Risk of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Livestock and Poultry Farms - A Growing Problem For Human and Animal Health
Risk of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Livestock and Poultry Farms - A Growing Problem For Human and Animal Health
Risk of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Livestock and Poultry Farms - A Growing Problem For Human and Animal Health
Research Article
Centre for Water Quality and Algae Research, Department of Zoology, University of Sri
J ayewardenepura.
Pharmaceutical Journal o f Sri Lanka 2017 Volume 7, Issue 1
Pharmaceutical Journal o f Sri Lanka 2017 Volume 7, Issue 1
the C18 cartridges at flow rate of antibiotic (OTC, TET, AMP, AMX) at 0-100
approximately 1-2 ml/min and then rinsed ppm were prepared. The linearity of the
with 5 ml of deionized water. The analytes method was evaluated by plotting peak area
were eluted with 5ml of 100% methanol as a function of the concentration of each
followed by 2ml of 100% isopropanol. The analyte.
extract was purged by 99.9% nitrogen stream
and re-dissolved with 1ml of mobile Enrichment and isolation of antibiotic
phase.(18,19) The target antibiotics were resistance bacteria
quantified by using Agilent 1200 series 50 ml of water from each sampling sites
HPLC equipped with diode array and were enriched by spiking, antibiotic at final
fluorescence detector. Antibiotics in effluent concentration of 60 ppm in 100 ml
water were analyzed according to the erlenmeyer flasks and the final volume was
Fernandez et al. (2010) with a topped up to 100 ml with sterile water and
modification.(20) 0.1% glacial acetic acid then the flasks were incubated at 28 0C ± 1
(polar protic solvent) was used as mobile 0C in 100 rpm for 14 days in a shaking
phase and injected volume was 20 pl and incubator. After 14 days of incubation, 1 ml
chromatography was performed at 30 0C. of sample aliquot was taken from each flask.
The mobile phase of the mixture of 0.1% Isolation and enumeration of bacteria was
glacial acetic acid in water (Component A): carried out by standard pour plate
0.1% glacial acetic acid in acetonitrile method.(10) LB medium containing 60 ppm
(Component B), 99:1 (v/v) was pumped of antibiotics (TET, OTC, AMP, AMX) was
beginning at a flow rate of 0.7 ml/min for used to isolate TET, OTC, AMP and AMX
OTC, TC, AMP and AMX. Then followed resistant (r) bacteria.(15,17,21)
linear elution gradient from 99% to 70% A
in 25 min for antibiotics.(15,17,19) Table 1 After three days of incubation at 28 0C,
shows conditions and retention time bacteria colonies with different
employed for each antibiotic analysis. morphological characters were picked up and
re-suspended in sterilized liquid LB medium.
Table 1: Wave length and retention time for Subsequently pure bacterial cultures were
different antibiotic tested in the present study sub cultured and stored in agar slants at -20
X SD 0C in LB-glycerol media for further studies
Analyte absorption (min) and identification purposes.(22)
time (min)
(nm) (n=3)
Antibiotic susceptibility test
OTC 280 17.34 0.002
The LB broth culture was prepared and a
TET 280 16.56 0.001 loop of isolated bacteria strain was
AMP 230 13.08 0.001 inoculated and incubated at 28 0C shaking
AMX 230 11.23 0.006 under 100 rpm overnight. The cell density of
SD, Standard deviation
the bacteria suspension was equalized using
McFarland No 0.5.(15,21) MIC was
Calibration plots
determined by using an agar dilution method
Individual calibration standards of each
following the CLSI guidelines.(23)
Pharmaceutical Journal o f Sri Lanka 2017 Volume 7, Issue 1
Sampling locations
In the present study antibiotic concentrations 0.021 ppm) was detected in effluent water at
in effluent water of livestock farms ranged a poultry farm in Katunayake.
between 0.001 ppm-0.004 ppm for OTC,
0.001 ppm - 0.005 ppm for TET, 0.001 ppm- Among the selected antibiotics,
0.003 ppm for AMX respectively (Figure 2). approximately 45% from the TET, 35% from
However, AMP was not detected during the the OTC and 20% of AMX contributed to
study period. The maximum concentrations environment pollution through the effluent
of AMX (0.003 ppm) and OTC (0.004 ppm) water.
were detected in samples collected from
livestock farms in Jaffna (Figure 2). The The WHO has recommended less than 0.001
considerable concentration of TET (0.005± ppm as guideline value for antibiotic
Pharmaceutical Journal o f Sri Lanka 2017 Volume 7, Issue 1
residues in the aquatic environment. the present study too, effluent water of
(26,27,28) Thus, the results of the present livestock farms were recorded as a
study revealed that the antibiotic significant source of antibiotic
contamination level in effluent water had contamination. In the present study OTC
exceeded the values given by the WHO.(26) (0.001-0.004 ppm) and TET (0.001-0.006
ppm) were detected at high concentrations
The high detection frequency and while AMX (0.001-0.00 2ppm) was recorded
concentration of tetracyclines are likely due in low concentrations.
to the large amount of OTC and TET usage
in livestock and poultry as feed additives and These antibiotic residues promote the
therapeutic drugs for diseases in farm sites. evolution or the development of antibiotic
The results of the present study are resistant microorganisms, which can induce
comparable to the findings of Brown et al., adverse effect to human health when present
(2010), who reported concentrations of OTC in drinking water or irrigation water.(21,29)
(0.001-0.008 ppm), TET (0.001-0.005 ppm), These antibiotic resistant bacteria may
AMX (not detected) and AMP (not disturb the microflora of the human
detected) in livestock effluents in New intestines and increase the risk of certain
Mexico. Similar to previous studies(21,29) infectious diseases as well.(3,26)
conducted in different parts of the world, in
Figure 3 : Phylogenetic affiliations for OTCr, TETr, AMXr and AMPr bacteria with their
phylogeny and Minimum Inhibition Concentration (MIC) values, The phylogeny was
constructed by neighbor-joining method based on Mega 6/ Cluster W from alignment of 16s
rRNA gene sequence comparison of antibiotic resistance bacteria.
