Math 8-Week 1-Day 5-Q4
Math 8-Week 1-Day 5-Q4
Math 8-Week 1-Day 5-Q4
a. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials, rational algebraic
expressions and inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables
and linear functions.
b. Performance Standard
The learners are able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials, rational algebraic
expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables, system of linear equations and inequalities in
two variables and linear functions, and solve these problems accurately using a variety of strategies.
c. Competencies
(M8AL-IIa-2): The learners differentiate linear inequalities in two variables from linear equations in two
(M8AL-IIa-4): The learners solve problems involving linear inequalities in two variables.
d. Values Integration: Love for Country
The learners are expected to be a committed citizen by sharing real – life situations that can be represented by
linear equations and inequalities in two variables. (Evaluation)
e. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. distinguish the linear inequalities in two variables from linear equations in two variables;
2. share real – life situations that can be represented by linear equations and inequalities in two variables;
3. translate mathematical phrases into mathematical statements of linear equations and inequalities in
two variables.
a. References
MATH for Innovative minds 8, page 151-160, DIWA Textbook
K-to-12 MELCS with CG Codes
b. Technology Integration & Materials
Illustrations through projections, paper, designing materials, calculator and activity notebook
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Notes
a. Engage
Activity 1: “Express Me” Let the students recall how to translate linear equations in two
variables into its standard form.
Prompt Question:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How did you transform the given equation into its
standard form?
Presentation of the Topic and Learning The students can now conclude that the topic is about
Outcomes Differentiating Linear Inequalities in Two Variables from Linear
Equations in Two Variables. Let the students be guided with the
learning outcomes:
a. distinguish the linear inequalities in two variables
from linear equations in two variables.
b. share real – life situations that can be represented
by linear equations and inequalities in two
c. translate mathematical phrases into mathematical
statements of linear equations and inequalities in
two variables.
b. Explore
Activity 2: “Be My Partner” Let the students match the verbal statement from column A to
mathematical statement in column B.
Guide questions:
1. What did you observe with the symbols used in each
mathematical statement?
2. What do you call mathematical statements a and d? How
about b, c, e?
c. Explain
Giving Examples Let the students consider the given examples to do the activities
that will be given to them.
Board Work/Individual Activity Let the students answer the examples given on the board or on
their seats.
Introducing Differentiating Linear Let the students differentiate linear inequalities in two variables
Inequalities in Two Variables from from linear equations in two variables.
Linear Equations in Two Variables
Activity 3: “Sort Me Well” Let the students classify the given mathematical statements if
where they belong.
Prompt Questions:
1. How did you identify linear inequalities in two variables
and linear equations in two variables?
2. In what way does different mathematical statements differ
from each other?
d. Elaborate
Group Activity: “Words Are All I Have” Let the students be grouped into 4 and write a poem/spoken
poetry describing the difference of linear equations and linear
inequalities in two variables.
Prompt questions:
1. How do you differentiate linear inequalities in two
variables form linear equations in two variables?
e. Evaluation
Activity 4: “Share Mo Yan” Let the students cite real life situations in their community that
represent linear equations and inequalities in two variables.
Activity 5: “What Am I?” Let the students translate mathematical statements into
mathematical sentence of linear equations and linear inequalities
in two variables.
Prompt questions:
1. Which of the statements represent linear equations in two
variables? Which statement represents linear inequalities?
2. How did you translate mathematical statements into
mathematical sentences?
How do we solve problems involving systems of linear inequalities in two variables?
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