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Oracle® Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement

User Guide
Release 12.2
Part No. E49074-10

March 2020
Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E49074-10

Copyright © 2009, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: Prashanti Gajjala

Contributor: Pragya Nair, Ranjith Sundaram, Rekha Kumari, Samir Agrawal

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com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Send Us Your Comments


1 Introduction
Overview................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Components of the Claims Process........................................................................................... 1-1

2 Oracle Channel Revenue Management Command Center

Channel Revenue Management Command Center.................................................................. 2-2
Channel Revenue Management Command Center Overview............................................. 2-2
Open Claims Dashboard...................................................................................................... 2-3
Closed Claims Dashboard.................................................................................................... 2-6
Budgets Dashboard.............................................................................................................. 2-9

3 Creating Claims
Overview................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Understanding Claim Components..................................................................................... 3-1
Claim Classes................................................................................................................ 3-1
Claim Types and Reasons.............................................................................................. 3-4
Claim Actions................................................................................................................ 3-6
Third Party Accruals and Pricing Simulations.............................................................. 3-6
Customer Reason........................................................................................................... 3-7
Processing Methods....................................................................................................... 3-9
Buying Groups and Related Customer Accounts................................................... 3-9
Enabling AutoLockbox ........................................................................................ 3-10

Enabling Multi-Org Processing............................................................................. 3-10
Claims Summary......................................................................................................... 3-12
Claim Simple and Advanced Search..................................................................... 3-13
Claim Lines and Associated Earnings................................................................... 3-14
Proportionate Association of Earnings by Products............................................. 3-17
Claims Status............................................................................................................... 3-20
Creating a Claim...................................................................................................................... 3-21
Creating Multiple Claims................................................................................................... 3-22
Creating Claim Lines......................................................................................................... 3-23
Entering Claim Line Details........................................................................................ 3-23
Associating Earnings With Claim Lines...................................................................... 3-24
Creating Deductions or Overpayments.................................................................................. 3-26
Creating an Overpayment..................................................................................................3-26
Creating a Deduction......................................................................................................... 3-27
Viewing the Source............................................................................................................ 3-29

4 Assigning and Approving Claims

Assigning Claims...................................................................................................................... 4-1
Assigning Individual or Team Owners................................................................................ 4-1
Reassigning Using Auto Assign........................................................................................... 4-2
Approving Claims..................................................................................................................... 4-3
The Claim Approval Process............................................................................................... 4-3
Initiating Approval.............................................................................................................. 4-5
Previewing Approval........................................................................................................... 4-5
Approval Rules.................................................................................................................... 4-6
Approving a Claim.............................................................................................................. 4-6
Approving Multiple Claims................................................................................................. 4-6

5 Researching Claims
Overview................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Viewing Claim Details.............................................................................................................. 5-2
Reverting Claim Status............................................................................................................. 5-2
Handling Exceptions for Oracle Payables Settlement Methods.............................................. 5-3
Splitting Claims......................................................................................................................... 5-3
Procedure for Splitting Claims............................................................................................. 5-6
Duplicate Claims....................................................................................................................... 5-6
Marking a Claim as Duplicate..............................................................................................5-7
Claim History and History Rules.............................................................................................. 5-7

6 Settling Claims
Overview................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Generic Settlement Procedure.................................................................................................. 6-2
Integration with E-Business Tax............................................................................................. 6-10
Promotional Accruals.............................................................................................................. 6-12
Searching for Promotional Accruals.................................................................................. 6-13
Pay Over Earnings Thresholds.......................................................................................... 6-13
Payment Without Validations............................................................................................ 6-14
Approving Unearned Payments Requests......................................................................... 6-15
Autopay............................................................................................................................. 6-15
Running and Scheduling Autopay.............................................................................. 6-16
Viewing Autopay Request and Autopay Log..............................................................6-18
Creating and Settling Claims from the Promotional Payments Tab.................................. 6-19
Settling Offer-related Claims by Check................................................................................. 6-19
Dependencies and Prerequisites........................................................................................ 6-20
Scenario.............................................................................................................................. 6-20
Process Flow Diagram....................................................................................................... 6-20
Procedure........................................................................................................................... 6-20
Settling Volume Accrual Offers by Credit Memo..................................................................6-23
Dependencies and Prerequisites........................................................................................ 6-23
Scenario.............................................................................................................................. 6-24
Process Flow Diagram....................................................................................................... 6-24
Procedure........................................................................................................................... 6-25
Settling Scan Data Offers........................................................................................................ 6-28
Settling Claims for Related Customer Accounts.................................................................... 6-32
Settling Promotional Claims for Buying Groups................................................................... 6-32
Settling Deductions and Overpayments.................................................................................6-33
Mass Settlement................................................................................................................. 6-33
Procedure.................................................................................................................... 6-34
Splitting Deductions.......................................................................................................... 6-36
Settling Non-Invoice Deductions Using Auto-Resolution................................................. 6-42
Dependencies and Prerequisites.................................................................................. 6-42
Scenario....................................................................................................................... 6-42
Process Flow Diagram................................................................................................. 6-42
Procedure.................................................................................................................... 6-42
Settling Claims Using Automatic Write-off....................................................................... 6-45
Viewing Eligible Claims.............................................................................................. 6-46
Claim Settlement Methods..................................................................................................... 6-47
Custom Settlement Methods.............................................................................................. 6-49

Auto Accounting and Standard Memo Lines.............................................................. 6-49

7 Reports
Overview................................................................................................................................... 7-1
Claim Aging View..................................................................................................................... 7-1
Claim Settlement History.......................................................................................................... 7-2


Send Us Your Comments

Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E49074-10

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.
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ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

1 Introduction
2 Oracle Channel Revenue Management Command Center
3 Creating Claims
4 Assigning and Approving Claims
5 Researching Claims
6 Settling Claims
7 Reports

Related Information Sources

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. As
your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content
appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Online Documentation
All Oracle E-Business Suite documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
• PDF - See the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library for current PDF
documentation for your product with each release. The Oracle E-Business Suite
Documentation Library is also available on My Oracle Support and is updated

• Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.

• Release Notes - For information about changes in this release, including new
features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant
product, available on My Oracle Support.

• Oracle Electronic Technical Reference Manual - The Oracle Electronic Technical

Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of
database tables, forms, reports, and programs for each Oracle E-Business Suite
product. This information helps you convert data from your existing applications
and integrate Oracle E-Business Suite data with non-Oracle applications, and write
custom reports for Oracle E-Business Suite products. The Oracle eTRM is available
on My Oracle Support.

Guides Related to All Products

Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

This guide explains how to navigate, enter and query data, and run concurrent requests
using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. It includes information on
setting preferences and customizing the UI. In addition, this guide describes
accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts for Oracle E-Business Suite.

Guides Related To This Product

Oracle Channel Revenue Management Implementation and Administration Guide

Channel Revenue Management enables users to efficiently plan, promote, execute, and
manage the order to cash process for improved sales and return on investment (ROI),
and reduced loss in revenue. Use this guide to learn about the different products in the
Oracle Channel Revenue Management Suite and the other Oracle E-Business Suite
products with which this product family integrates. You can learn how to set up users,
customers, and suppliers, and perform the basic configurations that will be used by all
the products in this suite.

Oracle General Ledger User's Guide

This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle General Ledger. Use
this guide to learn how to create and maintain ledgers, ledger currencies, budgets, and
journal entries. This guide also includes information about running financial reports.

Oracle Payables User's Guide

This guide describes how to use Oracle Payables to create invoices and make payments.
In addition, it describes how to enter and manage suppliers, import invoices using the
Payables open interface, manage purchase order and receipt matching, apply holds to
invoices, and validate invoices. It contains information on managing expense reporting,
procurement cards, and credit cards. This guide also explains the accounting for
Payables transactions.

Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide

Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) maintains information including
relationships about parties, customers, organizations, and locations that belong to your
commercial community in the TCA Registry. This guide enables you to use the features
and user interfaces provided by TCA and by other Oracle E-Business Suite applications
to view, create, and update Registry information. For example, you can import batches
of party data in bulk from external source systems into the TCA Registry, merge
duplicate parties, sites, and customer accounts, generate time zones for phones and
locations, and run various customer reports.

Oracle Receivables User Guide

This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle Receivables. Use this
guide to learn how to create and maintain transactions and bills receivable, enter and
apply receipts, enter customer information, and manage revenue. This guide also
includes information about accounting in Receivables. Use the Standard Navigation
Paths appendix to find out how to access each Receivables window.

Installation and System Administration

Oracle Alert User's Guide

This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle E-Business Suite data.

Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts

This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the
Oracle E-Business Suite architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics,
giving a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the
installation and configuration choices that may be available.

Oracle E-Business Suite CRM System Administrator's Guide

This manual describes how to implement the CRM Technology Foundation (JTT) and
use its System Administrator Console.

Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle E-Business Suite
development staff. It describes the Oracle Application Object Library components
needed to implement the Oracle E-Business Suite user interface described in the Oracle
E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. It also provides
information to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that they
integrate with Oracle E-Business Suite. In addition, this guide has information for
customizations in features such as concurrent programs, flexfields, messages, and

Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install

This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading
Oracle E-Business Suite. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry
out a fresh installation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, or as part of an upgrade
to Release 12.2.

Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide

This guide contains information about the strategies, tasks, and troubleshooting
activities that can be used to help ensure an Oracle E-Business Suite system keeps
running smoothly, together with a comprehensive description of the relevant tools and
utilities. It also describes how to patch a system, with recommendations for optimizing
typical patching operations and reducing downtime.

Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
This guide contains information on a comprehensive range of security-related topics,
including access control, user management, function security, data security, and
auditing. It also describes how Oracle E-Business Suite can be integrated into a single
sign-on environment.

Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide

This guide contains information on system configuration tasks that are carried out
either after installation or whenever there is a significant change to the system. The
activities described include defining concurrent programs and managers, enabling
Oracle Applications Manager features, and setting up printers and online help.

Oracle E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products

This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle E-Business
Suite development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle E-Business Suite products and
tells you how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using Oracle

Other Implementation Documentation

Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide

This guide describes transaction attributes, conditions, actions, and approver groups
that you can use to define approval rules for your business. These rules govern the
process for approving transactions in an integrated Oracle application. You can define
approvals by job, supervisor hierarchy, positions, or by lists of individuals created
either at the time you set up the approval rule or generated dynamically when the rule
is invoked. You can learn how to link different approval methods together and how to
run approval processes in parallel to shorten transaction approval process time.

Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's Guide

This guide contains information on implementing, administering, and developing
diagnostics tests for Oracle E-Business Suite using the Oracle Diagnostics Framework.

Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

This guide provides flexfields planning, setup and reference information for the Oracle
E-Business Suite implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of Oracle E-Business Suite product data. This guide also provides
information on creating custom reports on flexfields data.

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide
This guide explains the details of how integration repository administrators can manage
and administer the entire service enablement process based on the service-oriented
architecture (SOA) for both native packaged public integration interfaces and composite
services - BPEL type. It also describes how to invoke Web services from Oracle E-
Business Suite by working with Oracle Workflow Business Event System, manage Web
service security, and monitor SOAP messages.

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide

This guide describes how users can browse and view the integration interface
definitions and services that reside in Oracle Integration Repository.

Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide

This guide describes how to set up multiple organizations and the relationships among
them in a single installation of an Oracle E-Business Suite product such that transactions
flow smoothly through and among organizations that can be ledgers, business groups,
legal entities, operating units, or inventory organizations. You can use this guide to
assign operating units to a security profile and assign this profile to responsibilities such
that a user can access data for multiple operating units from a single responsibility. In
addition, this guide describes how to set up reporting to generate reports at different
levels and for different contexts. Reporting levels can be ledger or operating unit while
reporting context is a named entity in the selected reporting level.

Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Implementation Guide

This guide describes implementation details, highlighting additional setup steps needed
for trading partners, code conversion, and Oracle E-Business Suite. It also provides
architecture guidelines for transaction interface files, troubleshooting information, and a
description of how to customize EDI transactions.

Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide

This guide describes the functionality of Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and the
necessary setup steps in order for Oracle E-Business Suite to conduct business with
trading partners through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). It also describes how to run
extract programs for outbound transactions, import programs for inbound transactions,
and the relevant reports.

Oracle iSetup User's Guide

This guide describes how to use Oracle iSetup to migrate data between different
instances of the Oracle E-Business Suite and generate reports. It also includes
configuration information, instance mapping, and seeded templates used for data

Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide
This guide explains how to set up hierarchies of items using catalogs and catalog
categories and then to create user-defined attributes to capture all of the detailed
information (such as cost information) about an object (such as an item or change
order). It also explains how to set up optional features used in specific business cases;
choose which features meet your business' needs. Finally, the guide explains the set up
steps required to link to third party and legacy applications, then synchronize and
enrich the data in a master product information repository.

Oracle Product Hub User's Guide

This guide explains how to centrally manage item information across an enterprise,
focusing on product data consolidation and quality. The item information managed
includes item attributes, categorization, organizations, suppliers, multilevel
structures/bills of material, packaging, changes, attachments, and reporting.

Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator Implementation and Administration Guide

Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator brings Oracle E-Business Suite
functionality to a spreadsheet, where familiar data entry and modeling techniques can
be used to complete Oracle E-Business Suite tasks. You can create formatted
spreadsheets on your desktop that allow you to download, view, edit, and create Oracle
E-Business Suite data, which you can then upload. This guide describes how to
implement Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator and how to define mappings,
layouts, style sheets, and other setup options.

Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any Oracle E-
Business Suite product that includes workflow-enabled processes. It also describes how
to manage workflow processes and business events using Oracle Applications Manager,
how to monitor the progress of runtime workflow processes, and how to administer
notifications sent to workflow users.

Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing workflow processes embedded in Oracle E-Business Suite. It also describes how
to define and customize business events and event subscriptions.

Oracle Workflow User's Guide

This guide describes how Oracle E-Business Suite users can view and respond to
workflow notifications and monitor the progress of their workflow processes.

Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes Oracle XML Gateway functionality and each component of the
Oracle XML Gateway architecture, including Message Designer, Oracle XML Gateway
Setup, Execution Engine, Message Queues, and Oracle Transport Agent. It also explains
how to use Collaboration History that records all business transactions and messages
exchanged with trading partners.
The integrations with Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and the Business-to-
Business transactions are also addressed in this guide.

Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide

Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data
with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce outputs to meet a variety of business
needs. Outputs include: PDF, HTML, Excel, RTF, and eText (for EDI and EFT
transactions). Oracle XML Publisher can be used to generate reports based on existing
Oracle E-Business Suite report data, or you can use Oracle XML Publisher's data
extraction engine to build your own queries. Oracle XML Publisher also provides a
robust set of APIs to manage delivery of your reports via e-mail, fax, secure FTP,
printer, WebDav, and more. This guide describes how to set up and administer Oracle
XML Publisher as well as how to use the Application Programming Interface to build
custom solutions. This guide is available through the Oracle E-Business Suite online

Oracle XML Publisher Report Designer's Guide

Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data
with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety
of business needs. Using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat as the design tool, you can
create pixel-perfect reports from the Oracle E-Business Suite. Use this guide to design
your report layouts. This guide is available through the Oracle E-Business Suite online

Training and Support

Oracle offers a complete set of training courses to help you master your product and
reach full productivity quickly. These courses are organized into functional learning
paths, so you take only those courses appropriate to your job or area of responsibility.
You have a choice of educational environments. You can attend courses offered by
Oracle University at any of our many Education Centers, you can arrange for our
trainers to teach at your facility, or you can use Oracle Learning Network (OLN), Oracle
University's online education utility. In addition, Oracle training professionals can tailor
standard courses or develop custom courses to meet your needs. For example, you may

want to use your organization structure, terminology, and data as examples in a
customized training session delivered at your own facility.

From on-site support to central support, our team of experienced professionals provides
the help and information you need to keep your product working for you. This team
includes your Technical Representative, Account Manager, and Oracle's large staff of
consultants and support specialists with expertise in your business area, managing an
Oracle server, and your hardware and software environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.


This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview
• Components of the Claims Process

Business-to-Business operations (B2B operations) involve complex business activities
and relationships between manufacturers and retailers. Claims and deductions form an
important aspect of B2B operations. Customers raise claims or take deductions for many
reasons such as to claim compensation for damaged goods and to claim promotional
accruals that they are eligible to receive.
Settling claims and deductions involves determining whether a claim is valid,
validating proof of performance conditions have been met, and tracking them.
Sometimes, valid claims and deductions may not have the requisite proofs. Even in
such cases, it is essential to settle these claims. These activities require resources, time,
and effort. Customers may also submit invalid claims and deductions. While the claims
remain unresolved, shipping and invoicing continue, thus giving interest-free credit to
the retailers. Some of the challenges that organizations face today are those of settling
deductions on time, and recognizing and preventing unauthorized claims and
Claims in Oracle Channel Revenue Management enables organizations to shorten the
claims-processing cycle, and reduce claims and the associated costs. Information related
to all the claims is stored in a centralized manner. This makes it possible for you to
access accurate views of promotional spending and other variable costs. You can
research, validate, and settle deductions, charge backs, and claims. You can also identify
invalid and duplicate claims and prevent unauthorized claims and deductions.

Components of the Claims Process

The following figure illustrates the process flow for claims, starting from claim creation

Introduction 1-1
to claim research and settlement.

Process Flow for Claims

Claim Creation
Customers may submit a claim or deduct/overpay for many reasons such as OS and D-
over, shorts and damages. If a customer makes any over payments or short payments a
resulting deduction or overpayment transaction is created by AR into Oracle Channel
Revenue Management. You can view, investigate and settle these claims.
Claim Assignment
After a claim has been created in Channel Revenue Management it must be assigned to
an owner. Claim owners are responsible for claim settlement and resolution of any
related issues. Ownership can be assigned either to individuals or a team. This
assignment can be done manually or utilize our automated assignment engine based on
a claim hierarchy established in Oracle Channel Revenue Management Territories.
Claim Approval
A claim must be approved before you settle it. After you submit the claim for approval,
the approver receives a notification. The approval rules determine the approval flow.
The approver may approve or reject the claim. After research has been done it must be
submitted for approvals before settlement is complete.
Claim Research
Before settling a claim, you can:
• Determine whether a claim or deduction is valid or invalid.

• Determine the various reasons for which a claim is submitted, split the claim
accordingly, and specify different settlement methods for each portion of the claim
Find duplicate claims and remove such claims from the system.

Claim history enables you to record various changes made to a claim during the course
of investigation.
Claim Settlement
The claim settlement methods that are available in Oracle Channel Revenue
Management are check, on-account credit memo, previous on-account credit memo,
debit memo, Return Materials Authorization (RMA), automatic write-off, invoice credit
memo, and contra charge. The settlement method that you can use depends upon the
claim type. You can settle claims for individual customers and buying groups You can

1-2 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

also settle via a user defined customized settlement flow You can also pay to third
The following reports enable you to view the claim details during and after settlement:
• Claim Report: summary of essential claim details such as customer details, claim
lines, payment details, and settlement methods.

• Claim Aging View: summary of claims and deductions by customer and by days
due. Claim Aging View enables you to determine which customer has had
outstanding claims for the longest period time and work on those claims.

• Claim Settlement History: summary of all information that is related to the

settlement of a claim. Best practices would be to resolve all claims within a 30 day
period. The older claims get the harder it will be to get invalid deductions repaid.

• Customer 360 Degree View: summary of all transactions of the selected customer
including all the orders, invoices, debit memos and charge backs.

Introduction 1-3
Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Command Center

Oracle Channel Revenue Management Command Center 2-1

Channel Revenue Management Command Center

Channel Revenue Management Command Center Overview

The Oracle Channel Revenue Management Command Center presents claims analysts,
claims managers and finance managers with information to help resolve claims, and
gives full visibility into outstanding claims and deductions in the enterprise. The
dashboard also enables managers to track funds and their related promotional activity
transactions to forecast and execute various promotional activities to get maximum
return on investments. Use this data to maximize productivity for a variety of end-to-
end business processes. The Channel Revenue Command Center enables you to
collaborate, review, analyze, and act to:
• Eliminate revenue leakage.
• Quickly identify and charge back invalid deductions.

• Gain control over trade funds with comprehensive budget visualization.

• Improve payment collection.

• Prioritize high value claims for closure to maximize cash returns.

• Quickly identify past due balance and take action to recover payments.

• Increase profit margins.

• Identify overbooked claims agents and balance workload to clear aged claims.

• Improve operation and process efficiency with smarter analysis and effective
collaboration with customers and suppliers.

