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Adsorptive and Photocatalytic Remediation of Hazardous Organic Chemical Pollutants in Aqueous Medium - A Review

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1117728, teat PM ‘Adsorpve and photocatalytic remediation of hazardous organic chemical pollutants in aqueous medium: A review - ScienceDirect BE secaonex Journal of Contaminant Hydrology Volume 24, June 2022, 104018 Review Article Adsorptive and photocatalytic remediation of hazardous organic chemical pollutants in aqueous medium: A review Adedapo 0. Adeola *** 9 53, Bayode A, Abiodun ® ¢, Dorcas O. Adenuga &, Philiswa N. Nomngongo*! 9. Show more V <$ Share 55 Cite httpslfdo\.org/10.1016))jconhyd 2022.104019 1 Get rights and content 7 Abstract The provision of clean water is still a major challenge in developing parts of the world, as emphasized by the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 6), and has remained a subject of extensive research globally, Advancements in science and industry have resulted in a massive surge in the amount of industrial chemicals produced within the last few decades, Persistent and emerging organic pollutants are detected in , and conventional wastewater treatment plants have ineffectively handled these trace, bioaccumulative and toxic compounds. Therefore, we have conducted an extensive bibliometric analysis of different materials utilized to combat organic pollutants via adsorption and photocatalysis. The classes of pollutants, material synthesis, mechanisms of interaction, merits, and challenges were comprehensively discussed. The paper highlights the advantages of various materials used in the removal of hazardous pollutants from wastewater with activated carbon having the highest adsorption capacity. Dyes, pharmaceuticals, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, pesticides and other recalcitrant organic pollutants have been successfully removed at high degradation efficiencies through the photocatalytic process. The photocatalytic degradation and adsorption processes were compared by considering factors such as cost, efficiency, ease of application and reusability. This review will be good resource material for water treatment professionals/scientists, who may be interested in adsorptive and photocatalytic remediation of organic chemicals pollutants. Graphical abstract niipssww.sciencedirect.comisciencetarticlelabsiplv$0169772222000675 w 117728, teat PM ‘Adsorpve and photocatalytic remediation of hazardous organic chemical pollutants in aqueous medium: A review - ScienceDirect Download : Download high-res image (281K8} Download : Download full-size image Introduction The presence of chemical pollutants in water bodies has raised global concern. Emerging contaminants are various unregulated or newly regulated compounds and their transformation products, with the potential to have adverse impacts on environmental and human health (Adeola et al., 2022a, Adeola et al, 2022b; Tavengwa and Dau, 2021). These contaminants include micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, surfactants, biocides, plasticizers, dyes, illicit drugs, endocrine disruptors, pesticides and herbicides (Sanganyado, 2021; Khan et al, 2022a; Mashile et al., 2022). It was reported that an estimated 350,000 chemicals are in use, and an alarming amount of waste of roughly over 18 billion kg waste are released daily into aquatic bodies worldwide (Wang et al., 2020). The estimated volume of wastewater generated annually is not less than six times the volume of global aquatic freshwater. Furthermore, acute and chronic exposure to chemical pollutants has reportedly led to diverse toxicological effects for both humans and aquatic fauna, even at trace concentrations (ng/L to pg/L concentrations in fluids or ng/kg to gikg in solid matrices) (Sanganyado, 2021), The provision of clean water, as emphasized by the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) is still a major challenge, especially in developing parts of the world (UNSDG, 2018), Therefore, concerted and extensive efforts have been directed globally towards the development of suitable, efficient and ecofriendly remediation strategies for persistent and emerging chemical pollutants. Various techniques have been employed in the removal of toxic compounds from wastewater including phytoremediation (Masinire et al., 2021), advanced oxidation processes (Khan et al, 2014; Khan et al., 2021a), adsorption (Wang et al., 2019, Wang et al., 2022a: Adeola and Forbes, 2019, Adeola and Forbes, 2020), membrane treatments (Laqbaqbi et al, 2019), coagulation (Dotto et al, 2019), biological treatment (Goswami et al, 2018; Khan et al,, 2022). Some of these technologies have drawbacks such as high cost of operation, complex operation and production of high quantity of sludge (Adeola and Forbes, 2021; Iqbal et al., 2022; Mashile et al., 2022). ‘Among such technologies, adsorption and photocatalysis have received vast attention due to their potential for practical application with advantages such as low cost, safety and reliability (Khan et al,, 2021b). Adsorption is regarded as a surface phenomenon where organic and inorganic compounds adhere to an adsorbent's surface via physical or/and chemical attractive forces, while photocatalytic degradation involves hntps:twww s'encealrect com/sciencelatictelabsipi'S0169772222000875 an nina, wht PM ‘Adsorptve and photocatalytic remeciaon of hazardous organic chemical pollutants in aqueous medium: A review - ScienceDirect the use of a catalyst (often a semiconductor) to accelerate the chemical transformation of pollutants via ultraviolet or visible light radiation (Li et al., 2021a, Li et al,, 2021b; Bayode et al,, 2021a). The concept of green chemistry includes a reduction in waste generation/secondary pollutants, safer chemical syntheses, development of less hazardous products/chemicals, development of regenerable/renewable materials, ensuring degradability of products/materials after use to prevent pollution, etc, (Anastas and Eghbali, 2010; Wang et al, 2022a). It also involves the conversion of waste such as volcanic ashes and sludge-based materials into value-added materials like adsorbents for the removal of pollutants from the environment (Mu’azu et al,, 2022; Liadi et al., 2021), Adopting a green synthesis approach in the development of adsorbents and