ENGL298 Analysis Fall 2022 9
ENGL298 Analysis Fall 2022 9
ENGL298 Analysis Fall 2022 9
All of the following programs are classified as raster graphics editors EXCEPT:
b. !Inkscape
c. Adobe Photoshop
d. Paint.NET
2. While Apple was formed in California, in which western state was Microsoft
a. !New Mexico
b. Arizona
c. Colorado
d. Washington
6. The last Windows operating system to be based on the Windows 9x kernel was
Windows 98.
a. !False
b. True
8. America Online AOL started out as which of these online service providers?
a. !Quantum Link
b. GEnie
c. CompuServe
d. Prodigy
9. What does the International System of Quantities refer 1024 bytes as?
a. Kelobyte
b. Kilobyte
c. Kylobyte
d. !Kibibyte
10. What does the term MIME stand for, in regards to computing?
a. Mail Internet Mail Exchange
b. Multipurpose Interleave Mail Exchange
c. Mail Interleave Method Exchange
d. !Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
1. What is the name of the album released in 2014 by American band Maroon 5?
a. X
b. !V
c. IV
d. III
4. According to the American rapper Nelly, what should you do when its hot in here?
a. Drink some water
b. Go skinny dipping
c. Take a cool shower
d. !Take off all your clothes
6. AfricanAmerican performer Sammy Davis Jr. was known for losing which part of his
body in a car accident?
a. Nose
b. Right Ear
c. !Left Eye
d. Right Middle Finger
8. The 039;In the Flesh039; tour was used in support of what Pink Floyd album?
a. The Final Cut
b. Wish You Were Here
c. !Animals
d. The Wall
9. Who was quot;Kung Fu Fightingquot; in 1974?
a. !Carl Douglas
b. Heatwave
c. The Bee Gees
d. Kool amp; the Gang
11. The Proclaimers I039;m Gonna Be 500 Miles reached what position on the US Hot
100 Charts in 1993?
a. !3rd
b. 1st
c. 5th
d. 8th