The Channel Revenue Management Command Center contains the Claim tab and the
Budget tab.
The Claim tab contains the following:
• Open Claims dashboard, page 2-3

• Closed Claims dashboard, page 2-6

The Budget tab contains the following:

• Budget dashboard, page 2-9

Note: You must complete the Channel Revenue Management

2-2 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Command Center configuration and setup after the installation and
common configurations are completed as described in My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1, Installing Oracle Enterprise
Command Center Framework, Release 12.2. For additional ECC overview
information, see Overview of Oracle Enterprise Command Centers, Oracle
E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Searching Enterprise Command Center Dashboards

Use the sidebar to search for and refine (filter) the data on a dashboard. You can select a
value or record from the Available Refinements component, or you can use the Search
field to find a keyword, a value, or a specific record. When you submit a search, the
search term is added to the Selected Refinements list, and the dashboard data is
refined to include only records that match the search. You can add multiple refinements
and remove any of them at any time. Use Saved Search to create and save your search.
You can edit, delete, or refer to this saved search. You can also use data sets to further
refine your search.
Use an asterisk (*) or a percent sign (%) to perform a partial keyword or record search
that matches any string of zero or more characters. You can also use a question mark (?)
to perform a partial search that matches any single character.

Additional Information: For more information about searching for and

refining data in Oracle Enterprise Command Centers, see "Search"
under Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center, Oracle E-Business
Suite User's Guide.

Open Claims Dashboard

Use the Open Claims dashboard to work with open claims. Analyze data, measure
claim closure workload, and readily identify amounts or transactions that need to be
closed. Choose to see and to refine claim data by customer, type, reason, age, and by
associated personnel. Drill down from the dashboard directly to a claim to take
immediate action.
Any claim with a status New, Open, Complete, On Hold, or Pending Approval is an
open claim. Analyze data and review open claims using various metrics, charts, graphs,
and tables.
From the Trade Management User responsibility, navigate to the Open Claims
(N) Channel Revenue Management >Command Center >Claims

Oracle Channel Revenue Management Command Center 2-3

2-4 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide
Components Description

Claim Metrics (summary bar) • Total Claim Amount

• Total Claim Transactions

• Amount Beyond 30 Days

• Claims Beyond 30 Days

Open Claims (tag cloud) The Open Claims tag clouds show:

• Customer - The ten customers with the

highest claim amounts

• Claim Type - The ten claim types with

the highest claim amounts

• Claim Reason - The ten claim reasons

with the highest amounts

Claim Insights (chart) The Aging tab displays information in a chart

format for Amount, Transactions by Owner,
and Age. You can further refine your results
using the Owner, Owner by Amount, and
Owner by Transactions sort options. Actions
you can perform on this tab are Export, Print
and Save as Image.

The Classifications tab consists of the

Amount by Customer and Amount by Claim
Reasons charts. The Amount by Customer
chart displays information that you can refine
further using the Customer and Customer by
Amount sort options. You can view the chart
in terms of Amount or Transactions. The
Amount by Claims Reasons chart displays
information that you can further refine using
the Claim Reason and Claim Reason by
Amount sort options.

Open Claims (results table) This results table displays a detailed view of
open claims.

Oracle Channel Revenue Management Command Center 2-5

Components Description

Options (table-level actions) • Compare: Select multiple rows to

compare data.

• Export: Use this action to export the

search results in a comma-separated
values (CSV) file format.

• Mass Update: Select multiple rows to

mass update claims data using the Mass
Update Claims page.

Closed Claims Dashboard

Use the Closed Claims dashboard to view closed claims. This dashboard provides a
means to analyze claims after they are settled. The dashboard also displays details
regarding the claim settlement. All claims with a status Approved, Pending Close,
Closed or Archived are considered closed claims. Claims with a status Canceled,
Duplicate, and Rejected are not extracted for reporting on this dashboard.
From the Trade Management User responsibility, navigate to the Closed Claims
(N) Channel Revenue Management >Command Center >Claims >Closed Claims (tab)

2-6 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Oracle Channel Revenue Management Command Center 2-7
Components Description

Claim Metrics (summary bar) • Total Amount

• Total Transactions

• Average Days to Close

• Write-Off %

Closed Claims (tag cloud) The Closed Claims tag clouds show:

• Claim Type - The ten claim types with

the highest claim amounts

• Claim Reason - The ten claim reasons

with the highest amounts

• Product Description The ten products

with the highest amounts

Claim Insights (chart) You can view the following tabs:

• Classifications - displays closed claims

by customers and closed claims by

• Settlement - displays closed claims by

Settlement and the average number of
days taken by a user to close out the
claims assigned to them.

• Type and Reason - displays the closed

claims by claim type, closed claims by
classification and closed claims by reason.

Closed Claims (results table) This results table displays details for closed

2-8 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Components Description

Options (table-level actions) • Compare: Select multiple rows to

compare data.

• Export: Use this action to export the

search results in a comma-separated
values (CSV) file format.

Budgets Dashboard
Use the Budget dashboard page to track funds and their related promotional activity
transactions to forecast and execute various promotional activities to get maximum
return on investments. The dashboard helps you to get insights into vendor funds and
assets and effectively track customer liabilities. This dashboard provides complete
visibility to funds, budgets, and promotional activities. Additionally, the dashboard
provides the ability to search for ledgers, operating units, activity dates, activity,
customer information, product information, and other information by selecting
refinements. You can also apply refinements by selecting the metrics and alerts and
portions of the graphs.
From the Trade Management User responsibility, navigate to the Budget dashboard:
(N) Channel Revenue Management >Command Center >Budget

Oracle Channel Revenue Management Command Center 2-9

The following table describes the various regions and components on the dashboard:

2-10 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Component Description

Budget Metrics (summary bar) The Budget Metrics summary bar contains the
following key metrics. You can refine the
dashboard data by clicking a metric value.

• Total Earned - This metric shows the total

amount earned across all budgets.

• Total Paid - This metric shows the total

amount paid across all budgets.

• Balance - This metric shows the balance

budget, which is the total amount earned
but not yet paid.

Budget Earnings (tag cloud) The following tag clouds displays the
distribution of values for customers

• Customer - This tag cloud shows the top

ten customers based on the amount

• Activity - This tag cloud shows the top

ten customers based on the amount
earned from the activity.

• Product Description - This tag cloud

shows the top ten customers based on the
amount earned from the product.

Oracle Channel Revenue Management Command Center 2-11

Component Description

Budget Insights (chart) You can view the following tabs:

• Classification - This tab contains the

Amount by Customer and Product Name
chart depicts the earned and paid
balances by customers and products.

• Activity - This tab contains the following


• Earned Amount (Sum) by Offer

Type - This chart depicts the earned
and paid balances.

• Earned Amount (Sum) by Budget

Category - This chart depicts the
earned and paid balances by defined
budget categories.

Budget Results (results table) This results table contains the following tabs:

• Amounts - This is an aggregate table,

where earned and paid amount is shown
with respective to Budget, Activity and

• Budget Information This is table shows

fixed columns for Budget, Activity and
Customer. You can sort information
based on Eligibility and Other
Information. Use the Compare action to
compare date for multiple rows. Use the
Export action to export the search results
in a comma-separated values (CSV) file

2-12 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Creating Claims

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview
• Creating a Claim
• Creating Deductions or Overpayments

Customers may submit claims to submit overpayments, compensation for damaged
goods, or promotional accruals. Other situations involve customers taking illegal
deductions, or paying more than what they owe your organization. You can create
different types of claims based on the nature of claims that must be settled.
When a claim is created, all the information necessary to process the claim is recorded.
This information includes the claim type, reason for the claim, customer information,
contact information, broker and sales representative details, the amount, and currency
The Mass Create functionality enables you to create multiple claims and debit claims on
one screen. You can import claims based on data from legacy or third party systems by
using Import Interface. You can also create claims and debit claims from any system by
using a Public API. Claims can be imported from a legacy system either through claims
import or through the claims API.

Understanding Claim Components

To create claims, you must understand the different claim types, classes, reasons, claim
lines, and customer-reason code mapping.

Claim Classes
Claim, Debit claim, Deduction, and Overpayment are the four different claim classes
that are available in Oracle Channel Revenue Management. The settlement methods

Creating Claims 3-1

and processing is different for each claim class.
• Claim
Customers may submit reimbursement requests for a number of reasons such as to
claim compensation for damaged goods or payment for services. Claims are created
in Oracle Channel Revenue Management to handle these reimbursement requests.
Claims may or may not be promotion-related. Promotion-related claims have
promotional earnings (accruals) associated with them. You can view this in the
Promotional subtab of the Claim Main page. The settlement methods for claims
include check, credit memo, or Return Materials Authorization (RMA).

• Debit Claim
Debit claims are created in Oracle Channel Revenue Management to charge back
customers who have been overpaid. Debit claims are settled through debit memos.
For example, a customer earns $10,000; you issue a check for that amount. Later on,
the same customer returns $1,000 worth of merchandise from a previous order, thus
decreasing the true accrual to $9,000. To handle this situation, you can create a debit
claim for $1,000, and settle the claim by generating a debit memo.

• Deduction
Deductions are created in Oracle Receivables and you can view and settle these
deductions in Oracle Channel Revenue Management. Deductions are used to
handle situations where customers short pay invoices for various reasons such as to
claim compensation for shipping errors, pricing errors, and to claim promotional
When a deduction is created, all the pertinent information such as receipt numbers,
dates and amounts, customer and transaction information, customer debit memo
numbers and claim reasons, which is entered in Oracle Receivables, is available in
Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
For example, you send an invoice for $10,000 to a customer. But the customer remits
only $8,000 for this invoice, citing a deduction of $2,000 for promotional earnings
that the customer has not received. A deduction for $2,000 is automatically created
in Oracle Receivables. You can view and settle this deduction in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management.
Deductions can be of one of the following types:
• Transaction-related: deductions can be traced back to a specific transaction such
as an invoice, a debit memo or a charge back.

• Non transaction-related: deductions cannot be traced back to a specific


• Promotion-related: deductions have associated promotional earnings.

Customers make these deductions to claim discounts that have been given them

3-2 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

for such activities as slotting fees or that are accrued when they place orders.

Settlement methods for deductions include invoice credit memo, on-account credit
memo, previous on-account credit memo, write-off, charge back, RMA, and contra
For more information on transaction types and adjustments for deductions, see the
Oracle Receivables User Guide and the Oracle Order Management User's Guide.

• Overpayment
Overpayments are created in Oracle Receivables when customers overpay what
you have invoiced the for. This could be for an over shipment they have received or
an inaccurately priced invoice. Settlement methods for overpayments include debit
memo, write-off, and on-account credit.

Claims and Debit Claims are created in Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
Deductions and Overpayments are created from Oracle Receivables. Oracle Receivables
users can create deductions or overpayments when they find mismatches between the
applied transaction amount and the receipt amount from the Receipt Application
If the payment is directly applied to a transaction and a short pay is recognized, then a
deduction can be created based on the transaction, or a claim investigation can be
created for the customer.
If Oracle Receivables users identify that a customer has overpaid, then a claim
investigation can be created for the customer on receipt and is distinguished as an
overpayment claim class in Oracle Channel Revenue Management. All the transaction
and receipt information from Oracle Receivables is carried over to Oracle Channel
Revenue Management as source information for claim research.
See Settling Claims, Deductions and Overpayments for procedures related to settling
claims, debit claims, deductions, and overpayments.

Note: Throughout this document, the term "Claim" is used generically

to encompass claims, debit claims, deductions, and overpayments.

Apart from regular claims, deductions, and overpayments, claims are also created
automatically in Oracle Channel Revenue Management as a result of the integration
between Oracle Channel Revenue Management and Oracle Partner Management.
Whenever any requests related to Special Pricing, Soft Funds, and Referrals are created
and approved in Oracle Partner Management, offers and claims are automatically
created in Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
These claims are settled by the claim users. For information on settling claims related to
Special Pricing, Soft Funds, and Referrals, see the Indirect Sales Management chapter.
See the Oracle Partner Management Vendor User Guide for more information on Special
Pricing, Soft Funds, and Referrals.

Creating Claims 3-3

Claim Types and Reasons
Customers submit claims for various reasons such as to claim compensation from your
organization for losses caused due to shipping problems, invoice errors, promotional
payments, or quality issues.
Sometimes the reason for the claim may not be identified so thus is unknown. You can
use internal claim types and reasons to identify the reason for which the claims have
been raised and classify these claims.
Claim types and reasons also enable you to close the loop on claims processing and
settlement, and to analyze claim problems. Depending on the claim type or reason, the
process of claim research and resolution may be different. You can have any number of
internal claim types and reasons. Your Claims Administrator can set up claim types and
reasons based on your business needs.
Claim types and reasons together enable you to classify claims, and identify problem
areas that need improvement. For example, you may have a large number of claims
with the type--shipping and the reason--damaged goods. With this knowledge, you can
improve your shipping methods and reduce the number of shipping claims arising due
to damaged goods.
Claim Types
Claim types serve the following specific purposes:
• Setups for integration purpose
Organizations can store setups required for creating transactions or adjustments in
Oracle Receivables as well as in Order Management. The Oracle Receivables setups
mainly drive the accounting, while the Order Management setups drive the
workflow of a Return Material Authorization (RMA). These setups are as follows:

Integration Setups

Transaction Type Description

Credit Memo Used when a claim or a deduction must be settled with a new
credit memo.

Must be set up in Oracle Receivables.

Debit Memo Used when a debit claim or an overpayment must be settled

with new debit memo.

Must be set up in Oracle Receivables.

3-4 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Transaction Type Description

Chargeback Used when a deduction must be settled with a chargeback.

Must be set up in Oracle Receivables.

RMA Used when a claim or deduction must be settled with an RMA

(return order).

Must be set up in Order Management with a workflow tied to

it. The workflow must have Invoicing Activity to generate a
credit memo to close out the claim or deduction.

Write-off Adjustment Used when a deduction must be settled with a write-off.

Receivable Activity
Must be set up in Oracle Receivables as an adjustment type
receivable activity.

Receipt Write-off Used when an overpayment must be settled with a receipt

Receivable Activity write-off.

Must be set up in Oracle Receivables as a receipt write-off type

receivable activity.

• Default Receivable Clearing Accounts

When accruals are created either from a Lump sum, Accrual, Net Accrual, Scan
data or Volume offer, such accruals may be treated as liabilities by some companies.
These liabilities must be tracked in the General Ledger. Oracle Channel Revenue
Management enables GL integration by creating Debit Sales or Expense, and Credit
Liabilities accounting entries.
If a claim or deduction is associated to such accruals and the settlement method is a
credit memo, then Oracle Channel Revenue Management creates entries for Debit
Liabilities and Credit Receivables.
The debit entry for the liabilities account reverses the liabilities created when the
accruals were created. Because the claim is being settled for such accruals, and the
customer will be paid by a credit memo, these liabilities must be reduced. The
credit entry for Oracle Receivables clearing account offsets the debit entry that the
credit memo creates to reduce revenue of the customer account.

• Default Vendor Clearing Accounts

If a promotional claim must be settled by a check instead of a credit memo, then
accounting entries for Debit Liabilities and Credit Vendor Clearing will be created.
The liabilities account used will be the same as the account used when accruals
were created. The Oracle Receivables or Oracle Payables Clearing accounts that will

Creating Claims 3-5

be used during claim settlement are derived from the following setups:
• As defined in the Claim Type, and the Account Generator workflow updates if

• As defined in System Parameters, and Account Generator workflow updates if


Claim Reasons
Claim Reasons serve the following specific purposes:
• Action Default
Action is a template of tasks. Based on the claim reason, certain repetitive tasks may
need to be performed every time. Such tasks are defaulted automatically based on
the claim reason. Therefore, you need not enter the tasks manually every time.

• Setups for Integration Points

When a chargeback is created to settle a deduction, the chargeback reason must be
passed from Oracle Channel Revenue Management to Oracle Receivables for
integration purposes. Optionally, credit memo reasons can also be passed from
claims in Oracle Channel Revenue Management to credit memos in Oracle

For information on creating claim types and reasons, and application integration, see
the Oracle Channel Revenue Management Implementation Guide.

Claim Actions
As an option, you can select an action when creating a claim. Each action typically has a
series of associated tasks. These tasks enable you to research and settle claims. For more
information on tasks, see the Common Components chapter.
For example, a shipping claim may have an action called Shipping Claim Tasks. The
series of tasks might include:
1. Review invoices for shipped products and amounts.

2. Contact shipping department for verification.

3. Obtain proof of delivery.

The Administrator sets up actions based on the business needs of your organization.
For more information on actions, see the Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Implementation Guide.

Third Party Accruals and Pricing Simulations

Manufacturers often deal with their customers directly or indirectly or both through

3-6 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

distributors. If this is the case with your organization, you may want to offer
promotions to customers both directly and through distributors who also sell to the
same customers.
Oracle Channel Revenue Management can take indirect purchase data for direct
customers, run a pricing simulation, and determine what promotions the customer is
entitled to.
For example, an organization sells directly to Customer X. The organization also sells its
products to a distributor who resells to Customer X as well as to other customers that
you do not deal with directly. The distributor periodically sends in sales data to help
you calculate accruals for all of the customers.
For this example, assume that the data consists of the following:

Customer Relationship Sales Amount

X Direct and Indirect $100,000

Y Indirect $80,000

Z Indirect $70,000

Based on the information provided from the distributor including the data, customer
and product information, order number and date, quantity, price, shipment date,
invoice number and date, and so on, Oracle Channel Revenue Management simulates
the price and promotion that Customer X would have received had they dealt directly
with you for a particular order.
If the pricing simulation indicates the customer would have received a better price or
promotion dealing directly with you (say a $10K difference for this example), Oracle
Channel Revenue Management automatically creates an accrual for this customer. The
$10K is tracked in the customer budget, and can be paid later to the customer by a claim
or deduction.
The data for Customers Y and Z will be saved and stored separately, so that you can
offer promotions to these indirect customers in the future.

Customer Reason
Customer reasons are the codes by which customers identify the claims that they
submit. These customer reason codes may be different from the internal reason codes
that your organization uses. The Administrator in your organization can create
mappings for customer reason codes and the internal reason codes that are used by
your organization. If these codes are mapped, then whenever a customer submits a
claim, the customer's original reason is captured and automatically converted to the
internal reason code. This simplifies the claim research process.

Creating Claims 3-7

In the following Customer Reason Code Mapping diagram, Customer Reasons codes
Shipment Errors and Invoice Errors are mapped to an Internal Reason named
Processing Errors. Damaged Goods customer reason is mapped to an Internal Reason
named Quality issues.

Customer Reason Code Mapping

For example, a retailer--Bigmart maintains more than 3,500 reason codes for deduction
against its manufacturers. One of the manufacturers--Toy House maintains only 30
internal reason codes to analyze deduction patterns and route them to different
departments for investigation.
Bigmart remits payments to Toy House. On those remittances Bigmart indicates on
multiple lines their deductions and their reasons for deducting. The reason codes used
by Bigmart are converted to internal reason codes. The amount that is deducted is
adjusted and converted into deductions in Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
The processing of claims depends upon the manner in which the customers remit
payments. Customers can make payments either through:
• Electronic remittance (through bank or EDI file)
If it is an electronic remittance, then the information goes through the Quick Cash
User Interface of Oracle Receivables. A Post Batch process then updates the
customer balances and turns such information into receipts. During the Post Batch
process, any amounts deducted or claimed will be adjusted in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management and claims will be created. Customer reason codes are
converted to internal reason codes during this process.

• Manual remittance
If it is a manual remittance, then the Oracle Receivables user enters the relevant
information. Customer reason codes are converted to internal reason codes during
this process. Claims are created in Oracle Channel Revenue Management and
receipts are issued.

During claim creation, you can enter one of the following:

• Enter only the customer reason code

3-8 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

If you enter only the customer reason without entering the internal reason code,
then based on the customer reason code, the system searches and changes the code
to the corresponding internal claim reason. If customer reason codes have not been
mapped, then the system takes the internal reason from System Parameters.

• Enter customer reason code and internal reason code

If you enter the customer reason code and the internal claim reason code, then the
customer reason code takes precedence and it is converted to the right internal
claim reason.

• Enter only the internal claim reason code

If you enter only the internal claim reason, then the customer reason field will be
empty by default.
After a customer reason code is converted to the internal reason code, you may still
make use of the customer reason code to refer to the claim.

Processing Methods
When processing claims for settlement, payment methods depend on the origin of the
claim, the claimant, and relationship between the claimant and the payee. In addition,
processing is influenced by the following choices that you make.
• Buying group or individual group member account

• AutoLockbox

• Multi-Org Access

Buying Groups and Related Customer Accounts

Buying groups are formed when organizations group themselves to leverage their
buying power.
For example, you create a promotion for a buying group. When buying group members
place orders, accruals for each member are tracked individually, even though the
buying group entity may be handling all the invoices and claims for the group. During
claim settlement, you can view the buying group member accruals and decide whether
to issue payment to the buying group, or directly to one of its members.
Related Customer accounts are set up with relationships. Common relationships
include bill-to and ship-to.
For example, the headquarters of an organization may be set up as the bill-to account
and location for multiple retail stores. Each retail store can be set up as a ship-to account
and location. In addition, the headquarters office may be handling all the claims for
retail stores, but these retail stores may receive their payment directly.

