SCIENCE years ago
Ruminants were the first food animals to Pigs: Domesticated 5,000- 9,000 years
be domesticated followed by swine ago
Horses and cattle were domesticated Pigs were domesticated in the middle
primarily for transportation east (Mesopotamia)
Animal Domestication
Domestication involves more than -was among the earliest animals to be
simply taming domesticated around 6,000- 7,000 B.C.
in western Asia
Animals are considered to be -the goat could easily revert to its wild
domesticated when: state
Mutton- the meat of sheep animals Molt- the act of losing feathers
Shearing- the act of removing wool or Layers- poultry used to produced eggs
mohair from an animal
Fryers- poultry used for meat
Wool- natural fibre produced by ovines
Pedigree- tracking the ancestors of an 2. Cattle- domesticated bovine animals
animal 3. Bull- male breeding ox of any age
4. Cow- mature female ox, one that has
Breed- a variety of animal with specific given birth
traits 5. Heifer- young female ox under three
years of age, usually one that has not yet
Breed Association- a group of givenm birth
producers that ensure breed traits 6. Steer- male ox castrated before
ssexual maturity
Commodity Group- a group of 7. Stag- male ox castrated after sexual
producers producing similar product maturity
8. Calf- young ox either sex, under one
9. Bull calf- young male calf under one
A. General terms year of age
10. Carabull- carabao bull, caraheifer,
1. Parturition- act of giving birth caracow, etc.
a. Calving- act of giving birth in cows 11. Bullock- usually a stag for draft
b. Farrowing- act of giving birth in purposes
sows 12. Carabull- carabao bull
c. Kidding- act of giving birth in 13. Caraheifer- young female carabao
goats under three years of age usually one that
d. Foaling- act of giving birth in has not yet given birth
mares 14. Caracow- mature female carabao,
e. Lambing- act of giving birth in one that has given birth
ewes 15. Transmitting ability- the ability of
an animal to pass on either good or bad
2. Gestation- pregnancy time from traits to its progeny
conception to birth 16. Proven sire- bull about whom one
3. Conception- act of fertilization sufficient unselected information to
4. Dam- female parent indicate his transmitting ability
5. Sire- male parent
6. Fertility- ability to produce C. Horse- Equus caballus
fertilizable ova 1. Stallion- mature male horse
7. Fecundity or prolificacy- ability to -studhorse- use for breeding
give birth to offspring frequently 2. Mare- mature female horse
8. Sterility- inability to produce normal -broodmare term for breeding
young 3. Colt- young male horse usually up to
9. Impotency- failure to copulate 3 yrs old
10. Puberty- sexual maturity, as 4. Filly- young female horse usually up
exhibited by first heat ovulation to 3 yrs old
11. Weanling- young animal, after 5. Foal- young horse of either sex below
separation from its dam one year of age
12. Weaning- the process of separating 6. Gelding- horse which was castrated
the young from its dam while young
7. Yeld mare or Dry mare- one which
B. Catlle- Bos taurus/ Bos indicus hindi pa nagkaanak during breedinig
1. Ox- ruminant number of the bovine season
family, or sometimes the male used for 8. Ridgling- stallion with only one testis
draft purposes or none in its scrotum
9. Equitition- horsemanship, the art Veal- ox, < 1yr old
riding horseback Venison- deer
Mutton- sheep, 1 yr >
D. SWINE Sus scrofa/ Sus domesticus/ Lamb- sheep, <1yr
Sus vitatus Chevon- goat meat
Horsemeat- horse
1. Boar- male pig of any age Carabeef- carabao beef, caraveal
2. Sow- mature female pig, nanganak na Game meat- game animals ( wild
3. Gilt- young female pig under 1 year hunted)
of age, hindi pa nanganganak
4. Shote- young pig of either sex, Meat- properly dressed flesh
weighing appr. 60kgs Slaughtering- from fasting through
5. Barrow- male pig, castrated while stunning, bleeding up to skinning and
young evisceration
6. Stag- a male pig castrated after sexual Butchering- cutting into retail cuts
7. Weanling- young pigs separated from G. Poultry:
the sow Chicken- Gallus gallus domesticus
8. Suckling- young pigs from birth up to Duck Mallard- Anas platyrhynchos
weaning Muscovy duck- Cairina moschata
9. Litter- group of pigs born in one Turkey- Meleagris gallopavo
farrowing Pigeon- Columbia livia
10. Litter size- number of young pigs Quail- Coturnix coturnix
born in one farrowing Geese- Cygnopsis cygnoides
Sheep- Ovis aries & Goat- Capra hircus 1. Poultry- a collective term for all
domestic birds
1. Ram- male sheep 2. Chicken- common poultry species
2. Ewe- female of any age 3. Chick- young chicken while in the
3. Lamb- young sheep of either sex <1 down stage
year 4. Rooster- male fowl one year old or
4. Wether sheep- male sheep which was over
castrated 5. Cockerel- a male fowl less than 1
5. Shearling- yearling sheep with two year old
teeth 6. Capon- caponized male
6. Fleece- wool covering the sheep 7. Pullet- female fowl less than a year
7. Billy goat or buck- male goat of any old
age 8. Drake- male duck
8. Pelt- wool and skin of a sheep 9. Duck - female duck
9. Doe- female goat of any age 10. Duckling- young duck in the down
10. Kid- young goat of either sex below stage
one year of age 11. Plumage- feathers of a fowl
11. Wether goat- male goat castrated 12. Poult- the young of the domestic
before the s econdary sex cjaracters have turkey
Meat and Meat products 1. Rabbit- Oryctolagus cuniculus
2. Guinea pig- Cavia cobaya
1. Meat of different animals 3. Donkey- Equus asinus
beef- ox, 1 yr old and >
-water buffalo- Bubalus bubalis
-river type- Bubalus carabanensis
European/exotic- Bos taurus
Indian/humped- Bos indicus
Mallard- Anas platyrhynchos
Muscovy- Cairina moschata
Pekin- Anas platyrhynchos