5 km = 1·6 km.
She pours 300 ml into a glass. How much water does she To convert from miles to kilometres, multiply by 1·6.
have left? To convert from kilometres to miles, multiply by 0·625.
Look for children fluently and accurately converting
between units of metric measure so that they can
solve problems. 5 Imperial measures
➜ pages 167–169
4 Miles and kilometres
1. a) 5 cm is about 2 inches.
➜ pages 164–166 b) 11 cm is about 4·3 inches.
(Accept reasonable estimates.)
1. a) 32 km c) 8 inches is about 20 cm.
b) 56 km 1
d) 6 2 inches is about 16·3 cm.
c) 96 km (Accept reasonable estimates.)
2. e) Explanations may vary. For example:
Speed Speed
(mph) (km/h) 5 cm = 2 inches, so multiply both sides of the
equation by 10 to give 50 cm = 20 inches.
A 2.5 4
Kilograms 1 2 3 4 5 50 100
B 5 8
Pounds 2.2 4·4 6·6 8·8 11 110 220
C 10 16

D 35 56 3. Ticked: b)
4. 560
 x 3·5 = 1,960 ml, so Mo has about 1·96 litres of
E 50 80
milk (or approximately 2 litres).
5. Converting heights to cm:
3. a) 40 ÷ 8 = 5 Aki: 145 cm
5 × 5 = 25 Lee: 50 inches = 125 cm
40 km = 25 miles Jamilla: 5 feet = 60 inches = 150 cm
b) 72 ÷ 8 = 9 Jamilla is the tallest.
9 × 5 = 45
72 km = 45 miles
Length Length
Name of river
(miles) (km) Answers will vary. For example:
River Mersey 70 112 Working with metric is useful because conversion
between units involves 10, 100 and 1,000, and these
River Tamar 50 80 are easy to multiply and divide. However, working
River Severn 220 352 with imperial can involve smaller numbers, such as
measuring height in feet and inches, which are easier
River Clyde 110 176 to work with.

The longest river is the River Severn.

5. Ticked: A
 may vary. For example:
 km is about 5 miles, so 80 km is about 50 miles.
So, Train B only travels about 50 miles every hour, but
Train A travels 60 miles every hour. Train A is faster.

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Year 6 Practice Book 6A Unit 6 – Measure – imperial and metric measures

My journal
➜ page 170

1. a) The mistake is that Lexi has multiplied/divided by

100, not 1,000.
 correct answer is 4,500 ml, which is the same
as 4·5 l (or 450 millilitres is the same as 0·45 litres).
b) The
 mistake is that Max has not converted the
unit to a common unit of measurement (grams).
He cannot just take away 1, he needs to convert
the kg to g first.
The correct answer is 750 g.
c) The
 mistake is that Kate has doubled ·6 to get ·12.
1·6 x 2 = 3·2.
The correct answer is 3·2 km.

Power puzzle
➜ page 171

a) Answer: pasties
Number Letter
56 km = ? m 56,000 P
470 g = ? kg 0·47 A
47 cm = ? mm 470 S
210 g = ? kg 0·21 T
390 mm = ? cm 39 I
2,100 ml = ? l 2·1 E
0.47 l = ? ml 470 S

b) Answer: apple pie

Number Letter
47 cm = ? m 0·47 A
56 kg = ? g 56,000 P
560 m = ? cm 56,000 P
5.6 kg = ? g 5,600 L
0.21 cm = ? mm 2·1 E
56 l = ? ml 56,000 P
3,900 cm = ? m 39 I
2,100 g = ? kg 2·1 E

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