Creating Claims 3-9

Enabling AutoLockbox
AutoLockbox (or Lockbox) is a service that commercial banks offer corporate customers
to enable them to outsource their accounts receivable payment processing. An
AutoLockbox operation can process millions of transactions a month.
AutoLockbox eliminates manual data entry by automatically processing receipts that
are sent directly to your bank. The Oracle Receivables user can specify how this
information must be transmitted and Oracle Receivables ensures that the data is valid
before creating QuickCash receipt batches.
The customer who has remitted the receipt can be automatically identified, and the
AutoCash rules may be optionally used to determine how to apply the receipts to your
customer's outstanding debit items. See the Oracle Receivables User Guide for more
information on AutoLockbox.
During AutoLockbox and Post QuickCash processing, Oracle Receivables can
automatically prepare eligible remittance lines for claim creation in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management. AutoLockbox can initiate claim creation for eligible remittances.
Deductions and overpayments can be created from the PostBatch process when
customers' remittances come from the Oracle Receivables Lockbox. All the relevant
customer information including customer reason and reference number is passed to
Oracle Channel Revenue Management. These claims can be settled through Oracle
Channel Revenue Management. See Settling Claims, Deductions, and Overpayments for
information on how to settle claims.

Enabling Multi-Org Processing

In Oracle Channel Revenue Management claim users can work on multiple operating
units. Claim users can switch from one operating unit to another if they have access to
multiple operating units. Details of the default operating unit are derived from the
MOAC profile option, MO: Default Operating Unit. Users who have access to multiple
operating units can select the operating unit to access the respective views, claims, and
mass settlement groups.
If you implemented org striping for claims, the impact is described in the following

Feature Description

Claim Creation During claim creation, the default operating unit on the
claim is derived from the MOAC profile option, MO: Default
Operating Unit profile option. A user with access to multiple
operating units can change this field. Operating unit details
are required for Claim Interface Tables and the Claim
Creation API.

3-10 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Feature Description

Promotional payments view The promotional payments and the claims aging views
and Claims aging view display details of claims that belong to the default operating
unit. Users who have access to multiple operating units can
select the operating unit to access the respective promotional
payments view and the claims aging view.

Claim display Claim users can view all claims that they have access to.

Mass settlement Claim users can view all mass settlement groups that they
have access to. When creating a mass settlement group,
users should select an operating unit. If they do not select an
operating unit, then LOVs such as Bill to, Claim Type, or
Claim Reason, do not display values.

Personalized search For claim display and mass settlement purposes, the
personalized search includes operating unit as a search
criteria to enable claim users to sort claims and mass
settlement groups by operating unit.

Claim Settlement Methods Settlement documents such as check and credit memo are
created in the same operating unit as the claim that is being

Settlement methods are tied to Claim Source setup. You can

disable settlement methods for a specific organization.

Note: Org-striping has no impact on claim security or claim access.

In addition, org striping affects the following Claim related concurrent processes
include the operating unit field. You can run these processes for all operating units that
you can access. You can run concurrent processes with the following options:
• All: enables you to run the following concurrent programs across all operating
• Claims Import Purge

• Import Claims

• Transfer to General Ledger

• All, but without parameters: enables you to run the following concurrent programs
across all operating units, but without parameters:

Creating Claims 3-11

• Claims Auto Write-Offs Program

• Claims Autopay

• Claims Settlement Fetcher

• You cannot use this option to run concurrent programs with any parameter
other than operating unit. To run concurrent programs with other parameters,
you must run it separately for each operating unit.

• You cannot use this option to run concurrent programs with any parameter
other than operating unit. To run concurrent programs with other parameters,
you must run it separately for each operating unit.

Claims Summary
The Claims summary page displays claims with My Claims as the default predefined
view. From this summary page you can create claims and select multiple claims to write
off or to update. You can click any claim number to go to the Claim Main page for that
claim. The Personalize button on the Claims summary page enables you to create
personalized views by selecting the columns you want to display.
Claim Main
The Claim Main page displays detailed information about any type of a claim. To
modify this information, you can make changes to editable fields and then click Update.
You can access the following information from the Claim Main page:

Function Description

Promotional Use to associate earnings of a claim with open accruals.

To create a line from the Promotional tab, search accruals, enter the
amount for the accrual of choice, and then click the Update button.

Note: You can remove promotional claim lines by clicking the

Remove All button. This action removes Line Amount for all claim
lines. You can then enter the amount for the claim lines as required.

Nonpromotional Use to associate claim lines with RMA, invoice, or product information
for nonpromotional settlements.

To create a line from the Nonpromotional tab, click the Add Another
Line button, enter details, and then click the Update button.

3-12 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Function Description

Settlement Displays information or details related to the settlement of a claim. To

settle a claim, fill in the required fields and select the Update button.

AR Source For the Deduction and Overpayments claim classes, the AR Source
subtab displays the claim source and subsequent receipt application

Duplicates Use to access duplicate claims and related documents pertaining to this

Tasks Use to assign follow-up activities such as resolving problems related to

the claim.

Split Displays a list of claims that were split from the current claim. The Line
Amount list of values displays all the lines that are available in original

Notes and Notes: Use to write Notes and record information that you would like
Attachments to communicate to others regarding this claim. You can create any
number of notes and edit and modify notes about this claim.

Attachments: Use to review and edit Attachments. Attachments can be

a Web address, file attachment or simple text. Click the Description text
to review or edit the Attachment details. Click the Attachment text to
view or download the Attachment.

Team Use to assign access to team members.

Claim History
You can click the History button on the Claim Main page to view the complete history
of a claim. An event is recorded in claim history every time a change is made to the
claim. You can specify the events that can trigger a history recording in history rule.

Claim Simple and Advanced Search

Click the Simple Search button on the Claims summary page to search for claims based
on specific criteria. You can then name your search and save it for later use. You can
click the Advanced Search button on the Claims summary page or the Saved Searches
page to add further search criteria.
For numeric fields, the default search operator is equal to. For text fields, the default
search operator is starts with. For example, if you enter CLA024 in the Claim field and
then you perform a search, the results include all claim numbers that start with

Creating Claims 3-13

If you specify multiple criteria, the search engine uses the and condition and displays
the results for which all the conditions are met. For example, if you select Vision
Operations in the Operating Unit field and Closed in the Status field, the search results
contain all closed claims in the Vision Operations operating unit.

Claim Lines and Associated Earnings

Claim lines serve the purposes of recording the details of a claim. Claim lines contain
transaction details such as the product details, price, unit of measurement, and so on.
Claim lines are used for associating offers or campaigns with a specific claim. For
example, if a claim or deduction is promotion-related, it may be tied to multiple offers
resulting in multiple Claim lines.
When you associate one or more offers to a claim, it means that you are settling the
claim to pay the accruals that are created from these offers. From the claim lines page,
you can access the Associate Earnings Summary. Here, if you created the claim
manually, then you can see all global offers and all offers available for the claim's
operating unit that are applicable to the customer or buying group on the claim and its
related accounts, including any outstanding (unpaid) promotional accruals. You can
search for accruals by offer, customer, order, invoice and products, and so on.
The Earnings Association diagram below Offer 1 and Offer 2 are associated to Claim A.

Earnings Association

The Promotional subtab on the Claim Main page includes all outstanding (unpaid)
promotional offer accruals that are related to a specific customer and claim. For a
customer budget, it displays the total utilized and remaining unutilized amounts as of
date, in both transactional and functional currencies. However, actual association of
earnings happens in either the transaction or the functional currency based on the claim
currency. The system calculates the current association amount, existing association
amount and net association amount (the difference between the current and existing
association amounts).
By using the search function, you can view all offers that are applicable to each claim
for customers and related accounts, and buying groups and buying group members.
You can use associated earnings for claim research and settlement.
Some examples of how you can use associated earnings for claim research and
settlement are given below. For each example, you can assume that the following has
already occurred:

3-14 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

• A claim has been created.

• At least one claim line was created, and earnings were associated with it.

Example 1: Accruals
A customer submits a deduction for $20,000. You first look at the customer checkbook
and see the following:

Offer Earned Paid

Offer 1 $100,000 $40,000

Offer 2 $15,000 $9,000

Offer 3 $8,000 $5,000

Next, you look at the customer's associated earnings information for this claim and see
the following.

Offer Amount Available

Offer 1 $100,000 $60,000

Offer 2 $15,000 $9,000

Offer 3 $8,000 $5,000

Let us assume that you have determined that the deduction is related to all three offers,
and you have selected credit memo as the settlement method. In the Line Amount field
in the Promotional subtab of the Claim Main page, you enter the values in the Line
Amount column as shown below:

Offer Amount Amount Available Line Amount

Offer 1 $100,000 $40,000 $9,000

Offer 2 $15,000 $9,000 $6,000

Offer 3 $8,000 $3,000 $5,000

When the credit memo is issued, $9,000 is withdrawn from the accruals for Offer 1,

Creating Claims 3-15

$6,000 from Offer 2, and $5,000 from Offer 3. The following GL accounting entries are

GL Entry Offer 1 Offer 2 Offer 3

Debit Liabilities $9,000 $6,000 $5,000

Credit Receivables $9,000 $6,000 $5,000


The customer's budget checkbook is updated automatically to:

Offer Earned Paid

Offer 1 $100,000 $49,000

Offer 2 $15,000 $15,000

Offer 3 $8,000 $8,000

When the next claim for this customer is created, the associated earnings page will
show the following details:

Offer Amount Amount available

Offer 1 $100,000 $51,000

Example 2: Buying Group

A Buying Group offers its members a deal whereby each unit of product that they
purchase is eligible for a 10% accrual. Member A places an order and accrues $10,000.
The $10,000 is tracked in the earned column of the budget for Member A.
The Buying Group handles the invoicing and claim processing for all its members. It
submits a claim on behalf of Member A for $10,000. Being the claim owner, you create a
claim with at least one claim line, and associate earnings with that claim line.
When you navigate to the Promotional subtab on the Claim Main page, you do not at
first see the $10,000 in accruals because the Buying Group did not place the order
directly. To research this claim further, you use the search function to view all of the
accruals for all the buying group members. You can then associate the $10,000 in
accruals to the claim and either pay Member A directly or pay the Buying Group, who
will disburse the payment to Member A.

3-16 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Proportionate Association of Earnings by Products
In general, when you associate earnings to an offer on the claim line, the claim amount
gets associated to the entire offer on a first-in-first-out basis irrespective of the item or
product categorization on the offer. This means that the earliest order line with accrual
is cleared first.
However, some organizations may have a policy of clearing their claims periodically,
say on a monthly basis, and they may not necessarily clear the oldest liability first.
Alternately, because of the many product lines involved in one single offer, when a
claim comes in that partially relieves the offer's accruals, they may prefer to
proportionately pay the accruals for the offer lines.
For example, the total accrual for an offer is $1,000, out of which $200 has been paid out
for previous claims. The outstanding accrual balance of $800 is broken up by products,
and when a claim is created for $500, and the user associates the whole $500 to this
offer, the system automatically splits the associated earnings by product as follows:
Product A for $500 * (500 / 800) = $312.50
Product B for $500 * (200 / 800) = $125.00
Product C for $500 * (100 / 800) = $62.50
If the offer sources funds from multiple budgets, the accruals are proportionately
relieved from the budgets. For example, in the above scenario, if the offer sources funds
from two different budgets--Budget A and Budget B, then due to product eligibility
validation, each budget may track the accruals for some of the products or all. Assume
that the accruals for Product A, Product B, and Product C are tracked as shown in the
following table.

Product Budget A Budget B Total

Product A $300 $200 $500

Product B $200 -NA- $200

Product C -NA- $100 $100

When the claim is created for $500, and the associated earnings are split proportionately
by product. The funding budgets are also split proportionately and the associated
earnings for the products will be sourced as below:
• The associated earnings for Product A ($312.50) is split between Budget A and B as
shown below:
• Budget A: $312.50 x (300 / 500) = $187.50

Creating Claims 3-17

• Budget B: $312.50 x (200 / 500) = $125.00

• The associated earnings for Product B ($125.00) is sourced entirely from Budget A.

• The associated earnings for Product C ($62.50) is sourced entirely from Budget B.

An option in the System Parameters determines whether the system will prorate the
earnings based on product or not.
When the Prorate Associated Earnings by Products check box is selected, Oracle
Channel Revenue Management prorates the earnings across accruals against the offer. It
also performs the following actions:
• In the case of over utilization, based on the positive amount that is remaining, the
excess amount is prorated over all of the products. An adjustment record is created
containing all of the product information.

• In the case of a complete pay over, the total amount is prorated over all the
products that have nonzero accrual amounts.

• The original claim line is split and earnings are redistributed so that each claim line
will be associated with earnings for only one offer-product combination.

Important: For an offer where the Ignore Payment Validations check

box is selected and the offer has a null available amount, the system
cannot prorate the amount.

Offer Prorate Pay Over Scenarios

An example of the offer prorate feature for pay over scenarios is given in the following
Partial Pay Over
Amount to be associated with the offer: $90
Search for: Order O1
Total available amount in the offer: $50
Prorate logic: Based on Available Amount (Before Association)
The pay over amount of $40 is distributed for products P1 and P2 as shown in the table

3-18 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Offer Order Product Amount Available Associate Available
Amount d Amount Amount
(Before (After
Associatio Associatio
n) n)

Offer A O1 P1 70 40 Accrual = 40-72 =

40 (-32)

Pay Over =
40 × (40/50)
= 32

Total = 72

Offer A O1 P2 50 10 Association 10-18 = (-8)

= 10

Pay Over =
40 × (10/50)

Total = 18

Partial Pay Over With Negative Available Amount

Amount to be associated with the offer: $55
Search for: Order O2
Total available amount in the offer: $10
Prorate logic: Based on Available Amount (Before Association)
The pay over amount of $45 is distributed for products P3 and P4 as shown in the table

Offer Order Product Amount Available Associate Available

Amount d Amount Amount
(Before (After
Associatio Associatio
n) n)

Offer A O2 P3 0 -10 Accrual = 0


Creating Claims 3-19

Offer Order Product Amount Available Associate Available
Amount d Amount Amount
(Before (After
Associatio Associatio
n) n)

Offer A O2 P4 40 20 Accrual = 20-65 =

20 (-45)

Pay Over =
20 × (45/20)
= 45

Total = 65

Complete Pay Over

Amount to be associated with the offer: $65
Search for: Order O3
Total available amount in the offer: $0
Prorate logic: Based on Amount
The pay over amount of $65 is distributed for products P5 and P6 as shown in the table

Offer Order Product Amount Available Associate Available

Amount d Amount Amount
(Before (After
Associatio Associatio
n) n)

Offer A O3 P5 30 -20 Pay Over = (-20)-39 =

65 × (30/50) (-59)
= 39

Offer A O3 P6 20 20 Pay Over = 20-26 = (-6)

65 × (20/50)
= 26(-20)-39
= (-59)

Claims Status
You can create claims in either New or Open status using the profile option OZF:
Default Status When Creating Claims.
• New Status - If a claim is created in New status, you must manually change the

3-20 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

status to open before you can settle the claim. In New status you can delete the
claim but not settle it.

• Open Status Oracle recommends setting the value of this profile option to Open.
This means that when you create a claim or use Mass Create to create a large
number of claims they will be set to Open status and you will not have to open each
claim individually to cancel it. the default for this profile option is Open.

Creating a Claim
Customers may submit reimbursement requests for a number of reasons such as to
claim compensation for damaged goods, payment for services, and so on. Debit claims
can be used to charge back customers who have been overpaid.
To create a claim or a debit claim, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as
Oracle Trade Management User.
Navigation: Claim > Claims > Create.
• Claim Number: If left blank, a unique claim number is automatically generated.

• Customer Name: Determines the claiming customer. The available customer names
and bill-to locations are customer accounts set up in the TCA

• Currency Code: Select a code for the currency in which claims are to be created

• Offer Code: Search and select the code of the offer for which you are creating this
claim. This is used by the Rule Based Settlement Engine concurrent program which
automates the process of matching claims and deductions to open credits and

• Amount: Enter a positive value for a claim, or a negative value for a debit claim.

• Exchange Type: If a claim comes in with a currency that is different from the
functional currency, the currency must be converted. Exchange Type defines the
type of exchange rate. For example, a Corporate exchange type may have a set of
rates determined after every month-end market close.

Note: The Exchange Type, Rate, Currency and Amount fields are
used only when the transaction and accounted currencies are
different. The value for this field must be used to perform an
exchange rate conversion.

• Exchange Date/ Exchange Rate: Rates may differ based on the exchange date that
you enter. Based on the Exchange Type and Exchange Date entered, an exchange

Creating Claims 3-21

rate may populate this field. If it is a user-defined exchange type, you can enter a
different rate. For example, if Sterling Pound is the currency type and 2 is the
exchange rate, then the value for Amount is converted at a rate of 2 Sterling
Pounds:1 US dollar.

Creating Multiple Claims

The Mass Create function enables you to create multiple claims and debit claims on one
screen. All the basic information for claims can be captured quickly so that they can be
routed to the proper owners in a timely fashion. This functionality enables you to
handle the massive volume of claims data that your company has to deal with, and
enables you to expedite the claims process.
To mass create claims and debit claims, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management
as Oracle Trade Management User.
Navigation: Claim > Claims > Mass Create.
• Claim Number: If left blank, a unique claim number is automatically generated.

• Claim Amount: If the amount is greater than zero, a claim is created; otherwise, a
debit claim is created.

• Exchange Type, Exchange Rate, and Exchange Date: If the currency for the claim is
different than the functional currency, select an Exchange Type, Exchange Date, and
Exchange Rate.

If an error occurs, the row with the problem is highlighted. All the other claims that you
entered in the table are created.

Updating Multiple Claims

The Mass Update feature enables you to update multiple claims from the Claims
summary page. All of the basic information for claims can be updated from the Mass
Update Claims page. This functionality enables you to update various fields for the
selected claims, such as Owner, Broker, Sales Person, Claim Attachments, and so on.
To perform mass update for claims:
1. Log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management User.

2. Navigate to the Claims summary page and perform one of the following:
• Select the claims you want to update.

• Click Simple Search, then search for and select the claims you want to update.

• Click Simple Search and then Advanced Search, then search for and select the

3-22 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

claims you want to update.

3. Select Mass Update from the Actions drop-down list.

4. Click Go. The Mass Update Claims page opens.

Creating Claim Lines

Claim Lines enable you to associate the claim amount to chargeback, debit memo, credit
memo, offer, order, invoice, or third party accruals. For example, you can select the type
as order to settle a claim that is associated with a particular order. A claim can have
multiple claim lines.
To create claim lines, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade
Management User.
As a prerequisite, a claim should exist.
Navigation: For nonpromotional claims, from the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab,
then the claim. In the Claim Main page, click the Nonpromotional subtab, and then click
the Add Another Line button.
Navigation: For promotional claims, from the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then
the claim. In the Claim Main page, click the Promotional subtab, and then expand the
Accruals Search link. Specify the search criteria and click the Go button.
• Settlement Method: The settlement method that you select will determine the tax
codes that are displayed. If you selected Check or Contra Charge, you will see
Oracle Payables Tax Codes. For all the other methods, you will see Oracle
Receivables Tax Codes. The Tax Code selected here is the default for all claim line
items, unless it is overridden for an individual line. On a manually created claim, if
you do not select a settlement method, it is derived from the customer's trade

• Line Type: Line Type is used to associate a claim to a chargeback, debit memo,
credit memo, offer, order, invoice, or third party accrual data. The Line Type
determines the transaction to which the claim amount is related.

• Transaction LOV: The values that are displayed in the list depend upon the Line
Type that you selected. For example, if you select the Line Type as Order, then all
the order numbers are listed here.

Entering Claim Line Details

Claim line details are used to associate promotional activities and documentation to the
specified claim.

Creating Claims 3-23

To enter claim line details, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle
Trade Management User.
As a prerequisite, a claim with completed claim lines should exist.
Navigation: From the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then the claim. In the Claim
Main page, click the Promotional subtab. Locate the line you want to add details for,
and click the icon in the Detail column.
• Valid: Select to indicate that the claim is valid. This check box has no functional

• Performance Verified and Proof of Performance: Select these check boxes to

indicate that performance on the part of the customer has been verified, and to
indicate that the proof of performance has been attached to the claim. These check
boxes are added as notes to the claim and they have no functional impact.

