A Treat For Mosquitoes Class 5 Worksheet
A Treat For Mosquitoes Class 5 Worksheet
A Treat For Mosquitoes Class 5 Worksheet
Class 5
EVS A treat for Mosquitoes
1. Mosquitoes:
2. Flies:
3. Rats:
4. Pig:
5. Animal:
D Give reasons.
3. We should put kerosene oil in fountains, water cooler, etc. (where there is
stagnant water).
2. What are algae? Where and when are they commonly seen?
1. It sucks blood from our body 2. Shivering 3. Corn
4. 1905 5. Malaria 6. Kerosene 7. Microscope
8. Vitamin C 9. All of these 10. 12-16 gm/dl
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False
6. False 7. False 8. False 9. False 10. True
Mosquitoes Flies Rats Pig Animal
1. Malaria 1. Dysentery 1. Hantavirus 1. Ringworm 1. Avian Influenza
2. Chikungunya 2. Cholera 2. Lassa Fever 2. Influenza (bird flu)
3. Dengue 3. Typhoid 3. Monkey-pox 3. Atresia 2. Foot and Mouth
4. Zika 4. Anthrax 4. Rat-Bite Fever 4. Swine flu Disease
3. Anthrax
4. Rabies
1. Malaria is more common during the rainy season. This is because
waterlogged and damp places provide suitable breeding environments
for mosquitoes.
2. There are chances that flies may sit on the uncovered food. These flies
might carry some diseases with them. These can lead to diseases like
diarrhoea, typhoid and cholera.
3. It is advised to put Kerosene oil in the water tanks of coolers during
rainy seasons because kerosene oil prevents the breeding of
mosquitoes that spread various diseases like malaria. It acts as a
larvicide, killing the larva of mosquitoes.
1. Wear long, light-coloured clothing when you go outdoors, especially at
times when mosquitoes are active, Use mosquito repellent, Install
proper mosquito nets on the doors and windows of your house, as well
as on your tent and camping shelter.
2. Algae are unicellular or multicellular organisms. They are green in
colour. They make their food by the process of photosynthesis because
chlorophyll. They are mostly found on rivers and sometimes on seas.
3. It is important to load up iron rich foods like green leafy vegetables,
liver, tofu, spinach, eggs, whole grains, pulses and beans, meat, fish,
dry fruits, et al. Folic acid is a B-complex vitamin that is required to
make red blood cells in the body.