photocatalysts could break the vicious cycle of replacing hazardous substances with an equally toxic and bioaccumulative compound. The decision to explore carbon-based materials for water treatment was driven by the concept of sustainable chemistry, and the need to address waste management challenges; and the conversion of “waste to wealth” is a cost-effective path to proper waste management (Malik et al, 2015; Vishnu et al, 2021). Therefore, green chemistry techniques can be employed as a viable and eco-friendly alternative for water purification, This comprehensive review provides a status report on adsorbents and photocatalysts as combatants of, chemical pollutants worldwide, discussing various synthetic approaches, applications, merits, limitations, and drawing comparisons between both core techniques of environmental remediation. The aquatic environment is interconnected globally, thus water treatment challenges in developing countries and prospects were discussed. The literature scope of this review is based on SCOPUS and Web of Science published articles and books, while the search keywords are adsorbents, photocatalyst, emerging chemical pollutants (ECP), persistent organic pollutants (POP), photocatalytic degradation, adsorption and remediation. Section snippets Chemical pollutants as the “enemy” There is a massive surge in the amount of industrial chemicals produced within the last century, between 1 and 400 million tons in the year 2000 (UNEP, 2019). Furthermore, the manufacturing capacity of industries globally improved from 1.2 billion tons to 2.3 billion tons between the years 2000 and 2017 (Sanganyado, 2021). However, this staggering increase in production capacity, which is currently experienced in the fourth industrial revolution as a result of advancement in science, has also. Green synthesis of carbon-based adsorbents The adoption of eco-friendly synthetic routes has been a burning topic in material development for environmental applications, essentially to avoid the generation of harmful secondary pollutants, the cost associated with the management of toxic chemicals/wastes and existing shortcomings in waste management (Abdel-Shafy and Mansour, 2018; Hao et al,, 2021). Synthetic methods that reduce the exploitation of non-renewable resources and conversion of waste material to useful adsorbents can be.. Synthesis of various photocatalysts niipssww.sciencedirect.comisciencetarticlelabsiplv$0169772222000675 an nina, wht PM ‘Adsorptve and photocatalytic remeciaon of hazardous organic chemical pollutants in aqueous medium: A review - ScienceDirect There is a significant number of techniques available for the synthesis of photocatalyst, and they include solvothermal, hydrothermal, microwave, one-pot synthesis, chemical vapor deposition, etc. The methods play a key role in the physical properties, ie., physical properties (shape, size) and photochemical properties of the photocatalyst.. Mitigation of POPs and ECPs using adsorbents Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are hazardous compounds that are recalcitrant to various forms of degradation and thereby remain in the environment for a long period (Aravind Kumar et al, 2022). Dyes and pesticides are widely studied due to their occurrence in water bodies via several pathways which include textile wastewater and sewage effluent discharge, rainfallfirrigation induced leaching and erosion from. agricultural farms, etc. (Akhtar et al, 2021). They are regarded as. Comparison between adsorption and photocatalytic remediation approaches The two different approaches (adsorption and photocatalytic degradation) for the removal of organic chemical contaminants in water are both efficient and fast, Photocatalytic degradation is an eco-friendly approach as the photocatalysts are environmentally benign and it takes care of the shortcoming of adsorption which is the transfer of contaminant from one phase to another, which results in the generation of secondary waste after the adsorption process prompting the major concern of disposal... Water treatment challenges and prospects in developing countries Most developing countries do not have extensive environmental monitoring programs for emerging chemical pollutants and lack strict legislative guidelines for several chemical wastes, resulting in the inability to set the maximum permissible levels for several hazardous compounds in water bodies (Adeola and Forbes, 2022), Therefore, there is a need to carry out detailed risk assessments of several emerging chemical pollutants in water bodies and set permissible levels in terms of concentrations. Conclusion The occurrence of chemical pollutants in water bodies raises concern due to their bioaccumulation potential, non-target exposures, and adverse health effects, Water reusability must be considered due to the increasing demand for clean water; thus, wastewater treatment plants should be improved to handle the fast-growing environmental and economic demands for safe water, In this article, an extensive bibliometric analysis was carrried out on adsorption and photocatalysis as remediation. CRediT authorship contribution statement Adedapo 0. Adeola: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Bayode A. Abiodun: Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft. Dorcas 0. Adenuga: Writing - original draft. Philiswa N. Nomngongo: Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Writing - review & editing. niipssww.sciencedirect.comisciencetarticlelabsiplv$0169772222000675 ar ‘i1724, 141 PM_——__Adsrpve and phtociaiy emecion of hacaous organ chemical plans in aqueous meu: Areiew -SeneeDrect Declaration of Competing Interest ‘The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interest to disclose. Recommended articles References (280) 0G. Abatan et al Production of activated carbon from African star apple seed husks, oil seed and whole seed for wastewater treatment J. Clean. Prod. (2019) 'M, Abbas et al. Shape and size-controlled synthesis of Ni Zn ferrite nanoparticles by two different routes Mater. Chem. Phys. (2014) WAH. Abdelraheem et ol Hydrothermal synthesis of photoactive nitrogen-and boron-codoped TiQ2 nanoparticles for the treatment of bisphenol A in wastewater: synthesis, photocatalytic activity, degradation byproducts and reaction pathways ‘Appl. Catal. B Environ. 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