• Number: This is the reference number of the document.

• Name: Select a name for the type of chargeback, credit memo, debit memo, invoice,
or order.

• Item Type: Item or item category acts as a filter for the line or product LOV.

• Line or Product: Provides the item number and name.

• Quantity, UOM, and Price: These fields are automatically entered if values were
entered on the Lines page.

• Amount: Verify the amount. Claim Currency Amount is the amount shown in the
Claim currency regardless of the promotional activity currency.

• Tax Classification Code: Specifies the rate at which tax is applied to the claim.

Associating Earnings With Claim Lines

Use Associate Earnings to associate a claim line with earnings accrued in the checkbook.
Associating earnings is mandatory for promotional claim types. On the Associate
Earnings page, you can view available earnings for a customer in both transactional and
functional currencies.
To associate earnings with claim lines, you should first search for promotional accrual
information, and then associate earnings.
Log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
As a prerequisite, a claim should exist.
Navigation: From the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then the claim. In the Claim

3-24 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Main page click the Promotional subtab, and then expand Accrual Search.
Notes: Searching for promotional accrual information
Enter search criteria in one or more of the following fields in the Accruals Search
• Relationship and Related Customer: These are account relationships that are set
up in TCA.

• Buying Group and Display Children: To search for the accruals for that particular
buying group and its members.

• Budget: To search for accruals for a specific fund.

• Activity Type and Activity: To search for a particular offer and its accruals.

• Summary View: To specify an Activity, Order, Period, or Product view.

• Period: To search for accruals for a specific year. This value is obtained from the
OZF: Default Value for Associate Earnings Query profile option.

• Performance Verified: Select this check box to indicate that you have verified the
customer or buying group has met the performance criteria for a promotion.

• Offer Type, Item, Item Type, Order Number, End Date: Search for accruals related
to these fields.

• Invoice Number: To search for invoice numbers based on the claim customer. If
you select Relationship and Related Customer, the Invoice Number field displays
invoices from related customers. If you select Buying Group, the Invoice Number
field displays invoices from that buying group and its members.

• Channel of Sales: Search for accruals by direct or indirect sales channel.

• Prorate Associated Earnings by Products: Select this check box to view the
associated earnings prorated by Products.

Associated Accrual Details

After you associate a line amount in the Accruals Search section, the Associated
Accrual Details section displays the associated accrual details in the Promotional
subtab. You can remove associated records individually by clicking the Remove icon in
the Associated Accrual Details table. This action will either remove or update the
related claim lines from the Nonpromotional subtab. The Remove icon is available
when the claim is in open status and associated accruals region has records.
To set a view for the Associated Accrual Details section, set the profile option OZF:
Default View for Associated Accrual Details Region. You can also view accrual details
by activity, order, period, and offer.

Creating Claims 3-25

Creating Deductions or Overpayments
When customers pay less than the invoice amount, you create a deduction for the
unpaid, outstanding amount complete with references, reasons for the shortpayment,
and details of the related transaction. You may then decide to write off this amount,
adjust it against some other payment, or claim it.
Similarly, customers can pay more than the invoice amount. In such cases, you create an
overpayment for the difference and then close them using an appropriate settlement

Creating an Overpayment
When customers make overpayments, Oracle Receivables creates overpayment claims
in Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
To create an overpayment, log into Oracle Receivables as Oracle Receivables User.

Note: As part of the cash application process, the Oracle Receivables

user may need to perform additional data entry tasks. These steps
present only one way to enter an overpayment. See the Oracle
Receivables User Guide for information on the different ways of entering

Navigation: Receipts > Receipts.

• Receipt Number: Receipt number can be the customer check number or any other
reference number. If necessary, change the Receipt Type to Cash, and change the
Currency Code.

• Receipt Amount: Receipt amount is the amount that the customer has paid. If
necessary, change the Receipt Date, and the GL date.

• Payment Method, Customer Name, Reference, and Reference: This information is

passed to Oracle Channel Revenue Management when the deduction is created.

• Applications: Navigate to the Applications screen.

• Apply To: Select Claim Investigation. The available values are open
transactions and some seeded receivables activities. Claim Investigation is
seeded specifically to create non-transaction related overpayments (or
deductions) in Oracle Channel Revenue Management.

• Amount Applied: Enter a positive number.

3-26 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

• Activity: The activity that you select here drives the GL entries to account for
the overpayment.

After you save your work, an overpayment number appears in the Reference Number

Creating a Deduction
Transaction related deductions can be traced back to a transaction (invoice, chargeback,
or debit memo). Non-transaction related deductions cannot be traced back to a
Transaction related and non-transaction related deductions are created in Oracle
Receivables. All the information such as the receipt number, receipt date, receipt
amount, customer information and transaction information is captured from Oracle
Receivables and passed to Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
To create either a transaction-related or a non-transaction related deduction, log into
Oracle Receivables as Oracle Receivables User.
As a prerequisite, a deduction that can be traced back to a specific transaction should

Note: The Oracle Receivables user may need to perform additional data
entry tasks. These notes present only a single way of creating non-
transaction related deductions. See the Oracle Receivables User Guide for
information on the different ways of entering non-transaction

Log into Oracle Receivables as Oracle Receivables User.

Navigation: Receipts > Receipts.
• Receipt Number: The receipt number can be the customer check number or any
other reference number. If required, change the Receipt Type to Cash, and change
the Currency Code.

• Receipt Amount: This is the amount that the customer has paid. If required, change
the Receipt Date, and the GL date.

• Payment Method, Customer Name, Reference, and Comments: This information is

passed to Oracle Channel Revenue Management when the deduction is created.
The default settlement method for a deduction is Credit Memo – On Account.

• Offer Code: Select the offer code attached to this deduction.

You can update the offer code for a deduction in Open status. When you update the

Creating Claims 3-27

offer code, the PAD number is automatically updated. Select the offer code attached
to this deduction. You can update the offer code for a deduction in Open status.
When you update the offer code, the PAD number is automatically updated.

• PAD: This is the Pre-Authorized Deduction number that is displayed for the offer
code you selected.

• Applications: Navigate to Applications.

If the deduction is transaction related, then enter the following specific information:
• Apply To: This determines what the customer is paying for.

• Balance Due: This is the balance of the transaction after the customer's payment.
The balance due will be positive for deductions.

If the deduction is non-transaction related, then enter the following specific

• Apply To: Select Claim Investigation. The available values are open
transactions and some seeded Oracle Receivables activities. Claim Investigation
is seeded specifically to create non-transaction related deductions (or
overpayments) in Oracle Channel Revenue Management. If the customer has
referenced an internal debit memo number, you can record this as a Claim
Investigation line and enter the debit memo number in the customer reference

• Activity : The activity selected here drives the GL entries to account for the
discrepancy between the cash received and the receivables amount. For
example, Receipt = $10,000; Total balance of multiple invoices that the customer
is paying for is $15,000. A non-transaction related deduction is created for
$5,000. The following accounting entries are created:
Debit Cash $10,000 Debit Claim Investigation Activity $5,000 Credit Receivables

• Reference Type: Select Oracle Trade Management Claim in the Reference Type
field, and select a reason in the Reference Reason field. The values that are
available here are the same as in Oracle Channel Revenue Management. If a
customer indicates the reason for which they have made the deduction, then
this information can be captured when the cash application is created in Oracle
Receivables; this information can be passed to Oracle Channel Revenue

• Customer Reference: If the customer indicates an internal debit memo number,

it can be captured here and passed to Oracle Channel Revenue Management.

After you save the deduction, a deduction number appears in the Reference Number
field. At this point, the deduction is created.

3-28 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

If it is a transaction-related deduction, it may have a dispute on it. To verify the dispute,
navigate to Transactions > Transactions > [transaction name] > More > Disputed

Viewing the Source

Source displays the Oracle Receivables receipt and transaction information that
originally created a deduction or overpayment. Source enables you to refer back to the
documents in Oracle Receivables.
To view the source of a deduction or an overpayment, log in to Oracle Channel
Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
As a prerequisite, a deduction or overpayment should exist.
Navigation: From the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then the claim. In the Claim
Main page, click the AR Source subtab.
The following information is displayed:
• Receipt: The record created in Oracle Receivables when a company receives a
customer payment.

• Receipt Date: The date when the payment was received.

• Receipt Amount: The amount that the customer has paid.

• Currency Code: The currency in which the customer has paid.

• Receipt Comments: Comments that were entered by the Oracle Receivables clerk.

If the deduction is transaction-related, then the following fields appear in addition to

the above fields:
• Source Type: Values are invoice, debit memo and chargeback.

• Source Number: The transaction number (invoice, debit memo or chargeback


• Source Date and Source Amount: The transaction date.

• Source Amount: The transaction amount.

In the Receipt Application region, click the hyperlink of the event to view more details
about the subsequent receipt application.

Creating Claims 3-29

Assigning and Approving Claims

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Assigning Claims
• Approving Claims

Assigning Claims
Claim assignment involves assigning the right owners to claims. Claim owners are
responsible for settling claims and resolving claim-related issues.
Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand the concepts of claim ownership and auto assign owner

• Reassign owners by using claim assignment owner

Assigning Individual or Team Owners

Every claim must have an owner. Owners are assigned either manually or
automatically during claim creation. Automatic assignment occurs if Auto Assign
Owner has been implemented in your organization.
A claim owner can be either an individual or a team. Teams can consist of multiple
individuals and pre-defined groups of individuals. When a claim is owned by a team,
one individual is always designated as the primary owner. The name of the primary
owner appears in the Owner field on the Claim Detail page. The primary owner can
add and remove team members, and also reassign claim ownership to another
Team ownership enables you to manage scenarios where a specific claim owner is not
easily determined during claim creation. In such cases, collective ownership and
collaborative investigation may be required. See the Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Implementation Guide for information on setting up teams.

Assigning and Approving Claims 4-1

Assigning a team to such claims enable you to:
• Avoid settlement delays that may occur if you assign a wrong owner.
For example, a claim that is assigned to a wrong owner may remain in a pending
state for a lengthy period of time before it is reassigned to the proper owner.

• Avoid creating many complex territories to handle every business scenario.

For example, based on the customer's address, an organization knows that Claim
#1020 should be assigned to a team member in the California territory. However,
there is not enough information available to select a specific team member. The
claim is therefore assigned to a team in the California territory. One of the team
members recognizes that it is their responsibility and takes ownership of the claim.

If the Auto Assign Owner feature has been implemented in your organization, a claim
owner is assigned automatically whenever a claim is created in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management or in Oracle Receivables. You can initiate owner reassignment by
selecting the Auto Assign check box on the Claim Detail page.
For example, a claim with the reason--Shipping was initially assigned to John. Upon
investigation, John determines that the claim is a pricing error. John changes the claim
reason to Pricing Error. Because he is not sure who should be working on this claim, he
checks the Auto Assign Owner box and clicks Update. The system assigns a new owner
based on the new claim reason.
As a prerequisite to enable assignment of owners, the Administrator must perform the
• Set up pre-defined groups in Oracle Resource Manager.

• Set up automatic assignment of an individual or a team in Oracle Territory


Claims supports the use of Oracle Territory Management to define territories and assign
claim owners based on multiple customer, product, and geographical attributes, and
claim type and reason.

Reassigning Using Auto Assign

If the Auto Assign Owner feature has been implemented, a claim owner is assigned
automatically whenever a claim is created in Oracle Channel Revenue Management or
in Oracle Receivables. Owner reassignment is triggered by selecting the Auto Assign
check box on the Claim Detail page.
To reassign claims by using auto assign owner, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue
Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
• Assignment Manager must be implemented. See the Oracle Marketing Implementation

4-2 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Guide for instructions on implementing this feature.

• Territories must have been set up for assignment purposes.

Navigation: Claim > Claims > Claim Name.

Select the Auto Assign Owner check box, and click Update.

Approving Claims
After creating and assigning a claim, you must submit the claim for approval. A claim
can be settled only after it is approved by the designated approvers.
Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand the claim approval process

• Initiate claim approval

• Approve claims

The Claim Approval Process

The claim settlement process begins after you submit a claim for approval. Claim
approval rules determine the approval flow, and the submitted claim is routed to the
designated approvers. Claim approvers may approve or reject a claim.
The claim status changes along with the approval flow. Claim statuses enable you to
know the exact status of the claim at any point of time.
The following table describes the various statuses that a claim may go through.

Claim Statuses

Claim Status Description

New The claim status appears as New when it is created in Oracle

Channel Revenue Management, but has not yet been researched

When a claim is created in Oracle Receivables, by default the

claim status appears as Open.

Assigning and Approving Claims 4-3

Claim Status Description

Open The claim status appears as Open when a you start the claim
research process.

The claim status may change to Complete, Pending Approval, or

Pending Close.

Complete You may manually change the claim status from Open to
Complete. No approval is required to change the claim status
from Open to Complete. It means that you have completed most
of the research, but do not want to settle the claim immediately.

When the claim status is Complete, you can request approval for
the claim and initiate the settlement process.

The claim status may change to either Pending Approval or

Pending Close.

Pending Approval You may request approval when the claim status is either Open
or Complete. After you submit the claim for approval, if the
approvers do not respond to the request, the claim status appears
as Pending Approval.

Depending on whether the approvers approve or reject the

request, the claim status may change to either Approved, or

You cannot change this status to any other status.

Approved The claim status changes to Approved after all the approvers
approve the claim. This is a temporary status because the
settlement process begins immediately after the claim is

The claim status may change to either Closed or Pending Close.

Rejected The claim status changes to Rejected if the approvers reject the

You may manually change the status to Open and resubmit it for

4-4 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Claim Status Description

Pending Close After a claim is approved, the claim status appears as Pending
Close if the settlement process is not automated real time, but
requires some concurrent process such as the Claim Settlement
Fetcher to finish the claim processing.

After the processing is complete, the claim status changes to


Closed The claim status appears as Closed after the claim is settled.

Cancelled The claim status can be updated to Cancelled only from Oracle
Receivables. However, for a manual claim you can change the
status to Cancelled from Oracle Channel Revenue Management.

A claim cannot be settled when it is in the Cancelled status.

On Hold The claim status can be On Hold while waiting for a claim review
or approval.

Initiating Approval
To submit a claim for approval, log into Oracle Channel Revenue Management as
Oracle Trade Management User.
As a prerequisite, an existing open claim should exist.
Navigation: Claim > Claims > Claim Name > Request Approval > Confirm.
After you submit the claim for approval, the claim approval rules determine the
approval flow, and the submitted claim is routed to the designated approvers and they
will receive a workflow notification.

Previewing Approval
The Preview Approval page enables you to review the information before you submit it
for approval. You can see the list of approvers from the Preview Approval page.
• Click Confirm to submit the object (budget, offer, or claim) for approval. The
request is routed to the designated approvers and they receive a workflow
notification. The status of the object changes to Active after they approve the

• If you are the creator and approver of the object according to the approval rules,
change the status of the object to Active and click Confirm.

Assigning and Approving Claims 4-5

Approval Rules
You can set approval rules for:
• Earnings - Earnings approval rules are checked only if earning associated are over
the threshold. The override threshold must be set to true.

• Performance - The Performance approval flag must be checked in Custom Setup.

The profile OZF: Override Offer Performance Requirement must be set to No.
Claims must have earnings associated and the associated offer must have a
performance requirement.

• Claims - Claim must be checked in System Parameters.

Approving a Claim
When claims are submitted for approval, you will receive workflow notifications if you
are the claim approver according to the approval rules.
To approve a claim, log into Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade
Management Super User.
As a prerequisite, a claim must have been submitted for approval.
Navigation: Workflow > Worklist or Home > Tools > View Notification Work List.
Select the notification that corresponds to the claim that must be approved, and click

Approving Multiple Claims

You can navigate to the Create Claim page and select the Mass Approvals tab to
approve multiple claims together. The Claims: Mass Approvals page displays all the
claims pending your approval. You can further enhance your search by claim type,
reason, class, customer, currency, amount, date, owner, bill-to, previous open credit or
debit memo, sales representative, payment method, and receipt number.
For more information, you can see Implementing Rule Based Settlement in the Oracle
Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement Implementation Guide.

4-6 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Researching Claims

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview
• Viewing Claim Details
• Reverting Claim Status
• Handling Exceptions for Oracle Payables Settlement Methods
• Splitting Claims
• Duplicate Claims
• Claim History and History Rules

Oracle Channel Revenue Management provides claim research tools, which you can use
to obtain information about customers, transactions, and accruals that are associated
with claims. You can view claim details, identify duplicate claims, split a claim and find
the cause for the claim.
Information in this section will enable you to:
• View claim details

• Split claims

• Understand duplicate claims

• Understand claim history and history rules

The process of investigating, resolving, and settling claims is a time consuming and
costly manual process. If you choose to enable rule based settlement, you can automate
the investigation and resolution of claims, implement direct approval based on the
system parameter defaults you specify, and approve all claims pending your approval

Researching Claims 5-1

using the Claims: Mass Approval page. You can navigate to this page from the Claims
page. For more information on this method of automation, see Implementing Rule
Based Settlement in the Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement Implementation

Viewing Claim Details

The claim details page includes the following information:
• Basic information including the claim number, date, type, reason, action, owner and

• Customer information including the customer name, account number, bill-to and
ship-to addresses, contact, broker, sales representative, reference (customer debit
memo) and reference date.

• Amount information including the claim amount, in both functional currency and
transaction currency, and exchange rate information.

• Duplicate claim information that consists of a list of claims that might be duplicates
of the claim that you are researching. If duplicate claims are discovered, then you
can mark them as duplicate. Claims marked as duplicates are automatically closed.

• Auto assign owner information that includes details of owners who were
automatically assigned to the claim based on the modifications made to the claim

Reverting Claim Status

For the check settlement method, Oracle Channel Revenue Management issues an
invoice into the Payables system against which a check is issued to the vendor. When
the check is created the claim is closed. Occasionally, a Payables invoice may be
cancelled before it creates a check. For example, if the claim contains errors and the
approver did not notice. In order to handle these type of exceptions:
• The Claim Settlement Fetcher concurrent program will find any cancellation on the
AP invoice so that the claim status is changed back to open.

• In case of promotional claims, if the invoice is cancelled, the system will revert the
status of the claim back to open.

• Any time an AP invoice is cancelled in Payables and the claim status reverts back to
open, the system l records the activity on the claim's history. This will provide you
with an orientation on all actions performed on the claim.

• During check settlement, the claim number becomes the invoice number in

5-2 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Payables. Since this invoice number must be unique, if the invoice is cancelled and
the same claim is settled once again with a check, the AP interface will send out an
error message and append the invoice number with a suffix of "-1".
• For example, if claim CLA123 is settled with the check settlement method, it
creates an invoice CLA123 in AP. If, for some reason, the invoice is cancelled in
AP, the claim status reverts back to open in Channel Revenue Management. If
the same claim is settled once again with a check settlement method, the system
will add an invoice number of CLA123-1 in AP..

Handling Exceptions for Oracle Payables Settlement Methods

Use the concurrent program Update Claims – Payable Settlement Methods to handle
exceptions for settlements related to Oracle Payables. This concurrent program lets you:
1. Reopen a claim when the corresponding invoice is canceled in Oracle Payables.

2. Synchronize settlement documents and vendor information from Oracle Payables

invoice to Oracle Channel Revenue Management claims when check, check status,
or vendor information is updated in an Oracle Payables invoice.

Splitting Claims
Claim split enables you to split a claim into multiple smaller claims and facilitates the
process of research and settlement. Split claims share the same master claim number,
with the addition of a suffix as an identifier. When a claim is split, you can see the
balance and the running total of the amount that is assigned to the new claims. If the
entire amount of the claim is not allocated to the split claims, then the unassigned
balance remains on the original claim. Splitting a claim enables you to:
• Settle only a part of a claim
For example, a customer submits a claim for $10,000, but you can validate only
$5,000. You split this claim into two claims, validate and settle one of them, and
keep the remaining claim open for further investigation.

• Facilitate the investigation of a claim caused by multiple reasons

For example, a customer submits a claim for $100,000 that is based on an audit of
their records. After the initial investigation, you determine that it comprises of three
earlier claims that the customer believes they never received payment for. To
further investigate the claim, you split it into three claims to investigate each reason

• Settle only the valid portion a claim

Sometimes, customers may submit claims where only a part of the claim is valid.

Researching Claims 5-3

You can split such claims, verify, and settle the part you have verified. The other
part of the claim may be left open for further investigation, or it may be charged
back to the customer.
For example, a customer submits a claim for a short shipment and to claim
promotional discount. The promotional discount part is valid, but the short
shipment part requires further investigation. You can split the claim into two
claims, settle the one for the promotional discount, and leave the other claim open
for further investigation.