N am e o f isolate A ccession No M IC (ppm )
B a cillu ssu b tilis (A M X 4) HF 586509 480
B acillus sp. (TET 3) HF586507 640
B acillus sp. (TET 4) HF657890 720
B acillus sp (AM P 4) KU567678 360
B acillus thurengiensis (AMP 3) NR. 0423 87 400
E nterobacter sp. (OTC 5) EU. 159482 420
E nterobacter cloacae (A M X 7) KL 234156 680
1__ E nterobacter cloacae (A M X 1) K M 435657 360
E scherichia coli (A M X 3) K N 514297 700
— E scherichia coli (A M X 11) F J 982654 480
E scherichia coli (TET 2) F J 922659 660
i__ E scherichia coli (AM P 1) F J 982657 720
E scherichia coli (O TC 3) □ 1186353 360
E nterobacterfaecium (TET 1) KM 234561 380
E nterobacter cloacae (A M X 5) K X 495499 400
k Streptococcus eq u i (A M X 9) HF 947328 540
L actobacillus sp. (AM P 7) E U 321541 400
E nterococcus sp. (OTC 2) A Y 499112 360
E nterococcus sp. (TET 4) K X 458221 480
i H elicobacter p y lo r i(AM P 80
C itrobacterfreundii (A M X 2)
FS 464023
E U 321541
C itrobacterfreundii (A M X 8) A Y 4 9 9 112 720
A cinetobacter baum anii (AM P 2) K X 458221 360
A cinetobacterlw ojjii (AMP 6) FS 464023 580
Streptom yces rim osus (A M X 5) K U 690365 620
C lostridium perjringens (A M X 10) K U 691844 360
Clostridium sp. (OTC 1) KS 678976 380
Streptom yces sp , (A M X 6) F J 982654 460
Pharmaceutical Journal o f Sri Lanka 2017 Volume 7, Issue 1
In the present study different antibiotic followed by Bacillus sp.(4) These results
resistance bacteria were isolated based on may reflect regional differences in species
MIC test. The isolates were subjected to the composition of the bacterial population.
16S rRNA analysis to identify the isolated
OTCr, TETr, AMPr and AMXr. Species In the present study, most of OTCr and TETr
composition results for OTC, TET, AMP, bacteria were isolated from livestock farms
and AMX resistant bacteria in environmental and those bacteria mainly caused nonscomial
samples from different sampling sites and infections (Enterococcus sp., E. faecium,
their MIC values are summarized in Figure Enterococcus sp.) and intestinal infectious
3. diseases (E.coli, Clostridium sp.). However,
Enterobacter sp. and Bacillus sp. were
Based on the 16S rRNA sequences, most of recorded as non pathogenic bacteria. Most
the resistance bacteria belonged to genera of AMXr and AMPr bacteria which were
Bacillus, Enterobacter and Escherichia. The isolated from livestock farms were recorded
majority of tetracycline resistant bacteria as causative agents for intestinal diseases and
belonged to the genera Bacillus, opportunistic infections, whereas only few
Enterococcus, Enterobacter, Clostridium, non-pathogenic bacteria were detected.
Escherichia whereas penicillin (AMX, (8,29)
AMP) resistant bacteria belonged to
Escherichia, Enterobacter, Streptomyces, There is a further concern that antibiotic-
Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Bacillus, resistant bacteria might develop from long
Helicobacter, Acinetobacter and term environmental exposure to low
Clostridium. concentrations of antibiotic (ng/L-^g/L),
present in wastewater and surface waters.
The MIC values of OTCr bacteria in (30) It was highlighted that continuous
livestock farms ranged between 360 ppm to exposure to a particular antibiotic residues in
720 ppm whereas for TETr bacteria were the environment, multidrug resistant
from 360 to 700 ppm (Figure 2). MIC values pathogens can make drugs ineffective and
of AMXr bacteria ranged between 360- 720 pose a serious risk to the global
ppm; the highest MIC was recorded for pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.(10,
Citrobacter freundii where the lowest was 31)
for Bacillus sp. MIC of AMPr bacteria
varied from 360 ppm to 720 ppm whereas Thus, greater attention must be given to the
the highest MIC was recorded for E.coli and overall pattern of antibiotics usage in the
the lowest for Bacillus sp. respectively. farms, including environmental risk
assessment and research on the mitigation of
The results of the present study were antibiotic contaminants. Therefore the
different from the study conducted in baseline data collected in the present study
Vietnam, where Acinetobacter was the most will provide first-hand information to
common tetracycline resistant bacterium.(5) authorities to open eyes to see the
However, another study in a Vietnamese contamination status and develop national
poultry farm found that Vibrio sp. was the strategic plan to reduce antibiotic
commonest tetracycline-resistant bacteria, contamination from anthropological
Pharmaceutical Journal o f Sri Lanka 2017 Volume 7, Issue 1
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