The following example shows in more detail how a claim with multiple reasons might
be split.
You send an invoice to a customer for $100,000. You receive a check for $20,000 that
includes an $80,000 deduction. Because the customer does not give any reason for the
deduction, you create a deduction in Oracle Receivables by using the default reason--
After some investigation, you determine that the customer has deducted $30,000 for
promotions, $40,000 due to shipping errors, and $10,000 due to pricing errors. You can
split the claim one of two ways:

Deduction Number Status Amount Reason

DED1 Cancelled $0 Unknown

DED1_1 Open $30,000 Promotions

DED1_2 Open $40,000 Shipping Errors

DED1_3 Open $10,000 Pricing Errors

Deduction Number Status Amount Reason

DED1 Open $30,000 Promotions

DED1_1 Open $40,000 Shipping Errors

DED1_2 Open $10,000 Pricing Errors

Notice that each claim number includes the original number of DED1. This number is
used in Oracle Receivables for tracking purposes. All the outstanding balances and
amounts that are processed for the root claim and each of the split claims are tracked in
Oracle Channel Revenue Management.

5-4 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Note: After a claim is split, the parent and the child claim are treated as
separate claims during claim research. The fund balances in a child
claim cannot be modified.

Rules for Splitting Claims With Claim Lines

The following guidelines and examples will help you split claims with claim lines. For
the application to automatically split a line, the line amount must be for the full amount
of the claim. In this example, the line is for less than the full amount; therefore, you
must manually assign the line amount to the split claims.
For example, assume the total amount of a claim is $400.
• If there are no claim lines, then the claim can be split any way as long as the
amounts still total $400.

• If there is a claim line for $300, then you can split the claim as follows:
• Split it into two claims where Claim 1 = $350 and includes the claim line for
$300, and Claim 2 = $50 with no claim line.

• Split it into two claims where Claim 1 = $60 and has no claim line, and Claim 2 =
$340 and includes the claim line for $300.

• If there is a Claim line for $400 (the claim total), then you can split claim line
automatically as follows:
• Split it into two claims where Claim 1 = $300 with a claim line of amount $300,
and Claim 2 = $100 with a claim line of amount $100. You can do this by just
giving the split claim amount $300 and $100 from the UI. You cannot use this
functionality if the claim line has already been associated with earnings. If there
are any associated earnings, you must manually adjust the association and split
claim line first.

• Split it into two claims where Claim 1 = $0 and has no claim line, and Claim 2 =
$400 and includes the claim line for $400.

• If you have multiple claim lines whose sum is less than the total claim amount (for
example Line 1 = $300 and Line 2 = $40), then you can split the claim as follows:
• Split it into two claims where Claim 1 = $380 and includes Line 1 for $300 and
Line 2 for $40, and Claim 2 = $20 with no claim lines.

• Split it into two claims where Claim 1 = $350 and includes Line 1 for $300, and
Claim 2 = $50 and includes Line 2 for $40.

• Split it into two claims where Claim 1 = $30 and has no claim line, and Claim 2 =
$370 and includes Line 1 for $300 and Line 2 for $40.

Researching Claims 5-5

• If you have multiple claim lines whose sum equals the total claim amount (for
example Line 1 = $300 and Line 2 = $100), then you can split the claim into two
claims where Claim 1 = $100 and includes Line 2, and Claim 2 = $300 and includes
Line 1.

Procedure for Splitting Claims

Splitting a claim into multiple smaller claims facilitates the process of research and
settlement. You can split claims to settle only a portion of a claim, and to facilitate the
investigation of a claim caused by multiple reasons. Split claims share the same master
claim number, with the addition of a suffix as an identifier.
To split a claim, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade
Management User.
As a prerequisite, an open claim should exist.
Navigation: From the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then the claim. In the Claim
Main page, click the Split subtab.
• Claim Type and Reason: If you leave these fields blank, then the type and reason of
the parent claim is defaulted.

• Amount: Enter the amount for the split claim.

• Line: Select a line if the claim has:

• Multiple line amounts

• A single line that is for less than the total claim amount
You must explicitly assign line amounts to be split along with the claim. For
information on rules for splitting claims with claim lines, see About Claim Split.

The new claims are generated after you click Update.

Duplicate Claims
Sometimes, customers may raise multiple claims for the same transaction. There may
also be multiple deductions referring to the same offer or invoice. These claims and
deductions are termed as duplicate claims. Before settling a claim, you can search for
duplicate claims and deductions based on the reference numbers or names. After you
identify a duplicate claim, you can mark it as duplicate after which the duplicate claim
is removed. You can also mark multiple claims as duplicate. Both the deduction and
claim serve as a reference to each other for future audits.
The Duplicates subtab enables you to automatically search for related claims and gives
you a summary view of all claims with similar or same customer debit memo numbers

5-6 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

or invoice numbers, thus allowing you to identify duplicate or invalid customer claims
more quickly.
For example, a customer deducts, and references the debit memo number as DM0123.
Due to an error, the customer again deducts using the same debit memo but this time
the number is read as DMO123 (the letter O instead of the number zero). When you
access the Duplicates function, you can automatically see a listing all the claims with
similar customer debit memo numbers. You can drill down into each of them and
determine further if they are really duplicates.

Marking a Claim as Duplicate

Duplicate claims are multiple claims and deductions, which the customers raise against
the same transactions and invoices.
To mark a claim as duplicate, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle
Trade Management User.
As a prerequisite, an existing claim with duplicates should exist.
Navigation: From the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then the claim. In the Claim
Main page, click the Duplicates subtab.
If any duplicate claims exist, they are displayed here.
Verify if the information is duplicate and make a note of the claim numbers that have
duplicate information. Click Main, and select the duplicate claim number in the
Duplicate LOV, and Click Update.

Claim History and History Rules

Claim history enables you to record various changes made to a claim during the course
of investigation. The Administrator sets up history rules to define the fields and
information that must be captured in Claim history.
After the history rules are set up, the system records all the changes that are made to the
selected fields, and enables you to trace back all the changes that have been made to the
claim. This provides every claim with a complete audit trail. If a customer conducts
post-audit activities and disputes the resolution of different claims, the organization can
produce complete documentation of all the changes that were made to the claim
resulting in resolution for the disputes.
For example, History Rules may be created for a customer contact point. Every time the
customer contact is changed, it is captured in Claim history. You are assigned to the
claim and you interact with the customer contact--John during research and obtain
certain information. Later on, John leaves the customer organization, and the new
customer contact is Mary. You change the Contact field on the claim from John to Mary.
Because this field is set up with History Rules, the change is automatically captured in
the History of a claim. In future, if any disagreement arises over the information

Researching Claims 5-7

supplied by the customer, you can trace back that the information had come from the
original contact person John.

5-8 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Settling Claims

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview
• Generic Settlement Procedure
• Integration with E-Business Tax
• Promotional Accruals
• Settling Offer-related Claims by Check
• Settling Volume Accrual Offers by Credit Memo
• Settling Scan Data Offers
• Settling Claims for Related Customer Accounts
• Settling Promotional Claims for Buying Groups
• Settling Deductions and Overpayments
• Claim Settlement Methods

Claim settlement is the process by which claims, deductions, and overpayments are
settled. The claim settlement functions automate a majority of claim and deduction
scenarios. For a claim created in Oracle Channel Revenue Management, checks and
credit memos can be automatically created in the Oracle Payables and Oracle
Receivables respectively for settlement.
With Auto-Resolution, organizations can automatically close out deductions, create
corresponding Receivables transactions, apply the transactions, and enter accurate
accounting entries as soon as the claim is settled in Oracle Channel Revenue
Management. If the currency of the claim differs from the currency used by your
organization to post accounting entries, then Oracle Channel Revenue Management can
convert the claim amount to the proper currency. You can settle claims for Buying
Groups and Related Customer Accounts

Settling Claims 6-1

Note: If payout methods have been specified for an offer during offer
creation, then you need not create a claim manually and specify the
payment method. Such offers are settled automatically by the Autopay
program. For a manually created claim too, if a settlement method is
defined on the customer's trade profile and valid offer code having
available earnings is updated on the claim, then the claim is
automatically initiated for settlement and the status is updated to
Pending Approval or Pending Close.

Information in this section will enable you to:

• Understand Scan Data offer adjustments

• Understand promotional payments and work with the promotional payments view

• Understand the concept of paying earnings over thresholds

• Approve requests for unearned payments

• Understand the concept of mass settlement

• Net overpayments and deductions with debit items

• Understand and work with Autopay

• Understand Automatic Write-off

• Understand the concept of updating deductions based on subsequent receipts

• Understand claim settlement methods

• Understand standard memo lines

• Settle claims, debit claims, deductions, and overpayments

Generic Settlement Procedure

Use the following high level procedure to settle claims, deductions, and overpayments.
• An existing claim or deduction with a status of Open or Complete.

• Oracle Receivables should be set up.

• Oracle Payables should be set up for settlement with contra charge

Navigation: From the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then the claim. In the Claim

6-2 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Main page, click the Settlement subtab.
1. Navigate to Claim Lines and verify if the claim has lines. The claim should have at
least one claim line with a positive value. If a claim line does not exist, create one
now. See Creating Claim Lines for information on creating claim lines. The sum of
the claim lines can be less than the total claim amount, as taxes will be added.

2. Optionally, verify if earnings have been associated to the claim line. You will see a
check mark in the Associate Earnings column if earnings are associated.

3. Navigate to the Settlement page, and complete any additional fields as required.

4. Submit the claim for approval.

The following table describes the settlement methods and certain specific steps that you
may need to complete based on the settlement method that you select.

Claim Settlement Methods and Additional Notes for Settlement

Settlement Claim Class Additional Notes


On-account credit Used to settle claims -NA-

memo and deductions.

Check Used to settle claims. Post-approval:

The claim information is interfaced to Oracle

Payables. The Payables Invoice Import
Program transfers the interface information
into Oracle Payables to create an invoice. The
Payables clerk issues checks against the
invoice. The Claim Settlement Fetcher program
updates the settlement documents with the
check payment details. The claim is closed
after the invoice is paid.

Settling Claims 6-3

Settlement Claim Class Additional Notes

Invoice-credit Used to settle claims. Notes:

• Verify that an invoice number is entered

in a claim line.

• The tax code used is the one used on the



The invoice credit memo is created and claim

is closed under the following conditions:

• Multiple invoices are credited.

• Individual claim lines credit in different

manners. For example one claim line
credits a specific Line Number, whereas
another claim line gives credit to specific
type or gives credit to Total Amount, and
so on.

A notification is sent to Receivable role.

The Receivables clerk credits the invoice
and enters the credit memo transaction
number in the notification. The claim is
closed if the transaction number is valid.

Debit Memo Used to settle debit Post-approval:

claims and
overpayments. The claim details are interfaced to Oracle
Receivables as debit memos. The Autoinvoice
Import program transfers this information into
Oracle Receivables. The Claims Settlement
Fetcher program updates the settlement
documents with the debit memo details and
closes the claim.

6-4 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Settlement Claim Class Additional Notes

Previous Credit Used to settle Notes:

Memo transaction-related and
• As an additional prerequisite, a credit
non-transaction related
deductions. memo, which can be used to settle the
deduction should exist.

• In the settlement page, from the Previous

Open Credit Memo LOV, select a credit
memo with a large enough balance to
offset the deduction.

• Use the transaction number, transaction

type, location, source, or reference to
search for the credit memo. Notice that
you can see the balance due, GL date, and
transaction dates for the credit memos.


The deduction is unapplied, and the previous

open credit memo is applied to the receipt. The
overpayment is closed online.

Settling Claims 6-5

Settlement Claim Class Additional Notes

Invoice Credit or • Invoice credit is Notes:

Invoice Line Credit used for settling
• If this is an invoice credit, then verify that
and non- an invoice number is entered in a claim
transaction related line, the invoice line is selected, and the
deductions. It line amount is a positive value.
cannot be used to
• If this is not an invoice credit, then create a
settle promotion-
related deductions. claim line. For a transaction-related
deduction, this invoice number must be
• Invoice line credit the same as the one on which the
is used to settle deduction was created. For a non-
transaction-related transaction-related deduction, this invoice
deductions that number must be on the same receipt as the
occurred because deduction. If the invoice numbers do not
of reasons that can match, then the settlement is not
be traced back to automated. Instead, a manual settlement
specific invoice workflow is initiated and notification is
line items. The sent to any Oracle Receivables user with
deductions cannot the Receivables Role responsibility.
be promotion-
• If this is an invoice line credit, then verify
that an invoice number is entered in a
claim line, Multiple invoice lines can be
entered, each as a separate claim line. The
sum of the claim line amounts must equal
the total claim amount.


The invoice credit memo is created and

deduction is closed under the following

• For transaction related deductions, credit

is to a non-source invoice.

• For non transaction related deductions,

credit is to an invoice not on the source

The Receivables clerk receives a

notification, credits the invoice and enters
the credit memo transaction on the
notification. The claim is closed if the
transaction number is a valid.

6-6 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Settlement Claim Class Additional Notes

Invoice Tax Only Used to settle Notes:

Credit deductions that
• Verify that an invoice number is entered
occurred because of tax
calculation errors. The in a claim line. If not, select an invoice
deductions can be number now. For a transaction-related
transaction-related; deduction, this invoice number must be
they cannot be related the same as the one on which the
to a promotion. deduction was created. Else, the
settlement process is not automated. A
manual settlement workflow is initiated
and notification is sent to any Oracle
Receivables user with the Receivables Role

• From the Previous Open Credit Memo

LOV, select a credit memo with a large
enough balance to offset the deduction.
Use the transaction number, transaction
type, location, source, or reference to
search for the credit memo.


The invoice credit memo is created and

deduction is closed under the following

• For transaction related deductions, credit

is to a non-source invoice.

• For non transaction related deductions,

credit is to an invoice not on the source

The Receivables clerk receives a

notification, credits the invoice and enters
the credit memo transaction on the
notification. The claim is closed if the
transaction number is a valid.

Settling Claims 6-7

Settlement Claim Class Additional Notes

Chargeback Used to settle Notes:

deductions by charging
• The tax code is not used or passed by
back the customer in
case you determine Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
that the deductions are
invalid. • For a transaction-related deduction, the
customer on the original transaction is
charged. For non-transaction related
deductions, the customer on the receipt is
charged back.


The chargeback is created online and the

deduction is closed.

Write-off Used to settle a Notes:

• In the deduction is non transaction-
related, a settlement workflow notification
is sent to Oracle Receivables. The Oracle
Receivables individual must create an
adjustment. When complete, the Oracle
Receivables individual updates the
notification with the adjustment record,
and the deduction is closed in Oracle
Channel Revenue Management.

• The tax code is not used or passed by

Oracle Channel Revenue Management.


The write-off is created online and the

deduction is closed.

6-8 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Settlement Claim Class Additional Notes

Return Materials When a customer Notes:

Authorization returns a product, you
• As an additional prerequisite, Order
can use the RMA
settlement method in Management must be set up.
Oracle Channel
Revenue Management • The RMA transaction types are set up
to settle the deduction. with return order workflows which drive
When the return is all the processes that the return order
processed and a credit must go through.
memo is generated,
Oracle Channel Post-approval:
Revenue Management
The RMA is created online. You must ensure
automatically tracks
return is interfaced to Oracle Receivables as a
the credit memo and
credit memo. The Claims Settlement Fetcher
uses it to close the
program updates the settlement documents
with the credit memo details and closes the

Previous Debit Used to settle Notes:

Memo overpayments.
• Verify that at least one claim line with a
negative value exists. If a claim line does
not exist, create one now. The sum of the
claim lines must equal the total claim

• In the Previous Open Debit Memo field,

select a debit memo with a large enough
balance to offset the overpayment. Use the
transaction number, transaction type,
location, source, or reference to search for
the debit memo.


The claim investigation for the overpayment is

closed. The previous open debit memo is
applied to the receipt and the overpayment is

Settling Claims 6-9

Settlement Claim Class Additional Notes

Receipt Write-Off Used to settle Notes:

• Verify that at least one claim line with a
negative value exists. If a claim line does
not exist, create one now. The sum of the
claim lines must equal the total claim


The write-off is created online and the

overpayment is closed.

On-account Cash • Used to settle Notes:

Application overpayments.
• Verify that at least one claim line with a
When a customer
has overpaid for negative value exists. If a claim line does
various reasons, not exist, create one now. The sum of the
the overpayment claim lines must equal the total claim
can be placed on amount.
account. The
overpayment Post-approval:
amount can be
The on account cash application is made online
applied to the
and the overpayment is closed.

Integration with E-Business Tax

Oracle Channel Revenue Management integrates with the E-Business Tax engine to get
a tax quote. This provides information to claim analysts about the tax calculated by
either AR/AP. Tax quote is asked before the claim is submitted for settlement.
Oracle Channel Revenue Management integrates with the E-Business Tax Engine to
facilitate the claim settlement process by providing tax estimates to claim users. When a
claim user researches or settles a claim, the E-Business Tax engine fetches the estimated
tax amount. The claim user can use this information to validate the accuracy of the
The Oracle E-Business Tax engine call enables you to estimate the tax amount of your
claim. The estimate enables you to validate your research and look for the right
information knowing the tax impact of the resulting resolutions.
In Oracle Channel Revenue Management instead of the existing tax codes on the claim

6-10 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

lines screen, there are tax classification codes defined in the Oracle E-Business Tax
application. The tax classification code values are determined by whether a settlement
method integrates with Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable. Based on the
business process of an organization, the claims submitted by customers may be either
inclusive or exclusive of taxes. Deductions and overpayments are generally inclusive of

Note: The tax quote provided by the E-Business Tax engine is only an
estimate, which the claim user can use to validate a claim. The actual
tax amount is calculated from Oracle Receivables, Oracle Payables, or
Order Management, depending on the settlement method.

About Tax Classification Codes

Tax classification codes vary depending on their purpose, either Accounts Receivable or
Accounts Payable. Tax codes are used for either:
• Oracle Receivables: a tax classification code known as "Output" is derived from the
"ZX_OUTPUT_TAX_CLASSIFICATION" (Order to Cash O2C) lookup type.

• Oracle Payables: a tax classification code known as "Input" is derived from the
"ZX_INPUT_TAX_CLASSIFICATION" Payment Flow (P2P) lookup type.

Tax Classification code varies depending on whether this settlement will go into an
O2C flow or a P2P flow. Oracle Channel Revenue Management supports tax quote
requests only for some settlement methods.
In Oracle Channel Revenue Management you can select whether you want to use the
settlement method O2C or P2P to display either output or input taxes.

E-Business Tax Error Messages

The following E-Business Tax error messages are displayed in Oracle Channel Revenue
• If you click the search icon for the tax classification code without selecting a
settlement method or if you select an unsupported settlement method, the system
displays the following error message:
• "Tax Classification Code and Tax Actions are not available for this settlement

• If you select an Action and click Go without selecting a settlement method, select an
unsupported settlement method or if you do not select a tax classification code:
• " Tax Action not applicable."

Settling Claims 6-11

Promotional Accruals
The Promotional Payments tab gives a summary of the accumulated promotional
accruals for all the customers that your organization deals with. Promotional accruals
are the accruals that are created when customers place orders against offers. These are
the discounts that the customers are eligible to receive. Customers may claim these
accruals either by submitting claims or taking deductions.
By using the Promotional Payments tab, you can:
• Search for accruals that are related to a particular offer type.

• Search for accruals that are related to direct sales or indirect sales.

• Search for accruals by customer name, product category, and for a given date range.

• Compare the current earned, paid, and balance amounts with the respective
amounts in the previous year.

• Create claims and initiate payment for selected customers.

The following table describes the columns that are displayed in the Promotional
Payments page. All this information is displayed for each customer.

Promotional Payment Views

Column Description

Earned Total amount that the customer has earned.

Paid Total amount corresponding to the customer's

claims that have been settled and paid.

Balance This is the amount that is payable to the

customer. Balance = Earned - Paid.

Open Claims Total amount corresponding to the customer's

claims that are still in the process of

Last Year Same Period Earned Total amount that the customer has earned in
the same period in the previous year.

Last Year Total Earned Total amount that the customer has earned
during the previous year.

6-12 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Searching for Promotional Accruals
From the Promotional Payments tab, you can search for the total promotional accruals
for all customers for specific criteria such as offer type, activity type, invoice number,
channel of sales, product category, customer, start date, and end date.
To search for accruals, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade
Management User.
As a prerequisite, customers and business transactions should exist.
Navigation: Claim > Promotional Payments.
• Search Region: Select values for the fields depending upon what you wish to
search for. For example, to search for all the accruals related to all offers of a specific
offer type, say Lump sum offers, select Lump sum from the Offer Type drop-down
list. Click Go to display the list of claims that match the specified criteria.

• Search Query to Filter Data in the Table Region: Enter a query to filter the search
results and display them.

Pay Over Earnings Thresholds

Promotional accruals are paid to customers through claims or deductions. When the
payments are authorized, GL entries are created to reduce the accumulated promotional
liabilities. Depending on the nature of the business, some customers may get paid more
what they have accrued. The extra funds that are paid are know as unearned funds.
This happens in cases where customers have long-term ongoing business deals with the
Depending on how Oracle Channel Revenue Management is implemented in your
organization, and the Trade Profile settings for individual customers, you can pay
customers more than what they have earned. You can track such payments so that
customer balances are reflected accurately.
For example, a manufacturer creates a budget and gives an offer to a customer. The
customer and the manufacturer have a long-term business relationship. The customer
performs according to the offer terms and conditions, and accrues some earnings. The
budget appears as follows:

Available Committed Utilized Earned Paid

$100,000 $10,000 $9,000 $9,000 0

The customer knows that the offer is ending in a few days, and plans to book some
more orders in the next few days before the offer ends, and anticipates to earn another

Settling Claims 6-13

$1,000. In the meantime, the customer sends payments to the manufacturer, and
deducts a total of $10,000.
The claims user in the manufacturing organization gets this deduction of $10,000.
Because of the long-term business relationship that the customer and the manufacturer
have, the user decides to pay the customer. The budget looks as follows:

Available Committed Utilized Earned Paid

$100,000 $10,000 $9,000 $9,000 $10,000

The Administrator can set up thresholds for such payments. Thresholds may be in
terms of amounts based on various factors including the customer's last year same
period sales performance, earnings on a similar offer on similar products, or the current
year-to-date sales. Thresholds may also be a percentage of payments above the earned
funds. If claims are within the thresholds, then you can settle them like any other
regular promotional claims.
If unearned payments exceed the threshold amount or percentage, then depending
upon the implementation setups, they may require approval. If approval is required,
then you cannot settle a claim until the approvers approve the request for unearned

Payment Without Validations

You can pay the customer for an offer that does not have any accruals by selecting the
Ignore Payment Validations check box in the Create Offer page. All users can select
this check box for draft offers. For an active offer, only an administrator can select or
update this check box.
To claim an amount for an offer that has no earnings:
1. On the Create Offer page, create an offer and select the Ignore Payment
Validations check box. You can also select this check box on the Update Offer

2. On the Claim Main page, create a claim:

1. In the Accrual Search region, search for an offer that has Yes in the Ignore
Payment Validations column.

2. Click Go. A line is created in the Accruals and Adjustments for Customers

3. Enter the amount to associate with the offer.

To associate an amount with a product that does not have earnings, select Offer

6-14 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Type, select Item Type, and search for or enter Item in the Accrual Search

3. Click Request Approval to submit this claim.

Approving Unearned Payments Requests

Requests for unearned payments may require approval when the amount exceeds the
threshold amount or percentage. If you are the approver according to the approval
rules, then you will receive a workflow notification when there are requests for
unearned payments. The claims user cannot settle the claim until you approve the
To approve requests for unearned payments, log into Oracle Channel Revenue
Management as Oracle Trade Management Super User.
As a prerequisite, a request for unearned payments must have been submitted for
Navigation: Workflow > Worklist or Home > Tools > View Notification Work List.
Notes: Select the notification that corresponds to the unearned payments that must be
approved, and click Approve.

Autopay enables you to automate payments for promotional accruals. When autopay is
set up, it automatically creates claims, associates claims with the customer's accruals,
and settles the claims as designated (credit memo or check).
For example, you request your Administrator to set up autopay to issue a credit memo
for promotional accruals to a customer every two weeks. Every two weeks, autopay
checks the customer's accrual balance. The balance for this period is $100, 000 earned
and $80,000 paid, leaving an outstanding balance of $20,000.
Autopay automatically creates a claim for the customer, associates it with the $20,000
balance, selects credit memo as the settlement method, and initiates the settlement
process. The settlement process begins with claim approval and ends with the
generation of a credit memo for $20,000 and closure of the claim. Because the customer
knows that the organization issues a credit memo every two weeks, it is less likely that
the customer will deduct from payments to your organization.
If Autopay is setup, before creating claims and making payments, it checks whether
payments must be made according to the payout dates specified in the offer, or
according to the dates and frequency set up in the regular Autopay schedule. It also
checks if any payment methods and payment preference in terms of time have been
specified in the offer, and makes payments accordingly.
If performance requirements have been specified for offers, Autopay creates and
processes claims only for those offers for which performance has been verified.

Settling Claims 6-15

Performance proof may be in the form of electronic files, images or based on physical
inspection of the retailer's premises. Upon verifying performance, you can update the
performance flags in an offer. Where there are multiple performance criteria, Autopay
processes payments for the offer only after you verify all the performance requirements.
Customers will be eligible for autopay depending if the Autopay option is checked in
the individual Trade Profiles.

Running and Scheduling Autopay

When you run autopay, claims are automatically created and associated with the
customer's accruals. The claims are settled as designated (credit memo or check).
To run Autopay:
1. Log in with the Oracle Trade Management User responsibility.

2. Navigate to Claim, then Autopay.

3. Enter a request name.

4. Enter values for fields on the various subtabs.

5. Click Submit.

• Autopay must be implemented.

• The Update Time Structure concurrent program must be run.

• Operating Unit: This LOV contains all the operating units the user has access to.

• Run Mode: The values available are:

• All Offers: All the offers will be settled.

• Offers with Autopay: Only those offers for which Autopay has been marked
will be settled.

• Offers without Autopay: Only those offers for which Autopay has not been
marked will be settled.

• Customer Name: Select a customer name for the autopay program to search for all
the accruals for this customer account. Autopay creates a claim for unpaid funds
and initiates the settlement process to pay the customer.

• Relationship: The relationship type values are: All, Parent, and Reciprocal. Based

6-16 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

on the relationship type a list of related customers and buying groups are displayed
in the related customer and buying groups fields respectively. The relationship type
is dependent on the customer name and is enabled after a customer name is

• Related Customer: Based on the relationship type select a related customer from
the LOV. The related customer finds the accruals and pays them to the claiming

• Buying Group and Members: Based on the customer and the relationship, select a
buying group. Though a relationship affects in finding the buying group, the
buying group is not completely dependent on relationship. Buying group can be
specified only for one customer. Since the accruals for a buying group is calculated,
only one claim is created and paid.

• Include All Member Earnings: The available values are Yes and No. If you select
Yes, earnings of all the members of the buying group are considered for the claim.

• Pay To: The available values are:

• Customer: Claims are paid to the customer.

• Related Customer: Claims are paid to the related customer.

• Fund Name: Select a fund to search for all the accruals for this fund and group
them by customer account that is, one claim per customer. This might result in
creating multiple claims.

• Activity Type: The Activity Type that you select determines the reason for which
the claim is being settled. The available values are Offer and Price List.

• Offer Type: Select the offer type to create claims.

• Activity Name: Select an activity type that is either an offer or a price list.

• Product Category: Select a product category and the corresponding accruals are
considered to create claims.

• Product: Select a product and the corresponding accruals are considered to create

• For Period: In the For Period field, specify the frequency to generate claims. The
available values are Days, Months, Quarters, Weeks, and Year.

• Value: The Value field is derived from the For Period field. For example, if the For
Period parameter is selected as Weeks, all last dates of the week are displayed is the
values LOV. Earnings for that week are selected for claim creation.

Settling Claims 6-17

• Start Date and End Date: Select the start and end dates to specify the date range for
accrual payments.

• Group By Offer: The available values are Yes and No. If you select Yes, the
program creates one claim per offer.

The Autopay program can be set up at the System Parameters, Customer Trade Profile
and Offer levels. For generating claims the autopay frequency is considered based on
the selected parameter values, as follows:
• If no parameters are specified or only the operating unit is specified, the System
Parameter frequency is considered for creating claims.

• If only customer name is specified, the Customer Trade Profile frequency is

considered for creating claims.

• If Activity Type is selected as Offer and Activity Name is selected as Offer Name,
the offer frequency and frequency unit are considered for creating claims.

• If Budget is selected, the offer frequency for offers funded from the budget is
considered for creating claims.

• If any of these parameters are selected: start date, end date, offer or activity name
and product, offer and customer, or period type and period value, an off cycle claim
for all open or unpaid accruals is created. A single claim is created for each period.

Every accrual with the GL date in the date range of a selected period is considered by
the autopay program for payment.

Viewing Autopay Request and Autopay Log

After running Autopay, you can view the Autopay Request and the Autopay Log to
know if there were any errors encountered in the process.
To view Autopay Request and Autopay Log, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue
Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
As a prerequisite, an Autopay request must have been submitted.
Navigation: Claim > Autopay > View Request.
• Details: Displays the details or log of the request. The Request Details page gives
you a summary of the request including the parameters that were set while running
the request, notifications if any, and other details.

• View Log: Displays the Autopay Log.

6-18 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Creating and Settling Claims from the Promotional Payments Tab
To create and settle claims from the Promotional Payments tab, log into Oracle Channel
Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
You can create claims from the promotional payments tab in the following two ways:
• By drilling down the Open Claims link against the customer for whom you would
like to create the claim.

• By clicking the Pay button.

As a prerequisite, existing customers and transactions should exist.

Navigation: Claim > Promotional Payments.
• Creating Claims:
• Single Customer: To create claims for a single customer, click the link in the
corresponding Open Claims column against the respective customer.

• Multiple Customers: To create claims and initiate payments on a single screen

for multiple customers, select the customers by checking the respective check

• Initiating Payment
• Pay: Click Pay. In the Earnings Payment page, you can find out from here
details such as the payment frequency (Annual, Quarterly, monthly, and so on),
Last Paid Date, and also find out whether the customers are eligible to receive
payments or not.

• Initiate Payment and Create Claim: Select the Initiate Payment option and
Create Claim option to create claims and initiate payment.

Claims are created and workflow notifications are sent to the designated approvers.
Payments are made after the requests are approved.
To view the claims that have been created, drill down the Open Claims link against the
customer for whom you have created claims. All the existing claims and the new claims
that you have created are listed here.

Settling Offer-related Claims by Check

This business user flow describes how to use Oracle Channel Revenue Management to
settle an offer-related claim with a check payment.

Settling Claims 6-19

Dependencies and Prerequisites
• Oracle Channel Revenue Management must be fully implemented.

• Integration with Oracle Payables must be set up.

• The workflow background process with the parameter Claim Settlement must be
running to close the claim.

• The following concurrent programs must be running:

• Payables Open Interface Import: to track the claim in Oracle Payables the same
way all other payments through Oracle Payables are tracked

• Claim Settlement Fetcher: to close the claim that you have prepared to settle

You, the manufacturer, wanted to promote a new shampoo. To do this, you created an
accrual type offer for your customer, Goodway Stores. The offer stated that Goodway
would receive 10% off all purchases of the new shampoo for a three month period. The
10% savings was accrued during that period. Goodway has now submitted a claim
requesting payment for their accruals by check.

Process Flow Diagram

The following figure illustrates the Oracle Channel Revenue Management application
process flow for settling a trade promotion claim by check payment.

Creating an Offer-related Claim and Settling it By Check Payment

Follow the steps in this section to complete this flow.

6-20 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Step 1: Create a Claim
The claim you create for this flow will be related to an offer. However, customers can
file claims for a variety of reasons including shipping errors or defective merchandise.
In some cases, the reason may be unknown.
Procedure: create claims, create claim lines.
Step 2: Associate Earnings
In this step, the 10% accrual (also called "rebates" or "earnings") which you, the
manufacturer, tracked for Goodway on its purchases of shampoo, will be associated to
the claim. Associating the earnings to the claim means that the claim will be paying off
these accruals. When you associate earnings, you associate an offer to a claim so that the
claim is tied to the offer, and to the budget that is funding the offer. You can then view
how much the customer has earned for the associated offer. In most cases, you will
associate earnings for many offers rather than just one.
Step 3: Select the Check Payment Settlement Method
Now you will select a settlement method for the claim and submit it for approval.
Step 4: Import Invoices Into Oracle Payables
This is an interim stage for creating a check to Goodway for the 10% accrual it has
earned. The purpose of this step is to track the claim in Oracle Payables the same way
all other payments through Oracle Payables are tracked. You, the manufacturer, should
have your Administrator automate this step. Log into Oracle Forms as
ebusiness/welcome: Payables, Vision Operations (USA).
Navigation: Other > Requests > Run > Single Request.
• Name: Select Payables Open Interface Import

• Source: CLAIMS

Navigate to View > Requests > All My Requests > View Output to view the output to
confirm that the invoice was imported.
Step 5: Search Standard Invoice
This is a step performed by the manufacturer's accounts payable clerk. This is another
interim stage for creating the check to Goodway. The purpose of this step is to validate
the payment information before actually creating a check. The payables invoice created
from the claim should indicate that the customer will be paid the amount you entered
on the claim. You, the manufacturer, can ask your Administrator to automate this step.
Log into Oracle Payables as ebusiness/welcome. This user has Oracle Payables Super
User responsibility.
Navigation: Invoices > Entry > Invoices.
1. Perform a query in the Invoice Number field using the claim number.

Settling Claims 6-21

1. Press the F11 key.

2. Enter the claim number in the Invoice Number field.

3. Notice that additional information related to this claim is filled in

automatically, for example supplier name, invoice amount, and invoice
currency. Quickly check to make sure that the Distribution Total and the
amount are the same. If they are not the same, you will not be able to complete
this task.

2. Click Actions, and select Validate.

3. Click OK.
The invoice status changes from Never Validated to Validated. Changes are saved

Note: The concurrent program, Invoice Validation, can validate

multiple invoices simultaneously.

Step 6: Create Check

This step shows how to create a check to pay the customer for the claim. The customer
will be paid with the designated amount in Oracle Payables.
Navigation: Actions > Pay in Full.
• Bank Account: Select BofA.

• Document: Select Check.

The Note window appears as the system reserves the check document. This prevents
other users from generating duplicate checks.
Although the currency of this bank account is set to USD, by setting the Multiple
Currency Payments flag to Yes, the system will allow you to create a check from this
bank in another currency.
Save your work. Click Actions, select Format, and click OK to submit the Payment
Process Manager.
Step 7: View Budget Utilization
The Claim Settlement Fetcher concurrent program imports the Oracle Payables
information back into Oracle Channel Revenue Management, and closes the claim that
you have prepared to settle. You can review the budget paid column to observe that the
budget has been paid for the claim amount.
Log into Oracle HTML applications as trademgr/welcome.

6-22 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Navigation: Budget > Budgets.
Review the Budget you used to see that the claim has been paid. Optionally, click the
Paid Amount link to verify that the Paid amount has been updated.
Step 8: View the Closed Claim
Review the claim that has been closed. This concludes the claim settlement process. The
claim will be closed when the Claims Settlement Fetcher concurrent program is
Navigation: Claim > Claims.
Look for the claim you created and settled. Verify that the status has changed to Closed.
The Claim Report shows the Receipt, Settlement, Vendor, Payment Detail, and other

Settling Volume Accrual Offers by Credit Memo

Volume offers are created to encourage customers to buy high volumes of products.
This business user flow describes how to create a Volume offer that has different
discounts based on the amount of products purchased, and settle the related deduction
through an on-account credit memo.

Dependencies and Prerequisites

• Oracle Channel Revenue Management must be fully implemented.

• Integration with Oracle Receivables must be set up.

• The workflow background process with the parameter AMS Marketing Generic
Approvals must be running to initiate an approval notification to the Budget
Approver to approve the budget.

• The workflow background process with the parameter Claim Settlement must be
running to close the claim.

• The following concurrent programs must be running:

• OM Order Line: to generate an invoice from an order that is created in Order

• Pick Release Process: to pick and pack a sales order

• Interface Trip Stop: to ship a sales order to the customer location

Settling Claims 6-23

• Funds Accrual Engine: to update the budget that is related to the offer and the

• AutoInvoice: to validate and import records as completed transactions into

Oracle Receivables

• Claim Settlement Fetcher: to close the claim that you have prepared to settle

Important: The Administrator in your organization should automate

these concurrent programs by scheduling them to run regularly.

Vision Industries wishes to encourage its customers to purchase a particular product in
large quantities. The Sales Management assigns you the responsibility of working out a
strategy to achieve this objective. You, the Sales Manager decide to create a Volume
offer to encourage a particular customer--Goodway to buy the product in higher
quantities. The discounts vary for a range of quantities of an item that is purchased. If
Goodway purchases quantities in a higher range, they receive higher discounts. When
Goodway reaches a higher sales level, they can get discounts even retroactive to the
previous purchases.
You create a Volume offer to offer discounts to Goodway. You source funds for this
offer from an existing budget. Goodway starts placing orders after the offer becomes
active, and accrues discounts accordingly. Instead of submitting claims, Goodway takes
a deduction for the amount that your organization owes them. You plan to settle these
deductions by issuing on-account credit memos.

Process Flow Diagram

The following figure illustrates the process flow for creating a volume offer that has
different discounts based on the amount of products purchased, and settling the related
deduction through an on-account credit memo.

6-24 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Volume Accrual Offer

Follow the steps in this section to complete this flow.
Step 1: Create Offer
As the first step, you create a Volume offer whereby Goodway receives discounts based
on the quantity of products that they purchase. You can also enter the minimum
quantity or amount within certain ranges that the customer must purchase to get the
appropriate discount.
Step 2: Activate Offer
After creating the offer, you must activate it to make it available to be used. Discounts
are applied each time the customer places an order.
Step 3: Create a Sales Order
After the offer is active, Goodway can start placing orders against the offer. Goodway
places an order for three units of a product, and discounts are applied when orders are
created in Order Management by the Order Management clerk.
Log into Order Management as ebusiness/welcome. This user has the Order
Management Super User responsibility.
Navigation: Orders, Returns > Sales Orders > Order Information.
• Order Type: Select Mixed.

• Line Items: Enter values as appropriate.

• Adjustments: Use this option to create Promotion Pricing Attributes for Oracle

Settling Claims 6-25

Channel Revenue Management. Complete the following for a request only offer.
For an automatic offer skip the step to view adjustments.
1. Click Adjustments, select Promotion/Pricing Attributes and click OK.

2. Select Promotion Number, click Apply, and click OK.

3. Navigate to Actions to view adjustments.

Save your work. Make a note of the Order Number, and click Book Order.
A message appears indicating that the order has been booked. The Order Header tab
reappears and the status appears as Booked. The Pick Release Process picks and packs
the sales order. The Interface Trip Stop program ships the sales order to the customer
location. Shipping is mandatory for Volume offers.
Step 4: View Budget Utilization
The Funds Accrual Engine updates the budget related to the offer and the order. The
utilized and the earned columns in the budget get updated according to the discounts
that are offered against the orders that the customers have placed. The budget shows
the utilized and earned amount based on the discount applied to the order, and the
orders that are shipped. Optionally, click the amount under the Utilized column to view
the order number.
Step 5: View Invoice for Order
The concurrent program OM Order Line automatically creates an invoice for the order.
To view the invoice for the order, log into Oracle Receivables as ebusiness/welcome.
Navigation: Transactions > Transactions.
Enter the Sales Order Number, and search for the invoice details. Note the invoice
number. Click Line Items to verify the order lines.
Step 6: Create Receipt and a Non-invoice Related Deduction
Goodway takes a short payment (deduction) to claim the accrued discounts. You must
create a receipt to record the payment and the short payment. The short payment
creates a deduction claim. Based on the reason you select, the claim will be assigned to
the appropriate person in Oracle Channel Revenue Management who owns the claim.
You must create a non-invoice related receipt and a short payment (receipt amount is
less than the invoice amount). The short payment creates a deduction claim. Based on
the reason you select, the claim will be assigned to the appropriate person in Oracle
Channel Revenue Management who owns the claim.
Navigation: Receipts > Receipts Summary > New.
• Receipt: Enter a unique receipt number.

6-26 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

• Receipt Amount: Enter an amount that is less than the invoice for which you wish
to create a deduction.

• Payment Method: Automatic Receipt.

• Applications: Navigate to Applications and enter the following information:

• Apply To: Select the required invoice number.

• Amount Applied: Apply complete invoice balance.

Other information such as Trans Currency, Balance Due, Allocated Receipt
Amount, Customer Number, GL Date, Apply Date, Class, and Type are
automatically populated. Repeat this step for each invoice line that you have.

Create another line for Claim Investigation Activity by entering the following details:
• Apply To: Claim Investigation.

• Amount Applied: Apply amount of Invoice (Deduction Claim is created since

receipt amount is less than invoice amount).

• Activity: Claim Investigation Activity.

• Reference Type: Oracle Trade Management Claim.

Save your work. Note down the Reference Number generated. This is the deduction
number. The Deduction amount should be the sum of invoice amounts minus the
Receipt Amount.
Step 7: View Claim or Deduction
Deductions are created in Oracle Receivables and can be viewed in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management. To view the claim in Oracle Channel Revenue Management, log
in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
Navigation: Claim > Claims.
Look for the claim or deduction generated in Receipts.
Step 8: Associate Earnings
Associate Earnings is used to associate an offer to the claim so that the claim can be tied
to the offer and budget. After associating earnings, you can view how much Goodway
has earned through the claims for the associated offer.
Step 9: Settle Claim
You wish to settle the claim with an on-account credit.
The following processes occur in the background:
• The AutoInvoice program validates and imports records as completed transactions

Settling Claims 6-27

into Oracle Receivables. If there are any errors in the process, they are listed in the
output report.

• The Claims Settlement Fetcher concurrent program closes the claim that you have
prepared to settle.

Step 10: View Closed Claim

You can review and check if the claim has been closed. This concludes the claim
settlement process. The claim will be closed when the Claims Settlement Fetcher
concurrent program is complete.
Navigation: Claim > Claims.
Look for the claim that you created and settled. The Claim Report shows the Receipt,
Settlement, Vendor, Payment Detail, and other information.
Step 11: View Paid Budget
You can optionally review the budget paid column to observe that the budget has been
paid for the claim amount.
Log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
Navigation: Budget > Budgets.
Review the budget from which you have sourced funds for the offer and to settle the
claim. Optionally, click Paid Amount to verify that the paid amount has been updated.
Step 12: Review Credit Memo
You can optionally review the generated credit memo. Make sure that the AutoInvoice
Program running in the background for creating Credit Memos from claims has
completed successfully before searching for the credit memo.
Log into Oracle Receivables as ebusiness/welcome.
Navigation: Transactions > Transactions.
Search for the transaction number by entering the claim number. Click Line Items to
review the lines.

Settling Scan Data Offers

The Claims module is critical in managing the payment of Scan Data offers because the
actual scan data is entered through claims. When the actual values of Scan Data offers
exceed the committed amount or forecast values, the claim automatically adjusts the
Scan Data accruals as required, including the committed and earned funds.

6-28 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

The committed and earned amounts in Scan Data offers are adjusted depending upon
the fund utilization. The different types of automatic adjustments are discussed in the
following sections.

Adjusting Committed and Earned Amounts

Funds are committed to offers during offer creation. However, the amount that is
earned from the offer may be more than the committed amount. When the actual data is
submitted, you create a claim with at least one claim line. You associate the earnings
from the claim line to the Scan Data offer, and enter the actual data in the appropriate
Scan Data offer field. For the increase in the earned amount, the GL entries--Debit Sales,
and Credit Liabilities are created and the committed and earned amounts are updated
to show the new values.
For example, assume that a Scan Data offer was created for an organization as follows:

Product Forecast Total Scan Value

Product A $100,000

Product B $80,000

The committed amount for this offer was $180,000. At the time the offer is created, the
following accounting entries are made:
Debit Sales or Expense (Product A) $100,000 Credit Liabilities (Product A) $100,000
Debit Sales or Expense (Product B) $80,000 Credit Liabilities (Product B) $80,000
The Offer Checkbook appears as follows:

Committed Earned Paid

$180,000 $180,000 0

When the actual data is submitted, you create a claim with at least one claim line. You
associate the earnings from the claim line to the scan data offer, and enter the actual
data in the appropriate scan data offer field.
For this claim, the calculated actual units and values are as follows:

Product Forecast Total Scan Value Actual Total Scan Value

Product A $100,000 $120,000

Settling Claims 6-29

Product Forecast Total Scan Value Actual Total Scan Value

Product B $80,000 $90,000

These numbers represent a $30,000 increase to both the committed and earned amounts.
The following GL entries are created to account for the increase in the earned amount:
Debit Sales or Expenses (Product A) $20,000 Credit Liabilities (Product A) $20,000
Debit Sales or Expenses (Product B) $10,000 Credit Liabilities (Product B) $10,000
When the claim is settled, automatic adjustments are made to the committed and
earned amounts. The Offer Checkbook looks as follows:

Committed Earned Paid

$210,000 $210,000 $210,000

Adjusting Earned Amounts Only

The forecasted values for Scan Data offers may be less than the committed values.
When the actual fund utilization of a Scan Data offer exceeds the forecasted values, the
claim automatically adjusts earned funds.
For example, assume that the following Scan Data offer has been created:

Product Forecast Total Scan Value

Product A $100,000

Product B $80,000

The committed amount for this offer was $200,000, whereas the forecasted total us
$180,000. The Offer Checkbook looks as follows:

Committed Earned Paid

$200,000 $180,000 0

When the actual data is submitted, you enter the data in a claim. The calculated actual
units and values are as follows:

6-30 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Product Forecast Total Scan Value Actual Total Scan Value

Product A $100,000 $110,000

Product B $80,000 $85,000

This data represents no change in the committed amount, and an increase of the earned
amount by $15,000. GL postings are created for the $15,000. When the claim is settled,
an automatic adjustment is made to the earned amount, and the Offer Checkbook looks
as follows:

Committed Earned Paid

$200,000 $195,000 $195,000

Scan Data Offers with No Adjustments

The fund earnings in a Scan Data offer may be less than the committed and forecasted
amount. In such cases, when you create a claim, no adjustments are made to the
committed and earned amounts. More data for the offer can be submitted at a later date.
In cases where there is true under earnings, adjustments are made only if the Sales
Management determines that no more actual data is expected and closes the offer. If
this occurs, then you can reconcile the budget.
For example, assume that the following scan data offer has been created:

Product Forecast Total Scan Value

Product A $100,000

Product B $80,000

The committed amount for this offer is $200,000. The Offer Checkbook appears as

Committed Earned Paid

$200,000 $180,000 0

Settling Claims 6-31

When actual data is submitted, you enter the data in a claim. The calculated actual units
and values are:

Product Forecast Total Scan Value Actual Total Scan Value

Product A $100,000 $70,000

Product B $80,000 $40,000

This data represents no change to the committed and earned amounts. No GL entries
are created because no adjustments are required. When the claim is settled, the Offer
Checkbook looks as follows:

Committed Earned Paid

$200,000 $180,000 $110,000

Settling Claims for Related Customer Accounts

Sometimes you may want to settle claims for accounts that are related to the customer.
Related Customer accounts are set up with relationships; common relationships include
bill-to and ship-to.
To settle claims for related customer accounts, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue
Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
As a prerequisite, a claim with a status of Open or Complete should exist.
Navigation: From the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then the claim. In the Claim
Main page, click the Additional Links subtab, and then click the Settlement link.
• Pay Related Customer: Select this check box. Select the Relationship Type (parent,
reciprocal, or all), the Related Customer, and the Related Site.

Submit the claim for approval.

Settling Promotional Claims for Buying Groups

Buying groups are formed when organizations group themselves to leverage their
buying power. During claim settlement, you can view the buying group member
accruals and decide whether to issue payment to the buying group, or directly to one of
its members.

6-32 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

To settle promotional claims for buying groups, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue
Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
• Buying groups and members must be set up.

• A promotional claim for a buying group with a status of Open or Complete.

Navigation: From the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then the claim. In the Claim
Main page, click the Promotional subtab, and then expand Accrual Search.
• Buying Group: The values that are available depend upon where the customer is in
the buying group hierarchy.

• Display Children: The accruals for the buying group members are displayed.
After associating earnings, navigate to Settlement.

Submit the claim for approval.

Settling Deductions and Overpayments

Mass Settlement
In B2B businesses, manufacturers and retailers have complex ongoing business
transactions. Sometimes when the customers make payments, it may be difficult to
know the exact reason for which they are making the payment. In some cases, such as
when the transaction number is wrong, overpayments may be created.
When these overpayments are investigated, you may find that the overpaid amounts
were meant to pay back for some transactions (debit items). The Mass Settlement
function enables you to apply the overpaid amounts to such debit items.
For example, a customer receives an Invoice with the number 100080. However, the
remittance amount refers to the invoice as 10008O (letter o instead of number 0). When
your organization receives this payment, this invoice number will not be identified in
Oracle Receivables, and therefore an overpayment will be created. You then realize that
the invoice has been incorrectly entered as 10008O instead of 100080. You can settle the
overpayment claim by applying the "overpaid" amount to the debit item 100080.

• During netting, the overpayments can be applied only up to the

balance of the item.

• You cannot use the Mass Settlement function to settle deductions

with associated earnings.

Settling Claims 6-33

The Mass Settlement functionality enables you to create groups out of overpayments
and deductions related to a customer, apply them to the customer's open transactions,
and settle the overpayments and deductions on one screen. You can also specify
multiple payment methods.
After netting a claim with the debit items, transactions, or other Oracle Receivables
items, there may still be some remaining amount that must be settled.
For example, a customer may deduct for returns. During investigation, you may find
that multiple credit memos have already been issued as a result of the RMAs that have
been entered in Order Management. You can close the deduction by netting the credit
memos to the deduction. However, there may still be some balance amount.
If the balance is an overpayment balance, then you can settle it through credit- on
account, or write-off. If the balance is a deduction balance, then you can settle it through
chargeback, or write-off.
You can perform netting and settling of balances at different times depending on how
you investigate or how long it takes you to investigate the claim. The netted amount
must however be approved by the designated approvers, according to the setups in
your organization.

To net overpayments log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade
Management User, and use the following high-level procedure.
Navigation: Claim > Mass Settlement > Create.
• Search Region: In the Search region, select the customer for whom you would like
to net the overpayments. Search for Open Claims by selecting the Claim Type,
Reason, Source Object Number, Receipt Number, or the Claim Number.

• Open Transactions: Search for Open Transactions by selecting the Batch Source,
Transaction Class, Transaction Type, and Transaction Number.
All the open transactions that match with the selected attributes are listed in the
Open Transactions region. Sometimes, when you search for open transactions, the
list of invoices may appear. You can display open transactions such as debit memos
by further conducting a search.

• Open Claims Region: Select the transactions that you would like to settle.
When you select an open claim, the amount field gets populated with the amount
that must be settled. You can also enter a partial amount from the transaction. For
example, the remaining amount from a deduction may be $1000, but you can
choose to settle only $600.

• Calculate: Select this option:

6-34 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

• After selecting the transaction lines and amounts that must be settled, select this
option to calculate the sub total of the open claims that you have selected for

• After selecting the transaction or debit item in the Open Transactions field.
These are the debit items with which you will settle the claims. This calculates
the sub total for the open transactions as well as the net amount of the
settlement group. It is the sub total of open claims minus the sub total of open
transactions. If there is any remaining amount, the amount must be split during

• Settlement Region: In the Settlement region, you can either settle the entire
amount, or split the amount and choose different settlement methods.

Asynchronous and Synchronous Methods of Mass Settlement

You can perform mass settlement of claims through asynchronous and synchronous
methods from the Mass Settlement UI. Whether the mass settlement process proceeds
synchronously or asynchronously is determined by the profile option OZF: Number of
Claims for Asynchronous Mass Settlement. If the value of the profile option is null, then
the mass settlement is processed synchronously. If the profile option value is a number,
• If the number of claims to process is less than the value of the profile option, mass
settlement is processed synchronously.

• If the number of claims to process is greater than the value of the profile option,
mass settlement is processed asynchronously.

When the Claims Mass Settlement program is submitted but the process is not yet
complete, the Group Claim summary page shows group claim status as pending,
individual claims status in the group as complete, and remaining amounts of the claims
as zero.
• If the concurrent program runs successfully, then the group and individual claims
are closed. If partial claim amounts are selected for mass settlement, then split
claims are created.

• If the concurrent program ends in error, then the Group Claim summary page
shows the group claim as rejected and the individual and split claims as open.

• If you terminate the concurrent program, then the group claim remains pending
and individual claims in the group claim are completed. You can then reinitiate the
concurrent program from the Mass Settlement Detail page by clicking Reinitiate
Mass Settlement.

Settling Claims 6-35

Mass Settlement of Unrelated Customer Transactions
To settle claims with debit or credit transactions that belong to unrelated customers,
enable the Oracle Receivables system option Allow Payment of Unrelated Transaction
and set the profile option OZF: Allow Netting of Unrelated Customer Transactions to
Yes. Use the public API OZF_CLAIM_PUB.Settle_Mass_Settlement for mass settlement
of unrelated customer transactions.

Splitting Deductions
When customers make subsequent payments for a single invoice, then the original
deduction is updated based on the subsequent payments received. However, the
manner in which the deduction gets updated depends on the following criteria.
• Whether the deduction is based on a claim and can be traced back to a transaction

• If it is a direct deduction from a payment

• If the original deduction was split or not split

• The status of the deduction

Splitting Claim-Based Deductions

Transaction-related deductions can be traced back to an invoice, order, or an offer. If a
previous deduction exists for the transaction and is not split, then the process will be
different depending on the status of the previous deduction. The manner in which
subsequent payments are processed during different statuses of the original claim is as
• Open
When the claim or deduction status is open, the remaining amount in the deduction
is reduced by the subsequent receipt amount. The corresponding disputed amount
on the transaction is also reduced.
For example, an invoice is created for $500. The customer initially pays $350. This
creates a deduction for $150 in Oracle Channel Revenue Management. The
customer then pays $100 towards the same invoice, and the status of the original
deduction is Open. Now, the original deduction that was created for $150 gets
updated accordingly and shows $50 ($150 - $100) as the deduction amount. This
means that the customer owes only $50.
When the remaining amount in the deduction is reduced to zero, the status changes
to Cancelled. Even if the subsequent payments made by the customer sum up to
more than the invoice amount, the deduction will not be converted into an
overpayment because the status changes to Cancelled as soon as the deduction
amount is reduced to zero.

6-36 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

• Complete
If subsequent payments are received when the status of the original deduction is
Complete, then the status of the deduction changes from Complete to Open. After
the status changes to Open, the remaining amount in the deduction is reduced by
the subsequent receipt amount. The corresponding disputed amount on the
transaction is also reduced. When the remaining amount in the deduction is
reduced to zero, the status changes to Cancelled.

• Rejected
If subsequent payments are received when the status of the original deduction is
Rejected, then the status of the deduction changes from Rejected to Open. After the
status changes to Open, the remaining amount in the deduction is reduced by the
subsequent receipt amount. The corresponding disputed amount on the transaction
is also reduced. When the remaining amount in the deduction is reduced to zero,
the status changes to Cancelled.
When the claim is resubmitted for approval and the settlement is restarted, the
current amount and details of the claim are used to find the appropriate approvers.
For example, the original deduction was for $10,000. It was sent to the Director for
approval, and was rejected. The claim status changes to Rejected. A subsequent
receipt amount is later applied to the deduction. The claim status changes from
Rejected to Open, and the deduction amount reduces to $8000. The claims user
restarts the approval and settlement process. Based on the fact that the deduction is
now only $8000, it requires a lower level of approval and is only sent to the
Manager for approval instead of the Director.

• Pending Approval or Approved

If subsequent payments are received when the status of the original deduction is
Pending Approval, then the status of the deduction changes from Pending
Approval to Open. If the payments are received when the status is Approved, the
status changes from Approved to Open. After the status changes to Open, the
remaining amount in the deduction is reduced by the subsequent receipt amount.
The corresponding disputed amount on the transaction is also reduced. When the
remaining amount in the deduction is reduced to zero, the status changes to
When the claim is resubmitted for approval and the settlement is restarted, the
current amount and details of the claim are used to find the appropriate approvers.
If any approver has already approved the deduction before this happens, these
approvers receive notifications.

• Pending Close
The original deduction is not updated when the status of the deduction is Pending
Approval. This is because when the claim status is Pending Close, it means that the
deduction has already been approved, and is currently undergoing the settlement

Settling Claims 6-37

For example, a credit memo may already have been generated through the
AutoInvoice program. In such cases, if a subsequent receipt is applied to the
original transaction, the customer will be over credited.

• Closed or Cancelled
The original deduction is not updated when the status of the deduction is Closed or
When the status of the original claim changes to Open (in cases where the status is
Complete, Rejected, Pending Approval, or Approved), the re-open flag is checked
to inform users that due to some changes to the transaction and deduction balance,
the claim status has been modified. This enables users to know that the claim details
have changed since the last time they worked on it.

Every time a customer makes subsequent payments, the claim owner receives a
workflow notification. You can drill down back to the Claim Details page by clicking
the claim number in the notification. The deduction keeps an audit trail of all receipts
affecting it at any point of time.

Splitting Claim-Based Split Deductions

If a previous deduction exists for a transaction and has been split, the original
deduction or root deduction, which is still referenced in Oracle Receivables and the
child deductions, which are not referenced in Oracle Receivables but maintained in
Channel Revenue Management) may be at various statuses. Therefore, when
subsequent receipts are received for a deduction that has been split, the balances of
multiple deductions may need to be reduced. The manner in which these child
deductions get processed will be determined by their statuses. However, the sequence
in which the amount will be reduced will be prioritized based on status as follows:
1. Open

2. Complete

3. Rejected

4. Pending Approval

5. Approved

In the following example, the root deduction has not been completely split out and is
still in Open status.
Receipt 1. A root deduction DED1 of $10,000 is created, originally of unknown reason,
was found to be due to different causes upon investigations, and was therefore split
into multiple child deductions.

6-38 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Deduction Claim Reason Remaining Amount Status

DED 1 Unknown $2,000 Open

DED 1_1 Shipping $5,000 Pending Close

DED 1_2 Promotions $2,500 Pending Approval

DED 1_3 Pricing Errors $500 Open

Receipt 2. After the deduction was created and split, subsequently, another receipt is
applied on the transaction for $3,000. Based on the status prioritization, therefore, it will
only reduce the balances for the following deductions in the following order:
1. DED1

2. DED 1_3

3. DED 1_2

The balances in each of the deductions is reduced as follows. The claim status changes

Deduction Claim Reason Remaining Amount Status

DED 1 Unknown $0 Cancelled

DED 1_1 Shipping $5,000 Pending Close

DED 1_2 Promotions $2,000 Open

DED 1_3 Pricing Errors $0 Cancelled

Receipt 3. Another receipt for $1,000 comes in and is applied on the transaction. Now
only DED1_2 will be updated.

Deduction Claim Reason Remaining Amount Status

DED 1 Unknown $0 Cancelled

DED 1_1 Shipping $5,000 Pending Close

Settling Claims 6-39

Deduction Claim Reason Remaining Amount Status

DED 1_2 Promotions $1,000 Open

DED 1_3 Pricing Errors $0 Cancelled

If there are no more subsequent receipts, DED 1_2 will be processed further and will be
submitted for approval. The status changes along with the approval flow. No
subsequent receipts can be applied after the status changes to Pending Close.

Direct Deductions
Non-transaction related deductions are those which cannot be traced back to a
transaction. Non-transaction related deductions occur when instead of submitting
claims, customers deduct money from their payments to manufacturers. In case of a
non-transaction related deduction, all the information such as the receipt number,
receipt date, receipt amount, customer information and transaction information is
captured from Oracle Receivables and passed to Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
Customer debit memo numbers and claim reasons may also be passed to Oracle
Channel Revenue Management. Deductions support related customer accounts and
buying group promotions. Non-transaction related deductions are created in Oracle
A deduction that can be traced back to a specific transaction.

Note: As part of the cash application process, the Oracle Receivables

user may need to perform additional data entry tasks. These steps
present only one way to enter a non-transaction related deduction. See
the Oracle Receivables User Guide for information on the different ways
of entering non-transaction deductions.

1. Log in to Oracle Receivables as Oracle Receivables user and navigate to Receipts >

2. Enter a Receipt Number. If necessary, change the Receipt Type to Cash, and change
the Currency Code.
The receipt number can be the customer check number or other reference number.

3. Enter a Receipt Amount. If necessary, change the Receipt Date and the GL date.
Receipt amount is the amount the customer has paid.

6-40 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

4. Select a Payment Method.

5. Enter the Customer Name, and optionally enter a Reference and enter Comments.
This information is passed to Oracle Channel Revenue Management when the
deduction is created.

6. Click Applications.

7. Select Claim Investigation in the Apply To field.

The available values are open transactions and some seeded Oracle Receivables
activities. Claim Investigation is seeded specifically to create non-transaction related
deductions (or overpayments) in Oracle Channel Revenue Management. If the
customer has referenced an internal debit memo number, you can record this as a
Claim Investigation line and enter the debit memo number in the customer
reference field.

8. Enter the deduction amount as a negative number in the Amount Applied field.

9. If necessary, select Oracle Channel Revenue Management Claim in the Reference

Type field.

10. Select a reason in the Reference Reason field.

The values available here are the same values that are available in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management. If a customer indicates the reason for which they have made
the deduction, this information can be captured when the cash application is
created in Oracle Receivables, and be passed to Oracle Channel Revenue

11. Enter a Customer Reference.

If the customer indicates an internal debit memo number, it can be captured here
and passed to Oracle Channel Revenue Management.

12. Select an Activity.

The activity selected here drives the GL entries to account for the discrepancy
between the cash received and the receivables amount. For example, Receipt =
$10,000; Total balance of multiple invoices that the customer is paying for is $15,000.
A non-transaction related deduction is created for $5,000. The following accounting
entries are created:
Debit Cash $10,000.
Debit Claim Investigation Activity $5,000.
Credit Receivables $15,000.

13. Click Save.

Settling Claims 6-41

Notice that a deduction number appears in the Reference Number field.

Settling Non-Invoice Deductions Using Auto-Resolution

This business user flow describes how to create a non-invoice deduction, close the claim
through auto-resolution, and settle it by invoice credit.

Dependencies and Prerequisites

• Oracle Channel Revenue Management must be fully implemented.

• Integration with Oracle Receivables must be set up.

Goodway had placed an order for a particular product. You, the manufacturer, had
shipped the products, but the shipment got delayed by many days due to bad weather
conditions. Because of the delay in shipment, Goodway was not able to honor the
requirements of end customers and therefore suffered losses. To claim compensation for
these losses, Goodway takes a deduction from the payments.
You now have to create a non-invoice deduction, ensure that the orders and invoices
related to the claim are valid, and automatically settle the deduction claim.

Process Flow Diagram

The following figure illustrates the process flow for deduction to auto-resolution for a
non-invoice deduction, starting from creating a receipt to reviewing the Oracle
Receivables receipt.

Deduction to Auto-resolution for Non-invoice Deduction

Step 1: Create Receipt and Non-Invoice Related Deduction
You must create a non-invoice related receipt and a short payment (receipt amount is
less than the invoice amount). The short payment creates a deduction claim. Based on
the reason you select, the claim will be assigned to the appropriate person in Oracle

6-42 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Channel Revenue Management who owns the claim.
Navigation: Receipts > Receipts Summary > New.
• Receipt Amount: Enter an amount that is less than the invoice for which you wish
to create a deduction.

• Payment Method: Select Automatic Receipt.

• Status: Select Confirmed.

• Applications: Navigate to applications and enter the following details:

• Apply To: Select invoice number.

• Amount Applied: Apply complete invoice balance.

Other information such as Trans Currency, Balance Due, Allocated Receipt
Amount, Customer Number, GL Date, Apply Date, Class, and Type are
automatically populated. Repeat this step for each invoice line that you have.
Create another line for Claim Investigation Activity with the following details:

• Apply To: Select Claim Investigation.

• Amount Applied: Apply amount of Invoice (Deduction Claim is created since

receipt amount is less than invoice amount).

• Activity: Select Claim Investigation Activity.

• Reference Type: Select Oracle Trade Management Claim.

An example of the Receipt applied to invoices is shown below:

A receipt of $800 has been received and this must be applied to 2 invoices in full. The
invoice amount of the first invoice is $1062.50 and invoice amount for the second
invoice is $531.25. So the claim investigation amount is $800 - $1062.50 - $531.25 =
$793.75. The difference between the total amount of the invoice and the original receipt
amount is the amount that is used for deduction (unresolved claim).

Apply To Amount Balance Deduction Activity Reference Reference

Applied Amount Type Reason

Invoice 1 $1,062.50 0 -NA- -NA- -NA- -NA-


Settling Claims 6-43

Apply To Amount Balance Deduction Activity Reference Reference
Applied Amount Type Reason

Invoice 2 $531.25 0 -NA- -NA- -NA- -NA-


Claim $793.75 -NA- $793.75 Claim Oracle Unknown

Investigati Investigati Trade
on Shows on Activity Manageme
negative in nt Claim

positive in

Save your work. Note down the Reference Number generated. This is the deduction
number. The Deduction amount should be the sum of invoice amounts minus the
Receipt Amount.
Step 2: View Deduction
Deductions are created in Oracle Receivables and can be viewed in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management. To view a claim or deduction in Oracle Channel Revenue
Management, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management.
Navigation: Claim > Claims.
Look for the claim or deduction generated in Receipts.
Step 3: Settle Claim with AutoResolution by Issuing a Credit Memo
You decide to choose autoresolution to automatically close the claim, and choose the
settlement method as credit memo. After this step is complete, the claim gets closed
automatically. Procedure: Settling a Claim with an On-account credit memo.
Step 4: View Closed Claim
You can review the claim that has been closed. This concludes the claim settlement
process. For auto-resolution claims, you do not have to run the AMS-TM: Claims
Settlement Fetcher concurrent program.
Navigation: Claim > Claims.

6-44 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Look for the Claim you created and settled. The Claim Report shows the Receipt,
Settlement, Vendor, Payment Detail, and other information.
Step 5: Review Oracle Receivables Receipt
You can review the Oracle Receivables Receipt that has been created. Note that the
Receipt On-account Credit line has replaced the Claim Investigation line earlier. The
deduction amount or short payment that was recorded in Oracle Receivables will be
updated with the amount that is issued in the form of on-account credit. Log into Oracle
Receivables as ebusiness/welcome.
Navigation: Receipt > Receipts.
Search for the receipt. Navigate to Applications. Note that the on-account credit has
replaced the claim investigation line earlier because the overpayment is settled. The on-
account credit is a cash application line that can be used for the customer later on.

Settling Claims Using Automatic Write-off

When customers submit claims or take deductions, they may charge more than what
they are supposed to claim or deduct. But the differences in the amount may be so small
that it may not be worth spending time and resources to research them. You can decide
not to spend time on researching the claim, and settle it with a write-off. When you
settle claims with a write-off, it means that your organization is absorbing these costs as
Automatic write-off enables you to automatically identify claims, deductions, or
overpayments that are eligible for write-off. The Administrator sets threshold limits for
deductions as well as overpayments. Whenever a customer deducts or overpays, if the
claim amount falls within the threshold limits, then the claims are automatically
checked for automatic write-off. If required, you can manually uncheck these claims
and investigate them, or settle them later.
For example, a manufacturer creates an automatic write-off threshold for $200. Claims
with differences of less than $200 are checked automatically for write-off. The claims
manager reviews these claims and notices that a particular customer has massive
deductions slightly below the threshold, and unchecks these claims for automatic write-
off to investigate them.
Claims that are originally over the threshold limit, but for various reasons have their
amounts reduced, will not be automatically checked for write-off. Even if you manually
check such claims, they are still treated as claims over the thresholds, and they require
approval. Claims that are originally over the threshold limit, but have been split later on
to smaller pieces, are still treated as claims over the threshold limit.
For example, in an organization, the write-off threshold for deduction is $200. A
deduction comes in for $300. This deduction is then split into $100, $150 and $50. These
split deductions are still treated as over the threshold limit. You can manually check
these claims for automatic write-off, but they require approval.

Settling Claims 6-45

The process of settling claims through write-off depends upon the type of claim or
• Transaction related deductions
A write-off adjustment is created in Oracle Receivables. The disputed amount on
the transaction is reduced and the claim is closed.

• Non-transaction related deductions

A negative write-off line is created in Oracle Receivables. The claim is closed in
Oracle Channel Revenue Management.

• Overpayments
A positive write-off line is created in Oracle Receivables. The claim is closed in
Oracle Channel Revenue Management After the claim is settled, the auto write-off
check box will be read-only.

• Special cases
After you uncheck claims that are under the thresholds, they will not be
automatically checked again. You may however manually recheck these claims for
automatic write-off as long as the claim status is Open. These claims are treated as
claims that are under the threshold limits. After investigation, if you wish to still
settle the claim with a write-off, then you must settle the claim through the claim
settlement page.

When a claim is settled through a write-off, the expenses may need to be absorbed by
different departments. On the claim settlement page, you can select the department to
which a claim belongs to and the write-off amount is posted to the specified GL

Viewing Eligible Claims

To view claims that are eligible for automatic write-off, and manually update the write-
off flag against these claims, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle
Trade Management User.
As a prerequisite, claims must exist.
Navigation: Claim > Claims > Personalize.
• Available Column: Move the Write-off Flag to the Displayed Column.

• Save Search As: Enter a name for the search.

After you save the search, the Claims page appears. Claims that are eligible for
automatic write-off are marked. Optionally, you can select claims and then select Write
Off from the Actions drop-down list.

6-46 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Note: You can update the write-off flags only for claims that are in the
Open status.

Claim Settlement Methods

There are various claim settlement methods that are available in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management. The settlement method that you can use depends upon the
claim type. The following table describes the various settlement methods that are
available in Oracle Channel Revenue Management.

Note: When a claim is not related to any promotions, and you wish to
settle the claim with a credit memo or a debit memo, you can use memo
lines to settle the claim. See About Standard Memo Lines for more

Navigation: Channel Revenue Management: Administration > Claim > Claim Source
Setup > Available Settlements Methods

Claim Settlement Methods

Settlement Method Description

Check Claim is settled by issuing a check to the customer.

Invoice credit memo Invoice credit memos reduce a customer's invoice balance to settle a
valid deduction.

On-account credit On-account credit memos reduce a customer's account balance to settle a
memo valid deduction.

Previous on-account Previous on-account credit memo is an on-account credit memo that
credit memo exists in Oracle Receivables, and is still open. If there is an existing credit
memo, then you need not create a new credit memo. You can instead
select the existing credit memo to reduce a customer's balance and settle
a valid deduction.

Settling Claims 6-47

Settlement Method Description

Write-off Write-off enables you to settle valid deductions and overpayments. You
can write off deductions if they are so small that it is not worth to spend
time and resources to research them. When you settle a deduction with a
write-off, it means that your organization is absorbing the claim amount
or deduction as an expense. On the other hand, you can settle an
overpayment with a write-off, when the overpayment is significantly
small. In this case, customers will lose the amount that they have

Return Material RMA is issued to handle valid product returns (damaged goods, faulty
Authorization equipment, and so on). When you create an RMA, a credit memo is
(RMA) generated to settle the deduction.

AR-AP Netting The AR-AP Netting settlement method is available for deduction and
(formerly Contra overpayment. When selected for settlement, it sends out a workflow
Charge) notification to users with a Netting responsibility to notify them to
manually run the netting batch process.

Previous Open This settlement method is available on claims and deductions When you
Credit Memo use this settlement method, the previous open credit memo field will
Settlement become mandatory. Although the field itself is not indicated as a
mandatory field (marked with '*') on the screen, the validation is
triggered when you settle the claim with the previous open credit memo
settlement method.

Previous Open This settlement method is available on debit claims and overpayments.
Debit Memo When you use this settlement method, the previous open credit memo
Settlement field will become mandatory. Although the field itself is not indicated as
a mandatory field (marked with '*') on the screen, the validation is
triggered when you settle the claim with the previous open credit memo
settlement method.

Configurable Autopay enables automatic payments for accruals. When autopay is set
Settlement Method up and runs, the system automatically creates claims, associates with
for Autopay accruals, and settles them with the payment method set up in Trade
Profile. In Trade Profile, companies can set up a custom settlement for
autopay claims. This function is useful when Channel Revenue
Management is implemented stand-alone and payments need to be
routed to third party systems.

Wire Transfer When a claim is settled with a wire transfer settlement method, the
invoice generated in Payables displays payment method of 'Wire'.

6-48 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide

Settlement Method Description

Electronic Transfer Electronic transfer refers to electronic fund transfer and is a payment
method used in Payables to compensate suppliers/vendors. This new
settlement method is similar to the existing check settlement method.

When a claim is settled with an electronic transfer settlement method,

the invoice generated in Payables displays a payment method of

Accounts Default A payment method can be associated with every supplier site. The
Payment payment method specified on the supplier site suggests the payment
preference and can be used to default a payment method on the invoices
generated for the supplier.

The payment method associated with the supplier can be check,

clearing, electronic, or wire. The accounts default payment allows the
system to decide, based on the payment preferences setup on supplier
site, what the default payment method for invoices interfaced in
Accounts Payable should be. Details include :

• When a claim is settled with Accounts Payable default payment

settlement method, the invoice interfaced into Payables will have
no value for the payment method field and instead will allow
Payables to default the supplier site's payment method.

Custom Settlement Methods

Configurable Settlement Enhancements - Configurable settlement workflow allows
companies to create custom settlement methods in addition to the seeded methods. You
can settle promotional claims with the custom settlement method.

Auto Accounting and Standard Memo Lines

When a claim or deduction is not related to any promotions, and upon validations, you
wish to settle it with a credit memo or debit memo, Oracle Channel Revenue
Management integrates with Oracle Receivables to account these transactions. The
Autoinvoice program in Oracle Receivables depends on the autoaccounting setups to
find the correct GL accounts.
Standard memo lines are commonly used by companies in auto-accounting setups for
items which are not part of their normal inventory. You can pass a memo line to Oracle
Receivables, thereby enabling the auto accounting setups. Memo lines can be used
when you settle claims with either a credit memo or a debit memo. Standard Memo
Lines can be an input into autoaccounting in Oracle Receivables to account for freight,
revenue, autoinvoice clearing, tax, unbilled receivable, and unearned revenue.

Settling Claims 6-49

To settle claim or a deduction with a standard memo line, you must select "Memo
Lines" from the setup type drop-down list in the Claim Creation page. You can view the
list of all the active memo lines that have been created for the operating unit of the
claim. After you select a particular memo line, the other fields on the same claim line
will be affected:
• If the memo line was set up with any Unit List Price, the price will default into the
Price field on the claim line. You can override this.

• The "Line/Product" LOV becomes blank.

You can still access Associate Earnings from this claim line, but if earnings have been
associated, then the memo line information is replaced by the associated earnings
information. For example, the claim line may show the inventory item number instead
of the memo line.
The validation process for standard memo lines includes the following:
• Validation of Associate Earnings
Where standard lines are used in Autoaccounting setups for the revenue account
the following may occur:
• If the "Post to GL" flag is checked in System Parameters, and a claim line has
associated earnings, then the Oracle Receivables Clearing account from the
Claim Type or System Parameters will be passed to Oracle Receivables as the
"Revenue" account when the credit memo and debit memo are created through
Autoinvoice. Memo lines are not used or passed in such cases.

• If the "Post to GL" flag is not checked in System Parameters, but a claim line has
associated earnings, then the claim line references an inventory item. If not, the
system gives an error message.

• Validation of Autoaccounting Setup

From Auto accounting setups, if the memo line is used to derive the revenue
account, then when you initiate claim settlement by submitting it for approval, each
of the claim lines are validated to check if either an inventory item or a memo line
has been selected. If any of the claim lines does not contain either of these, the
system gives an error message.

6-50 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide


This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview
• Claim Aging View
• Claim Settlement History

Information in this section will enable you to:
• Claim Aging View, page 7-1

• Claim Settlement History, page 7-2

Claim Aging View

Claim Aging View gives a summary of claims and deductions by customer and by days
due. It adheres to the bucket definitions in Oracle Receivables, but centralizes all claims
and deductions by customer for easy viewing. From this view, you can determine
which customer has had outstanding claims for the longest period time and work on
those claims. You can optionally create claims, update write-off flags, and settle claims
from the Claims Aging View. Aging buckets can also be configured in Oracle
Receivables for claim and deduction purposes.
To view claims aging of open claims, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as
Oracle Trade Management User.
Navigation: Claim > Claims Aging.
To view the outstanding claims for a customer, drill down the amount in the
corresponding columns. For example, to view all claims that have been outstanding for
31-60 days, drill down the amount in the corresponding column.

Reports 7-1
Claim Settlement History
The Claim Settlement History report enables you to view all the information that is
related to the settlement of a claim.
The Claim History Settlement page displays the following information:
• Claim number, date, class, type, amount, status

• Customer Name

• Effective Date of the settlement

• Settlement Method

• GL Date

• Related Customer

If this field is empty when a claim is closed, then it is not displayed on the Claim
History Settlement page.
• Relationship Type with the Related Customer.

• Related Site (the Related Customer's bill-to site)

• Vendor and vendor site (Vendor's physical location)

• Comments

To view the claim history of an existing claim, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue
Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
Navigation: From the Claim tab, click the Claims subtab, then the claim. In the Claim
Main page click the History button.

7-2 Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement User Guide


A running, 6-16
viewing autopay log, 6-18
Approve Claims, 4-3
viewing autopay request, 6-18
Approver, 4-6
mass settlement
Initiate, 4-5
netting overpayments, 6-34
Mass Approve, 4-6
Preview Approval, 4-5
netting overpayments, 6-34
Process, 4-3
reasons, 3-4
Rules, 4-6
setups for integration purpose, 3-4
Statuses, 4-3
Submit, 4-5
Actions, 3-6
Auto Accounting, 6-49
Approve, 4-3
Auto Assign, 4-1
Assign, 4-1
automatic write-off
Owner, 4-1
viewing claims eligible for automatic write-
associated earnings, 3-14
off, 6-46
Auto Assign, 4-1
AutoLockbox, 3-10
running, 6-16
Buying Groups, 3-9
viewing autopay log, 6-18
viewing autopay request, 6-18
Debit Claim, 3-1
Deductions, 3-1
Overpayments, 3-1
budgets Components, 3-1
dashboard, 2-9 Contra Charge, 6-47
Create, 3-21
C Lines, 3-23
Claim Lines Multiple, 3-22
Create, 3-23 Overview, 3-1
Details, 3-23 Customer reason
Earnings Mapping, 3-7
Associate, 3-24 Debit Claim
claims Create, 3-21

Details, 3-12 Procedure, 6-42
Duplicate, 5-6 Scenario, 6-42
Mark, 5-7 Create
Earnings Non Transaction-related, 3-27
Proportionate, 3-17 overview, 3-26
History, 5-7 Transaction-related, 3-27
Rules, 5-7 Non Transaction-related
Lines, 3-14 Create, 3-27
Mass Approve, 4-6 Source, 3-29
Overview, 1-1 Splitting, 6-36
Owner Transaction-related
Assign, 4-1 Create, 3-27
Reassign, 4-2 Duplicate Claims, 5-6
Pricing Simulations, 3-6 Mark, 5-7
Process, 1-1
Processing, 3-9, 3-10 E
Promotional Payments, 6-12
Earnings, 3-14
Reports, 7-1
Research Tools, 5-1
Search, 3-13
Settlement Lockbox, 3-10
Offer-Related, 6-19
Overview, 6-1 M
Promotional Accruals, 6-12 Mass Create, 3-22
Split Mass Settlement
Rules, 5-3 Netting, 6-33
Steps, 5-6
Status, 3-20 O
Summary, 3-12
Open Claims Dashboard, 2-3
Third Party Accruals, 3-6
Types, 3-4
netting, 6-34
Claims Process
Overpayments, 6-33
Components, 1-1
Closed Claims Dashboard, 2-6
overview, 3-26
Steps, 3-26
Buying Groups, 3-9
Source, 3-29
Related Accounts, 3-9
Oracle Channel Revenue Command Center, 2-
Debit Claim
Create, 3-21 P
Mass Create, 3-22
Deductions, 6-33
Buying Groups, 3-9
Auto-Resolution, 6-42
Lockbox, 3-10
Flow, 6-42
Multi-Org, 3-10
Prerequisites, 6-42
Promotional Accruals

Search, 6-13 Overview, 6-23
Settle Preerequisites, 6-23
Overview, 6-12 Prerequisites, 6-20
Tab, 6-19 Scenario, 6-20, 6-24
Steps, 6-20, 6-25
R Overpayments
Overview, 6-33
Overview, 6-1
Claim Aging, 7-1
Pay Over Earnings
claim settlement history
Thresholds, 6-13
viewing, 7-2
Overview, 7-1
Buying Groups, 6-32
Research, 5-1
Promotional Accruals, 6-12
Claim Details, 5-2
Pay, 6-19
Duplicate Claims, 5-6
RMA, 6-47
Revert Status, 5-2
Scan Data Offer, 6-28
Split Claim, 5-3
Unearned Payments, 6-15
Revert, 5-2
Automatic, 6-45
Write-Off, 6-47
Scan Data Offer Reports
Adjustments, 6-28 History, 7-2
Search, 3-13
Auto Accounting, 6-49
Automatic Write-off, 6-45
Eligibility, 6-46
Autopay, 6-15
Buying Groups, 6-32
Credit Memo
On-Account, 6-47
Previous On-Account, 6-47
Customer Accounts
Related, 6-32
Auto-Resolution, 6-42
Overview, 6-33
Splitting, 6-36
E-Business Tax, 6-10
Procedure, 6-2
Mass, 6-33
Methods, 6-47
Custom, 6-49
Offer-Related, 6-19
Flow, 6-20, 6-24


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